Snapshot 7ddd630e136a035ba463c427285c5c3e9f199ee0

Change-Id: If08c7b905da667dd9e5110231e4592842b634006
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a953849
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+define all-cpp-files-under
+$(patsubst ./%,%, \
+  $(shell cd $(LOCAL_PATH) ; \
+          find $(1) -name "*.cpp" -and -not -name ".*") \
+ )
+LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir)
+GKI_FILES:=$(call all-c-files-under, src/gki)
+# libnfc-nci
+    $(call all-c-files-under, src/adaptation) \
+    $(call all-cpp-files-under, src/adaptation)
+NFA_FILES:= $(call all-c-files-under, $(NFA))
+NFC_FILES:= $(call all-c-files-under, $(NFC))
+ifeq ($(findstring maguro,$(TARGET_PRODUCT)),)
+ifeq ($(findstring crespo,$(TARGET_PRODUCT)),)
+#NTAL includes
+NTAL_CFLAGS += -I$(LOCAL_PATH)/src/include
+NTAL_CFLAGS += -I$(LOCAL_PATH)/src/gki/ulinux
+NTAL_CFLAGS += -I$(LOCAL_PATH)/src/gki/common
+#NFA NFC includes
+NFA_CFLAGS += -I$(LOCAL_PATH)/src/include
+NFA_CFLAGS += -I$(LOCAL_PATH)/src/gki/ulinux
+NFA_CFLAGS += -I$(LOCAL_PATH)/src/gki/common
+NFA_CFLAGS += -I$(LOCAL_PATH)/$(NFA)/include
+NFA_CFLAGS += -I$(LOCAL_PATH)/$(NFC)/include
+NFA_CFLAGS += -I$(LOCAL_PATH)/$(UDRV)/include
+NFA_CFLAGS += -I$(LOCAL_PATH)/src/hal/include
+ifneq ($(NCI_VERSION),)
+include $(CLEAR_VARS)
+LOCAL_MODULE:= libnfc-nci
+LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional
+LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := libhardware_legacy libcutils libdl libstlport libhardware
+LOCAL_C_INCLUDES := external/stlport/stlport bionic/ bionic/libstdc++/include
+include $(call all-makefiles-under,$(LOCAL_PATH))
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e051104
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# If you don't need to do a full clean build but would like to touch
+# a file or delete some intermediate files, add a clean step to the end
+# of the list.  These steps will only be run once, if they haven't been
+# run before.
+# E.g.:
+#     $(call add-clean-step, touch -c external/sqlite/sqlite3.h)
+#     $(call add-clean-step, rm -rf $(PRODUCT_OUT)/obj/STATIC_LIBRARIES/libz_intermediates)
+# Always use "touch -c" and "rm -f" or "rm -rf" to gracefully deal with
+# files that are missing or have been moved.
+# Use $(PRODUCT_OUT) to get to the "out/target/product/blah/" directory.
+# Use $(OUT_DIR) to refer to the "out" directory.
+# If you need to re-do something that's already mentioned, just copy
+# the command and add it to the bottom of the list.  E.g., if a change
+# that you made last week required touching a file and a change you
+# made today requires touching the same file, just copy the old
+# touch step and add it to the end of the list.
+# ************************************************
+# ************************************************
+# For example:
+#$(call add-clean-step, rm -rf $(OUT_DIR)/target/common/obj/APPS/AndroidTests_intermediates)
+#$(call add-clean-step, rm -rf $(OUT_DIR)/target/common/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES/core_intermediates)
+#$(call add-clean-step, find $(OUT_DIR) -type f -name "IGTalkSession*" -print0 | xargs -0 rm -f)
+#$(call add-clean-step, rm -rf $(PRODUCT_OUT)/data/*)
+$(call add-clean-step, rm -rf $(PRODUCT_OUT)/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libnfc-nci_intermediates)
+# ************************************************
+# ************************************************
diff --git a/halimpl/ b/halimpl/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfd03be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/halimpl/
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir)
+include $(call all-makefiles-under,$(LOCAL_PATH))
diff --git a/halimpl/bcm2079x/ b/halimpl/bcm2079x/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99cf768
--- /dev/null
+++ b/halimpl/bcm2079x/
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# function to find all *.cpp files under a directory
+define all-cpp-files-under
+$(patsubst ./%,%, \
+  $(shell cd $(LOCAL_PATH) ; \
+          find $(1) -name "*.cpp" -and -not -name ".*") \
+ )
+ifeq ($(TARGET_DEVICE),crespo)
+	HAL_SUFFIX := herring
+# build shared library system/lib/hw/nfc_nci.*.so
+# which is linked by
+LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
+include $(CLEAR_VARS)
+LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-c-files-under, .)  $(call all-cpp-files-under, .)
+LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := liblog libcutils libhardware_legacy libstlport
+LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional
+LOCAL_C_INCLUDES += external/stlport/stlport  bionic/  bionic/libstdc++/include \
+	$(LOCAL_PATH)/include \
+	$(LOCAL_PATH)/gki/ulinux \
+ 	$(LOCAL_PATH)/gki/common \
+	$(LOCAL_PATH)/udrv/include \
+	$(LOCAL_PATH)/hal/include \
+	$(LOCAL_PATH)/hal/int
diff --git a/halimpl/bcm2079x/adaptation/CondVar.cpp b/halimpl/bcm2079x/adaptation/CondVar.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b676942
--- /dev/null
+++ b/halimpl/bcm2079x/adaptation/CondVar.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 2012 Broadcom Corporation
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+ *
+ *  Encapsulate a condition variable for thread synchronization.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#define LOG_TAG "NfcNciHal"
+#include "OverrideLog.h"
+#include "CondVar.h"
+#include <errno.h>
+** Function:        CondVar
+** Description:     Initialize member variables.
+** Returns:         None.
+CondVar::CondVar ()
+    memset (&mCondition, 0, sizeof(mCondition));
+    int const res = pthread_cond_init (&mCondition, NULL);
+    if (res)
+    {
+        ALOGE ("CondVar::CondVar: fail init; error=0x%X", res);
+    }
+** Function:        ~CondVar
+** Description:     Cleanup all resources.
+** Returns:         None.
+CondVar::~CondVar ()
+    int const res = pthread_cond_destroy (&mCondition);
+    if (res)
+    {
+        ALOGE ("CondVar::~CondVar: fail destroy; error=0x%X", res);
+    }
+** Function:        wait
+** Description:     Block the caller and wait for a condition.
+** Returns:         None.
+void CondVar::wait (Mutex& mutex)
+    int const res = pthread_cond_wait (&mCondition, mutex.nativeHandle());
+    if (res)
+    {
+        ALOGE ("CondVar::wait: fail wait; error=0x%X", res);
+    }
+** Function:        wait
+** Description:     Block the caller and wait for a condition.
+**                  millisec: Timeout in milliseconds.
+** Returns:         True if wait is successful; false if timeout occurs.
+bool CondVar::wait (Mutex& mutex, long millisec)
+    bool retVal = false;
+    struct timespec absoluteTime;
+    if (clock_gettime (CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &absoluteTime) == -1)
+    {
+        ALOGE ("CondVar::wait: fail get time; errno=0x%X", errno);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        absoluteTime.tv_sec += millisec / 1000;
+        long ns = absoluteTime.tv_nsec + ((millisec % 1000) * 1000000);
+        if (ns > 1000000000)
+        {
+            absoluteTime.tv_sec++;
+            absoluteTime.tv_nsec = ns - 1000000000;
+        }
+        else
+            absoluteTime.tv_nsec = ns;
+    }
+    //pthread_cond_timedwait_monotonic_np() is an Android-specific function
+    //declared in /development/ndk/platforms/android-9/include/pthread.h;
+    //it uses monotonic clock.
+    //the standard pthread_cond_timedwait() uses realtime clock.
+    int waitResult = pthread_cond_timedwait_monotonic_np (&mCondition, mutex.nativeHandle(), &absoluteTime);
+    if ((waitResult != 0) && (waitResult != ETIMEDOUT))
+        ALOGE ("CondVar::wait: fail timed wait; error=0x%X", waitResult);
+    retVal = (waitResult == 0); //waited successfully
+    return retVal;
+** Function:        notifyOne
+** Description:     Unblock the waiting thread.
+** Returns:         None.
+void CondVar::notifyOne ()
+    int const res = pthread_cond_signal (&mCondition);
+    if (res)
+    {
+        ALOGE ("CondVar::notifyOne: fail signal; error=0x%X", res);
+    }
diff --git a/halimpl/bcm2079x/adaptation/CondVar.h b/halimpl/bcm2079x/adaptation/CondVar.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afa3fbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/halimpl/bcm2079x/adaptation/CondVar.h
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 2012 Broadcom Corporation
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+ *
+ *  Encapsulate a condition variable for thread synchronization.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#pragma once
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include "Mutex.h"
+class CondVar
+    /*******************************************************************************
+    **
+    ** Function:        CondVar
+    **
+    ** Description:     Initialize member variables.
+    **
+    ** Returns:         None.
+    **
+    *******************************************************************************/
+    CondVar ();
+    /*******************************************************************************
+    **
+    ** Function:        ~CondVar
+    **
+    ** Description:     Cleanup all resources.
+    **
+    ** Returns:         None.
+    **
+    *******************************************************************************/
+    ~CondVar ();
+    /*******************************************************************************
+    **
+    ** Function:        wait
+    **
+    ** Description:     Block the caller and wait for a condition.
+    **
+    ** Returns:         None.
+    **
+    *******************************************************************************/
+    void wait (Mutex& mutex);
+    /*******************************************************************************
+    **
+    ** Function:        wait
+    **
+    ** Description:     Block the caller and wait for a condition.
+    **                  millisec: Timeout in milliseconds.
+    **
+    ** Returns:         True if wait is successful; false if timeout occurs.
+    **
+    *******************************************************************************/
+    bool wait (Mutex& mutex, long millisec);
+    /*******************************************************************************
+    **
+    ** Function:        notifyOne
+    **
+    ** Description:     Unblock the waiting thread.
+    **
+    ** Returns:         None.
+    **
+    *******************************************************************************/
+    void notifyOne ();
+    pthread_cond_t mCondition;
diff --git a/halimpl/bcm2079x/adaptation/HalAdaptation.cpp b/halimpl/bcm2079x/adaptation/HalAdaptation.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54b1ae8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/halimpl/bcm2079x/adaptation/HalAdaptation.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 2012 Broadcom Corporation
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+ *
+ *  HAL Adaptation Interface (HAI). This interface regulates the interaction
+ *  between standard Android HAL and Broadcom-specific HAL.  It adapts
+ *  Broadcom-specific features to the Android framework.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#define LOG_TAG "NfcNciHal"
+#include "OverrideLog.h"
+#include "HalAdaptation.h"
+#include "SyncEvent.h"
+#include "config.h"
+#include "nfc_hal_int.h"
+#include "nfc_hal_post_reset.h"
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <pthread.h>
+// private declaration, definition
+static nfc_stack_callback_t* gAndroidHalCallback = NULL;
+static nfc_stack_data_callback_t* gAndroidHalDataCallback = NULL;
+static SyncEvent gOpenCompletedEvent;
+static SyncEvent gPostInitCompletedEvent;
+static SyncEvent gCloseCompletedEvent;
+UINT32 ScrProtocolTraceFlag = SCR_PROTO_TRACE_ALL; //0x017F00;
+static void BroadcomHalCallback (UINT8 event, tHAL_NFC_STATUS status);
+static void BroadcomHalDataCallback (UINT16 data_len, UINT8* p_data);
+int HaiInitializeLibrary (const bcm2079x_dev_t* device)
+    ALOGD ("%s: enter", __FUNCTION__);
+    int retval = EACCES;
+    unsigned long freq = 0;
+    unsigned long num = 0;
+    InitializeGlobalAppLogLevel ();
+    //initialize the crystal frequency
+    if (GetNumValue((char*)NAME_XTAL_FREQUENCY, &freq, sizeof(freq)))
+    {
+        ALOGD("%s: setting xtal frequency=%lu", __FUNCTION__, freq);
+        nfc_post_reset_cb.dev_init_config.xtal_freq = (UINT16) freq;
+        nfc_post_reset_cb.dev_init_config.flags |= NFC_HAL_DEV_INIT_FLAGS_SET_XTAL_FREQ;
+    }
+    // Initialize protocol logging level
+    if ( GetNumValue ( NAME_PROTOCOL_TRACE_LEVEL, &num, sizeof ( num ) ) )
+        ScrProtocolTraceFlag = num;
+    HAL_NfcInitialize ();
+    // Initialize appliation logging level
+    if ( GetNumValue ( NAME_APPL_TRACE_LEVEL, &num, sizeof ( num ) ) ) {
+        HAL_NfcSetTraceLevel(num);
+    }
+    retval = 0;
+    ALOGD ("%s: exit %d", __FUNCTION__, retval);
+    return retval;
+int HaiTerminateLibrary ()
+    int retval = EACCES;
+    ALOGD ("%s: enter", __FUNCTION__);
+    HAL_NfcTerminate ();
+    gAndroidHalCallback = NULL;
+    gAndroidHalDataCallback = NULL;
+    GKI_shutdown ();
+    retval = 0;
+    ALOGD ("%s: exit %d", __FUNCTION__, retval);
+    return retval;
+int HaiOpen (const bcm2079x_dev_t* device, nfc_stack_callback_t* halCallbackFunc, nfc_stack_data_callback_t* halDataCallbackFunc)
+    ALOGD ("%s: enter", __FUNCTION__);
+    int retval = EACCES;
+    gAndroidHalCallback = halCallbackFunc;
+    gAndroidHalDataCallback = halDataCallbackFunc;
+    SyncEventGuard guard (gOpenCompletedEvent);
+    HAL_NfcOpen (BroadcomHalCallback, BroadcomHalDataCallback);
+    gOpenCompletedEvent.wait ();
+    retval = 0;
+    ALOGD ("%s: exit %d", __FUNCTION__, retval);
+    return retval;
+void BroadcomHalCallback (UINT8 event, tHAL_NFC_STATUS status)
+    ALOGD ("%s: enter; event=0x%X", __FUNCTION__, event);
+    switch (event)
+    {
+        {
+            ALOGD ("%s: HAL_NFC_OPEN_CPLT_EVT; status=0x%X", __FUNCTION__, status);
+            SyncEventGuard guard (gOpenCompletedEvent);
+            gOpenCompletedEvent.notifyOne ();
+            break;
+        }
+        {
+            ALOGD ("%s: HAL_NFC_POST_INIT_CPLT_EVT", __FUNCTION__);
+            SyncEventGuard guard (gPostInitCompletedEvent);
+            gPostInitCompletedEvent.notifyOne ();
+            break;
+        }
+        {
+            ALOGD ("%s: HAL_NFC_CLOSE_CPLT_EVT", __FUNCTION__);
+            SyncEventGuard guard (gCloseCompletedEvent);
+            gCloseCompletedEvent.notifyOne ();
+            break;
+        }
+    case HAL_NFC_ERROR_EVT:
+        {
+            ALOGD ("%s: HAL_NFC_ERROR_EVT", __FUNCTION__);
+            {
+                SyncEventGuard guard (gOpenCompletedEvent);
+                gOpenCompletedEvent.notifyOne ();
+            }
+            {
+                SyncEventGuard guard (gPostInitCompletedEvent);
+                gPostInitCompletedEvent.notifyOne ();
+            }
+            {
+                SyncEventGuard guard (gCloseCompletedEvent);
+                gCloseCompletedEvent.notifyOne ();
+            }
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    gAndroidHalCallback (event, status);
+    ALOGD ("%s: exit; event=0x%X", __FUNCTION__, event);
+void BroadcomHalDataCallback (UINT16 data_len, UINT8* p_data)
+    ALOGD ("%s: enter; len=%u", __FUNCTION__, data_len);
+    gAndroidHalDataCallback (data_len, p_data);
+int HaiClose (const bcm2079x_dev_t* device)
+    ALOGD ("%s: enter", __FUNCTION__);
+    int retval = EACCES;
+    SyncEventGuard guard (gCloseCompletedEvent);
+    HAL_NfcClose ();
+    gCloseCompletedEvent.wait ();
+    retval = 0;
+    ALOGD ("%s: exit %d", __FUNCTION__, retval);
+    return retval;
+int HaiCoreInitialized (const bcm2079x_dev_t* device, uint8_t* coreInitResponseParams)
+    ALOGD ("%s: enter", __FUNCTION__);
+    int retval = EACCES;
+    SyncEventGuard guard (gPostInitCompletedEvent);
+    HAL_NfcCoreInitialized (coreInitResponseParams);
+    gPostInitCompletedEvent.wait ();
+    retval = 0;
+    ALOGD ("%s: exit %d", __FUNCTION__, retval);
+    return retval;
+int HaiWrite (const bcm2079x_dev_t* dev, uint16_t dataLen, const uint8_t* data)
+    ALOGD ("%s: enter; len=%u", __FUNCTION__, dataLen);
+    int retval = EACCES;
+    HAL_NfcWrite (dataLen, const_cast<UINT8*> (data));
+    retval = 0;
+    ALOGD ("%s: exit %d", __FUNCTION__, retval);
+    return retval;
+int HaiPreDiscover (const bcm2079x_dev_t* device)
+    ALOGD ("%s: enter", __FUNCTION__);
+    int retval = EACCES;
+    HAL_NfcPreDiscover ();
+    retval = 0;
+    ALOGD ("%s: exit %d", __FUNCTION__, retval);
+    return retval;
+int HaiControlGranted (const bcm2079x_dev_t* device)
+    ALOGD ("%s: enter", __FUNCTION__);
+    int retval = EACCES;
+    HAL_NfcControlGranted ();
+    retval = 0;
+    ALOGD ("%s: exit %d", __FUNCTION__, retval);
+    return retval;
+int HaiPowerCycle (const bcm2079x_dev_t* device)
+    ALOGD ("%s: enter", __FUNCTION__);
+    int retval = EACCES;
+    HAL_NfcPowerCycle ();
+    retval = 0;
+    ALOGD ("%s: exit %d", __FUNCTION__, retval);
+    return retval;
diff --git a/halimpl/bcm2079x/adaptation/Mutex.cpp b/halimpl/bcm2079x/adaptation/Mutex.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37e388d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/halimpl/bcm2079x/adaptation/Mutex.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 2012 Broadcom Corporation
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+ *
+ *  Encapsulate a mutex for thread synchronization.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#define LOG_TAG "NfcNciHal"
+#include "OverrideLog.h"
+#include "Mutex.h"
+#include <errno.h>
+** Function:        Mutex
+** Description:     Initialize member variables.
+** Returns:         None.
+Mutex::Mutex ()
+    memset (&mMutex, 0, sizeof(mMutex));
+    int res = pthread_mutex_init (&mMutex, NULL);
+    if (res != 0)
+    {
+        ALOGE ("Mutex::Mutex: fail init; error=0x%X", res);
+    }
+** Function:        ~Mutex
+** Description:     Cleanup all resources.
+** Returns:         None.
+Mutex::~Mutex ()
+    int res = pthread_mutex_destroy (&mMutex);
+    if (res != 0)
+    {
+        ALOGE ("Mutex::~Mutex: fail destroy; error=0x%X", res);
+    }
+** Function:        lock
+** Description:     Block the thread and try lock the mutex.
+** Returns:         None.
+void Mutex::lock ()
+    int res = pthread_mutex_lock (&mMutex);
+    if (res != 0)
+    {
+        ALOGE ("Mutex::lock: fail lock; error=0x%X", res);
+    }
+** Function:        unlock
+** Description:     Unlock a mutex to unblock a thread.
+** Returns:         None.
+void Mutex::unlock ()
+    int res = pthread_mutex_unlock (&mMutex);
+    if (res != 0)
+    {
+        ALOGE ("Mutex::unlock: fail unlock; error=0x%X", res);
+    }
+** Function:        tryLock
+** Description:     Try to lock the mutex.
+** Returns:         True if the mutex is locked.
+bool Mutex::tryLock ()
+    int res = pthread_mutex_trylock (&mMutex);
+    if ((res != 0) && (res != EBUSY))
+    {
+        ALOGE ("Mutex::tryLock: error=0x%X", res);
+    }
+    return res == 0;
+** Function:        nativeHandle
+** Description:     Get the handle of the mutex.
+** Returns:         Handle of the mutex.
+pthread_mutex_t* Mutex::nativeHandle ()
+    return &mMutex;
diff --git a/halimpl/bcm2079x/adaptation/Mutex.h b/halimpl/bcm2079x/adaptation/Mutex.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5091894
--- /dev/null
+++ b/halimpl/bcm2079x/adaptation/Mutex.h
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 2012 Broadcom Corporation
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+ *
+ *  Encapsulate a mutex for thread synchronization.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#pragma once
+#include <pthread.h>
+class Mutex
+    /*******************************************************************************
+    **
+    ** Function:        Mutex
+    **
+    ** Description:     Initialize member variables.
+    **
+    ** Returns:         None.
+    **
+    *******************************************************************************/
+    Mutex ();
+    /*******************************************************************************
+    **
+    ** Function:        ~Mutex
+    **
+    ** Description:     Cleanup all resources.
+    **
+    ** Returns:         None.
+    **
+    *******************************************************************************/
+    ~Mutex ();
+    /*******************************************************************************
+    **
+    ** Function:        lock
+    **
+    ** Description:     Block the thread and try lock the mutex.
+    **
+    ** Returns:         None.
+    **
+    *******************************************************************************/
+    void lock ();
+    /*******************************************************************************
+    **
+    ** Function:        unlock
+    **
+    ** Description:     Unlock a mutex to unblock a thread.
+    **
+    ** Returns:         None.
+    **
+    *******************************************************************************/
+    void unlock ();
+    /*******************************************************************************
+    **
+    ** Function:        tryLock
+    **
+    ** Description:     Try to lock the mutex.
+    **
+    ** Returns:         True if the mutex is locked.
+    **
+    *******************************************************************************/
+    bool tryLock ();
+    /*******************************************************************************
+    **
+    ** Function:        nativeHandle
+    **
+    ** Description:     Get the handle of the mutex.
+    **
+    ** Returns:         Handle of the mutex.
+    **
+    *******************************************************************************/
+    pthread_mutex_t* nativeHandle ();
+    pthread_mutex_t mMutex;
diff --git a/halimpl/bcm2079x/adaptation/NonVolatileStore.cpp b/halimpl/bcm2079x/adaptation/NonVolatileStore.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e007a2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/halimpl/bcm2079x/adaptation/NonVolatileStore.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 1999-2012 Broadcom Corporation
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#include "OverrideLog.h"
+#include "gki.h"
+extern "C"
+    #include "nfc_hal_nv_co.h"
+#include "nfc_hal_nv_ci.h"
+#include "nfc_hal_int.h"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <string>
+//directory of HAL's non-volatile storage
+static const char* bcm_nfc_location = "/data/nfc";
+static const char* filename_prefix = "/halStorage.bin";
+** Function         nfc_hal_nv_co_read
+** Description      This function is called by NFA to read in data from the
+**                  previously opened file.
+** Parameters       p_buf   - buffer to read the data into.
+**                  nbytes  - number of bytes to read into the buffer.
+** Returns          void
+**                  Note: Upon completion of the request, nfc_hal_nv_ci_read () is
+**                        called with the buffer of data, along with the number
+**                        of bytes read into the buffer, and a status.  The
+**                        call-in function should only be called when ALL requested
+**                        bytes have been read, the end of file has been detected,
+**                        or an error has occurred.
+void nfc_hal_nv_co_read (UINT8 *p_buf, UINT16 nbytes, UINT8 block)
+    std::string fn (bcm_nfc_location);
+    char filename[256];
+    fn.append (filename_prefix);
+    if (fn.length() > 200)
+    {
+        ALOGE ("%s: filename too long", __FUNCTION__);
+        return;
+    }
+    sprintf (filename, "%s%u", fn.c_str(), block);
+    ALOGD ("%s: buffer len=%u; file=%s", __FUNCTION__, nbytes, filename);
+    int fileStream = open (filename, O_RDONLY);
+    if (fileStream > 0)
+    {
+        size_t actualRead = read (fileStream, p_buf, nbytes);
+        if (actualRead > 0)
+        {
+            ALOGD ("%s: read bytes=%u", __FUNCTION__, actualRead);
+            nfc_hal_nv_ci_read (actualRead, NFC_HAL_NV_CO_OK, block);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            ALOGE ("%s: fail to read", __FUNCTION__);
+            nfc_hal_nv_ci_read (actualRead, NFC_HAL_NV_CO_FAIL, block);
+        }
+        close (fileStream);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        ALOGD ("%s: fail to open", __FUNCTION__);
+        nfc_hal_nv_ci_read (0, NFC_HAL_NV_CO_FAIL, block);
+    }
+** Function         nfc_hal_nv_co_write
+** Description      This function is called by io to send file data to the
+**                  phone.
+** Parameters       p_buf   - buffer to read the data from.
+**                  nbytes  - number of bytes to write out to the file.
+** Returns          void
+**                  Note: Upon completion of the request, nfc_hal_nv_ci_write () is
+**                        called with the file descriptor and the status.  The
+**                        call-in function should only be called when ALL requested
+**                        bytes have been written, or an error has been detected,
+void nfc_hal_nv_co_write (const UINT8 *p_buf, UINT16 nbytes, UINT8 block)
+    std::string fn (bcm_nfc_location);
+    char filename[256];
+    int fileStream = 0;
+    fn.append (filename_prefix);
+    if (fn.length() > 200)
+    {
+        ALOGE ("%s: filename too long", __FUNCTION__);
+        return;
+    }
+    sprintf (filename, "%s%u", fn.c_str(), block);
+    ALOGD ("%s: bytes=%u; file=%s", __FUNCTION__, nbytes, filename);
+    fileStream = open (filename, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);
+    if (fileStream > 0)
+    {
+        size_t actualWritten = write (fileStream, p_buf, nbytes);
+        ALOGD ("%s: %d bytes written", __FUNCTION__, actualWritten);
+        if (actualWritten > 0) {
+            nfc_hal_nv_ci_write (NFC_HAL_NV_CO_OK);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            ALOGE ("%s: fail to write", __FUNCTION__);
+            nfc_hal_nv_ci_write (NFC_HAL_NV_CO_FAIL);
+        }
+        close (fileStream);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        ALOGE ("%s: fail to open, error = %d", __FUNCTION__, errno);
+        nfc_hal_nv_ci_write (NFC_HAL_NV_CO_FAIL);
+    }
diff --git a/halimpl/bcm2079x/adaptation/OverrideLog.cpp b/halimpl/bcm2079x/adaptation/OverrideLog.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc41b4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/halimpl/bcm2079x/adaptation/OverrideLog.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 2012 Broadcom Corporation
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+ *
+ *  Override the ALOGD(), ALOGE(), and other logging macros from
+ *  /system/core/include/cutils/log.h
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#include "OverrideLog.h"
+#include <cutils/properties.h>
+#include "config.h"
+#define LOG_TAG "NfcNciHal"
+unsigned char appl_trace_level = BT_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG;
+** Function:        InitializeGlobalAppLogLevel
+** Description:     Initialize and get global logging level from
+**                  Android property nfc.app_log_level.
+** Returns:         Global log level:
+**                  BT_TRACE_LEVEL_NONE    0        * No trace messages to be generated
+**                  BT_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR   1        * Error condition trace messages
+**                  BT_TRACE_LEVEL_WARNING 2        * Warning condition trace messages
+**                  BT_TRACE_LEVEL_API     3        * API traces
+**                  BT_TRACE_LEVEL_EVENT   4        * Debug messages for events
+**                  BT_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG   5        * Debug messages (general)
+unsigned char InitializeGlobalAppLogLevel ()
+    unsigned long num = 0;
+    char valueStr [PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX] = {0};
+    GetNumValue (NAME_APPL_TRACE_LEVEL, &num, sizeof(num));
+    appl_trace_level = (unsigned char) num;
+    int len = property_get ("nfc.app_log_level", valueStr, "");
+    if (len > 0)
+    {
+        //let Android property override default value
+        sscanf (valueStr, "%lu", &num);
+        appl_trace_level = (unsigned char) num;
+    }
+    //0xFF is a special value used by the stack to query the current
+    //trace level; it does not change any trace level
+    if (appl_trace_level == 0xFF)
+        appl_trace_level = BT_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG;
+    ALOGD ("%s: level=%u", __FUNCTION__, appl_trace_level);
+    return appl_trace_level;
diff --git a/halimpl/bcm2079x/adaptation/SyncEvent.h b/halimpl/bcm2079x/adaptation/SyncEvent.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a56aca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/halimpl/bcm2079x/adaptation/SyncEvent.h
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 2012 Broadcom Corporation
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+ *
+ *  Synchronize two or more threads using a condition variable and a mutex.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#pragma once
+#include "CondVar.h"
+#include "Mutex.h"
+class SyncEvent
+    /*******************************************************************************
+    **
+    ** Function:        ~SyncEvent
+    **
+    ** Description:     Cleanup all resources.
+    **
+    ** Returns:         None.
+    **
+    *******************************************************************************/
+    ~SyncEvent ()
+    {
+    }
+    /*******************************************************************************
+    **
+    ** Function:        start
+    **
+    ** Description:     Start a synchronization operation.
+    **
+    ** Returns:         None.
+    **
+    *******************************************************************************/
+    void start ()
+    {
+        mMutex.lock ();
+    }
+    /*******************************************************************************
+    **
+    ** Function:        wait
+    **
+    ** Description:     Block the thread and wait for the event to occur.
+    **
+    ** Returns:         None.
+    **
+    *******************************************************************************/
+    void wait ()
+    {
+        mCondVar.wait (mMutex);
+    }
+    /*******************************************************************************
+    **
+    ** Function:        wait
+    **
+    ** Description:     Block the thread and wait for the event to occur.
+    **                  millisec: Timeout in milliseconds.
+    **
+    ** Returns:         True if wait is successful; false if timeout occurs.
+    **
+    *******************************************************************************/
+    bool wait (long millisec)
+    {
+        bool retVal = mCondVar.wait (mMutex, millisec);
+        return retVal;
+    }
+    /*******************************************************************************
+    **
+    ** Function:        notifyOne
+    **
+    ** Description:     Notify a blocked thread that the event has occured. Unblocks it.
+    **
+    ** Returns:         None.
+    **
+    *******************************************************************************/
+    void notifyOne ()
+    {
+        mCondVar.notifyOne ();
+    }
+    /*******************************************************************************
+    **
+    ** Function:        end
+    **
+    ** Description:     End a synchronization operation.
+    **
+    ** Returns:         None.
+    **
+    *******************************************************************************/
+    void end ()
+    {
+        mMutex.unlock ();
+    }
+    CondVar mCondVar;
+    Mutex mMutex;
+**  Name:           SyncEventGuard
+**  Description:    Automatically start and end a synchronization event.
+class SyncEventGuard
+    /*******************************************************************************
+    **
+    ** Function:        SyncEventGuard
+    **
+    ** Description:     Start a synchronization operation.
+    **
+    ** Returns:         None.
+    **
+    *******************************************************************************/
+    SyncEventGuard (SyncEvent& event)
+    :   mEvent (event)
+    {
+        event.start (); //automatically start operation
+    };
+    /*******************************************************************************
+    **
+    ** Function:        ~SyncEventGuard
+    **
+    ** Description:     End a synchronization operation.
+    **
+    ** Returns:         None.
+    **
+    *******************************************************************************/
+    ~SyncEventGuard ()
+    {
+        mEvent.end (); //automatically end operation
+    };
+    SyncEvent& mEvent;
diff --git a/halimpl/bcm2079x/adaptation/android_logmsg.cpp b/halimpl/bcm2079x/adaptation/android_logmsg.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec092f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/halimpl/bcm2079x/adaptation/android_logmsg.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 1999-2012 Broadcom Corporation
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#include "OverrideLog.h"
+extern "C"
+    #include "nfc_hal_target.h"
+#include <cutils/log.h>
+    #define BTE_LOG_BUF_SIZE  1024
+#define MAX_NCI_PACKET_SIZE  259
+#define MAX_LOGCAT_LINE     4096
+static char log_line[MAX_LOGCAT_LINE];
+static const char* sTable = "0123456789abcdef";
+extern UINT32 ScrProtocolTraceFlag;         // = SCR_PROTO_TRACE_ALL; // 0x017F;
+extern "C"
+    void DispNci (UINT8 *p, UINT16 len, BOOLEAN is_recv);
+    void DispHciCmd (BT_HDR *p_buf);
+    void DispHciEvt (BT_HDR *p_buf);
+void LogMsg (UINT32 trace_set_mask, const char *fmt_str, ...)
+    static char buffer [BTE_LOG_BUF_SIZE];
+    va_list ap;
+    UINT32 trace_type = trace_set_mask & 0x07; //lower 3 bits contain trace type
+    int android_log_type = ANDROID_LOG_INFO;
+    va_start (ap, fmt_str);
+    vsnprintf (buffer, BTE_LOG_MAX_SIZE, fmt_str, ap);
+    va_end (ap);
+    if (trace_type == TRACE_TYPE_ERROR)
+        android_log_type = ANDROID_LOG_ERROR;
+    __android_log_write (android_log_type, "NfcNciHal", buffer);
+void DispNci (UINT8 *data, UINT16 len, BOOLEAN is_recv)
+    if (!(ScrProtocolTraceFlag & SCR_PROTO_TRACE_NCI))
+        return;
+    char line_buf[(MAX_NCI_PACKET_SIZE*2)+1];
+    int i,j;
+    for(i = 0, j = 0; i < len && j < sizeof(line_buf)-3; i++)
+    {
+        line_buf[j++] = sTable[(*data >> 4) & 0xf];
+        line_buf[j++] = sTable[*data & 0xf];
+        data++;
+    }
+    line_buf[j] = '\0';
+    __android_log_write(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, (is_recv) ? "BrcmNciR": "BrcmNciX", line_buf);
+void DispHciCmd (BT_HDR *p_buf)
+    int i,j;
+    int nBytes = ((BT_HDR_SIZE + p_buf->offset + p_buf->len)*2)+1;
+    UINT8 * data = (UINT8*) p_buf;
+    int data_len = BT_HDR_SIZE + p_buf->offset + p_buf->len;
+    if (appl_trace_level < BT_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG)
+        return;
+    if (nBytes > sizeof(log_line))
+        return;
+    for(i = 0, j = 0; i < data_len && j < sizeof(log_line)-3; i++)
+    {
+        log_line[j++] = sTable[(*data >> 4) & 0xf];
+        log_line[j++] = sTable[*data & 0xf];
+        data++;
+    }
+    log_line[j] = '\0';
+    __android_log_write(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, "BrcmHciX", log_line);
+void DispHciEvt (BT_HDR *p_buf)
+    int i,j;
+    int nBytes = ((BT_HDR_SIZE + p_buf->offset + p_buf->len)*2)+1;
+    UINT8 * data = (UINT8*) p_buf;
+    int data_len = BT_HDR_SIZE + p_buf->offset + p_buf->len;
+    if (appl_trace_level < BT_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG)
+        return;
+    if (nBytes > sizeof(log_line))
+        return;
+    for(i = 0, j = 0; i < data_len && j < sizeof(log_line)-3; i++)
+    {
+        log_line[j++] = sTable[(*data >> 4) & 0xf];
+        log_line[j++] = sTable[*data & 0xf];
+        data++;
+    }
+    log_line[j] = '\0';
+    __android_log_write(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, "BrcmHciR", log_line);
diff --git a/halimpl/bcm2079x/adaptation/config.cpp b/halimpl/bcm2079x/adaptation/config.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c96fdd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/halimpl/bcm2079x/adaptation/config.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,751 @@
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Broadcom Corporation
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#include "OverrideLog.h"
+#include "config.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <list>
+#define LOG_TAG "NfcNciHal"
+const char alternative_config_path[] = "/data/nfc/";
+const char alternative_config_path[] = "";
+const char transport_config_path[] = "/etc/";
+#define config_name             "libnfc-brcm.conf"
+#define extra_config_base       "libnfc-brcm-"
+#define extra_config_ext        ".conf"
+#define     IsStringValue       0x80000000
+using namespace::std;
+class CNfcParam : public string
+    CNfcParam();
+    CNfcParam(const char* name, const string& value);
+    CNfcParam(const char* name, unsigned long value);
+    virtual ~CNfcParam();
+    unsigned long numValue() const {return m_numValue;}
+    const char*   str_value() const {return m_str_value.c_str();}
+    size_t        str_len() const   {return m_str_value.length();}
+    string          m_str_value;
+    unsigned long   m_numValue;
+class CNfcConfig : public vector<const CNfcParam*>
+    virtual ~CNfcConfig();
+    static CNfcConfig& GetInstance();
+    friend void readOptionalConfig(const char* optional);
+    bool    getValue(const char* name, char* pValue, size_t len) const;
+    bool    getValue(const char* name, unsigned long& rValue) const;
+    bool    getValue(const char* name, unsigned short & rValue) const;
+    const CNfcParam*    find(const char* p_name) const;
+    void    clean();
+    CNfcConfig();
+    bool    readConfig(const char* name, bool bResetContent);
+    void    moveFromList();
+    void    moveToList();
+    void    add(const CNfcParam* pParam);
+    list<const CNfcParam*> m_list;
+    bool    mValidFile;
+    unsigned long   state;
+    inline bool Is(unsigned long f) {return (state & f) == f;}
+    inline void Set(unsigned long f) {state |= f;}
+    inline void Reset(unsigned long f) {state &= ~f;}
+** Function:    isPrintable()
+** Description: detremine if a char is printable
+** Returns:     none
+inline bool isPrintable(char c)
+    return  (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') ||
+            (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') ||
+            (c >= '0' && c <= '9') ||
+            c == '/' || c == '_' || c == '-' || c == '.';
+** Function:    isDigit()
+** Description: detremine if a char is numeral digit
+** Returns:     none
+inline bool isDigit(char c, int base)
+    if ('0' <= c && c <= '9')
+        return true;
+    if (base == 16)
+    {
+        if (('A' <= c && c <= 'F') ||
+            ('a' <= c && c <= 'f') )
+            return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+** Function:    getDigitValue()
+** Description: return numercal value of a char
+** Returns:     none
+inline int getDigitValue(char c, int base)
+    if ('0' <= c && c <= '9')
+        return c - '0';
+    if (base == 16)
+    {
+        if ('A' <= c && c <= 'F')
+            return c - 'A' + 10;
+        else if ('a' <= c && c <= 'f')
+            return c - 'a' + 10;
+    }
+    return 0;
+** Function:    CNfcConfig::readConfig()
+** Description: read Config settings and parse them into a linked list
+**              move the element from linked list to a array at the end
+** Returns:     none
+bool CNfcConfig::readConfig(const char* name, bool bResetContent)
+    enum {
+        BEGIN_LINE = 1,
+        TOKEN,
+        STR_VALUE,
+        NUM_VALUE,
+        BEGIN_HEX,
+        BEGIN_QUOTE,
+        END_LINE
+    };
+    FILE*   fd = NULL;
+    string  token;
+    string  strValue;
+    unsigned long    numValue = 0;
+    CNfcParam* pParam = NULL;
+    int     i = 0;
+    int     base = 0;
+    char    c = 0;
+    state = BEGIN_LINE;
+    /* open config file, read it into a buffer */
+    if ((fd = fopen(name, "rb")) == NULL)
+    {
+        ALOGD("%s Cannot open config file %s\n", __func__, name);
+        if (bResetContent)
+        {
+            ALOGD("%s Using default value for all settings\n", __func__);
+        mValidFile = false;
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    ALOGD("%s Opened %s config %s\n", __func__, (bResetContent ? "base" : "optional"), name);
+    mValidFile = true;
+    if (size() > 0)
+    {
+        if (bResetContent)
+        clean();
+        else
+            moveToList();
+    }
+    while (!feof(fd) && fread(&c, 1, 1, fd) == 1)
+    {
+        switch (state & 0xff)
+        {
+        case BEGIN_LINE:
+            if (c == '#')
+                state = END_LINE;
+            else if (isPrintable(c))
+            {
+                i = 0;
+                token.erase();
+                strValue.erase();
+                state = TOKEN;
+                token.push_back(c);
+            }
+            break;
+        case TOKEN:
+            if (c == '=')
+            {
+                token.push_back('\0');
+                state = BEGIN_QUOTE;
+            }
+            else if (isPrintable(c))
+                token.push_back(c);
+            else
+                state = END_LINE;
+            break;
+        case BEGIN_QUOTE:
+            if (c == '"')
+            {
+                state = STR_VALUE;
+                base = 0;
+            }
+            else if (c == '0')
+                state = BEGIN_HEX;
+            else if (isDigit(c, 10))
+            {
+                state = NUM_VALUE;
+                base = 10;
+                numValue = getDigitValue(c, base);
+                i = 0;
+            }
+            else if (c == '{')
+            {
+                state = NUM_VALUE;
+                base = 16;
+                i = 0;
+                Set(IsStringValue);
+            }
+            else
+                state = END_LINE;
+            break;
+        case BEGIN_HEX:
+            if (c == 'x' || c == 'X')
+            {
+                state = NUM_VALUE;
+                base = 16;
+                numValue = 0;
+                i = 0;
+                break;
+            }
+            else if (isDigit(c, 10))
+            {
+                state = NUM_VALUE;
+                base = 10;
+                numValue = getDigitValue(c, base);
+                break;
+            }
+            else if (c != '\n' && c != '\r')
+            {
+                state = END_LINE;
+                break;
+            }
+            // fal through to numValue to handle numValue
+        case NUM_VALUE:
+            if (isDigit(c, base))
+            {
+                numValue *= base;
+                numValue += getDigitValue(c, base);
+                ++i;
+            }
+            else if (base == 16 && (c == ':' || c == '-' || c == ' ' || c == '}'))
+            {
+                if (i > 0)
+                {
+                    int n = (i+1) / 2;
+                    while (n-- > 0)
+                    {
+                        unsigned char c = (numValue >> (n * 8))  & 0xFF;
+                        strValue.push_back(c);
+                    }
+                }
+                Set(IsStringValue);
+                numValue = 0;
+                i = 0;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                if (c == '\n' || c == '\r')
+                    state = BEGIN_LINE;
+                else
+                    state = END_LINE;
+                if (Is(IsStringValue) && base == 16 && i > 0)
+                {
+                    int n = (i+1) / 2;
+                    while (n-- > 0)
+                        strValue.push_back(((numValue >> (n * 8))  & 0xFF));
+                }
+                if (strValue.length() > 0)
+                    pParam = new CNfcParam(token.c_str(), strValue);
+                else
+                    pParam = new CNfcParam(token.c_str(), numValue);
+                add(pParam);
+                strValue.erase();
+                numValue = 0;
+            }
+            break;
+        case STR_VALUE:
+            if (c == '"')
+            {
+                strValue.push_back('\0');
+                state = END_LINE;
+                pParam = new CNfcParam(token.c_str(), strValue);
+                add(pParam);
+            }
+            else if (isPrintable(c))
+                strValue.push_back(c);
+            break;
+        case END_LINE:
+            if (c == '\n' || c == '\r')
+                state = BEGIN_LINE;
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    fclose(fd);
+    moveFromList();
+    return size() > 0;
+** Function:    CNfcConfig::CNfcConfig()
+** Description: class constructor
+** Returns:     none
+CNfcConfig::CNfcConfig() :
+    mValidFile(true)
+** Function:    CNfcConfig::~CNfcConfig()
+** Description: class destructor
+** Returns:     none
+** Function:    CNfcConfig::GetInstance()
+** Description: get class singleton object
+** Returns:     none
+CNfcConfig& CNfcConfig::GetInstance()
+    static CNfcConfig theInstance;
+    if (theInstance.size() == 0 && theInstance.mValidFile)
+    {
+        string strPath;
+        if (alternative_config_path[0] != '\0')
+        {
+            strPath.assign(alternative_config_path);
+            strPath += config_name;
+            theInstance.readConfig(strPath.c_str(), true);
+            if (!theInstance.empty())
+            {
+                return theInstance;
+        }
+        }
+        strPath.assign(transport_config_path);
+        strPath += config_name;
+        theInstance.readConfig(strPath.c_str(), true);
+    }
+    return theInstance;
+** Function:    CNfcConfig::getValue()
+** Description: get a string value of a setting
+** Returns:     true if setting exists
+**              false if setting does not exist
+bool CNfcConfig::getValue(const char* name, char* pValue, size_t len) const
+    const CNfcParam* pParam = find(name);
+    if (pParam == NULL)
+        return false;
+    if (pParam->str_len() > 0)
+    {
+        memset(pValue, 0, len);
+        memcpy(pValue, pParam->str_value(), pParam->str_len());
+        return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+** Function:    CNfcConfig::getValue()
+** Description: get a long numerical value of a setting
+** Returns:     true if setting exists
+**              false if setting does not exist
+bool CNfcConfig::getValue(const char* name, unsigned long& rValue) const
+    const CNfcParam* pParam = find(name);
+    if (pParam == NULL)
+        return false;
+    if (pParam->str_len() == 0)
+    {
+        rValue = static_cast<unsigned long>(pParam->numValue());
+        return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+** Function:    CNfcConfig::getValue()
+** Description: get a short numerical value of a setting
+** Returns:     true if setting exists
+**              false if setting does not exist
+bool CNfcConfig::getValue(const char* name, unsigned short& rValue) const
+    const CNfcParam* pParam = find(name);
+    if (pParam == NULL)
+        return false;
+    if (pParam->str_len() == 0)
+    {
+        rValue = static_cast<unsigned short>(pParam->numValue());
+        return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+** Function:    CNfcConfig::find()
+** Description: search if a setting exist in the setting array
+** Returns:     pointer to the setting object
+const CNfcParam* CNfcConfig::find(const char* p_name) const
+    if (size() == 0)
+        return NULL;
+    for (const_iterator it = begin(), itEnd = end(); it != itEnd; ++it)
+    {
+        if (**it < p_name)
+            continue;
+        else if (**it == p_name)
+        {
+            if((*it)->str_len() > 0)
+                ALOGD("%s found %s=%s\n", __func__, p_name, (*it)->str_value());
+            else
+                ALOGD("%s found %s=(0x%lX)\n", __func__, p_name, (*it)->numValue());
+            return *it;
+        }
+        else
+            break;
+    }
+    return NULL;
+** Function:    CNfcConfig::clean()
+** Description: reset the setting array
+** Returns:     none
+void CNfcConfig::clean()
+    if (size() == 0)
+        return;
+    for (iterator it = begin(), itEnd = end(); it != itEnd; ++it)
+        delete *it;
+    clear();
+** Function:    CNfcConfig::Add()
+** Description: add a setting object to the list
+** Returns:     none
+void CNfcConfig::add(const CNfcParam* pParam)
+    if (m_list.size() == 0)
+    {
+        m_list.push_back(pParam);
+        return;
+    }
+    for (list<const CNfcParam*>::iterator it = m_list.begin(), itEnd = m_list.end(); it != itEnd; ++it)
+    {
+        if (**it < pParam->c_str())
+            continue;
+        m_list.insert(it, pParam);
+        return;
+    }
+    m_list.push_back(pParam);
+** Function:    CNfcConfig::moveFromList()
+** Description: move the setting object from list to array
+** Returns:     none
+void CNfcConfig::moveFromList()
+    if (m_list.size() == 0)
+        return;
+    for (list<const CNfcParam*>::iterator it = m_list.begin(), itEnd = m_list.end(); it != itEnd; ++it)
+        push_back(*it);
+    m_list.clear();
+** Function:    CNfcConfig::moveToList()
+** Description: move the setting object from array to list
+** Returns:     none
+void CNfcConfig::moveToList()
+    if (m_list.size() != 0)
+        m_list.clear();
+    for (iterator it = begin(), itEnd = end(); it != itEnd; ++it)
+        m_list.push_back(*it);
+    clear();
+** Function:    CNfcParam::CNfcParam()
+** Description: class constructor
+** Returns:     none
+CNfcParam::CNfcParam() :
+    m_numValue(0)
+** Function:    CNfcParam::~CNfcParam()
+** Description: class destructor
+** Returns:     none
+** Function:    CNfcParam::CNfcParam()
+** Description: class copy constructor
+** Returns:     none
+CNfcParam::CNfcParam(const char* name,  const string& value) :
+    string(name),
+    m_str_value(value),
+    m_numValue(0)
+** Function:    CNfcParam::CNfcParam()
+** Description: class copy constructor
+** Returns:     none
+CNfcParam::CNfcParam(const char* name,  unsigned long value) :
+    string(name),
+    m_numValue(value)
+** Function:    GetStrValue
+** Description: API function for getting a string value of a setting
+** Returns:     none
+extern "C" int GetStrValue(const char* name, char* pValue, unsigned long len)
+    CNfcConfig& rConfig = CNfcConfig::GetInstance();
+    return rConfig.getValue(name, pValue, len);
+** Function:    GetNumValue
+** Description: API function for getting a numerical value of a setting
+** Returns:     none
+extern "C" int GetNumValue(const char* name, void* pValue, unsigned long len)
+    if (!pValue)
+        return false;
+    CNfcConfig& rConfig = CNfcConfig::GetInstance();
+    const CNfcParam* pParam = rConfig.find(name);
+    if (pParam == NULL)
+        return false;
+    unsigned long v = pParam->numValue();
+    if (v == 0 && pParam->str_len() > 0 && pParam->str_len() < 4)
+    {
+        const unsigned char* p = (const unsigned char*)pParam->str_value();
+        for (size_t i = 0 ; i < pParam->str_len(); ++i)
+        {
+            v *= 256;
+            v += *p++;
+        }
+    }
+    switch (len)
+    {
+    case sizeof(unsigned long):
+        *(static_cast<unsigned long*>(pValue)) = (unsigned long)v;
+        break;
+    case sizeof(unsigned short):
+        *(static_cast<unsigned short*>(pValue)) = (unsigned short)v;
+        break;
+    case sizeof(unsigned char):
+        *(static_cast<unsigned char*> (pValue)) = (unsigned char)v;
+        break;
+    default:
+        return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+** Function:    resetConfig
+** Description: reset settings array
+** Returns:     none
+extern void resetConfig()
+    CNfcConfig& rConfig = CNfcConfig::GetInstance();
+    rConfig.clean();
+** Function:    readOptionalConfig()
+** Description: read Config settings from an optional conf file
+** Returns:     none
+void readOptionalConfig(const char* extra)
+    string strPath;
+    strPath.assign(transport_config_path);
+    if (alternative_config_path[0] != '\0')
+        strPath.assign(alternative_config_path);
+    strPath += extra_config_base;
+    strPath += extra;
+    strPath += extra_config_ext;
+    CNfcConfig::GetInstance().readConfig(strPath.c_str(), false);
diff --git a/halimpl/bcm2079x/adaptation/patchram.cpp b/halimpl/bcm2079x/adaptation/patchram.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..273de90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/halimpl/bcm2079x/adaptation/patchram.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,501 @@
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 1999-2012 Broadcom Corporation
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#include "OverrideLog.h"
+#include "config.h"
+#include "nfc_hal_int.h"
+#include "userial.h"
+extern "C"
+    #include "nfc_hal_post_reset.h"
+#include <string>
+#include "spdhelper.h"
+#define LOG_TAG "NfcNciHal"
+/* Location of patchfiles */
+#define NFCA_PATCHFILE_LOCATION ("/system/vendor/firmware/")
+#define FW_PRE_PATCH                        "FW_PRE_PATCH"
+#define FW_PATCH                            "FW_PATCH"
+#define NFA_CONFIG_FORMAT                   "NFA_CONFIG_FORMAT"
+#define MAX_RF_DATA_CREDITS                 "MAX_RF_DATA_CREDITS"
+#define MAX_BUFFER      (512)
+static char sPrePatchFn[MAX_BUFFER+1];
+static char sPatchFn[MAX_BUFFER+1];
+static void * sPrmBuf = NULL;
+static void * sI2cFixPrmBuf = NULL;
+static UINT8 nfa_dm_start_up_cfg[NFA_DM_START_UP_CFG_PARAM_MAX_LEN];
+extern UINT8 *p_nfc_hal_dm_start_up_cfg;
+static UINT8 nfa_dm_start_up_vsc_cfg[NFA_DM_START_UP_CFG_PARAM_MAX_LEN];
+extern UINT8 *p_nfc_hal_dm_start_up_vsc_cfg;
+extern UINT8 *p_nfc_hal_dm_lptd_cfg;
+static UINT8 nfa_dm_lptd_cfg[LPTD_PARAM_LEN];
+extern tSNOOZE_MODE_CONFIG gSnoozeModeCfg;
+extern BOOLEAN nfc_hal_prm_nvm_required; //true: don't download firmware if controller cannot detect EERPOM
+static void HalNciCallback (tNFC_HAL_NCI_EVT event, UINT16 data_len, UINT8 *p_data);
+tNFC_POST_RESET_CB nfc_post_reset_cb =
+    "/vendor/firmware/bcm2079x_firmware.ncd",
+    NULL,
+    "/vendor/firmware/bcm2079x_pre_firmware.ncd",
+    NULL,
+    {0, 0},                     /* tBRCM_DEV_INIT_CONFIG dev_init_config */
+    NFC_HAL_LP_SNOOZE_MODE_NONE,    /* Snooze Mode          */
+    NFC_HAL_LP_IDLE_THRESHOLD_HOST, /* Idle Threshold Host  */
+    NFC_HAL_LP_IDLE_THRESHOLD_HC,   /* Idle Threshold HC    */
+    NFC_HAL_LP_ACTIVE_LOW,          /* NFC_WAKE Active Mode */
+    NFC_HAL_LP_ACTIVE_HIGH          /* DH_WAKE Active Mode  */
+** Function         getFileLength
+** Description      return the size of a file
+** Returns          file size in number of bytes
+static long getFileLength(FILE* fp)
+    long sz;
+    fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_END);
+    sz = ftell(fp);
+    fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_SET);
+    return sz;
+** Function         isFileExist
+** Description      Check if file name exists (android does not support fexists)
+** Returns          TRUE if file exists
+static BOOLEAN isFileExist(const char *pFilename)
+    FILE *pf;
+    if ((pf = fopen(pFilename, "r")) != NULL)
+    {
+        fclose(pf);
+        return TRUE;
+    }
+    return FALSE;
+** Function         findPatchramFile
+** Description      Find the patchram file name specified in the .conf
+** Returns          pointer to the file name
+static const char* findPatchramFile(const char * pConfigName, char * pBuffer, int bufferLen)
+    ALOGD("%s: config=%s", __FUNCTION__, pConfigName);
+    if (pConfigName == NULL)
+    {
+        ALOGD("%s No patchfile defined\n", __FUNCTION__);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    if (GetStrValue(pConfigName, &pBuffer[0], bufferLen))
+    {
+        ALOGD("%s found patchfile %s\n", __FUNCTION__, pBuffer);
+        return (pBuffer[0] == '\0') ? NULL : pBuffer;
+    }
+    ALOGD("%s Cannot find patchfile '%s'\n", __FUNCTION__, pConfigName);
+    return NULL;
+** Function:    continueAfterSetSnoozeMode
+** Description: Called after Snooze Mode is enabled.
+** Returns:     none
+static void continueAfterSetSnoozeMode(tHAL_NFC_STATUS status)
+    ALOGD("%s: status=%u", __FUNCTION__, status);
+    if (status == NCI_STATUS_OK)
+        HAL_NfcPreInitDone (HAL_NFC_STATUS_OK);
+    else
+        HAL_NfcPreInitDone (HAL_NFC_STATUS_FAILED);
+** Function:    postDownloadPatchram
+** Description: Called after patch download
+** Returns:     none
+static void postDownloadPatchram(tHAL_NFC_STATUS status)
+    ALOGD("%s: status=%i", __FUNCTION__, status);
+    if (status != HAL_NFC_STATUS_OK)
+    {
+        ALOGE("Patch download failed");
+        if (status == HAL_NFC_STATUS_REFUSED)
+        {
+            SpdHelper::setPatchAsBad();
+        }
+        else
+            SpdHelper::incErrorCount();
+        /* If in SPD Debug mode, fail immediately and obviously */
+        if (SpdHelper::isSpdDebug())
+            HAL_NfcPreInitDone (HAL_NFC_STATUS_FAILED);
+        else
+        {
+            /* otherwise, power cycle the chip and let the stack startup normally */
+            USERIAL_PowerupDevice(0);
+            HAL_NfcPreInitDone (HAL_NFC_STATUS_OK);
+        }
+    }
+    /* Set snooze mode here */
+    else if (gSnoozeModeCfg.snooze_mode != NFC_HAL_LP_SNOOZE_MODE_NONE)
+    {
+        status = HAL_NfcSetSnoozeMode(gSnoozeModeCfg.snooze_mode,
+                                       gSnoozeModeCfg.idle_threshold_dh,
+                                       gSnoozeModeCfg.idle_threshold_nfcc,
+                                       gSnoozeModeCfg.nfc_wake_active_mode,
+                                       gSnoozeModeCfg.dh_wake_active_mode,
+                                       continueAfterSetSnoozeMode);
+        if (status != NCI_STATUS_OK)
+        {
+            ALOGE("%s: Setting snooze mode failed, status=%i", __FUNCTION__, status);
+            HAL_NfcPreInitDone(HAL_NFC_STATUS_FAILED);
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        ALOGD("%s: Not using Snooze Mode", __FUNCTION__);
+        HAL_NfcPreInitDone(HAL_NFC_STATUS_OK);
+    }
+** Function:    prmCallback
+** Description: Patchram callback (for static patchram mode)
+** Returns:     none
+void prmCallback(UINT8 event)
+    ALOGD("%s: event=0x%x", __FUNCTION__, event);
+    switch (event)
+    {
+        /* This event does not occur if static patchram buf is used */
+        break;
+        postDownloadPatchram(HAL_NFC_STATUS_OK);
+        break;
+        postDownloadPatchram(HAL_NFC_STATUS_FAILED);
+        break;
+        ALOGD("%s: invalid patch...skipping patch download", __FUNCTION__);
+        postDownloadPatchram(HAL_NFC_STATUS_REFUSED);
+        break;
+        ALOGD("%s: patch authentication failed", __FUNCTION__);
+        postDownloadPatchram(HAL_NFC_STATUS_REFUSED);
+        break;
+        ALOGD("%s: No NVM detected", __FUNCTION__);
+        HAL_NfcPreInitDone(HAL_NFC_STATUS_FAILED);
+        break;
+    default:
+        ALOGD("%s: not handled event=0x%x", __FUNCTION__, event);
+        break;
+    }
+** Function         getNfaValues
+** Description      Get configuration values needed by NFA layer
+** Returns:         None
+static void getNfaValues()
+    unsigned long num;
+    if ( GetStrValue ( NAME_NFA_DM_START_UP_CFG, (char*)nfa_dm_start_up_cfg, sizeof ( nfa_dm_start_up_cfg ) ) )
+    {
+        p_nfc_hal_dm_start_up_cfg = &nfa_dm_start_up_cfg[0];
+        ALOGD ( "START_UP_CFG[0] = %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n",
+                                                                            nfa_dm_start_up_cfg[0],
+                                                                            nfa_dm_start_up_cfg[1],
+                                                                            nfa_dm_start_up_cfg[2],
+                                                                            nfa_dm_start_up_cfg[3],
+                                                                            nfa_dm_start_up_cfg[4],
+                                                                            nfa_dm_start_up_cfg[5],
+                                                                            nfa_dm_start_up_cfg[6],
+                                                                            nfa_dm_start_up_cfg[7] );
+    }
+    if ( GetStrValue ( NAME_NFA_DM_START_UP_VSC_CFG, (char*)nfa_dm_start_up_vsc_cfg, sizeof (nfa_dm_start_up_vsc_cfg) ) )
+    {
+        p_nfc_hal_dm_start_up_vsc_cfg = &nfa_dm_start_up_vsc_cfg[0];
+        ALOGD ( "START_UP_VSC_CFG[0] = %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n",
+                                                                            nfa_dm_start_up_vsc_cfg[0],
+                                                                            nfa_dm_start_up_vsc_cfg[1],
+                                                                            nfa_dm_start_up_vsc_cfg[2],
+                                                                            nfa_dm_start_up_vsc_cfg[3],
+                                                                            nfa_dm_start_up_vsc_cfg[4],
+                                                                            nfa_dm_start_up_vsc_cfg[5],
+                                                                            nfa_dm_start_up_vsc_cfg[6],
+                                                                            nfa_dm_start_up_vsc_cfg[7] );
+    }
+    if ( GetStrValue ( NAME_LPTD_CFG, (char*)&nfa_dm_lptd_cfg[0], sizeof( nfa_dm_lptd_cfg ) ) )
+        p_nfc_hal_dm_lptd_cfg = &nfa_dm_lptd_cfg[0];
+** Function         StartPatchDownload
+** Description      Reads configuration settings, and begins the download
+**                  process if patch files are configured.
