blob: 7e5a0e0e5ad81d5867ef6710e65d2649bb84cab4 [file] [log] [blame]
//==-- llvm/ADT/ilist_node.h - Intrusive Linked List Helper ------*- C++ -*-==//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file defines the ilist_node class template, which is a convenient
// base class for creating classes that can be used with ilists.
namespace llvm {
template<typename NodeTy>
struct ilist_traits;
template <typename NodeTy> struct ilist_embedded_sentinel_traits;
template <typename NodeTy> struct ilist_half_embedded_sentinel_traits;
/// ilist_half_node - Base class that provides prev services for sentinels.
template<typename NodeTy>
class ilist_half_node {
friend struct ilist_traits<NodeTy>;
friend struct ilist_half_embedded_sentinel_traits<NodeTy>;
NodeTy *Prev;
NodeTy *getPrev() { return Prev; }
const NodeTy *getPrev() const { return Prev; }
void setPrev(NodeTy *P) { Prev = P; }
ilist_half_node() : Prev(nullptr) {}
template<typename NodeTy>
struct ilist_nextprev_traits;
template <typename NodeTy> class ilist_iterator;
/// ilist_node - Base class that provides next/prev services for nodes
/// that use ilist_nextprev_traits or ilist_default_traits.
template<typename NodeTy>
class ilist_node : private ilist_half_node<NodeTy> {
friend struct ilist_nextprev_traits<NodeTy>;
friend struct ilist_traits<NodeTy>;
friend struct ilist_half_embedded_sentinel_traits<NodeTy>;
friend struct ilist_embedded_sentinel_traits<NodeTy>;
NodeTy *Next;
NodeTy *getNext() { return Next; }
const NodeTy *getNext() const { return Next; }
void setNext(NodeTy *N) { Next = N; }
ilist_node() : Next(nullptr) {}
ilist_iterator<NodeTy> getIterator() {
// FIXME: Stop downcasting to create the iterator (potential UB).
return ilist_iterator<NodeTy>(static_cast<NodeTy *>(this));
ilist_iterator<const NodeTy> getIterator() const {
// FIXME: Stop downcasting to create the iterator (potential UB).
return ilist_iterator<const NodeTy>(static_cast<const NodeTy *>(this));
/// An ilist node that can access its parent list.
/// Requires \c NodeTy to have \a getParent() to find the parent node, and the
/// \c ParentTy to have \a getSublistAccess() to get a reference to the list.
template <typename NodeTy, typename ParentTy>
class ilist_node_with_parent : public ilist_node<NodeTy> {
ilist_node_with_parent() = default;
/// Forward to NodeTy::getParent().
/// Note: do not use the name "getParent()". We want a compile error
/// (instead of recursion) when the subclass fails to implement \a
/// getParent().
const ParentTy *getNodeParent() const {
return static_cast<const NodeTy *>(this)->getParent();
/// @name Adjacent Node Accessors
/// @{
/// \brief Get the previous node, or \c nullptr for the list head.
NodeTy *getPrevNode() {
// Should be separated to a reused function, but then we couldn't use auto
// (and would need the type of the list).
const auto &List =
getNodeParent()->*(ParentTy::getSublistAccess((NodeTy *)nullptr));
return List.getPrevNode(*static_cast<NodeTy *>(this));
/// \brief Get the previous node, or \c nullptr for the list head.
const NodeTy *getPrevNode() const {
return const_cast<ilist_node_with_parent *>(this)->getPrevNode();
/// \brief Get the next node, or \c nullptr for the list tail.
NodeTy *getNextNode() {
// Should be separated to a reused function, but then we couldn't use auto
// (and would need the type of the list).
const auto &List =
getNodeParent()->*(ParentTy::getSublistAccess((NodeTy *)nullptr));
return List.getNextNode(*static_cast<NodeTy *>(this));
/// \brief Get the next node, or \c nullptr for the list tail.
const NodeTy *getNextNode() const {
return const_cast<ilist_node_with_parent *>(this)->getNextNode();
/// @}
} // End llvm namespace