gallium/android: Rewrite backtrace helper for android

The previous implementation kept a hashtable of a Backtrace object per
thread.  debug_backtrace_capture is supposed to store a backtrace in
the passed in debug_stack_frame array, but instead overwrote the
per-thread Backtrace object.

This new version works more like the libunwind based capture. We hash
the file and symbol names and store pointers in the debug_stack_frame
struct.  This way debug_backtrace_capture doesn't overwrite previous
captures or allocate memory that needs to be freed.

Part-of: <>
diff --git a/src/util/u_debug_stack.h b/src/util/u_debug_stack.h
index fff41a5..8a36a66 100644
--- a/src/util/u_debug_stack.h
+++ b/src/util/u_debug_stack.h
@@ -59,10 +59,12 @@
 struct debug_stack_frame 
-   unw_word_t start_ip;
-   unsigned int off;
    const char *procname;
+   uint64_t start_ip;
+   unsigned off;
+   const char *map;
+   unsigned int map_off;
    const void *function;
diff --git a/src/util/u_debug_stack_android.cpp b/src/util/u_debug_stack_android.cpp
index 879b0fb..061707c 100644
--- a/src/util/u_debug_stack_android.cpp
+++ b/src/util/u_debug_stack_android.cpp
@@ -28,84 +28,94 @@
 #include "util/hash_table.h"
 #include "os/os_thread.h"
-static hash_table *backtrace_table;
+static hash_table *symbol_table;
 static mtx_t table_mutex = _MTX_INITIALIZER_NP;
-debug_backtrace_capture(debug_stack_frame *mesa_backtrace,
-                        unsigned start_frame,
-                        unsigned nr_frames)
+static const char *
+intern_symbol(const char *symbol)
-   hash_entry *backtrace_entry;
-   Backtrace *backtrace;
-   pid_t tid = gettid();
+   if (!symbol_table)
+      symbol_table = _mesa_hash_table_create(NULL, NULL, _mesa_key_string_equal);
-   if (!nr_frames)
-      return;
+   uint32_t hash = _mesa_hash_string(symbol);
+   hash_entry *entry =
+      _mesa_hash_table_search_pre_hashed(symbol_table, hash, symbol);
+   if (!entry)
+      entry = _mesa_hash_table_insert_pre_hashed(symbol_table, hash, symbol, strdup(symbol));
-   /* We keep an Android Backtrace handler around for each thread */
-   mtx_lock(&table_mutex);
-   if (!backtrace_table)
-      backtrace_table = _mesa_hash_table_create(NULL, _mesa_hash_pointer,
-                                                _mesa_key_pointer_equal);
-   backtrace_entry = _mesa_hash_table_search(backtrace_table, (void*) (uintptr_t)tid);
-   if (!backtrace_entry) {
-      backtrace = Backtrace::Create(getpid(), tid);
-      _mesa_hash_table_insert(backtrace_table, (void*) (uintptr_t)tid, backtrace);
-   } else {
-      backtrace = (Backtrace *) backtrace_entry->data;
-   }
-   mtx_unlock(&table_mutex);
-   /* Add one to exclude this call. Unwind already ignores itself. */
-   backtrace->Unwind(start_frame + 1);
-   /* Store the Backtrace handler in the first mesa frame for reference.
-    * Unwind will generally return less frames than nr_frames specified
-    * but we have no good way of storing the real count otherwise.
-    * The Backtrace handler only stores the results until the next Unwind,
-    * but that is how u_debug_stack is used anyway.
-    */
-   mesa_backtrace->function = backtrace;
+   return (const char *) entry->data;
-debug_backtrace_dump(const debug_stack_frame *mesa_backtrace,
-                     unsigned nr_frames)
+debug_backtrace_capture(debug_stack_frame *backtrace,
+                        unsigned start_frame,
+                        unsigned nr_frames)
-   Backtrace *backtrace = (Backtrace *) mesa_backtrace->function;
-   size_t i;
+   Backtrace *bt;
    if (!nr_frames)
-   if (nr_frames > backtrace->NumFrames())
-      nr_frames = backtrace->NumFrames();
-   for (i = 0; i < nr_frames; i++) {
-      /* There is no prescribed format and this isn't interpreted further,
-       * so we simply use the default Android format.
-       */
-      const std::string& frame_line = backtrace->FormatFrameData(i);
-      debug_printf("%s\n", frame_line.c_str());
+   bt = Backtrace::Create(BACKTRACE_CURRENT_PROCESS,
+                          BACKTRACE_CURRENT_THREAD);
+   if (bt == NULL) {
+      for (unsigned i = 0; i < nr_frames; i++)
+         backtrace[i].procname = NULL;
+      return;
+   }
+   /* Add one to exclude this call. Unwind already ignores itself. */
+   bt->Unwind(start_frame + 1);
+   mtx_lock(&table_mutex);
+   for (unsigned i = 0; i < nr_frames; i++) {
+      const backtrace_frame_data_t* frame = bt->GetFrame(i);
+      if (frame) {
+         backtrace[i].procname = intern_symbol(frame->func_name.c_str());
+         backtrace[i].start_ip = frame->pc;
+         backtrace[i].off = frame->func_offset;
+         backtrace[i].map = intern_symbol(frame->map.Name().c_str());
+         backtrace[i].map_off = frame->rel_pc;
+      } else {
+         backtrace[i].procname = NULL;
+      }
+   }
+   mtx_unlock(&table_mutex);
+   delete bt;
+debug_backtrace_dump(const debug_stack_frame *backtrace,
+                     unsigned nr_frames)
+   for (unsigned i = 0; i < nr_frames; i++) {
+      if (backtrace[i].procname)
+         debug_printf(
+            "%s(+0x%x)\t%012" PRIx64 ": %s+0x%x\n",
+            backtrace[i].map,
+            backtrace[i].map_off,
+            backtrace[i].start_ip,
+            backtrace[i].procname,
+            backtrace[i].off);
 debug_backtrace_print(FILE *f,
-                      const debug_stack_frame *mesa_backtrace,
+                      const debug_stack_frame *backtrace,
                       unsigned nr_frames)
-   Backtrace *backtrace = (Backtrace *) mesa_backtrace->function;
-   size_t i;
-   if (!nr_frames)
-      return;
-   if (nr_frames > backtrace->NumFrames())
-      nr_frames = backtrace->NumFrames();
-   for (i = 0; i < nr_frames; i++) {
-      const std::string& frame_line = backtrace->FormatFrameData(i);
-      fprintf(f, "%s\n", frame_line.c_str());
+   for (unsigned i = 0; i < nr_frames; i++) {
+      if (backtrace[i].procname)
+         fprintf(f,
+                 "%s(+0x%x)\t%012" PRIx64 ": %s+0x%x\n",
+                 backtrace[i].map,
+                 backtrace[i].map_off,
+                 backtrace[i].start_ip,
+                 backtrace[i].procname,
+                 backtrace[i].off);