+** Returns:         None
+static void StartPatchDownload(UINT32 chipid)
+    ALOGD ("%s: chipid=%lx",__FUNCTION__, chipid);
+    char chipID[30];
+    sprintf(chipID, "%lx", chipid);
+    ALOGD ("%s: chidId=%s", __FUNCTION__, chipID);
+    readOptionalConfig(chipID);     // Read optional chip specific settings
+    readOptionalConfig("fime");     // Read optional FIME specific settings
+    getNfaValues();                 // Get NFA configuration values into variables
+    findPatchramFile(FW_PATCH, sPatchFn, sizeof(sPatchFn));
+    findPatchramFile(FW_PRE_PATCH, sPrePatchFn, sizeof(sPatchFn));
+    {
+        FILE *fd;
+        /* If an I2C fix patch file was specified, then tell the stack about it */
+        if (sPrePatchFn[0] != '\0')
+        {
+            if ((fd = fopen(sPrePatchFn, "rb")) != NULL)
+            {
+                UINT32 lenPrmBuffer = getFileLength(fd);
+                if ((sI2cFixPrmBuf = malloc(lenPrmBuffer)) != NULL)
+                {
+                    fread(sI2cFixPrmBuf, lenPrmBuffer, 1, fd);
+                    ALOGD("%s Setting I2C fix to %s (size: %lu)", __FUNCTION__, sPrePatchFn, lenPrmBuffer);
+                    HAL_NfcPrmSetI2cPatch((UINT8*)sI2cFixPrmBuf, (UINT16)lenPrmBuffer, 0);
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    ALOGE("%s Unable to get buffer to i2c fix (%lu bytes)", __FUNCTION__, lenPrmBuffer);
+                }
+                fclose(fd);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                ALOGE("%s Unable to open i2c fix patchfile %s", __FUNCTION__, sPrePatchFn);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    {
+        FILE *fd;
+        /* If a patch file was specified, then download it now */
+        if (sPatchFn[0] != '\0')
+        {
+            UINT32 bDownloadStarted = false;
+            /* open patchfile, read it into a buffer */
+            if ((fd = fopen(sPatchFn, "rb")) != NULL)
+            {
+                UINT32 lenPrmBuffer = getFileLength(fd);
+                tNFC_HAL_PRM_FORMAT patch_format = NFC_HAL_PRM_FORMAT_NCD;
+                GetNumValue((char*)NFA_CONFIG_FORMAT, &patch_format, sizeof(patch_format));
+                ALOGD("%s Downloading patchfile %s (size: %lu) format=%u", __FUNCTION__, sPatchFn, lenPrmBuffer, patch_format);
+                if ((sPrmBuf = malloc(lenPrmBuffer)) != NULL)
+                {
+                    fread(sPrmBuf, lenPrmBuffer, 1, fd);
+                    if (!SpdHelper::isPatchBad((UINT8*)sPrmBuf, lenPrmBuffer))
+                    {
+                        /* Download patch using static memeory mode */
+                        HAL_NfcPrmDownloadStart(patch_format, 0, (UINT8*)sPrmBuf, lenPrmBuffer, 0, prmCallback);
+                        bDownloadStarted = true;
+                    }
+                }
+                else
+                    ALOGE("%s Unable to buffer to hold patchram (%lu bytes)", __FUNCTION__, lenPrmBuffer);
+                fclose(fd);
+            }
+            else
+                ALOGE("%s Unable to open patchfile %s", __FUNCTION__, sPatchFn);
+            /* If the download never got started */
+            if (!bDownloadStarted)
+            {
+                /* If debug mode, fail in an obvious way, otherwise try to start stack */
+                postDownloadPatchram(SpdHelper::isSpdDebug() ? HAL_NFC_STATUS_FAILED :
+                        HAL_NFC_STATUS_OK);
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            ALOGE("%s: No patchfile specified or disabled. Proceeding to post-download procedure...", __FUNCTION__);
+            postDownloadPatchram(HAL_NFC_STATUS_OK);
+        }
+    }
+    ALOGD ("%s: exit", __FUNCTION__);
+** Function:    nfc_hal_post_reset_init
+** Description: Called by the NFC HAL after controller has been reset.
+**              Begin to download firmware patch files.
+** Returns:     none
+void nfc_hal_post_reset_init (UINT32 brcm_hw_id, UINT8 nvm_type)
+    ALOGD("%s: brcm_hw_id=0x%x, nvm_type=%d", __FUNCTION__, brcm_hw_id, nvm_type);
+    UINT8 max_credits = 1;
+    if (nvm_type == NCI_SPD_NVM_TYPE_NONE)
+    {
+        ALOGD("%s: No NVM detected, FAIL the init stage to force a retry", __FUNCTION__);
+        USERIAL_PowerupDevice (0);
+        stat = HAL_NfcReInit (HalNciCallback);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        /* Start downloading the patch files */
+        StartPatchDownload(brcm_hw_id);
+        if (GetNumValue(MAX_RF_DATA_CREDITS, &max_credits, sizeof(max_credits)) && (max_credits > 0))
+        {
+            ALOGD("%s : max_credits=%d", __FUNCTION__, max_credits);
+            HAL_NfcSetMaxRfDataCredits(max_credits);
+        }
+    }
+** Function:    HalNciCallback
+** Description: Determine whether controller has detected EEPROM.
+** Returns:     none
+void HalNciCallback (tNFC_HAL_NCI_EVT event, UINT16 dataLen, UINT8* data)
+    ALOGD ("%s: enter; event=%X; data len=%u", __FUNCTION__, event, dataLen);
+    if (event == NFC_VS_GET_PATCH_VERSION_EVT)
+    {
+        if (dataLen <= NCI_GET_PATCH_VERSION_NVM_OFFSET)
+        {
+            ALOGE("%s: response too short to detect NVM type", __FUNCTION__);
+            HAL_NfcPreInitDone (HAL_NFC_STATUS_FAILED);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            UINT8 nvramType = *(data + NCI_GET_PATCH_VERSION_NVM_OFFSET);
+            if (nvramType == NCI_SPD_NVM_TYPE_NONE)
+            {
+                //controller did not find EEPROM, so re-initialize
+                ALOGD("%s: no nvram, try again", __FUNCTION__);
+                USERIAL_PowerupDevice (0);
+                HAL_NfcReInit (HalNciCallback);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                UINT8 max_credits = 1;
+                ALOGD("%s: found nvram", __FUNCTION__, nvramType);
+                if (GetNumValue(MAX_RF_DATA_CREDITS, &max_credits, sizeof(max_credits)) && (max_credits > 0))
+                {
+                    ALOGD("%s : max_credits=%d", __FUNCTION__, max_credits);
+                    HAL_NfcSetMaxRfDataCredits(max_credits);
+                }
+                HAL_NfcPreInitDone (HAL_NFC_STATUS_OK);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    ALOGD("%s: exit", __FUNCTION__);
diff --git a/halimpl/bcm2079x/adaptation/spdhelper.cpp b/halimpl/bcm2079x/adaptation/spdhelper.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00e9567
--- /dev/null
+++ b/halimpl/bcm2079x/adaptation/spdhelper.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+#include "OverrideLog.h"
+#include "spdhelper.h"
+#include "config.h"
+void SpdHelper::setPatchAsBad()
+    getInstance().setPatchAsBadImpl();
+void SpdHelper::incErrorCount()
+    getInstance().incErrorCountImpl();
+bool SpdHelper::isPatchBad(UINT8* prm, UINT32 len)
+    return getInstance().isPatchBadImpl(prm, len);
+bool SpdHelper::isSpdDebug()
+    bool b = getInstance().isSpdDebugImpl();
+    ALOGD("%s SpdDebug is %s", __func__, (b ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"));
+    return b;
+void SpdHelper::incErrorCountImpl()
+    if (++mErrorCount >= mMaxErrorCount)
+    {
+        setPatchAsBadImpl();
+    }
+void SpdHelper::setPatchAsBadImpl()
+    mIsPatchBad = true;
+inline const char * toHex(UINT8 b)
+    static char hex[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
+    static char c[3];
+    c[0] = hex[((b >> 4) & 0x0F)];
+    c[1] = hex[((b >> 0) & 0x0F)];
+    c[2] = '\0';
+    return &c[0];
+bool SpdHelper::isPatchBadImpl(UINT8* prm, UINT32 len)
+    string strNew;
+    // Get the patch ID from the prm data.
+    for (int i = 0; i < 8 && i < len; ++i)
+        strNew.append(toHex(*prm++));
+    // If it is not the same patch as before, then reset things.
+    if ( strNew != mPatchId )
+    {
+        mPatchId = strNew;
+        mErrorCount = 0;
+        mIsPatchBad = false;
+    }
+    // Otherwise the 'mIsPatchBad' will tell if its bad or not.
+    ALOGD("%s '%s' (%d) is %sa known bad patch file", __func__, mPatchId.c_str(), mErrorCount, (mIsPatchBad ? "" : "not "));
+    return mIsPatchBad;
+SpdHelper& SpdHelper::getInstance()
+    static SpdHelper* theInstance = NULL;
+    if (theInstance == NULL)
+        theInstance= new SpdHelper;
+    return *theInstance;
+    mErrorCount = 0;
+    mPatchId.erase();
+    if(!GetNumValue((char*)NAME_SPD_MAXRETRYCOUNT, &mMaxErrorCount, sizeof(mMaxErrorCount)))
+        mMaxErrorCount = DEFAULT_SPD_MAXRETRYCOUNT;
+    if (!GetNumValue((char*)NAME_SPD_DEBUG, &mSpdDebug, sizeof(mSpdDebug)))
+        mSpdDebug = false;
diff --git a/halimpl/bcm2079x/adaptation/userial_linux.c b/halimpl/bcm2079x/adaptation/userial_linux.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ebecf95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/halimpl/bcm2079x/adaptation/userial_linux.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1599 @@
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 1999-2012 Broadcom Corporation
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#include "OverrideLog.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include "gki.h"
+#include "nfc_hal_api.h"
+#include "nfc_hal_int.h"
+#include "userial.h"
+#include "nfc_target.h"
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include <termios.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <gki_int.h>
+#include "hcidefs.h"
+#include <poll.h>
+#include "upio.h"
+#include "bcm2079x.h"
+#include "config.h"
+#define HCISU_EVT                           EVENT_MASK(APPL_EVT_0)
+#define MAX_ERROR                           10
+#define default_transport                   "/dev/bcm2079x"
+#define NUM_RESET_ATTEMPTS                  5
+#define BTE_APPL_MAX_USERIAL_DEV_NAME           (256)
+extern UINT8 appl_trace_level;
+/* Mapping of USERIAL_PORT_x to linux */
+extern UINT32 ScrProtocolTraceFlag;
+static tUPIO_STATE current_nfc_wake_state = UPIO_OFF;
+int uart_port  = 0;
+int isLowSpeedTransport = 0;
+int nfc_wake_delay = 0;
+int nfc_write_delay = 0;
+int gPowerOnDelay = 300;
+static int gPrePowerOffDelay = 0;    // default value
+static int gPostPowerOffDelay = 0;     // default value
+static pthread_mutex_t close_thread_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
+char userial_dev[BTE_APPL_MAX_USERIAL_DEV_NAME+1];
+char power_control_dev[BTE_APPL_MAX_USERIAL_DEV_NAME+1];
+tSNOOZE_MODE_CONFIG gSnoozeModeCfg = {
+    NFC_HAL_LP_SNOOZE_MODE_SPI_I2C,     /* Sleep Mode (0=Disabled 1=UART 8=SPI/I2C) */
+    NFC_HAL_LP_IDLE_THRESHOLD_HOST,     /* Idle Threshold Host */
+    NFC_HAL_LP_IDLE_THRESHOLD_HC,       /* Idle Threshold HC */
+    NFC_HAL_LP_ACTIVE_LOW,              /* NFC Wake active mode (0=ActiveLow 1=ActiveHigh) */
+    NFC_HAL_LP_ACTIVE_HIGH              /* Host Wake active mode (0=ActiveLow 1=ActiveHigh) */
+UINT8 bcmi2cnfc_client_addr = 0;
+UINT8 bcmi2cnfc_read_multi_packets = 0;
+#define USERIAL_Debug_verbose     ((ScrProtocolTraceFlag & 0x80000000) == 0x80000000)
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+static UINT8 spi_negotiation[10] = { 0xF0, /* CMD */
+                                    0x00, /* SPI PARM Negotiation */
+                                    0x01, /* SPI Version */
+                                    0x00, /* SPI Mode:0, SPI_INT active low */
+                                    0x00, /* 8Bit, MSB first, Little Endian byte order */
+                                    0x00, /* Reserved */
+                                    0xFF, /* Sleep timeout Lower Byte */
+                                    0xFF, /* Sleep timeout Upper Byte */
+                                    0x00, /* Reserved */
+                                    0x00 /* Reserved */
+static UINT8 spi_nego_res[20];
+#include <ctype.h>
+/* use tc interface to change baudrate instead of close/open sequence which can fail on some platforms
+ * due to tx line movement when opeing/closing the UART. the 43xx do not like this. */
+/* this are the ioctl values used for bt_wake ioctl via UART driver. you may need to redefine at for
+ * you platform! Logically they need to be unique and not colide with existing uart ioctl's.
+ */
+#define USERIAL_IO_BT_WAKE_ASSERT   0x8003
+#define USERIAL_IO_BT_WAKE_GET_ST   0x8005
+/* the read limit in this current implementation depends on the GKI_BUF3_SIZE
+ * It would be better to use some ring buffer from the USERIAL_Read() is reading
+ * instead of putting it into GKI buffers.
+ */
+ * minimum buffer size requirement to read a full sized packet from NFCC = 255 + 4 byte header
+ */
+#define MIN_BUFSIZE 259
+#define     POLL_TIMEOUT    1000
+/* priority of the reader thread */
+/* time (ms) to wait before trying to allocate again a GKI buffer */
+extern void dumpbin(const char* data, int size);
+extern UINT8 *scru_dump_hex (UINT8 *p, char *p_title, UINT32 len, UINT32 trace_layer, UINT32 trace_type);
+static pthread_t      worker_thread1 = 0;
+typedef struct  {
+    volatile unsigned long bt_wake_state;
+    int             sock;
+    tUSERIAL_CBACK      *ser_cb;
+    UINT16      baud;
+    UINT8       data_bits;
+    UINT16      parity;
+    UINT8       stop_bits;
+    UINT8       port;
+    tUSERIAL_OPEN_CFG open_cfg;
+    int         sock_power_control;
+    int         client_device_address;
+    struct timespec write_time;
+static tLINUX_CB linux_cb;  /* case of multipel port support use array : [MAX_SERIAL_PORT] */
+void userial_close_thread(UINT32 params);
+static UINT8 device_name[20];
+static int   bSerialPortDevice = FALSE;
+static int _timeout = POLL_TIMEOUT;
+static BOOLEAN is_close_thread_is_waiting = FALSE;
+int   perf_log_every_count = 0;
+typedef struct {
+    const char* label;
+    long    lapse;
+    long    bytes;
+    long    count;
+    long    overhead;
+** Function         perf_reset
+** Description      reset performance measurement data
+** Returns          none
+void perf_reset(tPERF_DATA* t)
+    t->count =
+    t->bytes =
+    t->lapse = 0;
+** Function         perf_log
+** Description      produce a log entry of cvurrent performance data
+** Returns          none
+void perf_log(tPERF_DATA* t)
+    // round to nearest ms
+    // t->lapse += 500;
+    // t->lapse /= 1000;
+    if (t->lapse)
+    {
+        if (t->bytes)
+            ALOGD( "%s:%s, bytes=%ld, lapse=%ld (%d.%02d kbps) (bus data rate %d.%02d kbps) overhead %d(%d percent)\n",
+                    __func__,
+                    t->label, t->bytes, t->lapse,
+                    (int)(8 * t->bytes / t->lapse), (int)(800 * t->bytes / (t->lapse)) % 100,
+                    (int)(9 * (t->bytes + t->count * t->overhead) / t->lapse), (int)(900 * (t->bytes + t->count * t->overhead) / (t->lapse)) % 100,
+                    (int)(t->count * t->overhead), (int)(t->count * t->overhead * 100 / t->bytes)
+                    );
+        else
+            ALOGD( "%s:%s, lapse=%ld (average %ld)\n", __func__,
+                    t->label, t->lapse, (int)t->lapse / t->count
+                    );
+    }
+    perf_reset(t);
+** Function         perf_update
+** Description      update perforamnce measurement data
+** Returns          none
+void perf_update(tPERF_DATA* t, long lapse, long bytes)
+    if (!perf_log_every_count)
+        return;
+    // round to nearest ms
+    lapse += 500;
+    lapse /= 1000;
+    t->count++;
+    t->bytes += bytes;
+    t->lapse += lapse;
+    if (t->count == perf_log_every_count)
+        perf_log(t);
+static tPERF_DATA   perf_poll = {"USERIAL_Poll", 0, 0, 0, 0};
+static tPERF_DATA   perf_read = {"USERIAL_Read", 0, 0, 0, 9};
+static tPERF_DATA   perf_write = {"USERIAL_Write", 0, 0, 0, 3};
+static tPERF_DATA   perf_poll_2_poll = {"USERIAL_Poll_to_Poll", 0, 0, 0, 0};
+static clock_t      _poll_t0 = 0;
+static UINT32 userial_baud_tbl[] =
+    300,        /* USERIAL_BAUD_300          0 */
+    600,        /* USERIAL_BAUD_600          1 */
+    1200,       /* USERIAL_BAUD_1200         2 */
+    2400,       /* USERIAL_BAUD_2400         3 */
+    9600,       /* USERIAL_BAUD_9600         4 */
+    19200,      /* USERIAL_BAUD_19200        5 */
+    57600,      /* USERIAL_BAUD_57600        6 */
+    115200,     /* USERIAL_BAUD_115200       7 */
+    230400,     /* USERIAL_BAUD_230400       8 */
+    460800,     /* USERIAL_BAUD_460800       9 */
+    921600,     /* USERIAL_BAUD_921600       10 */
+    1000000,    /* USERIAL_BAUD_1M           11 */
+    1500000,    /* USERIAL_BAUD_1_5M         12 */
+    2000000,    /* USERIAL_BAUD_2M           13 */
+    3000000,    /* USERIAL_BAUD_3M           14 */
+    4000000     /* USERIAL_BAUD_4M           15 */
+** Function         wake_state
+** Description      return current state of NFC_WAKE gpio
+** Returns          GPIO value to wake NFCC
+static inline int wake_state()
+    return ((gSnoozeModeCfg.nfc_wake_active_mode == NFC_HAL_LP_ACTIVE_HIGH) ? UPIO_ON : UPIO_OFF);
+** Function         sleep_state
+** Description      return current state of NFC_WAKE gpio
+** Returns          GPIO value to allow NFCC to goto sleep
+static inline int sleep_state()
+    return ((gSnoozeModeCfg.nfc_wake_active_mode == NFC_HAL_LP_ACTIVE_HIGH) ? UPIO_OFF : UPIO_ON);
+** Function         isWake
+** Description      return current state of NFC_WAKE gpio based on the active mode setting
+** Returns          asserted_state if it's awake, deasserted_state if it's allowed to sleep
+static inline int isWake(int state)
+    int     asserted_state = ((gSnoozeModeCfg.nfc_wake_active_mode == NFC_HAL_LP_ACTIVE_HIGH) ? UPIO_ON : UPIO_OFF);
+    return (state != -1) ?
+        state == asserted_state :
+        current_nfc_wake_state == asserted_state;
+** Function           setWriteDelay
+** Description        Record a delay for the next write operation
+** Input Parameter    delay in milliseconds
+** Comments           use this function to register a delay before next write,
+**                    This is used in three instances: power up delay, wake delay
+**                    and write delay
+static void setWriteDelay(int delay)
+    if (delay <= 0) {
+        // Set a minimum delay of 5ms between back-to-back writes
+        delay = 5;
+    }
+    clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &linux_cb.write_time);
+    if (delay > 1000)
+    {
+        linux_cb.write_time.tv_sec += delay / 1000;
+        delay %= 1000;
+    }
+    unsigned long write_delay = delay * 1000 * 1000;
+    linux_cb.write_time.tv_nsec += write_delay;
+    if (linux_cb.write_time.tv_nsec > 1000*1000*1000)
+    {
+        linux_cb.write_time.tv_nsec -= 1000*1000*1000;
+        linux_cb.write_time.tv_sec++;
+    }
+** Function           doWriteDelay
+** Description        Execute a delay as registered in setWriteDelay()
+** Output Parameter   none
+** Returns            none
+** Comments           This function calls GKI_Delay to execute a delay to fulfill
+**                    the delay registered earlier.
+static void doWriteDelay()
+    struct timespec now;
+    clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &now);
+    long delay = 0;
+    if (now.tv_sec > linux_cb.write_time.tv_sec)
+        return;
+    else if (now.tv_sec == linux_cb.write_time.tv_sec)
+    {
+        if (now.tv_nsec > linux_cb.write_time.tv_nsec)
+            return;
+        delay = (linux_cb.write_time.tv_nsec - now.tv_nsec) / 1000000;
+    }
+    else
+        delay = (linux_cb.write_time.tv_sec - now.tv_sec) * 1000 + linux_cb.write_time.tv_nsec / 1000000 - now.tv_nsec / 1000000;
+    if (delay > 0 && delay < 1000)
+    {
+        ALOGD_IF((appl_trace_level>=BT_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG), "doWriteDelay() delay %ld ms", delay);
+        GKI_delay(delay);
+    }
+** Function         create_signal_fds
+** Description      create a socketpair for read thread to use
+** Returns          file descriptor
+static int signal_fds[2];
+static inline int create_signal_fds(struct pollfd* set)
+    if (signal_fds[0] == 0 && socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, signal_fds) < 0)
+    {
+        ALOGE("%s create_signal_sockets:socketpair failed, errno: %d", __func__, errno);
+        return -1;
+    }
+    set->fd = signal_fds[0];
+    return signal_fds[0];
+** Function         close_signal_fds
+** Description      close the socketpair
+** Returns          none
+static inline void close_signal_fds()
+    close(signal_fds[0]);
+    signal_fds[0] = 0;
+    close(signal_fds[1]);
+    signal_fds[1] = 0;
+** Function         send_wakeup_signal
+** Description      send a one byte data to the socket as signal to the read thread
+**                  for it to stop
+** Returns          number of bytes sent, or error no
+static inline int send_wakeup_signal()
+    char sig_on = 1;
+    ALOGD("%s: Sending signal to %d", __func__, signal_fds[1]);
+    return send(signal_fds[1], &sig_on, sizeof(sig_on), 0);
+** Function         reset_signal
+** Description      read the one byte data from the socket
+** Returns          received data
+static inline int reset_signal()
+    char sig_recv = 0;
+    ALOGD("%s: Receiving signal from %d", __func__, signal_fds[0]);
+    recv(signal_fds[0], &sig_recv, sizeof(sig_recv), MSG_WAITALL);
+    return (int)sig_recv;
+** Function         is_signaled
+** Description      test if there's data waiting on the socket
+** Returns          TRUE is data is available
+static inline int is_signaled(struct pollfd* set)
+    return ((set->revents & POLLIN) == POLLIN) || ((set->revents & POLLRDNORM) == POLLRDNORM) ;
+typedef unsigned char uchar;
+BUFFER_Q Userial_in_q;
+ **
+ ** Function           USERIAL_GetLineSpeed
+ **
+ ** Description        This function convert USERIAL baud to line speed.
+ **
+ ** Output Parameter   None
+ **
+ ** Returns            line speed
+ **
+ *******************************************************************************/
+UDRV_API extern UINT32 USERIAL_GetLineSpeed(UINT8 baud)
+    return (baud <= USERIAL_BAUD_4M) ?
+            userial_baud_tbl[baud-USERIAL_BAUD_300] : 0;
+ **
+ ** Function           USERIAL_GetBaud
+ **
+ ** Description        This function convert line speed to USERIAL baud.
+ **
+ ** Output Parameter   None
+ **
+ ** Returns            line speed
+ **
+ *******************************************************************************/
+UDRV_API extern UINT8 USERIAL_GetBaud(UINT32 line_speed)
+    UINT8 i;
+    for (i = USERIAL_BAUD_300; i <= USERIAL_BAUD_921600; i++)
+    {
+        if (userial_baud_tbl[i-USERIAL_BAUD_300] == line_speed)
+            return i;
+    }
+    return USERIAL_BAUD_AUTO;
+** Function           USERIAL_Init
+** Description        This function initializes the  serial driver.
+** Output Parameter   None
+** Returns            Nothing
+UDRV_API void    USERIAL_Init(void * p_cfg)
+    memset(&linux_cb, 0, sizeof(linux_cb));
+    linux_cb.sock = -1;
+    linux_cb.ser_cb = NULL;
+    linux_cb.sock_power_control = -1;
+    linux_cb.client_device_address = 0;
+    GKI_init_q(&Userial_in_q);
+    return;
+ **
+ ** Function           my_read
+ **
+ ** Description        This function read a packet from driver.
+ **
+ ** Output Parameter   None
+ **
+ ** Returns            number of bytes in the packet or error code
+ **
+ *******************************************************************************/
+int my_read(int fd, uchar *pbuf, int len)
+    struct pollfd fds[2];
+    int n = 0;
+    int ret = 0;
+    int count = 0;
+    int offset = 0;
+    clock_t t1, t2;
+    if (!isLowSpeedTransport && _timeout != POLL_TIMEOUT)
+        ALOGD_IF((appl_trace_level>=BT_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG), "%s: enter, pbuf=%lx, len = %d\n", __func__, (unsigned long)pbuf, len);
+    memset(pbuf, 0, len);
+    /* need to use select in order to avoid collistion between read and close on same fd */
+    /* Initialize the input set */
+    fds[0].fd = fd;
+    fds[0].events = POLLIN | POLLERR | POLLRDNORM;
+    fds[0].revents = 0;
+    create_signal_fds(&fds[1]);
+    fds[1].events = POLLIN | POLLERR | POLLRDNORM;
+    fds[1].revents = 0;
+    t1 = clock();
+    n = poll(fds, 2, _timeout);
+    t2 = clock();
+    perf_update(&perf_poll, t2 - t1, 0);
+    if (_poll_t0)
+        perf_update(&perf_poll_2_poll, t2 - _poll_t0, 0);
+    _poll_t0 = t2;
+    /* See if there was an error */
+    if (n < 0)
+    {
+        ALOGD( "select failed; errno = %d\n", errno);
+        return -errno;
+    }
+    else if (n == 0)
+        return -EAGAIN;
+    if (is_signaled(&fds[1]))
+    {
+        ALOGD( "%s: exit signal received\n", __func__);
+        reset_signal();
+        return -1;
+    }
+    if (!bSerialPortDevice || len < MIN_BUFSIZE)
+        count = len;
+    else
+        count = 1;
+    do {
+        t2 = clock();
+        ret = read(fd, pbuf+offset, (size_t)count);
+        if (ret > 0)
+            perf_update(&perf_read, clock()-t2, ret);
+        if (ret <= 0 || !bSerialPortDevice || len < MIN_BUFSIZE)
+            break;
+        if (isLowSpeedTransport)
+            goto done;
+        if (offset == 0)
+        {
+            if (pbuf[offset] == HCIT_TYPE_NFC)
+                count = 3;
+            else if (pbuf[offset] == HCIT_TYPE_EVENT)
+                count = 2;
+            else
+            {
+                ALOGD( "%s: unknown HCIT type header pbuf[%d] = %x\n", __func__, offset, pbuf[offset]);
+                break;
+            }
+            offset = 1;
+        }
+        else if (offset == 1)
+        {
+            offset += count;
+            count = pbuf[offset-1];
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            offset += ret;
+            count -= ret;
+        }
+        if (count == 0)
+        {
+            ret = offset;
+            break;
+        }
+    } while (count > 0);
+ * vallidate the packet structure
+ */
+    if (ret > 0 && len >= MIN_BUFSIZE)
+    {
+        count = 0;
+        while (count < ret)
+        {
+            if (pbuf[count] == HCIT_TYPE_NFC)
+            {
+                if (USERIAL_Debug_verbose)
+                    scru_dump_hex(pbuf+count, NULL, pbuf[count+3]+4, 0, 0);
+                count += pbuf[count+3]+4;
+            }
+            else if (pbuf[count] == HCIT_TYPE_EVENT)
+            {
+                if (USERIAL_Debug_verbose)
+                    scru_dump_hex(pbuf+count, NULL, pbuf[count+2]+3, 0, 0);
+                count += pbuf[count+2]+3;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                ALOGD( "%s: unknown HCIT type header pbuf[%d] = %x, remain %d bytes\n", __func__, count, pbuf[count], ret-count);
+                scru_dump_hex(pbuf+count, NULL, ret - count, 0, 0);
+                break;
+            }
+        } /* while*/
+    }
+    if (!isLowSpeedTransport)
+        ALOGD_IF((appl_trace_level>=BT_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG), "%s: return %d(0x%x) bytes, errno=%d count=%d, n=%d, timeout=%d\n", __func__,
+            ret, ret, errno, count, n, _timeout);
+    if (_timeout == POLL_TIMEOUT)
+        _timeout = -1;
+    return ret;
+extern BOOLEAN gki_chk_buf_damage(void *p_buf);
+static int sRxLength = 0;
+ **
+ ** Function           userial_read_thread
+ **
+ ** Description        entry point of read thread.
+ **
+ ** Output Parameter   None
+ **
+ ** Returns            0
+ **
+ *******************************************************************************/
+UINT32 userial_read_thread(UINT32 arg)
+    int rx_length;
+    int error_count = 0;
+    int bErrorReported = 0;
+    int iMaxError = MAX_ERROR;
+    BT_HDR *p_buf = NULL;
+    worker_thread1 = pthread_self();
+    ALOGD( "start userial_read_thread, id=%lx", worker_thread1);
+    _timeout = POLL_TIMEOUT;
+    for (;linux_cb.sock > 0;)
+    {
+        BT_HDR *p_buf;
+        UINT8 *current_packet;
+        if ((p_buf = (BT_HDR *) GKI_getpoolbuf( USERIAL_POOL_ID ) )!= NULL)
+        {
+            p_buf->offset = 0;
+            p_buf->layer_specific = 0;
+            current_packet = (UINT8 *) (p_buf + 1);
+            rx_length = my_read(linux_cb.sock, current_packet, READ_LIMIT);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            ALOGE( "userial_read_thread(): unable to get buffer from GKI p_buf = %p poolid = %d\n", p_buf, USERIAL_POOL_ID);
+            rx_length = 0;  /* paranoia setting */
+            GKI_delay( NO_GKI_BUFFER_RECOVER_TIME );
+            continue;
+        }
+        if (rx_length > 0)
+        {
+            bErrorReported = 0;
+            error_count = 0;
+            iMaxError = 3;
+            if (rx_length > sRxLength)
+                sRxLength = rx_length;
+            p_buf->len = (UINT16)rx_length;
+            GKI_enqueue(&Userial_in_q, p_buf);
+            if (!isLowSpeedTransport)
+                ALOGD_IF((appl_trace_level>=BT_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG), "userial_read_thread(): enqueued p_buf=%p, count=%d, length=%d\n",
+                            p_buf, Userial_in_q.count, rx_length);
+            if (linux_cb.ser_cb != NULL)
+                (*linux_cb.ser_cb)(linux_cb.port, USERIAL_RX_READY_EVT, (tUSERIAL_EVT_DATA *)p_buf);
+            GKI_send_event(USERIAL_HAL_TASK, HCISU_EVT);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            GKI_freebuf( p_buf );
+            if (rx_length == -EAGAIN)
+                continue;
+            else if (rx_length == -1)
+            {
+                ALOGD( "userial_read_thread(): exiting\n");
+                break;
+            }
+            else if (rx_length == 0 && !isWake(-1))
+                continue;
+            ++error_count;
+            if (rx_length <= 0 && ((error_count > 0) && ((error_count % iMaxError) == 0)))
+            {
+                if (bErrorReported == 0)
+                {
+                    ALOGE( "userial_read_thread(): my_read returned (%d) error count = %d, errno=%d return USERIAL_ERR_EVT\n",
+                            rx_length, error_count, errno);
+                    if (linux_cb.ser_cb != NULL)
+                        (*linux_cb.ser_cb)(linux_cb.port, USERIAL_ERR_EVT, (tUSERIAL_EVT_DATA *)p_buf);
+                    GKI_send_event(USERIAL_HAL_TASK, HCISU_EVT);
+                    ++bErrorReported;
+                }
+                if (sRxLength == 0)
+                {
+                    ALOGE( "userial_read_thread(): my_read returned (%d) error count = %d, errno=%d exit read thread\n",
+                            rx_length, error_count, errno);
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    } /* for */
+    ALOGD( "userial_read_thread(): freeing GKI_buffers\n");
+    while ((p_buf = (BT_HDR *) GKI_dequeue (&Userial_in_q)) != NULL)
+    {
+        GKI_freebuf(p_buf);
+        ALOGD("userial_read_thread: dequeued buffer from Userial_in_q\n");
+    }
+    GKI_exit_task (GKI_get_taskid ());
+    return 0;
+ **
+ ** Function           userial_to_tcio_baud
+ **
+ ** Description        helper function converts USERIAL baud rates into TCIO conforming baud rates
+ **
+ ** Output Parameter   None
+ **
+ ** Returns            TRUE - success
+ **                    FALSE - unsupported baud rate, default of 115200 is used
+ **
+ *******************************************************************************/
+BOOLEAN userial_to_tcio_baud(UINT8 cfg_baud, UINT32 * baud)
+    if (cfg_baud == USERIAL_BAUD_600)
+        *baud = B600;
+    else if (cfg_baud == USERIAL_BAUD_1200)
+        *baud = B1200;
+    else if (cfg_baud == USERIAL_BAUD_9600)
+        *baud = B9600;
+    else if (cfg_baud == USERIAL_BAUD_19200)
+        *baud = B19200;
+    else if (cfg_baud == USERIAL_BAUD_57600)
+        *baud = B57600;
+    else if (cfg_baud == USERIAL_BAUD_115200)
+        *baud = B115200 | CBAUDEX;
+    else if (cfg_baud == USERIAL_BAUD_230400)
+        *baud = B230400;
+    else if (cfg_baud == USERIAL_BAUD_460800)
+        *baud = B460800;
+    else if (cfg_baud == USERIAL_BAUD_921600)
+        *baud = B921600;
+    else if (cfg_baud == USERIAL_BAUD_1M)
+        *baud = B1000000;
+    else if (cfg_baud == USERIAL_BAUD_2M)
+        *baud = B2000000;
+    else if (cfg_baud == USERIAL_BAUD_3M)
+        *baud = B3000000;
+    else if (cfg_baud == USERIAL_BAUD_4M)
+        *baud = B4000000;
+    else
+    {
+        ALOGE( "USERIAL_Open: unsupported baud idx %i", cfg_baud );
+        *baud = B115200;
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    return TRUE;
+ **
+ ** Function           userial_io_init_bt_wake
+ **
+ ** Description        helper function to set the open state of the bt_wake if ioctl
+ **                    is used. it should not hurt in the rfkill case but it might
+ **                    be better to compile it out.
+ **
+ ** Returns            none
+ **
+ *******************************************************************************/
+void userial_io_init_bt_wake( int fd, unsigned long * p_wake_state )
+    /* assert BT_WAKE for ioctl. should NOT hurt on rfkill version */
+    ioctl( fd, USERIAL_IO_BT_WAKE_GET_ST, p_wake_state );
+    if ( *p_wake_state == 0)
+        ALOGI("\n***userial_io_init_bt_wake(): Ooops, asserted BT_WAKE signal, but still got BT_WAKE state == to %d\n",
+             *p_wake_state );
+    *p_wake_state = 1;
+** Function           USERIAL_Open
+** Description        Open the indicated serial port with the given configuration
+** Output Parameter   None
+** Returns            Nothing
+    UINT32 baud = 0;
+    UINT8 data_bits = 0;
+    UINT16 parity = 0;
+    UINT8 stop_bits = 0;
+    struct termios termios;
+    const char ttyusb[] = "/dev/ttyUSB";
+    const char devtty[] = "/dev/tty";
+    unsigned long num = 0;
+    int     ret = 0;
+    ALOGI("USERIAL_Open(): enter");
+    //if userial_close_thread() is waiting to run; let it go first;
+    //let it finish; then continue this function
+    while (TRUE)
+    {
+        pthread_mutex_lock(&close_thread_mutex);
+        if (is_close_thread_is_waiting)
+        {
+            pthread_mutex_unlock(&close_thread_mutex);
+            ALOGI("USERIAL_Open(): wait for close-thread");
+            sleep (1);
+        }
+        else
+            break;
+    }
+    // restore default power off delay settings incase they were changed in userial_set_poweroff_delays()
+    gPrePowerOffDelay = 0;
+    gPostPowerOffDelay = 0;
+    if ( !GetStrValue ( NAME_TRANSPORT_DRIVER, userial_dev, sizeof ( userial_dev ) ) )
+        strcpy ( userial_dev, default_transport );
+    if ( GetNumValue ( NAME_UART_PORT, &num, sizeof ( num ) ) )
+        uart_port = num;
+    if ( GetNumValue ( NAME_LOW_SPEED_TRANSPORT, &num, sizeof ( num ) ) )
+        isLowSpeedTransport = num;
+    if ( GetNumValue ( NAME_NFC_WAKE_DELAY, &num, sizeof ( num ) ) )
+        nfc_wake_delay = num;
+    if ( GetNumValue ( NAME_NFC_WRITE_DELAY, &num, sizeof ( num ) ) )
+        nfc_write_delay = num;
+    if ( GetNumValue ( NAME_PERF_MEASURE_FREQ, &num, sizeof ( num ) ) )
+        perf_log_every_count = num;
+    if ( GetNumValue ( NAME_POWER_ON_DELAY, &num, sizeof ( num ) ) )
+        gPowerOnDelay = num;
+    if ( GetNumValue ( NAME_PRE_POWER_OFF_DELAY, &num, sizeof ( num ) ) )
+        gPrePowerOffDelay = num;
+    if ( GetNumValue ( NAME_POST_POWER_OFF_DELAY, &num, sizeof ( num ) ) )
+        gPostPowerOffDelay = num;
+    ALOGI("USERIAL_Open() device: %s port=%d, uart_port=%d WAKE_DELAY(%d) WRITE_DELAY(%d) POWER_ON_DELAY(%d) PRE_POWER_OFF_DELAY(%d) POST_POWER_OFF_DELAY(%d)",
+            (char*)userial_dev, port, uart_port, nfc_wake_delay, nfc_write_delay, gPowerOnDelay, gPrePowerOffDelay,
+            gPostPowerOffDelay);
+    GetStrValue( NAME_SNOOZE_MODE_CFG, (char*)&gSnoozeModeCfg, sizeof(gSnoozeModeCfg) );
+    strcpy((char*)device_name, (char*)userial_dev);
+    sRxLength = 0;
+    _poll_t0 = 0;
+    if ((strncmp(userial_dev, ttyusb, sizeof(ttyusb)-1) == 0) ||
+        (strncmp(userial_dev, devtty, sizeof(devtty)-1) == 0) )
+    {
+        if (uart_port >= MAX_SERIAL_PORT)
+        {
+            ALOGD( "Port > MAX_SERIAL_PORT\n");
+            goto done_open;
+        }
+        bSerialPortDevice = TRUE;
+        sprintf((char*)device_name, "%s%d", (char*)userial_dev, uart_port);
+        ALOGI("USERIAL_Open() using device_name: %s ", (char*)device_name);
+        if (!userial_to_tcio_baud(p_cfg->baud, &baud))
+            goto done_open;
+        if (p_cfg->fmt & USERIAL_DATABITS_8)
+            data_bits = CS8;
+        else if (p_cfg->fmt & USERIAL_DATABITS_7)
+            data_bits = CS7;
+        else if (p_cfg->fmt & USERIAL_DATABITS_6)
+            data_bits = CS6;
+        else if (p_cfg->fmt & USERIAL_DATABITS_5)
+            data_bits = CS5;
+        else
+            goto done_open;
+        if (p_cfg->fmt & USERIAL_PARITY_NONE)
+            parity = 0;
+        else if (p_cfg->fmt & USERIAL_PARITY_EVEN)
+            parity = PARENB;
+        else if (p_cfg->fmt & USERIAL_PARITY_ODD)
+            parity = (PARENB | PARODD);
+        else
+            goto done_open;
+        if (p_cfg->fmt & USERIAL_STOPBITS_1)
+            stop_bits = 0;
+        else if (p_cfg->fmt & USERIAL_STOPBITS_2)
+            stop_bits = CSTOPB;
+        else
+            goto done_open;
+    }
+    else
+        strcpy((char*)device_name, (char*)userial_dev);
+    {
+        ALOGD("%s Opening %s\n",  __FUNCTION__, device_name);
+        if ((linux_cb.sock = open((char*)device_name, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY )) == -1)
+        {
+            ALOGI("%s unable to open %s",  __FUNCTION__, device_name);
+            GKI_send_event(NFC_HAL_TASK, NFC_HAL_TASK_EVT_TERMINATE);
+            goto done_open;
+        }
+        ALOGD( "sock = %d\n", linux_cb.sock);
+        if (GetStrValue ( NAME_POWER_CONTROL_DRIVER, power_control_dev, sizeof ( power_control_dev ) ) &&
+            power_control_dev[0] != '\0')
+        {
+            if (strcmp(power_control_dev, userial_dev) == 0)
+                linux_cb.sock_power_control = linux_cb.sock;
+            else
+            {
+                if ((linux_cb.sock_power_control = open((char*)power_control_dev, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY )) == -1)
+                {
+                    ALOGI("%s unable to open %s",  __FUNCTION__, power_control_dev);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        USERIAL_PowerupDevice(port);
+    }
+    linux_cb.ser_cb     = p_cback;
+    linux_cb.port = port;
+    memcpy(&linux_cb.open_cfg, p_cfg, sizeof(tUSERIAL_OPEN_CFG));
+    GKI_create_task ((TASKPTR)userial_read_thread, USERIAL_HAL_TASK, (INT8*)"USERIAL_HAL_TASK", 0, 0, (pthread_cond_t*)NULL, NULL);
+    ALOGD( "Leaving USERIAL_Open\n");
+    /* give 20ms time for reader thread */
+    GKI_delay(20);
+    pthread_mutex_unlock(&close_thread_mutex);
+    ALOGI("USERIAL_Open(): exit");
+    return;
+** Function           USERIAL_Read
+** Description        Read data from a serial port using byte buffers.
+** Output Parameter   None
+** Returns            Number of bytes actually read from the serial port and
+**                    copied into p_data.  This may be less than len.
+static BT_HDR *pbuf_USERIAL_Read = NULL;
+UDRV_API UINT16  USERIAL_Read(tUSERIAL_PORT port, UINT8 *p_data, UINT16 len)
+    UINT16 total_len = 0;
+    UINT16 copy_len = 0;
+    UINT8 * current_packet = NULL;
+    ALOGD( "%s ++ len=%d pbuf_USERIAL_Read=%p, p_data=%p\n", __func__, len, pbuf_USERIAL_Read, p_data);
+    do
+    {
+        if (pbuf_USERIAL_Read != NULL)
+        {
+            current_packet = ((UINT8 *)(pbuf_USERIAL_Read + 1)) + (pbuf_USERIAL_Read->offset);
+            if ((pbuf_USERIAL_Read->len) <= (len - total_len))
+                copy_len = pbuf_USERIAL_Read->len;
+            else
+                copy_len = (len - total_len);
+            memcpy((p_data + total_len), current_packet, copy_len);
+            total_len += copy_len;
+            pbuf_USERIAL_Read->offset += copy_len;
+            pbuf_USERIAL_Read->len -= copy_len;
+            if (pbuf_USERIAL_Read->len == 0)
+            {
+                GKI_freebuf(pbuf_USERIAL_Read);
+                pbuf_USERIAL_Read = NULL;
+            }
+        }
+        if (pbuf_USERIAL_Read == NULL && (total_len < len))
+            pbuf_USERIAL_Read = (BT_HDR *)GKI_dequeue(&Userial_in_q);
+    } while ((pbuf_USERIAL_Read != NULL) && (total_len < len));
+    ALOGD( "%s: returned %d bytes", __func__, total_len);
+    return total_len;
+** Function           USERIAL_Readbuf
+** Description        Read data from a serial port using GKI buffers.
+** Output Parameter   Pointer to a GKI buffer which contains the data.
+** Returns            Nothing
+** Comments           The caller of this function is responsible for freeing the
+**                    GKI buffer when it is finished with the data.  If there is
+**                    no data to be read, the value of the returned pointer is
+**                    NULL.
+UDRV_API void    USERIAL_ReadBuf(tUSERIAL_PORT port, BT_HDR **p_buf)
+** Function           USERIAL_WriteBuf
+** Description        Write data to a serial port using a GKI buffer.
+** Output Parameter   None
+** Returns            TRUE  if buffer accepted for write.
+**                    FALSE if there is already a buffer being processed.
+** Comments           The buffer will be freed by the serial driver.  Therefore,
+**                    the application calling this function must not free the
+**                    buffer.
+    return FALSE;
+** Function           USERIAL_Write
+** Description        Write data to a serial port using a byte buffer.
+** Output Parameter   None
+** Returns            Number of bytes actually written to the transport.  This
+**                    may be less than len.
+UDRV_API UINT16  USERIAL_Write(tUSERIAL_PORT port, UINT8 *p_data, UINT16 len)
+    int ret = 0, total = 0;
+    int i = 0;
+    clock_t t;
+    doWriteDelay();
+    ALOGD_IF((appl_trace_level>=BT_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG), "USERIAL_Write: (%d bytes) - \n", len);
+    t = clock();
+    while (len != 0)
+    {
+        ret = write(linux_cb.sock, p_data + total, len);
+        if (ret < 0)
+            break;
+        total += ret;
+        len -= ret;
+    }
+    perf_update(&perf_write, clock() - t, total);
+    ALOGD_IF((appl_trace_level>=BT_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG), "USERIAL_Write len = %d, ret =  %d, errno = %d\n", len, ret, errno);
+    /* register a delay for next write
+     */
+    setWriteDelay(total * nfc_write_delay / 1000);
+    return ((UINT16)total);
+** Function           userial_change_rate
+** Description        change naud rate
+** Output Parameter   None
+** Returns            None
+void userial_change_rate(UINT8 baud)
+#if defined (USING_BRCM_USB) && (USING_BRCM_USB == FALSE)
+    struct termios termios;
+    UINT32 tcio_baud;
+#if defined (USING_BRCM_USB) && (USING_BRCM_USB == FALSE)
+    tcflush(linux_cb.sock, TCIOFLUSH);
+    tcgetattr(linux_cb.sock, &termios);
+    cfmakeraw(&termios);
+    cfsetospeed(&termios, baud);
+    cfsetispeed(&termios, baud);
+    termios.c_cflag |= (CLOCAL | CREAD | CRTSCTS | stop_bits);
+    tcsetattr(linux_cb.sock, TCSANOW, &termios);
+    tcflush(linux_cb.sock, TCIOFLUSH);
+    fprintf(stderr, "userial_change_rate: Closing UART Port\n");
+    ALOGI("userial_change_rate: Closing UART Port\n");
+    USERIAL_Close(linux_cb.port);
+    GKI_delay(50);
+    /* change baud rate in settings - leave everything else the same  */
+    linux_cb.open_cfg.baud = baud;
+    ALOGD( "userial_change_rate: Attempting to reopen the UART Port at 0x%08x\n", (unsigned int)USERIAL_GetLineSpeed(baud));
+    ALOGI("userial_change_rate: Attempting to reopen the UART Port at %i\n", (unsigned int)USERIAL_GetLineSpeed(baud));
+    USERIAL_Open(linux_cb.port, &linux_cb.open_cfg, linux_cb.ser_cb);
+#else /* amba uart */
+    fprintf(stderr, "userial_change_rate(): changeing baud rate via TCIO \n");
+    ALOGI( "userial_change_rate: (): changeing baud rate via TCIO \n");
+    /* change baud rate in settings - leave everything else the same  */
+    linux_cb.open_cfg.baud = baud;
+    if (!userial_to_tcio_baud(linux_cb.open_cfg.baud, &tcio_baud))
+        return;
+    tcflush(linux_cb.sock, TCIOFLUSH);
+    /* get current settings. they should be fine besides baud rate we want to change */
+    tcgetattr(linux_cb.sock, &termios);
+    /* set input/output baudrate */
+    cfsetospeed(&termios, tcio_baud);
+    cfsetispeed(&termios, tcio_baud);
+    tcsetattr(linux_cb.sock, TCSANOW, &termios);
+    tcflush(linux_cb.sock, TCIOFLUSH);
+#endif   /* USING_BRCM_USB  */
+** Function           userial_close_port
+** Description        close the transport driver
+** Returns            Nothing
+void userial_close_port( void )
+    USERIAL_Close(linux_cb.port);
+** Function           USERIAL_Ioctl
+** Description        Perform an operation on a serial port.
+** Output Parameter   The p_data parameter is either an input or output depending
+**                    on the operation.
+** Returns            Nothing
+#if (defined LINUX_OS) && (LINUX_OS == TRUE)
+    USB_SCO_CONTROL ioctl_data;
+    /* just ignore port parameter as we are using USB in this case  */
+    switch (op)
+    {
+        break;
+        break;
+        break;
+        ALOGI( "USERIAL_Ioctl: Received USERIAL_OP_BAUD_WR on port: %d, ioctl baud%i\n", port, p_data->baud);
+        linux_cb.port = port;
+        userial_change_rate(p_data->baud);
+        break;
+    default:
+        break;
+    }
+    return;
+** Function           USERIAL_Close
+** Description        Close a serial port
+** Output Parameter   None
+** Returns            Nothing
+    pthread_attr_t attr;
+    pthread_t      close_thread;
+    ALOGD ("%s: enter", __FUNCTION__);
+    // check to see if thread is already running
+    if (pthread_mutex_trylock(&close_thread_mutex) == 0)
+    {
+        // mutex aquired so thread is not running
+        is_close_thread_is_waiting = TRUE;
+        pthread_mutex_unlock(&close_thread_mutex);
+        // close transport in a new thread so we don't block the caller
+        // make thread detached, no other thread will join
+        pthread_attr_init(&attr);
+        pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);
+        pthread_create( &close_thread, &attr, (void *)userial_close_thread,(void*)port);
+        pthread_attr_destroy(&attr);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        // mutex not aquired to thread is already running
+        ALOGD( "USERIAL_Close(): already closing \n");
+    }
+    ALOGD ("%s: exit", __FUNCTION__);
+** Function         userial_close_thread
+** Description      Thread to close USERIAL
+** Returns          None.
+void userial_close_thread(UINT32 params)
+    tUSERIAL_PORT port = (tUSERIAL_PORT )params;
+    BT_HDR                  *p_buf = NULL;
+    int result;
+    ALOGD( "%s: closing transport (%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, linux_cb.sock);
+    pthread_mutex_lock(&close_thread_mutex);
+    is_close_thread_is_waiting = FALSE;
+    if (linux_cb.sock <= 0)
+    {
+        ALOGD( "%s: already closed (%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, linux_cb.sock);        
+        pthread_mutex_unlock(&close_thread_mutex);
+        return;
+    }
+    send_wakeup_signal();
+    result = pthread_join( worker_thread1, NULL );
+    if ( result < 0 )
+        ALOGE( "%s: pthread_join() FAILED: result: %d", __FUNCTION__, result );
+    else
+        ALOGD( "%s: pthread_join() joined: result: %d", __FUNCTION__, result );
+    if (linux_cb.sock_power_control > 0)
+    {
+        result = ioctl(linux_cb.sock_power_control, BCMNFC_WAKE_CTL, sleep_state());
+        ALOGD("%s: Delay %dms before turning off the chip", __FUNCTION__, gPrePowerOffDelay);
+        GKI_delay(gPrePowerOffDelay);
+        result = ioctl(linux_cb.sock_power_control, BCMNFC_POWER_CTL, 0);
+        ALOGD("%s: Delay %dms after turning off the chip", __FUNCTION__, gPostPowerOffDelay);
+        GKI_delay(gPostPowerOffDelay);
+    }
+    result = close(linux_cb.sock);
+    if (result<0)
+        ALOGD("%s: close return %d", __FUNCTION__, result);
+    if (linux_cb.sock_power_control > 0 && linux_cb.sock_power_control != linux_cb.sock)
+    result = close(linux_cb.sock_power_control);
+    if (result<0)
+        ALOGD("%s: close return %d", __FUNCTION__, result);
+    linux_cb.sock_power_control = -1;
+    linux_cb.sock = -1;
+    close_signal_fds();
+    pthread_mutex_unlock(&close_thread_mutex);
+    ALOGD("%s: exiting", __FUNCTION__);
+** Function           USERIAL_Feature
+** Description        Check whether a feature of the serial API is supported.
+** Output Parameter   None
+** Returns            TRUE  if the feature is supported
+**                    FALSE if the feature is not supported
+    switch (feature)
+    {
+    case USERIAL_FEAT_PORT_1:
+    case USERIAL_FEAT_PORT_2:
+    case USERIAL_FEAT_PORT_3:
+    case USERIAL_FEAT_PORT_4:
+    case USERIAL_FEAT_BAUD_600:
+    case USERIAL_FEAT_BAUD_1200:
+    case USERIAL_FEAT_BAUD_9600:
+    case USERIAL_FEAT_BAUD_19200:
+    case USERIAL_FEAT_BAUD_57600:
+    case USERIAL_FEAT_BAUD_115200:
+        return TRUE;
+    default:
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    return FALSE;
+** Function         UPIO_Set
+** Description
+**      This function sets one or more GPIO devices to the given state.
+**      Multiple GPIOs of the same type can be masked together to set more
+**      than one GPIO. This function can only be used on types UPIO_LED and
+**      UPIO_GENERAL.
+** Input Parameters:
+**      type    The type of device.
+**      pio     Indicates the particular GPIOs.
+**      state   The desired state.
+** Output Parameter:
+**      None.
+** Returns:
+**      None.
+UDRV_API void UPIO_Set(tUPIO_TYPE type, tUPIO pio, tUPIO_STATE new_state)
+    int     ret;
+    if (type == UPIO_GENERAL)
+    {
+        if (pio == NFC_HAL_LP_NFC_WAKE_GPIO)
+        {
+            if (new_state == UPIO_ON || new_state == UPIO_OFF)
+            {
+                if (linux_cb.sock_power_control > 0)
+                {
+                    ALOGD("%s: ioctl, state=%d", __func__, new_state);
+                    ret = ioctl(linux_cb.sock_power_control, BCMNFC_WAKE_CTL, new_state);
+                    if (isWake(new_state) && nfc_wake_delay > 0 && new_state != current_nfc_wake_state)
+                    {
+                        ALOGD("%s: ioctl, old state=%d, insert delay for %d ms", __func__, current_nfc_wake_state, nfc_wake_delay);
+                        setWriteDelay(nfc_wake_delay);
+                    }
+                    current_nfc_wake_state = new_state;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+** Function         setReadPacketSize
+** Description
+**      This function sets the packetSize to the driver.
+**      this enables faster read operation of NCI/HCI responses
+** Input Parameters:
+**      len     number of bytes to read per operation.
+** Output Parameter:
+**      None.
+** Returns:
+**      None.
