v3dv: initial descriptor set support

Focused on getting the basic UBO and SSBO cases implemented. So no
dynamic offset, push contanst, samplers, and so on.

This include a initial implementation for CreatedescriptorPool,
CreateDescriptorSetLayout, AllocateDescriptorSets,
UpdateDescriptorSets, CreatePipelineLayout, and CmdBindDescriptorSets.

Also introduces lowering vulkan intrinsics. For now just

We also introduce a descriptor_map, in this case for the ubos and
ssbos, used to assign a index for each set/binding combination, that
would be used when filling back the details of the ubo or ssbo on

Note that at this point we don't need a bo for the descriptor pool, so
descriptor sets are not getting a piece of it. That would likely
change as we start to support more descriptor set types.

Part-of: <https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/-/merge_requests/6766>
7 files changed