aco/optimizer: don't copy-prop logical phis

This is dangerous w.r.t. LCSSA-phis.

Totals from 746 (0.54% of 139391) affected shaders (Navi10):
CodeSize: 8592160 -> 8568156 (-0.28%); split: -0.30%, +0.02%
MaxWaves: 5172 -> 5171 (-0.02%); split: +0.02%, -0.04%
Instrs: 1653949 -> 1648489 (-0.33%); split: -0.36%, +0.03%
Cycles: 49474892 -> 49329224 (-0.29%); split: -0.33%, +0.03%
VMEM: 137574 -> 137421 (-0.11%); split: +0.18%, -0.29%
SMEM: 42391 -> 42439 (+0.11%); split: +0.12%, -0.01%
VClause: 26946 -> 26943 (-0.01%)
Copies: 130902 -> 126176 (-3.61%); split: -4.05%, +0.43%
Branches: 54891 -> 54556 (-0.61%); split: -0.64%, +0.03%
PreVGPRs: 53941 -> 53939 (-0.00%)

This has a slight effect on RA due to affinity changes.

Cc: 20.3
Cc: 21.0

Reviewed-by: Rhys Perry <>
Part-of: <>
(cherry picked from commit cd870d1b6aa43daa65f1e6c9763e5bdd7139acc9)
2 files changed