+void setReadPacketSize(int len)
+    int ret;
+    ALOGD("%s: ioctl, len=%d", __func__, len);
+    ret = ioctl(linux_cb.sock, BCMNFC_READ_FULL_PACKET, len);
+    return (linux_cb.sock == -1) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+UDRV_API void USERIAL_PowerupDevice(tUSERIAL_PORT port)
+    int ret = -1;
+    unsigned long num = 0;
+    unsigned int resetSuccess = 0;
+    unsigned int numTries = 0;
+    unsigned char spi_negotiation[64];
+    if ( GetNumValue ( NAME_READ_MULTI_PACKETS, &num, sizeof ( num ) ) )
+        bcmi2cnfc_read_multi_packets = num;
+    if (bcmi2cnfc_read_multi_packets > 0)
+        ioctl(linux_cb.sock, BCMNFC_READ_MULTI_PACKETS, bcmi2cnfc_read_multi_packets);
+    while (!resetSuccess && numTries < NUM_RESET_ATTEMPTS) {
+        if (numTries++ > 0) {
+            ALOGW("BCM2079x: retrying reset, attempt %d/%d", numTries, NUM_RESET_ATTEMPTS);
+        }
+        if (linux_cb.sock_power_control > 0)
+        {
+            ioctl(linux_cb.sock_power_control, BCMNFC_POWER_CTL, 0);
+            GKI_delay(10);
+            ioctl(linux_cb.sock_power_control, BCMNFC_POWER_CTL, 1);
+            current_nfc_wake_state = wake_state();
+            ret = ioctl(linux_cb.sock_power_control, BCMNFC_WAKE_CTL, current_nfc_wake_state);
+        }
+        ret = GetStrValue ( NAME_SPI_NEGOTIATION, (char*)spi_negotiation, sizeof ( spi_negotiation ) );
+        if (ret > 0 && spi_negotiation[0] > 0 && spi_negotiation[0] < sizeof ( spi_negotiation ) - 1)
+        {
+            int len = spi_negotiation[0];
+            /* Wake control is not available: Start SPI negotiation*/
+            USERIAL_Write(port, &spi_negotiation[1], len);
+            USERIAL_Read(port, spi_negotiation, sizeof ( spi_negotiation ));
+        }
+        if ( GetNumValue ( NAME_CLIENT_ADDRESS, &num, sizeof ( num ) ) )
+            bcmi2cnfc_client_addr = num & 0xFF;
+        if (bcmi2cnfc_client_addr != 0 &&
+            0x07 < bcmi2cnfc_client_addr &&
+            bcmi2cnfc_client_addr < 0x78)
+        {
+            ALOGD( "Change client address to %x\n", bcmi2cnfc_client_addr);
+            GKI_delay(gPowerOnDelay);
+            ret = ioctl(linux_cb.sock, BCMNFC_CHANGE_ADDR, bcmi2cnfc_client_addr);
+            if (!ret) {
+                resetSuccess = 1;
+                linux_cb.client_device_address = bcmi2cnfc_client_addr;
+            }
+        } else {
+            resetSuccess = 1;
+        }
+    }
+    if (!resetSuccess) {
+        ALOGE("BCM2079x: failed to initialize NFC controller");
+    }
+    GKI_delay(gPowerOnDelay);
diff --git a/halimpl/bcm2079x/gki/common/gki.h b/halimpl/bcm2079x/gki/common/gki.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2e6f1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/halimpl/bcm2079x/gki/common/gki.h
@@ -0,0 +1,517 @@
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 1999-2012 Broadcom Corporation
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef GKI_H
+#define GKI_H
+#ifdef BUILDCFG
+#if (!defined(NFC_HAL_TARGET) || (NFC_HAL_TARGET == FALSE))
+    #include "buildcfg.h"
+    /* Build config when building HAL */
+    #include "buildcfg_hal.h"
+/* Include platform-specific over-rides */
+    #include "gki_target.h"
+    #include "bt_types.h"
+#elif (defined(NFC_HAL_TARGET) && (NFC_HAL_TARGET == TRUE))
+    /* If building NFC HAL, then use hal target file */
+    #include "gki_hal_target.h"
+    #include "nfc_types.h"
+    /* For non-nfc_standalone, include Bluetooth definitions */
+    #include "bt_target.h"
+    #include "bt_types.h"
+/* Uncomment this line for verbose GKI debugging and buffer tracking */
+/*#define GKI_BUFFER_DEBUG   TRUE*/
+/* Error codes */
+#define GKI_SUCCESS         0x00
+#define GKI_FAILURE         0x01
+#define GKI_INVALID_TASK    0xF0
+#define GKI_INVALID_POOL    0xFF
+** Mailbox definitions. Each task has 4 mailboxes that are used to
+** send buffers to the task.
+#define TASK_MBOX_0    0
+#define TASK_MBOX_1    1
+#define TASK_MBOX_2    2
+#define TASK_MBOX_3    3
+#define NUM_TASK_MBOX  4
+** Event definitions.
+** There are 4 reserved events used to signal messages rcvd in task mailboxes.
+** There are 4 reserved events used to signal timeout events.
+** There are 8 general purpose events available for applications.
+#define MAX_EVENTS              16
+#define TASK_MBOX_0_EVT_MASK   0x0001
+#define TASK_MBOX_1_EVT_MASK   0x0002
+#define TASK_MBOX_2_EVT_MASK   0x0004
+#define TASK_MBOX_3_EVT_MASK   0x0008
+#define TIMER_0             0
+#define TIMER_1             1
+#define TIMER_2             2
+#define TIMER_3             3
+#define TIMER_0_EVT_MASK    0x0010
+#define TIMER_1_EVT_MASK    0x0020
+#define TIMER_2_EVT_MASK    0x0040
+#define TIMER_3_EVT_MASK    0x0080
+#define APPL_EVT_0          8
+#define APPL_EVT_1          9
+#define APPL_EVT_2          10
+#define APPL_EVT_3          11
+#define APPL_EVT_4          12
+#define APPL_EVT_5          13
+#define APPL_EVT_6          14
+#define APPL_EVT_7          15
+#define EVENT_MASK(evt)       ((UINT16)(0x0001 << (evt)))
+**  Max Time Queue
+#define GKI_MAX_TIMER_QUEUES    3
+**  Macro to determine the pool buffer size based on the GKI POOL ID at compile time.
+**  Pool IDs index from 0 to GKI_NUM_FIXED_BUF_POOLS - 1
+#ifndef GKI_POOL_ID_0
+#define GKI_POOL_ID_0                0
+#endif /* ifndef GKI_POOL_ID_0 */
+#ifndef GKI_BUF0_SIZE
+#define GKI_BUF0_SIZE                0
+#endif /* ifndef GKI_BUF0_SIZE */
+#endif /* GKI_NUM_FIXED_BUF_POOLS < 1 */
+#ifndef GKI_POOL_ID_1
+#define GKI_POOL_ID_1                0
+#endif /* ifndef GKI_POOL_ID_1 */
+#ifndef GKI_BUF1_SIZE
+#define GKI_BUF1_SIZE                0
+#endif /* ifndef GKI_BUF1_SIZE */
+#endif /* GKI_NUM_FIXED_BUF_POOLS < 2 */
+#ifndef GKI_POOL_ID_2
+#define GKI_POOL_ID_2                0
+#endif /* ifndef GKI_POOL_ID_2 */
+#ifndef GKI_BUF2_SIZE
+#define GKI_BUF2_SIZE                0
+#endif /* ifndef GKI_BUF2_SIZE */
+#endif /* GKI_NUM_FIXED_BUF_POOLS < 3 */
+#ifndef GKI_POOL_ID_3
+#define GKI_POOL_ID_3                0
+#endif /* ifndef GKI_POOL_ID_4 */
+#ifndef GKI_BUF3_SIZE
+#define GKI_BUF3_SIZE                0
+#endif /* ifndef GKI_BUF3_SIZE */
+#endif /* GKI_NUM_FIXED_BUF_POOLS < 4 */
+#ifndef GKI_POOL_ID_4
+#define GKI_POOL_ID_4                0
+#endif /* ifndef GKI_POOL_ID_4 */
+#ifndef GKI_BUF4_SIZE
+#define GKI_BUF4_SIZE                0
+#endif /* ifndef GKI_BUF4_SIZE */
+#endif /* GKI_NUM_FIXED_BUF_POOLS < 5 */
+#ifndef GKI_POOL_ID_5
+#define GKI_POOL_ID_5                0
+#endif /* ifndef GKI_POOL_ID_5 */
+#ifndef GKI_BUF5_SIZE
+#define GKI_BUF5_SIZE                0
+#endif /* ifndef GKI_BUF5_SIZE */
+#endif /* GKI_NUM_FIXED_BUF_POOLS < 6 */
+#ifndef GKI_POOL_ID_6
+#define GKI_POOL_ID_6                0
+#endif /* ifndef GKI_POOL_ID_6 */
+#ifndef GKI_BUF6_SIZE
+#define GKI_BUF6_SIZE                0
+#endif /* ifndef GKI_BUF6_SIZE */
+#endif /* GKI_NUM_FIXED_BUF_POOLS < 7 */
+#ifndef GKI_POOL_ID_7
+#define GKI_POOL_ID_7                0
+#endif /* ifndef GKI_POOL_ID_7 */
+#ifndef GKI_BUF7_SIZE
+#define GKI_BUF7_SIZE                0
+#endif /* ifndef GKI_BUF7_SIZE */
+#endif /* GKI_NUM_FIXED_BUF_POOLS < 8 */
+#ifndef GKI_POOL_ID_8
+#define GKI_POOL_ID_8                0
+#endif /* ifndef GKI_POOL_ID_8 */
+#ifndef GKI_BUF8_SIZE
+#define GKI_BUF8_SIZE                0
+#endif /* ifndef GKI_BUF8_SIZE */
+#endif /* GKI_NUM_FIXED_BUF_POOLS < 9 */
+#ifndef GKI_POOL_ID_9
+#define GKI_POOL_ID_9                0
+#endif /* ifndef GKI_POOL_ID_9 */
+#ifndef GKI_BUF9_SIZE
+#define GKI_BUF9_SIZE                0
+#endif /* ifndef GKI_BUF9_SIZE */
+#endif /* GKI_NUM_FIXED_BUF_POOLS < 10 */
+#ifndef GKI_POOL_ID_10
+#define GKI_POOL_ID_10                0
+#endif /* ifndef GKI_POOL_ID_10 */
+#ifndef GKI_BUF10_SIZE
+#define GKI_BUF10_SIZE                0
+#endif /* ifndef GKI_BUF10_SIZE */
+#endif /* GKI_NUM_FIXED_BUF_POOLS < 11 */
+#ifndef GKI_POOL_ID_11
+#define GKI_POOL_ID_11                0
+#endif /* ifndef GKI_POOL_ID_11 */
+#ifndef GKI_BUF11_SIZE
+#define GKI_BUF11_SIZE                0
+#endif /* ifndef GKI_BUF11_SIZE */
+#endif /* GKI_NUM_FIXED_BUF_POOLS < 12 */
+#ifndef GKI_POOL_ID_12
+#define GKI_POOL_ID_12                0
+#endif /* ifndef GKI_POOL_ID_12 */
+#ifndef GKI_BUF12_SIZE
+#define GKI_BUF12_SIZE                0
+#endif /* ifndef GKI_BUF12_SIZE */
+#endif /* GKI_NUM_FIXED_BUF_POOLS < 13 */
+#ifndef GKI_POOL_ID_13
+#define GKI_POOL_ID_13                0
+#endif /* ifndef GKI_POOL_ID_13 */
+#ifndef GKI_BUF13_SIZE
+#define GKI_BUF13_SIZE                0
+#endif /* ifndef GKI_BUF13_SIZE */
+#endif /* GKI_NUM_FIXED_BUF_POOLS < 14 */
+#ifndef GKI_POOL_ID_14
+#define GKI_POOL_ID_14                0
+#endif /* ifndef GKI_POOL_ID_14 */
+#ifndef GKI_BUF14_SIZE
+#define GKI_BUF14_SIZE                0
+#endif /* ifndef GKI_BUF14_SIZE */
+#endif /* GKI_NUM_FIXED_BUF_POOLS < 15 */
+#ifndef GKI_POOL_ID_15
+#define GKI_POOL_ID_15                0
+#endif /* ifndef GKI_POOL_ID_15 */
+#ifndef GKI_BUF15_SIZE
+#define GKI_BUF15_SIZE                0
+#endif /* ifndef GKI_BUF15_SIZE */
+#endif /* GKI_NUM_FIXED_BUF_POOLS < 16 */
+/* Timer list entry callback type
+typedef void (TIMER_CBACK)(void *p_tle);
+#ifdef  WIN2000
+#define TIMER_PARAM_TYPE    void *
+/* Define a timer list entry
+typedef struct _tle
+    struct _tle  *p_next;
+    struct _tle  *p_prev;
+    TIMER_CBACK  *p_cback;
+    INT32         ticks;
+    TIMER_PARAM_TYPE   param;
+    UINT16        event;
+    UINT8         in_use;
+/* Define a timer list queue
+typedef struct
+    TIMER_LIST_ENT   *p_first;
+    TIMER_LIST_ENT   *p_last;
+    INT32             last_ticks;
+** This queue is a general purpose buffer queue, for application use.
+typedef struct
+    void    *p_first;
+    void    *p_last;
+    UINT16   count;
+#define GKI_IS_QUEUE_EMPTY(p_q) ((p_q)->count == 0)
+/* Task constants
+#ifndef TASKPTR
+typedef void (*TASKPTR)(UINT32);
+#define GKI_PUBLIC_POOL         0       /* General pool accessible to GKI_getbuf() */
+#define GKI_RESTRICTED_POOL     1       /* Inaccessible pool to GKI_getbuf() */
+** Function prototypes
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/* Task management
+GKI_API extern UINT8   GKI_create_task (TASKPTR, UINT8, INT8 *, UINT16 *, UINT16, void*, void*);
+GKI_API extern void    GKI_exit_task(UINT8);
+GKI_API extern UINT8   GKI_get_taskid(void);
+GKI_API extern void    GKI_init(void);
+GKI_API extern UINT8   *GKI_map_taskname(UINT8);
+GKI_API extern UINT8   GKI_resume_task(UINT8);
+GKI_API extern void    GKI_run(void *);
+GKI_API extern void    GKI_stop(void);
+GKI_API extern UINT8   GKI_suspend_task(UINT8);
+GKI_API extern UINT8   GKI_is_task_running(UINT8);
+GKI_API extern void    GKI_shutdown(void);
+/* memory management
+GKI_API extern void GKI_shiftdown (UINT8 *p_mem, UINT32 len, UINT32 shift_amount);
+GKI_API extern void GKI_shiftup (UINT8 *p_dest, UINT8 *p_src, UINT32 len);
+/* To send buffers and events between tasks
+GKI_API extern UINT8   GKI_isend_event (UINT8, UINT16);
+GKI_API extern void    GKI_isend_msg (UINT8, UINT8, void *);
+GKI_API extern void   *GKI_read_mbox  (UINT8);
+GKI_API extern void    GKI_send_msg   (UINT8, UINT8, void *);
+GKI_API extern UINT8   GKI_send_event (UINT8, UINT16);
+/* To get and release buffers, change owner and get size
+GKI_API extern void    GKI_change_buf_owner (void *, UINT8);
+GKI_API extern UINT8   GKI_create_pool (UINT16, UINT16, UINT8, void *);
+GKI_API extern void    GKI_delete_pool (UINT8);
+GKI_API extern void   *GKI_find_buf_start (void *);
+GKI_API extern void    GKI_freebuf (void *);
+#define GKI_getbuf(size)    GKI_getbuf_debug(size, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__)
+GKI_API extern void   *GKI_getbuf_debug (UINT16, const char *, int);
+GKI_API extern void   *GKI_getbuf (UINT16);
+GKI_API extern UINT16  GKI_get_buf_size (void *);
+#define GKI_getpoolbuf(id)    GKI_getpoolbuf_debug(id, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__)
+GKI_API extern void   *GKI_getpoolbuf_debug (UINT8, const char *, int);
+GKI_API extern void   *GKI_getpoolbuf (UINT8);
+GKI_API extern UINT16  GKI_poolcount (UINT8);
+GKI_API extern UINT16  GKI_poolfreecount (UINT8);
+GKI_API extern UINT16  GKI_poolutilization (UINT8);
+GKI_API extern void    GKI_register_mempool (void *p_mem);
+GKI_API extern UINT8   GKI_set_pool_permission(UINT8, UINT8);
+/* User buffer queue management
+GKI_API extern void   *GKI_dequeue  (BUFFER_Q *);
+GKI_API extern void    GKI_enqueue (BUFFER_Q *, void *);
+GKI_API extern void    GKI_enqueue_head (BUFFER_Q *, void *);
+GKI_API extern void   *GKI_getfirst (BUFFER_Q *);
+GKI_API extern void   *GKI_getlast (BUFFER_Q *);
+GKI_API extern void   *GKI_getnext (void *);
+GKI_API extern void    GKI_init_q (BUFFER_Q *);
+GKI_API extern BOOLEAN GKI_queue_is_empty(BUFFER_Q *);
+GKI_API extern void   *GKI_remove_from_queue (BUFFER_Q *, void *);
+GKI_API extern UINT16  GKI_get_pool_bufsize (UINT8);
+/* Timer management
+GKI_API extern void    GKI_add_to_timer_list (TIMER_LIST_Q *, TIMER_LIST_ENT  *);
+GKI_API extern void    GKI_delay(UINT32);
+GKI_API extern UINT32  GKI_get_tick_count(void);
+GKI_API extern INT8   *GKI_get_time_stamp(INT8 *);
+GKI_API extern void    GKI_init_timer_list (TIMER_LIST_Q *);
+GKI_API extern void    GKI_init_timer_list_entry (TIMER_LIST_ENT  *);
+GKI_API extern INT32   GKI_ready_to_sleep (void);
+GKI_API extern void    GKI_remove_from_timer_list (TIMER_LIST_Q *, TIMER_LIST_ENT  *);
+GKI_API extern void    GKI_start_timer(UINT8, INT32, BOOLEAN);
+GKI_API extern void    GKI_stop_timer (UINT8);
+GKI_API extern void    GKI_timer_update(INT32);
+GKI_API extern UINT16  GKI_update_timer_list (TIMER_LIST_Q *, INT32);
+GKI_API extern UINT32  GKI_get_remaining_ticks (TIMER_LIST_Q *, TIMER_LIST_ENT  *);
+GKI_API extern UINT16  GKI_wait(UINT16, UINT32);
+/* Start and Stop system time tick callback
+ * true for start system tick if time queue is not empty
+ * false to stop system tick if time queue is empty
+/* Time queue management for system ticks
+GKI_API extern BOOLEAN GKI_timer_queue_empty (void);
+GKI_API extern void    GKI_timer_queue_register_callback(SYSTEM_TICK_CBACK *);
+/* Disable Interrupts, Enable Interrupts
+GKI_API extern void    GKI_enable(void);
+GKI_API extern void    GKI_disable(void);
+GKI_API extern void    GKI_sched_lock(void);
+GKI_API extern void    GKI_sched_unlock(void);
+/* Allocate (Free) memory from an OS
+GKI_API extern void     *GKI_os_malloc (UINT32);
+GKI_API extern void      GKI_os_free (void *);
+/* os timer operation */
+GKI_API extern UINT32 GKI_get_os_tick_count(void);
+/* Exception handling
+GKI_API extern void    GKI_exception (UINT16, char *);
+GKI_API extern void    GKI_PrintBufferUsage(UINT8 *p_num_pools, UINT16 *p_cur_used);
+GKI_API extern void    GKI_PrintBuffer(void);
+GKI_API extern void    GKI_print_task(void);
+#undef GKI_PrintBufferUsage
+#define GKI_PrintBuffer() NULL
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/halimpl/bcm2079x/gki/common/gki_buffer.c b/halimpl/bcm2079x/gki/common/gki_buffer.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..067c7ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/halimpl/bcm2079x/gki/common/gki_buffer.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1531 @@
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 1999-2012 Broadcom Corporation
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#include "gki_int.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#error Number of pools out of range (16 Max)!
+static void gki_add_to_pool_list(UINT8 pool_id);
+static void gki_remove_from_pool_list(UINT8 pool_id);
+#define LOG_TAG "GKI_DEBUG"
+** Function         gki_init_free_queue
+** Description      Internal function called at startup to initialize a free
+**                  queue. It is called once for each free queue.
+** Returns          void
+static void gki_init_free_queue (UINT8 id, UINT16 size, UINT16 total, void *p_mem)
+    UINT16           i;
+    UINT16           act_size;
+    BUFFER_HDR_T    *hdr;
+    BUFFER_HDR_T    *hdr1 = NULL;
+    UINT32          *magic;
+    INT32            tempsize = size;
+    tGKI_COM_CB     *p_cb = &;
+    /* Ensure an even number of longwords */
+    tempsize = (INT32)ALIGN_POOL(size);
+    act_size = (UINT16)(tempsize + BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE);
+    /* Remember pool start and end addresses */
+    if(p_mem)
+    {
+        p_cb->pool_start[id] = (UINT8 *)p_mem;
+        p_cb->pool_end[id]   = (UINT8 *)p_mem + (act_size * total);
+    }
+    p_cb->pool_size[id]  = act_size;
+    p_cb->freeq[id].size      = (UINT16) tempsize;
+    p_cb->freeq[id].total     = total;
+    p_cb->freeq[id].cur_cnt   = 0;
+    p_cb->freeq[id].max_cnt   = 0;
+    LOGD("gki_init_free_queue() init pool=%d, size=%d (aligned=%d) total=%d start=%p", id, size, tempsize, total, p_mem);
+    /* Initialize  index table */
+    if(p_mem)
+    {
+        hdr = (BUFFER_HDR_T *)p_mem;
+        p_cb->freeq[id].p_first = hdr;
+        for (i = 0; i < total; i++)
+        {
+            hdr->task_id = GKI_INVALID_TASK;
+            hdr->q_id    = id;
+            hdr->status  = BUF_STATUS_FREE;
+            magic        = (UINT32 *)((UINT8 *)hdr + BUFFER_HDR_SIZE + tempsize);
+            *magic       = MAGIC_NO;
+            hdr1         = hdr;
+            hdr          = (BUFFER_HDR_T *)((UINT8 *)hdr + act_size);
+            hdr1->p_next = hdr;
+        }
+        hdr1->p_next = NULL;
+        p_cb->freeq[id].p_last = hdr1;
+    }
+    return;
+static BOOLEAN gki_alloc_free_queue(UINT8 id)
+    FREE_QUEUE_T  *Q;
+    tGKI_COM_CB *p_cb = &;
+    printf("\ngki_alloc_free_queue in, id:%d \n", id);
+    Q = &p_cb->freeq[p_cb->pool_list[id]];
+    if(Q->p_first == 0)
+    {
+        void* p_mem = GKI_os_malloc((Q->size + BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE) * Q->total);
+        if(p_mem)
+        {
+            //re-initialize the queue with allocated memory
+            printf("\ngki_alloc_free_queue calling  gki_init_free_queue, id:%d  size:%d, totol:%d\n", id, Q->size, Q->total);
+            gki_init_free_queue(id, Q->size, Q->total, p_mem);
+            printf("\ngki_alloc_free_queue ret OK, id:%d  size:%d, totol:%d\n", id, Q->size, Q->total);
+            return TRUE;
+        }
+        GKI_exception (GKI_ERROR_BUF_SIZE_TOOBIG, "gki_alloc_free_queue: Not enough memory");
+    }
+    printf("\ngki_alloc_free_queue out failed, id:%d\n", id);
+    return FALSE;
+** Function         gki_buffer_init
+** Description      Called once internally by GKI at startup to initialize all
+**                  buffers and free buffer pools.
+** Returns          void
+void gki_buffer_init(void)
+    UINT8   i, tt, mb;
+    tGKI_COM_CB *p_cb = &;
+    /* Initialize mailboxes */
+    for (tt = 0; tt < GKI_MAX_TASKS; tt++)
+    {
+        for (mb = 0; mb < NUM_TASK_MBOX; mb++)
+        {
+            p_cb->OSTaskQFirst[tt][mb] = NULL;
+            p_cb->OSTaskQLast [tt][mb] = NULL;
+        }
+    }
+    for (tt = 0; tt < GKI_NUM_TOTAL_BUF_POOLS; tt++)
+    {
+        p_cb->pool_start[tt] = NULL;
+        p_cb->pool_end[tt]   = NULL;
+        p_cb->pool_size[tt]  = 0;
+        p_cb->freeq[tt].p_first = 0;
+        p_cb->freeq[tt].p_last  = 0;
+        p_cb->freeq[tt].size    = 0;
+        p_cb->freeq[tt].total   = 0;
+        p_cb->freeq[tt].cur_cnt = 0;
+        p_cb->freeq[tt].max_cnt = 0;
+    }
+    /* Use default from target.h */
+    p_cb->pool_access_mask = GKI_DEF_BUFPOOL_PERM_MASK;
+    p_cb->bufpool0 = (UINT8 *)GKI_os_malloc ((GKI_BUF0_SIZE + BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE) * GKI_BUF0_MAX);
+    p_cb->bufpool1 = (UINT8 *)GKI_os_malloc ((GKI_BUF1_SIZE + BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE) * GKI_BUF1_MAX);
+    p_cb->bufpool2 = (UINT8 *)GKI_os_malloc ((GKI_BUF2_SIZE + BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE) * GKI_BUF2_MAX);
+    p_cb->bufpool3 = (UINT8 *)GKI_os_malloc ((GKI_BUF3_SIZE + BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE) * GKI_BUF3_MAX);
+    p_cb->bufpool4 = (UINT8 *)GKI_os_malloc ((GKI_BUF4_SIZE + BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE) * GKI_BUF4_MAX);
+    p_cb->bufpool5 = (UINT8 *)GKI_os_malloc ((GKI_BUF5_SIZE + BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE) * GKI_BUF5_MAX);
+    p_cb->bufpool6 = (UINT8 *)GKI_os_malloc ((GKI_BUF6_SIZE + BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE) * GKI_BUF6_MAX);
+    p_cb->bufpool7 = (UINT8 *)GKI_os_malloc ((GKI_BUF7_SIZE + BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE) * GKI_BUF7_MAX);
+    p_cb->bufpool8 = (UINT8 *)GKI_os_malloc ((GKI_BUF8_SIZE + BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE) * GKI_BUF8_MAX);
+    p_cb->bufpool9 = (UINT8 *)GKI_os_malloc ((GKI_BUF9_SIZE + BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE) * GKI_BUF9_MAX);
+    p_cb->bufpool10 = (UINT8 *)GKI_os_malloc ((GKI_BUF10_SIZE + BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE) * GKI_BUF10_MAX);
+    p_cb->bufpool11 = (UINT8 *)GKI_os_malloc ((GKI_BUF11_SIZE + BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE) * GKI_BUF11_MAX);
+    p_cb->bufpool12 = (UINT8 *)GKI_os_malloc ((GKI_BUF12_SIZE + BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE) * GKI_BUF12_MAX);
+    p_cb->bufpool13 = (UINT8 *)GKI_os_malloc ((GKI_BUF13_SIZE + BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE) * GKI_BUF13_MAX);
+    p_cb->bufpool14 = (UINT8 *)GKI_os_malloc ((GKI_BUF14_SIZE + BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE) * GKI_BUF14_MAX);
+    p_cb->bufpool15 = (UINT8 *)GKI_os_malloc ((GKI_BUF15_SIZE + BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE) * GKI_BUF15_MAX);
+    gki_init_free_queue(0, GKI_BUF0_SIZE, GKI_BUF0_MAX, p_cb->bufpool0);
+    gki_init_free_queue(1, GKI_BUF1_SIZE, GKI_BUF1_MAX, p_cb->bufpool1);
+    gki_init_free_queue(2, GKI_BUF2_SIZE, GKI_BUF2_MAX, p_cb->bufpool2);
+    gki_init_free_queue(3, GKI_BUF3_SIZE, GKI_BUF3_MAX, p_cb->bufpool3);
+    gki_init_free_queue(4, GKI_BUF4_SIZE, GKI_BUF4_MAX, p_cb->bufpool4);
+    gki_init_free_queue(5, GKI_BUF5_SIZE, GKI_BUF5_MAX, p_cb->bufpool5);
+    gki_init_free_queue(6, GKI_BUF6_SIZE, GKI_BUF6_MAX, p_cb->bufpool6);
+    gki_init_free_queue(7, GKI_BUF7_SIZE, GKI_BUF7_MAX, p_cb->bufpool7);
+    gki_init_free_queue(8, GKI_BUF8_SIZE, GKI_BUF8_MAX, p_cb->bufpool8);
+    gki_init_free_queue(9, GKI_BUF9_SIZE, GKI_BUF9_MAX, p_cb->bufpool9);
+    gki_init_free_queue(10, GKI_BUF10_SIZE, GKI_BUF10_MAX, p_cb->bufpool10);
+    gki_init_free_queue(11, GKI_BUF11_SIZE, GKI_BUF11_MAX, p_cb->bufpool11);
+    gki_init_free_queue(12, GKI_BUF12_SIZE, GKI_BUF12_MAX, p_cb->bufpool12);
+    gki_init_free_queue(13, GKI_BUF13_SIZE, GKI_BUF13_MAX, p_cb->bufpool13);
+    gki_init_free_queue(14, GKI_BUF14_SIZE, GKI_BUF14_MAX, p_cb->bufpool14);
+    gki_init_free_queue(15, GKI_BUF15_SIZE, GKI_BUF15_MAX, p_cb->bufpool15);
+    /* add pools to the pool_list which is arranged in the order of size */
+    for(i=0; i < GKI_NUM_FIXED_BUF_POOLS ; i++)
+    {
+        p_cb->pool_list[i] = i;
+    }
+    p_cb->curr_total_no_of_pools = GKI_NUM_FIXED_BUF_POOLS;
+    return;
+** Function         GKI_init_q
+** Description      Called by an application to initialize a buffer queue.
+** Returns          void
+void GKI_init_q (BUFFER_Q *p_q)
+    p_q->p_first = p_q->p_last = NULL;
+    p_q->count = 0;
+    return;
+** Function         GKI_getbuf
+** Description      Called by an application to get a free buffer which
+**                  is of size greater or equal to the requested size.
+**                  Note: This routine only takes buffers from public pools.
+**                        It will not use any buffers from pools
+**                        marked GKI_RESTRICTED_POOL.
+** Parameters       size - (input) number of bytes needed.
+** Returns          A pointer to the buffer, or NULL if none available
+void *GKI_getbuf_debug (UINT16 size, const char * _function_, int _line_)
+void *GKI_getbuf (UINT16 size)
+    UINT8         i;
+    FREE_QUEUE_T  *Q;
+    BUFFER_HDR_T  *p_hdr;
+    tGKI_COM_CB *p_cb = &;
+    UINT8         x;
+    if (size == 0)
+    {
+        GKI_exception (GKI_ERROR_BUF_SIZE_ZERO, "getbuf: Size is zero");
+        return (NULL);
+    }
+    LOGD("GKI_getbuf() requesting %d func:%s(line=%d)", size, _function_, _line_);
+    /* Find the first buffer pool that is public that can hold the desired size */
+    for (i=0; i < p_cb->curr_total_no_of_pools; i++)
+    {
+        if ( size <= p_cb->freeq[p_cb->pool_list[i]].size )
+            break;
+    }
+    if(i == p_cb->curr_total_no_of_pools)
+    {
+        GKI_exception (GKI_ERROR_BUF_SIZE_TOOBIG, "getbuf: Size is too big");
+        return (NULL);
+    }
+    /* Make sure the buffers aren't disturbed til finished with allocation */
+    GKI_disable();
+    /* search the public buffer pools that are big enough to hold the size
+     * until a free buffer is found */
+    for ( ; i < p_cb->curr_total_no_of_pools; i++)
+    {
+        /* Only look at PUBLIC buffer pools (bypass RESTRICTED pools) */
+        if (((UINT16)1 << p_cb->pool_list[i]) & p_cb->pool_access_mask)
+            continue;
+        Q = &p_cb->freeq[p_cb->pool_list[i]];
+        if(Q->cur_cnt < Q->total)
+        {
+            if(Q->p_first == 0 && gki_alloc_free_queue(i) != TRUE)
+            {
+                GKI_TRACE_ERROR_0("GKI_getbuf() out of buffer");
+                return NULL;
+            }
+        #endif
+            p_hdr = Q->p_first;
+            Q->p_first = p_hdr->p_next;
+            if (!Q->p_first)
+                Q->p_last = NULL;
+            if(++Q->cur_cnt > Q->max_cnt)
+                Q->max_cnt = Q->cur_cnt;
+            GKI_enable();
+            p_hdr->task_id = GKI_get_taskid();
+            p_hdr->status  = BUF_STATUS_UNLINKED;
+            p_hdr->p_next  = NULL;
+            p_hdr->Type    = 0;
+            LOGD("GKI_getbuf() allocated, %x, %x (%d of %d used) %d", (UINT8*)p_hdr + BUFFER_HDR_SIZE, p_hdr, Q->cur_cnt, Q->total, p_cb->freeq[i].total);
+            strncpy(p_hdr->_function, _function_, _GKI_MAX_FUNCTION_NAME_LEN);
+            p_hdr->_function[_GKI_MAX_FUNCTION_NAME_LEN] = '\0';
+            p_hdr->_line = _line_;
+            return ((void *) ((UINT8 *)p_hdr + BUFFER_HDR_SIZE));
+        }
+    }
+    GKI_TRACE_ERROR_0("GKI_getbuf() unable to allocate buffer!!!!!");
+    LOGD("GKI_getbuf() unable to allocate buffer!!!!!");
+    LOGD("******************** GKI Memory Pool Dump ********************");
+    p_cb = &;
+    LOGD("Dumping total of %d buffer pools", p_cb->curr_total_no_of_pools);
+    for (i=0 ; i < p_cb->curr_total_no_of_pools; i++)
+    {
+        p_hdr = (BUFFER_HDR_T *)p_cb->pool_start[i];
+        LOGD("pool %d has a total of %d buffers (start=%p)", i, p_cb->freeq[i].total, p_hdr);
+        for (x=0; p_hdr && x < p_cb->freeq[i].total; x++)
+        {
+            if (p_hdr->status != BUF_STATUS_FREE)
+            {
+                LOGD("pool:%d, buf[%d]:%x, hdr:%x status=%d func:%s(line=%d)", i, x, (UINT8*)p_hdr + BUFFER_HDR_SIZE, p_hdr, p_hdr->status, p_hdr->_function, p_hdr->_line);
+            }
+            p_hdr = (BUFFER_HDR_T *)((UINT8 *)p_hdr + p_cb->pool_size[i]);
+        }
+    }
+    LOGD("**************************************************************");
+    GKI_TRACE_ERROR_0("Failed to allocate GKI buffer");
+    GKI_enable();
+    return (NULL);
+** Function         GKI_getpoolbuf
+** Description      Called by an application to get a free buffer from
+**                  a specific buffer pool.
+**                  Note: If there are no more buffers available from the pool,
+**                        the public buffers are searched for an available buffer.
+** Parameters       pool_id - (input) pool ID to get a buffer out of.
+** Returns          A pointer to the buffer, or NULL if none available
+void *GKI_getpoolbuf_debug (UINT8 pool_id, const char * _function_, int _line_)
+void *GKI_getpoolbuf (UINT8 pool_id)
+    FREE_QUEUE_T  *Q;
+    BUFFER_HDR_T  *p_hdr;
+    tGKI_COM_CB *p_cb = &;
+    if (pool_id >= GKI_NUM_TOTAL_BUF_POOLS)
+        return (NULL);
+    LOGD("GKI_getpoolbuf() requesting from %d func:%s(line=%d)", pool_id, _function_, _line_);
+    /* Make sure the buffers aren't disturbed til finished with allocation */
+    GKI_disable();
+    Q = &p_cb->freeq[pool_id];
+    if(Q->cur_cnt < Q->total)
+    {
+        if(Q->p_first == 0 && gki_alloc_free_queue(pool_id) != TRUE)
+            return NULL;
+        p_hdr = Q->p_first;
+        Q->p_first = p_hdr->p_next;
+        if (!Q->p_first)
+            Q->p_last = NULL;
+        if(++Q->cur_cnt > Q->max_cnt)
+            Q->max_cnt = Q->cur_cnt;
+        GKI_enable();
+        p_hdr->task_id = GKI_get_taskid();
+        p_hdr->status  = BUF_STATUS_UNLINKED;
+        p_hdr->p_next  = NULL;
+        p_hdr->Type    = 0;
+        LOGD("GKI_getpoolbuf() allocated, %x, %x (%d of %d used) %d", (UINT8*)p_hdr + BUFFER_HDR_SIZE, p_hdr, Q->cur_cnt, Q->total, p_cb->freeq[pool_id].total);
+        strncpy(p_hdr->_function, _function_, _GKI_MAX_FUNCTION_NAME_LEN);
+        p_hdr->_function[_GKI_MAX_FUNCTION_NAME_LEN] = '\0';
+        p_hdr->_line = _line_;
+        return ((void *) ((UINT8 *)p_hdr + BUFFER_HDR_SIZE));
+    }
+    /* If here, no buffers in the specified pool */
+    GKI_enable();
+    /* try for free buffers in public pools */
+    return (GKI_getbuf_debug(p_cb->freeq[pool_id].size, _function_, _line_));
+    /* try for free buffers in public pools */
+    return (GKI_getbuf(p_cb->freeq[pool_id].size));
+** Function         GKI_freebuf
+** Description      Called by an application to return a buffer to the free pool.
+** Parameters       p_buf - (input) address of the beginning of a buffer.
+** Returns          void
+void GKI_freebuf (void *p_buf)
+    FREE_QUEUE_T    *Q;
+    BUFFER_HDR_T    *p_hdr;
+    if (!p_buf || gki_chk_buf_damage(p_buf))
+    {
+        GKI_exception(GKI_ERROR_BUF_CORRUPTED, "Free - Buf Corrupted");
+        return;
+    }
+    p_hdr = (BUFFER_HDR_T *) ((UINT8 *)p_buf - BUFFER_HDR_SIZE);
+    LOGD("GKI_freebuf() freeing, %x, %x, func:%s(line=%d)", p_buf, p_hdr, p_hdr->_function, p_hdr->_line);
+    if (p_hdr->status != BUF_STATUS_UNLINKED)
+    {
+        GKI_exception(GKI_ERROR_FREEBUF_BUF_LINKED, "Freeing Linked Buf");
+        return;
+    }
+    if (p_hdr->q_id >= GKI_NUM_TOTAL_BUF_POOLS)
+    {
+        GKI_exception(GKI_ERROR_FREEBUF_BAD_QID, "Bad Buf QId");
+        return;
+    }
+    GKI_disable();
+    /*
+    ** Release the buffer
+    */
+    Q  = &[p_hdr->q_id];
+    if (Q->p_last)
+        Q->p_last->p_next = p_hdr;
+    else
+        Q->p_first = p_hdr;
+    Q->p_last      = p_hdr;
+    p_hdr->p_next  = NULL;
+    p_hdr->status  = BUF_STATUS_FREE;
+    p_hdr->task_id = GKI_INVALID_TASK;
+    if (Q->cur_cnt > 0)
+        Q->cur_cnt--;
+    GKI_enable();
+    return;
+** Function         GKI_get_buf_size
+** Description      Called by an application to get the size of a buffer.
+** Parameters       p_buf - (input) address of the beginning of a buffer.
+** Returns          the size of the buffer
+UINT16 GKI_get_buf_size (void *p_buf)
+    BUFFER_HDR_T    *p_hdr;
+    p_hdr = (BUFFER_HDR_T *)((UINT8 *) p_buf - BUFFER_HDR_SIZE);
+    if ((UINT32)p_hdr & 1)
+        return (0);
+    if (p_hdr->q_id < GKI_NUM_TOTAL_BUF_POOLS)
+    {
+        return ([p_hdr->q_id].size);
+    }
+    return (0);
+** Function         gki_chk_buf_damage
+** Description      Called internally by OSS to check for buffer corruption.
+** Returns          TRUE if there is a problem, else FALSE
+BOOLEAN gki_chk_buf_damage(void *p_buf)
+    UINT32 *magic;
+    magic  = (UINT32 *)((UINT8 *) p_buf + GKI_get_buf_size(p_buf));
+    if ((UINT32)magic & 1)
+        return (TRUE);
+    if (*magic == MAGIC_NO)
+        return (FALSE);
+    return (TRUE);
+    return (FALSE);
+** Function         GKI_send_msg
+** Description      Called by applications to send a buffer to a task
+** Returns          Nothing
+void GKI_send_msg (UINT8 task_id, UINT8 mbox, void *msg)
+    BUFFER_HDR_T    *p_hdr;
+    tGKI_COM_CB *p_cb = &;
+    /* If task non-existant or not started, drop buffer */
+    if ((task_id >= GKI_MAX_TASKS) || (mbox >= NUM_TASK_MBOX) || (p_cb->OSRdyTbl[task_id] == TASK_DEAD))
+    {
+        GKI_exception(GKI_ERROR_SEND_MSG_BAD_DEST, "Sending to unknown dest");
+        GKI_freebuf (msg);
+        return;
+    }
+    if (gki_chk_buf_damage(msg))
+    {
+        GKI_exception(GKI_ERROR_BUF_CORRUPTED, "Send - Buffer corrupted");
+        return;
+    }
+    p_hdr = (BUFFER_HDR_T *) ((UINT8 *) msg - BUFFER_HDR_SIZE);
+    if (p_hdr->status != BUF_STATUS_UNLINKED)
+    {
+        GKI_exception(GKI_ERROR_SEND_MSG_BUF_LINKED, "Send - buffer linked");
+        return;
+    }
+    GKI_disable();
+    if (p_cb->OSTaskQFirst[task_id][mbox])
+        p_cb->OSTaskQLast[task_id][mbox]->p_next = p_hdr;
+    else
+        p_cb->OSTaskQFirst[task_id][mbox] = p_hdr;
+    p_cb->OSTaskQLast[task_id][mbox] = p_hdr;
+    p_hdr->p_next = NULL;
+    p_hdr->status = BUF_STATUS_QUEUED;
+    p_hdr->task_id = task_id;
+    GKI_enable();
+    GKI_send_event(task_id, (UINT16)EVENT_MASK(mbox));
+    return;
+** Function         GKI_read_mbox
+** Description      Called by applications to read a buffer from one of
+**                  the task mailboxes.  A task can only read its own mailbox.
+** Parameters:      mbox  - (input) mailbox ID to read (0, 1, 2, or 3)
+** Returns          NULL if the mailbox was empty, else the address of a buffer
+void *GKI_read_mbox (UINT8 mbox)
+    UINT8           task_id = GKI_get_taskid();
+    void            *p_buf = NULL;
+    BUFFER_HDR_T    *p_hdr;
+    if ((task_id >= GKI_MAX_TASKS) || (mbox >= NUM_TASK_MBOX))
+        return (NULL);
+    GKI_disable();
+    if ([task_id][mbox])
+    {
+        p_hdr =[task_id][mbox];
+[task_id][mbox] = p_hdr->p_next;
+        p_hdr->p_next = NULL;
+        p_hdr->status = BUF_STATUS_UNLINKED;
+        p_buf = (UINT8 *)p_hdr + BUFFER_HDR_SIZE;
+    }
+    GKI_enable();
+    return (p_buf);
+** Function         GKI_enqueue
+** Description      Enqueue a buffer at the tail of the queue
+** Parameters:      p_q  -  (input) pointer to a queue.
+**                  p_buf - (input) address of the buffer to enqueue
+** Returns          void
+void GKI_enqueue (BUFFER_Q *p_q, void *p_buf)
+    BUFFER_HDR_T    *p_hdr;
+    if (gki_chk_buf_damage(p_buf))
+    {
+        GKI_exception(GKI_ERROR_BUF_CORRUPTED, "Enqueue - Buffer corrupted");
+        return;
+    }
+    p_hdr = (BUFFER_HDR_T *) ((UINT8 *) p_buf - BUFFER_HDR_SIZE);
+    if (p_hdr->status != BUF_STATUS_UNLINKED)
+    {
+        GKI_exception(GKI_ERROR_ENQUEUE_BUF_LINKED, "Eneueue - buf already linked");
+        return;
+    }
+    GKI_disable();
+    /* Since the queue is exposed (C vs C++), keep the pointers in exposed format */
+    if (p_q->p_first)
+    {
+        BUFFER_HDR_T *p_last_hdr = (BUFFER_HDR_T *)((UINT8 *)p_q->p_last - BUFFER_HDR_SIZE);
+        p_last_hdr->p_next = p_hdr;
+    }
+    else
+        p_q->p_first = p_buf;
+    p_q->p_last = p_buf;
+    p_q->count++;
+    p_hdr->p_next = NULL;
+    p_hdr->status = BUF_STATUS_QUEUED;
+    GKI_enable();
+    return;
+** Function         GKI_enqueue_head
+** Description      Enqueue a buffer at the head of the queue
+** Parameters:      p_q  -  (input) pointer to a queue.
+**                  p_buf - (input) address of the buffer to enqueue
+** Returns          void
+void GKI_enqueue_head (BUFFER_Q *p_q, void *p_buf)
+    BUFFER_HDR_T    *p_hdr;
+    if (gki_chk_buf_damage(p_buf))
+    {
+        GKI_exception(GKI_ERROR_BUF_CORRUPTED, "Enqueue - Buffer corrupted");
+        return;
+    }
+    p_hdr = (BUFFER_HDR_T *) ((UINT8 *) p_buf - BUFFER_HDR_SIZE);
+    if (p_hdr->status != BUF_STATUS_UNLINKED)
+    {
+        GKI_exception(GKI_ERROR_ENQUEUE_BUF_LINKED, "Eneueue head - buf already linked");
+        return;
+    }
+    GKI_disable();
+    if (p_q->p_first)
+    {
+        p_hdr->p_next = (BUFFER_HDR_T *)((UINT8 *)p_q->p_first - BUFFER_HDR_SIZE);
+        p_q->p_first = p_buf;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        p_q->p_first = p_buf;
+        p_q->p_last  = p_buf;
+        p_hdr->p_next = NULL;
+    }
+    p_q->count++;
+    p_hdr->status = BUF_STATUS_QUEUED;
+    GKI_enable();
+    return;
+** Function         GKI_dequeue
+** Description      Dequeues a buffer from the head of a queue
+** Parameters:      p_q  - (input) pointer to a queue.
+** Returns          NULL if queue is empty, else buffer
+void *GKI_dequeue (BUFFER_Q *p_q)
+    BUFFER_HDR_T    *p_hdr;
+    GKI_disable();
+    if (!p_q || !p_q->count)
+    {
+        GKI_enable();
+        return (NULL);
+    }
+    p_hdr = (BUFFER_HDR_T *)((UINT8 *)p_q->p_first - BUFFER_HDR_SIZE);
+    /* Keep buffers such that GKI header is invisible
+    */
+    if (p_hdr->p_next)
+        p_q->p_first = ((UINT8 *)p_hdr->p_next + BUFFER_HDR_SIZE);
+    else
+    {
+        p_q->p_first = NULL;
+        p_q->p_last  = NULL;
+    }
+    p_q->count--;
+    p_hdr->p_next = NULL;
+    p_hdr->status = BUF_STATUS_UNLINKED;
+    GKI_enable();
+    return ((UINT8 *)p_hdr + BUFFER_HDR_SIZE);
+** Function         GKI_remove_from_queue
+** Description      Dequeue a buffer from the middle of the queue
+** Parameters:      p_q  - (input) pointer to a queue.
+**                  p_buf - (input) address of the buffer to enqueue
+** Returns          NULL if queue is empty, else buffer
+void *GKI_remove_from_queue (BUFFER_Q *p_q, void *p_buf)
+    BUFFER_HDR_T    *p_prev;
+    BUFFER_HDR_T    *p_buf_hdr;
+    GKI_disable();
+    if (p_buf == p_q->p_first)
+    {
+        GKI_enable();
+        return (GKI_dequeue (p_q));
+    }
+    p_buf_hdr = (BUFFER_HDR_T *)((UINT8 *)p_buf - BUFFER_HDR_SIZE);
+    p_prev    = (BUFFER_HDR_T *)((UINT8 *)p_q->p_first - BUFFER_HDR_SIZE);
+    for ( ; p_prev; p_prev = p_prev->p_next)
+    {
+        /* If the previous points to this one, move the pointers around */
+        if (p_prev->p_next == p_buf_hdr)
+        {
+            p_prev->p_next = p_buf_hdr->p_next;
+            /* If we are removing the last guy in the queue, update p_last */
+            if (p_buf == p_q->p_last)
+                p_q->p_last = p_prev + 1;
+            /* One less in the queue */
+            p_q->count--;
+            /* The buffer is now unlinked */
+            p_buf_hdr->p_next = NULL;
+            p_buf_hdr->status = BUF_STATUS_UNLINKED;
+            GKI_enable();
+            return (p_buf);
+        }
+    }
+    GKI_enable();
+    return (NULL);
+** Function         GKI_getfirst
+** Description      Return a pointer to the first buffer in a queue
+** Parameters:      p_q  - (input) pointer to a queue.
+** Returns          NULL if queue is empty, else buffer address
+void *GKI_getfirst (BUFFER_Q *p_q)
+    return (p_q->p_first);
+** Function         GKI_getlast
+** Description      Return a pointer to the last buffer in a queue
+** Parameters:      p_q  - (input) pointer to a queue.
+** Returns          NULL if queue is empty, else buffer address
+void *GKI_getlast (BUFFER_Q *p_q)
+    return (p_q->p_last);
+** Function         GKI_getnext
+** Description      Return a pointer to the next buffer in a queue
+** Parameters:      p_buf  - (input) pointer to the buffer to find the next one from.
+** Returns          NULL if no more buffers in the queue, else next buffer address
+void *GKI_getnext (void *p_buf)
+    BUFFER_HDR_T    *p_hdr;
+    p_hdr = (BUFFER_HDR_T *) ((UINT8 *) p_buf - BUFFER_HDR_SIZE);
+    if (p_hdr->p_next)
+        return ((UINT8 *)p_hdr->p_next + BUFFER_HDR_SIZE);
+    else
+        return (NULL);
+** Function         GKI_queue_is_empty
+** Description      Check the status of a queue.
+** Parameters:      p_q  - (input) pointer to a queue.
+** Returns          TRUE if queue is empty, else FALSE
+BOOLEAN GKI_queue_is_empty(BUFFER_Q *p_q)
+    return ((BOOLEAN) (p_q->count == 0));
+** Function         GKI_find_buf_start
+** Description      This function is called with an address inside a buffer,
+**                  and returns the start address ofthe buffer.
+**                  The buffer should be one allocated from one of GKI's pools.
+** Parameters:      p_user_area - (input) address of anywhere in a GKI buffer.
+** Returns          void * - Address of the beginning of the specified buffer if successful,
+**                          otherwise NULL if unsuccessful
+void *GKI_find_buf_start (void *p_user_area)
+    UINT16       xx, size;
+    UINT32       yy;
+    tGKI_COM_CB *p_cb = &;
+    UINT8       *p_ua = (UINT8 *)p_user_area;
+    for (xx = 0; xx < GKI_NUM_TOTAL_BUF_POOLS; xx++)
+    {
+        if ((p_ua > p_cb->pool_start[xx]) && (p_ua < p_cb->pool_end[xx]))
+        {
+            yy = (UINT32)(p_ua - p_cb->pool_start[xx]);
+            size = p_cb->pool_size[xx];
+            yy = (yy / size) * size;
+            return ((void *) (p_cb->pool_start[xx] + yy + sizeof(BUFFER_HDR_T)) );
+        }
+    }
+    /* If here, invalid address - not in one of our buffers */
+    GKI_exception (GKI_ERROR_BUF_SIZE_ZERO, "GKI_get_buf_start:: bad addr");
+    return (NULL);
+* The following functions are not needed for light stack
+** Function         GKI_set_pool_permission
+** Description      This function is called to set or change the permissions for
+**                  the specified pool ID.
+** Parameters       pool_id -       (input) pool ID to be set or changed
+**                  permission -    (input) GKI_PUBLIC_POOL or GKI_RESTRICTED_POOL
+** Returns          GKI_SUCCESS if successful
+**                  GKI_INVALID_POOL if unsuccessful
+UINT8 GKI_set_pool_permission(UINT8 pool_id, UINT8 permission)
+    tGKI_COM_CB *p_cb = &;
+    if (pool_id < GKI_NUM_TOTAL_BUF_POOLS)
+    {
+        if (permission == GKI_RESTRICTED_POOL)
+            p_cb->pool_access_mask = (UINT16)(p_cb->pool_access_mask | (1 << pool_id));
+        else    /* mark the pool as public */
+            p_cb->pool_access_mask = (UINT16)(p_cb->pool_access_mask & ~(1 << pool_id));
+        return (GKI_SUCCESS);
+    }
+    else
+        return (GKI_INVALID_POOL);
+** Function         gki_add_to_pool_list
+** Description      Adds pool to the pool list which is arranged in the
+**                  order of size
+** Returns          void
+static void gki_add_to_pool_list(UINT8 pool_id)
+    INT32 i, j;
+    tGKI_COM_CB *p_cb = &;
+     /* Find the position where the specified pool should be inserted into the list */
+    for(i=0; i < p_cb->curr_total_no_of_pools; i++)
+    {
+        if(p_cb->freeq[pool_id].size <= p_cb->freeq[ p_cb->pool_list[i] ].size)
+            break;
+    }
+    /* Insert the new buffer pool ID into the list of pools */
+    for(j = p_cb->curr_total_no_of_pools; j > i; j--)
+    {
+        p_cb->pool_list[j] = p_cb->pool_list[j-1];
+    }
+    p_cb->pool_list[i] = pool_id;
+    return;
+** Function         gki_remove_from_pool_list
+** Description      Removes pool from the pool list. Called when a pool is deleted
+** Returns          void
+static void gki_remove_from_pool_list(UINT8 pool_id)
+    tGKI_COM_CB *p_cb = &;
+    UINT8 i;
+    for(i=0; i < p_cb->curr_total_no_of_pools; i++)
+    {
+        if(pool_id == p_cb->pool_list[i])
+            break;
+    }
+    while (i < (p_cb->curr_total_no_of_pools - 1))
+    {
+        p_cb->pool_list[i] = p_cb->pool_list[i+1];
+        i++;
+    }
+    return;
+** Function         GKI_igetpoolbuf
+** Description      Called by an interrupt service routine to get a free buffer from
+**                  a specific buffer pool.
+** Parameters       pool_id - (input) pool ID to get a buffer out of.
+** Returns          A pointer to the buffer, or NULL if none available
+void *GKI_igetpoolbuf (UINT8 pool_id)
+    FREE_QUEUE_T  *Q;
+    BUFFER_HDR_T  *p_hdr;
+    if (pool_id >= GKI_NUM_TOTAL_BUF_POOLS)
+        return (NULL);
+    Q = &[pool_id];
+    if(Q->cur_cnt < Q->total)
+    {
+        p_hdr = Q->p_first;
+        Q->p_first = p_hdr->p_next;
+        if (!Q->p_first)
+            Q->p_last = NULL;
+        if(++Q->cur_cnt > Q->max_cnt)
+            Q->max_cnt = Q->cur_cnt;
+        p_hdr->task_id = GKI_get_taskid();
+        p_hdr->status  = BUF_STATUS_UNLINKED;
+        p_hdr->p_next  = NULL;
+        p_hdr->Type    = 0;
+        return ((void *) ((UINT8 *)p_hdr + BUFFER_HDR_SIZE));
+    }
+    return (NULL);
+** Function         GKI_poolcount
+** Description      Called by an application to get the total number of buffers
+**                  in the specified buffer pool.
+** Parameters       pool_id - (input) pool ID to get the free count of.
+** Returns          the total number of buffers in the pool
+UINT16 GKI_poolcount (UINT8 pool_id)
+    if (pool_id >= GKI_NUM_TOTAL_BUF_POOLS)
+        return (0);
+    return ([pool_id].total);
+** Function         GKI_poolfreecount
+** Description      Called by an application to get the number of free buffers
+**                  in the specified buffer pool.
+** Parameters       pool_id - (input) pool ID to get the free count of.
+** Returns          the number of free buffers in the pool
+UINT16 GKI_poolfreecount (UINT8 pool_id)
+    FREE_QUEUE_T  *Q;
+    if (pool_id >= GKI_NUM_TOTAL_BUF_POOLS)
+        return (0);
+    Q  = &[pool_id];
+    return ((UINT16)(Q->total - Q->cur_cnt));
+** Function         GKI_change_buf_owner
+** Description      Called to change the task ownership of a buffer.
+** Parameters:      p_buf   - (input) pointer to the buffer
+**                  task_id - (input) task id to change ownership to
+** Returns          void
+void GKI_change_buf_owner (void *p_buf, UINT8 task_id)
+    BUFFER_HDR_T    *p_hdr = (BUFFER_HDR_T *) ((UINT8 *) p_buf - BUFFER_HDR_SIZE);
+    p_hdr->task_id = task_id;
+    return;
+** Function         GKI_isend_msg
+** Description      Called from interrupt context to send a buffer to a task
+** Returns          Nothing
+void GKI_isend_msg (UINT8 task_id, UINT8 mbox, void *msg)
+    BUFFER_HDR_T    *p_hdr;
+    tGKI_COM_CB *p_cb = &;
+    /* If task non-existant or not started, drop buffer */
+    if ((task_id >= GKI_MAX_TASKS) || (mbox >= NUM_TASK_MBOX) || (p_cb->OSRdyTbl[task_id] == TASK_DEAD))
+    {
+        GKI_exception(GKI_ERROR_SEND_MSG_BAD_DEST, "Sending to unknown dest");
+        GKI_freebuf (msg);
+        return;
+    }
+    if (gki_chk_buf_damage(msg))
+    {
+        GKI_exception(GKI_ERROR_BUF_CORRUPTED, "Send - Buffer corrupted");
+        return;
+    }
+    if (gki_chk_buf_owner(msg))
+    {
+        GKI_exception(GKI_ERROR_NOT_BUF_OWNER, "Send by non-owner");
+        return;
+    }
+    p_hdr = (BUFFER_HDR_T *) ((UINT8 *) msg - BUFFER_HDR_SIZE);
+    if (p_hdr->status != BUF_STATUS_UNLINKED)
+    {
+        GKI_exception(GKI_ERROR_SEND_MSG_BUF_LINKED, "Send - buffer linked");
+        return;
+    }
+    if (p_cb->OSTaskQFirst[task_id][mbox])
+        p_cb->OSTaskQLast[task_id][mbox]->p_next = p_hdr;
+    else
+        p_cb->OSTaskQFirst[task_id][mbox] = p_hdr;
+    p_cb->OSTaskQLast[task_id][mbox] = p_hdr;
+    p_hdr->p_next = NULL;
+    p_hdr->status = BUF_STATUS_QUEUED;
+    p_hdr->task_id = task_id;
+    GKI_isend_event(task_id, (UINT16)EVENT_MASK(mbox));
+    return;
+** Function         GKI_create_pool
+** Description      Called by applications to create a buffer pool.
+** Parameters:      size        - (input) length (in bytes) of each buffer in the pool
+**                  count       - (input) number of buffers to allocate for the pool
+**                  permission  - (input) restricted or public access?
