blob: b891bae26546c103d924c3b2426de7daddeeff5a [file] [log] [blame]
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include "src/utils/bit_reader.h"
namespace libgav1 {
class DaalaBitReader : public BitReader {
DaalaBitReader(const uint8_t* data, size_t size, bool allow_update_cdf);
~DaalaBitReader() override = default;
// Move only.
DaalaBitReader(DaalaBitReader&& rhs) noexcept;
DaalaBitReader& operator=(DaalaBitReader&& rhs) noexcept;
int ReadBit() override;
int64_t ReadLiteral(int num_bits) override;
// ReadSymbol() calls for which the |symbol_count| is only known at runtime
// will use this variant.
int ReadSymbol(uint16_t* cdf, int symbol_count);
// ReadSymbol() calls for which the |symbol_count| is equal to 2 (boolean
// symbols) will use this variant.
bool ReadSymbol(uint16_t* cdf);
bool ReadSymbolWithoutCdfUpdate(uint16_t* cdf);
// Use either linear search or binary search for decoding the symbol depending
// on |symbol_count|. ReadSymbol calls for which the |symbol_count| is known
// at compile time will use this variant.
template <int symbol_count>
int ReadSymbol(uint16_t* const cdf) {
static_assert(symbol_count >= 3 && symbol_count <= 16, "");
const int symbol = (symbol_count <= 13)
? ReadSymbolImpl(cdf, symbol_count)
: ReadSymbolImplBinarySearch(cdf, symbol_count);
if (allow_update_cdf_) {
UpdateCdf(cdf, symbol_count, symbol);
return symbol;
using WindowSize = uint32_t;
static constexpr uint32_t kWindowSize =
static_cast<uint32_t>(sizeof(WindowSize)) * 8;
// Reads a symbol using the |cdf| table which contains the probabilities of
// each symbol. On a high level, this function does the following:
// 1) Scale the |cdf| values.
// 2) Find the index in the |cdf| array where the scaled CDF value crosses
// the modified |window_diff_| threshold.
// 3) That index is the symbol that has been decoded.
// 4) Update |window_diff_| and |values_in_range_| based on the symbol that
// has been decoded.
int ReadSymbolImpl(const uint16_t* cdf, int symbol_count);
// Similar to ReadSymbolImpl but it uses binary search to perform step 2 in
// the comment above. As of now, this function is called when |symbol_count|
// is greater than or equal to 8.
int ReadSymbolImplBinarySearch(const uint16_t* cdf, int symbol_count);
// Specialized implementation of ReadSymbolImpl based on the fact that
// symbol_count == 2.
int ReadSymbolImpl(const uint16_t* cdf);
void PopulateBits();
// Normalizes the range so that 32768 <= |values_in_range_| < 65536. Also
// calls PopulateBits() if necessary.
void NormalizeRange();
void UpdateCdf(uint16_t* cdf, int symbol_count, int symbol);
const uint8_t* data_;
const size_t size_;
size_t data_index_;
const bool allow_update_cdf_;
// Number of bits of data in the current value.
int bits_;
// Number of values in the current range.
uint16_t values_in_range_;
// The difference between the high end of the current range and the coded
// value minus 1. The 16 least significant bits of this variable is used to
// decode the next symbol. It is filled in whenever |bits_| is less than 0.
WindowSize window_diff_;
} // namespace libgav1