blob: 515269a94afe4e2d76a0df5e2283661a7c454b38 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "cros_gralloc/gralloc4/CrosGralloc4Utils.h"
#include <array>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <aidl/android/hardware/graphics/common/PlaneLayoutComponent.h>
#include <aidl/android/hardware/graphics/common/PlaneLayoutComponentType.h>
#include <android-base/stringprintf.h>
#include <android-base/strings.h>
#include <cutils/native_handle.h>
#include <gralloctypes/Gralloc4.h>
#include "cros_gralloc/cros_gralloc_helpers.h"
using aidl::android::hardware::graphics::common::PlaneLayout;
using aidl::android::hardware::graphics::common::PlaneLayoutComponent;
using aidl::android::hardware::graphics::common::PlaneLayoutComponentType;
using android::hardware::hidl_bitfield;
using android::hardware::hidl_handle;
using android::hardware::graphics::common::V1_2::BufferUsage;
using android::hardware::graphics::common::V1_2::PixelFormat;
using BufferDescriptorInfo =
std::string getPixelFormatString(PixelFormat format) {
return android::hardware::graphics::common::V1_2::toString(format);
std::string getUsageString(hidl_bitfield<BufferUsage> bufferUsage) {
static_assert(std::is_same<std::underlying_type<BufferUsage>::type, uint64_t>::value);
const uint64_t usage = static_cast<uint64_t>(bufferUsage);
return android::hardware::graphics::common::V1_2::toString<BufferUsage>(usage);
int convertToDrmFormat(PixelFormat format, uint32_t* outDrmFormat) {
static_assert(std::is_same<std::underlying_type<PixelFormat>::type, int32_t>::value);
const uint32_t drmFormat = cros_gralloc_convert_format(static_cast<int32_t>(format));
if (drmFormat == DRM_FORMAT_NONE) return -EINVAL;
*outDrmFormat = drmFormat;
return 0;
int convertToBufferUsage(uint64_t grallocUsage, uint64_t* outBufferUsage) {
*outBufferUsage = cros_gralloc_convert_usage(grallocUsage);
return 0;
int convertToCrosDescriptor(const BufferDescriptorInfo& descriptor,
struct cros_gralloc_buffer_descriptor* outCrosDescriptor) {
outCrosDescriptor->name =;
outCrosDescriptor->width = descriptor.width;
outCrosDescriptor->height = descriptor.height;
outCrosDescriptor->droid_format = static_cast<int32_t>(descriptor.format);
outCrosDescriptor->droid_usage = descriptor.usage;
outCrosDescriptor->reserved_region_size = descriptor.reservedSize;
if (descriptor.layerCount > 1) {
ALOGE("Failed to convert descriptor. Unsupported layerCount: %d", descriptor.layerCount);
return -EINVAL;
if (convertToDrmFormat(descriptor.format, &outCrosDescriptor->drm_format)) {
std::string pixelFormatString = getPixelFormatString(descriptor.format);
ALOGE("Failed to convert descriptor. Unsupported format %s", pixelFormatString.c_str());
return -EINVAL;
if (convertToBufferUsage(descriptor.usage, &outCrosDescriptor->use_flags)) {
std::string usageString = getUsageString(descriptor.usage);
ALOGE("Failed to convert descriptor. Unsupported usage flags %s", usageString.c_str());
return -EINVAL;
return 0;
int convertToMapUsage(uint64_t grallocUsage, uint32_t* outMapUsage) {
*outMapUsage = cros_gralloc_convert_map_usage(grallocUsage);
return 0;
int convertToFenceFd(const hidl_handle& fenceHandle, int* outFenceFd) {
if (!outFenceFd) {
return -EINVAL;
const native_handle_t* nativeHandle = fenceHandle.getNativeHandle();
if (nativeHandle && nativeHandle->numFds > 1) {
return -EINVAL;