+**                                        (GKI_PUBLIC_POOL or GKI_RESTRICTED_POOL)
+**                  p_mem_pool  - (input) pointer to an OS memory pool, NULL if not provided
+** Returns          the buffer pool ID, which should be used in calls to
+**                  GKI_getpoolbuf(). If a pool could not be created, this
+**                  function returns 0xff.
+UINT8 GKI_create_pool (UINT16 size, UINT16 count, UINT8 permission, void *p_mem_pool)
+    UINT8        xx;
+    UINT32       mem_needed;
+    INT32        tempsize = size;
+    tGKI_COM_CB *p_cb = &;
+    /* First make sure the size of each pool has a valid size with room for the header info */
+    if (size > MAX_USER_BUF_SIZE)
+        return (GKI_INVALID_POOL);
+    /* First, look for an unused pool */
+    for (xx = 0; xx < GKI_NUM_TOTAL_BUF_POOLS; xx++)
+    {
+        if (!p_cb->pool_start[xx])
+            break;
+    }
+    if (xx == GKI_NUM_TOTAL_BUF_POOLS)
+        return (GKI_INVALID_POOL);
+    /* Ensure an even number of longwords */
+    tempsize = (INT32)ALIGN_POOL(size);
+    mem_needed = (tempsize + BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE) * count;
+    if (!p_mem_pool)
+        p_mem_pool = GKI_os_malloc(mem_needed);
+    if (p_mem_pool)
+    {
+        /* Initialize the new pool */
+        gki_init_free_queue (xx, size, count, p_mem_pool);
+        gki_add_to_pool_list(xx);
+        (void) GKI_set_pool_permission (xx, permission);
+        p_cb->curr_total_no_of_pools++;
+        return (xx);
+    }
+    else
+        return (GKI_INVALID_POOL);
+** Function         GKI_delete_pool
+** Description      Called by applications to delete a buffer pool.  The function
+**                  calls the operating specific function to free the actual memory.
+**                  An exception is generated if an error is detected.
+** Parameters:      pool_id - (input) Id of the poll being deleted.
+** Returns          void
+void GKI_delete_pool (UINT8 pool_id)
+    FREE_QUEUE_T    *Q;
+    tGKI_COM_CB     *p_cb = &;
+    if ((pool_id >= GKI_NUM_TOTAL_BUF_POOLS) || (!p_cb->pool_start[pool_id]))
+        return;
+    GKI_disable();
+    Q  = &p_cb->freeq[pool_id];
+    if (!Q->cur_cnt)
+    {
+        Q->size      = 0;
+        Q->total     = 0;
+        Q->cur_cnt   = 0;
+        Q->max_cnt   = 0;
+        Q->p_first   = NULL;
+        Q->p_last    = NULL;
+        GKI_os_free (p_cb->pool_start[pool_id]);
+        p_cb->pool_start[pool_id] = NULL;
+        p_cb->pool_end[pool_id]   = NULL;
+        p_cb->pool_size[pool_id]  = 0;
+        gki_remove_from_pool_list(pool_id);
+        p_cb->curr_total_no_of_pools--;
+    }
+    else
+        GKI_exception(GKI_ERROR_DELETE_POOL_BAD_QID, "Deleting bad pool");
+    GKI_enable();
+    return;
+** Function         GKI_get_pool_bufsize
+** Description      Called by an application to get the size of buffers in a pool
+** Parameters       Pool ID.
+** Returns          the size of buffers in the pool
+UINT16 GKI_get_pool_bufsize (UINT8 pool_id)
+    if (pool_id < GKI_NUM_TOTAL_BUF_POOLS)
+        return ([pool_id].size);
+    return (0);
+** Function         GKI_poolutilization
+** Description      Called by an application to get the buffer utilization
+**                  in the specified buffer pool.
+** Parameters       pool_id - (input) pool ID to get the free count of.
+** Returns          % of buffers used from 0 to 100
+UINT16 GKI_poolutilization (UINT8 pool_id)
+    FREE_QUEUE_T  *Q;
+    if (pool_id >= GKI_NUM_TOTAL_BUF_POOLS)
+        return (100);
+    Q  = &[pool_id];
+    if (Q->total == 0)
+        return (100);
+    return ((Q->cur_cnt * 100) / Q->total);
diff --git a/halimpl/bcm2079x/gki/common/gki_common.h b/halimpl/bcm2079x/gki/common/gki_common.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2bd9f8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/halimpl/bcm2079x/gki/common/gki_common.h
@@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 1999-2012 Broadcom Corporation
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef GKI_COMMON_H
+#define GKI_COMMON_H
+#include "gki.h"
+#include "dyn_mem.h"
+#ifndef GKI_DEBUG
+/* Task States: (For OSRdyTbl) */
+#define TASK_DEAD       0   /* b0000 */
+#define TASK_READY      1   /* b0001 */
+#define TASK_WAIT       2   /* b0010 */
+#define TASK_DELAY      4   /* b0100 */
+#define TASK_SUSPEND    8   /* b1000 */
+**  Internal Error codes
+#define GKI_ERROR_NOT_BUF_OWNER         0xFFFE
+#define GKI_ERROR_BUF_SIZE_ZERO         0xFFF6
+#define GKI_ERROR_ADDR_NOT_IN_BUF       0xFFF5
+**  Misc constants
+#define GKI_MAX_INT32           (0x7fffffffL)
+#define GKI_MAX_TIMESTAMP       (0xffffffffL)
+**  Buffer Management Data Structures
+typedef struct _buffer_hdr
+    struct _buffer_hdr *p_next;   /* next buffer in the queue */
+    UINT8   q_id;                 /* id of the queue */
+    UINT8   task_id;              /* task which allocated the buffer*/
+    UINT8   status;               /* FREE, UNLINKED or QUEUED */
+    UINT8   Type;
+    /* for tracking who allocated the buffer */
+    #define _GKI_MAX_FUNCTION_NAME_LEN   (50)
+    char    _function[_GKI_MAX_FUNCTION_NAME_LEN+1];
+    int     _line;
+typedef struct _free_queue
+    BUFFER_HDR_T *p_first;      /* first buffer in the queue */
+    BUFFER_HDR_T *p_last;       /* last buffer in the queue */
+    UINT16          size;          /* size of the buffers in the pool */
+    UINT16          total;         /* toatal number of buffers */
+    UINT16          cur_cnt;       /* number of  buffers currently allocated */
+    UINT16          max_cnt;       /* maximum number of buffers allocated at any time */
+/* Buffer related defines
+#define ALIGN_POOL(pl_size)  ( (((pl_size) + 3) / sizeof(UINT32)) * sizeof(UINT32))
+#define BUFFER_HDR_SIZE     (sizeof(BUFFER_HDR_T))                  /* Offset past header */
+#define BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE (sizeof(BUFFER_HDR_T) + sizeof(UINT32)) /* Header + Magic Number */
+#define MAX_USER_BUF_SIZE   ((UINT16)0xffff - BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE)  /* pool size must allow for header */
+#define MAGIC_NO            0xDDBADDBA
+#define BUF_STATUS_FREE     0
+#define BUF_STATUS_QUEUED   2
+/* Exception related structures (Used in debug mode only)
+#if (GKI_DEBUG == TRUE)
+typedef struct
+    UINT16  type;
+    UINT8   taskid;
+/* Put all GKI variables into one control block
+typedef struct
+    /* Task management variables
+    */
+    /* The stack and stack size are not used on Windows
+    */
+/* Definitions for dynamic buffer use */
+    UINT8 *bufpool0;
+    UINT8 *bufpool1;
+    UINT8 *bufpool2;
+    UINT8 *bufpool3;
+    UINT8 *bufpool4;
+    UINT8 *bufpool5;
+    UINT8 *bufpool6;
+    UINT8 *bufpool7;
+    UINT8 *bufpool8;
+    UINT8 *bufpool9;
+    UINT8 *bufpool10;
+    UINT8 *bufpool11;
+    UINT8 *bufpool12;
+    UINT8 *bufpool13;
+    UINT8 *bufpool14;
+    UINT8 *bufpool15;
+    UINT8  *OSStack[GKI_MAX_TASKS];         /* pointer to beginning of stack */
+    UINT16  OSStackSize[GKI_MAX_TASKS];     /* stack size available to each task */
+    INT8   *OSTName[GKI_MAX_TASKS];         /* name of the task */
+    UINT8   OSRdyTbl[GKI_MAX_TASKS];        /* current state of the task */
+    UINT16  OSWaitEvt[GKI_MAX_TASKS];       /* events that have to be processed by the task */
+    UINT16  OSWaitForEvt[GKI_MAX_TASKS];    /* events the task is waiting for*/
+    UINT32  OSTicks;                        /* system ticks from start */
+    UINT32  OSIdleCnt;                      /* idle counter */
+    INT16   OSDisableNesting;               /* counter to keep track of interrupt disable nesting */
+    INT16   OSLockNesting;                  /* counter to keep track of sched lock nesting */
+    INT16   OSIntNesting;                   /* counter to keep track of interrupt nesting */
+    /* Timer related variables
+    */
+    INT32   OSTicksTilExp;      /* Number of ticks till next timer expires */
+    UINT32  OSTicksTilStop;     /* inactivity delay timer; OS Ticks till stopping system tick */
+    INT32   OSNumOrigTicks;     /* Number of ticks between last timer expiration to the next one */
+    INT32   OSWaitTmr   [GKI_MAX_TASKS];  /* ticks the task has to wait, for specific events */
+    /* Only take up space timers used in the system (GKI_NUM_TIMERS defined in target.h) */
+#if (GKI_NUM_TIMERS > 0)
+    INT32   OSTaskTmr0  [GKI_MAX_TASKS];
+    INT32   OSTaskTmr0R [GKI_MAX_TASKS];
+#if (GKI_NUM_TIMERS > 1)
+    INT32   OSTaskTmr1  [GKI_MAX_TASKS];
+    INT32   OSTaskTmr1R [GKI_MAX_TASKS];
+#if (GKI_NUM_TIMERS > 2)
+    INT32   OSTaskTmr2  [GKI_MAX_TASKS];
+    INT32   OSTaskTmr2R [GKI_MAX_TASKS];
+#if (GKI_NUM_TIMERS > 3)
+    INT32   OSTaskTmr3  [GKI_MAX_TASKS];
+    INT32   OSTaskTmr3R [GKI_MAX_TASKS];
+    /* Buffer related variables
+    */
+    BUFFER_HDR_T    *OSTaskQFirst[GKI_MAX_TASKS][NUM_TASK_MBOX]; /* array of pointers to the first event in the task mailbox */
+    BUFFER_HDR_T    *OSTaskQLast [GKI_MAX_TASKS][NUM_TASK_MBOX]; /* array of pointers to the last event in the task mailbox */
+    /* Define the buffer pool management variables
+    */
+    UINT16   pool_buf_size[GKI_NUM_TOTAL_BUF_POOLS];
+    UINT16   pool_max_count[GKI_NUM_TOTAL_BUF_POOLS];
+    UINT16   pool_additions[GKI_NUM_TOTAL_BUF_POOLS];
+    /* Define the buffer pool start addresses
+    */
+    UINT8   *pool_start[GKI_NUM_TOTAL_BUF_POOLS];   /* array of pointers to the start of each buffer pool */
+    UINT8   *pool_end[GKI_NUM_TOTAL_BUF_POOLS];     /* array of pointers to the end of each buffer pool */
+    UINT16   pool_size[GKI_NUM_TOTAL_BUF_POOLS];    /* actual size of the buffers in a pool */
+    /* Define the buffer pool access control variables */
+    void        *p_user_mempool;                    /* User O/S memory pool */
+    UINT16      pool_access_mask;                   /* Bits are set if the corresponding buffer pool is a restricted pool */
+    UINT8       pool_list[GKI_NUM_TOTAL_BUF_POOLS]; /* buffer pools arranged in the order of size */
+    UINT8       curr_total_no_of_pools;             /* number of fixed buf pools + current number of dynamic pools */
+    BOOLEAN     timer_nesting;                      /* flag to prevent timer interrupt nesting */
+    /* Time queue arrays */
+    TIMER_LIST_Q *timer_queues[GKI_MAX_TIMER_QUEUES];
+    /* System tick callback */
+    SYSTEM_TICK_CBACK *p_tick_cb;
+    BOOLEAN     system_tick_running;                /* TRUE if system tick is running. Valid only if p_tick_cb is not NULL */
+#if (GKI_DEBUG == TRUE)
+    UINT16      ExceptionCnt;                       /* number of GKI exceptions that have happened */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/* Internal GKI function prototypes
+GKI_API extern BOOLEAN   gki_chk_buf_damage(void *);
+extern BOOLEAN   gki_chk_buf_owner(void *);
+extern void      gki_buffer_init (void);
+extern void      gki_timers_init(void);
+extern void      gki_adjust_timer_count (INT32);
+extern void    OSStartRdy(void);
+extern void	   OSCtxSw(void);
+extern void	   OSIntCtxSw(void);
+extern void    OSSched(void);
+extern void    OSIntEnter(void);
+extern void    OSIntExit(void);
+/* Debug aids
+typedef void  (*FP_PRINT)(char *, ...);
+#if (GKI_DEBUG == TRUE)
+typedef void  (*PKT_PRINT)(UINT8 *, UINT16);
+extern void gki_print_task(FP_PRINT);
+extern void gki_print_exception(FP_PRINT);
+extern void gki_print_timer(FP_PRINT);
+extern void gki_print_stack(FP_PRINT);
+extern void gki_print_buffer(FP_PRINT);
+extern void gki_print_buffer_statistics(FP_PRINT, INT16);
+GKI_API extern void gki_print_used_bufs (FP_PRINT, UINT8);
+extern void gki_dump(UINT8 *, UINT16, FP_PRINT);
+extern void gki_dump2(UINT16 *, UINT16, FP_PRINT);
+extern void gki_dump4(UINT32 *, UINT16, FP_PRINT);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/halimpl/bcm2079x/gki/common/gki_debug.c b/halimpl/bcm2079x/gki/common/gki_debug.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..481ba16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/halimpl/bcm2079x/gki/common/gki_debug.c
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 1999-2012 Broadcom Corporation
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#include "gki_int.h"
+#if (GKI_DEBUG == TRUE)
+const INT8 * const OSTaskStates[] =
+    (INT8 *)"DEAD",  /* 0 */
+    (INT8 *)"REDY",  /* 1 */
+    (INT8 *)"WAIT",  /* 2 */
+    (INT8 *)"",
+    (INT8 *)"DELY",  /* 4 */
+    (INT8 *)"",
+    (INT8 *)"",
+    (INT8 *)"",
+    (INT8 *)"SUSP",  /* 8 */
+** Function         GKI_PrintBufferUsage
+** Description      Displays Current Buffer Pool summary
+** Returns          void
+void GKI_PrintBufferUsage(UINT8 *p_num_pools, UINT16 *p_cur_used)
+    int i;
+    FREE_QUEUE_T    *p;
+    UINT8   num =;
+    GKI_TRACE_0("");
+    GKI_TRACE_0("--- GKI Buffer Pool Summary (R - restricted, P - public) ---");
+    GKI_TRACE_0("------------------------------");
+    for (i = 0; i <; i++)
+    {
+        p = &[i];
+        if ((1 << i) &
+        {
+            GKI_TRACE_5("%02d: (R), %4d, %3d, %3d, %3d",
+                        i, p->size, p->cur_cnt, p->max_cnt, p->total);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            GKI_TRACE_5("%02d: (P), %4d, %3d, %3d, %3d",
+                        i, p->size, p->cur_cnt, p->max_cnt, p->total);
+        }
+        cur[i] = p->cur_cnt;
+    }
+    if (p_num_pools)
+        *p_num_pools = num;
+    if (p_cur_used)
+        memcpy(p_cur_used, cur, num*2);
+** Function         GKI_PrintBuffer
+** Description      Called internally by OSS to print the buffer pools
+** Returns          void
+void GKI_PrintBuffer(void)
+    UINT16 i;
+    for(i=0; i<GKI_NUM_TOTAL_BUF_POOLS; i++)
+    {
+        GKI_TRACE_5("pool:%4u free %4u cur %3u max %3u  total%3u", i,[i].size,
+          [i].cur_cnt,[i].max_cnt,[i].total);
+    }
+** Function         gki_calc_stack
+** Description      This function tries to calculate the amount of
+**                  stack used by looking non magic num. Magic num is consider
+**                  the first byte in the stack.
+** Returns          the number of unused byte on the stack. 4 in case of stack overrun
+UINT16 gki_calc_stack (UINT8 task)
+    int    j, stacksize;
+    UINT32 MagicNum;
+    UINT32 *p;
+    stacksize = (int)[task];
+    p = (UINT32 *)[task]; /* assume stack is aligned, */
+    MagicNum = *p;
+    for(j = 0; j < stacksize; j++)
+    {
+        if(*p++ != MagicNum) break;
+    }
+    return (j * sizeof(UINT32));
+** Function         GKI_print_task
+** Description      Print task stack usage.
+** Returns          void
+void GKI_print_task(void)
+#ifdef _BT_WIN32
+	GKI_TRACE_0("Service not available under insight");
+    UINT8 TaskId;
+    for(TaskId=0; TaskId < GKI_MAX_TASKS; TaskId++)
+    {
+        if ([TaskId] != TASK_DEAD)
+        {
+            GKI_TRACE_5("%2u   %-8s %-5s  0x%04X     0x%04X Bytes",
+                (UINT16)TaskId,[TaskId],
+                OSTaskStates[[TaskId]],
+                gki_calc_stack(TaskId),[TaskId]);
+        }
+    }
+** Function         gki_print_buffer_statistics
+** Description      Called internally by OSS to print the buffer pools statistics
+** Returns          void
+void gki_print_buffer_statistics(FP_PRINT print, INT16 pool)
+    UINT16           i;
+    BUFFER_HDR_T    *hdr;
+    UINT16           size,act_size,maxbuffs;
+    UINT32           *magic;
+    if (pool > GKI_NUM_TOTAL_BUF_POOLS || pool < 0)
+    {
+        print("Not a valid Buffer pool\n");
+        return;
+    }
+    size =[pool].size;
+    maxbuffs =[pool].total;
+    act_size = size + BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE;
+    print("Buffer Pool[%u] size=%u cur_cnt=%u max_cnt=%u  total=%u\n",
+        pool,[pool].size,
+    print("      Owner  State    Sanity\n");
+    print("----------------------------\n");
+    hdr = (BUFFER_HDR_T *)([pool]);
+    for(i=0; i<maxbuffs; i++)
+    {
+        magic = (UINT32 *)((UINT8 *)hdr + BUFFER_HDR_SIZE + size);
+        print("%3d: 0x%02x %4d %10s\n", i, hdr->task_id, hdr->status, (*magic == MAGIC_NO)?"OK":"CORRUPTED");
+        hdr          = (BUFFER_HDR_T *)((UINT8 *)hdr + act_size);
+    }
+    return;
+** Function         gki_print_used_bufs
+** Description      Dumps used buffers in the particular pool
+GKI_API void gki_print_used_bufs (FP_PRINT print, UINT8 pool_id)
+    UINT8        *p_start;
+    UINT16       buf_size;
+    UINT16       num_bufs;
+    BUFFER_HDR_T *p_hdr;
+    UINT16       i;
+    UINT32         *magic;
+    UINT16       *p;
+    if (pool_id >= GKI_NUM_TOTAL_BUF_POOLS &&[pool_id] != 0)
+    {
+        print("Not a valid Buffer pool\n");
+        return;
+    }
+    p_start =[pool_id];
+    buf_size =[pool_id].size + BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE;
+    num_bufs =[pool_id].total;
+    for (i = 0; i < num_bufs; i++, p_start += buf_size)
+    {
+        p_hdr = (BUFFER_HDR_T *)p_start;
+        magic = (UINT32 *)((UINT8 *)p_hdr + buf_size - sizeof(UINT32));
+        p     = (UINT16 *) p_hdr;
+        if (p_hdr->status != BUF_STATUS_FREE)
+        {
+            print ("%d:0x%x (Q:%d,Task:%s,Stat:%d,%s) %04x %04x %04x %04x %04x %04x %04x %04x\n",
+                i, p_hdr,
+                p_hdr->q_id,
+                GKI_map_taskname(p_hdr->task_id),
+                p_hdr->status,
+                (*magic == MAGIC_NO)? "OK" : "CORRUPTED",
+                p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5], p[6], p[7]);
+        }
+    }
+** Function         gki_print_task
+** Description      This function prints the task states.
+** Returns          void
+void gki_print_task (FP_PRINT print)
+    UINT8 i;
+    print("-------------------------------------------------\n");
+    for(i=0; i<GKI_MAX_TASKS; i++)
+    {
+        if ([i] != TASK_DEAD)
+        {
+            print("%2u  %-8s %-5s %04X    %04X %7u %u/%u Bytes\n",
+                (UINT16)i,[i],
+                OSTaskStates[[i]],
+      [i],[i],
+      [i], gki_calc_stack(i),[i]);
+        }
+    }
+** Function         gki_print_exception
+** Description      This function prints the exception information.
+** Returns          void
+void gki_print_exception(FP_PRINT print)
+    UINT16 i;
+    EXCEPTION_T *pExp;
+    print ("GKI Exceptions:\n");
+    for (i = 0; i <; i++)
+    {
+        pExp =     &[i];
+        print("%d: Type=%d, Task=%d: %s\n", i,
+            (INT32)pExp->type, (INT32)pExp->taskid, (INT8 *)pExp->msg);
+    }
+void gki_dump (UINT8 *s, UINT16 len, FP_PRINT print)
+    UINT16 i, j;
+    for(i=0, j=0; i<len; i++)
+    {
+        if(j == 0)
+            print("\n%lX: %02X, ", &s[i], s[i]);
+        else if(j == 7)
+            print("%02X,  ", s[i]);
+        else
+            print("%02X, ", s[i]);
+        if(++j == 16)
+            j=0;
+    }
+    print("\n");
+void gki_dump2 (UINT16 *s, UINT16 len, FP_PRINT print)
+    UINT16 i, j;
+    for(i=0, j=0; i<len; i++)
+    {
+        if(j == 0)
+            print("\n%lX: %04X, ", &s[i], s[i]);
+        else
+            print("%04X, ", s[i]);
+        if(++j == 8)
+            j=0;
+    }
+    print("\n");
+void gki_dump4 (UINT32 *s, UINT16 len, FP_PRINT print)
+    UINT16 i, j;
+    for(i=0, j=0; i<len; i++)
+    {
+        if(j == 0)
+            print("\n%lX: %08lX, ", &s[i], s[i]);
+        else
+            print("%08lX, ", s[i]);
+        if(++j == 4)
+            j=0;
+    }
+    print("\n");
diff --git a/halimpl/bcm2079x/gki/common/gki_inet.h b/halimpl/bcm2079x/gki/common/gki_inet.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..569c4fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/halimpl/bcm2079x/gki/common/gki_inet.h
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 1999-2012 Broadcom Corporation
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef GKI_INET_H
+#define GKI_INET_H
+#include "data_types.h"
+#define htons   ntohs
+#define htonl   ntohl
+#define htonets	nettohs
+#define htonetl	nettohl
+#define ntohs(n) (n)
+#define ntohl(n) (n)
+#define ntoh6(n) (n)
+#define nettohs(n) (n)
+#define nettohl(n) (n)
+extern UINT16 ntohs(UINT16 n);
+extern UINT32 ntohl(UINT32 n);
+extern UINT8 *ntoh6(UINT8 *p);
+#define nettohs(n) ((UINT16)((((n) << 8) & 0xff00) | (((n) >> 8) & 0x00ff)))
+#define nettohl(n) ((((n) & 0x000000ff) << 24) | (((n) << 8) & 0x00ff0000) | \
+                   (((n) >> 8) & 0x0000ff00) | (((n) >> 24) & 0x000000ff))
+#endif /* GKI_INET_H */
diff --git a/halimpl/bcm2079x/gki/common/gki_time.c b/halimpl/bcm2079x/gki/common/gki_time.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10377f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/halimpl/bcm2079x/gki/common/gki_time.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1011 @@
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 1999-2012 Broadcom Corporation
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#include "gki_int.h"
+#ifndef BT_ERROR_TRACE_0
+#define BT_ERROR_TRACE_0(l,m)
+/* Make sure that this has been defined in target.h */
+#error  NO TIMERS: Must define at least 1 timer in the system!
+#define GKI_NO_NEW_TMRS_STARTED (0x7fffffffL)   /* Largest signed positive timer count */
+#define GKI_UNUSED_LIST_ENTRY   (0x80000000L)   /* Marks an unused timer list entry (initial value) */
+#define GKI_MAX_INT32           (0x7fffffffL)
+** Function         gki_timers_init
+** Description      This internal function is called once at startup to initialize
+**                  all the timer structures.
+** Returns          void
+void gki_timers_init(void)
+    UINT8   tt;
+ = 0;       /* Remaining time (of OSTimeCurTimeout) before next timer expires */
+ = 0;
+ = 0;      /* clear inactivity delay timer */
+    for (tt = 0; tt < GKI_MAX_TASKS; tt++)
+    {
+   [tt] = 0;
+#if (GKI_NUM_TIMERS > 0)
+  [tt] = 0;
+ [tt] = 0;
+#if (GKI_NUM_TIMERS > 1)
+  [tt] = 0;
+ [tt] = 0;
+#if (GKI_NUM_TIMERS > 2)
+  [tt] = 0;
+ [tt] = 0;
+#if (GKI_NUM_TIMERS > 3)
+  [tt] = 0;
+ [tt] = 0;
+    }
+    for (tt = 0; tt < GKI_MAX_TIMER_QUEUES; tt++)
+    {
+[tt] = NULL;
+    }
+ = NULL;
+ = FALSE;
+    return;
+** Function         gki_timers_is_timer_running
+** Description      This internal function is called to test if any gki timer are running
+** Returns          TRUE if at least one time is running in the system, FALSE else.
+BOOLEAN gki_timers_is_timer_running(void)
+    UINT8   tt;
+    for (tt = 0; tt < GKI_MAX_TASKS; tt++)
+    {
+#if (GKI_NUM_TIMERS > 0)
+        if(  [tt])
+        {
+            return TRUE;
+        }
+#if (GKI_NUM_TIMERS > 1)
+        if(  [tt] )
+        {
+            return TRUE;
+        }
+#if (GKI_NUM_TIMERS > 2)
+        if(  [tt] )
+        {
+            return TRUE;
+        }
+#if (GKI_NUM_TIMERS > 3)
+        if(  [tt] )
+        {
+            return TRUE;
+        }
+    }
+    return FALSE;
+** Function         GKI_get_tick_count
+** Description      This function returns the current system ticks
+** Returns          The current number of system ticks
+UINT32  GKI_get_tick_count(void)
+    return;
+** Function         GKI_ready_to_sleep
+** Description      This function returns the number of system ticks until the
+**                  next timer will expire.  It is typically called by a power
+**                  savings manager to find out how long it can have the system
+**                  sleep before it needs to service the next entry.
+** Parameters:      None
+** Returns          Number of ticks til the next timer expires
+**                  Note: the value is a signed  value.  This value should be
+**                      compared to x > 0, to avoid misinterpreting negative tick
+**                      values.
+INT32    GKI_ready_to_sleep (void)
+    return (;
+** Function         GKI_start_timer
+** Description      An application can call this function to start one of
+**                  it's four general purpose timers. Any of the four timers
+**                  can be 1-shot or continuous. If a timer is already running,
+**                  it will be reset to the new parameters.
+** Parameters       tnum            - (input) timer number to be started (TIMER_0,
+**                                              TIMER_1, TIMER_2, or TIMER_3)
+**                  ticks           - (input) the number of system ticks til the
+**                                              timer expires.
+**                  is_continuous   - (input) TRUE if timer restarts automatically,
+**                                              else FALSE if it is a 'one-shot'.
+** Returns          void
+void GKI_start_timer (UINT8 tnum, INT32 ticks, BOOLEAN is_continuous)
+    INT32   reload;
+    INT32   orig_ticks;
+    UINT8   task_id = GKI_get_taskid();
+    BOOLEAN bad_timer = FALSE;
+    if (ticks <= 0)
+        ticks = 1;
+    orig_ticks = ticks;     /* save the ticks in case adjustment is necessary */
+    /* If continuous timer, set reload, else set it to 0 */
+    if (is_continuous)
+        reload = ticks;
+    else
+        reload = 0;
+    GKI_disable();
+    if(gki_timers_is_timer_running() == FALSE)
+    {
+        /* if inactivity delay timer is not running, start system tick */
+        if( == 0)
+        {
+            if(
+            {
+                /* start system tick */
+       = TRUE;
+                ( (TRUE);
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            /* clear inactivity delay timer */
+   = 0;
+        }
+    }
+    /* Add the time since the last task timer update.
+    ** Note that this works when no timers are active since
+    ** both OSNumOrigTicks and OSTicksTilExp are 0.
+    */
+    if (GKI_MAX_INT32 - ( - > ticks)
+    {
+        ticks += -;
+    }
+    else
+        ticks = GKI_MAX_INT32;
+    switch (tnum)
+    {
+#if (GKI_NUM_TIMERS > 0)
+        case TIMER_0:
+  [task_id] = reload;
+   [task_id] = ticks;
+            break;
+#if (GKI_NUM_TIMERS > 1)
+        case TIMER_1:
+  [task_id] = reload;
+   [task_id] = ticks;
+            break;
+#if (GKI_NUM_TIMERS > 2)
+        case TIMER_2:
+  [task_id] = reload;
+   [task_id] = ticks;
+            break;
+#if (GKI_NUM_TIMERS > 3)
+        case TIMER_3:
+  [task_id] = reload;
+   [task_id] = ticks;
+            break;
+        default:
+            bad_timer = TRUE;       /* Timer number is bad, so do not use */
+    }
+    /* Update the expiration timeout if a legitimate timer */
+    if (!bad_timer)
+    {
+        /* Only update the timeout value if it is less than any other newly started timers */
+        gki_adjust_timer_count (orig_ticks);
+    }
+    GKI_enable();
+** Function         GKI_stop_timer
+** Description      An application can call this function to stop one of
+**                  it's four general purpose timers. There is no harm in
+**                  stopping a timer that is already stopped.
+** Parameters       tnum            - (input) timer number to be started (TIMER_0,
+**                                              TIMER_1, TIMER_2, or TIMER_3)
+** Returns          void
+void GKI_stop_timer (UINT8 tnum)
+    UINT8  task_id = GKI_get_taskid();
+    GKI_disable();
+    switch (tnum)
+    {
+#if (GKI_NUM_TIMERS > 0)
+        case TIMER_0:
+  [task_id] = 0;
+   [task_id] = 0;
+            break;
+#if (GKI_NUM_TIMERS > 1)
+        case TIMER_1:
+  [task_id] = 0;
+   [task_id] = 0;
+            break;
+#if (GKI_NUM_TIMERS > 2)
+        case TIMER_2:
+  [task_id] = 0;
+   [task_id] = 0;
+            break;
+#if (GKI_NUM_TIMERS > 3)
+        case TIMER_3:
+  [task_id] = 0;
+   [task_id] = 0;
+            break;
+    }
+    if (gki_timers_is_timer_running() == FALSE)
+    {
+        if (
+        {
+            /* if inactivity delay timer is not running */
+            if (( == 0))
+            {
+                /* set inactivity delay timer */
+                /* when timer expires, system tick will be stopped */
+            }
+   = FALSE;
+  ; /* stop system tick */
+        }
+    }
+    GKI_enable();
+** Function         GKI_timer_update
+** Description      This function is called by an OS to drive the GKI's timers.
+**                  It is typically called at every system tick to
+**                  update the timers for all tasks, and check for timeouts.
+**                  Note: It has been designed to also allow for variable tick updates
+**                      so that systems with strict power savings requirements can
+**                      have the update occur at variable intervals.
+** Parameters:      ticks_since_last_update - (input) This is the number of TICKS that have
+**                          occurred since the last time GKI_timer_update was called.
+** Returns          void
+void GKI_timer_update (INT32 ticks_since_last_update)
+    UINT8   task_id;
+    long    next_expiration;        /* Holds the next soonest expiration time after this update */
+    /* Increment the number of ticks used for time stamps */
+ += ticks_since_last_update;
+    /* If any timers are running in any tasks, decrement the remaining time til
+     * the timer updates need to take place (next expiration occurs)
+     */
+ -= ticks_since_last_update;
+    /* Don't allow timer interrupt nesting */
+    if (
+        return;
+ = 1;
+    /* if inactivity delay timer is set and expired */
+    if (
+    {
+        if( <= (UINT32)ticks_since_last_update )
+        {
+            if(
+            {
+       = FALSE;
+                ( (FALSE); /* stop system tick */
+            }
+   = 0;      /* clear inactivity delay timer */
+   = 0;
+            return;
+        }
+        else
+   -= ticks_since_last_update;
+    }
+    /* No need to update the ticks if no timeout has occurred */
+    if ( > 0)
+    {
+ = 0;
+        return;
+    }
+    GKI_disable();
+    next_expiration = GKI_NO_NEW_TMRS_STARTED;
+    /* If here then <= 0. If negative, then increase
+       to account for the difference so timer updates below are decremented by the full number
+       of ticks. is reset at the bottom of this function so changing this
+       value only affects the timer updates below
+     */
+ -=;
+    /* Check for OS Task Timers */
+    for (task_id = 0; task_id < GKI_MAX_TASKS; task_id++)
+    {
+        if ([task_id] > 0) /* If timer is running */
+        {
+  [task_id] -=;
+            if ([task_id] <= 0)
+            {
+                /* Timer Expired */
+      [task_id] = TASK_READY;
+            }
+        }
+#if (GKI_NUM_TIMERS > 0)
+         /* If any timer is running, decrement */
+        if ([task_id] > 0)
+        {
+  [task_id] -=;
+            if ([task_id] <= 0)
+            {
+                /* Set Timer 0 Expired event mask and reload timer */
+                GKI_isend_event (task_id, TIMER_0_EVT_MASK);
+                GKI_send_event (task_id, TIMER_0_EVT_MASK);
+      [task_id] =[task_id];
+            }
+        }
+        /* Check to see if this timer is the next one to expire */
+        if ([task_id] > 0 &&[task_id] < next_expiration)
+            next_expiration =[task_id];
+#if (GKI_NUM_TIMERS > 1)
+         /* If any timer is running, decrement */
+        if ([task_id] > 0)
+        {
+  [task_id] -=;
+            if ([task_id] <= 0)
+            {
+                /* Set Timer 1 Expired event mask and reload timer */
+                GKI_isend_event (task_id, TIMER_1_EVT_MASK);
+                GKI_send_event (task_id, TIMER_1_EVT_MASK);
+      [task_id] =[task_id];
+            }
+        }
+        /* Check to see if this timer is the next one to expire */
+        if ([task_id] > 0 &&[task_id] < next_expiration)
+            next_expiration =[task_id];
+#if (GKI_NUM_TIMERS > 2)
+         /* If any timer is running, decrement */
+        if ([task_id] > 0)
+        {
+  [task_id] -=;
+            if ([task_id] <= 0)
+            {
+                /* Set Timer 2 Expired event mask and reload timer */
+                GKI_isend_event (task_id, TIMER_2_EVT_MASK);
+                GKI_send_event (task_id, TIMER_2_EVT_MASK);
+      [task_id] =[task_id];
+            }
+        }
+        /* Check to see if this timer is the next one to expire */
+        if ([task_id] > 0 &&[task_id] < next_expiration)
+            next_expiration =[task_id];
+#if (GKI_NUM_TIMERS > 3)
+         /* If any timer is running, decrement */
+        if ([task_id] > 0)
+        {
+  [task_id] -=;
+            if ([task_id] <= 0)
+            {
+                /* Set Timer 3 Expired event mask and reload timer */
+                GKI_isend_event (task_id, TIMER_3_EVT_MASK);
+                GKI_send_event (task_id, TIMER_3_EVT_MASK);
+      [task_id] =[task_id];
+            }
+        }
+        /* Check to see if this timer is the next one to expire */
+        if ([task_id] > 0 &&[task_id] < next_expiration)
+            next_expiration =[task_id];
+    }
+    /* Set the next timer experation value if there is one to start */
+    if (next_expiration < GKI_NO_NEW_TMRS_STARTED)
+    {
+ = = next_expiration;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+ = = 0;
+    }
+ = 0;
+    GKI_enable();
+    return;
+** Function         GKI_timer_queue_empty
+** Description      This function is called by applications to see whether the timer
+**                  queue is empty
+** Parameters
+** Returns          BOOLEAN
+BOOLEAN GKI_timer_queue_empty (void)
+    UINT8 tt;
+    for (tt = 0; tt < GKI_MAX_TIMER_QUEUES; tt++)
+    {
+        if ([tt])
+            return FALSE;
+    }
+    return TRUE;
+** Function         GKI_timer_queue_register_callback
+** Description      This function is called by applications to register system tick
+**                  start/stop callback for time queues
+** Parameters       p_callback - (input) pointer to the system tick callback
+** Returns          BOOLEAN
+void GKI_timer_queue_register_callback (SYSTEM_TICK_CBACK *p_callback)
+ = p_callback;
+    return;
+** Function         GKI_init_timer_list
+** Description      This function is called by applications when they
+**                  want to initialize a timer list.
+** Parameters       p_timer_listq   - (input) pointer to the timer list queue object
+** Returns          void
+void GKI_init_timer_list (TIMER_LIST_Q *p_timer_listq)
+    p_timer_listq->p_first    = NULL;
+    p_timer_listq->p_last     = NULL;
+    p_timer_listq->last_ticks = 0;
+    return;
+** Function         GKI_init_timer_list_entry
+** Description      This function is called by the applications when they
+**                  want to initialize a timer list entry. This must be
+**                  done prior to first use of the entry.
+** Parameters       p_tle           - (input) pointer to a timer list queue entry
+** Returns          void
+void GKI_init_timer_list_entry (TIMER_LIST_ENT  *p_tle)
+    p_tle->p_next  = NULL;
+    p_tle->p_prev  = NULL;
+    p_tle->ticks   = GKI_UNUSED_LIST_ENTRY;
+    p_tle->in_use  = FALSE;
+** Function         GKI_update_timer_list
+** Description      This function is called by the applications when they
+**                  want to update a timer list. This should be at every
+**                  timer list unit tick, e.g. once per sec, once per minute etc.
+** Parameters       p_timer_listq   - (input) pointer to the timer list queue object
+**                  num_units_since_last_update - (input) number of units since the last update
+**                                  (allows for variable unit update)
+**      NOTE: The following timer list update routines should not be used for exact time
+**            critical purposes.  The timer tasks should be used when exact timing is needed.
+** Returns          the number of timers that have expired
+UINT16 GKI_update_timer_list (TIMER_LIST_Q *p_timer_listq, INT32 num_units_since_last_update)
+    TIMER_LIST_ENT  *p_tle;
+    UINT16           num_time_out = 0;
+    INT32            rem_ticks;
+    INT32            temp_ticks;
+    p_tle = p_timer_listq->p_first;
+    /* First, get the guys who have previously timed out */
+    /* Note that the tick value of the timers should always be '0' */
+    while ((p_tle) && (p_tle->ticks <= 0))
+    {
+        num_time_out++;
+        p_tle = p_tle->p_next;
+    }
+    /* Timer entriy tick values are relative to the preceeding entry */
+    rem_ticks = num_units_since_last_update;
+    /* Now, adjust remaining timer entries */
+    while ((p_tle != NULL) && (rem_ticks > 0))
+    {
+        temp_ticks = p_tle->ticks;
+        p_tle->ticks -= rem_ticks;
+        /* See if this timer has just timed out */
+        if (p_tle->ticks <= 0)
+        {
+            /* We set the number of ticks to '0' so that the legacy code
+             * that assumes a '0' or nonzero value will still work as coded. */
+            p_tle->ticks = 0;
+            num_time_out++;
+        }
+        rem_ticks -= temp_ticks;  /* Decrement the remaining ticks to process */
+        p_tle = p_tle->p_next;
+    }
+    if (p_timer_listq->last_ticks > 0)
+    {
+        p_timer_listq->last_ticks -= num_units_since_last_update;
+        /* If the last timer has expired set last_ticks to 0 so that other list update
+        * functions will calculate correctly
+        */
+        if (p_timer_listq->last_ticks < 0)
+            p_timer_listq->last_ticks = 0;
+    }
+    return (num_time_out);
+** Function         GKI_get_remaining_ticks
+** Description      This function is called by an application to get remaining
+**                  ticks to expire
+** Parameters       p_timer_listq   - (input) pointer to the timer list queue object
+**                  p_target_tle    - (input) pointer to a timer list queue entry
+** Returns          0 if timer is not used or timer is not in the list
+**                  remaining ticks if success
+UINT32 GKI_get_remaining_ticks (TIMER_LIST_Q *p_timer_listq, TIMER_LIST_ENT  *p_target_tle)
+    TIMER_LIST_ENT  *p_tle;
+    UINT32           rem_ticks = 0;
+    if (p_target_tle->in_use)
+    {
+        p_tle = p_timer_listq->p_first;
+        /* adding up all of ticks in previous entries */
+        while ((p_tle)&&(p_tle != p_target_tle))
+        {
+            rem_ticks += p_tle->ticks;
+            p_tle = p_tle->p_next;
+        }
+        /* if found target entry */
+        if (p_tle == p_target_tle)
+        {
+            rem_ticks += p_tle->ticks;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            BT_ERROR_TRACE_0(TRACE_LAYER_GKI, "GKI_get_remaining_ticks: No timer entry in the list");
+            return(0);
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        BT_ERROR_TRACE_0(TRACE_LAYER_GKI, "GKI_get_remaining_ticks: timer entry is not active");
+    }
+    return (rem_ticks);
+** Function         GKI_add_to_timer_list
+** Description      This function is called by an application to add a timer
+**                  entry to a timer list.
+**                  Note: A timer value of '0' will effectively insert an already
+**                      expired event.  Negative tick values will be ignored.
+** Parameters       p_timer_listq   - (input) pointer to the timer list queue object
+**                  p_tle           - (input) pointer to a timer list queue entry
+** Returns          void
+void GKI_add_to_timer_list (TIMER_LIST_Q *p_timer_listq, TIMER_LIST_ENT  *p_tle)
+    UINT32           nr_ticks_total;
+    UINT8 tt;
+    TIMER_LIST_ENT  *p_temp;
+    if (p_tle == NULL || p_timer_listq == NULL) {
+        GKI_TRACE_3("%s: invalid argument %x, %x****************************<<", __func__, p_timer_listq, p_tle);
+        return;
+    }
+    /* Only process valid tick values */
+    if (p_tle->ticks >= 0)
+    {
+        /* If this entry is the last in the list */
+        if (p_tle->ticks >= p_timer_listq->last_ticks)
+        {
+            /* If this entry is the only entry in the list */
+            if (p_timer_listq->p_first == NULL)
+                p_timer_listq->p_first = p_tle;
+            else
+            {
+                /* Insert the entry onto the end of the list */
+                if (p_timer_listq->p_last != NULL)
+                    p_timer_listq->p_last->p_next = p_tle;
+                p_tle->p_prev = p_timer_listq->p_last;
+            }
+            p_tle->p_next = NULL;
+            p_timer_listq->p_last = p_tle;
+            nr_ticks_total = p_tle->ticks;
+            p_tle->ticks -= p_timer_listq->last_ticks;
+            p_timer_listq->last_ticks = nr_ticks_total;
+        }
+        else    /* This entry needs to be inserted before the last entry */
+        {
+            /* Find the entry that the new one needs to be inserted in front of */
+            p_temp = p_timer_listq->p_first;
+            while (p_tle->ticks > p_temp->ticks)
+            {
+                /* Update the tick value if looking at an unexpired entry */
+                if (p_temp->ticks > 0)
+                    p_tle->ticks -= p_temp->ticks;
+                p_temp = p_temp->p_next;
+            }
+            /* The new entry is the first in the list */
+            if (p_temp == p_timer_listq->p_first)
+            {
+                p_tle->p_next = p_timer_listq->p_first;
+                p_timer_listq->p_first->p_prev = p_tle;
+                p_timer_listq->p_first = p_tle;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                p_temp->p_prev->p_next = p_tle;
+                p_tle->p_prev = p_temp->p_prev;
+                p_temp->p_prev = p_tle;
+                p_tle->p_next = p_temp;
+            }
+            p_temp->ticks -= p_tle->ticks;
+        }
+        p_tle->in_use = TRUE;
+        /* if we already add this timer queue to the array */
+        for (tt = 0; tt < GKI_MAX_TIMER_QUEUES; tt++)
+        {
+             if ([tt] == p_timer_listq)
+                 return;
+        }
+        /* add this timer queue to the array */
+        for (tt = 0; tt < GKI_MAX_TIMER_QUEUES; tt++)
+        {
+             if ([tt] == NULL)
+                 break;
+        }
+        if (tt < GKI_MAX_TIMER_QUEUES)
+        {
+  [tt] = p_timer_listq;
+        }
+    }
+    return;
+** Function         GKI_remove_from_timer_list
+** Description      This function is called by an application to remove a timer
+**                  entry from a timer list.
+** Parameters       p_timer_listq   - (input) pointer to the timer list queue object
+**                  p_tle           - (input) pointer to a timer list queue entry
+** Returns          void
+void GKI_remove_from_timer_list (TIMER_LIST_Q *p_timer_listq, TIMER_LIST_ENT  *p_tle)
+    UINT8 tt;
+    /* Verify that the entry is valid */
+    if (p_tle == NULL || p_tle->in_use == FALSE || p_timer_listq->p_first == NULL)
+    {
+        return;
+    }
+    /* Add the ticks remaining in this timer (if any) to the next guy in the list.
+    ** Note: Expired timers have a tick value of '0'.
+    */
+    if (p_tle->p_next != NULL)
+    {
+        p_tle->p_next->ticks += p_tle->ticks;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        p_timer_listq->last_ticks -= p_tle->ticks;
+    }
+    /* Unlink timer from the list.
+    */
+    if (p_timer_listq->p_first == p_tle)
+    {
+        p_timer_listq->p_first = p_tle->p_next;
+        if (p_timer_listq->p_first != NULL)
+            p_timer_listq->p_first->p_prev = NULL;
+        if (p_timer_listq->p_last == p_tle)
+            p_timer_listq->p_last = NULL;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if (p_timer_listq->p_last == p_tle)
+        {
+            p_timer_listq->p_last = p_tle->p_prev;
+            if (p_timer_listq->p_last != NULL)
+                p_timer_listq->p_last->p_next = NULL;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            if (p_tle->p_next != NULL && p_tle->p_next->p_prev == p_tle)
+                p_tle->p_next->p_prev = p_tle->p_prev;
+            else
+            {
+                /* Error case - chain messed up ?? */
+                return;
+            }
+            if (p_tle->p_prev != NULL && p_tle->p_prev->p_next == p_tle)
+                p_tle->p_prev->p_next = p_tle->p_next;
+            else
+            {
+                /* Error case - chain messed up ?? */
+                return;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    p_tle->p_next = p_tle->p_prev = NULL;
+    p_tle->ticks = GKI_UNUSED_LIST_ENTRY;
+    p_tle->in_use = FALSE;
+    /* if timer queue is empty */
+    if (p_timer_listq->p_first == NULL && p_timer_listq->p_last == NULL)
+    {
+        for (tt = 0; tt < GKI_MAX_TIMER_QUEUES; tt++)
+        {
+            if ([tt] == p_timer_listq)
+            {
+      [tt] = NULL;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return;
+** Function         gki_adjust_timer_count
+** Description      This function is called whenever a new timer or GKI_wait occurs
+**                  to adjust (if necessary) the current time til the first expiration.
+**                  This only needs to make an adjustment if the new timer (in ticks) is
+**                  less than the number of ticks remaining on the current timer.
+** Parameters:      ticks - (input) number of system ticks of the new timer entry
+**                  NOTE:  This routine MUST be called while interrupts are disabled to
+**                          avoid updates while adjusting the timer variables.
+** Returns          void
+void gki_adjust_timer_count (INT32 ticks)
+    if (ticks > 0)
+    {
+        /* See if the new timer expires before the current first expiration */
+        if ( == 0 || (ticks < && > 0))
+        {
+   = ( - + ticks;
+   = ticks;
+        }
+    }
+    return;
diff --git a/halimpl/bcm2079x/gki/ulinux/data_types.h b/halimpl/bcm2079x/gki/ulinux/data_types.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0768494
--- /dev/null
+++ b/halimpl/bcm2079x/gki/ulinux/data_types.h
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 1999-2012 Broadcom Corporation
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef DATA_TYPES_H
+#define DATA_TYPES_H
+#ifndef NULL
+#define NULL     0
+#ifndef FALSE
+#define FALSE  0
+typedef unsigned char   UINT8;
+typedef unsigned short  UINT16;
+typedef unsigned long   UINT32;
+typedef unsigned long long int UINT64;
+typedef signed   long   INT32;
+typedef signed   char   INT8;
+typedef signed   short  INT16;
+typedef unsigned char   BOOLEAN;
+typedef UINT32          TIME_STAMP;
+#ifndef TRUE
+#define TRUE   (!FALSE)
+typedef unsigned char   UBYTE;
+#ifdef __arm
+#define PACKED  __packed
+#define INLINE  __inline
+#define PACKED
+#define INLINE
+#ifndef BIG_ENDIAN
+#define UINT16_LOW_BYTE(x)      ((x) & 0xff)
+#define UINT16_HI_BYTE(x)       ((x) >> 8)
+/* MACRO definitions for safe string functions */
+/* Replace standard string functions with safe functions if available */
+#define BCM_STRCAT_S(x1,x2,x3)      strcat((x1),(x3))
+#define BCM_STRNCAT_S(x1,x2,x3,x4)  strncat((x1),(x3),(x4))
+#define BCM_STRCPY_S(x1,x2,x3)      strcpy((x1),(x3))
+#define BCM_STRNCPY_S(x1,x2,x3,x4)  strncpy((x1),(x3),(x4))
+#define BCM_SPRINTF_S(x1,x2,x3,x4)  sprintf((x1),(x3),(x4))
+#define BCM_VSPRINTF_S(x1,x2,x3,x4) vsprintf((x1),(x3),(x4))
diff --git a/halimpl/bcm2079x/gki/ulinux/gki_int.h b/halimpl/bcm2079x/gki/ulinux/gki_int.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c59ac32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/halimpl/bcm2079x/gki/ulinux/gki_int.h
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 1999-2012 Broadcom Corporation
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef GKI_INT_H
+#define GKI_INT_H
+#include "gki_common.h"
+#include <pthread.h>
+** OS specific definitions
+#ifdef ANDROID
+#include <sys/times.h>
+typedef struct
+    pthread_mutex_t     GKI_mutex;
+    pthread_t           thread_id[GKI_MAX_TASKS];
+    pthread_mutex_t     thread_evt_mutex[GKI_MAX_TASKS];
+    pthread_cond_t      thread_evt_cond[GKI_MAX_TASKS];
+    pthread_mutex_t     thread_timeout_mutex[GKI_MAX_TASKS];
+    pthread_cond_t      thread_timeout_cond[GKI_MAX_TASKS];
+    int                 no_timer_suspend;   /* 1: no suspend, 0 stop calling GKI_timer_update() */
+    pthread_mutex_t     gki_timer_mutex;
+    pthread_cond_t      gki_timer_cond;
+    int                 gki_timer_wake_lock_on;
+#if (GKI_DEBUG == TRUE)
+    pthread_mutex_t     GKI_trace_mutex;
+} tGKI_OS;
+/* condition to exit or continue GKI_run() timer loop */
+extern void gki_system_tick_start_stop_cback(BOOLEAN start);
+/* Contains common control block as well as OS specific variables */
+typedef struct
+    tGKI_OS     os;
+    tGKI_COM_CB com;
+} tGKI_CB;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+GKI_API extern tGKI_CB  gki_cb;
+GKI_API extern tGKI_CB *gki_cb_ptr;
+#define gki_cb (*gki_cb_ptr)
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/halimpl/bcm2079x/gki/ulinux/gki_ulinux.c b/halimpl/bcm2079x/gki/ulinux/gki_ulinux.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39eb3e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/halimpl/bcm2079x/gki/ulinux/gki_ulinux.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1313 @@
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 1999-2012 Broadcom Corporation
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#define GKI_DEBUG   FALSE
+#include <pthread.h>  /* must be 1st header defined  */
+#include <time.h>
+#include <hardware_legacy/power.h>  /* Android header */
+#include "gki_int.h"
+#include "gki_target.h"
+/* Temp android logging...move to android tgt config file */
+#include <cutils/log.h>
+#define LOGV(format, ...)  fprintf (stdout, LOG_TAG format, ## __VA_ARGS__)
+#define LOGE(format, ...)  fprintf (stderr, LOG_TAG format, ## __VA_ARGS__)
+#define LOGI(format, ...)  fprintf (stdout, LOG_TAG format, ## __VA_ARGS__)
+#define SCHED_NORMAL 0
+#define SCHED_FIFO 1
+#define SCHED_RR 2
+#define SCHED_BATCH 3
+#define pthread_cond_timedwait_monotonic pthread_cond_timedwait
+/* Define the structure that holds the GKI variables
+tGKI_CB   gki_cb;
+#define NANOSEC_PER_MILLISEC (1000000)
+/* works only for 1ms to 1000ms heart beat ranges */
+#define LINUX_SEC (1000/TICKS_PER_SEC)
+#define LOCK(m)  pthread_mutex_lock(&m)
+#define UNLOCK(m) pthread_mutex_unlock(&m)
+#define INIT(m) pthread_mutex_init(&m, NULL)
+/* this kind of mutex go into tGKI_OS control block!!!! */
+/* static pthread_mutex_t GKI_sched_mutex; */
+/*static pthread_mutex_t thread_delay_mutex;
+static pthread_cond_t thread_delay_cond;
+static pthread_mutex_t gki_timer_update_mutex;
+static pthread_cond_t   gki_timer_update_cond;
+static pthread_t            timer_thread_id = 0;
+/* For Android */
+typedef struct
+    UINT8 task_id;          /* GKI task id */
+    TASKPTR task_entry;     /* Task entry function*/
+    UINT32 params;          /* Extra params to pass to task entry function */
+    pthread_cond_t* pCond;	/* for android*/
+    pthread_mutex_t* pMutex;  /* for android*/
+} gki_pthread_info_t;
+gki_pthread_info_t gki_pthread_info[GKI_MAX_TASKS];
+static void* GKI_run_worker_thread (void*);
+** Function         gki_task_entry
+** Description      entry point of GKI created tasks
+** Returns          void
+void gki_task_entry(UINT32 params)
+    pthread_t thread_id = pthread_self();
+    gki_pthread_info_t *p_pthread_info = (gki_pthread_info_t *)params;
+    GKI_TRACE_5("gki_task_entry task_id=%i, thread_id=%x/%x, pCond/pMutex=%x/%x", p_pthread_info->task_id,
+                gki_cb.os.thread_id[p_pthread_info->task_id], pthread_self(),
+                p_pthread_info->pCond, p_pthread_info->pMutex);
+    gki_cb.os.thread_id[p_pthread_info->task_id] = thread_id;
+    /* Call the actual thread entry point */
+    (p_pthread_info->task_entry)(p_pthread_info->params);
+    GKI_TRACE_1("gki_task task_id=%i terminating", p_pthread_info->task_id);
+    gki_cb.os.thread_id[p_pthread_info->task_id] = 0;
+    pthread_exit(0);    /* GKI tasks have no return value */
+/* end android */
+#ifndef ANDROID
+void GKI_TRACE(char *fmt, ...)
+    LOCK(gki_cb.os.GKI_trace_mutex);
+    va_list ap;
+    va_start(ap, fmt);
+    vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap);
+    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+    va_end(ap);
+    UNLOCK(gki_cb.os.GKI_trace_mutex);
+** Function         GKI_init
+** Description      This function is called once at startup to initialize
+**                  all the timer structures.
+** Returns          void
+void GKI_init(void)
+    pthread_mutexattr_t attr;
+    tGKI_OS             *p_os;
+    memset (&gki_cb, 0, sizeof (gki_cb));
+    gki_buffer_init();
+    gki_timers_init();
+ = (UINT32) times(0);
+    pthread_mutexattr_init(&attr);
+#ifndef __CYGWIN__
+    pthread_mutexattr_settype(&attr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE_NP);
+    p_os = &gki_cb.os;
+    pthread_mutex_init(&p_os->GKI_mutex, &attr);
+    /* pthread_mutex_init(&GKI_sched_mutex, NULL); */
+#if (GKI_DEBUG == TRUE)
+    pthread_mutex_init(&p_os->GKI_trace_mutex, NULL);
+    /* pthread_mutex_init(&thread_delay_mutex, NULL); */  /* used in GKI_delay */
+    /* pthread_cond_init (&thread_delay_cond, NULL); */
+    /* Initialiase GKI_timer_update suspend variables & mutexes to be in running state.
+     * this works too even if GKI_NO_TICK_STOP is defined in btld.txt */
+    p_os->no_timer_suspend = GKI_TIMER_TICK_RUN_COND;
+    pthread_mutex_init(&p_os->gki_timer_mutex, NULL);
+    pthread_cond_init(&p_os->gki_timer_cond, NULL);
+** Function         GKI_get_os_tick_count
+** Description      This function is called to retrieve the native OS system tick.
+** Returns          Tick count of native OS.
+UINT32 GKI_get_os_tick_count(void)
+    /* TODO - add any OS specific code here
+    **/
+    return (;
+** Function         GKI_create_task
+** Description      This function is called to create a new OSS task.
+** Parameters:      task_entry  - (input) pointer to the entry function of the task
+**                  task_id     - (input) Task id is mapped to priority
+**                  taskname    - (input) name given to the task
+**                  stack       - (input) pointer to the top of the stack (highest memory location)
+**                  stacksize   - (input) size of the stack allocated for the task
+** Returns          GKI_SUCCESS if all OK, GKI_FAILURE if any problem
+** NOTE             This function take some parameters that may not be needed
+**                  by your particular OS. They are here for compatability
+**                  of the function prototype.
