Libgdx gradle setup

Modular setup powered by gradle, allowing any combination of sub projects and official extensions to get you up and running in a few clicks. Although this tool will handle setup for you, LEARN GRADLE!

Setup Ui

Example of use:

DependencyBank bank = new DependencyBank();

ProjectBuilder builder = new ProjectBuilder();
List<ProjectType> modules = new ArrayList<ProjectType>();
// Gwt has no friends

List<Dependency> dependencies = new ArrayList<Dependency>();

List<String> incompatList = builder.buildProject(modules, dependencies);
//incompatList is a list of strings if there are incompatibilities found.
// The setup ui checks for these and pops up a dialog.

The builder will generate the settings.gradle, build.gradle file, as well as alter all the platform specific files that reference dependencies/assets.

Files Altered:

  • settings.gradle
  • build.gradle
  • GdxDefinition.gwt.xml
  • GdxDefinitionSuperDev.gwt.xml
  • robovm.xml
  • desktop/build.gradle (for eclipse task)

Modular setup classes

  • BuildScriptHelper - Helper class for writing the build.gradle script to file.
  • Dependency - Holds all the information for a dependency for all platforms
  • ProjectBuilder - The project builder, manages the writers and temporary files
  • DependencyBank - The bank for all supported sub modules, and dependencies. Project repositories and plugin versions are defined here.


android/assets is the assets directory, however if there is no android project selected, it will configure the project to use core/assets