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UIAutomator Snippet Example

The UiAutomator API, which allows developers to automate UI interactions on an Android device, is now available in Python on google/snippet-uiautomator. This makes it possible for developers to use UiAutomator in Mobly tests without having to write Java.

The snippet-uiautomator package is a wrapper around the AndroidX UiAutomator APIs. It provides a Pythonic interface for interacting with Android UI elements, such as finding and clicking on buttons, entering text into fields, and scrolling through lists.

To use the snippet-uiautomator package, developers simply need to install it from PyPI and import it into their Python code. Once imported, they can use the package's API to automate any UI interaction.

Here is an example of how to use the snippet-uiautomator package to automate a simple UI interaction:

from mobly.controllers import android_device
from snippet_uiautomator import uiautomator

# Connect to an Android device.
ad = android_device.AndroidDevice(serial)

# Load UiAutomator service.

# Find the "Login" button.
button = ad.ui(res='')

# Click on the button.