+UINT8 GKI_create_task (TASKPTR task_entry, UINT8 task_id, INT8 *taskname, UINT16 *stack, UINT16 stacksize, void* pCondVar, void* pMutex)
+    UINT16  i;
+    UINT8   *p;
+    struct sched_param param;
+    int policy, ret = 0;
+    pthread_attr_t attr1;
+    GKI_TRACE_5 ("GKI_create_task func=0x%x  id=%d  name=%s  stack=0x%x  stackSize=%d", task_entry, task_id, taskname, stack, stacksize);
+    if (task_id >= GKI_MAX_TASKS)
+    {
+        GKI_TRACE_0("Error! task ID > max task allowed");
+        return (GKI_FAILURE);
+    }
+[task_id]    = TASK_READY;
+[task_id]     = taskname;
+[task_id]   = 0;
+[task_id]   = 0;
+    /* Initialize mutex and condition variable objects for events and timeouts */
+    pthread_mutex_init(&gki_cb.os.thread_evt_mutex[task_id], NULL);
+    pthread_cond_init (&gki_cb.os.thread_evt_cond[task_id], NULL);
+    pthread_mutex_init(&gki_cb.os.thread_timeout_mutex[task_id], NULL);
+    pthread_cond_init (&gki_cb.os.thread_timeout_cond[task_id], NULL);
+    pthread_attr_init(&attr1);
+    /* by default, pthread creates a joinable thread */
+    pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr1, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);
+    GKI_TRACE_3("GKI creating task %i, pCond/pMutex=%x/%x", task_id, pCondVar, pMutex);
+    GKI_TRACE_1("GKI creating JOINABLE task %i", task_id);
+    /* On Android, the new tasks starts running before 'gki_cb.os.thread_id[task_id]' is initialized */
+    /* Pass task_id to new task so it can initialize gki_cb.os.thread_id[task_id] for it calls GKI_wait */
+    gki_pthread_info[task_id].task_id = task_id;
+    gki_pthread_info[task_id].task_entry = task_entry;
+    gki_pthread_info[task_id].params = 0;
+    gki_pthread_info[task_id].pCond = (pthread_cond_t*)pCondVar;
+    gki_pthread_info[task_id].pMutex = (pthread_mutex_t*)pMutex;
+    ret = pthread_create( &gki_cb.os.thread_id[task_id],
+              &attr1,
+              (void *)gki_task_entry,
+              &gki_pthread_info[task_id]);
+    if (ret != 0)
+    {
+         GKI_TRACE_2("pthread_create failed(%d), %s!", ret, taskname);
+         return GKI_FAILURE;
+    }
+    if(pthread_getschedparam(gki_cb.os.thread_id[task_id], &policy, &param)==0)
+    {
+#if defined(PBS_SQL_TASK)
+         if (task_id == PBS_SQL_TASK)
+         {
+             GKI_TRACE_0("PBS SQL lowest priority task");
+             policy = SCHED_NORMAL;
+         }
+         else
+         {
+             policy = SCHED_RR;
+             param.sched_priority = 30 - task_id - 2;
+         }
+         pthread_setschedparam(gki_cb.os.thread_id[task_id], policy, &param);
+     }
+    GKI_TRACE_6( "Leaving GKI_create_task %x %d %x %s %x %d",
+              task_entry,
+              task_id,
+              gki_cb.os.thread_id[task_id],
+              taskname,
+              stack,
+              stacksize);
+    return (GKI_SUCCESS);
+** Function         GKI_shutdown
+** Description      shutdowns the GKI tasks/threads in from max task id to 0 and frees
+**                  pthread resources!
+**                  IMPORTANT: in case of join method, GKI_shutdown must be called outside
+**                  a GKI thread context!
+** Returns          void
+#define WAKE_LOCK_ID "brcm_nfca"
+void GKI_shutdown(void)
+    UINT8 task_id;
+    volatile int    *p_run_cond = &gki_cb.os.no_timer_suspend;
+    int     oldCOnd = 0;
+    int i = 0;
+    int result;
+    /* release threads and set as TASK_DEAD. going from low to high priority fixes
+     * GKI_exception problem due to btu->hci sleep request events  */
+    for (task_id = GKI_MAX_TASKS; task_id > 0; task_id--)
+    {
+        if ([task_id - 1] != TASK_DEAD)
+        {
+  [task_id - 1] = TASK_DEAD;
+            /* paranoi settings, make sure that we do not execute any mailbox events */
+  [task_id-1] &= ~(TASK_MBOX_0_EVT_MASK|TASK_MBOX_1_EVT_MASK|
+                                                TASK_MBOX_2_EVT_MASK|TASK_MBOX_3_EVT_MASK);
+            GKI_send_event(task_id - 1, EVENT_MASK(GKI_SHUTDOWN_EVT));
+            i = 0;
+            while (([task_id - 1] != 0) && (++i < 10))
+                usleep(100 * 1000);
+            /* wait for proper Arnold Schwarzenegger task state */
+            result = pthread_join( gki_cb.os.thread_id[task_id-1], NULL );
+            if ( result < 0 )
+            {
+                GKI_TRACE_1( "pthread_join() FAILED: result: %d", result );
+            }
+            GKI_TRACE_1( "GKI_shutdown(): task %s dead",[task_id]);
+            GKI_exit_task(task_id - 1);
+        }
+    }
+    /* Destroy mutex and condition variable objects */
+    pthread_mutex_destroy(&gki_cb.os.GKI_mutex);
+    /*    pthread_mutex_destroy(&GKI_sched_mutex); */
+#if (GKI_DEBUG == TRUE)
+    pthread_mutex_destroy(&gki_cb.os.GKI_trace_mutex);
+    /*    pthread_mutex_destroy(&thread_delay_mutex);
+     pthread_cond_destroy (&thread_delay_cond); */
+    i = 0;
+    shutdown_timer = 1;
+    if (gki_cb.os.gki_timer_wake_lock_on)
+    {
+        GKI_TRACE_0("GKI_shutdown :  release_wake_lock(brcm_btld)");
+        release_wake_lock(WAKE_LOCK_ID);
+        gki_cb.os.gki_timer_wake_lock_on = 0;
+    }
+    oldCOnd = *p_run_cond;
+    *p_run_cond = GKI_TIMER_TICK_EXIT_COND;
+    if (oldCOnd == GKI_TIMER_TICK_STOP_COND)
+        pthread_cond_signal( &gki_cb.os.gki_timer_cond );
+ **
+ ** Function        GKI_run
+ **
+ ** Description     This function runs a task
+ **
+ ** Parameters:     start: TRUE start system tick (again), FALSE stop
+ **
+ ** Returns         void
+ **
+ *********************************************************************************/
+void gki_system_tick_start_stop_cback(BOOLEAN start)
+    tGKI_OS         *p_os = &gki_cb.os;
+    volatile int    *p_run_cond = &p_os->no_timer_suspend;
+    volatile static int wake_lock_count;
+    if ( FALSE == start )
+    {
+        /* this can lead to a race condition. however as we only read this variable in the timer loop
+         * we should be fine with this approach. otherwise uncomment below mutexes.
+         */
+        /* GKI_disable(); */
+        *p_run_cond = GKI_TIMER_TICK_STOP_COND;
+        /* GKI_enable(); */
+        BT_TRACE_1( TRACE_LAYER_HCI, TRACE_TYPE_DEBUG, ">>> STOP GKI_timer_update(), wake_lock_count:%d", --wake_lock_count);
+        release_wake_lock(WAKE_LOCK_ID);
+        gki_cb.os.gki_timer_wake_lock_on = 0;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        /* restart GKI_timer_update() loop */
+        acquire_wake_lock(PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK, WAKE_LOCK_ID);
+        gki_cb.os.gki_timer_wake_lock_on = 1;
+        *p_run_cond = GKI_TIMER_TICK_RUN_COND;
+        pthread_mutex_lock( &p_os->gki_timer_mutex );
+        pthread_cond_signal( &p_os->gki_timer_cond );
+        pthread_mutex_unlock( &p_os->gki_timer_mutex );
+        BT_TRACE_1( TRACE_LAYER_HCI, TRACE_TYPE_DEBUG, ">>> START GKI_timer_update(), wake_lock_count:%d", ++wake_lock_count );
+    }
+** Function         timer_thread
+** Description      Timer thread
+** Parameters:      id  - (input) timer ID
+** Returns          void
+void timer_thread(signed long id)
+    GKI_TRACE_1("%s enter", __func__);
+    struct timespec delay;
+    int timeout = 1000;  /* 10  ms per system tick  */
+    int err;
+    while(!shutdown_timer)
+    {
+        delay.tv_sec = timeout / 1000;
+        delay.tv_nsec = 1000 * 1000 * (timeout%1000);
+        /* [u]sleep can't be used because it uses SIGALRM */
+        do
+        {
+            err = nanosleep(&delay, &delay);
+        } while (err < 0 && errno ==EINTR);
+        GKI_timer_update(1);
+    }
+    GKI_TRACE_1("%s exit", __func__);
+    pthread_exit(NULL);
+** Function         GKI_run
+** Description      This function runs a task
+** Parameters:      p_task_id  - (input) pointer to task id
+** Returns          void
+** NOTE             This function is only needed for operating systems where
+**                  starting a task is a 2-step process. Most OS's do it in
+**                  one step, If your OS does it in one step, this function
+**                  should be empty.
+void GKI_run (void *p_task_id)
+    GKI_TRACE_1("%s enter", __func__);
+    int retval = EACCES;
+    static pthread_t workerThreadId = NULL;
+    retval = pthread_create (&workerThreadId, NULL, GKI_run_worker_thread, NULL);
+    if (retval != 0)
+    {
+        GKI_TRACE_ERROR_2 ("%s: fail create thread %d", __func__, retval);
+    }
+    GKI_TRACE_1("%s exit", __func__);
+** Function         GKI_run_worker_thread
+** Description      This function runs a task
+** Parameters:      None
+** Returns:         error code
+void* GKI_run_worker_thread (void* dummy)
+    GKI_TRACE_1("%s: enter", __func__);
+    struct timespec delay;
+    int err = 0;
+    volatile int * p_run_cond = &gki_cb.os.no_timer_suspend;
+    /* register start stop function which disable timer loop in GKI_run() when no timers are
+     * in any GKI/BTA/BTU this should save power when BTLD is idle! */
+    GKI_timer_queue_register_callback( gki_system_tick_start_stop_cback );
+    GKI_TRACE_1( "%s: Start/Stop GKI_timer_update_registered!", __func__ );
+    GKI_TRACE_1("%s: GKI_run == NO_GKI_RUN_RETURN", __func__);
+    pthread_attr_t timer_attr;
+    shutdown_timer = 0;
+    pthread_attr_init(&timer_attr);
+    pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&timer_attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);
+    if (pthread_create( &timer_thread_id,
+              &timer_attr,
+              timer_thread,
+              NULL) != 0 )
+    {
+        GKI_TRACE_1("%s: pthread_create failed to create timer_thread!", __func__);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    GKI_TRACE_3("%s: run_cond(%x)=%d ", __func__, p_run_cond, *p_run_cond);
+    for (;GKI_TIMER_TICK_EXIT_COND != *p_run_cond;)
+    {
+        do
+        {
+            /* adjust hear bit tick in btld by changning TICKS_PER_SEC!!!!! this formula works only for
+             * 1-1000ms heart beat units! */
+            delay.tv_sec = LINUX_SEC / 1000;
+            delay.tv_nsec = 1000 * 1000 * (LINUX_SEC % 1000);
+            /* [u]sleep can't be used because it uses SIGALRM */
+            do
+            {
+                err = nanosleep(&delay, &delay);
+            } while (err < 0 && errno == EINTR);
+            /* the unit should be alsways 1 (1 tick). only if you vary for some reason heart beat tick
+             * e.g. power saving you may want to provide more ticks
+             */
+            GKI_timer_update( 1 );
+            /* BT_TRACE_2( TRACE_LAYER_HCI, TRACE_TYPE_DEBUG, "update: tv_sec: %d, tv_nsec: %d", delay.tv_sec, delay.tv_nsec ); */
+        } while ( GKI_TIMER_TICK_RUN_COND == *p_run_cond);
+        /* currently on reason to exit above loop is no_timer_suspend == GKI_TIMER_TICK_STOP_COND
+         * block timer main thread till re-armed by  */
+        BT_TRACE_0( TRACE_LAYER_HCI, TRACE_TYPE_DEBUG, ">>> SUSPENDED GKI_timer_update()" );
+        if (GKI_TIMER_TICK_EXIT_COND != *p_run_cond) {
+            GKI_TRACE_1("%s: waiting timer mutex", __func__);
+            pthread_mutex_lock( &gki_cb.os.gki_timer_mutex );
+            pthread_cond_wait( &gki_cb.os.gki_timer_cond, &gki_cb.os.gki_timer_mutex );
+            pthread_mutex_unlock( &gki_cb.os.gki_timer_mutex );
+            GKI_TRACE_1("%s: exited timer mutex", __func__);
+        }
+        /* potentially we need to adjust os */
+        BT_TRACE_1( TRACE_LAYER_HCI, TRACE_TYPE_DEBUG, ">>> RESTARTED GKI_timer_update(): run_cond: %d",
+                    *p_run_cond );
+    } /* for */
+    GKI_TRACE_1("%s: exit", __func__);
+    return NULL;
+** Function         GKI_stop
+** Description      This function is called to stop
+**                  the tasks and timers when the system is being stopped
+** Returns          void
+** NOTE             This function is NOT called by the Widcomm stack and
+**                  profiles. If you want to use it in your own implementation,
+**                  put specific code here.
+void GKI_stop (void)
+    UINT8 task_id;
+    /*  gki_queue_timer_cback(FALSE); */
+    /* TODO - add code here if needed*/
+    for(task_id = 0; task_id<GKI_MAX_TASKS; task_id++)
+    {
+        if([task_id] != TASK_DEAD)
+        {
+            GKI_exit_task(task_id);
+        }
+    }
+** Function         GKI_wait
+** Description      This function is called by tasks to wait for a specific
+**                  event or set of events. The task may specify the duration
+**                  that it wants to wait for, or 0 if infinite.
+** Parameters:      flag -    (input) the event or set of events to wait for
+**                  timeout - (input) the duration that the task wants to wait
+**                                    for the specific events (in system ticks)
+** Returns          the event mask of received events or zero if timeout
+UINT16 GKI_wait (UINT16 flag, UINT32 timeout)
+    UINT16 evt;
+    UINT8 rtask;
+    struct timespec abstime = { 0, 0 };
+    int sec;
+    int nano_sec;
+    rtask = GKI_get_taskid();
+    GKI_TRACE_3("GKI_wait %d %x %d", rtask, flag, timeout);
+    if (rtask >= GKI_MAX_TASKS) {
+        pthread_exit(NULL);
+        return 0;
+    }
+    gki_pthread_info_t* p_pthread_info = &gki_pthread_info[rtask];
+    if (p_pthread_info->pCond != NULL && p_pthread_info->pMutex != NULL) {
+        int ret;
+        GKI_TRACE_3("GKI_wait task=%i, pCond/pMutex = %x/%x", rtask, p_pthread_info->pCond, p_pthread_info->pMutex);
+        ret = pthread_mutex_lock(p_pthread_info->pMutex);
+        ret = pthread_cond_signal(p_pthread_info->pCond);
+        ret = pthread_mutex_unlock(p_pthread_info->pMutex);
+        p_pthread_info->pMutex = NULL;
+        p_pthread_info->pCond = NULL;
+    }
+[rtask] = flag;
+    /* protect OSWaitEvt[rtask] from modification from an other thread */
+    pthread_mutex_lock(&gki_cb.os.thread_evt_mutex[rtask]);
+#if 0 /* for clean scheduling we probably should always call pthread_cond_wait() */
+    /* Check if anything in any of the mailboxes. There is a potential race condition where OSTaskQFirst[rtask]
+     has been modified. however this should only result in addtional call to  pthread_cond_wait() but as
+     the cond is met, it will exit immediately (depending on schedulling) */
+    if ([rtask][0])
+[rtask] |= TASK_MBOX_0_EVT_MASK;
+    if ([rtask][1])
+[rtask] |= TASK_MBOX_1_EVT_MASK;
+    if ([rtask][2])
+[rtask] |= TASK_MBOX_2_EVT_MASK;
+    if ([rtask][3])
+[rtask] |= TASK_MBOX_3_EVT_MASK;
+    if (!([rtask] & flag))
+    {
+        if (timeout)
+        {
+            //            timeout = GKI_MS_TO_TICKS(timeout);     /* convert from milliseconds to ticks */
+            /* get current system time */
+            //            clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &currSysTime);
+            //            abstime.tv_sec = currSysTime.time;
+            //            abstime.tv_nsec = NANOSEC_PER_MILLISEC * currSysTime.millitm;
+            clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &abstime);
+            /* add timeout */
+            sec = timeout / 1000;
+            nano_sec = (timeout % 1000) * NANOSEC_PER_MILLISEC;
+            abstime.tv_nsec += nano_sec;
+            if (abstime.tv_nsec > NSEC_PER_SEC)
+            {
+                abstime.tv_sec += (abstime.tv_nsec / NSEC_PER_SEC);
+                abstime.tv_nsec = abstime.tv_nsec % NSEC_PER_SEC;
+            }
+            abstime.tv_sec += sec;
+            pthread_cond_timedwait_monotonic(&gki_cb.os.thread_evt_cond[rtask],
+                    &gki_cb.os.thread_evt_mutex[rtask], &abstime);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            pthread_cond_wait(&gki_cb.os.thread_evt_cond[rtask], &gki_cb.os.thread_evt_mutex[rtask]);
+        }
+        /* TODO: check, this is probably neither not needed depending on phtread_cond_wait() implmentation,
+         e.g. it looks like it is implemented as a counter in which case multiple cond_signal
+         should NOT be lost! */
+        // we are waking up after waiting for some events, so refresh variables
+        // no need to call GKI_disable() here as we know that we will have some events as we've been waking up after condition pending or timeout
+        if ([rtask][0])
+  [rtask] |= TASK_MBOX_0_EVT_MASK;
+        if ([rtask][1])
+  [rtask] |= TASK_MBOX_1_EVT_MASK;
+        if ([rtask][2])
+  [rtask] |= TASK_MBOX_2_EVT_MASK;
+        if ([rtask][3])
+  [rtask] |= TASK_MBOX_3_EVT_MASK;
+        if ([rtask] == TASK_DEAD)
+        {
+  [rtask] = 0;
+            /* unlock thread_evt_mutex as pthread_cond_wait() does auto lock when cond is met */
+            pthread_mutex_unlock(&gki_cb.os.thread_evt_mutex[rtask]);
+            GKI_TRACE_1("GKI TASK_DEAD received. exit thread %d...", rtask );
+            gki_cb.os.thread_id[rtask] = 0;
+            pthread_exit(NULL);
+            return (EVENT_MASK(GKI_SHUTDOWN_EVT));
+        }
+    }
+    /* Clear the wait for event mask */
+[rtask] = 0;
+    /* Return only those bits which user wants... */
+    evt =[rtask] & flag;
+    /* Clear only those bits which user wants... */
+[rtask] &= ~flag;
+    /* unlock thread_evt_mutex as pthread_cond_wait() does auto lock mutex when cond is met */
+    pthread_mutex_unlock(&gki_cb.os.thread_evt_mutex[rtask]);
+    GKI_TRACE_4("GKI_wait %d %x %d %x resumed", rtask, flag, timeout, evt);
+    return (evt);
+** Function         GKI_delay
+** Description      This function is called by tasks to sleep unconditionally
+**                  for a specified amount of time. The duration is in milliseconds
+** Parameters:      timeout -    (input) the duration in milliseconds
+** Returns          void
+void GKI_delay (UINT32 timeout)
+    UINT8 rtask = GKI_get_taskid();
+    struct timespec delay;
+    int err;
+    GKI_TRACE_2("GKI_delay %d %d", rtask, timeout);
+    delay.tv_sec = timeout / 1000;
+    delay.tv_nsec = 1000 * 1000 * (timeout%1000);
+    /* [u]sleep can't be used because it uses SIGALRM */
+    do {
+        err = nanosleep(&delay, &delay);
+    } while (err < 0 && errno ==EINTR);
+    /* Check if task was killed while sleeping */
+    /* NOTE
+    **      if you do not implement task killing, you do not
+    **      need this check.
+    */
+    if (rtask &&[rtask] == TASK_DEAD)
+    {
+    }
+    GKI_TRACE_2("GKI_delay %d %d done", rtask, timeout);
+    return;
+** Function         GKI_send_event
+** Description      This function is called by tasks to send events to other
+**                  tasks. Tasks can also send events to themselves.
+** Parameters:      task_id -  (input) The id of the task to which the event has to
+**                  be sent
+**                  event   -  (input) The event that has to be sent
+** Returns          GKI_SUCCESS if all OK, else GKI_FAILURE
+UINT8 GKI_send_event (UINT8 task_id, UINT16 event)
+    GKI_TRACE_2("GKI_send_event %d %x", task_id, event);
+    /* use efficient coding to avoid pipeline stalls */
+    if (task_id < GKI_MAX_TASKS)
+    {
+        /* protect OSWaitEvt[task_id] from manipulation in GKI_wait() */
+        pthread_mutex_lock(&gki_cb.os.thread_evt_mutex[task_id]);
+        /* Set the event bit */
+[task_id] |= event;
+        pthread_cond_signal(&gki_cb.os.thread_evt_cond[task_id]);
+        pthread_mutex_unlock(&gki_cb.os.thread_evt_mutex[task_id]);
+        GKI_TRACE_2("GKI_send_event %d %x done", task_id, event);
+        return ( GKI_SUCCESS );
+    }
+    return (GKI_FAILURE);
+** Function         GKI_isend_event
+** Description      This function is called from ISRs to send events to other
+**                  tasks. The only difference between this function and GKI_send_event
+**                  is that this function assumes interrupts are already disabled.
+** Parameters:      task_id -  (input) The destination task Id for the event.
+**                  event   -  (input) The event flag
+** Returns          GKI_SUCCESS if all OK, else GKI_FAILURE
+** NOTE             This function is NOT called by the Widcomm stack and
+**                  profiles. If you want to use it in your own implementation,
+**                  put your code here, otherwise you can delete the entire
+**                  body of the function.
+UINT8 GKI_isend_event (UINT8 task_id, UINT16 event)
+    GKI_TRACE_2("GKI_isend_event %d %x", task_id, event);
+    GKI_TRACE_2("GKI_isend_event %d %x done", task_id, event);
+    return    GKI_send_event(task_id, event);
+** Function         GKI_get_taskid
+** Description      This function gets the currently running task ID.
+** Returns          task ID
+** NOTE             The Widcomm upper stack and profiles may run as a single task.
+**                  If you only have one GKI task, then you can hard-code this
+**                  function to return a '1'. Otherwise, you should have some
+**                  OS-specific method to determine the current task.
+UINT8 GKI_get_taskid (void)
+    int i;
+    pthread_t thread_id = pthread_self( );
+    for (i = 0; i < GKI_MAX_TASKS; i++) {
+        if (gki_cb.os.thread_id[i] == thread_id) {
+            GKI_TRACE_2("GKI_get_taskid %x %d done", thread_id, i);
+            return(i);
+        }
+    }
+    GKI_TRACE_1("GKI_get_taskid: thread id = %x, task id = -1", thread_id);
+    return(-1);
+** Function         GKI_map_taskname
+** Description      This function gets the task name of the taskid passed as arg.
+**                  If GKI_MAX_TASKS is passed as arg the currently running task
+**                  name is returned
+** Parameters:      task_id -  (input) The id of the task whose name is being
+**                  sought. GKI_MAX_TASKS is passed to get the name of the
+**                  currently running task.
+** Returns          pointer to task name
+** NOTE             this function needs no customization
+UINT8 *GKI_map_taskname (UINT8 task_id)
+    GKI_TRACE_1("GKI_map_taskname %d", task_id);
+    if (task_id < GKI_MAX_TASKS)
+    {
+        GKI_TRACE_2("GKI_map_taskname %d %s done", task_id,[task_id]);
+         return ([task_id]);
+    }
+    else if (task_id == GKI_MAX_TASKS )
+    {
+        return ([GKI_get_taskid()]);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        return (UINT8*) "BAD";
+    }
+** Function         GKI_enable
+** Description      This function enables interrupts.
+** Returns          void
+void GKI_enable (void)
+    GKI_TRACE_0("GKI_enable");
+    pthread_mutex_unlock(&gki_cb.os.GKI_mutex);
+/* 	pthread_mutex_xx is nesting save, no need for this: already_disabled = 0; */
+    GKI_TRACE_0("Leaving GKI_enable");
+    return;
+** Function         GKI_disable
+** Description      This function disables interrupts.
+** Returns          void
+void GKI_disable (void)
+    //GKI_TRACE_0("GKI_disable");
+/*	pthread_mutex_xx is nesting save, no need for this: if (!already_disabled) {
+    already_disabled = 1; */
+    		pthread_mutex_lock(&gki_cb.os.GKI_mutex);
+/*  } */
+    //GKI_TRACE_0("Leaving GKI_disable");
+    return;
+** Function         GKI_exception
+** Description      This function throws an exception.
+**                  This is normally only called for a nonrecoverable error.
+** Parameters:      code    -  (input) The code for the error
+**                  msg     -  (input) The message that has to be logged
+** Returns          void
+void GKI_exception (UINT16 code, char *msg)
+    UINT8 task_id;
+    int i = 0;
+    GKI_TRACE_ERROR_0( "GKI_exception(): Task State Table");
+    for(task_id = 0; task_id < GKI_MAX_TASKS; task_id++)
+    {
+        GKI_TRACE_ERROR_3( "TASK ID [%d] task name [%s] state [%d]",
+                         task_id,
+               [task_id],
+               [task_id]);
+    }
+    GKI_TRACE_ERROR_2("GKI_exception %d %s", code, msg);
+    GKI_TRACE_ERROR_0( "********************************************************************");
+    GKI_TRACE_ERROR_2( "* GKI_exception(): %d %s", code, msg);
+    GKI_TRACE_ERROR_0( "********************************************************************");
+#if (GKI_DEBUG == TRUE)
+    GKI_disable();
+    if ( < GKI_MAX_EXCEPTION)
+    {
+        EXCEPTION_T *pExp;
+        pExp =  &[];
+        pExp->type = code;
+        pExp->taskid = GKI_get_taskid();
+        strncpy((char *)pExp->msg, msg, GKI_MAX_EXCEPTION_MSGLEN - 1);
+    }
+    GKI_enable();
+    GKI_TRACE_ERROR_2("GKI_exception %d %s done", code, msg);
+    return;
+** Function         GKI_get_time_stamp
+** Description      This function formats the time into a user area
+** Parameters:      tbuf -  (output) the address to the memory containing the
+**                  formatted time
+** Returns          the address of the user area containing the formatted time
+**                  The format of the time is ????
+** NOTE             This function is only called by OBEX.
+INT8 *GKI_get_time_stamp (INT8 *tbuf)
+    UINT32 ms_time;
+    UINT32 s_time;
+    UINT32 m_time;
+    UINT32 h_time;
+    INT8   *p_out = tbuf;
+ = times(0);
+    ms_time = GKI_TICKS_TO_MS(;
+    s_time  = ms_time/100;   /* 100 Ticks per second */
+    m_time  = s_time/60;
+    h_time  = m_time/60;
+    ms_time -= s_time*100;
+    s_time  -= m_time*60;
+    m_time  -= h_time*60;
+    *p_out++ = (INT8)((h_time / 10) + '0');
+    *p_out++ = (INT8)((h_time % 10) + '0');
+    *p_out++ = ':';
+    *p_out++ = (INT8)((m_time / 10) + '0');
+    *p_out++ = (INT8)((m_time % 10) + '0');
+    *p_out++ = ':';
+    *p_out++ = (INT8)((s_time / 10) + '0');
+    *p_out++ = (INT8)((s_time % 10) + '0');
+    *p_out++ = ':';
+    *p_out++ = (INT8)((ms_time / 10) + '0');
+    *p_out++ = (INT8)((ms_time % 10) + '0');
+    *p_out++ = ':';
+    *p_out   = 0;
+    return (tbuf);
+** Function         GKI_register_mempool
+** Description      This function registers a specific memory pool.
+** Parameters:      p_mem -  (input) pointer to the memory pool
+** Returns          void
+** NOTE             This function is NOT called by the Widcomm stack and
+**                  profiles. If your OS has different memory pools, you
+**                  can tell GKI the pool to use by calling this function.
+void GKI_register_mempool (void *p_mem)
+ = p_mem;
+    return;
+** Function         GKI_os_malloc
+** Description      This function allocates memory
+** Parameters:      size -  (input) The size of the memory that has to be
+**                  allocated
+** Returns          the address of the memory allocated, or NULL if failed
+** NOTE             This function is called by the Widcomm stack when
+**                  dynamic memory allocation is used. (see dyn_mem.h)
+void *GKI_os_malloc (UINT32 size)
+    return (malloc(size));
+** Function         GKI_os_free
+** Description      This function frees memory
+** Parameters:      size -  (input) The address of the memory that has to be
+**                  freed
+** Returns          void
+** NOTE             This function is NOT called by the Widcomm stack and
+**                  profiles. It is only called from within GKI if dynamic
+void GKI_os_free (void *p_mem)
+    if(p_mem != NULL)
+		free(p_mem);
+    return;
+** Function         GKI_suspend_task()
+** Description      This function suspends the task specified in the argument.
+** Parameters:      task_id  - (input) the id of the task that has to suspended
+** Returns          GKI_SUCCESS if all OK, else GKI_FAILURE
+** NOTE             This function is NOT called by the Widcomm stack and
+**                  profiles. If you want to implement task suspension capability,
+**                  put specific code here.
+UINT8 GKI_suspend_task (UINT8 task_id)
+    GKI_TRACE_1("GKI_suspend_task %d - NOT implemented", task_id);
+    GKI_TRACE_1("GKI_suspend_task %d done", task_id);
+    return (GKI_SUCCESS);
+** Function         GKI_resume_task()
+** Description      This function resumes the task specified in the argument.
+** Parameters:      task_id  - (input) the id of the task that has to resumed
+** Returns          GKI_SUCCESS if all OK
+** NOTE             This function is NOT called by the Widcomm stack and
+**                  profiles. If you want to implement task suspension capability,
+**                  put specific code here.
+UINT8 GKI_resume_task (UINT8 task_id)
+    GKI_TRACE_1("GKI_resume_task %d - NOT implemented", task_id);
+    GKI_TRACE_1("GKI_resume_task %d done", task_id);
+    return (GKI_SUCCESS);
+** Function         GKI_exit_task
+** Description      This function is called to stop a GKI task.
+** Parameters:      task_id  - (input) the id of the task that has to be stopped
+** Returns          void
+** NOTE             This function is NOT called by the Widcomm stack and
+**                  profiles. If you want to use it in your own implementation,
+**                  put specific code here to kill a task.
+void GKI_exit_task (UINT8 task_id)
+    GKI_disable();
+[task_id] = TASK_DEAD;
+    /* Destroy mutex and condition variable objects */
+    pthread_mutex_destroy(&gki_cb.os.thread_evt_mutex[task_id]);
+    pthread_cond_destroy (&gki_cb.os.thread_evt_cond[task_id]);
+    pthread_mutex_destroy(&gki_cb.os.thread_timeout_mutex[task_id]);
+    pthread_cond_destroy (&gki_cb.os.thread_timeout_cond[task_id]);
+    GKI_enable();
+	//GKI_send_event(task_id, EVENT_MASK(GKI_SHUTDOWN_EVT));
+    GKI_TRACE_1("GKI_exit_task %d done", task_id);
+    return;
+** Function         GKI_sched_lock
+** Description      This function is called by tasks to disable scheduler
+**                  task context switching.
+** Returns          void
+** NOTE             This function is NOT called by the Widcomm stack and
+**                  profiles. If you want to use it in your own implementation,
+**                  put code here to tell the OS to disable context switching.
+void GKI_sched_lock(void)
+    GKI_TRACE_0("GKI_sched_lock");
+    return;
+** Function         GKI_sched_unlock
+** Description      This function is called by tasks to enable scheduler switching.
+** Returns          void
+** NOTE             This function is NOT called by the Widcomm stack and
+**                  profiles. If you want to use it in your own implementation,
+**                  put code here to tell the OS to re-enable context switching.
+void GKI_sched_unlock(void)
+    GKI_TRACE_0("GKI_sched_unlock");
+** Function         GKI_shiftdown
+** Description      shift memory down (to make space to insert a record)
+void GKI_shiftdown (UINT8 *p_mem, UINT32 len, UINT32 shift_amount)
+    register UINT8 *ps = p_mem + len - 1;
+    register UINT8 *pd = ps + shift_amount;
+    register UINT32 xx;
+    for (xx = 0; xx < len; xx++)
+        *pd-- = *ps--;
+** Function         GKI_shiftup
+** Description      shift memory up (to delete a record)
+void GKI_shiftup (UINT8 *p_dest, UINT8 *p_src, UINT32 len)
+    register UINT8 *ps = p_src;
+    register UINT8 *pd = p_dest;
+    register UINT32 xx;
+    for (xx = 0; xx < len; xx++)
+        *pd++ = *ps++;
diff --git a/halimpl/bcm2079x/hal/hal/nfc_hal_api.c b/halimpl/bcm2079x/hal/hal/nfc_hal_api.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06c970c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/halimpl/bcm2079x/hal/hal/nfc_hal_api.c
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 2012 Broadcom Corporation
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+ *
+ *  NFC Hardware Abstraction Layer API: Implementation for Broadcom NFC
+ *  controllers
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#include "gki.h"
+#include "nfc_hal_target.h"
+#include "nfc_hal_api.h"
+#include "nfc_hal_int.h"
+** NFC_HAL_TASK declarations
+#define NFC_HAL_TASK_STR            ((INT8 *) "NFC_HAL_TASK")
+#define NFC_HAL_TASK_STACK_SIZE     0x400
+UINT32 nfc_hal_task_stack[(NFC_HAL_TASK_STACK_SIZE+3)/4];
+** Function         HAL_NfcInitialize
+** Description      Called when HAL library is loaded.
+**                  Initialize GKI and start the HCIT task
+** Returns          void
+void HAL_NfcInitialize (void)
+    NCI_TRACE_API0 ("HAL_NfcInitialize ()");
+    /* Initialize HAL control block */
+    nfc_hal_main_init ();
+    /* Initialize OS */
+    GKI_init ();
+    /* Enable interrupts */
+    GKI_enable ();
+    /* Create the NCI transport task */
+    GKI_create_task ((TASKPTR)nfc_hal_main_task,
+                     NFC_HAL_TASK,
+                     NFC_HAL_TASK_STR,
+                     (UINT16 *) ((UINT8 *)nfc_hal_task_stack + NFC_HAL_TASK_STACK_SIZE),
+                     sizeof(nfc_hal_task_stack), NULL, NULL);
+    /* Start tasks */
+    GKI_run (0);
+** Function         HAL_NfcTerminate
+** Description      Called to terminate NFC HAL
+** Returns          void
+void HAL_NfcTerminate(void)
+    NCI_TRACE_API0 ("HAL_NfcTerminate ()");
+** Function         HAL_NfcOpen
+** Description      Open transport and intialize the NFCC, and
+**                  Register callback for HAL event notifications,
+**                  HAL_OPEN_CPLT_EVT will notify when operation is complete.
+** Returns          void
+void HAL_NfcOpen (tHAL_NFC_CBACK *p_hal_cback, tHAL_NFC_DATA_CBACK *p_data_cback)
+    NCI_TRACE_API0 ("HAL_NfcOpen ()");
+    /* Only handle if HAL is not opened (stack cback is NULL) */
+    if (p_hal_cback)
+    {
+        nfc_hal_dm_init ();
+        nfc_hal_cb.p_stack_cback = p_hal_cback;
+        nfc_hal_cb.p_data_cback  = p_data_cback;
+        /* Send startup event to NFC_HAL_TASK */
+    }
+** Function         HAL_NfcClose
+** Description      Prepare for shutdown. A HAL_CLOSE_DONE_EVENT will be
+**                  reported when complete.
+** Returns          void
+void HAL_NfcClose (void)
+    NCI_TRACE_API0 ("HAL_NfcClose ()");
+    /* Only handle if HAL is opened (stack cback is not-NULL) */
+    if (nfc_hal_cb.p_stack_cback)
+    {
+        /* Send shutdown event to NFC_HAL_TASK */
+    }
+** Function         HAL_NfcCoreInitialized
+** Description      Called after the CORE_INIT_RSP is received from the NFCC.
+**                  At this time, the HAL can do any chip-specific configuration,
+**                  and when finished signal the libnfc-nci with event
+**                  HAL_POST_INIT_DONE.
+** Returns          void
+void HAL_NfcCoreInitialized (UINT8 *p_core_init_rsp_params)
+    NFC_HDR *p_msg;
+    UINT16  size;
+    NCI_TRACE_API0 ("HAL_NfcCoreInitialized ()");
+    /* NCI payload len + NCI header size */
+    size = p_core_init_rsp_params[2] + NCI_MSG_HDR_SIZE;
+    /* Send message to NFC_HAL_TASK */
+    if ((p_msg = (NFC_HDR *)GKI_getbuf ((UINT16)(size + NFC_HDR_SIZE))) != NULL)
+    {
+        p_msg->event  = NFC_HAL_EVT_POST_CORE_RESET;
+        p_msg->offset = 0;
+        p_msg->len    = size;
+        p_msg->layer_specific = 0;
+        memcpy ((UINT8 *)(p_msg + 1) + p_msg->offset, p_core_init_rsp_params, size);
+        GKI_send_msg (NFC_HAL_TASK, NFC_HAL_TASK_MBOX, p_msg);
+    }
+** Function         HAL_NfcWrite
+** Description      Send an NCI control message or data packet to the
+**                  transport. If an NCI command message exceeds the transport
+**                  size, HAL is responsible for fragmenting it, Data packets
+**                  must be of the correct size.
+** Returns          void
+void HAL_NfcWrite (UINT16 data_len, UINT8 *p_data)
+    NFC_HDR *p_msg;
+    UINT8 mt;
+    NCI_TRACE_API0 ("HAL_NfcWrite ()");
+    if (data_len > (NCI_MAX_CTRL_SIZE + NCI_MSG_HDR_SIZE))
+    {
+        NCI_TRACE_ERROR1 ("HAL_NfcWrite (): too many bytes (%d)", data_len);
+        return;
+    }
+    /* Send message to NFC_HAL_TASK */
+    if ((p_msg = (NFC_HDR *)GKI_getpoolbuf (NFC_HAL_NCI_POOL_ID)) != NULL)
+    {
+        p_msg->event  = NFC_HAL_EVT_TO_NFC_NCI;
+        p_msg->offset = NFC_HAL_NCI_MSG_OFFSET_SIZE;
+        p_msg->len    = data_len;
+        memcpy ((UINT8 *)(p_msg+1) + p_msg->offset, p_data, data_len);
+        /* Check if message is a command or data */
+        mt = (*(p_data) & NCI_MT_MASK) >> NCI_MT_SHIFT;
+        p_msg->layer_specific = (mt == NCI_MT_CMD) ? NFC_HAL_WAIT_RSP_CMD : 0;
+        GKI_send_msg (NFC_HAL_TASK, NFC_HAL_TASK_MBOX, p_msg);
+    }
+** Function         HAL_NfcPreDiscover
+** Description      Perform any vendor-specific pre-discovery actions (if needed)
+**                  If any actions were performed TRUE will be returned, and
+**                  HAL_PRE_DISCOVER_DONE_EVENT will notify when actions are
+**                  completed.
+** Returns          TRUE if vendor-specific pre-discovery actions initialized
+**                  FALSE if no vendor-specific pre-discovery actions are needed.
+BOOLEAN HAL_NfcPreDiscover (void)
+    BOOLEAN status = FALSE;
+    NCI_TRACE_API1 ("HAL_NfcPreDiscover status:%d", status);
+    return status;
+** Function         HAL_NfcControlGranted
+** Description      Grant control to HAL control for sending NCI commands.
+**                  Call in response to HAL_REQUEST_CONTROL_EVENT.
+**                  Must only be called when there are no NCI commands pending.
+**                  HAL_RELEASE_CONTROL_EVENT will notify when HAL no longer
+**                  needs control of NCI.
+** Returns          void
+void HAL_NfcControlGranted (void)
+    NFC_HDR *p_msg;
+    NCI_TRACE_API0 ("HAL_NfcControlGranted ()");
+    /* Send message to NFC_HAL_TASK */
+    if ((p_msg = (NFC_HDR *)GKI_getpoolbuf (NFC_HAL_NCI_POOL_ID)) != NULL)
+    {
+        p_msg->event  = NFC_HAL_EVT_CONTROL_GRANTED;
+        GKI_send_msg (NFC_HAL_TASK, NFC_HAL_TASK_MBOX, p_msg);
+    }
+** Function         HAL_NfcPowerCycle
+** Description      Restart NFCC by power cyle
+**                  HAL_OPEN_CPLT_EVT will notify when operation is complete.
+** Returns          void
+void HAL_NfcPowerCycle (void)
+    NCI_TRACE_API0 ("HAL_NfcPowerCycle ()");
+    /* Only handle if HAL is opened (stack cback is not-NULL) */
+    if (nfc_hal_cb.p_stack_cback)
+    {
+        /* Send power cycle event to NFC_HAL_TASK */
+    }
diff --git a/halimpl/bcm2079x/hal/hal/nfc_hal_brcm.c b/halimpl/bcm2079x/hal/hal/nfc_hal_brcm.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d52119a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/halimpl/bcm2079x/hal/hal/nfc_hal_brcm.c
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Broadcom Corporation
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+ *
+ *  This file contains function of the NFC unit to receive/process NFC VS
+ *  commands.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#include <string.h>
+#include "gki.h"
+#include "nfc_hal_int.h"
+#include "userial.h"
diff --git a/halimpl/bcm2079x/hal/hal/nfc_hal_dm.c b/halimpl/bcm2079x/hal/hal/nfc_hal_dm.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4d4a3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/halimpl/bcm2079x/hal/hal/nfc_hal_dm.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1092 @@
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 2012 Broadcom Corporation
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+ *
+ *  Vendor-specific handler for DM events
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#include "nfc_hal_int.h"
+#include "nfc_hal_post_reset.h"
+#include "userial.h"
+#include "upio.h"
+** Constants and types
+#define NFC_HAL_I93_RW_CFG_LEN              (5)
+#define NFC_HAL_I93_RW_CFG_PARAM_LEN        (3)
+#define NFC_HAL_I93_AFI                     (0)
+#define NFC_HAL_I93_ENABLE_SMART_POLL       (1)
+static UINT8 nfc_hal_dm_i93_rw_cfg[NFC_HAL_I93_RW_CFG_LEN] =
+    NFC_HAL_I93_FLAG_DATA_RATE,    /* Bit0:Sub carrier, Bit1:Data rate, Bit4:Enable/Disable AFI */
+    NFC_HAL_I93_AFI,               /* AFI if Bit 4 is set in the flag byte */
+    NFC_HAL_I93_ENABLE_SMART_POLL  /* Bit0:Enable/Disable smart poll */
+static UINT8 nfc_hal_dm_set_fw_fsm_cmd[NCI_MSG_HDR_SIZE + 1] =
+    0x01,
+    0x00,
+const UINT8 nfc_hal_dm_core_reset_cmd[NCI_MSG_HDR_SIZE + NCI_CORE_PARAM_SIZE_RESET] =
+#define NCI_PROP_PARAM_SIZE_XTAL_INDEX      3       /* length of parameters in XTAL_INDEX CMD */
+const UINT8 nfc_hal_dm_get_build_info_cmd[NCI_MSG_HDR_SIZE] =
+    0x00
+#define NCI_BUILD_INFO_OFFSET_HWID  25  /* HW ID offset in build info RSP */
+const UINT8 nfc_hal_dm_get_patch_version_cmd [NCI_MSG_HDR_SIZE] =
+    0x00
+#define NCI_PATCH_INFO_OFFSET_NVMTYPE  35  /* NVM Type offset in patch info RSP */
+** Extern function prototypes
+extern UINT8 *p_nfc_hal_dm_lptd_cfg;
+extern UINT8 *p_nfc_hal_dm_pll_325_cfg;
+extern UINT8 *p_nfc_hal_dm_start_up_cfg;
+extern UINT8 *p_nfc_hal_dm_start_up_vsc_cfg;
+** Local function prototypes
+** Function         nfc_hal_dm_set_config
+** Description      Send NCI config items to NFCC
+** Returns          tHAL_NFC_STATUS
+tHAL_NFC_STATUS nfc_hal_dm_set_config (UINT8 tlv_size,
+                                       UINT8 *p_param_tlvs,
+                                       tNFC_HAL_NCI_CBACK *p_cback)
+    UINT8  *p_buff, *p;
+    UINT8  num_param = 0, param_len, rem_len, *p_tlv;
+    UINT16 cmd_len = NCI_MSG_HDR_SIZE + tlv_size + 1;
+    if ((tlv_size == 0)||(p_param_tlvs == NULL))
+    {
+        return status;
+    }
+    if ((p_buff = (UINT8 *) GKI_getbuf ((UINT16)(NCI_MSG_HDR_SIZE + tlv_size))) != NULL)
+    {
+        p = p_buff;
+        UINT8_TO_STREAM  (p, (UINT8) (tlv_size + 1));
+        rem_len = tlv_size;
+        p_tlv   = p_param_tlvs;
+        while (rem_len > 1)
+        {
+            num_param++;                /* number of params */
+            p_tlv ++;                   /* param type   */
+            param_len = *p_tlv++;       /* param length */
+            rem_len -= 2;               /* param type and length */
+            if (rem_len >= param_len)
+            {
+                rem_len -= param_len;
+                p_tlv   += param_len;   /* next param_type */
+                if (rem_len == 0)
+                {
+                    status = HAL_NFC_STATUS_OK;
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                /* error found */
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        if (status == HAL_NFC_STATUS_OK)
+        {
+            UINT8_TO_STREAM (p, num_param);
+            ARRAY_TO_STREAM (p, p_param_tlvs, tlv_size);
+            nfc_hal_dm_send_nci_cmd (p_buff, cmd_len, p_cback);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            NCI_TRACE_ERROR0 ("nfc_hal_dm_set_config ():Bad TLV");
+        }
+        GKI_freebuf (p_buff);
+    }
+    return status;
+** Function         nfc_hal_dm_get_xtal_index
+** Description      Convert xtal frequency to index
+** Returns          xtal index
+static tNFC_HAL_XTAL_INDEX nfc_hal_dm_get_xtal_index (UINT16 xtal_freq)
+    tNFC_HAL_XTAL_INDEX xtal_index;
+    switch (xtal_freq)
+    {
+    case  9600: xtal_index = NFC_HAL_XTAL_INDEX_9600;  break;
+    case 13000: xtal_index = NFC_HAL_XTAL_INDEX_13000; break;
+    case 16200: xtal_index = NFC_HAL_XTAL_INDEX_16200; break;
+    case 19200: xtal_index = NFC_HAL_XTAL_INDEX_19200; break;
+    case 24000: xtal_index = NFC_HAL_XTAL_INDEX_24000; break;
+    case 26000: xtal_index = NFC_HAL_XTAL_INDEX_26000; break;
+    case 38400: xtal_index = NFC_HAL_XTAL_INDEX_38400; break;
+    case 52000: xtal_index = NFC_HAL_XTAL_INDEX_52000; break;
+    case 37400: xtal_index = NFC_HAL_XTAL_INDEX_37400; break;
+    default :   xtal_index = NFC_HAL_XTAL_INDEX_MAX;
+                NCI_TRACE_DEBUG1 ("nfc_hal_dm_get_xtal_index ():No matched index for %d", xtal_freq);
+                break;
+    }
+    return xtal_index;
+** Function         nfc_hal_dm_set_fw_fsm
+** Description      Enable or disable FW FSM
+** Returns          void
+void nfc_hal_dm_set_fw_fsm (BOOLEAN enable, tNFC_HAL_NCI_CBACK *p_cback)
+    if (enable)
+        nfc_hal_dm_set_fw_fsm_cmd[NCI_SET_FWFSM_OFFSET_ENABLE] = 0x01; /* Enable, default is disabled */
+    else
+        nfc_hal_dm_set_fw_fsm_cmd[NCI_SET_FWFSM_OFFSET_ENABLE] = 0x00; /* Disable */
+    nfc_hal_dm_send_nci_cmd (nfc_hal_dm_set_fw_fsm_cmd, NCI_MSG_HDR_SIZE + 1, p_cback);
+** Function         nfc_hal_dm_config_nfcc_cback
+** Description      Callback for NCI vendor specific command complete
+** Returns          void
+void nfc_hal_dm_config_nfcc_cback (tNFC_HAL_NCI_EVT event, UINT16 data_len, UINT8 *p_data)
+    if (nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.next_dm_config == NFC_HAL_DM_CONFIG_NONE)
+    {
+        nfc_hal_hci_enable ();
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        nfc_hal_dm_config_nfcc ();
+    }
+** Function         nfc_hal_dm_send_startup_vsc
+** Description      Send VS command before NFA start-up
+** Returns          None
+void nfc_hal_dm_send_startup_vsc (void)
+    UINT8  *p, *p_end;
+    UINT16 len;
+    NCI_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("nfc_hal_dm_send_startup_vsc ()");
+    /* VSC must have NCI header at least */
+    if (nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.next_startup_vsc + NCI_MSG_HDR_SIZE - 1 <= *p_nfc_hal_dm_start_up_vsc_cfg)
+    {
+        p     = p_nfc_hal_dm_start_up_vsc_cfg + nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.next_startup_vsc;
+        len   = *(p + 2);
+        p_end = p + NCI_MSG_HDR_SIZE - 1 + len;
+        if (p_end <= p_nfc_hal_dm_start_up_vsc_cfg + *p_nfc_hal_dm_start_up_vsc_cfg)
+        {
+            /* move to next VSC */
+            nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.next_startup_vsc += NCI_MSG_HDR_SIZE + len;
+            /* if this is last VSC */
+            if (p_end == p_nfc_hal_dm_start_up_vsc_cfg + *p_nfc_hal_dm_start_up_vsc_cfg)
+                nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.next_dm_config = NFC_HAL_DM_CONFIG_NONE;
+            nfc_hal_dm_send_nci_cmd (p, (UINT16)(NCI_MSG_HDR_SIZE + len), nfc_hal_dm_config_nfcc_cback);
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+    NCI_TRACE_ERROR0 ("nfc_hal_dm_send_startup_vsc (): Bad start-up VSC");
+    nfc_hal_cb.p_stack_cback (HAL_NFC_POST_INIT_CPLT_EVT, HAL_NFC_STATUS_FAILED);
+** Function         nfc_hal_dm_config_nfcc
+** Description      Send VS config before NFA start-up
+** Returns          void
+void nfc_hal_dm_config_nfcc (void)
+    UINT8   *p;
+    UINT8   xtal_index;
+    NCI_TRACE_DEBUG1 ("nfc_hal_dm_config_nfcc (): next_dm_config = %d", nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.next_dm_config);
+    if ((p_nfc_hal_dm_lptd_cfg[0]) && (nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.next_dm_config <= NFC_HAL_DM_CONFIG_LPTD))
+    {
+        nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.next_dm_config = NFC_HAL_DM_CONFIG_PLL_325;
+        if (nfc_hal_dm_set_config (p_nfc_hal_dm_lptd_cfg[0],
+                                   &p_nfc_hal_dm_lptd_cfg[1],
+                                   nfc_hal_dm_config_nfcc_cback) == HAL_NFC_STATUS_OK)
+        {
+            return;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            nfc_hal_cb.p_stack_cback (HAL_NFC_POST_INIT_CPLT_EVT, HAL_NFC_STATUS_FAILED);
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+    if ((p_nfc_hal_dm_pll_325_cfg) && (nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.next_dm_config <= NFC_HAL_DM_CONFIG_PLL_325))
+    {
+        xtal_index = nfc_hal_dm_get_xtal_index (nfc_post_reset_cb.dev_init_config.xtal_freq);
+        if (xtal_index < NFC_HAL_XTAL_INDEX_MAX)
+        {
+            nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.next_dm_config = NFC_HAL_DM_CONFIG_START_UP;
+            p = p_nfc_hal_dm_pll_325_cfg + (xtal_index * NFC_HAL_PLL_325_SETCONFIG_PARAM_LEN);
+            if (nfc_hal_dm_set_config (NFC_HAL_PLL_325_SETCONFIG_PARAM_LEN,
+                                       p,
+                                       nfc_hal_dm_config_nfcc_cback) == HAL_NFC_STATUS_OK)
+            {
+                return;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                nfc_hal_cb.p_stack_cback (HAL_NFC_POST_INIT_CPLT_EVT, HAL_NFC_STATUS_FAILED);
+                return;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if ((p_nfc_hal_dm_start_up_cfg[0]) && (nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.next_dm_config <= NFC_HAL_DM_CONFIG_START_UP))
+    {
+        nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.next_dm_config = NFC_HAL_DM_CONFIG_I93_DATA_RATE;
+        if (nfc_hal_dm_set_config (p_nfc_hal_dm_start_up_cfg[0],
+                                   &p_nfc_hal_dm_start_up_cfg[1],
+                                   nfc_hal_dm_config_nfcc_cback) == HAL_NFC_STATUS_OK)
+        {
+            return;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            nfc_hal_cb.p_stack_cback (HAL_NFC_POST_INIT_CPLT_EVT, HAL_NFC_STATUS_FAILED);
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+    if (nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.next_dm_config  <= NFC_HAL_DM_CONFIG_I93_DATA_RATE)
+    {
+        nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.next_dm_config = NFC_HAL_DM_CONFIG_FW_FSM;
+        if (nfc_hal_dm_set_config (NFC_HAL_I93_RW_CFG_LEN,
+                                   nfc_hal_dm_i93_rw_cfg,
+                                   nfc_hal_dm_config_nfcc_cback) == HAL_NFC_STATUS_OK)
+        {
+            return;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            nfc_hal_cb.p_stack_cback (HAL_NFC_POST_INIT_CPLT_EVT, HAL_NFC_STATUS_FAILED);
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+    /* FW FSM is disabled as default in NFCC */
+    if (nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.next_dm_config <= NFC_HAL_DM_CONFIG_FW_FSM)
+    {
+        nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.next_dm_config = NFC_HAL_DM_CONFIG_START_UP_VSC;
+        nfc_hal_dm_set_fw_fsm (NFC_HAL_DM_MULTI_TECH_RESP, nfc_hal_dm_config_nfcc_cback);
+        return;
+    }
+    if (nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.next_dm_config <= NFC_HAL_DM_CONFIG_START_UP_VSC)
+    {
+        if (p_nfc_hal_dm_start_up_vsc_cfg && *p_nfc_hal_dm_start_up_vsc_cfg)
+        {
+            nfc_hal_dm_send_startup_vsc ();
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+    /* nothing to config */
+    nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.next_dm_config = NFC_HAL_DM_CONFIG_NONE;
+    nfc_hal_dm_config_nfcc_cback (0, 0, NULL);
+** Function         nfc_hal_dm_set_xtal_freq_index
+** Description      Set crystal frequency index
+** Returns          void
+void nfc_hal_dm_set_xtal_freq_index (void)
+    UINT8 nci_brcm_xtal_index_cmd[NCI_MSG_HDR_SIZE + NCI_PROP_PARAM_SIZE_XTAL_INDEX];
+    UINT8 *p;
+    tNFC_HAL_XTAL_INDEX xtal_index;
+    NCI_TRACE_DEBUG1 ("nfc_hal_dm_set_xtal_freq_index (): xtal_freq = %d", nfc_post_reset_cb.dev_init_config.xtal_freq);
+    xtal_index = nfc_hal_dm_get_xtal_index (nfc_post_reset_cb.dev_init_config.xtal_freq);
+    switch (xtal_index)
+    {
+    case NFC_HAL_XTAL_INDEX_9600:
+    case NFC_HAL_XTAL_INDEX_13000:
+    case NFC_HAL_XTAL_INDEX_19200:
+    case NFC_HAL_XTAL_INDEX_26000:
+    case NFC_HAL_XTAL_INDEX_38400:
+    case NFC_HAL_XTAL_INDEX_52000:
+        {
+            /* no need to set xtal index for these frequency */
+            NCI_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("nfc_hal_dm_set_xtal_freq_index (): no need to set xtal index");
+            nfc_post_reset_cb.dev_init_config.flags &= ~NFC_HAL_DEV_INIT_FLAGS_SET_XTAL_FREQ;
+            nfc_hal_dm_send_reset_cmd ();
+            return;
+        }
+        break;
+    }
+    p = nci_brcm_xtal_index_cmd;
+    UINT8_TO_STREAM  (p, xtal_index);
+    UINT16_TO_STREAM (p, nfc_post_reset_cb.dev_init_config.xtal_freq);
+    nfc_hal_dm_send_nci_cmd (nci_brcm_xtal_index_cmd, NCI_MSG_HDR_SIZE + NCI_PROP_PARAM_SIZE_XTAL_INDEX, NULL);
+** Function         nfc_hal_dm_send_reset_cmd
+** Description      Send CORE RESET CMD
+** Returns          void
+void nfc_hal_dm_send_reset_cmd (void)
+    /* Proceed with start up sequence: send CORE_RESET_CMD */
+    nfc_hal_dm_send_nci_cmd (nfc_hal_dm_core_reset_cmd, NCI_MSG_HDR_SIZE + NCI_CORE_PARAM_SIZE_RESET, NULL);
+** Function         nfc_hal_dm_proc_msg_during_init
+** Description      Process NCI message while initializing NFCC
+** Returns          void
+void nfc_hal_dm_proc_msg_during_init (NFC_HDR *p_msg)
+    UINT8 *p;
+    UINT8 reset_reason, reset_type;
+    UINT8 mt, pbf, gid, op_code;
+    UINT8 *p_old, old_gid, old_oid, old_mt;
+    tNFC_HAL_NCI_CBACK *p_cback = NULL;
+    NCI_TRACE_DEBUG1 ("nfc_hal_dm_proc_msg_during_init(): init state:%d", nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.initializing_state);
+    p = (UINT8 *) (p_msg + 1) + p_msg->offset;
+    NCI_MSG_PRS_HDR0 (p, mt, pbf, gid);
+    NCI_MSG_PRS_HDR1 (p, op_code);
+    /* check if waiting for this response */
+    if (  (nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.nci_wait_rsp == NFC_HAL_WAIT_RSP_CMD)
+        ||(nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.nci_wait_rsp == NFC_HAL_WAIT_RSP_VSC)  )
+    {
+        if (mt == NCI_MT_RSP)
+        {
+            p_old = nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.last_hdr;
+            NCI_MSG_PRS_HDR0 (p_old, old_mt, pbf, old_gid);
+            old_oid = ((*p_old) & NCI_OID_MASK);
+            /* make sure this is the RSP we are waiting for before updating the command window */
+            if ((old_gid == gid) && (old_oid == op_code))
+            {
+                nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.nci_wait_rsp = NFC_HAL_WAIT_RSP_NONE;
+                p_cback = (tNFC_HAL_NCI_CBACK *)nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.p_vsc_cback;
+                nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.p_vsc_cback  = NULL;
+                nfc_hal_main_stop_quick_timer (&nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.nci_wait_rsp_timer);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (gid == NCI_GID_CORE)
+    {
+        if (op_code == NCI_MSG_CORE_RESET)
+        {
+            if (mt == NCI_MT_RSP)
+            {
+                if (nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.initializing_state == NFC_HAL_INIT_STATE_W4_RE_INIT)
+                {
+                    nfc_hal_dm_send_nci_cmd (nfc_hal_dm_get_patch_version_cmd, NCI_MSG_HDR_SIZE, nfc_hal_cb.p_reinit_cback);
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    /* get build information to find out HW */
+                    nfc_hal_dm_send_nci_cmd (nfc_hal_dm_get_build_info_cmd, NCI_MSG_HDR_SIZE, NULL);
+                }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                /* Call reset notification callback */
+                p++;                                /* Skip over param len */
+                STREAM_TO_UINT8 (reset_reason, p);
+                STREAM_TO_UINT8 (reset_type, p);
+                nfc_hal_prm_spd_reset_ntf (reset_reason, reset_type);
+            }
+        }
+        else if (p_cback)
+        {
+            (*p_cback) ((tNFC_HAL_NCI_EVT) (op_code),
+                        p_msg->len,
+                        (UINT8 *) (p_msg + 1) + p_msg->offset);
+        }
+    }
+    else if (gid == NCI_GID_PROP) /* this is for download patch */
+    {
+        if (mt == NCI_MT_NTF)
+            op_code |= NCI_NTF_BIT;
+        else
+            op_code |= NCI_RSP_BIT;
+        if (nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.initializing_state == NFC_HAL_INIT_STATE_W4_XTAL_SET)
+        {
+            if (op_code == (NCI_RSP_BIT|NCI_MSG_GET_XTAL_INDEX_FROM_DH))
+            {
+                /* wait for crystal setting in NFCC */
+                GKI_delay (100);
+                /* Crytal frequency configured. Proceed with start up sequence: send CORE_RESET_CMD */
+                nfc_hal_dm_send_reset_cmd ();
+            }
+        }
+        else if (  (op_code == NFC_VS_GET_BUILD_INFO_EVT)
+                 &&(nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.initializing_state == NFC_HAL_INIT_STATE_W4_BUILD_INFO)  )
+        {
+            p += NCI_BUILD_INFO_OFFSET_HWID;
+            STREAM_TO_UINT32 (nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.brcm_hw_id, p);
+            nfc_hal_dm_send_nci_cmd (nfc_hal_dm_get_patch_version_cmd, NCI_MSG_HDR_SIZE, NULL);
+        }
+        else if (  (op_code == NFC_VS_GET_PATCH_VERSION_EVT)
+                 &&(nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.initializing_state == NFC_HAL_INIT_STATE_W4_PATCH_INFO)  )
+        {
+            /* let platform update baudrate or download patch */
+            nfc_hal_post_reset_init (nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.brcm_hw_id, *p);
+        }
+        else if (p_cback)
+        {
+            (*p_cback) ((tNFC_HAL_NCI_EVT) (op_code),
+                        p_msg->len,
+                        (UINT8 *) (p_msg + 1) + p_msg->offset);
+        }
+        else if (op_code == NFC_VS_SEC_PATCH_AUTH_EVT)
+        {
+            NCI_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("signature!!");
+            nfc_hal_prm_nci_command_complete_cback ((tNFC_HAL_NCI_EVT) (op_code),
+                                                    p_msg->len,
+                                                    (UINT8 *) (p_msg + 1) + p_msg->offset);
+        }
+    }
+** Function         nfc_hal_dm_send_nci_cmd
+** Description      Send NCI command to NFCC while initializing BRCM NFCC
+** Returns          void
+void nfc_hal_dm_send_nci_cmd (const UINT8 *p_data, UINT16 len, tNFC_HAL_NCI_CBACK *p_cback)
+    NFC_HDR *p_buf;
+    UINT8  *ps;
+    NCI_TRACE_DEBUG1 ("nfc_hal_dm_send_nci_cmd (): nci_wait_rsp = 0x%x", nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.nci_wait_rsp);
+    if (nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.nci_wait_rsp != NFC_HAL_WAIT_RSP_NONE)
+    {
+        NCI_TRACE_ERROR0 ("nfc_hal_dm_send_nci_cmd(): no command window");
+        return;
+    }
+    if ((p_buf = (NFC_HDR *)GKI_getpoolbuf (NFC_HAL_NCI_POOL_ID)) != NULL)
+    {
+        nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.nci_wait_rsp = NFC_HAL_WAIT_RSP_VSC;
+        p_buf->offset = NFC_HAL_NCI_MSG_OFFSET_SIZE;
+        p_buf->event  = NFC_HAL_EVT_TO_NFC_NCI;
+        p_buf->len    = len;
+        memcpy ((UINT8*) (p_buf + 1) + p_buf->offset, p_data, len);
+        /* Keep a copy of the command and send to NCI transport */
+        /* save the message header to double check the response */
+        ps   = (UINT8 *)(p_buf + 1) + p_buf->offset;
+        memcpy(nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.last_hdr, ps, NFC_HAL_SAVED_HDR_SIZE);
+        memcpy(nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.last_cmd, ps + NCI_MSG_HDR_SIZE, NFC_HAL_SAVED_CMD_SIZE);
+        /* save the callback for NCI VSCs */
+        nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.p_vsc_cback = (void *)p_cback;
+        nfc_hal_nci_send_cmd (p_buf);
+        /* start NFC command-timeout timer */
+        nfc_hal_main_start_quick_timer (&nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.nci_wait_rsp_timer, (UINT16)(NFC_HAL_TTYPE_NCI_WAIT_RSP),
+                                        ((UINT32) NFC_HAL_CMD_TOUT) * QUICK_TIMER_TICKS_PER_SEC / 1000);
+    }
+** Function         nfc_hal_dm_send_pend_cmd
+** Description      Send a command to NFCC
+** Returns          void
+void nfc_hal_dm_send_pend_cmd (void)
+    NFC_HDR *p_buf = nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.p_pend_cmd;
+    UINT8  *p;
+    if (p_buf == NULL)
+        return;
+    /* check low power mode state */
+    if (!nfc_hal_dm_power_mode_execute (NFC_HAL_LP_TX_DATA_EVT))
+    {
+        return;
+    }
+    if (nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.nci_wait_rsp == NFC_HAL_WAIT_RSP_PROP)
+    {
+        DispHciCmd (p_buf);
+        /* save the message header to double check the response */
+        p = (UINT8 *)(p_buf + 1) + p_buf->offset;
+        memcpy(nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.last_hdr, p, NFC_HAL_SAVED_HDR_SIZE);
+        /* add packet type for BT message */
+        p_buf->offset--;
+        p_buf->len++;
+        p  = (UINT8 *) (p_buf + 1) + p_buf->offset;
+        *p = HCIT_TYPE_COMMAND;
+        USERIAL_Write (USERIAL_NFC_PORT, p, p_buf->len);
+        GKI_freebuf (p_buf);
+        nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.p_pend_cmd = NULL;
+        /* start NFC command-timeout timer */
+        nfc_hal_main_start_quick_timer (&nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.nci_wait_rsp_timer, (UINT16)(NFC_HAL_TTYPE_NCI_WAIT_RSP),
+                                        ((UINT32) NFC_HAL_CMD_TOUT) * QUICK_TIMER_TICKS_PER_SEC / 1000);
+    }
+** Function         nfc_hal_dm_send_bt_cmd
+** Description      Send BT message to NFCC while initializing BRCM NFCC
+** Returns          void
+void nfc_hal_dm_send_bt_cmd (const UINT8 *p_data, UINT16 len, tNFC_HAL_BTVSC_CPLT_CBACK *p_cback)
+    NFC_HDR *p_buf;
+    NCI_TRACE_DEBUG1 ("nfc_hal_dm_send_bt_cmd (): nci_wait_rsp = 0x%x", nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.nci_wait_rsp);
+    if (nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.nci_wait_rsp != NFC_HAL_WAIT_RSP_NONE)
+    {
+        NCI_TRACE_ERROR0 ("nfc_hal_dm_send_bt_cmd(): no command window");
+        return;
+    }
+    if ((p_buf = (NFC_HDR *) GKI_getpoolbuf (NFC_HAL_NCI_POOL_ID)) != NULL)
+    {
+        nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.nci_wait_rsp = NFC_HAL_WAIT_RSP_PROP;
+        p_buf->offset = NFC_HAL_NCI_MSG_OFFSET_SIZE;
+        p_buf->len    = len;
+        memcpy ((UINT8*) (p_buf + 1) + p_buf->offset, p_data, len);
+        /* save the callback for NCI VSCs)  */
+        nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.p_vsc_cback = (void *)p_cback;
+        nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.p_pend_cmd = p_buf;
+        if (nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.initializing_state == NFC_HAL_INIT_STATE_IDLE)
+        {
+            nfc_hal_cb.p_stack_cback (HAL_NFC_REQUEST_CONTROL_EVT, HAL_NFC_STATUS_OK);
+            return;
+        }
+        nfc_hal_dm_send_pend_cmd();
+    }
+** Function         nfc_hal_dm_set_nfc_wake
+** Description      Set NFC_WAKE line
+** Returns          void
+void nfc_hal_dm_set_nfc_wake (UINT8 cmd)
+    NCI_TRACE_DEBUG1 ("nfc_hal_dm_set_nfc_wake () %s",
+                      (cmd == NFC_HAL_ASSERT_NFC_WAKE ? "ASSERT" : "DEASSERT"));
+    /*
+    **  nfc_wake_active_mode             cmd              result of voltage on NFC_WAKE
+    **
+    **  NFC_HAL_LP_ACTIVE_LOW (0)    NFC_HAL_ASSERT_NFC_WAKE (0)    pull down NFC_WAKE (GND)
+    */
+    if (cmd == nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.nfc_wake_active_mode)
+    else
+** Function         nfc_hal_dm_power_mode_execute
+** Description      If snooze mode is enabled in full power mode,
+**                     Assert NFC_WAKE before sending data
+**                     Deassert NFC_WAKE when idle timer expires
+** Returns          TRUE if DH can send data to NFCC
+BOOLEAN nfc_hal_dm_power_mode_execute (tNFC_HAL_LP_EVT event)
+    BOOLEAN send_to_nfcc = FALSE;
+    NCI_TRACE_DEBUG1 ("nfc_hal_dm_power_mode_execute () event = %d", event);
+    if (nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.power_mode == NFC_HAL_POWER_MODE_FULL)
+    {
+        if (nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.snooze_mode != NFC_HAL_LP_SNOOZE_MODE_NONE)
+        {
+            /* if any transport activity */
+            if (  (event == NFC_HAL_LP_TX_DATA_EVT)
+                ||(event == NFC_HAL_LP_RX_DATA_EVT)  )
+            {
+                /* if idle timer is not running */
+                if (nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.lp_timer.in_use == FALSE)
+                {
+                    nfc_hal_dm_set_nfc_wake (NFC_HAL_ASSERT_NFC_WAKE);
+                }
+                /* start or extend idle timer */
+                nfc_hal_main_start_quick_timer (&nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.lp_timer, 0x00,
+                                                ((UINT32) NFC_HAL_LP_IDLE_TIMEOUT) * QUICK_TIMER_TICKS_PER_SEC / 1000);
+            }
+            else if (event == NFC_HAL_LP_TIMEOUT_EVT)
+            {
+                /* let NFCC go to snooze mode */
+                nfc_hal_dm_set_nfc_wake (NFC_HAL_DEASSERT_NFC_WAKE);
+            }
+        }
+        send_to_nfcc = TRUE;
+    }
+    return (send_to_nfcc);
+** Function         nci_brcm_lp_timeout_cback
+** Description      callback function for low power timeout
+** Returns          void
+static void nci_brcm_lp_timeout_cback (void *p_tle)
+    NCI_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("nci_brcm_lp_timeout_cback ()");
+    nfc_hal_dm_power_mode_execute (NFC_HAL_LP_TIMEOUT_EVT);
+** Function         nfc_hal_dm_pre_init_nfcc
+** Description      This function initializes Broadcom specific control blocks for
+**                  NCI transport
+** Returns          void
+void nfc_hal_dm_pre_init_nfcc (void)
+    NCI_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("nfc_hal_dm_pre_init_nfcc ()");
+    if (nfc_post_reset_cb.dev_init_config.flags & NFC_HAL_DEV_INIT_FLAGS_SET_XTAL_FREQ)
+    {
+        nfc_hal_dm_set_xtal_freq_index ();
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        /* Send RESET CMD if application registered callback for device initialization */
+        nfc_hal_dm_send_reset_cmd ();
+    }
+** Function         nfc_hal_dm_shutting_down_nfcc
+** Description      This function initializes Broadcom specific control blocks for
+**                  NCI transport
+** Returns          void
+void nfc_hal_dm_shutting_down_nfcc (void)
+    NCI_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("nfc_hal_dm_shutting_down_nfcc ()");
+    nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.initializing_state = NFC_HAL_INIT_STATE_CLOSING;
+    /* reset low power mode variables */
+    if (  (nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.power_mode  == NFC_HAL_POWER_MODE_FULL)
+        &&(nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.snooze_mode != NFC_HAL_LP_SNOOZE_MODE_NONE)  )
+    {
+        nfc_hal_dm_set_nfc_wake (NFC_HAL_ASSERT_NFC_WAKE);
+    }
+    nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.nci_wait_rsp = NFC_HAL_WAIT_RSP_NONE;
+    nfc_hal_cb.hci_cb.b_check_clear_all_pipe_cmd = FALSE;
+    nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.power_mode  = NFC_HAL_POWER_MODE_FULL;
+    nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.snooze_mode = NFC_HAL_LP_SNOOZE_MODE_NONE;
+    /* Stop all timers */
+    nfc_hal_main_stop_quick_timer (&nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.nci_wait_rsp_timer);
+    nfc_hal_main_stop_quick_timer (&nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.lp_timer);
+    nfc_hal_main_stop_quick_timer (&nfc_hal_cb.prm.timer);
+    nfc_hal_main_stop_quick_timer (&nfc_hal_cb.hci_cb.hci_timer);
+** Function         nfc_hal_dm_init
+** Description      This function initializes Broadcom specific control blocks for
+**                  NCI transport
+** Returns          void
+void nfc_hal_dm_init (void)
+    NCI_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("nfc_hal_dm_init ()");
+    nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.lp_timer.p_cback = nci_brcm_lp_timeout_cback;
+    nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.nci_wait_rsp_timer.p_cback = nfc_hal_nci_cmd_timeout_cback;
+    nfc_hal_cb.hci_cb.hci_timer.p_cback = nfc_hal_hci_timeout_cback;
+** Function         HAL_NfcDevInitDone
+** Description      Notify that pre-initialization of NFCC is complete
+** Returns          void
+void HAL_NfcPreInitDone (tHAL_NFC_STATUS status)
+    NCI_TRACE_DEBUG1 ("HAL_NfcPreInitDone () status=%d", status);
+    if (nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.initializing_state == NFC_HAL_INIT_STATE_W4_APP_COMPLETE)
+    {
+        nfc_hal_main_pre_init_done (status);
+    }
+** Function         HAL_NfcReInit
+** Description      This function is called to send an RESET and GET_PATCH_VERSION
+**                  command to NFCC.
