blob: 56d2f6b5b8b4f902ea77ec408ae663463c3ce480 [file] [log] [blame]
//* Copyright (C) 2012 Ittiam Systems Pvt Ltd, Bangalore
//* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
//* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
//* You may obtain a copy of the License at:
//* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
//* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
//* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
//* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
//* limitations under the License.
//* @file
//* ihevc_intra_pred_luma_mode_3_to_9.s
//* @brief
//* contains function definitions for intra prediction dc filtering.
//* functions are coded using neon intrinsics and can be compiled using
//* rvct
//* @author
//* parthiban v
//* @par list of functions:
//* @remarks
//* none
//* @brief
//* luma intraprediction filter for dc input
//* @par description:
//* @param[in] pu1_ref
//* uword8 pointer to the source
//* @param[out] pu1_dst
//* uword8 pointer to the destination
//* @param[in] src_strd
//* integer source stride
//* @param[in] dst_strd
//* integer destination stride
//* @param[in] nt
//* size of tranform block
//* @param[in] mode
//* type of filtering
//* @returns
//* @remarks
//* none
//void ihevc_intra_pred_luma_mode_3_to_9(uword8* pu1_ref,
// word32 src_strd,
// uword8* pu1_dst,
// word32 dst_strd,
// word32 nt,
// word32 mode)
//**************variables vs registers*****************************************
//x0 => *pu1_ref
//x1 => src_strd
//x2 => *pu1_dst
//x3 => dst_strd
//stack contents from #40
// nt
// mode
.align 4
.include "ihevc_neon_macros.s"
.globl ihevc_intra_pred_luma_mode_3_to_9_av8
.extern gai4_ihevc_ang_table
.extern gai4_ihevc_inv_ang_table
.extern col_for_intra_luma
.extern idx_neg_idx_3_9
.type ihevc_intra_pred_luma_mode_3_to_9_av8, %function
// stmfd sp!, {x4-x12, x14} //stack stores the values of the arguments
stp d12,d13,[sp,#-16]!
stp d14,d15,[sp,#-16]!
stp x19, x20,[sp,#-16]!
adrp x7, :got:gai4_ihevc_ang_table
ldr x7, [x7, #:got_lo12:gai4_ihevc_ang_table]
adrp x8, :got:gai4_ihevc_inv_ang_table
ldr x8, [x8, #:got_lo12:gai4_ihevc_inv_ang_table]
add x7, x7, x5, lsl #2 //gai4_ihevc_ang_table[mode]
ldr w7, [x7] //intra_pred_ang
sxtw x7,w7
dup v30.8b,w7 //intra_pred_ang
adrp x14, :got:col_for_intra_luma
ldr x14, [x14, #:got_lo12:col_for_intra_luma]
cmp x4, #4
beq sz_4_proc
b prologue_8_16_32
lsr x10, x4, #3
ld1 {v31.8b},[x14],#8
mul x10, x4, x10 //block counter (dec by #8)
