blob: ed5a899c925135ac072632fce37d1f1e68fe632f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "regex-number.h"
namespace libtextclassifier2 {
std::unique_ptr<DigitNode> DigitNode::Instance(const Rules& rules) {
std::unique_ptr<DigitNode> node(new DigitNode());
if (!node->Init(rules)) {
return nullptr;
return node;
DigitNode::DigitNode() {}
constexpr const char* kDigits = "DIGITS";
bool DigitNode::Init(const Rules& rules) {
std::string pattern;
if (!rules.RuleForName(kDigits, &pattern)) {
TC_LOG(ERROR) << "failed to load pattern";
return false;
return RegexNode<int>::Init(pattern);
bool DigitNode::Extract(const std::string& input, Results* result) const {
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
const icu::UnicodeString unicode_context(input.c_str(), input.size(),
const std::unique_ptr<icu::RegexMatcher> matcher(
pattern_->matcher(unicode_context, status));
if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
TC_LOG(ERROR) << "failed to compile regex: " << u_errorName(status);
return false;
while (matcher->find() && U_SUCCESS(status)) {
const int start = matcher->start(status);
if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
TC_LOG(ERROR) << "failed to bind start: " << u_errorName(status);
return false;
const int end = matcher->end(status);
if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
TC_LOG(ERROR) << "failed to bind end: " << u_errorName(status);
return false;
std::string digit;
if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
TC_LOG(ERROR) << "failed to bind digit std::string: "
<< u_errorName(status);
return false;
result->push_back(Result(start, end, stoi(digit)));
return true;
constexpr const char* kSignedDigits = "SIGNEDDIGITS";
std::unique_ptr<SignedDigitNode> SignedDigitNode::Instance(const Rules& rules) {
std::unique_ptr<SignedDigitNode> node(new SignedDigitNode());
if (!node->Init(rules)) {
return nullptr;
return node;
SignedDigitNode::SignedDigitNode() {}
bool SignedDigitNode::Init(const Rules& rules) {
std::string pattern;
if (!rules.RuleForName(kSignedDigits, &pattern)) {
TC_LOG(ERROR) << "failed to load pattern";
return false;
return RegexNode<int>::Init(pattern);
bool SignedDigitNode::Extract(const std::string& input, Results* result) const {
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
const icu::UnicodeString unicode_context(input.c_str(), input.size(),
const std::unique_ptr<icu::RegexMatcher> matcher(
pattern_->matcher(unicode_context, status));
if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
TC_LOG(ERROR) << "failed to compile regex: " << u_errorName(status);
return false;
while (matcher->find() && U_SUCCESS(status)) {
const int start = matcher->start(status);
if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
TC_LOG(ERROR) << "failed to bind start: " << u_errorName(status);
return false;
const int end = matcher->end(status);
if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
TC_LOG(ERROR) << "failed to bind end: " << u_errorName(status);
return false;
std::string digit;
if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
TC_LOG(ERROR) << "failed to bind digit std::string: "
<< u_errorName(status);
return false;
result->push_back(Result(start, end, stoi(digit)));
return true;
constexpr const char* kZero = "ZERO";
constexpr const char* kOne = "ONE";
constexpr const char* kTwo = "TWO";
constexpr const char* kThree = "THREE";
constexpr const char* kFour = "FOUR";
constexpr const char* kFive = "FIVE";
constexpr const char* kSix = "SIX";
constexpr const char* kSeven = "SEVEN";
constexpr const char* kEight = "EIGHT";
constexpr const char* kNine = "NINE";
constexpr const char* kTen = "TEN";
constexpr const char* kEleven = "ELEVEN";
constexpr const char* kTwelve = "TWELVE";
constexpr const char* kThirteen = "THIRTEEN";
constexpr const char* kFourteen = "FOURTEEN";
constexpr const char* kFifteen = "FIFTEEN";
constexpr const char* kSixteen = "SIXTEEN";
constexpr const char* kSeventeen = "SEVENTEEN";
constexpr const char* kEighteen = "EIGHTEEN";
constexpr const char* kNineteen = "NINETEEN";
constexpr const char* kTwenty = "TWENTY";
constexpr const char* kThirty = "THIRTY";
constexpr const char* kForty = "FORTY";
constexpr const char* kFifty = "FIFTY";
constexpr const char* kSixty = "SIXTY";
constexpr const char* kSeventy = "SEVENTY";
constexpr const char* kEighty = "EIGHTY";
constexpr const char* kNinety = "NINETY";
constexpr const char* kHundred = "HUNDRED";
constexpr const char* kThousand = "THOUSAND";
std::unique_ptr<NumberNode> NumberNode::Instance(const Rules& rules) {
const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, int>> name_values = {
{kZero, 0}, {kOne, 1}, {kTwo, 2}, {kThree, 3},
{kFour, 4}, {kFive, 5}, {kSix, 6}, {kSeven, 7},
{kEight, 8}, {kNine, 9}, {kTen, 10}, {kEleven, 11},
{kTwelve, 12}, {kThirteen, 13}, {kFourteen, 14}, {kFifteen, 15},
{kSixteen, 16}, {kSeventeen, 17}, {kEighteen, 18}, {kNineteen, 19},
{kTwenty, 20}, {kThirty, 30}, {kForty, 40}, {kFifty, 50},
{kSixty, 60}, {kSeventy, 70}, {kEighty, 80}, {kNinety, 90},
{kHundred, 100}, {kThousand, 1000},
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const RegexNode<int>>> alternatives;
if (!BuildMappings<int>(rules, name_values, &alternatives)) {
return nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<NumberNode> node(new NumberNode(std::move(alternatives)));
if (!node->Init()) {
return nullptr;
return node;
} // namespace libtextclassifier2
bool NumberNode::Init() { return OrRegexNode<int>::Init(); }
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const RegexNode<int>>> alternatives)
: OrRegexNode<int>(std::move(alternatives)) {}
bool NumberNode::Extract(const std::string& input, Results* result) const {
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
const icu::UnicodeString unicode_context(input.c_str(), input.size(),
const std::unique_ptr<icu::RegexMatcher> matcher(
RegexNode<int>::pattern_->matcher(unicode_context, status));
OrRegexNode<int>::Results parts;
int start = 0;
int end = 0;
while (matcher->find() && U_SUCCESS(status)) {
std::string group;
matcher->group(0, status).toUTF8String(group);
int span_start = matcher->start(status);
if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
TC_LOG(ERROR) << "failed to demarshall start " << u_errorName(status);
return false;
int span_end = matcher->end(status);
if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
TC_LOG(ERROR) << "failed to demarshall end " << u_errorName(status);
if (span_start < start) {
start = span_start;
if (span_end < end) {
end = span_end;
for (auto& child : alternatives_) {
if (child->Matches(group)) {
OrRegexNode<int>::Results group_results;
if (!child->Extract(group, &group_results)) {
return false;
for (OrRegexNode<int>::Result span : group_results) {
int sum = 0;
int running_value = -1;
// Simple math to make sure we handle written numerical modifiers correctly
// so that :="fifty one thousand and one" maps to 51001 and not 50 1 1000 1.
for (OrRegexNode<int>::Result part : parts) {
if (running_value >= 0) {
if (running_value > part.Data()) {
sum += running_value;
running_value = part.Data();
} else {
running_value *= part.Data();
} else {
running_value = part.Data();
sum += running_value;
result->push_back(Result(start, end, sum));
return true;
} // namespace libtextclassifier2