+**                  p_cback         - The callback function to receive the command
+**                                    status
+** Note             This function should be called only during the HAL init process
+** Returns          HAL_NFC_STATUS_OK if successfully initiated
+**                  HAL_NFC_STATUS_FAILED otherwise
+    NCI_TRACE_DEBUG1 ("HAL_NfcReInit () init st=0x%x", nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.initializing_state);
+    if (nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.initializing_state == NFC_HAL_INIT_STATE_W4_APP_COMPLETE)
+    {
+        /* Proceed with start up sequence: send CORE_RESET_CMD */
+        nfc_hal_cb.p_reinit_cback = p_cback;
+        nfc_hal_dm_send_nci_cmd (nfc_hal_dm_core_reset_cmd, NCI_MSG_HDR_SIZE + NCI_CORE_PARAM_SIZE_RESET, NULL);
+        status = HAL_NFC_STATUS_OK;
+    }
+    return status;
+** Function         nfc_hal_dm_set_snooze_mode_cback
+** Description      This is baud rate update complete callback.
+** Returns          void
+static void nfc_hal_dm_set_snooze_mode_cback (tNFC_HAL_BTVSC_CPLT *pData)
+    UINT8             status = pData->p_param_buf[0];
+    tHAL_NFC_STATUS   hal_status;
+    tHAL_NFC_STATUS_CBACK *p_cback;
+    /* if it is completed */
+    if (status == HCI_SUCCESS)
+    {
+        /* update snooze mode */
+        nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.snooze_mode = nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.new_snooze_mode;
+        nfc_hal_dm_set_nfc_wake (NFC_HAL_ASSERT_NFC_WAKE);
+        if ( nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.snooze_mode != NFC_HAL_LP_SNOOZE_MODE_NONE)
+        {
+            /* start idle timer */
+            nfc_hal_main_start_quick_timer (&nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.lp_timer, 0x00,
+                                            ((UINT32) NFC_HAL_LP_IDLE_TIMEOUT) * QUICK_TIMER_TICKS_PER_SEC / 1000);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            nfc_hal_main_stop_quick_timer (&nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.lp_timer);
+        }
+        hal_status = HAL_NFC_STATUS_OK;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        hal_status = HAL_NFC_STATUS_FAILED;
+    }
+    if (nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.p_prop_cback)
+    {
+        p_cback = nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.p_prop_cback;
+        nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.p_prop_cback = NULL;
+        (*p_cback) (hal_status);
+    }
+** Function         HAL_NfcSetSnoozeMode
+** Description      Set snooze mode
+**                  snooze_mode
+**                      NFC_HAL_LP_SNOOZE_MODE_NONE - Snooze mode disabled
+**                      NFC_HAL_LP_SNOOZE_MODE_UART - Snooze mode for UART
+**                      NFC_HAL_LP_SNOOZE_MODE_SPI_I2C - Snooze mode for SPI/I2C
+**                  idle_threshold_dh/idle_threshold_nfcc
+**                      Idle Threshold Host in 100ms unit
+**                  nfc_wake_active_mode/dh_wake_active_mode
+**                      NFC_HAL_LP_ACTIVE_LOW - high to low voltage is asserting
+**                      NFC_HAL_LP_ACTIVE_HIGH - low to high voltage is asserting
+**                  p_snooze_cback
+**                      Notify status of operation
+** Returns          tHAL_NFC_STATUS
+tHAL_NFC_STATUS HAL_NfcSetSnoozeMode (UINT8 snooze_mode,
+                                      UINT8 idle_threshold_dh,
+                                      UINT8 idle_threshold_nfcc,
+                                      UINT8 nfc_wake_active_mode,
+                                      UINT8 dh_wake_active_mode,
+                                      tHAL_NFC_STATUS_CBACK *p_snooze_cback)
+    UINT8 *p;
+    NCI_TRACE_API1 ("HAL_NfcSetSnoozeMode (): snooze_mode = %d", snooze_mode);
+    nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.new_snooze_mode      = snooze_mode;
+    nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.nfc_wake_active_mode = nfc_wake_active_mode;
+    nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.p_prop_cback         = p_snooze_cback;
+    p = cmd;
+    /* Add the HCI command */
+    memset (p, 0x00, HCI_BRCM_WRITE_SLEEP_MODE_LENGTH);
+    UINT8_TO_STREAM  (p, snooze_mode);          /* Sleep Mode               */
+    UINT8_TO_STREAM  (p, idle_threshold_dh);    /* Idle Threshold Host      */
+    UINT8_TO_STREAM  (p, idle_threshold_nfcc);  /* Idle Threshold HC        */
+    UINT8_TO_STREAM  (p, nfc_wake_active_mode); /* BT Wake Active Mode      */
+    UINT8_TO_STREAM  (p, dh_wake_active_mode);  /* Host Wake Active Mode    */
+    nfc_hal_dm_send_bt_cmd (cmd,
+                            nfc_hal_dm_set_snooze_mode_cback);
+    return (NCI_STATUS_OK);
diff --git a/halimpl/bcm2079x/hal/hal/nfc_hal_dm_cfg.c b/halimpl/bcm2079x/hal/hal/nfc_hal_dm_cfg.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f16aae7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/halimpl/bcm2079x/hal/hal/nfc_hal_dm_cfg.c
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Broadcom Corporation
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+ *
+ *  This file contains compile-time configurable constants for BRCM HAL
+ *  modules
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#include "nfc_hal_int.h"
+#include "nci_defs.h"
+#include "nfc_brcm_defs.h"
+/* the SetConfig at start up*/
+UINT8 nfc_hal_start_up_cfg[] = {
+    /* TLV len */   28,
+    /* B0 */        NCI_PARAM_ID_EMVCO_ENABLE,
+    /* B1 */        1,
+    /* B2 */        1,     /* (1 = enable emvco mode, 0 = disable emvco mode) Default = 0.*/
+    /* B3 */        NCI_PARAM_ID_CONTINUE_MODE, /* NFCC will restart discovery after deactivated */
+    /* B4 */        1,
+    /* B5 */        1,     /* (1 = enable, 0 = disable) Default = 0.*/
+    /* B6 */        NCI_PARAM_ID_RFU_CONFIG,
+    /* B7 */        0x14,
+    /* B8 */        0x00,
+    /* B9 */        0x00,
+    /* B10*/        0x00,
+    /* B11*/        0x00,
+    /* B12*/        0x02,
+    /* B13*/        0xE8,
+    /* B14*/        0x03,
+    /* B15*/        0x00,
+    /* B16*/        0x00,
+    /* B17*/        0x00,
+    /* B18*/        0x00,
+    /* B19*/        0x00,
+    /* B20*/        0x00,
+    /* B21*/        0x00,
+    /* B22*/        0x00,
+    /* B23*/        0x00,
+    /* B24*/        0x00,
+    /* B25*/        0x00,
+    /* B26*/        0x00,
+    /* B27*/        0x00
+UINT8 *p_nfc_hal_dm_start_up_cfg = (UINT8 *) nfc_hal_start_up_cfg;
+/* the VSCs at start up:
+ * The VSCs are specified in TLV format similar to nfa_start_up_cfg[]
+ * first byte is the TLV total len.
+ * B0 is the first T; i.e. the opcode for the VSC
+ * B1 is the len of the VSC parameters/payload
+ * */
+UINT8 nfc_hal_dm_start_up_vsc_cfg[] = {
+    /* TLV len */   5,
+    /* B0 */        NCI_MTS_CMD|NCI_GID_PROP,
+    /* B1 */        NCI_MSG_FRAME_LOG,
+    /* B2 */        2,
+    /* B3 */        0,  /* 1 to enable RF frames */
+    /* B4 */        1   /* 1 to enable SWP frames */
+UINT8 *p_nfc_hal_dm_start_up_vsc_cfg = NULL;
+/* LPTD parameters (LowPowerTagDetection)
+ * This is typical values for 20791B2
+ * The timing and threshold parameters used for a customer handset/hardware may vary
+ * depending on antenna and should be verified during a customer testing phase.
+ * the data fields without comments are too complicated. Please see ""
+ * */
+const UINT8 nfc_hal_dm_lptd_cfg[] =
+    21,             /* total TLV length excluding itself */
+    NCI_PARAM_ID_TAGSNIFF_CFG,  /* type */
+    19,             /* length */
+    0x01,           /* B0 enable: 0/disable, 1/enable*/
+    0x02,           /* B1 poll count: number of full power poll before starting lptd poll */
+    0xFF,           /* B2 sniff count lsb: number of lptd poll before switching to full power poll */
+    0xFF,           /* B3 sniff count msb */
+    0x80,           /* B4 threshold: Bigger thresholds give a smaller LPTD range but more immunity to false detections. Smaller thresholds increase LPTD range at the cost of greater likelihood of false detections. */
+    0x40,           /* B5 delay lsb: delay (us) to sampling power */
+    0x00,           /* B6 delay msb */
+    0x40,           /* B7 carrier threshold lsb */
+    0x00,           /* B8 carrier threshold msb */
+    0x80,           /* B9 mode: Bitwise variable used to enable various algorithm modes.*/
+    0x80,           /* B10 0-offset lsb */
+    0x00,           /* B11 0-offset msb */
+    0x10,           /* B12 field sense time lsb */
+    0x00,           /* B13 field sense time msb */
+    0x00,           /* B14 false detect threshold lsb: 0x00 to disable LPTD NTF. The number of false tag detections to resport LPTD NTF. */
+    0x00,           /* B15 false detect threshold msb. A false tag detect - full poll results in no tag being detected.*/
+    0x75,           /* B16 mode1; Bitwise variable used to enable various algorithm modes. */
+    0x0D,           /* B17 lptd ant cfg rx */
+    0x30,           /* B18 lptd rdr cfg ve */
+UINT8 *p_nfc_hal_dm_lptd_cfg = (UINT8 *) &nfc_hal_dm_lptd_cfg[0];
+/* This must be configured before setting reader mode for 20791. No need to configure for 43341. */
+const UINT8 nfc_hal_dm_pll_325_cfg[NFC_HAL_XTAL_INDEX_MAX][NFC_HAL_PLL_325_SETCONFIG_PARAM_LEN] =
+    {NCI_PARAM_ID_PLL325_CFG_PARAM, NCI_PARAM_LEN_PLL325_CFG_PARAM, 0x9A, 0x99, 0x99, 0x99, 0xD7, 0x03, 0x00, 0x87, 0x04, 0x1C, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x0B, FALSE}, /*  9.6 MHz */
+    {NCI_PARAM_ID_PLL325_CFG_PARAM, NCI_PARAM_LEN_PLL325_CFG_PARAM, 0xEF, 0x90, 0xA8, 0x22, 0xD0, 0x03, 0x00, 0x64, 0x06, 0x26, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x08, FALSE}, /* 13.0 MHz */
+    {NCI_PARAM_ID_PLL325_CFG_PARAM, NCI_PARAM_LEN_PLL325_CFG_PARAM, 0x5B, 0xB0, 0x05, 0x5B, 0xD8, 0x03, 0x00, 0x50, 0x07, 0x30, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x06, FALSE}, /* 16.2 MHz */
+    {NCI_PARAM_ID_PLL325_CFG_PARAM, NCI_PARAM_LEN_PLL325_CFG_PARAM, 0xCD, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xD7, 0x03, 0x00, 0x43, 0x09, 0x39, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x04, FALSE}, /* 19.2 MHz */
+    {NCI_PARAM_ID_PLL325_CFG_PARAM, NCI_PARAM_LEN_PLL325_CFG_PARAM, 0xD7, 0xA3, 0x70, 0x3D, 0xD0, 0x03, 0x00, 0x36, 0x0B, 0x47, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x03, FALSE}, /* 24.0 MHz */
+    {NCI_PARAM_ID_PLL325_CFG_PARAM, NCI_PARAM_LEN_PLL325_CFG_PARAM, 0x78, 0x48, 0x54, 0x11, 0xD0, 0x03, 0x00, 0x32, 0x0C, 0x4D, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x02, FALSE}, /* 26.0 MHz */
+    {NCI_PARAM_ID_PLL325_CFG_PARAM, NCI_PARAM_LEN_PLL325_CFG_PARAM, 0xCD, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xD7, 0x03, 0x00, 0x43, 0x09, 0x39, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x04, TRUE},  /* 38.4 MHz */
+    {NCI_PARAM_ID_PLL325_CFG_PARAM, NCI_PARAM_LEN_PLL325_CFG_PARAM, 0x78, 0x48, 0x54, 0x11, 0xD0, 0x03, 0x00, 0x32, 0x0C, 0x4D, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x02, TRUE},  /* 52.0 MHz */
+    {NCI_PARAM_ID_PLL325_CFG_PARAM, NCI_PARAM_LEN_PLL325_CFG_PARAM, 0x29, 0xB4, 0xE2, 0x9C, 0xCF, 0x03, 0x00, 0x45, 0x08, 0x37, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x04, TRUE}   /* 37.4 MHz */
+UINT8 *p_nfc_hal_dm_pll_325_cfg = (UINT8 *) nfc_hal_dm_pll_325_cfg;
+/* set nfc_hal_prm_nvm_required to TRUE, if the platform wants to abort PRM process without NVM */
+BOOLEAN nfc_hal_prm_nvm_required = FALSE;
diff --git a/halimpl/bcm2079x/hal/hal/nfc_hal_hci.c b/halimpl/bcm2079x/hal/hal/nfc_hal_hci.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1504c94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/halimpl/bcm2079x/hal/hal/nfc_hal_hci.c
@@ -0,0 +1,441 @@
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 2012 Broadcom Corporation
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+ *
+ *  Vendor-specific handler for HCI events
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#include "gki.h"
+#include "nfc_hal_api.h"
+#include "nfc_hal_int.h"
+#include "nfc_hal_nv_ci.h"
+#include "nfc_hal_nv_co.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include "nfc_hal_nv_co.h"
+#define NFC_HAL_HCI_NV_READ_TIMEOUT    1000
+static void nfc_hal_hci_set_next_hci_netwk_config (UINT8 block);
+static void nfc_hal_hci_handle_nv_read (UINT8 block, tHAL_NFC_STATUS status, UINT16 size);
+static void nfc_hal_hci_init_complete (tHAL_NFC_STATUS status);
+static void nfc_hal_hci_vsc_cback (tNFC_HAL_NCI_EVT event, UINT16 data_len, UINT8 *p_data);
+** Function         nfc_hal_hci_evt_hdlr
+** Description      Processing event for NFA HCI
+** Returns          None
+void nfc_hal_hci_evt_hdlr (tNFC_HAL_HCI_EVENT_DATA *p_evt_data)
+    switch (p_evt_data->hdr.event)
+    {
+        nfc_hal_hci_handle_nv_read (p_evt_data->nv_read.block, p_evt_data->nv_read.status, p_evt_data->nv_read.size);
+        break;
+        /* NV Ram write completed - nothing to do... */
+        break;
+    default:
+        break;
+    }
+** Function         nfc_hal_hci_enable
+** Description      Program nv data on to controller
+** Returns          void
+void nfc_hal_hci_enable (void)
+    UINT8 *p_hci_netwk_cmd;
+    if (nfc_hal_cb.hci_cb.p_hci_netwk_dh_info_buf)
+    {
+        p_hci_netwk_cmd = (UINT8 *) (nfc_hal_cb.hci_cb.p_hci_netwk_dh_info_buf - NCI_MSG_HDR_SIZE);
+        GKI_freebuf (p_hci_netwk_cmd);
+        nfc_hal_cb.hci_cb.p_hci_netwk_dh_info_buf = NULL;
+    }
+    if (nfc_hal_cb.hci_cb.p_hci_netwk_info_buf)
+    {
+        p_hci_netwk_cmd = (UINT8 *) (nfc_hal_cb.hci_cb.p_hci_netwk_info_buf - NCI_MSG_HDR_SIZE);
+        GKI_freebuf (p_hci_netwk_cmd);
+        nfc_hal_cb.hci_cb.p_hci_netwk_info_buf = NULL;
+    }
+    if ((p_hci_netwk_cmd = (UINT8 *) GKI_getbuf (NCI_MSG_HDR_SIZE + NFC_HAL_HCI_NETWK_INFO_SIZE)) == NULL)
+    {
+        NCI_TRACE_ERROR0 ("nfc_hal_hci_enable: unable to allocate buffer for reading hci network info from nvram");
+        nfc_hal_hci_init_complete (HAL_NFC_STATUS_FAILED);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        nfc_hal_cb.hci_cb.p_hci_netwk_info_buf   = (UINT8 *) (p_hci_netwk_cmd + NCI_MSG_HDR_SIZE);
+        nfc_hal_cb.hci_cb.hci_netwk_config_block = 0;
+        memset (nfc_hal_cb.hci_cb.p_hci_netwk_info_buf, 0, NFC_HAL_HCI_NETWK_INFO_SIZE);
+        nfc_hal_nv_co_read ((UINT8 *) nfc_hal_cb.hci_cb.p_hci_netwk_info_buf, NFC_HAL_HCI_NETWK_INFO_SIZE, HC_F3_NV_BLOCK);
+        nfc_hal_main_start_quick_timer (&nfc_hal_cb.hci_cb.hci_timer, NFC_HAL_HCI_VSC_TIMEOUT_EVT, NFC_HAL_HCI_NV_READ_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+** Function         nfc_hal_hci_handle_hci_netwk_info
+** Description      Handler function for HCI Network Notification
+** Returns          None
+void nfc_hal_hci_handle_hci_netwk_info (UINT8 *p_data)
+    UINT8  *p = p_data;
+    UINT16 data_len;
+    UINT8  target_handle;
+    UINT8   hci_netwk_cmd[1 + NFC_HAL_HCI_SESSION_ID_LEN];
+    NCI_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("nfc_hal_hci_handle_hci_netwk_info()");
+    /* skip NCI header byte0 (MT,GID), byte1 (OID) */
+    p += 2;
+    STREAM_TO_UINT8 (data_len, p);
+    target_handle = *(UINT8 *) p;
+    if (target_handle == NFC_HAL_HCI_DH_TARGET_HANDLE)
+        nfc_hal_nv_co_write (p, data_len,HC_DH_NV_BLOCK);
+    else if (target_handle == NFC_HAL_HCI_UICC0_TARGET_HANDLE)
+    {
+        if (p[12] & 0x80)
+        {
+            /* HCI Network notification received for UICC 0, Update nv data */
+            nfc_hal_nv_co_write (p, data_len,HC_F3_NV_BLOCK);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            NCI_TRACE_DEBUG1 ("nfc_hal_hci_handle_hci_netwk_info(): Type A Card Emulation invalid, Reset nv file: 0x%02x", p[15]);
+            hci_netwk_cmd[0] = NFC_HAL_HCI_UICC0_TARGET_HANDLE;
+            memset (&hci_netwk_cmd[1], 0xFF, NFC_HAL_HCI_SESSION_ID_LEN);
+            nfc_hal_nv_co_write (hci_netwk_cmd, 1, HC_F3_NV_BLOCK);
+        }
+    }
+    else if (target_handle == NFC_HAL_HCI_UICC1_TARGET_HANDLE)
+    {
+        if (p[12] & 0x80)
+        {
+            /* HCI Network notification received for UICC 1, Update nv data */
+            nfc_hal_nv_co_write (p, data_len,HC_F4_NV_BLOCK);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            NCI_TRACE_DEBUG1 ("nfc_hal_hci_handle_hci_netwk_info(): Type A Card Emulation invalid, Reset nv file: 0x%02x", p[15]);
+            hci_netwk_cmd[0] = NFC_HAL_HCI_UICC1_TARGET_HANDLE;
+            /* Reset Session ID */
+            memset (&hci_netwk_cmd[1], 0xFF, NFC_HAL_HCI_SESSION_ID_LEN);
+            nfc_hal_nv_co_write (hci_netwk_cmd, 1, HC_F4_NV_BLOCK);
+        }
+    }
+** Function         nfc_hal_hci_handle_hcp_pkt
+** Description      Handle HCP Packet
+** Returns          None
+void nfc_hal_hci_handle_hcp_pkt (UINT8 *p_data)
+    UINT8   chaining_bit;
+    UINT8   pipe;
+    UINT8   type;
+    UINT8   inst;
+    UINT8   hci_netwk_cmd[1 + NFC_HAL_HCI_SESSION_ID_LEN];
+    UINT8   source_host;
+    chaining_bit = ((*p_data) >> 0x07) & 0x01;
+    pipe = (*p_data++) & 0x7F;
+    if (  (chaining_bit)
+        &&(pipe == NFC_HAL_HCI_ADMIN_PIPE)  )
+    {
+        type  = ((*p_data) >> 0x06) & 0x03;
+        if (type == NFC_HAL_HCI_COMMAND_TYPE)
+        {
+            inst  = (*p_data++ & 0x3F);
+            if (inst == NFC_HAL_HCI_ADM_NOTIFY_ALL_PIPE_CLEARED)
+            {
+                STREAM_TO_UINT8 (source_host, p_data);
+                NCI_TRACE_DEBUG1 ("nfc_hal_hci_handle_hcp_pkt(): Received Clear All pipe command for UICC: 0x%02x", source_host);
+                if (source_host == NFC_HAL_HCI_HOST_ID_UICC0)
+                {
+                    hci_netwk_cmd[0] = NFC_HAL_HCI_UICC0_TARGET_HANDLE;
+                    /* Reset Session ID */
+                    memset (&hci_netwk_cmd[1], 0xFF, NFC_HAL_HCI_SESSION_ID_LEN);
+                    nfc_hal_nv_co_write (hci_netwk_cmd, 1, HC_F3_NV_BLOCK);
+                    NCI_TRACE_DEBUG1 ("nfc_hal_hci_handle_hcp_pkt(): Sent command to reset nv file for block: 0x%02x", HC_F3_NV_BLOCK);
+                }
+                else if (source_host == NFC_HAL_HCI_HOST_ID_UICC1)
+                {
+                    hci_netwk_cmd[0] = NFC_HAL_HCI_UICC1_TARGET_HANDLE;
+                    /* Reset Session ID */
+                    memset (&hci_netwk_cmd[1], 0xFF, NFC_HAL_HCI_SESSION_ID_LEN);
+                    nfc_hal_nv_co_write (hci_netwk_cmd, 1, HC_F4_NV_BLOCK);
+                    NCI_TRACE_DEBUG1 ("nfc_hal_hci_handle_hcp_pkt(): Sent command to reset nv file for block: 0x%02x", HC_F4_NV_BLOCK);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+** Function         nfc_hal_hci_handle_nv_read
+** Description      handler function for nv read complete event
+** Returns          None
+void nfc_hal_hci_handle_nv_read (UINT8 block, tHAL_NFC_STATUS status, UINT16 size)
+    NFC_HDR *p_data = NULL;
+    UINT8   *p;
+    UINT8   *p_hci_netwk_info = NULL;
+    /* Stop timer as NVDATA Read Completed */
+    nfc_hal_main_stop_quick_timer (&nfc_hal_cb.hci_cb.hci_timer);
+    switch (block)
+    {
+    case HC_F3_NV_BLOCK:
+    case HC_F4_NV_BLOCK:
+        if (  (status != HAL_NFC_STATUS_OK)
+            ||(size > NFC_HAL_HCI_NETWK_INFO_SIZE)  )
+        {
+            NCI_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("nfc_hal_hci_handle_nv_read: Invalid data from nv memory, Set DEFAULT Configuration!");
+            memset (nfc_hal_cb.hci_cb.p_hci_netwk_info_buf, 0, NFC_HAL_HCI_NETWK_INFO_SIZE);
+            nfc_hal_cb.hci_cb.p_hci_netwk_info_buf[0] = (block == HC_F3_NV_BLOCK) ? NFC_HAL_HCI_UICC0_TARGET_HANDLE : NFC_HAL_HCI_UICC1_TARGET_HANDLE;
+            memset (&nfc_hal_cb.hci_cb.p_hci_netwk_info_buf[1], 0xFF, NFC_HAL_HCI_SESSION_ID_LEN);
+            size = NFC_HAL_HCI_NETWK_INFO_SIZE;
+        }
+        p_hci_netwk_info = (UINT8 *) nfc_hal_cb.hci_cb.p_hci_netwk_info_buf - NCI_MSG_HDR_SIZE;
+        break;
+    case HC_DH_NV_BLOCK:
+        if (  (status == HAL_NFC_STATUS_OK)
+            &&(size <= NFC_HAL_HCI_DH_NETWK_INFO_SIZE)  )
+        {
+            p_hci_netwk_info = (UINT8 *) (nfc_hal_cb.hci_cb.p_hci_netwk_dh_info_buf - NCI_MSG_HDR_SIZE);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            NCI_TRACE_ERROR0 ("nfc_hal_hci_handle_nv_read: Invalid data from nv memory, Skip DH Configuration!");
+        }
+        break;
+    default:
+        return;
+    }
+    if (p_hci_netwk_info)
+    {
+        p = p_hci_netwk_info;
+        /* Send HCI Network ntf command using nv data */
+        UINT8_TO_STREAM (p, (UINT8) size);
+        nfc_hal_dm_send_nci_cmd (p_hci_netwk_info, (UINT16) (NCI_MSG_HDR_SIZE + size), nfc_hal_hci_vsc_cback);
+        nfc_hal_cb.hci_cb.hci_netwk_config_block = block;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        /* Set next HCI Network configuration */
+        nfc_hal_hci_set_next_hci_netwk_config (block);
+    }
+** Function         nfc_hal_hci_init_complete
+** Description      Notify VSC initialization is complete
+** Returns          None
+void nfc_hal_hci_init_complete (tHAL_NFC_STATUS status)
+    UINT8 *p_hci_netwk_cmd;
+    if (nfc_hal_cb.hci_cb.p_hci_netwk_dh_info_buf)
+    {
+        p_hci_netwk_cmd = (UINT8 *) (nfc_hal_cb.hci_cb.p_hci_netwk_dh_info_buf - NCI_MSG_HDR_SIZE);
+        GKI_freebuf (p_hci_netwk_cmd);
+        nfc_hal_cb.hci_cb.p_hci_netwk_dh_info_buf = NULL;
+    }
+    if (nfc_hal_cb.hci_cb.p_hci_netwk_info_buf)
+    {
+        p_hci_netwk_cmd = (UINT8 *) (nfc_hal_cb.hci_cb.p_hci_netwk_info_buf - NCI_MSG_HDR_SIZE);
+        GKI_freebuf (p_hci_netwk_cmd);
+        nfc_hal_cb.hci_cb.p_hci_netwk_info_buf = NULL;
+    }
+    nfc_hal_cb.p_stack_cback (HAL_NFC_POST_INIT_CPLT_EVT, HAL_NFC_STATUS_OK);
+** Function         nfc_hal_hci_set_next_hci_netwk_config
+** Description      set next hci network configuration
+** Returns          None
+void nfc_hal_hci_set_next_hci_netwk_config (UINT8 block)
+    UINT8 *p_hci_netwk_cmd;
+    switch (block)
+    {
+    case HC_F3_NV_BLOCK:
+        /* Send command to read nvram data for 0xF4 */
+        memset (nfc_hal_cb.hci_cb.p_hci_netwk_info_buf, 0, NFC_HAL_HCI_NETWK_INFO_SIZE);
+        nfc_hal_nv_co_read ((UINT8 *) nfc_hal_cb.hci_cb.p_hci_netwk_info_buf, NFC_HAL_HCI_NETWK_INFO_SIZE, HC_F4_NV_BLOCK);
+        nfc_hal_main_start_quick_timer (&nfc_hal_cb.hci_cb.hci_timer, NFC_HAL_HCI_VSC_TIMEOUT_EVT, NFC_HAL_HCI_NV_READ_TIMEOUT);
+        break;
+    case HC_F4_NV_BLOCK:
+        if ((p_hci_netwk_cmd = (UINT8 *) GKI_getbuf (NCI_MSG_HDR_SIZE + NFC_HAL_HCI_DH_NETWK_INFO_SIZE)) == NULL)
+        {
+            NCI_TRACE_ERROR0 ("nfc_hal_hci_set_next_hci_netwk_config: unable to allocate buffer for reading hci network info from nvram");
+            nfc_hal_hci_init_complete (HAL_NFC_STATUS_FAILED);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            nfc_hal_cb.hci_cb.p_hci_netwk_dh_info_buf   = (UINT8 *) (p_hci_netwk_cmd + NCI_MSG_HDR_SIZE);
+            /* Send command to read nvram data for 0xF2 */
+            memset (nfc_hal_cb.hci_cb.p_hci_netwk_dh_info_buf, 0, NFC_HAL_HCI_DH_NETWK_INFO_SIZE);
+            nfc_hal_nv_co_read ((UINT8 *) nfc_hal_cb.hci_cb.p_hci_netwk_dh_info_buf, NFC_HAL_HCI_DH_NETWK_INFO_SIZE, HC_DH_NV_BLOCK);
+            nfc_hal_main_start_quick_timer (&nfc_hal_cb.hci_cb.hci_timer, NFC_HAL_HCI_VSC_TIMEOUT_EVT, NFC_HAL_HCI_NV_READ_TIMEOUT);
+        }
+        break;
+    case HC_DH_NV_BLOCK:
+        nfc_hal_hci_init_complete (HAL_NFC_STATUS_OK);
+        break;
+    default:
+        NCI_TRACE_ERROR1 ("nfc_hal_hci_set_next_hci_netwk_config: unable to allocate buffer to send VSC 0x%02x", block);
+        /* Brcm initialization failed */
+        nfc_hal_hci_init_complete (HAL_NFC_STATUS_FAILED);
+        break;
+    }
+** Function         nfc_hal_hci_vsc_cback
+** Description      process VS callback event from stack
+** Returns          none
+static void nfc_hal_hci_vsc_cback (tNFC_HAL_NCI_EVT event, UINT16 data_len, UINT8 *p_data)
+    UINT8 *p_ret = NULL;
+    UINT8 status;
+    p_ret  = p_data + NCI_MSG_HDR_SIZE;
+    status = *p_ret;
+    if (event  != NFC_VS_HCI_NETWK_RSP)
+        return;
+    if (status != HAL_NFC_STATUS_OK)
+        nfc_hal_hci_init_complete (HAL_NFC_STATUS_FAILED);
+    switch (nfc_hal_cb.hci_cb.hci_netwk_config_block)
+    {
+    case HC_F3_NV_BLOCK:
+    case HC_F4_NV_BLOCK:
+    case HC_DH_NV_BLOCK:
+        nfc_hal_hci_set_next_hci_netwk_config (nfc_hal_cb.hci_cb.hci_netwk_config_block);
+        break;
+    default:
+        /* Ignore the event */
+        break;
+    }
+** Function         nfc_hal_nci_cmd_timeout_cback
+** Description      callback function for timeout
+** Returns          void
+void nfc_hal_hci_timeout_cback (void *p_tle)
+    TIMER_LIST_ENT  *p_tlent = (TIMER_LIST_ENT *)p_tle;
+    NCI_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("nfc_hal_hci_timeout_cback ()");
+    if (p_tlent->event == NFC_HAL_HCI_VSC_TIMEOUT_EVT)
+    {
+        NCI_TRACE_ERROR0 ("nfc_hal_hci_timeout_cback: Timeout - NFC HAL HCI BRCM Initialization Failed!");
+        nfc_hal_hci_init_complete (HAL_NFC_STATUS_FAILED);
+    }
diff --git a/halimpl/bcm2079x/hal/hal/nfc_hal_hci_ci.c b/halimpl/bcm2079x/hal/hal/nfc_hal_hci_ci.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9e999e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/halimpl/bcm2079x/hal/hal/nfc_hal_hci_ci.c
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Broadcom Corporation
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+ *
+ *  This file contains the call-in functions for NFC HAL HCI
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#include <string.h>
+#include "nfc_hal_api.h"
+#include "nfc_hal_int.h"
+#include "nfc_hal_nv_ci.h"
+#include "nfc_hal_nv_co.h"
+** Function         nfa_nv_ci_read
+** Description      call-in function for non volatile memory read acess
+** Returns          none
+void nfc_hal_nv_ci_read (UINT16 num_bytes_read, tNFC_HAL_NV_CO_STATUS status, UINT8 block)
+    tNFC_HAL_HCI_EVENT_DATA *p_msg;
+    /* Send message to NCIT task */
+    if ((p_msg = (tNFC_HAL_HCI_EVENT_DATA *) GKI_getbuf (sizeof (tNFC_HAL_HCI_EVENT_DATA))) != NULL)
+    {
+        p_msg->nv_read.hdr.event  = NFC_HAL_HCI_RSP_NV_READ_EVT;
+        p_msg->hdr.offset         = 0;
+        p_msg->hdr.len            = sizeof (tNFC_HAL_HCI_RSP_NV_READ_EVT);
+        p_msg->hdr.layer_specific = 0;
+        if (  (status == NFC_HAL_NV_CO_OK)
+            &&(num_bytes_read != 0) )
+            p_msg->nv_read.status = HAL_NFC_STATUS_OK;
+        else
+            p_msg->nv_read.status = HAL_NFC_STATUS_FAILED;
+        p_msg->nv_read.size  = num_bytes_read;
+        p_msg->nv_read.block = block;
+        GKI_send_msg (NFC_HAL_TASK, NFC_HAL_TASK_MBOX, p_msg);
+    }
+** Function         nfa_nv_ci_write
+** Description      call-in function for non volatile memory write acess
+** Returns          none
+void nfc_hal_nv_ci_write (tNFC_HAL_NV_CO_STATUS status)
+    tNFC_HAL_HCI_EVENT_DATA *p_msg;
+    if ((p_msg = (tNFC_HAL_HCI_EVENT_DATA *) GKI_getbuf (sizeof (tNFC_HAL_HCI_EVENT_DATA))) != NULL)
+    {
+        p_msg->nv_write.hdr.event          = NFC_HAL_HCI_RSP_NV_WRITE_EVT;
+        p_msg->nv_write.hdr.offset         = 0;
+        p_msg->nv_write.hdr.len            = sizeof (tNFC_HAL_HCI_RSP_NV_READ_EVT);
+        p_msg->nv_write.hdr.layer_specific = 0;
+        p_msg->nv_write.status             = HAL_NFC_STATUS_OK;
+        GKI_send_msg (NFC_HAL_TASK, NFC_HAL_TASK_MBOX, p_msg);
+    }
diff --git a/halimpl/bcm2079x/hal/hal/nfc_hal_main.c b/halimpl/bcm2079x/hal/hal/nfc_hal_main.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82e696f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/halimpl/bcm2079x/hal/hal/nfc_hal_main.c
@@ -0,0 +1,596 @@
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Broadcom Corporation
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+ *
+ *  Functions for handling NFC HAL NCI Transport events
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#include <string.h>
+#include "nfc_hal_int.h"
+#include "userial.h"
+#include "upio.h"
+** Definitions
+/* Default NFC HAL NCI port configuration  */
+    NFC_HAL_SHARED_TRANSPORT_ENABLED,   /* bSharedTransport */
+    USERIAL_BAUD_115200,                /* Baud rate */
+    USERIAL_FC_HW                       /* Flow control */
+/* Control block for NFC HAL NCI transport */
+tNFC_HAL_CB nfc_hal_cb;
+** Internal function prototypes
+static void nfc_hal_main_userial_cback (tUSERIAL_PORT port, tUSERIAL_EVT evt, tUSERIAL_EVT_DATA *p_data);
+static void nfc_hal_main_handle_terminate (void);
+const char * const nfc_hal_init_state_str[] =
+    "IDLE",             /* Initialization is done                */
+    "W4_XTAL_SET",      /* Waiting for crystal setting rsp       */
+    "W4_RESET",         /* Waiting for reset rsp                 */
+    "W4_BUILD_INFO",    /* Waiting for build info rsp            */
+    "W4_PATCH_INFO",    /* Waiting for patch info rsp            */
+    "W4_APP_COMPL",     /* Waiting for complete from application */
+    "W4_POST_INIT",     /* Waiting for complete of post init     */
+    "W4_CONTROL",       /* Waiting for control release           */
+    "W4_PREDISC",       /* Waiting for complete of prediscover   */
+    "W4_RE_INIT",       /* Waiting for reset rsp on ReInit       */
+    "CLOSING"           /* Shutting down                         */
+** Function         nfc_hal_main_init
+** Description      This function initializes control block for NFC HAL
+** Returns          nothing
+void nfc_hal_main_init (void)
+    /* Clear control block */
+    memset (&nfc_hal_cb, 0, sizeof (tNFC_HAL_CB));
+    nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.nci_ctrl_size   = NFC_HAL_NCI_INIT_CTRL_PAYLOAD_SIZE;
+    nfc_hal_cb.trace_level             = NFC_HAL_INITIAL_TRACE_LEVEL;
+** Function         nfc_hal_main_open_transport
+** Description      Open transport and prepare for new incoming message;
+** Returns          nothing
+static void nfc_hal_main_open_transport (void)
+    tUSERIAL_OPEN_CFG open_cfg;
+    /* Initialize control block */
+    nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.rcv_state = NFC_HAL_RCV_IDLE_ST; /* to process packet type */
+    if (nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.p_rcv_msg)
+    {
+        GKI_freebuf (nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.p_rcv_msg);
+        nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.p_rcv_msg = NULL;
+    }
+    /* open transport */
+    open_cfg.baud   = nfc_hal_trans_cfg.userial_baud;
+    open_cfg.fc     = nfc_hal_trans_cfg.userial_fc;
+    open_cfg.buf    = USERIAL_BUF_BYTE;
+    USERIAL_Open (USERIAL_NFC_PORT, &open_cfg, nfc_hal_main_userial_cback);
+    /* notify transport openned */
+    nfc_hal_dm_pre_init_nfcc ();
+** Function         nfc_hal_main_send_error
+** Description      send an Error event to NFC stack
+** Returns          nothing
+void nfc_hal_main_send_error (tHAL_NFC_STATUS status)
+    /* Notify stack */
+    nfc_hal_cb.p_stack_cback(HAL_NFC_ERROR_EVT, status);
+** Function         nfc_hal_main_userial_cback
+** Description      USERIAL callback for NCI transport
+** Returns          nothing
+static void nfc_hal_main_userial_cback (tUSERIAL_PORT port, tUSERIAL_EVT evt, tUSERIAL_EVT_DATA *p_data)
+    if (evt == USERIAL_RX_READY_EVT)
+    {
+        /* Notify transport task of serial port event */
+        GKI_send_event (NFC_HAL_TASK, NFC_HAL_TASK_EVT_DATA_RDY);
+    }
+    else if (evt == USERIAL_TX_DONE_EVT)
+    {
+        /* Serial driver has finshed sending data from USERIAL_Write */
+        /* Currently, no action is needed for this event */
+    }
+    else if (evt == USERIAL_ERR_EVT)
+    {
+        NCI_TRACE_ERROR0 ("nfc_hal_main_userial_cback: USERIAL_ERR_EVT. Notifying NFC_TASK of transport error");
+        if (nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.nci_wait_rsp != NFC_HAL_WAIT_RSP_NONE)
+        {
+            nfc_hal_main_stop_quick_timer (&nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.nci_wait_rsp_timer);
+            nfc_hal_nci_cmd_timeout_cback ((void *)&nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.nci_wait_rsp_timer);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            nfc_hal_main_send_error (HAL_NFC_STATUS_ERR_TRANSPORT);
+        }
+    }
+    else if (evt == USERIAL_WAKEUP_EVT)
+    {
+        NCI_TRACE_DEBUG1 ("nfc_hal_main_userial_cback: USERIAL_WAKEUP_EVT: %d", p_data->sigs);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        NCI_TRACE_DEBUG1 ("nfc_hal_main_userial_cback: unhandled userial evt: %i", evt);
+    }
+** Function         nfc_hal_main_pre_init_done
+** Description      notify complete of pre-initialization
+** Returns          nothing
+void nfc_hal_main_pre_init_done (tHAL_NFC_STATUS status)
+    NCI_TRACE_DEBUG1 ("nfc_hal_main_pre_init_done () status = %d", status);
+    if (status != HAL_NFC_STATUS_OK)
+    {
+        nfc_hal_main_handle_terminate ();
+        /* Close uart */
+    }
+    /* Notify NFC Task the status of initialization */
+    nfc_hal_cb.p_stack_cback (HAL_NFC_OPEN_CPLT_EVT, status);
+** Function         nfc_hal_main_timeout_cback
+** Description      callback function for timeout
+** Returns          void
+static void nfc_hal_main_timeout_cback (void *p_tle)
+    TIMER_LIST_ENT  *p_tlent = (TIMER_LIST_ENT *) p_tle;
+    NCI_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("nfc_hal_main_timeout_cback ()");
+    switch (p_tlent->event)
+    {
+        nfc_hal_main_open_transport ();
+        break;
+    default:
+        NCI_TRACE_DEBUG1 ("nfc_hal_main_timeout_cback: unhandled timer event (0x%04x)", p_tlent->event);
+        break;
+    }
+** Function         nfc_hal_main_handle_terminate
+** Description      Handle NFI transport shutdown
+** Returns          nothing
+static void nfc_hal_main_handle_terminate (void)
+    NFC_HDR *p_msg;
+    /* dequeue and free buffer */
+    if (nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.p_pend_cmd != NULL)
+    {
+        GKI_freebuf (nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.p_pend_cmd);
+        nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.p_pend_cmd = NULL;
+    }
+    /* Free unsent nfc rx buffer */
+    if (nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.p_rcv_msg)
+    {
+        GKI_freebuf (nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.p_rcv_msg);
+        nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.p_rcv_msg  = NULL;
+    }
+    /* Free buffer for pending fragmented response/notification */
+    if (nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.p_frag_msg)
+    {
+        GKI_freebuf (nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.p_frag_msg);
+        nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.p_frag_msg = NULL;
+    }
+    /* Free buffers in the tx mbox */
+    while ((p_msg = (NFC_HDR *) GKI_read_mbox (NFC_HAL_TASK_MBOX)) != NULL)
+    {
+        GKI_freebuf (p_msg);
+    }
+    /* notify closing transport */
+    nfc_hal_dm_shutting_down_nfcc ();
+** Function         nfc_hal_main_start_quick_timer
+** Description      Start a timer for the specified amount of time.
+**                  NOTE: The timeout resolution depends on including modules.
+**                  QUICK_TIMER_TICKS_PER_SEC should be used to convert from
+**                  time to ticks.
+** Returns          void
+void nfc_hal_main_start_quick_timer (TIMER_LIST_ENT *p_tle, UINT16 type, UINT32 timeout)
+    NFC_HDR *p_msg;
+    /* if timer list is currently empty, start periodic GKI timer */
+    if (nfc_hal_cb.quick_timer_queue.p_first == NULL)
+    {
+        /* if timer starts on other than NCIT task (script wrapper) */
+        if(GKI_get_taskid () != NFC_HAL_TASK)
+        {
+            /* post event to start timer in NCIT task */
+            if ((p_msg = (NFC_HDR *) GKI_getbuf (NFC_HDR_SIZE)) != NULL)
+            {
+                p_msg->event = NFC_HAL_EVT_TO_START_QUICK_TIMER;
+                GKI_send_msg (NFC_HAL_TASK, NFC_HAL_TASK_MBOX, p_msg);
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+        }
+    }
+    GKI_remove_from_timer_list (&nfc_hal_cb.quick_timer_queue, p_tle);
+    p_tle->event = type;
+    p_tle->ticks = timeout; /* Save the number of ticks for the timer */
+    GKI_add_to_timer_list (&nfc_hal_cb.quick_timer_queue, p_tle);
+** Function         nfc_hal_main_stop_quick_timer
+** Description      Stop a timer.