mov x11, x4 //col counter to be inc/dec by #8
smull v22.8h, v30.8b, v31.8b //(col+1)*intra_pred_angle [0:7](col)
sub x7, x5, #3
movi v2.8b, #1 //contains #1 for adding to get ref_main_idx + 1
adrp x12, :got:idx_neg_idx_3_9 //load least idx table
ldr x12, [x12, #:got_lo12:idx_neg_idx_3_9]
movi v3.8b, #2
add x12, x12, x7, lsl #4
mov x8, x12
mov x7, #8
sub x7, x7, x3, lsl #3 //x7 = 8-8x3
ldr w9, [x8]
sxtw x9,w9
add x1, x0, x4, lsl #1 //pu1_ref + nt
xtn v6.8b, v22.8h
dup v26.8b,w9 //least idx added to final idx values
sub x1, x1, #9 //ref_main_idx + 2nt - (8 + 1)(two_nt - idx - row ) for 8 & 8 - 1row
sub x6, x1, x9
ld1 {v0.16b}, [x6] //stores the 32 values reqd based on indices values (from least idx)
sshr v22.8h, v22.8h,#5
movi v29.8b, #31 //contains #31 for vand operation
movi v28.8b, #32
sqxtn v1.8b, v22.8h
and v6.8b, v6.8b , v29.8b //fract values in d1/ idx values in d0
mov x0, #1
movi v27.8b, #7 //row 0 to 7
sub v1.8b, v1.8b , v2.8b //ref_main_idx (sub row)
sub v1.8b, v26.8b , v1.8b //ref_main_idx (row 0)
add v1.8b, v1.8b , v27.8b //t0 compensate the pu1_src idx incremented by 8
sub v19.8b, v1.8b , v2.8b //ref_main_idx + 1 (row 0)
tbl v12.8b, {v0.16b},v1.8b //load from ref_main_idx (row 0)
sub v7.8b, v28.8b , v6.8b //32-fract
tbl v13.8b, {v0.16b},v19.8b //load from ref_main_idx + 1 (row 0)
sub v4.8b, v1.8b , v2.8b //ref_main_idx (row 1)
sub v5.8b, v19.8b , v2.8b //ref_main_idx + 1 (row 1)
tbl v16.8b, {v0.16b},v4.8b //load from ref_main_idx (row 1)
umull v24.8h, v12.8b, v7.8b //mul (row 0)
umlal v24.8h, v13.8b, v6.8b //mul (row 0)
tbl v17.8b, {v0.16b},v5.8b //load from ref_main_idx + 1 (row 1)
sub v1.8b, v1.8b , v3.8b //ref_main_idx (row 2)
sub v19.8b, v19.8b , v3.8b //ref_main_idx + 1 (row 2)
rshrn v24.8b, v24.8h,#5 //round shft (row 0)
tbl v14.8b, {v0.16b},v1.8b //load from ref_main_idx (row 2)
umull v22.8h, v16.8b, v7.8b //mul (row 1)
umlal v22.8h, v17.8b, v6.8b //mul (row 1)
tbl v15.8b, {v0.16b},v19.8b //load from ref_main_idx + 1 (row 2)
sub v4.8b, v4.8b , v3.8b //ref_main_idx (row 3)
sub v5.8b, v5.8b , v3.8b //ref_main_idx + 1 (row 3)
st1 {v24.8b},[x2], x3 //st (row 0)
rshrn v22.8b, v22.8h,#5 //round shft (row 1)
tbl v23.8b, {v0.16b},v4.8b //load from ref_main_idx (row 3)
umull v20.8h, v14.8b, v7.8b //mul (row 2)
umlal v20.8h, v15.8b, v6.8b //mul (row 2)
tbl v25.8b, {v0.16b},v5.8b //load from ref_main_idx + 1 (row 3)
sub v1.8b, v1.8b , v3.8b //ref_main_idx (row 4)
sub v19.8b, v19.8b , v3.8b //ref_main_idx + 1 (row 4)
