blob: d280c774c68d1cbe58c447e16df1405e7547f029 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.mojo.bindings;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.chromium.mojo.HandleMock;
import org.chromium.mojo.bindings.test.mojom.imported.Color;
import org.chromium.mojo.bindings.test.mojom.imported.Point;
import org.chromium.mojo.bindings.test.mojom.imported.Shape;
import org.chromium.mojo.bindings.test.mojom.imported.Thing;
import org.chromium.mojo.bindings.test.mojom.sample.Bar;
import org.chromium.mojo.bindings.test.mojom.sample.Bar.Type;
import org.chromium.mojo.bindings.test.mojom.sample.DefaultsTest;
import org.chromium.mojo.bindings.test.mojom.sample.Enum;
import org.chromium.mojo.bindings.test.mojom.sample.Foo;
import org.chromium.mojo.bindings.test.mojom.sample.InterfaceConstants;
import org.chromium.mojo.bindings.test.mojom.sample.SampleServiceConstants;
import org.chromium.mojo.bindings.test.mojom.test_structs.EmptyStruct;
import org.chromium.mojo.bindings.test.mojom.test_structs.Rect;
import org.chromium.mojo.system.DataPipe.ConsumerHandle;
import org.chromium.mojo.system.DataPipe.ProducerHandle;
import org.chromium.mojo.system.MessagePipeHandle;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
* Testing generated classes and associated features.
public class BindingsTest extends TestCase {
* Create a new typical Bar instance.
private static Bar newBar() {
Bar bar = new Bar();
bar.alpha = (byte) 0x01;
bar.beta = (byte) 0x02;
bar.gamma = (byte) 0x03;
bar.type = Type.BOTH;
return bar;
* Create a new typical Foo instance.
private static Foo createFoo() {
Foo foo = new Foo(); = "HELLO WORLD";
foo.arrayOfArrayOfBools = new boolean[][] {
{ true, false, true }, { }, { }, { false }, { true } }; = newBar();
foo.a = true;
foo.c = true; = new byte[] { 0x01, 0x02, 0x03 };
foo.extraBars = new Bar[] { newBar(), newBar() };
String[][][] strings = new String[3][2][1];
for (int i0 = 0; i0 < strings.length; ++i0) {
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < strings[i0].length; ++i1) {
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < strings[i0][i1].length; ++i2) {
strings[i0][i1][i2] = "Hello(" + i0 + ", " + i1 + ", " + i2 + ")";
foo.multiArrayOfStrings = strings;
ConsumerHandle[] inputStreams = new ConsumerHandle[5];
for (int i = 0; i < inputStreams.length; ++i) {
inputStreams[i] = new HandleMock();
foo.inputStreams = inputStreams;
ProducerHandle[] outputStreams = new ProducerHandle[3];
for (int i = 0; i < outputStreams.length; ++i) {
outputStreams[i] = new HandleMock();
foo.outputStreams = outputStreams;
foo.source = new HandleMock();
return foo;
private static Rect createRect(int x, int y, int width, int height) {
Rect rect = new Rect();
rect.x = x;
rect.y = y;
rect.width = width;
rect.height = height;
return rect;
private static <T> void checkConstantField(
Field field, Class<T> expectedClass, T value) throws IllegalAccessException {
assertEquals(expectedClass, field.getType());
assertEquals(Modifier.FINAL, field.getModifiers() & Modifier.FINAL);
assertEquals(Modifier.STATIC, field.getModifiers() & Modifier.STATIC);
assertEquals(value, field.get(null));
private static <T> void checkField(Field field, Class<T> expectedClass,
Object object, T value) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException {
assertEquals(expectedClass, field.getType());
assertEquals(0, field.getModifiers() & Modifier.FINAL);
assertEquals(0, field.getModifiers() & Modifier.STATIC);
assertEquals(value, field.get(object));
* Testing constants are correctly generated.
public void testConstants() throws NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException,
IllegalAccessException {
checkConstantField(SampleServiceConstants.class.getField("TWELVE"), byte.class, (byte) 12);
checkConstantField(InterfaceConstants.class.getField("LONG"), long.class, 4405L);
* Testing enums are correctly generated.
public void testEnums() throws NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException,
IllegalAccessException {
checkConstantField(Color.class.getField("RED"), int.class, 0);
checkConstantField(Color.class.getField("BLACK"), int.class, 1);
checkConstantField(Enum.class.getField("VALUE"), int.class, 0);
checkConstantField(Shape.class.getField("RECTANGLE"), int.class, 1);
checkConstantField(Shape.class.getField("CIRCLE"), int.class, 2);
checkConstantField(Shape.class.getField("TRIANGLE"), int.class, 3);
* Testing default values on structs.