+** Returns          void
+void nfc_hal_main_stop_quick_timer (TIMER_LIST_ENT *p_tle)
+    GKI_remove_from_timer_list (&nfc_hal_cb.quick_timer_queue, p_tle);
+    /* if timer list is empty stop periodic GKI timer */
+    if (nfc_hal_cb.quick_timer_queue.p_first == NULL)
+    {
+        GKI_stop_timer (NFC_HAL_QUICK_TIMER_ID);
+    }
+** Function         nfc_hal_main_process_quick_timer_evt
+** Description      Process quick timer event
+** Returns          void
+static void nfc_hal_main_process_quick_timer_evt (void)
+    TIMER_LIST_ENT  *p_tle;
+    GKI_update_timer_list (&nfc_hal_cb.quick_timer_queue, 1);
+    while ((nfc_hal_cb.quick_timer_queue.p_first) && (!nfc_hal_cb.quick_timer_queue.p_first->ticks))
+    {
+        p_tle = nfc_hal_cb.quick_timer_queue.p_first;
+        GKI_remove_from_timer_list (&nfc_hal_cb.quick_timer_queue, p_tle);
+        if (p_tle->p_cback)
+        {
+            (*p_tle->p_cback) (p_tle);
+        }
+    }
+    /* if timer list is empty stop periodic GKI timer */
+    if (nfc_hal_cb.quick_timer_queue.p_first == NULL)
+    {
+        GKI_stop_timer (NFC_HAL_QUICK_TIMER_ID);
+    }
+** Function         nfc_hal_main_send_message
+** Description      This function is calledto send an NCI message.
+** Returns          void
+static void nfc_hal_main_send_message (NFC_HDR *p_msg)
+    UINT8   *ps;
+    UINT16  len = p_msg->len;
+#ifdef DISP_NCI
+    UINT8   delta;
+    NCI_TRACE_DEBUG1 ("nfc_hal_main_send_message() ls:0x%x", p_msg->layer_specific);
+    if (  (p_msg->layer_specific == NFC_HAL_WAIT_RSP_CMD)
+        ||(p_msg->layer_specific == NFC_HAL_WAIT_RSP_VSC)  )
+    {
+        nfc_hal_nci_send_cmd (p_msg);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        /* NFC task has fragmented the data packet to the appropriate size
+         * and data credit is available; just send it */
+        /* add NCI packet type in front of message */
+        nfc_hal_nci_add_nfc_pkt_type (p_msg);
+        /* send this packet to transport */
+        ps = (UINT8 *) (p_msg + 1) + p_msg->offset;
+#ifdef DISP_NCI
+        delta = p_msg->len - len;
+        DISP_NCI (ps + delta, (UINT16) (p_msg->len - delta), FALSE);
+        USERIAL_Write (USERIAL_NFC_PORT, ps, p_msg->len);
+        GKI_freebuf (p_msg);
+    }
+** Function         nfc_hal_main_task
+** Description      NFC HAL NCI transport event processing task
+** Returns          0
+UINT32 nfc_hal_main_task (UINT32 param)
+    UINT16   event;
+    UINT8    byte;
+    UINT8    num_interfaces;
+    UINT8    *p;
+    NFC_HDR  *p_msg;
+    BOOLEAN  free_msg;
+    NCI_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("NFC_HAL_TASK started");
+    /* Main loop */
+    while (TRUE)
+    {
+        event = GKI_wait (0xFFFF, 0);
+        /* Handle NFC_HAL_TASK_EVT_INITIALIZE (for initializing NCI transport) */
+        if (event & NFC_HAL_TASK_EVT_INITIALIZE)
+        {
+            NCI_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("NFC_HAL_TASK got NFC_HAL_TASK_EVT_INITIALIZE signal. Opening NFC transport...");
+            nfc_hal_main_open_transport ();
+        }
+        /* Check for terminate event */
+        if (event & NFC_HAL_TASK_EVT_TERMINATE)
+        {
+            nfc_hal_main_handle_terminate ();
+            /* Close uart */
+            USERIAL_Close (USERIAL_NFC_PORT);
+            nfc_hal_cb.p_stack_cback (HAL_NFC_CLOSE_CPLT_EVT, HAL_NFC_STATUS_OK);
+            nfc_hal_cb.p_stack_cback = NULL;
+            continue;
+        }
+        /* Check for power cycle event */
+        if (event & NFC_HAL_TASK_EVT_POWER_CYCLE)
+        {
+            nfc_hal_main_handle_terminate ();
+            /* Close uart */
+            USERIAL_Close (USERIAL_NFC_PORT);
+            /* power cycle timeout */
+            nfc_hal_cb.timer.p_cback = nfc_hal_main_timeout_cback;
+            nfc_hal_main_start_quick_timer (&nfc_hal_cb.timer, NFC_HAL_TTYPE_POWER_CYCLE,
+                                            (NFC_HAL_POWER_CYCLE_DELAY*QUICK_TIMER_TICKS_PER_SEC)/1000);
+            continue;
+        }
+        /* NCI message ready to be sent to NFCC */
+        if (event & NFC_HAL_TASK_EVT_MBOX)
+        {
+            while ((p_msg = (NFC_HDR *) GKI_read_mbox (NFC_HAL_TASK_MBOX)) != NULL)
+            {
+                free_msg = TRUE;
+                switch (p_msg->event & NFC_EVT_MASK)
+                {
+                case NFC_HAL_EVT_TO_NFC_NCI:
+                    nfc_hal_main_send_message (p_msg);
+                    /* do not free buffer. NCI VS code may keep it for processing later */
+                    free_msg = FALSE;
+                    break;
+                case NFC_HAL_EVT_POST_CORE_RESET:
+                    /* set NCI Control packet size from CORE_INIT_RSP */
+                    p = (UINT8 *) (p_msg + 1) + p_msg->offset + NCI_MSG_HDR_SIZE;
+                    p += 5;
+                    STREAM_TO_UINT8 (num_interfaces, p);
+                    p += (num_interfaces + 3);
+                    nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.nci_ctrl_size = *p;
+                    /* start post initialization */
+                    nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.next_dm_config = NFC_HAL_DM_CONFIG_LPTD;
+                    nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.next_startup_vsc = 1;
+                    nfc_hal_dm_config_nfcc ();
+                    break;
+                case NFC_HAL_EVT_TO_START_QUICK_TIMER:
+                    GKI_start_timer (NFC_HAL_QUICK_TIMER_ID, ((GKI_SECS_TO_TICKS (1) / QUICK_TIMER_TICKS_PER_SEC)), TRUE);
+                    break;
+                case NFC_HAL_EVT_HCI:
+                    nfc_hal_hci_evt_hdlr ((tNFC_HAL_HCI_EVENT_DATA *) p_msg);
+                    break;
+                case NFC_HAL_EVT_CONTROL_GRANTED:
+                    nfc_hal_dm_send_pend_cmd ();
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    break;
+                }
+                if (free_msg)
+                    GKI_freebuf (p_msg);
+            }
+        }
+        /* Data waiting to be read from serial port */
+        if (event & NFC_HAL_TASK_EVT_DATA_RDY)
+        {
+            while (TRUE)
+            {
+                /* Read one byte to see if there is anything waiting to be read */
+                if (USERIAL_Read (USERIAL_NFC_PORT, &byte, 1) == 0)
+                {
+                    break;
+                }
+                if (nfc_hal_nci_receive_msg (byte))
+                {
+                    /* complete of receiving NCI message */
+                    nfc_hal_nci_assemble_nci_msg ();
+                    if (nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.p_rcv_msg)
+                    {
+                        if (nfc_hal_nci_preproc_rx_nci_msg (nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.p_rcv_msg))
+                        {
+                            /* Send NCI message to the stack */
+                            nfc_hal_cb.p_data_cback(nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.p_rcv_msg->len, (UINT8 *)((nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.p_rcv_msg + 1)
+                                                             + nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.p_rcv_msg->offset));
+                        }
+                    }
+                    if (nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.p_rcv_msg)
+                    {
+                        GKI_freebuf(nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.p_rcv_msg);
+                        nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.p_rcv_msg = NULL;
+                    }
+                }
+            } /* while (TRUE) */
+        }
+        /* Process quick timer tick */
+        if (event & NFC_HAL_QUICK_TIMER_EVT_MASK)
+        {
+            nfc_hal_main_process_quick_timer_evt ();
+        }
+    }
+    NCI_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("nfc_hal_main_task terminated");
+    GKI_exit_task (GKI_get_taskid ());
+    return 0;
+** Function         HAL_NfcSetTraceLevel
+** Description      This function sets the trace level for HAL.  If called with
+**                  a value of 0xFF, it simply returns the current trace level.
+** Returns          The new or current trace level
+UINT8 HAL_NfcSetTraceLevel (UINT8 new_level)
+    if (new_level != 0xFF)
+        nfc_hal_cb.trace_level = new_level;
+    return (nfc_hal_cb.trace_level);
diff --git a/halimpl/bcm2079x/hal/hal/nfc_hal_nci.c b/halimpl/bcm2079x/hal/hal/nfc_hal_nci.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..977d7a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/halimpl/bcm2079x/hal/hal/nfc_hal_nci.c
@@ -0,0 +1,871 @@
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Broadcom Corporation
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+ *
+ *  This file contains function of the NFC unit to receive/process NCI/VS
+ *  commands/responses.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#include <string.h>
+#include "nfc_hal_int.h"
+#include "nfc_hal_post_reset.h"
+#include "userial.h"
+#include "nci_defs.h"
+** Constants and types
+** Local function prototypes
+** Function         nfc_hal_nci_assemble_nci_msg
+** Description      This function is called to reassemble the received NCI
+**                  response/notification packet, if required.
+**                  (The data packets are posted to NFC task for reassembly)
+** Returns          void.
+void nfc_hal_nci_assemble_nci_msg (void)
+    NFC_HDR *p_msg = nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.p_rcv_msg;
+    UINT8 u8;
+    UINT8 *p, *pp;
+    UINT8 hdr[2];
+    UINT8   *ps, *pd;
+    UINT16  size, needed;
+    BOOLEAN disp_again = FALSE;
+    if ((p_msg == NULL) || (p_msg->len < NCI_MSG_HDR_SIZE))
+        return;
+#ifdef DISP_NCI
+    DISP_NCI ((UINT8 *) (p_msg + 1) + p_msg->offset, (UINT16) (p_msg->len), TRUE);
+    p       = (UINT8 *) (p_msg + 1) + p_msg->offset;
+    u8      = *p++;
+    /* remove the PBF bit for potential reassembly later */
+    hdr[0]  = u8 & ~NCI_PBF_MASK;
+    if ((u8 & NCI_MT_MASK) == NCI_MT_DATA)
+    {
+        /* clear the RFU in octet1 */
+        *(p) = 0;
+        /* data packet reassembly is performed in NFC task */
+        return;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        *(p) &= NCI_OID_MASK;
+    }
+    hdr[1]  = *p;
+    pp = hdr;
+    /* save octet0 and octet1 of an NCI header in layer_specific for the received packet */
+    STREAM_TO_UINT16 (p_msg->layer_specific, pp);
+    if (nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.p_frag_msg)
+    {
+        if (nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.p_frag_msg->layer_specific != p_msg->layer_specific)
+        {
+            /* check if these fragments are of the same NCI message */
+            NCI_TRACE_ERROR2 ("nfc_hal_nci_assemble_nci_msg() - different messages 0x%x, 0x%x!!", nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.p_frag_msg->layer_specific, p_msg->layer_specific);
+            nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.nci_ras  |= NFC_HAL_NCI_RAS_ERROR;
+        }
+        else if (nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.nci_ras == 0)
+        {
+            disp_again = TRUE;
+            /* if not previous reassembly error, append the new fragment */
+            p_msg->offset   += NCI_MSG_HDR_SIZE;
+            p_msg->len      -= NCI_MSG_HDR_SIZE;
+            size    = GKI_get_buf_size (nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.p_frag_msg);
+            needed  = (NFC_HDR_SIZE + nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.p_frag_msg->len + nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.p_frag_msg->offset + p_msg->len);
+            if (size >= needed)
+            {
+                /* the buffer for reassembly is big enough to append the new fragment */
+                ps   = (UINT8 *) (p_msg + 1) + p_msg->offset;
+                pd   = (UINT8 *) (nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.p_frag_msg + 1) + nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.p_frag_msg->offset + nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.p_frag_msg->len;
+                memcpy (pd, ps, p_msg->len);
+                nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.p_frag_msg->len  += p_msg->len;
+                /* adjust the NCI packet length */
+                pd   = (UINT8 *) (nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.p_frag_msg + 1) + nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.p_frag_msg->offset + 2;
+                *pd  = (UINT8) (nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.p_frag_msg->len - NCI_MSG_HDR_SIZE);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.nci_ras  |= NFC_HAL_NCI_RAS_TOO_BIG;
+                NCI_TRACE_ERROR2 ("nfc_hal_nci_assemble_nci_msg() buffer overrun (%d + %d)!!", nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.p_frag_msg->len, p_msg->len);
+            }
+        }
+        /* we are done with this new fragment, free it */
+        GKI_freebuf (p_msg);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.p_frag_msg = p_msg;
+    }
+    if ((u8 & NCI_PBF_MASK) == NCI_PBF_NO_OR_LAST)
+    {
+        /* last fragment */
+        p_msg               = nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.p_frag_msg;
+        p                   = (UINT8 *) (p_msg + 1) + p_msg->offset;
+        *p                  = u8; /* this should make the PBF flag as Last Fragment */
+        nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.p_frag_msg  = NULL;
+        p_msg->layer_specific = nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.nci_ras;
+        /* still report the data packet, if the incoming packet is too big */
+        if (nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.nci_ras & NFC_HAL_NCI_RAS_ERROR)
+        {
+            /* NFCC reported NCI fragments for different NCI messages and this is the last fragment - drop it */
+            NCI_TRACE_ERROR0 ("nfc_hal_nci_assemble_nci_msg() clearing NCI_RAS_ERROR");
+            GKI_freebuf (p_msg);
+            p_msg = NULL;
+        }
+#ifdef DISP_NCI
+        if ((nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.nci_ras == 0) && (disp_again))
+        {
+            DISP_NCI ((UINT8 *) (p_msg + 1) + p_msg->offset, (UINT16) (p_msg->len), TRUE);
+        }
+        /* clear the error flags, so the next NCI packet is clean */
+        nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.nci_ras = 0;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        /* still reassembling */
+        p_msg = NULL;
+    }
+    nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.p_rcv_msg = p_msg;
+** Function         nfc_hal_nci_receive_nci_msg
+** Description
+**      Handle incoming data (NCI events) from the serial port.
+**      If there is data waiting from the serial port, this funciton reads the
+**      data and parses it. Once an entire NCI message has been read, it sends
+**      the message the the NFC_TASK for processing
+static BOOLEAN nfc_hal_nci_receive_nci_msg (tNFC_HAL_NCIT_CB *p_cb, UINT8 byte)
+    UINT16      len;
+    BOOLEAN     msg_received = FALSE;
+    switch (p_cb->rcv_state)
+    {
+        /* Initialize rx parameters */
+        p_cb->rcv_state = NFC_HAL_RCV_NCI_HDR_ST;
+        p_cb->rcv_len   = NCI_MSG_HDR_SIZE;
+        /* Start of new message. Allocate a buffer for message */
+        if ((p_cb->p_rcv_msg = (NFC_HDR *) GKI_getpoolbuf (NFC_HAL_NCI_POOL_ID)) != NULL)
+        {
+            /* Initialize NFC_HDR */
+            p_cb->p_rcv_msg->len    = 0;
+            p_cb->p_rcv_msg->event  = 0;
+            p_cb->p_rcv_msg->offset = 0;
+            *((UINT8 *) (p_cb->p_rcv_msg + 1) + p_cb->p_rcv_msg->offset + p_cb->p_rcv_msg->len++) = byte;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            NCI_TRACE_ERROR0 ("Unable to allocate buffer for incoming NCI message.");
+        }
+        p_cb->rcv_len--;
+        break;
+        if (p_cb->p_rcv_msg)
+        {
+            *((UINT8 *) (p_cb->p_rcv_msg + 1) + p_cb->p_rcv_msg->offset + p_cb->p_rcv_msg->len++) = byte;
+        }
+        p_cb->rcv_len--;
+        /* Check if we read in entire NFC message header yet */
+        if (p_cb->rcv_len == 0)
+        {
+            p_cb->rcv_len       = byte;
+            /* If non-zero payload, then go to receive-data state */
+            if (byte > 0)
+            {
+                p_cb->rcv_state = NFC_HAL_RCV_NCI_PAYLOAD_ST;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                msg_received    = TRUE;
+                p_cb->rcv_state = NFC_HAL_RCV_IDLE_ST;
+            }
+        }
+        break;
+        p_cb->rcv_len--;
+        if (p_cb->p_rcv_msg)
+        {
+            *((UINT8 *) (p_cb->p_rcv_msg + 1) + p_cb->p_rcv_msg->offset + p_cb->p_rcv_msg->len++) = byte;
+            if (p_cb->rcv_len > 0)
+            {
+                /* Read in the rest of the message */
+                len = USERIAL_Read (USERIAL_NFC_PORT, ((UINT8 *) (p_cb->p_rcv_msg + 1) + p_cb->p_rcv_msg->offset + p_cb->p_rcv_msg->len),  p_cb->rcv_len);
+                p_cb->p_rcv_msg->len    += len;
+                p_cb->rcv_len           -= len;
+            }
+        }
+        /* Check if we read in entire message yet */
+        if (p_cb->rcv_len == 0)
+        {
+            msg_received    = TRUE;
+            p_cb->rcv_state = NFC_HAL_RCV_IDLE_ST;
+        }
+        break;
+    }
+    return (msg_received);
+** Function         nfc_hal_nci_receive_bt_msg
+** Description
+**      Handle incoming BRCM specific data from the serial port.
+**      If there is data waiting from the serial port, this funciton reads the
+**      data and parses it. Once an entire message has been read, it returns
+**      TRUE.
+static BOOLEAN nfc_hal_nci_receive_bt_msg (tNFC_HAL_NCIT_CB *p_cb, UINT8 byte)
+    UINT16  len;
+    BOOLEAN msg_received = FALSE;
+    switch (p_cb->rcv_state)
+    {
+    case NFC_HAL_RCV_BT_MSG_ST:
+        /* Initialize rx parameters */
+        p_cb->rcv_state = NFC_HAL_RCV_BT_HDR_ST;
+        p_cb->rcv_len   = HCIE_PREAMBLE_SIZE;
+        if ((p_cb->p_rcv_msg = (NFC_HDR *) GKI_getpoolbuf (NFC_HAL_NCI_POOL_ID)) != NULL)
+        {
+            /* Initialize NFC_HDR */
+            p_cb->p_rcv_msg->len    = 0;
+            p_cb->p_rcv_msg->event  = 0;
+            p_cb->p_rcv_msg->offset = 0;
+            *((UINT8 *) (p_cb->p_rcv_msg + 1) + p_cb->p_rcv_msg->offset + p_cb->p_rcv_msg->len++) = byte;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            NCI_TRACE_ERROR0 ("[nfc] Unable to allocate buffer for incoming NCI message.");
+        }
+        p_cb->rcv_len--;
+        break;
+    case NFC_HAL_RCV_BT_HDR_ST:
+        if (p_cb->p_rcv_msg)
+        {
+            *((UINT8 *) (p_cb->p_rcv_msg + 1) + p_cb->p_rcv_msg->offset + p_cb->p_rcv_msg->len++) = byte;
+        }
+        p_cb->rcv_len--;
+        /* Check if we received entire preamble yet */
+        if (p_cb->rcv_len == 0)
+        {
+            /* Received entire preamble. Length is in the last byte(s) of the preamble */
+            p_cb->rcv_len = byte;
+            /* Verify that buffer is big enough to fit message */
+            if ((sizeof (NFC_HDR) + HCIE_PREAMBLE_SIZE + byte) > GKI_get_buf_size (p_cb->p_rcv_msg))
+            {
+                /* Message cannot fit into buffer */
+                GKI_freebuf (p_cb->p_rcv_msg);
+                p_cb->p_rcv_msg     = NULL;
+                NCI_TRACE_ERROR0 ("Invalid length for incoming BT HCI message.");
+            }
+            /* Message length is valid */
+            if (byte)
+            {
+                /* Read rest of message */
+                p_cb->rcv_state = NFC_HAL_RCV_BT_PAYLOAD_ST;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                /* Message has no additional parameters. (Entire message has been received) */
+                msg_received    = TRUE;
+                p_cb->rcv_state = NFC_HAL_RCV_IDLE_ST;  /* Next, wait for packet type of next message */
+            }
+        }
+        break;
+        p_cb->rcv_len--;
+        if (p_cb->p_rcv_msg)
+        {
+            *((UINT8 *) (p_cb->p_rcv_msg + 1) + p_cb->p_rcv_msg->offset + p_cb->p_rcv_msg->len++) = byte;
+            if (p_cb->rcv_len > 0)
+            {
+                /* Read in the rest of the message */
+                len = USERIAL_Read (USERIAL_NFC_PORT, ((UINT8 *) (p_cb->p_rcv_msg + 1) + p_cb->p_rcv_msg->offset + p_cb->p_rcv_msg->len),  p_cb->rcv_len);
+                p_cb->p_rcv_msg->len    += len;
+                p_cb->rcv_len           -= len;
+            }
+        }
+        /* Check if we read in entire message yet */
+        if (p_cb->rcv_len == 0)
+        {
+            msg_received        = TRUE;
+            p_cb->rcv_state     = NFC_HAL_RCV_IDLE_ST;      /* Next, wait for packet type of next message */
+        }
+        break;
+    }
+    /* If we received entire message */
+    if (msg_received)
+    {
+        /* Display protocol trace message */
+        DispHciEvt (p_cb->p_rcv_msg);
+    }
+    return (msg_received);
+** Function         nfc_hal_nci_proc_rx_bt_msg
+** Description      Received BT message from NFCC
+**                  Notify command complete if initializing NFCC
+**                  Forward BT message to NFC task
+** Returns          void
+static void nfc_hal_nci_proc_rx_bt_msg (void)
+    UINT8   *p;
+    NFC_HDR *p_msg;
+    UINT16  opcode, old_opcode;
+    tNFC_HAL_BTVSC_CPLT       vcs_cplt_params;
+    /* if complete BT message is received successfully */
+    if (nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.p_rcv_msg)
+    {
+        p_msg   = nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.p_rcv_msg;
+        NCI_TRACE_DEBUG1 ("nfc_hal_nci_proc_rx_bt_msg (): GOT an BT msgs init_sta:%d", nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.initializing_state);
+        NCI_TRACE_DEBUG2 ("event: 0x%x, wait_rsp:0x%x", p_msg->event, nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.nci_wait_rsp);
+        /* increase the cmd window here */
+        if (nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.nci_wait_rsp == NFC_HAL_WAIT_RSP_PROP)
+        {
+            p = (UINT8 *) (p_msg + 1) + p_msg->offset;
+            if (*p == HCI_COMMAND_COMPLETE_EVT)
+            {
+                p  += 3; /* code, len, cmd window */
+                STREAM_TO_UINT16 (opcode, p);
+                p   = nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.last_hdr;
+                STREAM_TO_UINT16 (old_opcode, p);
+                if (opcode == old_opcode)
+                {
+                    nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.nci_wait_rsp = NFC_HAL_WAIT_RSP_NONE;
+                    p_cback = (tNFC_HAL_BTVSC_CPLT_CBACK *)nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.p_vsc_cback;
+                    nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.p_vsc_cback  = NULL;
+                    nfc_hal_main_stop_quick_timer (&nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.nci_wait_rsp_timer);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /* if initializing BRCM NFCC */
+        if ((nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.initializing_state == NFC_HAL_INIT_STATE_W4_APP_COMPLETE) ||
+            (nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.initializing_state == NFC_HAL_INIT_STATE_W4_CONTROL_DONE))
+        {
+            /* this is command complete event for baud rate update or download patch */
+            p = (UINT8 *) (p_msg + 1) + p_msg->offset;
+            p += 1;    /* skip opcode */
+            STREAM_TO_UINT8  (vcs_cplt_params.param_len, p);
+            p += 1;    /* skip num command packets */
+            STREAM_TO_UINT16 (vcs_cplt_params.opcode, p);
+            vcs_cplt_params.param_len -= 3;
+            vcs_cplt_params.p_param_buf = p;
+            if (nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.initializing_state == NFC_HAL_INIT_STATE_W4_CONTROL_DONE)
+            {
+                nfc_hal_cb.p_stack_cback (HAL_NFC_RELEASE_CONTROL_EVT, HAL_NFC_STATUS_OK);
+            }
+            if (p_cback)
+            {
+                nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.p_vsc_cback = NULL;
+                (*p_cback) (&vcs_cplt_params);
+            }
+            /* do not BT send message to NFC task */
+            GKI_freebuf (p_msg);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            /* do not BT send message to NFC task */
+            GKI_freebuf(nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.p_rcv_msg);
+        }
+        nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.p_rcv_msg = NULL;
+    }
+** Function         nfc_hal_nci_receive_msg
+** Description
+**      Handle incoming data (NCI events) from the serial port.
+**      If there is data waiting from the serial port, this funciton reads the
+**      data and parses it. Once an entire NCI message has been read, it sends
+**      the message the the NFC_TASK for processing
+BOOLEAN nfc_hal_nci_receive_msg (UINT8 byte)
+    tNFC_HAL_NCIT_CB *p_cb = &(nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb);
+    BOOLEAN msg_received = FALSE;
+    if (p_cb->rcv_state == NFC_HAL_RCV_IDLE_ST)
+    {
+        /* if this is NCI message */
+        if (byte == HCIT_TYPE_NFC)
+        {
+            p_cb->rcv_state = NFC_HAL_RCV_NCI_MSG_ST;
+        }
+        /* if this is BT message */
+        else if (byte == HCIT_TYPE_EVENT)
+        {
+            p_cb->rcv_state = NFC_HAL_RCV_BT_MSG_ST;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            NCI_TRACE_ERROR1 ("Unknown packet type drop this byte 0x%x", byte);
+        }
+    }
+    else if (p_cb->rcv_state <= NFC_HAL_RCV_NCI_PAYLOAD_ST)
+    {
+        msg_received = nfc_hal_nci_receive_nci_msg (p_cb, byte);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if (nfc_hal_nci_receive_bt_msg (p_cb, byte))
+        {
+            /* received BT message */
+            nfc_hal_nci_proc_rx_bt_msg ();
+        }
+    }
+    return (msg_received);
+** Function         nfc_hal_nci_preproc_rx_nci_msg
+** Description      NFCC sends NCI message to DH while initializing NFCC
+**                  processing low power mode
+** Returns          TRUE, if NFC task need to receive NCI message
+BOOLEAN nfc_hal_nci_preproc_rx_nci_msg (NFC_HDR *p_msg)
+    UINT8 *p, *pp, cid;
+    UINT8 mt, pbf, gid, op_code;
+    UINT8 payload_len;
+    UINT16 data_len;
+    NCI_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("nfc_hal_nci_preproc_rx_nci_msg()");
+    /* if initializing BRCM NFCC */
+    if (nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.initializing_state != NFC_HAL_INIT_STATE_IDLE)
+    {
+        nfc_hal_dm_proc_msg_during_init (p_msg);
+        /* do not send message to NFC task while initializing NFCC */
+        return (FALSE);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        p = (UINT8 *) (p_msg + 1) + p_msg->offset;
+        pp = p;
+        NCI_MSG_PRS_HDR0 (p, mt, pbf, gid);
+        NCI_MSG_PRS_HDR1 (p, op_code);
+        payload_len = *p++;
+        if (mt == NCI_MT_DATA)
+        {
+            if (nfc_hal_cb.hci_cb.b_check_clear_all_pipe_cmd)
+            {
+                NCI_DATA_PRS_HDR(pp, pbf, cid, data_len);
+                if (cid == nfc_hal_cb.hci_cb.hcp_conn_id)
+                {
+                    nfc_hal_hci_handle_hcp_pkt (pp);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (gid == NCI_GID_PROP) /* this is for hci netwk ntf */
+        {
+            if (mt == NCI_MT_NTF)
+            {
+                if (op_code == NCI_MSG_HCI_NETWK)
+                {
+                    nfc_hal_hci_handle_hci_netwk_info ((UINT8 *) (p_msg + 1) + p_msg->offset);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        else if (gid == NCI_GID_RF_MANAGE)
+        {
+            if (mt == NCI_MT_NTF)
+            {
+                if (op_code == NCI_MSG_RF_INTF_ACTIVATED)
+                {
+                    if ((nfc_hal_cb.max_rf_credits) && (payload_len > 5))
+                    {
+                        /* API used wants to limit the RF data credits */
+                        p += 5; /* skip RF disc id, interface, protocol, tech&mode, payload size */
+                        if (*p > nfc_hal_cb.max_rf_credits)
+                        {
+                            NCI_TRACE_DEBUG2 ("RfDataCredits %d->%d", *p, nfc_hal_cb.max_rf_credits);
+                            *p = nfc_hal_cb.max_rf_credits;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        else if (gid == NCI_GID_CORE)
+        {
+            if (mt == NCI_MT_RSP)
+            {
+                if (op_code == NCI_MSG_CORE_CONN_CREATE)
+                {
+                    if (nfc_hal_cb.hci_cb.b_wait_hcp_conn_create_rsp)
+                    {
+                        p++; /* skip status byte */
+                        nfc_hal_cb.hci_cb.b_wait_hcp_conn_create_rsp = FALSE;
+                        p++; /* skip buff size */
+                        p++; /* num of buffers */
+                        nfc_hal_cb.hci_cb.hcp_conn_id = *p;
+                        nfc_hal_cb.hci_cb.b_check_clear_all_pipe_cmd = TRUE;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.power_mode == NFC_HAL_POWER_MODE_FULL)
+    {
+        if (nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.snooze_mode != NFC_HAL_LP_SNOOZE_MODE_NONE)
+        {
+            /* extend idle timer */
+            nfc_hal_dm_power_mode_execute (NFC_HAL_LP_RX_DATA_EVT);
+        }
+    }
+    return (TRUE);
+** Function         nfc_hal_nci_add_nfc_pkt_type
+** Description      Add packet type (HCIT_TYPE_NFC)
+** Returns          TRUE, if NFCC can receive NCI message
+void nfc_hal_nci_add_nfc_pkt_type (NFC_HDR *p_msg)
+    UINT8   *p;
+    BOOLEAN send_to_nfcc = TRUE;
+    UINT8   hcit;
+    /* add packet type in front of NCI header */
+    if (p_msg->offset > 0)
+    {
+        p_msg->offset--;
+        p_msg->len++;
+        p  = (UINT8 *) (p_msg + 1) + p_msg->offset;
+        *p = HCIT_TYPE_NFC;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        NCI_TRACE_ERROR0 ("nfc_hal_nci_add_nfc_pkt_type () : No space for packet type");
+        hcit = HCIT_TYPE_NFC;
+        USERIAL_Write (USERIAL_NFC_PORT, &hcit, 1);
+    }
+** Function         nci_brcm_check_cmd_create_hcp_connection
+** Description      Check if this is command to create HCP connection
+** Returns          None
+static void nci_brcm_check_cmd_create_hcp_connection (NFC_HDR *p_msg)
+    UINT8 *p;
+    UINT8 mt, pbf, gid, op_code;
+    nfc_hal_cb.hci_cb.b_wait_hcp_conn_create_rsp = FALSE;
+    p = (UINT8 *) (p_msg + 1) + p_msg->offset;
+    if (nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.initializing_state == NFC_HAL_INIT_STATE_IDLE)
+    {
+        NCI_MSG_PRS_HDR0 (p, mt, pbf, gid);
+        NCI_MSG_PRS_HDR1 (p, op_code);
+        if (gid == NCI_GID_CORE)
+        {
+            if (mt == NCI_MT_CMD)
+            {
+                if (op_code == NCI_MSG_CORE_CONN_CREATE)
+                {
+                    if (  ((NCI_CORE_PARAM_SIZE_CON_CREATE + 4) == *p++)
+                        &&(NCI_DEST_TYPE_NFCEE == *p++)
+                        &&(1 == *p++)
+                        &&(NCI_CON_CREATE_TAG_NFCEE_VAL == *p++)
+                        &&(2 == *p++)  )
+                    {
+                        p++;
+                        if (NCI_NFCEE_INTERFACE_HCI_ACCESS == *p)
+                        {
+                            nfc_hal_cb.hci_cb.b_wait_hcp_conn_create_rsp = TRUE;
+                            return;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+** Function         nfc_hal_nci_send_cmd
+** Description      Send NCI command to the transport
+** Returns          void
+void nfc_hal_nci_send_cmd (NFC_HDR *p_buf)
+    BOOLEAN continue_to_process = TRUE;
+    UINT8   *ps, *pd;
+    UINT16  max_len;
+    UINT16  buf_len, offset;
+    UINT8   *p;
+    UINT8   hdr[NCI_MSG_HDR_SIZE];
+    UINT8   nci_ctrl_size = nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.nci_ctrl_size;
+    UINT8   delta = 0;
+    nci_brcm_check_cmd_create_hcp_connection ((NFC_HDR*) p_buf);
+    /* check low power mode state */
+    continue_to_process = nfc_hal_dm_power_mode_execute (NFC_HAL_LP_TX_DATA_EVT);
+    if (!continue_to_process)
+    {
+        /* save the command to be sent until NFCC is free. */
+        nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.p_pend_cmd   = p_buf;
+        return;
+    }
+    max_len = nci_ctrl_size + NCI_MSG_HDR_SIZE;
+    buf_len = p_buf->len;
+    offset  = p_buf->offset;
+#ifdef DISP_NCI
+    if (buf_len > max_len)
+    {
+        /* this command needs to be fragmented. display the complete packet first */
+        DISP_NCI ((UINT8 *) (p_buf + 1) + p_buf->offset, p_buf->len, FALSE);
+    }
+    ps      = (UINT8 *) (p_buf + 1) + p_buf->offset;
+    memcpy (hdr, ps, NCI_MSG_HDR_SIZE);
+    while (buf_len > max_len)
+    {
+        NCI_TRACE_DEBUG2 ("buf_len (%d) > max_len (%d)", buf_len, max_len);
+        /* the NCI command is bigger than the NFCC Max Control Packet Payload Length
+         * fragment the command */
+        p_buf->len  = max_len;
+        ps   = (UINT8 *) (p_buf + 1) + p_buf->offset;
+        /* mark the control packet as fragmented */
+        *ps |= NCI_PBF_ST_CONT;
+        /* adjust the length of this fragment */
+        ps  += 2;
+        *ps  = nci_ctrl_size;
+        /* add NCI packet type in front of message */
+        nfc_hal_nci_add_nfc_pkt_type (p_buf);
+        /* send this fragment to transport */
+        p = (UINT8 *) (p_buf + 1) + p_buf->offset;
+#ifdef DISP_NCI
+        delta = p_buf->len - max_len;
+        DISP_NCI (p + delta, (UINT16) (p_buf->len - delta), FALSE);
+        USERIAL_Write (USERIAL_NFC_PORT, p, p_buf->len);
+        /* adjust the len and offset to reflect that part of the command is already sent */
+        buf_len -= nci_ctrl_size;
+        offset  += nci_ctrl_size;
+        NCI_TRACE_DEBUG2 ("p_buf->len: %d buf_len (%d)", p_buf->len, buf_len);
+        p_buf->len      = buf_len;
+        p_buf->offset   = offset;
+        pd   = (UINT8 *) (p_buf + 1) + p_buf->offset;
+        /* restore the NCI header */
+        memcpy (pd, hdr, NCI_MSG_HDR_SIZE);
+        pd  += 2;
+        *pd  = (UINT8) (p_buf->len - NCI_MSG_HDR_SIZE);
+    }
+    NCI_TRACE_DEBUG1 ("p_buf->len: %d", p_buf->len);
+    /* add NCI packet type in front of message */
+    nfc_hal_nci_add_nfc_pkt_type (p_buf);
+    /* send this fragment to transport */
+    p = (UINT8 *) (p_buf + 1) + p_buf->offset;
+#ifdef DISP_NCI
+    delta = p_buf->len - buf_len;
+    DISP_NCI (p + delta, (UINT16) (p_buf->len - delta), FALSE);
+    USERIAL_Write (USERIAL_NFC_PORT, p, p_buf->len);
+    GKI_freebuf (p_buf);
+** Function         nfc_hal_nci_cmd_timeout_cback
+** Description      callback function for timeout
+** Returns          void
+void nfc_hal_nci_cmd_timeout_cback (void *p_tle)
+    TIMER_LIST_ENT  *p_tlent = (TIMER_LIST_ENT *)p_tle;
+    NCI_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("nfc_hal_nci_cmd_timeout_cback ()");
+    nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.nci_wait_rsp = NFC_HAL_WAIT_RSP_NONE;
+    if (p_tlent->event == NFC_HAL_TTYPE_NCI_WAIT_RSP)
+    {
+        if (nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.initializing_state <= NFC_HAL_INIT_STATE_W4_PATCH_INFO)
+        {
+            nfc_hal_main_pre_init_done (HAL_NFC_STATUS_ERR_CMD_TIMEOUT);
+        }
+        else if (nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.initializing_state == NFC_HAL_INIT_STATE_W4_APP_COMPLETE)
+        {
+            if (nfc_hal_cb.prm.state != NFC_HAL_PRM_ST_IDLE)
+            {
+                nfc_hal_prm_process_timeout (NULL);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                nfc_hal_main_pre_init_done (HAL_NFC_STATUS_ERR_CMD_TIMEOUT);
+            }
+        }
+        else if (nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.initializing_state == NFC_HAL_INIT_STATE_W4_POST_INIT_DONE)
+        {
+            nfc_hal_cb.p_stack_cback (HAL_NFC_POST_INIT_CPLT_EVT, HAL_NFC_STATUS_ERR_CMD_TIMEOUT);
+        }
+        else if (nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.initializing_state == NFC_HAL_INIT_STATE_W4_CONTROL_DONE)
+        {
+            nfc_hal_cb.p_stack_cback (HAL_NFC_RELEASE_CONTROL_EVT, HAL_NFC_STATUS_ERR_CMD_TIMEOUT);
+        }
+        else if (nfc_hal_cb.dev_cb.initializing_state == NFC_HAL_INIT_STATE_W4_PREDISCOVER_DONE)
+        {
+            nfc_hal_cb.p_stack_cback (HAL_NFC_PRE_DISCOVER_CPLT_EVT, HAL_NFC_STATUS_ERR_CMD_TIMEOUT);
+        }
+    }
+** Function         HAL_NfcSetMaxRfDataCredits
+** Description      This function sets the maximum RF data credit for HAL.
+**                  If 0, use the value reported from NFCC.
+** Returns          none
+void HAL_NfcSetMaxRfDataCredits (UINT8 max_credits)
+    NCI_TRACE_DEBUG2 ("HAL_NfcSetMaxRfDataCredits %d->%d", nfc_hal_cb.max_rf_credits, max_credits);
+    nfc_hal_cb.max_rf_credits   = max_credits;
diff --git a/halimpl/bcm2079x/hal/hal/nfc_hal_prm.c b/halimpl/bcm2079x/hal/hal/nfc_hal_prm.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7fa9236
--- /dev/null
+++ b/halimpl/bcm2079x/hal/hal/nfc_hal_prm.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1119 @@
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 2012 Broadcom Corporation
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#include <string.h>
+#include "nfc_hal_int.h"
+#include "userial.h"
+* Definitions
+/* Internal flags */
+#define NFC_HAL_PRM_FLAGS_USE_PATCHRAM_BUF  0x01    /* Application provided patchram in a single buffer */
+#define NFC_HAL_PRM_FLAGS_RFU               0x02    /* Reserved for future use */
+#define NFC_HAL_PRM_FLAGS_SIGNATURE_SENT    0x04    /* Signature sent to NFCC */
+#define NFC_HAL_PRM_FLAGS_I2C_FIX_REQUIRED  0x08    /* PreI2C patch required */
+#define NFC_HAL_PRM_FLAGS_NO_NVM            0x10    /* Not NVM available (patch downloaded to SRAM) */
+#define NFC_HAL_PRM_FLAGS_SUPPORT_RESET_NTF 0x20    /* Support RESET_NTF from NFCC after sending signature */
+#define NFC_HAL_PRM_FLAGS_NVM_FPM_CORRUPTED 0x40    /* FPM patch in NVM failed CRC check */
+#define NFC_HAL_PRM_FLAGS_NVM_LPM_CORRUPTED 0x80    /* LPM patch in NVM failed CRC check */
+/* Secure patch download definitions */
+#define NFC_HAL_PRM_SPD_PRE_DOWNLOAD_DELAY (500)   /* Delay before starting to patch download (in ms) */
+/* Enumeration of power modes IDs */
+/* Version string for BCM20791B3 */
+const UINT8 NFC_HAL_PRM_BCM20791B3_STR[]   = "20791B3";
+#define NFC_HAL_PRM_BCM20791B3_STR_LEN     (sizeof (NFC_HAL_PRM_BCM20791B3_STR)-1)
+#define NFC_HAL_PRM_SPD_TOUT                   (6000)  /* timeout for SPD events (in ms)   */
+#define NFC_HAL_PRM_END_DELAY                  (250)   /* delay before sending any new command (ms)*/
+/* command to get currently downloaded patch version */
+static UINT8 nfc_hal_prm_get_patch_version_cmd [NCI_MSG_HDR_SIZE] =
+    0x00
+#define NFC_HAL_PRM_STATE(str)  NCI_TRACE_DEBUG2 ("%s st: %d", str, nfc_hal_cb.prm.state)
+#define NFC_HAL_PRM_STATE(str)
+void nfc_hal_prm_post_baud_update (tHAL_NFC_STATUS status);
+** Extern variable from nfc_hal_dm_cfg.c
+extern BOOLEAN nfc_hal_prm_nvm_required;
+** Function         nfc_hal_prm_spd_handle_download_complete
+** Description      Patch download complete (for secure patch download)
+** Returns          void
+void nfc_hal_prm_spd_handle_download_complete (UINT8 event)
+    nfc_hal_cb.prm.state = NFC_HAL_PRM_ST_IDLE;
+    /* Notify application now */
+    if (nfc_hal_cb.prm.p_cback)
+        (nfc_hal_cb.prm.p_cback) (event);
+** Function         nfc_hal_prm_spd_send_next_segment
+** Description      Send next patch segment (for secure patch download)
+** Returns          void
+void nfc_hal_prm_spd_send_next_segment (void)
+    UINT8   *p_src;
+    UINT16  len, offset = nfc_hal_cb.prm.cur_patch_offset;
+    UINT8   hcit, oid, hdr0, type;
+    UINT8   chipverlen;
+    UINT8   chipverstr[NCI_SPD_HEADER_CHIPVER_LEN];
+    UINT8   patch_hdr_size = NCI_MSG_HDR_SIZE + 1; /* 1 is for HCIT */
+    /* Validate that segment is at least big enought to have NCI_MSG_HDR_SIZE + 1 (hcit) */
+    if (nfc_hal_cb.prm.cur_patch_len_remaining < patch_hdr_size)
+    {
+        NCI_TRACE_ERROR0 ("Unexpected end of patch.");
+        nfc_hal_prm_spd_handle_download_complete (NFC_HAL_PRM_ABORT_INVALID_PATCH_EVT);
+        return;
+    }
+    /* Parse NCI command header */
+    p_src = (UINT8*) (nfc_hal_cb.prm.p_cur_patch_data + offset);
+    STREAM_TO_UINT8 (hcit, p_src);
+    STREAM_TO_UINT8 (hdr0, p_src);
+    STREAM_TO_UINT8 (oid,  p_src);
+    STREAM_TO_UINT8 (len,  p_src);
+    STREAM_TO_UINT8 (type, p_src);
+    /* Update number of bytes comsumed */
+    nfc_hal_cb.prm.cur_patch_offset += (len + patch_hdr_size);
+    nfc_hal_cb.prm.cur_patch_len_remaining -=  (len + patch_hdr_size);
+    /* Check if sending signature byte */
+    if (  (oid == NCI_MSG_SECURE_PATCH_DOWNLOAD )
+        &&(type == NCI_SPD_TYPE_SIGNATURE)  )
+    {
+        nfc_hal_cb.prm.flags |= NFC_HAL_PRM_FLAGS_SIGNATURE_SENT;
+    }
+    /* Check for header */
+    else if (  (oid == NCI_MSG_SECURE_PATCH_DOWNLOAD )
+             &&(type == NCI_SPD_TYPE_HEADER)  )
+    {
+        /* Check if patch is for BCM20791B3 */
+        STREAM_TO_UINT8 (chipverlen, p_src);
+        STREAM_TO_ARRAY (chipverstr, p_src, NCI_SPD_HEADER_CHIPVER_LEN);
+        if (memcmp (NFC_HAL_PRM_BCM20791B3_STR, chipverstr, NFC_HAL_PRM_BCM20791B3_STR_LEN) == 0)
+        {
+            /* Patch is for BCM2079B3 - do not wait for RESET_NTF after patch download */
+            nfc_hal_cb.prm.flags &= ~NFC_HAL_PRM_FLAGS_SUPPORT_RESET_NTF;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            /* Patch is for BCM2079B4 or newer - wait for RESET_NTF after patch download */
+            nfc_hal_cb.prm.flags |= NFC_HAL_PRM_FLAGS_SUPPORT_RESET_NTF;
+        }
+    }
+    /* Send the command (not including HCIT here) */
+    nfc_hal_dm_send_nci_cmd ((UINT8*) (nfc_hal_cb.prm.p_cur_patch_data + offset + 1), (UINT8) (len + NCI_MSG_HDR_SIZE),
+                             nfc_hal_prm_nci_command_complete_cback);
+** Function         nfc_hal_prm_spd_handle_next_patch_start
+** Description      Handle start of next patch (for secure patch download)
+** Returns          void
+void nfc_hal_prm_spd_handle_next_patch_start (void)
+    UINT32  cur_patch_mask;
+    UINT32  cur_patch_len;
+    BOOLEAN found_patch_to_download = FALSE;
+    while (!found_patch_to_download)
+    {
+        /* Get length of current patch */
+        cur_patch_len = nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_patch_desc[nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_cur_patch_idx].len;
+        /* Check if this is a patch we need to download */
+        cur_patch_mask = ((UINT32) 1 << nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_patch_desc[nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_cur_patch_idx].power_mode);
+        if (nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_patch_needed_mask & cur_patch_mask)
+        {
+            found_patch_to_download = TRUE;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            /* Do not need to download this patch. Skip to next patch */
+            NCI_TRACE_DEBUG1 ("Skipping patch for power_mode %i.", nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_patch_desc[nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_cur_patch_idx].power_mode);
+            nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_cur_patch_idx++;
+            if (nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_cur_patch_idx >= nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_patch_count)
+            {
+                /* No more to download */
+                nfc_hal_prm_spd_handle_download_complete (NFC_HAL_PRM_COMPLETE_EVT);
+                return;
+            }
+            else if (!(nfc_hal_cb.prm.flags & NFC_HAL_PRM_FLAGS_USE_PATCHRAM_BUF))
+            {
+                /* Notify adaptation layer to call HAL_NfcPrmDownloadContinue with the next patch header */
+                (nfc_hal_cb.prm.p_cback) (NFC_HAL_PRM_SPD_GET_NEXT_PATCH);
+                return;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                /* Patch in buffer. Skip over current patch. Check next patch */
+                nfc_hal_cb.prm.cur_patch_len_remaining -= (UINT16) cur_patch_len;
+                nfc_hal_cb.prm.cur_patch_offset += (UINT16) cur_patch_len;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /* Begin downloading patch */
+    NCI_TRACE_DEBUG1 ("Downloading patch for power_mode %i.", nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_patch_desc[nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_cur_patch_idx].power_mode);
+    nfc_hal_cb.prm.state = NFC_HAL_PRM_ST_SPD_DOWNLOADING;
+    nfc_hal_prm_spd_send_next_segment ();
+** Function         nfc_hal_prm_spd_download_i2c_fix
+** Description      Start downloading patch for i2c fix
+** Returns          void
+void nfc_hal_prm_spd_download_i2c_fix (void)
+    UINT8 *p, *p_start;
+    UINT16 patchfile_project_id;
+    UINT16 patchfile_ver_major;
+    UINT16 patchfile_ver_minor;
+    UINT16 patchfile_patchsize;
+    UINT8 u8;
+    NCI_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("Downloading I2C fix...");
+    /* Save pointer and offset of patchfile, so we can resume after downloading the i2c fix */
+    nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_patch_offset = nfc_hal_cb.prm.cur_patch_offset;
+    nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_patch_len_remaining = nfc_hal_cb.prm.cur_patch_len_remaining;
+    /* Initialize pointers for downloading i2c fix */
+    nfc_hal_cb.prm.p_cur_patch_data = nfc_hal_cb.prm_i2c.p_patch;
+    nfc_hal_cb.prm.cur_patch_offset = 0;
+    nfc_hal_cb.prm.cur_patch_len_remaining = nfc_hal_cb.prm_i2c.len;
+    /* Parse the i2c patchfile */
+    if (nfc_hal_cb.prm.cur_patch_len_remaining >= NFC_HAL_PRM_NCD_PATCHFILE_HDR_LEN)
+    {
+        /* Parse patchfile header */
+        p = (UINT8 *) nfc_hal_cb.prm.p_cur_patch_data;
+        p_start = p;
+        STREAM_TO_UINT16 (patchfile_project_id, p);
+        STREAM_TO_UINT16 (patchfile_ver_major, p);
+        STREAM_TO_UINT16 (patchfile_ver_minor, p);
+        /* RFU */
+        p++;
+        /* Check how many patches are in the patch file */
+        STREAM_TO_UINT8 (u8, p);
+        /* Should only be one patch */
+        if (u8 > 1)
+        {
+            NCI_TRACE_ERROR1 ("Invalid i2c fix: invalid number of patches (%i)", u8);
+            nfc_hal_prm_spd_handle_download_complete (NFC_HAL_PRM_ABORT_INVALID_PATCH_EVT);
+            return;
+        }
+        /* Get info about the i2c patch*/
+        STREAM_TO_UINT8 (u8, p);                     /* power mode (not needed for i2c patch)    */
+        STREAM_TO_UINT16 (patchfile_patchsize, p);   /* size of patch                            */
+        /* 5 byte RFU */
+        p += 5;
+        /* Adjust length to exclude patchfiloe header */
+        nfc_hal_cb.prm.cur_patch_len_remaining -= (UINT16) (p - p_start);       /* Adjust size of patchfile                        */
+        nfc_hal_cb.prm.cur_patch_offset += (UINT16) (p - p_start);              /* Bytes of patchfile transmitted/processed so far */
+        /* Begin sending patch to the NFCC */
+        nfc_hal_prm_spd_send_next_segment ();
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        /* ERROR: Bad length for patchfile */
+        NCI_TRACE_ERROR0 ("Invalid i2c fix: unexpected end of patch");
+        nfc_hal_prm_spd_handle_download_complete (NFC_HAL_PRM_ABORT_INVALID_PATCH_EVT);
+    }
+** Function         nfc_hal_prm_spd_check_version
+** Description      Check patchfile version with current downloaded version
+** Returns          void
+void nfc_hal_prm_spd_check_version (void)
+    UINT8 *p, *p_start, i;
+    UINT32 patchfile_patch_present_mask;
+    UINT16 patchfile_project_id;
+    UINT16 patchfile_ver_major = 0;
+    UINT16 patchfile_ver_minor;
+    UINT16 patchfile_patchsize;
+    UINT8  return_code = NFC_HAL_PRM_COMPLETE_EVT;
+    /* Initialize patchfile offset pointers */
+    p = p_start = NULL;
+    patchfile_patchsize = 0;
+    /* Get patchfile version */
+    if (nfc_hal_cb.prm.cur_patch_len_remaining >= NFC_HAL_PRM_NCD_PATCHFILE_HDR_LEN)
+    {
+        /* Parse patchfile header */
+        p       = (UINT8 *) nfc_hal_cb.prm.p_cur_patch_data;
+        p_start = p;
+        STREAM_TO_UINT16 (patchfile_project_id, p);
+        STREAM_TO_UINT16 (patchfile_ver_major, p);
+        STREAM_TO_UINT16 (patchfile_ver_minor, p);
+        /* RFU */
+        p++;
+        /* Check how many patches are in the patch file */
+        STREAM_TO_UINT8 (nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_patch_count, p);
+        if (nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_patch_count > NFC_HAL_PRM_MAX_PATCH_COUNT)
+        {
+            NCI_TRACE_ERROR2 ("Unsupported patchfile (number of patches (%i) exceeds maximum (%i)",
+                               nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_patch_count, NFC_HAL_PRM_MAX_PATCH_COUNT);
+        }
+        /* Mask of patches that are present in the patchfile */
+        patchfile_patch_present_mask = 0;
+        /* Get lengths for each patch */
+        for (i = 0; i < nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_patch_count; i++)
+        {
+            /* Get power mode for this patch */
+            STREAM_TO_UINT8 (nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_patch_desc[i].power_mode, p);
+            /* Update mask of power-modes present in the patchfile */
+            patchfile_patch_present_mask |= ((UINT32) 1 << nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_patch_desc[i].power_mode);
+            /* Get length of patch */
+            STREAM_TO_UINT16 (nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_patch_desc[i].len, p);
+            /* Add total size of patches */
+            patchfile_patchsize += nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_patch_desc[i].len;
+            /* 5 byte RFU */
+            p += 5;
+        }
+        /* Adjust offset to after the patch file header */
+        nfc_hal_cb.prm.cur_patch_offset += (UINT16) (p - p_start);              /* Bytes of patchfile transmitted/processed so far */
+        nfc_hal_cb.prm.cur_patch_len_remaining -= (UINT16) (p - p_start);       /* Adjust size of patchfile                        */
+        NCI_TRACE_DEBUG6 ("Patchfile info: ProjID=0x%04x,  Ver=%i.%i, Num patches=%i, PatchMask=0x%08x, PatchSize=%i",
+                           patchfile_project_id, patchfile_ver_major, patchfile_ver_minor,
+                           nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_patch_count, patchfile_patch_present_mask, patchfile_patchsize);
+        /*********************************************************************
+        * Version check of patchfile against NVM
+        *********************************************************************/
+        /* Download the patchfile if no patches in NVM */
+        if ((nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_project_id == 0) || (nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_nvm_patch_mask == 0))
+        {
+            /* No patch in NVM, need to download all */
+            nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_patch_needed_mask = patchfile_patch_present_mask;
+            NCI_TRACE_DEBUG2 ("No previous patch detected. Downloading patch %i.%i",
+                              patchfile_ver_major, patchfile_ver_minor);
+        }
+        /* Skip download if project ID of patchfile does not match NVM */
+        else if (nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_project_id != patchfile_project_id)
+        {
+            /* Project IDs mismatch */
+            NCI_TRACE_DEBUG2 ("Patch download skipped: Mismatched Project ID (NVM ProjId: 0x%04x, Patchfile ProjId: 0x%04x)",
+                              nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_project_id, patchfile_project_id);
+            return_code = NFC_HAL_PRM_ABORT_INVALID_PATCH_EVT;
+        }
+        /* Skip download if version of patchfile older or equal to version in NVM */
+        /* unless NVM is corrupted (then don't skip download if patchfile has the same major ver)*/
+        else if (  (nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_ver_major > patchfile_ver_major)
+                 ||(  (nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_ver_major == patchfile_ver_major) && (nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_ver_minor == patchfile_ver_minor)
+                    && !((patchfile_patch_present_mask & ( 1 << NFC_HAL_PRM_SPD_POWER_MODE_LPM)) && (nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_lpm_patch_size == 0))  /* Do not skip download: patchfile has LPM, but NVM does not */
+                    && !((patchfile_patch_present_mask & ( 1 << NFC_HAL_PRM_SPD_POWER_MODE_FPM)) && (nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_fpm_patch_size == 0))  /* Do not skip download: patchfile has FPM, but NVM does not */
+                    && !(nfc_hal_cb.prm.flags & (NFC_HAL_PRM_FLAGS_NVM_FPM_CORRUPTED |NFC_HAL_PRM_FLAGS_NVM_LPM_CORRUPTED))  )  )
+        {
+            /* NVM version is newer than patchfile */
+            NCI_TRACE_DEBUG2 ("Patch download skipped. NVM patch (version %i.%i) is newer than the patchfile ",
+                              nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_ver_major, nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_ver_minor);
+            return_code = NFC_HAL_PRM_COMPLETE_EVT;
+        }
+        /* Remaining cases: patchfile major version is newer than NVM; or major version is the same with different minor version */
+        /* Download all patches in the patchfile */
+        else
+        {
+            nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_patch_needed_mask = patchfile_patch_present_mask;
+            NCI_TRACE_DEBUG4 ("Downloading patch version: %i.%i (previous version in NVM: %i.%i)...",
+                              patchfile_ver_major, patchfile_ver_minor,
+                              nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_ver_major, nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_ver_minor);
+        }
+        nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_patch_needed_mask = patchfile_patch_present_mask;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        /* Invalid patch file header */
+        NCI_TRACE_ERROR0 ("Invalid patch file header.");
+        return_code = NFC_HAL_PRM_ABORT_INVALID_PATCH_EVT;
+    }
+    /* If we need to download anything, get the first patch to download */
+    if (nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_patch_needed_mask)
+    {
+        NCI_TRACE_ERROR4 ("Downloading patch version: %i.%i (previous version in NVM: %i.%i)...",
+                            patchfile_ver_major, patchfile_ver_minor,
+                            nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_ver_major, nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_ver_minor);
+        /* Check if I2C patch is needed: if                                     */
+        /*      - I2C patch file was provided using HAL_NfcPrmSetI2cPatch, and        */
+        /*      -   current patch in NVM has ProjectID=0, or                    */
+        /*          FPM is not present or corrupted, or                         */
+        /*          or patchfile is major-ver 76+                               */
+        if (  (nfc_hal_cb.prm_i2c.p_patch)
+            &&(  (nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_project_id == 0)
+               ||(nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_fpm_patch_size == 0)
+               ||(nfc_hal_cb.prm.flags & NFC_HAL_PRM_FLAGS_NVM_FPM_CORRUPTED)
+               ||(patchfile_ver_major >= 76)))
+        {
+            NCI_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("I2C patch fix required.");
+            nfc_hal_cb.prm.flags |= NFC_HAL_PRM_FLAGS_I2C_FIX_REQUIRED;
+            /* Download i2c fix first */
+            nfc_hal_prm_spd_download_i2c_fix ();
+            return;
+        }
+        /* Download first segment */
+        nfc_hal_cb.prm.state = NFC_HAL_PRM_ST_SPD_GET_PATCH_HEADER;
+        if (!(nfc_hal_cb.prm.flags & NFC_HAL_PRM_FLAGS_USE_PATCHRAM_BUF))
+        {
+            /* Notify adaptation layer to call HAL_NfcPrmDownloadContinue with the next patch segment */
+            (nfc_hal_cb.prm.p_cback) (NFC_HAL_PRM_SPD_GET_NEXT_PATCH);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            nfc_hal_prm_spd_handle_next_patch_start ();
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        static BOOLEAN firstTime = TRUE;
+        if (firstTime) {
+            NCI_TRACE_ERROR2 ("BCM2079x: NVM patch version is %d.%d",
+                    nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_ver_major, nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_ver_minor);
+            firstTime = FALSE;
+        }
+        /* Download complete */
+        nfc_hal_prm_spd_handle_download_complete (return_code);
+    }
+** Function         nfc_hal_prm_spd_status_str
+** Description      Return status string for a given spd status code
+** Returns          Status string
+UINT8 *nfc_hal_prm_spd_status_str (UINT8 spd_status_code)
+    char *p_str;
+    switch (spd_status_code)
+    {
+        p_str = "SPD_ERROR_DEST";
+        break;
+        p_str = "SPD_ERROR_PROJECTID";
+        break;
+        p_str = "SPD_ERROR_CHIPVER";
+        break;
+        p_str = "SPD_ERROR_MAJORVER";
+        break;
+        p_str = "SPD_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM";
+        break;
+        p_str = "SPD_ERROR_INVALID_SIG";
+        break;
+        p_str = "SPD_ERROR_NVM_CORRUPTED";
+        break;
+        p_str = "SPD_ERROR_PWR_MODE";
+        break;
+        p_str = "SPD_ERROR_MSG_LEN";
+        break;
+        p_str = "SPD_ERROR_PATCHSIZE";
+        break;
+    default:
+        p_str = "Unspecified Error";
+        break;
+    }
+    return ((UINT8*) p_str);
+#endif  /* (NFC_HAL_TRACE_VERBOSE == TRUE) */
+** Function         nfc_hal_prm_nci_command_complete_cback
+** Description      Callback for NCI vendor specific command complete
+**                  (for secure patch download)
+** Returns          void
+void nfc_hal_prm_nci_command_complete_cback (tNFC_HAL_NCI_EVT event, UINT16 data_len, UINT8 *p_data)
+    UINT8 status, u8;
+    UINT8 *p;
+    UINT32 post_signature_delay;
+    NFC_HAL_PRM_STATE ("nfc_hal_prm_nci_command_complete_cback");
+    /* Stop the command-timeout timer */
+    nfc_hal_main_stop_quick_timer (&nfc_hal_cb.prm.timer);
+    /* Skip over NCI header */
+    p = p_data + NCI_MSG_HDR_SIZE;
+    /* Handle GET_PATCH_VERSION Rsp */
+    if (event == NFC_VS_GET_PATCH_VERSION_EVT)
+    {
+        /* Get project id */
+        STREAM_TO_UINT16 (nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_project_id, p);
+        /* RFU */
+        p++;
+        /* Get chip version string */
+        STREAM_TO_UINT8 (u8, p);
+        /* Get major/minor version */
+        STREAM_TO_UINT16 (nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_ver_major, p);
+        STREAM_TO_UINT16 (nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_ver_minor, p);
+        STREAM_TO_UINT16 (nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_nvm_max_size, p);
+        STREAM_TO_UINT16 (nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_patch_max_size, p);
+        STREAM_TO_UINT16 (nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_lpm_patch_size, p);
+        STREAM_TO_UINT16 (nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_fpm_patch_size, p);
+        /* LPMPatchCodeHasBadCRC (if not bad crc, then indicate LPM patch is present in nvm) */
+        STREAM_TO_UINT8 (u8, p);
+        if (!u8)
+        {
+            nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_nvm_patch_mask |= (1 << NFC_HAL_PRM_SPD_POWER_MODE_LPM);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            /* LPM patch in NVM fails CRC check */
+            nfc_hal_cb.prm.flags |= NFC_HAL_PRM_FLAGS_NVM_LPM_CORRUPTED;
+        }
+        /* FPMPatchCodeHasBadCRC (if not bad crc, then indicate LPM patch is present in nvm) */
+        STREAM_TO_UINT8 (u8, p);
+        if (!u8)
+        {
+            nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_nvm_patch_mask |= (1 << NFC_HAL_PRM_SPD_POWER_MODE_FPM);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            /* FPM patch in NVM fails CRC check */
+            nfc_hal_cb.prm.flags |= NFC_HAL_PRM_FLAGS_NVM_FPM_CORRUPTED;
+        }
+        /* Check if downloading patch to RAM only (no NVM) */
+        STREAM_TO_UINT8 (u8, p);
+        if (!u8)
+        {
+            if (nfc_hal_prm_nvm_required)
+            {
+                NCI_TRACE_ERROR0 ("This platform requires NVM and the NVM is not available - Abort");
+                nfc_hal_prm_spd_handle_download_complete (NFC_HAL_PRM_ABORT_NO_NVM_EVT);
+                return;
+            }
+            nfc_hal_cb.prm.flags |= NFC_HAL_PRM_FLAGS_NO_NVM;
+        }
+        /* Get patchfile version number */
+        nfc_hal_cb.prm.state = NFC_HAL_PRM_ST_SPD_COMPARE_VERSION;
+        if (nfc_hal_cb.prm.flags & NFC_HAL_PRM_FLAGS_USE_PATCHRAM_BUF)
+        {
+            /* If patch is in a buffer, get patch version from buffer */
+            nfc_hal_prm_spd_check_version ();
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            /* Notify adaptation layer to send patch version (via HAL_NfcPrmDownloadContinue) */
+            (nfc_hal_cb.prm.p_cback) (NFC_HAL_PRM_SPD_GET_PATCHFILE_HDR_EVT);
+        }
+    }
+    /* Handle SECURE_PATCH_DOWNLOAD Rsp */
+    else if (event == NFC_VS_SEC_PATCH_DOWNLOAD_EVT)
+    {
+        /* Status and error code */
+        STREAM_TO_UINT8 (status, p);
+        STREAM_TO_UINT8 (u8, p);
+        if (status != NCI_STATUS_OK)
+        {
+            NCI_TRACE_ERROR2 ("Patch download failed, reason code=0x%X (%s)", status, nfc_hal_prm_spd_status_str (status));
+            NCI_TRACE_ERROR1 ("Patch download failed, reason code=0x%X", status);
+            /* Notify application */
+            nfc_hal_prm_spd_handle_download_complete (NFC_HAL_PRM_ABORT_INVALID_PATCH_EVT);
+            return;
+        }
+        /* If last segment (SIGNATURE) sent */
+        if (nfc_hal_cb.prm.flags & NFC_HAL_PRM_FLAGS_SIGNATURE_SENT)
+        {
+            /* Wait for authentication complate (SECURE_PATCH_DOWNLOAD NTF) */
+            nfc_hal_cb.prm.state = NFC_HAL_PRM_ST_SPD_AUTHENTICATING;
+            nfc_hal_main_start_quick_timer (&nfc_hal_cb.prm.timer, 0x00,
+                                            (NFC_HAL_PRM_SPD_TOUT * QUICK_TIMER_TICKS_PER_SEC) / 1000);
+            return;
+        }
+        /* Download next segment */
+        else if (nfc_hal_cb.prm.flags & NFC_HAL_PRM_FLAGS_USE_PATCHRAM_BUF)
+        {
+            /* If patch is in a buffer, get next patch from buffer */
+            nfc_hal_prm_spd_send_next_segment ();
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            /* Notify adaptation layer to get next patch segment (via HAL_NfcPrmDownloadContinue) */
+            (nfc_hal_cb.prm.p_cback) (NFC_HAL_PRM_CONTINUE_EVT);
+        }
+    }
+    else if (event == NFC_VS_SEC_PATCH_AUTH_EVT)
+    {
+        NCI_TRACE_DEBUG1 ("prm flags:0x%x.", nfc_hal_cb.prm.flags);
+        /* Status and error code */
+        STREAM_TO_UINT8 (status, p);
+        STREAM_TO_UINT8 (u8, p);
+        /* Sanity check - should only get this NTF while in AUTHENTICATING stage */
+        if (nfc_hal_cb.prm.state == NFC_HAL_PRM_ST_SPD_AUTHENTICATING)
+        {
+            if (status != NCI_STATUS_OK)
+            {
+                NCI_TRACE_ERROR0 ("Patch authentication failed");
+                nfc_hal_prm_spd_handle_download_complete (NFC_HAL_PRM_ABORT_BAD_SIGNATURE_EVT);
+                return;
+            }
+            if (nfc_hal_cb.prm.flags & NFC_HAL_PRM_FLAGS_I2C_FIX_REQUIRED)
+            {
+                NCI_TRACE_DEBUG1 ("PreI2C patch downloaded...waiting %i ms for NFCC to reboot.", nfc_hal_cb.prm_i2c.prei2c_delay);
+                /* Restore pointers to patchfile */
+                nfc_hal_cb.prm.flags &= ~NFC_HAL_PRM_FLAGS_I2C_FIX_REQUIRED;
+                nfc_hal_cb.prm.p_cur_patch_data = nfc_hal_cb.prm.p_spd_patch;
+                nfc_hal_cb.prm.cur_patch_offset = nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_patch_offset;
+                nfc_hal_cb.prm.cur_patch_len_remaining = nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_patch_len_remaining;
+                /* Resume normal patch download */
+                nfc_hal_cb.prm.state = NFC_HAL_PRM_ST_SPD_GET_PATCH_HEADER;
+                nfc_hal_cb.prm.flags &= ~NFC_HAL_PRM_FLAGS_SIGNATURE_SENT;
+                /* Post PreI2C delay */
+                nfc_hal_main_start_quick_timer (&nfc_hal_cb.prm.timer, 0x00, (nfc_hal_cb.prm_i2c.prei2c_delay * QUICK_TIMER_TICKS_PER_SEC) / 1000);
+                return;
+            }
+            /* Wait for NFCC to save the patch to NVM */
+            if (nfc_hal_cb.prm.flags & NFC_HAL_PRM_FLAGS_SUPPORT_RESET_NTF)
+            {
+                /* 20791B4 or newer - wait for RESET_NTF */
+                post_signature_delay = NFC_HAL_PRM_RESET_NTF_DELAY;
+                NCI_TRACE_DEBUG1 ("Patch downloaded and authenticated. Waiting %i ms for RESET NTF...", post_signature_delay);
+            }
+            else if (nfc_hal_cb.prm.flags & NFC_HAL_PRM_FLAGS_NO_NVM)
+            {
+                /* No NVM. Wait for NFCC to restart */
+                post_signature_delay = NFC_HAL_PRM_END_DELAY;
+                NCI_TRACE_DEBUG1 ("Patch downloaded and authenticated. Waiting %i ms for NFCC to restart...", post_signature_delay);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                /* Wait for NFCC to save the patch to NVM (need about 1 ms per byte) */
+                post_signature_delay = nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_patch_desc[nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_cur_patch_idx].len;
+                if (post_signature_delay < nfc_hal_cb.prm.patchram_delay)
+                    post_signature_delay = nfc_hal_cb.prm.patchram_delay;
+                NCI_TRACE_DEBUG1 ("Patch downloaded and authenticated. Waiting %i ms for NVM update to complete...", post_signature_delay);
+            }
+            nfc_hal_cb.prm.state = NFC_HAL_PRM_ST_SPD_AUTH_DONE;
+            nfc_hal_main_start_quick_timer (&nfc_hal_cb.prm.timer, 0x00,
+                                            (post_signature_delay * QUICK_TIMER_TICKS_PER_SEC) / 1000);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            NCI_TRACE_ERROR0 ("Got unexpected SECURE_PATCH_DOWNLOAD NTF");
+            nfc_hal_prm_spd_handle_download_complete (NFC_HAL_PRM_ABORT_EVT);
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        /* Invalid response from NFCC during patch download */
+        NCI_TRACE_ERROR1 ("Invalid response from NFCC during patch download (opcode=0x%02X)", event);
+        nfc_hal_prm_spd_handle_download_complete (NFC_HAL_PRM_ABORT_INVALID_PATCH_EVT);
+    }
+    NFC_HAL_PRM_STATE ("prm_nci_command_complete_cback");
+** Function         nfc_hal_prm_nfcc_ready_to_continue
+** Description      Continue to download patch or notify application completition
+** Returns          void
+void nfc_hal_prm_nfcc_ready_to_continue (void)
+    /* Clear the bit for the patch we just downloaded */
+    nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_patch_needed_mask &= ~ ((UINT32) 1 << nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_patch_desc[nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_cur_patch_idx].power_mode);
+    /* Check if another patch to download */
+    nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_cur_patch_idx++;
+    if ((nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_patch_needed_mask) && (nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_cur_patch_idx < nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_patch_count))
+    {
+        nfc_hal_cb.prm.state = NFC_HAL_PRM_ST_SPD_GET_PATCH_HEADER;
+        nfc_hal_cb.prm.flags &= ~NFC_HAL_PRM_FLAGS_SIGNATURE_SENT;
+        if (nfc_hal_cb.prm.flags & NFC_HAL_PRM_FLAGS_USE_PATCHRAM_BUF)
+        {
+            /* If patch is in a buffer, get next patch from buffer */
+            nfc_hal_prm_spd_handle_next_patch_start ();
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            /* Notify adaptation layer to get next patch header (via HAL_NfcPrmDownloadContinue) */
+            (nfc_hal_cb.prm.p_cback) (NFC_HAL_PRM_SPD_GET_NEXT_PATCH);
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        /* Done downloading */
+        NCI_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("Patch downloaded and authenticated.");
+        nfc_hal_prm_spd_handle_download_complete (NFC_HAL_PRM_COMPLETE_EVT);
+    }
+** Function         nfc_hal_prm_spd_reset_ntf
+** Description      Received RESET NTF from NFCC, indicating it has completed
+**                  reset after patch download.
