turnip: add support to clear LRZ


* Don't emit tu6_clear_lrz() using a IB but in the command stream
provided. (Jonathan Marek)
* Valid_clear_ib is always false if TU_DEBUG_NOLRZ is set. Remove the
useless condition. (Jonathan Marek)
* Added more comments.
* Use r2d function for blitting LRZ. (Jonathan Marek)

* Do LRZ tracking in the command buffer state (Connor).


* Simplify the emission of source setup (Jonathan Marek)


* Separate LRZ setup in a different function.
* Not hide LRZ setup inside GMEM path (Jonathan Marek)
* Fix iova address emission in tu6_clear_lrz() (Jonathan Marek)
* Add CCU sysmem flushes (Jonathan Marek)


* Fixed bug related to storing a VkClearValue pointer that could be
  out-of-scope when we access to it for emitting LRZ clear.


* Merge tu6_clear_lrz() and tu6_clear_lrz_setup() into the same
function and emit LRZ clear at the beginning of the renderpass.

Signed-off-by: Samuel Iglesias Gonsálvez <siglesias@igalia.com>
Part-of: <https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/-/merge_requests/5146>
3 files changed