tu: Ignore pTessellationState if there is no tesselation shaders

According to the spec:

"pTessellationState [...] is ignored if the pipeline does not
 include a tessellation control shader stage and tessellation
 evaluation shader stage."

Fixes crash in RenderDoc when inspecting draw call with
geometry shader but without tesselation shaders.

Fixes: eefdca2e "turnip: Parse tess state and support PATCH primtype"
Signed-off-by: Danylo Piliaiev <dpiliaiev@igalia.com>
Part-of: <https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/-/merge_requests/8140>
(cherry picked from commit 6aec3c9a2340474d4c8a9243b5c7732f0aeb7149)
2 files changed