Since Zink doesn't use swapchains to create presentable images, drivers
lose the capacity to identify memory allocations for them, which is a problem
when the underlying platform has special requirements for these, such as
needing to allocate them on a particular device. Including this struct in the
pNext chain, which is the same thing that the Mesa Vulkan WSI code does when
allocating memory for swapchain images, gives drivers a chance to identify
and handle these memory allocations properly.

v2: follow Zink's conventions for pNext chains (Mike)
v3: add scanout parameter for VkImage creation (Daniel)
v4: don't add a dependency on vulkan util (Erik)
v5: include vulkan directory for Zink builds

Reviewed-By: Mike Blumenkrantz <michael.blumenkrantz@gmail.com> (v2)
Reviewed-by: Erik Faye-Lund <erik.faye-lund@collabora.com>
Part-of: <https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/-/merge_requests/7378>
4 files changed