st1 {v22.8b},[x2], x3 //st (row 1)
rshrn v20.8b, v20.8h,#5 //round shft (row 2)
tbl v12.8b, {v0.16b},v1.8b //load from ref_main_idx (row 4)
umull v18.8h, v23.8b, v7.8b //mul (row 3)
umlal v18.8h, v25.8b, v6.8b //mul (row 3)
tbl v13.8b, {v0.16b},v19.8b //load from ref_main_idx + 1 (row 4)
sub v4.8b, v4.8b , v3.8b //ref_main_idx (row 5)
sub v5.8b, v5.8b , v3.8b //ref_main_idx + 1 (row 5)
st1 {v20.8b},[x2], x3 //st (row 2)
rshrn v18.8b, v18.8h,#5 //round shft (row 3)
tbl v16.8b, {v0.16b},v4.8b //load from ref_main_idx (row 5)
umull v24.8h, v12.8b, v7.8b //mul (row 4)
umlal v24.8h, v13.8b, v6.8b //mul (row 4)
tbl v17.8b, {v0.16b},v5.8b //load from ref_main_idx + 1 (row 5)
sub v1.8b, v1.8b , v3.8b //ref_main_idx (row 6)
sub v19.8b, v19.8b , v3.8b //ref_main_idx + 1 (row 6)
st1 {v18.8b},[x2], x3 //st (row 3)
rshrn v24.8b, v24.8h,#5 //round shft (row 4)
tbl v14.8b, {v0.16b},v1.8b //load from ref_main_idx (row 6)
umull v22.8h, v16.8b, v7.8b //mul (row 5)
umlal v22.8h, v17.8b, v6.8b //mul (row 5)
tbl v15.8b, {v0.16b},v19.8b //load from ref_main_idx + 1 (row 6)
sub v4.8b, v4.8b , v3.8b //ref_main_idx (row 7)
sub v5.8b, v5.8b , v3.8b //ref_main_idx + 1 (row 7)
st1 {v24.8b},[x2], x3 //st (row 4)
rshrn v22.8b, v22.8h,#5 //round shft (row 5)
tbl v23.8b, {v0.16b},v4.8b //load from ref_main_idx (row 7)
umull v20.8h, v14.8b, v7.8b //mul (row 6)
umlal v20.8h, v15.8b, v6.8b //mul (row 6)
tbl v25.8b, {v0.16b},v5.8b //load from ref_main_idx + 1 (row 7)
umull v18.8h, v23.8b, v7.8b //mul (row 7)
umlal v18.8h, v25.8b, v6.8b //mul (row 7)
st1 {v22.8b},[x2], x3 //st (row 5)
rshrn v20.8b, v20.8h,#5 //round shft (row 6)
rshrn v18.8b, v18.8h,#5 //round shft (row 7)
st1 {v20.8b},[x2], x3 //st (row 6)
subs x10, x10, #8 //subtract 8 and go to end if 8x8
st1 {v18.8b},[x2], x3 //st (row 7)
beq end_func
subs x11, x11, #8
add x20, x8, #4
csel x8, x20, x8,gt
add x20, x2, x7
csel x2, x20, x2,gt
csel x8, x12, x8,le
sub x20, x2, x4
csel x2, x20, x2,le
add x20, x2, #8
csel x2, x20, x2,le
csel x11, x4, x11,le
bgt lbl284
adrp x14, :got:col_for_intra_luma
ldr x14, [x14, #:got_lo12:col_for_intra_luma]
add x20, x0, #8
csel x0, x20, x0,le
mov x5,x2
ld1 {v31.8b},[x14],#8
smull v12.8h, v30.8b, v31.8b //(col+1)*intra_pred_angle [0:7](col)
xtn v23.8b, v12.8h
sshr v12.8h, v12.8h,#5
sqxtn v25.8b, v12.8h
ldr w9, [x8]
sxtw x9,w9
add x9, x0, x9
sub x9, x9, #1
dup v26.8b,w9
movi v16.8b, #8
sub x4,x4,#8
sub v1.8b, v26.8b , v25.8b //ref_main_idx
mov v26.8b, v23.8b
subs x11, x11, #8
sub x6, x1, x9