+** Returns          void
+void nfc_hal_prm_spd_reset_ntf (UINT8 reset_reason, UINT8 reset_type)
+    /* Check if we were expecting a RESET NTF */
+    if (nfc_hal_cb.prm.state == NFC_HAL_PRM_ST_SPD_AUTH_DONE)
+    {
+        NCI_TRACE_DEBUG2 ("Received RESET NTF after patch download (reset_reason=%i, reset_type=%i)", reset_reason, reset_type);
+        /* Stop waiting for RESET NTF */
+        nfc_hal_main_stop_quick_timer (&nfc_hal_cb.prm.timer);
+        {
+        /* Continue with patch download */
+        nfc_hal_prm_nfcc_ready_to_continue ();
+    }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        NCI_TRACE_ERROR2 ("Received unexpected RESET NTF (reset_reason=%i, reset_type=%i)", reset_reason, reset_type);
+    }
+** Function:    nfc_post_final_baud_update
+** Description: Called after baud rate udate
+** Returns:     Nothing
+void nfc_hal_prm_post_baud_update (tHAL_NFC_STATUS status)
+    NFC_HAL_PRM_STATE ("nfc_hal_prm_post_baud_update");
+    if (nfc_hal_cb.prm.state == NFC_HAL_PRM_ST_SPD_AUTH_DONE)
+    {
+        /* Proceed with next step of patch download sequence */
+        nfc_hal_prm_nfcc_ready_to_continue ();
+    }
+** Function         nfc_hal_prm_process_timeout
+** Description      Process timer expireation for patch download
+** Returns          void
+void nfc_hal_prm_process_timeout (void *p_tle)
+    NFC_HAL_PRM_STATE ("nfc_hal_prm_process_timeout");
+    if (nfc_hal_cb.prm.state == NFC_HAL_PRM_ST_IDLE)
+    {
+        nfc_hal_cb.prm.state = NFC_HAL_PRM_ST_SPD_GET_VERSION;
+        /* Get currently downloaded patch version */
+        nfc_hal_dm_send_nci_cmd (nfc_hal_prm_get_patch_version_cmd, NCI_MSG_HDR_SIZE, nfc_hal_prm_nci_command_complete_cback);
+    }
+    else if (nfc_hal_cb.prm.state == NFC_HAL_PRM_ST_SPD_AUTH_DONE)
+    {
+        if (nfc_hal_cb.prm.flags & NFC_HAL_PRM_FLAGS_SUPPORT_RESET_NTF)
+        {
+            /* Timeout waiting for RESET NTF after signature sent */
+            NCI_TRACE_ERROR0 ("Timeout waiting for RESET NTF after patch download");
+            nfc_hal_prm_spd_handle_download_complete (NFC_HAL_PRM_ABORT_EVT);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            nfc_hal_prm_nfcc_ready_to_continue ();
+        }
+    }
+    else if (nfc_hal_cb.prm.state == NFC_HAL_PRM_ST_SPD_GET_PATCH_HEADER)
+    {
+        NCI_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("Delay after PreI2C patch download...proceeding to download firmware patch");
+        nfc_hal_prm_spd_handle_next_patch_start ();
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        NCI_TRACE_ERROR1 ("Patch download: command timeout (state=%i)", nfc_hal_cb.prm.state);
+        nfc_hal_prm_spd_handle_download_complete (NFC_HAL_PRM_ABORT_EVT);
+    }
+    NFC_HAL_PRM_STATE ("nfc_hal_prm_process_timeout");
+** Function         HAL_NfcPrmDownloadStart
+** Description      Initiate patch download
+** Input Params
+**                  format_type     patch format type
+**                                  (NFC_HAL_PRM_FORMAT_BIN, NFC_HAL_PRM_FORMAT_HCD, or
+**                                   NFC_HAL_PRM_FORMAT_NCD)
+**                  dest_address    destination adderess (needed for BIN format only)
+**                  p_patchram_buf  pointer to patchram buffer. If NULL,
+**                                  then app must call HAL_NfcPrmDownloadContinue when
+**                                  NFC_HAL_PRM_CONTINUE_EVT is received, to send the next
+**                                  segment of patchram
+**                  patchram_len    size of p_patchram_buf (if non-NULL)
+**                  patchram_delay  The delay after each patch.
+**                                  If the given value is less than the size of the patchram,
+**                                  the size of patchram is used instead.
+**                  p_cback         callback for download status
+** Returns          TRUE if successful, otherwise FALSE
+BOOLEAN HAL_NfcPrmDownloadStart (tNFC_HAL_PRM_FORMAT format_type,
+                                 UINT32              dest_address,
+                                 UINT8               *p_patchram_buf,
+                                 UINT32              patchram_len,
+                                 UINT32              patchram_delay,
+                                 tNFC_HAL_PRM_CBACK  *p_cback)
+    NCI_TRACE_API0 ("HAL_NfcPrmDownloadStart ()");
+    memset (&nfc_hal_cb.prm, 0, sizeof (tNFC_HAL_PRM_CB));
+    if (p_patchram_buf)
+    {
+        nfc_hal_cb.prm.p_cur_patch_data = p_patchram_buf;
+        nfc_hal_cb.prm.cur_patch_offset = 0;
+        nfc_hal_cb.prm.cur_patch_len_remaining = (UINT16) patchram_len;
+        nfc_hal_cb.prm.flags |= NFC_HAL_PRM_FLAGS_USE_PATCHRAM_BUF;
+        if (patchram_len == 0)
+            return FALSE;
+    }
+    nfc_hal_cb.prm.p_cback          = p_cback;
+    nfc_hal_cb.prm.dest_ram         = dest_address;
+    nfc_hal_cb.prm.format           = format_type;
+    nfc_hal_cb.prm.patchram_delay   = patchram_delay;
+    nfc_hal_cb.prm.timer.p_cback = nfc_hal_prm_process_timeout;
+    if (format_type == NFC_HAL_PRM_FORMAT_NCD)
+    {
+        /* Store patch buffer pointer and length */
+        nfc_hal_cb.prm.p_spd_patch             = p_patchram_buf;
+        nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_patch_len_remaining = (UINT16)patchram_len;
+        nfc_hal_cb.prm.spd_patch_offset        = 0;
+        /* Need delay for controller to finish resetting */
+        nfc_hal_main_start_quick_timer (&nfc_hal_cb.prm.timer, 0x00,
+                                        (NFC_HAL_PRM_SPD_PRE_DOWNLOAD_DELAY * QUICK_TIMER_TICKS_PER_SEC) / 1000);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        NCI_TRACE_ERROR0 ("Unexpected patch format.");
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    return TRUE;
+** Function         HAL_NfcPrmDownloadContinue
+** Description      Send next segment of patchram to controller. Called when
+**                  NFC_HAL_PRM_CONTINUE_EVT is received.
+**                  Only needed if HAL_NfcPrmDownloadStart was called with
+**                  p_patchram_buf=NULL
+** Input Params     p_patch_data    pointer to patch data
+**                  patch_data_len  patch data len
+** Returns          TRUE if successful, otherwise FALSE
+BOOLEAN HAL_NfcPrmDownloadContinue (UINT8 *p_patch_data,
+                                    UINT16 patch_data_len)
+    NCI_TRACE_API2 ("HAL_NfcPrmDownloadContinue ():state = %d, patch_data_len=%d",
+                     nfc_hal_cb.prm.state, patch_data_len);
+    /* Check if we are in a valid state for this API */
+    if (  (nfc_hal_cb.prm.state != NFC_HAL_PRM_ST_SPD_COMPARE_VERSION)
+        &&(nfc_hal_cb.prm.state != NFC_HAL_PRM_ST_SPD_GET_PATCH_HEADER)
+        &&(nfc_hal_cb.prm.state != NFC_HAL_PRM_ST_SPD_DOWNLOADING)  )
+        return FALSE;
+    if (patch_data_len == 0)
+        return FALSE;
+    nfc_hal_cb.prm.cur_patch_offset = 0;
+    nfc_hal_cb.prm.p_cur_patch_data = p_patch_data;
+    nfc_hal_cb.prm.cur_patch_len_remaining = patch_data_len;
+    /* Call appropriate handler */
+    if (nfc_hal_cb.prm.state == NFC_HAL_PRM_ST_SPD_COMPARE_VERSION)
+    {
+        nfc_hal_prm_spd_check_version ();
+    }
+    else if (nfc_hal_cb.prm.state == NFC_HAL_PRM_ST_SPD_GET_PATCH_HEADER)
+    {
+        nfc_hal_prm_spd_handle_next_patch_start ();
+    }
+    else if (nfc_hal_cb.prm.state == NFC_HAL_PRM_ST_SPD_DOWNLOADING)
+    {
+        nfc_hal_prm_spd_send_next_segment ();
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        NCI_TRACE_ERROR1 ("Unexpected patch state:%d.", nfc_hal_cb.prm.state);
+    }
+    return TRUE;
+** Function         HAL_NfcPrmSetI2cPatch
+** Description      Specify patchfile for BCM20791B3 I2C fix. This fix
+**                  must be downloaded prior to initial patch download for I2C
+**                  transport
+** Input Params     p_i2c_patchfile_buf: pointer to patch for i2c fix
+**                  i2c_patchfile_len: length of patch
+**                  prei2c_delay: the delay before downloading main patch
+**                                if 0 is given, NFC_HAL_PRM_POST_I2C_FIX_DELAY is used instead.
+** Returns          Nothing
+void HAL_NfcPrmSetI2cPatch (UINT8 *p_i2c_patchfile_buf, UINT16 i2c_patchfile_len, UINT32 prei2c_delay)
+    NCI_TRACE_API0 ("HAL_NfcPrmSetI2cPatch ()");
+    nfc_hal_cb.prm_i2c.prei2c_delay    = NFC_HAL_PRM_POST_I2C_FIX_DELAY;
+    if (prei2c_delay)
+        nfc_hal_cb.prm_i2c.prei2c_delay = prei2c_delay;
+    nfc_hal_cb.prm_i2c.p_patch = p_i2c_patchfile_buf;
+    nfc_hal_cb.prm_i2c.len = i2c_patchfile_len;
+** Function         HAL_NfcPrmSetSpdNciCmdPayloadSize
+** Description      Set Host-to-NFCC NCI message size for secure patch download
+**                  This API must be called before calling HAL_NfcPrmDownloadStart.
+**                  If the API is not called, then PRM will use the default
+**                  message size.
+**                  Typically, this API is only called for platforms that have
+**                  message-size limitations in the transport/driver.
+**                  Valid message size range: NFC_HAL_PRM_MIN_NCI_CMD_PAYLOAD_SIZE to 255.
+** Returns          HAL_NFC_STATUS_OK if successful
+**                  HAL_NFC_STATUS_FAILED otherwise
+tHAL_NFC_STATUS HAL_NfcPrmSetSpdNciCmdPayloadSize (UINT8 max_payload_size)
+    /* Validate: minimum size is NFC_HAL_PRM_MIN_NCI_CMD_PAYLOAD_SIZE */
+    if (max_payload_size < NFC_HAL_PRM_MIN_NCI_CMD_PAYLOAD_SIZE)
+    {
+        NCI_TRACE_ERROR2 ("HAL_NfcPrmSetSpdNciCmdPayloadSize: invalid size (%i). Must be between %i and 255", max_payload_size, NFC_HAL_PRM_MIN_NCI_CMD_PAYLOAD_SIZE);
+        return (HAL_NFC_STATUS_FAILED);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        NCI_TRACE_API1 ("HAL_NfcPrmSetSpdNciCmdPayloadSize: new message size during download: %i", max_payload_size);
+        nfc_hal_cb.ncit_cb.nci_ctrl_size = max_payload_size;
+        return (HAL_NFC_STATUS_OK);
+    }
diff --git a/halimpl/bcm2079x/hal/include/gki_hal_target.h b/halimpl/bcm2079x/hal/include/gki_hal_target.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a9aec9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/halimpl/bcm2079x/hal/include/gki_hal_target.h
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 2012 Broadcom Corporation
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifdef BUILDCFG
+#include "buildcfg_hal.h"
+#include "data_types.h"
+/* Define export prefixes for modules exported by HAL */
+#ifndef GKI_API
+#define GKI_API
+#ifndef UDRV_API
+#define UDRV_API
+#ifndef EXPORT_API
+#define EXPORT_API
+** Task configuration
+/* Definitions of task IDs for inter-task messaging */
+#ifndef NFC_HAL_TASK
+#define NFC_HAL_TASK                0
+/* The number of GKI tasks in the software system. */
+#ifndef GKI_MAX_TASKS
+#define GKI_MAX_TASKS               1
+** Timer configuration
+/* The number of GKI timers in the software system. */
+#define GKI_NUM_TIMERS              2
+/* A conversion value for translating ticks to calculate GKI timer.  */
+#ifndef TICKS_PER_SEC
+#define TICKS_PER_SEC               100
+**  Utility macros converting ticks to time with user define OS ticks per sec
+#ifndef GKI_MS_TO_TICKS
+#define GKI_MS_TO_TICKS(x)   ((x) / (1000 / TICKS_PER_SEC))
+#define GKI_SECS_TO_TICKS(x)   ((x) * (TICKS_PER_SEC))
+#ifndef GKI_TICKS_TO_MS
+#define GKI_TICKS_TO_MS(x)   ((x) * 1000 / TICKS_PER_SEC)
+#define GKI_TICKS_TO_SECS(x)   ((x) / TICKS_PER_SEC)
+/* TICK per second from OS (OS dependent change this macro accordingly to various OS) */
+#define OS_TICKS_PER_SEC               1000
+**  Utility macros converting ticks to time with user define OS ticks per sec
+#define GKI_OS_TICKS_TO_MS(x)   ((x) * 1000 / OS_TICKS_PER_SEC)
+#define GKI_OS_TICKS_TO_SECS(x)   ((x) / OS_TICKS_PER_SEC))
+/* delay in ticks before stopping system tick. */
+#define GKI_DELAY_STOP_SYS_TICK     10
+/* Option to guarantee no preemption during timer expiration (most system don't need this) */
+** Buffer configuration
+/* TRUE if GKI uses dynamic buffers. */
+/* The size of the buffers in pool 0. */
+#ifndef GKI_BUF0_SIZE
+#define GKI_BUF0_SIZE               64
+/* The number of buffers in buffer pool 0. */
+#ifndef GKI_BUF0_MAX
+#define GKI_BUF0_MAX                8
+/* The ID of buffer pool 0. */
+#ifndef GKI_POOL_ID_0
+#define GKI_POOL_ID_0               0
+/* The size of the buffers in pool 1. */
+#ifndef GKI_BUF1_SIZE
+#define GKI_BUF1_SIZE               288
+/* The number of buffers in buffer pool 1. */
+#ifndef GKI_BUF1_MAX
+#define GKI_BUF1_MAX                8
+/* The ID of buffer pool 1. */
+#ifndef GKI_POOL_ID_1
+#define GKI_POOL_ID_1               1
+/* The size of the largest PUBLIC fixed buffer in system. */
+#define GKI_MAX_BUF_SIZE            GKI_BUF1_SIZE
+/* The pool ID of the largest PUBLIC fixed buffer in system. */
+/* buffer size for USERIAL, it must large enough to hold NFC_HDR and max packet size */
+/* buffer pool ID for USERIAL */
+#define USERIAL_POOL_ID             GKI_POOL_ID_1
+#define GKI_NUM_FIXED_BUF_POOLS     2
+/* The number of fixed and dynamic buffer pools */
+#define GKI_NUM_TOTAL_BUF_POOLS     2
+/* The buffer pool usage mask. */
+#define GKI_DEF_BUFPOOL_PERM_MASK   0xfff0
+/* The buffer corruption check flag. */
+/* The GKI severe error macro. */
+#ifndef GKI_SEVERE
+#define GKI_SEVERE(code)
+/* TRUE if GKI includes debug functionality. */
+#ifndef GKI_DEBUG
+#define GKI_DEBUG                   FALSE
+/* Maximum number of exceptions logged. */
+#define GKI_MAX_EXCEPTION           8
+/* Maximum number of chars stored for each exception message. */
+#define GKI_TRACE_0(m)
+#define GKI_TRACE_1(m,p1)
+#define GKI_TRACE_2(m,p1,p2)
+#define GKI_TRACE_3(m,p1,p2,p3)
+#define GKI_TRACE_4(m,p1,p2,p3,p4)
+#define GKI_TRACE_5(m,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5)
+#define GKI_TRACE_6(m,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6)
+#define GKI_TRACE_ERROR_3(m,p1,p2,p3)           LogMsg(TRACE_CTRL_GENERAL | TRACE_LAYER_GKI | TRACE_ORG_GKI | TRACE_TYPE_ERROR,m,p1,p2,p3)
+#define GKI_TRACE_ERROR_4(m,p1,p2,p3,p4)        LogMsg(TRACE_CTRL_GENERAL | TRACE_LAYER_GKI | TRACE_ORG_GKI | TRACE_TYPE_ERROR,m,p1,p2,p3,p4)
+#define GKI_TRACE_ERROR_5(m,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5)     LogMsg(TRACE_CTRL_GENERAL | TRACE_LAYER_GKI | TRACE_ORG_GKI | TRACE_TYPE_ERROR,m,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5)
+#define GKI_TRACE_ERROR_6(m,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6)  LogMsg(TRACE_CTRL_GENERAL | TRACE_LAYER_GKI | TRACE_ORG_GKI | TRACE_TYPE_ERROR,m,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6)
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"
+extern void LogMsg (UINT32 trace_set_mask, const char *fmt_str, ...);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif  /* GKI_TARGET_H */
diff --git a/halimpl/bcm2079x/hal/include/nci_defs.h b/halimpl/bcm2079x/hal/include/nci_defs.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..befffd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/halimpl/bcm2079x/hal/include/nci_defs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,851 @@
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 1999-2012 Broadcom Corporation
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+ *
+ *  This file contains the definition from NCI specification
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef NFC_NCI_DEFS_H
+#define NFC_NCI_DEFS_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#define NCI_BRCM_CO_ID              0x2E
+/* Define the message header size for all NCI Commands and Notifications.
+#define NCI_MSG_HDR_SIZE        3   /* per NCI spec */
+#define NCI_DATA_HDR_SIZE       3   /* per NCI spec */
+#define NCI_MAX_CTRL_SIZE       0xFF/* max control message size */
+#define NCI_CTRL_INIT_SIZE      32  /* initial NFCC control payload size */
+#define NCI_MAX_VSC_SIZE        0xFF
+#define NCI_VSC_MSG_HDR_SIZE    12  /* NCI header (3) + callback function pointer(8; use 8 to be safe) + HCIT (1 byte) */
+#define NCI_TL_SIZE             2
+#define NCI_ISO_DEP_MAX_INFO      253   /* Max frame size (256) - Prologue (1) - Epilogue (2) in ISO-DEP, CID and NAD are not used*/
+#define NCI_NFC_DEP_MAX_DATA      251   /* Max payload (254) - Protocol Header (3) in NFC-DEP, DID and NAD are not used */
+/* NCI Command and Notification Format:
+ * 3 byte message header:
+ * byte 0: MT PBF GID
+ * byte 1: OID
+ * byte 2: Message Length */
+/* MT: Message Type (byte 0) */
+#define NCI_MT_MASK         0xE0
+#define NCI_MT_SHIFT        5
+#define NCI_MT_DATA         0x00
+#define NCI_MT_CMD          1   /* (NCI_MT_CMD << NCI_MT_SHIFT) = 0x20 */
+#define NCI_MT_RSP          2   /* (NCI_MT_RSP << NCI_MT_SHIFT) = 0x40 */
+#define NCI_MT_NTF          3   /* (NCI_MT_NTF << NCI_MT_SHIFT) = 0x60 */
+#define NCI_MT_CFG          4   /* (NCI_MT_CFG << NCI_MT_SHIFT) = 0x80 */
+#define NCI_MTS_CMD         0x20
+#define NCI_MTS_RSP         0x40
+#define NCI_MTS_NTF         0x60
+#define NCI_MTS_CFG         0x80
+#define NCI_NTF_BIT         0x80     /* the tNFC_VS_EVT is a notification */
+#define NCI_RSP_BIT         0x40     /* the tNFC_VS_EVT is a response     */
+/* for internal use only; not from specification */
+/* the following 2 flags are used in layer_specific for fragmentation/reassembly of data packets */
+#define NCI_LS_DATA         0x00
+#define NCI_LS_DATA_PBF     0x01
+/* PBF: Packet Boundary Flag (byte 0) */
+#define NCI_PBF_MASK        0x10
+#define NCI_PBF_SHIFT       4
+#define NCI_PBF_NO_OR_LAST  0x00    /* not fragmented or last fragment */
+#define NCI_PBF_ST_CONT     0x10    /* start or continuing fragment */
+/* GID: Group Identifier (byte 0) */
+#define NCI_GID_MASK        0x0F
+#define NCI_GID_SHIFT       0
+#define NCI_GID_CORE        0x00    /* 0000b NCI Core group */
+#define NCI_GID_RF_MANAGE   0x01    /* 0001b RF Management group */
+#define NCI_GID_EE_MANAGE   0x02    /* 0010b NFCEE Management group */
+#define NCI_GID_PROP        0x0F    /* 1111b Proprietary */
+/* 0111b - 1110b RFU */
+/* OID: Opcode Identifier (byte 1) */
+#define NCI_OID_MASK        0x3F
+#define NCI_OID_SHIFT       0
+/* For routing */
+#define NCI_DH_ID               0   /* for DH */
+/* To identify the loopback test */
+#define NCI_TEST_ID             0xFE/* for loopback test */
+/* Destination Type */
+#define NCI_DEST_TYPE_NFCC      1   /* NFCC - loopback */
+#define NCI_DEST_TYPE_REMOTE    2   /* Remote NFC Endpoint */
+#define NCI_DEST_TYPE_NFCEE     3   /* NFCEE */
+/* builds byte0 of NCI Command and Notification packet */
+#define NCI_MSG_BLD_HDR0(p, mt, gid) \
+    *(p)++ = (UINT8) (((mt) << NCI_MT_SHIFT) | (gid));
+#define NCI_MSG_PBLD_HDR0(p, mt, pbf, gid) \
+    *(p)++ = (UINT8) (((mt) << NCI_MT_SHIFT) | ((pbf) << NCI_PBF_SHIFT) | (gid));
+/* builds byte1 of NCI Command and Notification packet */
+#define NCI_MSG_BLD_HDR1(p, oid) \
+    *(p)++ = (UINT8) (((oid) << NCI_OID_SHIFT));
+/* parse byte0 of NCI packet */
+#define NCI_MSG_PRS_HDR0(p, mt, pbf, gid) \
+    mt = (*(p) & NCI_MT_MASK) >> NCI_MT_SHIFT; \
+    pbf = (*(p) & NCI_PBF_MASK) >> NCI_PBF_SHIFT; \
+    gid = *(p)++ & NCI_GID_MASK;
+/* parse MT and PBF bits of NCI packet */
+#define NCI_MSG_PRS_MT_PBF(p, mt, pbf) \
+    mt = (*(p) & NCI_MT_MASK) >> NCI_MT_SHIFT; \
+    pbf = (*(p) & NCI_PBF_MASK) >> NCI_PBF_SHIFT;
+/* parse byte1 of NCI Cmd/Ntf */
+#define NCI_MSG_PRS_HDR1(p, oid) \
+    oid = (*(p) & NCI_OID_MASK); (p)++;
+/* NCI Data Format:
+ * byte 0: MT(0) PBF CID
+ * byte 1: RFU
+ * byte 2: Data Length */
+/* CID: Connection Identifier (byte 0) 1-0xF Dynamically assigned (by NFCC), 0 is predefined  */
+#define NCI_CID_MASK        0x0F
+/* builds 3-byte message header of NCI Data packet */
+#define NCI_DATA_BLD_HDR(p, cid, len) \
+    *(p)++ = (UINT8) (cid); *(p)++ = 0; *(p)++ = (UINT8) (len);
+#define NCI_DATA_PBLD_HDR(p, pbf, cid, len) \
+    *(p)++ = (UINT8) (((pbf) << NCI_PBF_SHIFT) | (cid)); *(p)++=0; *(p)++ = (len);
+#define NCI_DATA_PRS_HDR(p, pbf, cid, len) \
+    (pbf) = (*(p) & NCI_PBF_MASK) >> NCI_PBF_SHIFT; (cid) = (*(p) & NCI_CID_MASK); p++; p++; (len) = *(p)++;
+/* Logical target ID 0x01-0xFE */
+/* Status Codes */
+#define NCI_STATUS_OK                   0x00
+#define NCI_STATUS_REJECTED             0x01
+#define NCI_STATUS_BUFFER_FULL          0xE0
+#define NCI_STATUS_FAILED               0x03
+#define NCI_STATUS_SYNTAX_ERROR         0x05
+#define NCI_STATUS_SEMANTIC_ERROR       0x06
+#define NCI_STATUS_UNKNOWN_GID          0x07
+#define NCI_STATUS_UNKNOWN_OID          0x08
+#define NCI_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM        0x09
+/* discovery */
+#define NCI_STATUS_TEAR_DOWN            0xA2
+/* RF Interface */
+#define NCI_STATUS_TIMEOUT              0xB2
+/* NFCEE Interface */
+#define NCI_STATUS_EE_TIMEOUT           0xC3
+typedef UINT8 tNCI_STATUS;
+/* RF Technologies */
+#define NCI_RF_TECHNOLOGY_A             0x00
+#define NCI_RF_TECHNOLOGY_B             0x01
+#define NCI_RF_TECHNOLOGY_F             0x02
+#define NCI_RF_TECHNOLOGY_15693         0x03
+/* Bit Rates */
+#define NCI_BIT_RATE_106                0x00/* 106 kbit/s */
+#define NCI_BIT_RATE_212                0x01/* 212 kbit/s */
+#define NCI_BIT_RATE_424                0x02/* 424 kbit/s */
+#define NCI_BIT_RATE_848                0x03/* 848 Kbit/s */
+#define NCI_BIT_RATE_1696               0x04/* 1696 Kbit/s*/
+#define NCI_BIT_RATE_3392               0x05/* 3392 Kbit/s*/
+#define NCI_BIT_RATE_6784               0x06/* 6784 Kbit/s*/
+ * NCI Core Group Opcode        - 0
+ **********************************************/
+#define NCI_MSG_CORE_RESET              0
+#define NCI_MSG_CORE_INIT               1
+#define NCI_MSG_CORE_SET_CONFIG         2
+#define NCI_MSG_CORE_GET_CONFIG         3
+#define NCI_MSG_CORE_CONN_CREATE        4
+#define NCI_MSG_CORE_CONN_CLOSE         5
+#define NCI_MSG_CORE_CONN_CREDITS       6
+ * RF MANAGEMENT Group Opcode    - 1
+ **********************************************/
+#define NCI_MSG_RF_DISCOVER_MAP         0
+#define NCI_MSG_RF_SET_ROUTING          1
+#define NCI_MSG_RF_GET_ROUTING          2
+#define NCI_MSG_RF_DISCOVER             3
+#define NCI_MSG_RF_INTF_ACTIVATED       5
+#define NCI_MSG_RF_DEACTIVATE           6
+#define NCI_MSG_RF_FIELD                7
+#define NCI_MSG_RF_T3T_POLLING          8
+#define NCI_MSG_RF_EE_ACTION            9
+ * NFCEE MANAGEMENT Group Opcode - 2
+ **********************************************/
+#define NCI_MSG_NFCEE_DISCOVER          0
+#define NCI_MSG_NFCEE_MODE_SET          1
+ * NCI Proprietary  Group       - F
+ **********************************************/
+ * NCI Core Group Params
+ **********************************************/
+#define NCI_CORE_PARAM_SIZE_RESET       0x01
+#define NCI_CORE_PARAM_SIZE_INIT        0x00 /* no payload */
+#define NCI_CORE_PARAM_SIZE_SET_CONFIG_RSP   0x02    /* Status (1 octet) and number of params */
+/* octet 0 */
+#define NCI_FEAT_DISCOVERY_FREG     0x00000001
+#define NCI_FEAT_DISCOVERY_CFGM     0x00000006
+/* octet 1 */
+#define NCI_FEAT_PROTOCOL_ROUTING   0x00000400
+#define NCI_FEAT_AID_ROUTING        0x00000800
+/* octet 2 */
+#define NCI_FEAT_BATTERY_OFF_MD     0x00010000
+#define NCI_FEAT_SWITCH_OFF_MD      0x00020000
+/* supported Interfaces */
+#define NCI_SUP_INTF_FRAME           0x0001
+#define NCI_SUP_INTF_ISO_DEP         0x0002
+#define NCI_SUP_INTF_NFC_DEP         0x0004
+#define NCI_CORE_PARAM_SIZE_CON_CREATE      0x02 /* handle, num_tlv, (tlv) */
+#define NCI_CORE_PARAM_SIZE_CON_CREATE_RSP  0x04 /* status, size, credits, conn_id */
+#define NCI_CON_CREATE_TAG_EE_INTF          0x00 /* old */
+#define NCI_CON_CREATE_TAG_RF_DISC_ID       0x00
+#define NCI_CON_CREATE_TAG_NFCEE_VAL        0x01
+#define NCI_CORE_PARAM_SIZE_CON_CLOSE       0x01 /* Conn ID (1 octet) */
+#define NCI_CORE_PARAM_SIZE_CON_CLOSE_RSP   0x01 /* Status (1 octet) */
+#define NCI_CORE_PARAM_SIZE_RF_FIELD_NTF            0x01 /* RF Field Status (1 octet) */
+#define NCI_RESET_TYPE_KEEP_CFG         0x00  /* Keep the NCI configuration (if possible) and perform NCI initialization. */
+#define NCI_RESET_TYPE_RESET_CFG        0x01  /* Reset the NCI configuration, and perform NCI initialization. */
+#define NCI_RESET_STATUS_KEPT_CFG       0x00  /* NCI Configuration has been kept  */
+#define NCI_RESET_STATUS_RESET_CFG      0x01  /* NCI Configuration has been reset */
+#define NCI_RF_STS_NO_REMOTE    0x00 /* No operating field generated by remote device  */
+#define NCI_RF_STS_REMOTE       0x01 /* Operating field generated by remote device  */
+#define NCI_PARAM_SIZE_DISCOVER_NFCEE      0x01 /* Discovery Action (1 octet) */
+#define NCI_PARAM_SIZE_DISCOVER_NFCEE_RSP  0x02 /* Status (1 octet)Number of NFCEEs (1 octet) */
+#define NCI_EE_DISCOVER_REQ_TYPE_POLL       0x02
+#define NCI_RF_PARAM_ID_TECH_N_MODE     0x00  /* RF Technology and Mode   */
+#define NCI_RF_PARAM_ID_TX_BIT_RATE     0x01  /* Transmit Bit Rate        */
+#define NCI_RF_PARAM_ID_RX_BIT_RATE     0x02  /* Receive Bit Rate         */
+#define NCI_RF_PARAM_ID_B_DATA_EX_PARAM 0x03  /* B Data Exchange config param */
+#define NCI_NFCEE_INTERFACE_APDU         0x00
+#define NCI_NFCEE_INTERFACE_T3T          0x02
+#define NCI_NFCEE_STS_CONN_ACTIVE       0x00
+#define NCI_NFCEE_STS_REMOVED           0x02
+#define NCI_NUM_NFCEE_STS               3
+#define NCI_CORE_PARAM_SIZE_NFCEE_MODE_SET      0x02 /* Logical Target ID (1 octet)NFCEE Mode (1 octet) */
+#define NCI_CORE_PARAM_SIZE_NFCEE_MODE_SET_RSP  0x01 /* Status (1 octet) */
+#define NCI_NFCEE_MD_DEACTIVATE         0x00    /* Deactivate the connected NFCEE */
+#define NCI_NFCEE_MD_ACTIVATE           0x01    /* Activate the connected NFCEE */
+#define NCI_NUM_NFCEE_MODE              2
+ * NCI Deactivation Type
+ **********************************************/
+#define NCI_DEACTIVATE_TYPE_IDLE        0   /* Idle Mode     */
+#define NCI_DEACTIVATE_TYPE_SLEEP       1   /* Sleep Mode    */
+#define NCI_DEACTIVATE_TYPE_SLEEP_AF    2   /* Sleep_AF Mode */
+#define NCI_DEACTIVATE_TYPE_DISCOVERY   3   /* Discovery     */
+ * NCI Deactivation Reasons
+ **********************************************/
+#define NCI_DEACTIVATE_REASON_DH_REQ        0   /* DH Request       */
+#define NCI_DEACTIVATE_REASON_ENDPOINT_REQ  1   /* Endpoint Request */
+#define NCI_DEACTIVATE_REASON_RF_LINK_LOSS  2   /* RF Link Loss     */
+ /**********************************************
+ * NCI Interface Mode
+ **********************************************/
+#define NCI_INTERFACE_MODE_POLL             1
+#define NCI_INTERFACE_MODE_LISTEN           2
+ * NCI Interface Types
+ **********************************************/
+#define NCI_INTERFACE_FRAME             1
+#define NCI_INTERFACE_ISO_DEP           2
+#define NCI_INTERFACE_NFC_DEP           3
+#define NCI_INTERFACE_FIRST_VS          0x80
+typedef UINT8 tNCI_INTF_TYPE;
+ * NCI RF Management / DISCOVERY Group Params
+ **********************************************/
+#define NCI_DISCOVER_PARAM_SIZE_SELECT      0x03 /* ID, protocol, interface */
+#define NCI_DISCOVER_PARAM_SIZE_SELECT_RSP  0x01 /* Status (1 octet) */
+#define NCI_DISCOVER_PARAM_SIZE_STOP        0x00 /*  */
+#define NCI_DISCOVER_PARAM_SIZE_STOP_RSP    0x01 /* Status (1 octet) */
+#define NCI_DISCOVER_PARAM_SIZE_DEACT       0x01 /* type */
+#define NCI_DISCOVER_PARAM_SIZE_DEACT_RSP   0x01 /* Status (1 octet) */
+#define NCI_DISCOVER_PARAM_SIZE_DEACT_NTF   0x01 /* type */
+ * Supported Protocols
+ **********************************************/
+#define NCI_PROTOCOL_UNKNOWN            0x00
+#define NCI_PROTOCOL_T1T                0x01
+#define NCI_PROTOCOL_T2T                0x02
+#define NCI_PROTOCOL_T3T                0x03
+#define NCI_PROTOCOL_ISO_DEP            0x04
+#define NCI_PROTOCOL_NFC_DEP            0x05
+ * Proprietary Protocols
+ **********************************************/
+#ifndef NCI_PROTOCOL_18092_ACTIVE
+#define NCI_PROTOCOL_18092_ACTIVE       0x80
+#define NCI_PROTOCOL_B_PRIME            0x81
+#define NCI_PROTOCOL_DUAL               0x82
+#ifndef NCI_PROTOCOL_15693
+#define NCI_PROTOCOL_15693              0x83
+#define NCI_PROTOCOL_KOVIO              0x8a
+/* Discovery Types/Detected Technology and Mode */
+#define NCI_DISCOVERY_TYPE_POLL_A               0x00
+#define NCI_DISCOVERY_TYPE_POLL_B               0x01
+#define NCI_DISCOVERY_TYPE_POLL_F               0x02
+#define NCI_DISCOVERY_TYPE_POLL_B_PRIME         0x74
+#define NCI_DISCOVERY_TYPE_POLL_KOVIO           0x77
+#define NCI_DISCOVERY_TYPE_LISTEN_A             0x80
+#define NCI_DISCOVERY_TYPE_LISTEN_B             0x81
+#define NCI_DISCOVERY_TYPE_LISTEN_F             0x82
+#define NCI_DISCOVERY_TYPE_POLL_ISO15693        0x06
+#define NCI_DISCOVERY_TYPE_LISTEN_ISO15693      0x86
+#define NCI_EE_TRIG_7816_SELECT         0x00
+#define NCI_EE_TRIG_RF_PROTOCOL         0x01
+#define NCI_EE_TRIG_RF_TECHNOLOGY       0x02
+#define NCI_EE_TRIG_APP_INIT            0x10
+#define NCI_EE_ACT_TAG_AID              0xC0        /* AID                 */
+#define NCI_EE_ACT_TAG_PROTO            0xC1        /* RF protocol         */
+#define NCI_EE_ACT_TAG_TECH             0xC2        /* RF technology       */
+#define NCI_EE_ACT_TAG_DATA             0xC3        /* hex data for app    */
+#define NCI_EE_ACT_TAG_DEBUG            0xC4        /* debug trace         */
+#define NCI_ROUTE_TAG_TECH              0x00        /* Technology based routing  */
+#define NCI_ROUTE_TAG_PROTO             0x01        /* Protocol based routing  */
+#define NCI_ROUTE_TAG_AID               0x02        /* AID routing */
+#define NCI_ROUTE_PWR_STATE_ON          0x01        /* The device is on */
+#define NCI_ROUTE_PWR_STATE_SWITCH_OFF  0x02        /* The device is switched off */
+#define NCI_ROUTE_PWR_STATE_BATT_OFF    0x04        /* The device's battery is removed */
+#define NCI_NFCEE_TAG_HW_ID             0x00       /* Hardware / Registration Identification  */
+#define NCI_NFCEE_TAG_ATR_BYTES         0x01       /* ATR Bytes  */
+#define NCI_NFCEE_TAG_T3T_INFO          0x02       /* T3T Command Set Interface Supplementary Info */
+#define NCI_NFCEE_TAG_HCI_HOST_ID       0xA0       /* HCI host ID */
+#define NCI_DISCOVER_NTF_LAST           0x00
+#define NCI_DISCOVER_NTF_MORE           0x02
+/* NCI RF Management Group Params */
+#define NCI_RF_PARAM_SIZE_T3T_POLLING   0x04        /* System Code, RC, TSN */
+ * NCI Parameter IDs
+ **********************************************/
+#define NCI_PARAM_ID_PA_BAILOUT         0x08
+#define NCI_PARAM_ID_PB_AFI             0x10
+#define NCI_PARAM_ID_PB_BAILOUT         0x11
+#define NCI_PARAM_ID_PF_BIT_RATE        0x18
+#define NCI_PARAM_ID_PB_H_INFO          0x20
+#define NCI_PARAM_ID_PI_BIT_RATE        0x21
+#define NCI_PARAM_ID_BITR_NFC_DEP       0x28
+#define NCI_PARAM_ID_LA_SEL_INFO        0x32
+#define NCI_PARAM_ID_LA_NFCID1          0x33
+#define NCI_PARAM_ID_LB_SENSB_INFO      0x38
+#define NCI_PARAM_ID_LB_NFCID0          0x39
+#define NCI_PARAM_ID_LB_APPDATA         0x3A
+#define NCI_PARAM_ID_LB_SFGI            0x3B
+#define NCI_PARAM_ID_LB_ADC_FO          0x3C
+#define NCI_PARAM_ID_LF_T3T_ID1         0x40
+#define NCI_PARAM_ID_LF_T3T_ID2         0x41
+#define NCI_PARAM_ID_LF_T3T_ID3         0x42
+#define NCI_PARAM_ID_LF_T3T_ID4         0x43
+#define NCI_PARAM_ID_LF_T3T_ID5         0x44
+#define NCI_PARAM_ID_LF_T3T_ID6         0x45
+#define NCI_PARAM_ID_LF_T3T_ID7         0x46
+#define NCI_PARAM_ID_LF_T3T_ID8         0x47
+#define NCI_PARAM_ID_LF_T3T_ID9         0x48
+#define NCI_PARAM_ID_LF_T3T_ID10        0x49
+#define NCI_PARAM_ID_LF_T3T_ID11        0x4A
+#define NCI_PARAM_ID_LF_T3T_ID12        0x4B
+#define NCI_PARAM_ID_LF_T3T_ID13        0x4C
+#define NCI_PARAM_ID_LF_T3T_ID14        0x4D
+#define NCI_PARAM_ID_LF_T3T_ID15        0x4E
+#define NCI_PARAM_ID_LF_T3T_ID16        0x4F
+#define NCI_PARAM_ID_LF_PROTOCOL        0x50
+#define NCI_PARAM_ID_LF_T3T_PMM         0x51
+#define NCI_PARAM_ID_LF_T3T_MAX         0x52    /* max num of LF_T3T_ID supported by NFCC (1 for now) */
+#define NCI_PARAM_ID_LF_T3T_FLAGS2      0x53
+#define NCI_PARAM_ID_LF_CON_BITR_F      0x54
+#define NCI_PARAM_ID_FWI                0x58
+#define NCI_PARAM_ID_LA_HIST_BY         0x59
+#define NCI_PARAM_ID_LB_H_INFO_RSP      0x5A
+#define NCI_PARAM_ID_LI_BIT_RATE        0x5B
+#define NCI_PARAM_ID_WT                 0x60
+#define NCI_PARAM_ID_ATR_RSP_CONFIG     0x62
+#define NCI_PARAM_ID_RF_FIELD_INFO      0x80
+#define NCI_PARAM_ID_NFC_DEP_OP         0x82
+/* NCI_PARAM_ID_HOST_LISTEN_MASK (byte1 for DH, byte2 for UICC) */
+#define NCI_LISTEN_MASK_A               0x01 /* (0x01 << (NCI_DISCOVERY_TYPE_LISTEN_A_PASSIVE & 0x0F)) */
+#define NCI_LISTEN_MASK_B               0x02 /* (0x01 << (NCI_DISCOVERY_TYPE_LISTEN_B_PASSIVE & 0x0F)) */
+#define NCI_LISTEN_MASK_F               0x04 /* (0x01 << (NCI_DISCOVERY_TYPE_LISTEN_F_PASSIVE & 0x0F)) */
+#define NCI_LISTEN_MASK_A_ACTIVE        0x08 /* (0x01 << (NCI_DISCOVERY_TYPE_LISTEN_A_ACTIVE & 0x0F))  */
+#define NCI_LISTEN_MASK_B_PRIME         0x10 /* (0x01 << (NCI_DISCOVERY_TYPE_LISTEN_B_PRIME & 0x0F))   */
+#define NCI_LISTEN_MASK_F_ACTIVE        0x20 /* (0x01 << (NCI_DISCOVERY_TYPE_LISTEN_F_ACTIVE & 0x0F))  */
+#define NCI_LISTEN_MASK_ISO15693        0x40 /* (0x01 << (NCI_DISCOVERY_TYPE_LISTEN_ISO15693 & 0x0F))  */
+/* Type A Parameters */
+#define NCI_PARAM_PLATFORM_T1T      0x0C
+ * NCI Parameter ID Lens
+ **********************************************/
+#define NCI_PARAM_LEN_PA_FSDI               1
+#define NCI_PARAM_LEN_LA_SEL_INFO           1
+#define NCI_PARAM_LEN_LB_SENSB_INFO         1
+#define NCI_PARAM_LEN_LB_NFCID0             4
+#define NCI_PARAM_LEN_LB_APPDATA            4
+#define NCI_PARAM_LEN_LB_ADC_FO             1
+#define NCI_PARAM_LEN_LF_PROTOCOL           1
+#define NCI_PARAM_LEN_LF_T3T_FLAGS2         2
+#define NCI_PARAM_LEN_LF_T3T_PMM            8
+#define NCI_PARAM_LEN_LF_T3T_ID            10
+#define NCI_PARAM_LEN_FWI                   1
+#define NCI_PARAM_LEN_WT                    1
+/* GEN_BYTES - variable */
+/* Listen protocol bits - NCI_PARAM_ID_LF_PROTOCOL and NCI_PARAM_ID_LB_SENSB_INFO */
+/* LF_T3T_FLAGS2 listen bits all-disabled definition */
+#define NCI_LF_T3T_FLAGS2_ALL_DISABLED  0x0000
+#define NCI_LF_T3T_FLAGS2_ID1_ENABLED   0x0001
+typedef struct
+    UINT16              addr;
+    UINT8               len;
+    UINT8               *data;
+typedef struct
+    UINT8               status;
+typedef struct
+    UINT16              addr;
+typedef struct
+    UINT8               status;
+    UINT8               *data;
+typedef struct
+    UINT8               hr0;
+    UINT8               hr1;
+typedef struct
+    UINT8               status;
+#ifndef NCI_GET_CMD_BUF