* @throws IllegalAccessException
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
public void testStructDefaults() throws NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException,
IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException {
// Check default values.
DefaultsTest test = new DefaultsTest();
checkField(DefaultsTest.class.getField("a0"), byte.class, test, (byte) -12);
checkField(DefaultsTest.class.getField("a1"), byte.class, test, (byte) 12);
checkField(DefaultsTest.class.getField("a2"), short.class, test, (short) 1234);
checkField(DefaultsTest.class.getField("a3"), short.class, test, (short) 34567);
checkField(DefaultsTest.class.getField("a4"), int.class, test, 123456);
checkField(DefaultsTest.class.getField("a5"), int.class, test, (int) 3456789012L);
checkField(DefaultsTest.class.getField("a6"), long.class, test, -111111111111L);
// -8446744073709551617 == 9999999999999999999 - 2 ^ 64.
checkField(DefaultsTest.class.getField("a7"), long.class, test, -8446744073709551617L);
checkField(DefaultsTest.class.getField("a8"), int.class, test, 0x12345);
checkField(DefaultsTest.class.getField("a9"), int.class, test, -0x12345);
checkField(DefaultsTest.class.getField("a10"), int.class, test, 1234);
checkField(DefaultsTest.class.getField("a11"), boolean.class, test, true);
checkField(DefaultsTest.class.getField("a12"), boolean.class, test, false);
checkField(DefaultsTest.class.getField("a13"), float.class, test, (float) 123.25);
checkField(DefaultsTest.class.getField("a14"), double.class, test, 1234567890.123);
checkField(DefaultsTest.class.getField("a15"), double.class, test, 1E10);
checkField(DefaultsTest.class.getField("a16"), double.class, test, -1.2E+20);
checkField(DefaultsTest.class.getField("a17"), double.class, test, +1.23E-20);
checkField(DefaultsTest.class.getField("a18"), byte[].class, test, null);
checkField(DefaultsTest.class.getField("a19"), String.class, test, null);
checkField(DefaultsTest.class.getField("a20"), int.class, test, Bar.Type.BOTH);
checkField(DefaultsTest.class.getField("a21"), Point.class, test, null);
checkField(DefaultsTest.class.getField("a22"), Thing.class, test, test.a22);
checkField(DefaultsTest.class.getField("a23"), long.class, test, -1L);
checkField(DefaultsTest.class.getField("a24"), long.class, test, 0x123456789L);
checkField(DefaultsTest.class.getField("a25"), long.class, test, -0x123456789L);
* Testing generation of the Foo class.
* @throws IllegalAccessException
public void testFooGeneration() throws NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException,
IllegalAccessException {
// Checking Foo constants.
checkConstantField(Foo.class.getField("FOOBY"), String.class, "Fooby");
// Checking Foo default values.
Foo foo = new Foo();
checkField(Foo.class.getField("name"), String.class, foo, Foo.FOOBY);
checkField(Foo.class.getField("source"), MessagePipeHandle.class, foo, foo.source);
* Testing serialization of the Foo class.
public void testFooSerialization() {
// Checking serialization and deserialization of a Foo object.
Foo typicalFoo = createFoo();
Message serializedFoo = typicalFoo.serialize(null);
Foo deserializedFoo = Foo.deserialize(serializedFoo);
assertEquals(typicalFoo, deserializedFoo);
* Testing serialization of the EmptyStruct class.
public void testEmptyStructSerialization() {
// Checking serialization and deserialization of a EmptyStruct object.
Message serializedStruct = new EmptyStruct().serialize(null);
EmptyStruct emptyStruct = EmptyStruct.deserialize(serializedStruct);
// In testing maps we want to make sure that the key used when inserting an
// item the key used when looking it up again are different objects. Java
// has default implementations of equals and hashCode that use reference
// equality and hashing, respectively, and that's not what we want for our
// mojom values.
public void testHashMapStructKey() {
Map<Rect, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put(createRect(1, 2, 3, 4), 123);
Rect key = createRect(1, 2, 3, 4);
assertEquals(123, map.get(key).intValue());