tbl v23.8b, {v0.16b},v4.8b //load from ref_main_idx (row 7)
add v1.8b, v1.8b , v16.8b //to compensate the pu1_src idx incremented by 8
umull v20.8h, v14.8b, v7.8b //mul (row 6)
tbl v25.8b, {v0.16b},v5.8b //load from ref_main_idx - 1 (row 7)
umlal v20.8h, v15.8b, v6.8b //mul (row 6)
sub v19.8b, v1.8b , v2.8b //ref_main_idx - 1
add x20, x0, #8
csel x0, x20, x0,le
add x20, x8, #4
csel x8, x20, x8,gt
ld1 {v0.16b}, [x6] //stores the 32 values reqd based on indices values (from least idx)
st1 {v24.8b},[x5], x3 //st (row 4)
rshrn v22.8b, v22.8h,#5 //round shft (row 5)
bgt lbl323
adrp x14, :got:col_for_intra_luma
ldr x14, [x14, #:got_lo12:col_for_intra_luma]
csel x8, x12, x8,le
dup v27.8b,w0 //row value inc or reset accordingly
sub v4.8b, v1.8b , v2.8b //ref_main_idx (row 1)
tbl v12.8b, {v0.16b},v1.8b //load from ref_main_idx (row 0)
sub v5.8b, v19.8b , v2.8b //ref_main_idx - 1 (row 1)
umull v18.8h, v23.8b, v7.8b //mul (row 7)
tbl v13.8b, {v0.16b},v19.8b //load from ref_main_idx + 1 (row 0)
umlal v18.8h, v25.8b, v6.8b //mul (row 7)
ld1 {v31.8b},[x14],#8
and v6.8b, v29.8b , v26.8b //fract values in d1/ idx values in d0
st1 {v22.8b},[x5], x3 //(from previous loop)st (row 5)
rshrn v20.8b, v20.8h,#5 //(from previous loop)round shft (row 6)
sub v1.8b, v1.8b , v3.8b //ref_main_idx (row 2)
tbl v23.8b, {v0.16b},v4.8b //load from ref_main_idx (row 1)
sub v19.8b, v19.8b , v3.8b //ref_main_idx - 1 (row 2)
add x20, x4, #8
csel x11, x20, x11,le
ldr w9, [x8]
sxtw x9,w9
sub v7.8b, v28.8b , v6.8b //32-fract
umull v24.8h, v12.8b, v7.8b //mul (row 0)
tbl v17.8b, {v0.16b},v5.8b //load from ref_main_idx + 1 (row 1)
umlal v24.8h, v13.8b, v6.8b //mul (row 0)
st1 {v20.8b},[x5], x3 //(from previous loop)st (row 6)
rshrn v18.8b, v18.8h,#5 //(from previous loop)round shft (row 7)
sub v4.8b, v4.8b , v3.8b //ref_main_idx (row 3)
tbl v14.8b, {v0.16b},v1.8b //load from ref_main_idx (row 2)
sub v5.8b, v5.8b , v3.8b //ref_main_idx - 1 (row 3)
umull v22.8h, v23.8b, v7.8b //mul (row 1)
tbl v15.8b, {v0.16b},v19.8b //load from ref_main_idx + 1 (row 2)
umlal v22.8h, v17.8b, v6.8b //mul (row 1)
rshrn v24.8b, v24.8h,#5 //round shft (row 0)
st1 {v18.8b},[x5], x3 //(from previous loop)st (row 7)
sub v1.8b, v1.8b , v3.8b //ref_main_idx (row 4)
tbl v23.8b, {v0.16b},v4.8b //load from ref_main_idx (row 3)
sub v19.8b, v19.8b , v3.8b //ref_main_idx - 1 (row 4)
umull v20.8h, v14.8b, v7.8b //mul (row 2)
tbl v25.8b, {v0.16b},v5.8b //load from ref_main_idx + 1 (row 3)
umlal v20.8h, v15.8b, v6.8b //mul (row 2)
