radeonsi: fuse or lower ffma optimally on all chips

LLVM is going to support the legacy instructions soon.

This change switches FMA to MAD for gfx10.

54793 shaders in 33659 tests
SGPRS: 2632554 -> 2629570 (-0.11 %)
VGPRS: 1536364 -> 1535312 (-0.07 %)
Spilled SGPRs: 3602 -> 3562 (-1.11 %)
Spilled VGPRs: 44 -> 40 (-9.09 %)
Private memory VGPRs: 256 -> 256 (0.00 %)
Scratch size: 312 -> 308 (-1.28 %) dwords per thread
Code Size: 55422660 -> 55345408 (-0.14 %) bytes
Max Waves: 963983 -> 964200 (0.02 %)

Acked-by: Pierre-Eric Pelloux-Prayer <pierre-eric.pelloux-prayer@amd.com>
Part-of: <https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/-/merge_requests/6756>
2 files changed