libunwind is no longer used, so remove it.

Bug: 79209464

Test: Builds.
Change-Id: I10a9f1c4295dc610269c1db88e0af615fe1896fd
diff --git a/Android.bp b/Android.bp
deleted file mode 100644
index f05a77b..0000000
--- a/Android.bp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,433 +0,0 @@
-// Set to true to enable a debug build of the libraries.
-// To control what is logged, set the environment variable UNW_DEBUG_LEVEL=x,
-// where x controls the verbosity (from 1 to 20).
-//libunwind_debug = false
-package {
-    default_applicable_licenses: ["external_libunwind_license"],
-license {
-    name: "external_libunwind_license",
-    visibility: [":__subpackages__"],
-    license_kinds: [
-        "SPDX-license-identifier-Apache-2.0",
-        "SPDX-license-identifier-MIT",
-    ],
-    license_text: [
-        "COPYING",
-        "LICENSE",
-    ],
-cc_defaults {
-    name: "libunwind_defaults",
-    host_supported: true,
-    cppflags: [
-        "-Wno-old-style-cast",
-    ],
-    cflags: [
-        "-Werror",
-        "-Wno-#pragma-messages",
-        "-Wno-unused-parameter",
-        "-DHAVE_CONFIG_H",
-        "-D_GNU_SOURCE",
-        "-DNDEBUG",
-    ],
-    // libunwind expects to find include/libunwind_i.h before
-    // include/tdep-<arch>/libunwind_i.h, but soong prepends arch-specific
-    // include directories.  To keep the include directories in the right
-    // order, pass "include" as an architecture specific include for every
-    // architecture.
-    arch: {
-        arm: {
-            local_include_dirs: [
-                "include",
-                "include/tdep-arm",
-            ],
-        },
-        arm64: {
-            local_include_dirs: [
-                "include",
-                "include/tdep-aarch64",
-            ],
-        },
-        x86: {
-            local_include_dirs: [
-                "include",
-                "include/tdep-x86",
-            ],
-        },
-        x86_64: {
-            local_include_dirs: [
-                "include",
-                "include/tdep-x86_64",
-            ],
-        },
-    },
-    target: {
-        android: {
-            // gcc 4.8 appears to be overeager declaring that a variable is uninitialized,
-            // under certain circumstances. Turn off this warning only for target so that
-            // coverage is still present for the host code. When the entire build system
-            // is switched to 4.9, then this can be removed.
-            cflags: ["-Wno-maybe-uninitialized"],
-        },
-        darwin: {
-            enabled: false,
-        },
-    },
-    clang_cflags: [
-        // src/mi/backtrace.c is misdetected as a bogus header guard by clang 3.5
-        // src/x86_64/Gstash_frame.c has unnecessary calls to labs.
-        "-Wno-header-guard",
-        "-Wno-absolute-value",
-        // The latest clang (r230699) does not allow SP/PC to be declared in inline asm lists.
-        "-Wno-inline-asm",
-    ],
-    debug: {
-        cflags: [
-            "-UNDEBUG",
-            "-DDEBUG",
-            "-U_FORTIFY_SOURCE",
-        ],
-    },
-    local_include_dirs: [
-        "src",
-    ],
-// libunwind shared and static library
-cc_defaults {
-    name: "libunwind_core_defaults",
-    defaults: ["libunwind_defaults"],
-    sdk_version: "21",
-    stl: "none",
-    srcs: [
-        "src/mi/init.c",
-        "src/mi/flush_cache.c",
-        "src/mi/mempool.c",
-        "src/mi/strerror.c",
-        "src/mi/backtrace.c",
-        "src/mi/dyn-cancel.c",
-        "src/mi/dyn-info-list.c",
-        "src/mi/dyn-register.c",
-        "src/mi/map.c",
-        "src/mi/Lmap.c",
-        "src/mi/Ldyn-extract.c",
-        "src/mi/Lfind_dynamic_proc_info.c",
-        "src/mi/Lget_proc_info_by_ip.c",
-        "src/mi/Lget_proc_name.c",
-        "src/mi/Lput_dynamic_unwind_info.c",
-        "src/mi/Ldestroy_addr_space.c",
-        "src/mi/Lget_reg.c",
-        "src/mi/Lset_reg.c",
-        "src/mi/Lget_fpreg.c",
-        "src/mi/Lset_fpreg.c",
-        "src/mi/Lset_caching_policy.c",
-        "src/mi/Gdyn-extract.c",
-        "src/mi/Gdyn-remote.c",
-        "src/mi/Gfind_dynamic_proc_info.c",
-        "src/mi/Gget_accessors.c",
-        "src/mi/Gget_proc_info_by_ip.c",
-        "src/mi/Gget_proc_name.c",
-        "src/mi/Gput_dynamic_unwind_info.c",
-        "src/mi/Gdestroy_addr_space.c",
-        "src/mi/Gget_reg.c",
-        "src/mi/Gset_reg.c",
-        "src/mi/Gget_fpreg.c",
-        "src/mi/Gset_fpreg.c",
-        "src/mi/Gset_caching_policy.c",
-        "src/dwarf/Lexpr.c",
-        "src/dwarf/Lfde.c",
-        "src/dwarf/Lparser.c",
-        "src/dwarf/Lpe.c",
-        "src/dwarf/Lstep_dwarf.c",
-        "src/dwarf/Lfind_proc_info-lsb.c",
-        "src/dwarf/Lfind_unwind_table.c",
-        "src/dwarf/Gexpr.c",
-        "src/dwarf/Gfde.c",
-        "src/dwarf/Gfind_proc_info-lsb.c",
-        "src/dwarf/Gfind_unwind_table.c",
-        "src/dwarf/Gparser.c",
-        "src/dwarf/Gpe.c",
-        "src/dwarf/Gstep_dwarf.c",
-        "src/dwarf/global.c",
-        "src/os-common.c",
-        "src/os-linux.c",
-        "src/Los-common.c",
-        // ptrace files for remote unwinding.
