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Default and Optional RPCs Example

This example shows you how to use RpcDefault and RpcOptional which is built into Mobly snippet lib to annotate RPC's parameters.

Why this is needed?

These annotations can be used to specify the default and optional parameters for RPC methods, which allows developers to create more flexible and reusable RPC methods.

Here are some additional benefits of using RpcDefault and RpcOptional:

  • Improve the readability and maintainability of RPC methods.
  • Prevent errors caused by missing or invalid parameters.
  • Make it easier to test RPC methods.

See the source code for details.

Running the example code

This folder contains a fully working example of a standalone snippet apk.

  1. Compile the example

    ./gradlew examples:ex7_default_and_optional_rpc:assembleDebug
  2. Install the apk on your phone

    adb install -r ./examples/ex7_default_and_optional_rpc/build/outputs/apk/debug/ex7_default_and_optional_rpc-debug.apk
  3. Use snippet_shell from mobly to trigger makeToast():
    >>> s.makeToast('Hello')
    Wait for `Hello, bool:true` message to show up on the screen. Here we
    didn't provide a Boolean to the RPC, so a default value, true, is used.
    >>> s.makeToast('Hello', False)
    Wait for `Hello, bool:false` message to show up on the screen. Here we
    provide a Boolean to the RPC, so the value is used instead of using
    default value.
    >>> s.makeToast('Hello', False, 1)
    Wait for `Hello, bool:false, number: 1` message to show up on the
    screen. The number is an optional parameter, it only shows up when we
    pass a value to the RPC.