smull v14.8h, v30.8b, v31.8b //(col+1)*intra_pred_angle [0:7](col)
add x5,x2,x3,lsl#2
add x9, x0, x9
st1 {v24.8b},[x2], x3 //st (row 0)
rshrn v22.8b, v22.8h,#5 //round shft (row 1)
sub v4.8b, v4.8b , v3.8b //ref_main_idx (row 5)
tbl v12.8b, {v0.16b},v1.8b //load from ref_main_idx (row 4)
sub v5.8b, v5.8b , v3.8b //ref_main_idx - 1 (row 5)
umull v18.8h, v23.8b, v7.8b //mul (row 3)
tbl v13.8b, {v0.16b},v19.8b //load from ref_main_idx + 1 (row 4)
umlal v18.8h, v25.8b, v6.8b //mul (row 3)
st1 {v22.8b},[x2], x3 //st (row 1)
rshrn v20.8b, v20.8h,#5 //round shft (row 2)
xtn v23.8b, v14.8h
sshr v14.8h, v14.8h,#5
sub v1.8b, v1.8b , v3.8b //ref_main_idx (row 6)
tbl v21.8b, {v0.16b},v4.8b //load from ref_main_idx (row 5)
sub v19.8b, v19.8b , v3.8b //ref_main_idx - 1 (row 6)
umull v24.8h, v12.8b, v7.8b //mul (row 4)
tbl v17.8b, {v0.16b},v5.8b //load from ref_main_idx + 1 (row 5)
umlal v24.8h, v13.8b, v6.8b //mul (row 4)
st1 {v20.8b},[x2], x3 //st (row 2)
rshrn v18.8b, v18.8h,#5 //round shft (row 3)
sub x9, x9, #1
sqxtn v25.8b, v14.8h
sub v4.8b, v4.8b , v3.8b //ref_main_idx (row 7)
tbl v14.8b, {v0.16b},v1.8b //load from ref_main_idx (row 6)
sub v5.8b, v5.8b , v3.8b //ref_main_idx - 1 (row 7)
umull v22.8h, v21.8b, v7.8b //mul (row 5)
tbl v15.8b, {v0.16b},v19.8b //load from ref_main_idx + 1 (row 6)
umlal v22.8h, v17.8b, v6.8b //mul (row 5)
add v25.8b, v27.8b , v25.8b //ref_main_idx (add row)
dup v26.8b,w9
st1 {v18.8b},[x2], x3 //st (row 3)
rshrn v24.8b, v24.8h,#5 //round shft (row 4)
add x2, x2, x3, lsl #2
sub v25.8b, v25.8b , v2.8b //ref_main_idx -1 (sub 1)
add x20, x7, x2
csel x2, x20, x2,gt
sub x20, x2, x4
csel x2, x20, x2,le
subs x10, x10, #8 //subtract 8 and go to end if 8x8
bne kernel_8_16_32
tbl v23.8b, {v0.16b},v4.8b //load from ref_main_idx (row 7)
umull v20.8h, v14.8b, v7.8b //mul (row 6)
tbl v25.8b, {v0.16b},v5.8b //load from ref_main_idx + 1 (row 7)
umlal v20.8h, v15.8b, v6.8b //mul (row 6)
st1 {v24.8b},[x5], x3 //st (row 4)
rshrn v24.8b, v22.8h,#5 //round shft (row 5)
umull v18.8h, v23.8b, v7.8b //mul (row 7)
umlal v18.8h, v25.8b, v6.8b //mul (row 7)
st1 {v24.8b},[x5], x3 //(from previous loop)st (row 5)
rshrn v20.8b, v20.8h,#5 //(from previous loop)round shft (row 6)
st1 {v20.8b},[x5], x3 //(from previous loop)st (row 6)
rshrn v18.8b, v18.8h,#5 //(from previous loop)round shft (row 7)
st1 {v18.8b},[x5], x3 //st (row 7)
b end_func
ld1 {v31.8b},[x14]
movi v2.8b, #1 //contains #1 for adding to get ref_main_idx - 1
movi v3.8b, #2