-        "src/ptrace/_UPT_accessors.c",
-        "src/ptrace/_UPT_access_fpreg.c",
-        "src/ptrace/_UPT_access_mem.c",
-        "src/ptrace/_UPT_access_reg.c",
-        "src/ptrace/_UPT_create.c",
-        "src/ptrace/_UPT_destroy.c",
-        "src/ptrace/_UPT_find_proc_info.c",
-        "src/ptrace/_UPT_get_dyn_info_list_addr.c",
-        "src/ptrace/_UPT_put_unwind_info.c",
-        "src/ptrace/_UPT_get_proc_name.c",
-        "src/ptrace/_UPT_reg_offset.c",
-        "src/ptrace/_UPT_resume.c",
-    ],
-    arch: {
-        arm: {
-            srcs: [
-                "src/arm/is_fpreg.c",
-                "src/arm/regname.c",
-                "src/arm/Gcreate_addr_space.c",
-                "src/arm/Gget_proc_info.c",
-                "src/arm/Gget_save_loc.c",
-                "src/arm/Gglobal.c",
-                "src/arm/Ginit.c",
-                "src/arm/Ginit_local.c",
-                "src/arm/Ginit_remote.c",
-                "src/arm/Gregs.c",
-                "src/arm/Gresume.c",
-                "src/arm/Gstep.c",
-                "src/arm/Lcreate_addr_space.c",
-                "src/arm/Lget_proc_info.c",
-                "src/arm/Lget_save_loc.c",
-                "src/arm/Lglobal.c",
-                "src/arm/Linit.c",
-                "src/arm/Linit_local.c",
-                "src/arm/Linit_remote.c",
-                "src/arm/Lregs.c",
-                "src/arm/Lresume.c",
-                "src/arm/Lstep.c",
-                "src/arm/getcontext.S",
-                "src/arm/Gis_signal_frame.c",
-                "src/arm/Gex_tables.c",
-                "src/arm/Lis_signal_frame.c",
-                "src/arm/Lex_tables.c",
-            ],
-        },
-        arm64: {
-            srcs: [
-                "src/aarch64/is_fpreg.c",
-                "src/aarch64/regname.c",
-                "src/aarch64/Gcreate_addr_space.c",
-                "src/aarch64/Gget_proc_info.c",
-                "src/aarch64/Gget_save_loc.c",
-                "src/aarch64/Gglobal.c",
-                "src/aarch64/Ginit.c",
-                "src/aarch64/Ginit_local.c",
-                "src/aarch64/Ginit_remote.c",
-                "src/aarch64/Gregs.c",
-                "src/aarch64/Gresume.c",
-                "src/aarch64/Gstep.c",
-                "src/aarch64/Lcreate_addr_space.c",
-                "src/aarch64/Lget_proc_info.c",
-                "src/aarch64/Lget_save_loc.c",
-                "src/aarch64/Lglobal.c",
-                "src/aarch64/Linit.c",
-                "src/aarch64/Linit_local.c",
-                "src/aarch64/Linit_remote.c",
-                "src/aarch64/Lregs.c",
-                "src/aarch64/Lresume.c",
-                "src/aarch64/Lstep.c",
-                "src/aarch64/Gis_signal_frame.c",
-                "src/aarch64/Lis_signal_frame.c",
-            ],
-        },
-        x86: {
-            srcs: [
-                "src/x86/is_fpreg.c",
-                "src/x86/regname.c",
-                "src/x86/Gcreate_addr_space.c",
-                "src/x86/Gget_proc_info.c",
-                "src/x86/Gget_save_loc.c",
-                "src/x86/Gglobal.c",
-                "src/x86/Ginit.c",
-                "src/x86/Ginit_local.c",
-                "src/x86/Ginit_remote.c",
-                "src/x86/Gregs.c",
-                "src/x86/Gresume.c",
-                "src/x86/Gstep.c",
-                "src/x86/Lcreate_addr_space.c",
-                "src/x86/Lget_proc_info.c",
-                "src/x86/Lget_save_loc.c",
-                "src/x86/Lglobal.c",
-                "src/x86/Linit.c",
-                "src/x86/Linit_local.c",
-                "src/x86/Linit_remote.c",
-                "src/x86/Lregs.c",
-                "src/x86/Lresume.c",
-                "src/x86/Lstep.c",
-                "src/x86/getcontext-linux.S",
-                "src/x86/Gos-linux.c",
-                "src/x86/Los-linux.c",
-            ],
-        },
-        x86_64: {
-            srcs: [
-                "src/x86_64/is_fpreg.c",