*outFenceFd = (nativeHandle && nativeHandle->numFds == 1) ? nativeHandle->data[0] : -1;
return 0;
int convertToFenceHandle(int fenceFd, hidl_handle* outFenceHandle) {
if (!outFenceHandle) {
return -EINVAL;
if (fenceFd < 0) {
return 0;
auto fenceHandle = native_handle_init(handleStorage, 1, 0);
fenceHandle->data[0] = fenceFd;
*outFenceHandle = fenceHandle;
return 0;
const std::unordered_map<uint32_t, std::vector<PlaneLayout>>& GetPlaneLayoutsMap() {
static const auto* kPlaneLayoutsMap =
new std::unordered_map<uint32_t, std::vector<PlaneLayout>>({
.components = {{.type = android::gralloc4::PlaneLayoutComponentType_R,
.offsetInBits = 0,
.sizeInBits = 8},
{.type = android::gralloc4::PlaneLayoutComponentType_G,
.offsetInBits = 8,
.sizeInBits = 8},
{.type = android::gralloc4::PlaneLayoutComponentType_B,
.offsetInBits = 16,
.sizeInBits = 8},
{.type = android::gralloc4::PlaneLayoutComponentType_A,
.offsetInBits = 24,
.sizeInBits = 8}},
.sampleIncrementInBits = 32,
.horizontalSubsampling = 1,
.verticalSubsampling = 1,
.components = {{.type = android::gralloc4::PlaneLayoutComponentType_R,
.offsetInBits = 0,
.sizeInBits = 10},
{.type = android::gralloc4::PlaneLayoutComponentType_G,
.offsetInBits = 10,
.sizeInBits = 10},
{.type = android::gralloc4::PlaneLayoutComponentType_B,
.offsetInBits = 20,
.sizeInBits = 10},
{.type = android::gralloc4::PlaneLayoutComponentType_A,
.offsetInBits = 30,
.sizeInBits = 2}},
.sampleIncrementInBits = 32,
.horizontalSubsampling = 1,
.verticalSubsampling = 1,
.components = {{.type = android::gralloc4::PlaneLayoutComponentType_R,
.offsetInBits = 0,
.sizeInBits = 16},
{.type = android::gralloc4::PlaneLayoutComponentType_G,
.offsetInBits = 16,
.sizeInBits = 16},
{.type = android::gralloc4::PlaneLayoutComponentType_B,
.offsetInBits = 32,
.sizeInBits = 16},
{.type = android::gralloc4::PlaneLayoutComponentType_A,
.offsetInBits = 48,
.sizeInBits = 16}},
.sampleIncrementInBits = 64,
.horizontalSubsampling = 1,
.verticalSubsampling = 1,
.components = {{.type = android::gralloc4::PlaneLayoutComponentType_B,
.offsetInBits = 0,
.sizeInBits = 8},
{.type = android::gralloc4::PlaneLayoutComponentType_G,
.offsetInBits = 8,
.sizeInBits = 8},
{.type = android::gralloc4::PlaneLayoutComponentType_R,
.offsetInBits = 16,
.sizeInBits = 8},
{.type = android::gralloc4::PlaneLayoutComponentType_A,
.offsetInBits = 24,
.sizeInBits = 8}},
.sampleIncrementInBits = 32,
.horizontalSubsampling = 1,
.verticalSubsampling = 1,
.components = {{.type = android::gralloc4::PlaneLayoutComponentType_Y,
.offsetInBits = 0,
.sizeInBits = 8}},
.sampleIncrementInBits = 8,
.horizontalSubsampling = 1,
.verticalSubsampling = 1,
.components =
{{.type = android::gralloc4::PlaneLayoutComponentType_CB,
.offsetInBits = 0,
.sizeInBits = 8},
{.type = android::gralloc4::PlaneLayoutComponentType_CR,
.offsetInBits = 8,
.sizeInBits = 8}},
.sampleIncrementInBits = 16,
.horizontalSubsampling = 2,
.verticalSubsampling = 2,
.components = {{.type = android::gralloc4::PlaneLayoutComponentType_Y,
.offsetInBits = 0,
.sizeInBits = 8}},
.sampleIncrementInBits = 8,
.horizontalSubsampling = 1,
.verticalSubsampling = 1,
.components =
{{.type = android::gralloc4::PlaneLayoutComponentType_CR,
.offsetInBits = 0,
.sizeInBits = 8},
{.type = android::gralloc4::PlaneLayoutComponentType_CB,
.offsetInBits = 8,
.sizeInBits = 8}},
.sampleIncrementInBits = 16,
.horizontalSubsampling = 2,
