i965/vec4: handle 32 and 64 bit channels in liveness analysis

Our current data flow analysis does not take into account that channels
on 64-bit operands are 64-bit. This is a problem when the same register
is accessed using both 64-bit and 32-bit channels. This is very common
in operations where we need to access 64-bit data in 32-bit chunks,
such as the double packing and packing operations.

This patch changes the analysis by checking the bits that each source
or destination datatype needs. Actually, rather than bits, we use
blocks of 32bits, which is the minimum channel size.

Because a vgrf can contain a dvec4 (256 bits), we reserve 8
32-bit blocks to map the channels.

v2 (Curro):
  - Simplify code by making the var_from_reg helpers take an extra
    argument with the register component we want.
  - Fix a couple of cases where we had to update the code to the new
    way of representing live variables.

  - Fix indent in multiline expressions (Matt)
  - Fix comment's closing tag (Matt)
  - Use DIV_ROUND_UP(inst->size_written, 16) instead of 2 * regs_written(inst)
    to avoid rounding issues. The same for regs_read(i). (Curro).
  - Add asserts in var_from_reg() to avoid exceeding the allocated
    registers (Curro).

Reviewed-by: Francisco Jerez <currojerez@riseup.net>
5 files changed