v3dv/pipeline_cache: cache nir shaders

Heavily based on anv nir caching. One of the bigger difference is that
we don't create the nir shader using a ralloc_context local to the
main compile graphics method. On anv, after compiling the shader, they
discard the nir shader. We need it as we could need it to build shader
variants later.

As anv, we introduce a environment variable to disable the cache:

By default is enabled. The main purpose for this envvar is debugging,
in order to provide a easy way to discard a bug on the cache.

It is pending to serialize/deserialize the NIR shaders as part of
GetPipelineCacheData and PipelineCacheCreate. We also plan is to cache
too shader variants. We would do that on following patches.

Part-of: <https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/-/merge_requests/6766>
4 files changed