.verticalSubsampling = 2,
.components = {{.type = android::gralloc4::PlaneLayoutComponentType_Y,
.offsetInBits = 6,
.sizeInBits = 10}},
.sampleIncrementInBits = 16,
.horizontalSubsampling = 1,
.verticalSubsampling = 1,
.components =
{{.type = android::gralloc4::PlaneLayoutComponentType_CB,
.offsetInBits = 6,
.sizeInBits = 10},
{.type = android::gralloc4::PlaneLayoutComponentType_CR,
.offsetInBits = 22,
.sizeInBits = 10}},
.sampleIncrementInBits = 32,
.horizontalSubsampling = 2,
.verticalSubsampling = 2,
.components = {{.type = android::gralloc4::PlaneLayoutComponentType_R,
.offsetInBits = 0,
.sizeInBits = 8}},
.sampleIncrementInBits = 8,
.horizontalSubsampling = 1,
.verticalSubsampling = 1,
.components = {{.type = android::gralloc4::PlaneLayoutComponentType_R,
.offsetInBits = 0,
.sizeInBits = 16}},
.sampleIncrementInBits = 16,
.horizontalSubsampling = 1,
.verticalSubsampling = 1,
.components = {{.type = android::gralloc4::PlaneLayoutComponentType_B,
.offsetInBits = 0,
.sizeInBits = 5},
{.type = android::gralloc4::PlaneLayoutComponentType_G,
.offsetInBits = 5,
.sizeInBits = 6},
{.type = android::gralloc4::PlaneLayoutComponentType_R,
.offsetInBits = 11,
.sizeInBits = 5}},
.sampleIncrementInBits = 16,
.horizontalSubsampling = 1,
.verticalSubsampling = 1,
.components = {{.type = android::gralloc4::PlaneLayoutComponentType_R,
.offsetInBits = 0,
.sizeInBits = 8},
{.type = android::gralloc4::PlaneLayoutComponentType_G,
.offsetInBits = 8,
.sizeInBits = 8},
{.type = android::gralloc4::PlaneLayoutComponentType_B,
.offsetInBits = 16,
.sizeInBits = 8}},
.sampleIncrementInBits = 24,
.horizontalSubsampling = 1,
.verticalSubsampling = 1,
.components = {{.type = android::gralloc4::PlaneLayoutComponentType_R,
.offsetInBits = 0,
.sizeInBits = 8},
{.type = android::gralloc4::PlaneLayoutComponentType_G,
.offsetInBits = 8,
.sizeInBits = 8},
{.type = android::gralloc4::PlaneLayoutComponentType_B,
.offsetInBits = 16,
.sizeInBits = 8}},
.sampleIncrementInBits = 32,
.horizontalSubsampling = 1,
.verticalSubsampling = 1,
.components = {{.type = android::gralloc4::
.offsetInBits = 0,
.sizeInBits = 8}},
.sampleIncrementInBits = 8,
.horizontalSubsampling = 1,
.verticalSubsampling = 1,
.components = {{.type = android::gralloc4::
.offsetInBits = 0,
.sizeInBits = 8}},
.sampleIncrementInBits = 8,
.horizontalSubsampling = 2,
.verticalSubsampling = 2,
.components = {{.type = android::gralloc4::
.offsetInBits = 0,
.sizeInBits = 8}},
.sampleIncrementInBits = 8,
.horizontalSubsampling = 2,
.verticalSubsampling = 2,
.components = {{.type = android::gralloc4::
.offsetInBits = 0,
.sizeInBits = 8}},
.sampleIncrementInBits = 8,
.horizontalSubsampling = 1,
.verticalSubsampling = 1,
.components = {{.type = android::gralloc4::
.offsetInBits = 0,
.sizeInBits = 8}},
.sampleIncrementInBits = 8,
.horizontalSubsampling = 2,
.verticalSubsampling = 2,
.components = {{.type = android::gralloc4::
.offsetInBits = 0,
.sizeInBits = 8}},
.sampleIncrementInBits = 8,
.horizontalSubsampling = 2,
.verticalSubsampling = 2,
return *kPlaneLayoutsMap;
int getPlaneLayouts(uint32_t drmFormat, std::vector<PlaneLayout>* outPlaneLayouts) {
const auto& planeLayoutsMap = GetPlaneLayoutsMap();
const auto it = planeLayoutsMap.find(drmFormat);
if (it == planeLayoutsMap.end()) {
ALOGE("Unknown plane layout for format %d", drmFormat);
return -EINVAL;
*outPlaneLayouts = it->second;
return 0;