test/runtests-quiet.sh: Fixup redirection

1) command > file.txt

will redirect the stdout to file.txt.

2) command > file.txt 2>&1

will redirect the stdout and stderr to file.txt.

What we want is (2). Previous commits placed the "2>&1" wrong.

Cc: Dylan Yudaken <dylany@fb.com>
Fixes: 770efd14e8b17ccf23a45c95ecc9d38de4e17011 ("test/runtests-quiet.sh: fixup redirection")
Fixes: 6480f692d62afbebb088febc369b30a63dbc2ea7 ("test: add make targets for each test")
Signed-off-by: Ammar Faizi <ammarfaizi2@gnuweeb.org>
Signed-off-by: Jens Axboe <axboe@kernel.dk>
1 file changed