adrp x12, :got:idx_neg_idx_3_9 //load least idx table
ldr x12, [x12, #:got_lo12:idx_neg_idx_3_9]
smull v22.8h, v30.8b, v31.8b //(col+1)*intra_pred_angle [0:7](col)
sub x7, x5, #3
add x12, x12, x7, lsl #4
mov x8, x12
ldr w9, [x8]
sxtw x9,w9
dup v26.8b,w9 //least idx added to final idx values
add x6, x0, x4, lsl #1 //pu1_ref + 2nt
xtn v6.8b, v22.8h
sub x6, x6, #9 //ref_main_idx + 2nt - (8 + 1)(two_nt - idx - row ) for 8 & 8 - 1row
sub x6, x6, x9
ld1 {v0.16b}, [x6] //stores the 32 values reqd based on indices values (from least idx)
movi v29.8b, #31 //contains #31 for vand operation
movi v28.8b, #32
sshr v22.8h, v22.8h,#5
sqxtn v1.8b, v22.8h
and v6.8b, v6.8b , v29.8b //fract values in d1/ idx values in d0
sub v7.8b, v28.8b , v6.8b //32-fract
movi v27.8b, #7 //row 0 to 7(row-1)
sub v1.8b, v1.8b , v2.8b //ref_main_idx (add 1)
sub v1.8b, v26.8b , v1.8b //ref_main_idx
add v1.8b, v1.8b , v27.8b //t0 compensate the pu1_src idx incremented by 8
sub v19.8b, v1.8b , v2.8b //ref_main_idx - 1
sub v4.8b, v1.8b , v2.8b //row 1 ref_main_idx
sub v5.8b, v19.8b , v2.8b
tbl v12.8b, {v0.16b},v1.8b //load from ref_main_idx (row 0)
tbl v13.8b, {v0.16b},v19.8b //load from ref_main_idx + 1 (row 0)
umull v24.8h, v12.8b, v7.8b //mul (row 0)
tbl v16.8b, {v0.16b},v4.8b //load from ref_main_idx (row 1)
umlal v24.8h, v13.8b, v6.8b //mul (row 0)
sub v1.8b, v1.8b , v3.8b //idx (row 2)
tbl v17.8b, {v0.16b},v5.8b //load from ref_main_idx + 1 (row 1)
sub v19.8b, v19.8b , v3.8b //idx+1 (row 2)
umull v22.8h, v16.8b, v7.8b //mul (row 1)
tbl v12.8b, {v0.16b},v1.8b //load from ref_main_idx (row 2)
umlal v22.8h, v17.8b, v6.8b //mul (row 1)
rshrn v24.8b, v24.8h,#5 //round shift (row 0)
sub v4.8b, v4.8b , v3.8b //idx (row 3)
tbl v13.8b, {v0.16b},v19.8b //load from ref_main_idx + 1 (row 2)
sub v5.8b, v5.8b , v3.8b //idx+1 (row 3)
umull v20.8h, v12.8b, v7.8b //mul (row 2)
tbl v16.8b, {v0.16b},v4.8b //load from ref_main_idx (row 3)
umlal v20.8h, v13.8b, v6.8b //mul (row 2)
st1 {v24.s}[0],[x2], x3 //st row 0
rshrn v22.8b, v22.8h,#5 //round shift (row 1)
tbl v17.8b, {v0.16b},v5.8b //load from ref_main_idx + 1 (row 3)
umull v18.8h, v16.8b, v7.8b //mul (row 3)
umlal v18.8h, v17.8b, v6.8b //mul (row 3)
st1 {v22.s}[0],[x2], x3 //st row 1
rshrn v20.8b, v20.8h,#5 //round shift (row 2)
st1 {v20.s}[0],[x2], x3 //st row 2
rshrn v18.8b, v18.8h,#5 //round shift (row 3)
st1 {v18.s}[0],[x2], x3 //st (row 3)
// ldmfd sp!,{x4-x12,x15} //reload the registers from sp
ldp x19, x20,[sp],#16
ldp d14,d15,[sp],#16
ldp d12,d13,[sp],#16