Note that:

	"pcap_compile()" and "pcap_compile_nopcap()" return -1 on

	if "pcap_compile()" or "pcap_setfilter()" fails, you can get the
	error string with "pcap_geterr()";

	if "pcap_compile_nopcap()" fails, you can't get the error
	string, but, as it's just a wrapper around "pcap_open_dead()",
	"pcap_compile()", and "pcap_close()", you can use those routines
	yourself if you want the error string;

	you have to use, or copy, the string you get back from
	"pcap_geterr()" before closing the "pcap_t" you hand to
	"pcap_geterr()", as the string you got back from "pcap_geterr()"
	doesn't remain valid after the "pcap_t" whence you got it is
1 file changed