st/mesa: initialize lower alpha func to ALWAYS

The lower_alpha_func is initialized as COMPARE_FUNC_NEVER, and the
nir_lower_alpha_test() only executed if the alpha_func has changed.

This means when user runs an alpha test with GL_NEVER function the
lowering is never executed, and no fragment is discarded.

Rather, we would like to initialize the function as COMPARE_FUNC_ALWAYS,
and run the lowering when the alpha_func is different. If user runs the
alpha test with GL_ALWAYS, indeed the lowering is never executed; but
using GL_ALWAYS makes no fragment is discarded, so it is like not
executing the testing.

Signed-off-by: Juan A. Suarez Romero <>
Reviewed-by: Erik Faye-Lund <>
Part-of: <>
4 files changed