-                "src/x86_64/regname.c",
-                "src/x86_64/Gcreate_addr_space.c",
-                "src/x86_64/Gget_proc_info.c",
-                "src/x86_64/Gget_save_loc.c",
-                "src/x86_64/Gglobal.c",
-                "src/x86_64/Ginit.c",
-                "src/x86_64/Ginit_local.c",
-                "src/x86_64/Ginit_remote.c",
-                "src/x86_64/Gregs.c",
-                "src/x86_64/Gresume.c",
-                "src/x86_64/Gstep.c",
-                "src/x86_64/Lcreate_addr_space.c",
-                "src/x86_64/Lget_proc_info.c",
-                "src/x86_64/Lget_save_loc.c",
-                "src/x86_64/Lglobal.c",
-                "src/x86_64/Linit.c",
-                "src/x86_64/Linit_local.c",
-                "src/x86_64/Linit_remote.c",
-                "src/x86_64/Lregs.c",
-                "src/x86_64/Lresume.c",
-                "src/x86_64/Lstep.c",
-                "src/x86_64/getcontext.S",
-                "src/x86_64/Gstash_frame.c",
-                "src/x86_64/Gtrace.c",
-                "src/x86_64/Gos-linux.c",
-                "src/x86_64/Lstash_frame.c",
-                "src/x86_64/Ltrace.c",
-                "src/x86_64/Los-linux.c",
-                "src/x86_64/setcontext.S",
-            ],
-        },
-    },
-    multilib: {
-        lib32: {
-            srcs: ["src/elf32.c"],
-        },
-        lib64: {
-            srcs: ["src/elf64.c"],
-        },
-    },
-    target: {
-        linux_bionic: {
-            enabled: true,
-        },
-    },
-    export_include_dirs: ["include"],
-    debug: {
-        //shared_libs: ["liblog"],
-    },
-cc_library_shared {
-    name: "libunwind_shared",
-    defaults: ["libunwind_core_defaults"],
-cc_library_static {
-    name: "libunwind_static",
-    defaults: ["libunwind_core_defaults"],
-    vendor_available: true,
-    product_available: true,
-    native_bridge_supported: true,
-// libunwindbacktrace static library
-cc_library_static {
-    name: "libunwindbacktrace",
-    defaults: ["libunwind_defaults"],
-    vendor_available: true,
-    product_available: true,
-    native_bridge_supported: true,
-    sdk_version: "21",
-    srcs: [
-        "src/unwind/BacktraceWrapper.c",
-        "src/unwind/DeleteException.c",
-        "src/unwind/FindEnclosingFunction.c",
-        "src/unwind/ForcedUnwind.c",
-        "src/unwind/GetBSP.c",
-        "src/unwind/GetCFA.c",
-        "src/unwind/GetDataRelBase.c",
-        "src/unwind/GetGR.c",
-        "src/unwind/GetIP.c",
-        "src/unwind/GetIPInfo.c",
-        "src/unwind/GetLanguageSpecificData.c",
-        "src/unwind/GetRegionStart.c",
-        "src/unwind/GetTextRelBase.c",
-        "src/unwind/RaiseException.c",
-        "src/unwind/Resume.c",
-        "src/unwind/Resume_or_Rethrow.c",
-        "src/unwind/SetGR.c",
-        "src/unwind/SetIP.c",
-    ],
-    cflags: [
-        "-Wno-old-style-declaration",
-        "-fvisibility=hidden",
-    ],
-    target: {
-        linux_bionic: {
-            enabled: true,
-        },
-    },
-// libunwind testing
-cc_test {
-    name: "libunwind-unit-tests",
-    srcs: ["android/tests/local_test.cpp"],
-    defaults: ["libunwind_defaults"],
-    cflags: [
-        "-fno-builtin",
-        "-O0",
-        "-g",
-    ],
-    local_include_dirs: ["include"],
-    shared_libs: ["libunwind_shared"],
-    data: [":libunwind_shared"],
-    test_options: {
-        unit_test: true,
-    },
-// Run the unit tests built for x86 or x86_64.
-// ANDROIDMK TRANSLATION ERROR: unsupported conditional
-// ifeq ($(TARGET_ARCH),$(filter $(TARGET_ARCH),x86 x86_64))
-// ANDROIDMK TRANSLATION ERROR: unsupported conditional
-// ifneq ($(TARGET_ARCH),$(filter $(TARGET_ARCH),x86))
-LINKER = ["linker64"]
-TEST_SUFFIX = ["64"]
-// ANDROIDMK TRANSLATION ERROR: else from unsupported contitional
-// else
-LINKER = ["linker"]
-TEST_SUFFIX = ["32"]
-// ANDROIDMK TRANSLATION ERROR: endif from unsupported contitional
-// endif
-// ANDROIDMK TRANSLATION ERROR: endif from unsupported contitional
-// endif