minimal-http-server-basicauthShows how to protect a mount using a password file and basic auth
minimal-http-server-custom-headersShows how to query custom headers that lws doesn't already know
minimal-http-server-deaddropShows how to use the deaddrop drag and drop file upload + sharing plugin
minimal-http-server-dynamicServes both static and dynamically generated http content
minimal-http-server-eventlib-foreignDemonstrates integrating lws with a foreign event library
minimal-http-server-eventlib-demosUsing the demo plugins with event libraries
minimal-http-server-eventlibSame as minimal-http-server but works with a supported event library
minimal-http-server-form-getProcess a GET form
minimal-http-server-form-post-fileProcess a multipart POST form with file transfer
minimal-http-server-form-postProcess a POST form (no file transfer)
minimal-http-server-fulltext-searchDemonstrates using lws Fulltext Search
minimal-http-server-mimetypesShows how to add support for additional mimetypes at runtime
minimal-http-server-multivhostSame as minimal-http-server but three different vhosts
minimal-http-server-proxyReverse Proxy
minimal-http-server-smpMultiple service threads
minimal-http-server-sse-ringServer Side Events with ringbuffer and threaded event sources
minimal-http-server-sseSimple Server Side Events
minimal-http-server-tls-80Serves a directory over http/1 or http/2 with TLS (SSL), custom 404 handler, redirect to https on port 80
minimal-http-server-tlsServes a directory over http/1 or http/2 with TLS (SSL), custom 404 handler
minimal-http-serverServes a directory over http/1, custom 404 handler