| |
| #include <cstdint> |
| #include <cstdlib> |
| |
| #include "src/utils/bit_mask_set.h" |
| |
| namespace libgav1 { |
| |
| // Returns the number of elements between begin (inclusive) and end (inclusive). |
| constexpr int EnumRangeLength(int begin, int end) { return end - begin + 1; } |
| |
| enum { |
| kCdfMaxProbability = 32768, |
| kBlockWidthCount = 5, |
| kMaxSegments = 8, |
| kMinQuantizer = 0, |
| kMinLossyQuantizer = 1, |
| kMaxQuantizer = 255, |
| kFrameLfCount = 4, |
| kMaxLoopFilterValue = 63, |
| kNum4x4In64x64 = 256, |
| kNumLoopFilterMasks = 4, |
| kMaxAngleDelta = 3, |
| kDirectionalIntraModes = 8, |
| kMaxSuperBlockSizeLog2 = 7, |
| kMinSuperBlockSizeLog2 = 6, |
| kGlobalMotionReadControl = 3, |
| kSuperResScaleNumerator = 8, |
| kBooleanSymbolCount = 2, |
| kRestorationTypeSymbolCount = 3, |
| kSgrProjParamsBits = 4, |
| kSgrProjPrecisionBits = 7, |
| kRestorationBorder = 3, // Padding on each side of a restoration block. |
| kCdefBorder = 2, // Padding on each side of a cdef block. |
| kConvolveBorderLeftTop = 3, // Left/top padding of a convolve block. |
| kConvolveBorderRightBottom = 4, // Right/bottom padding of a convolve block. |
| kSubPixelTaps = 8, |
| kWienerFilterBits = 7, |
| kMaxPaletteSize = 8, |
| kMinPaletteSize = 2, |
| kMaxPaletteSquare = 64, |
| kBorderPixels = 64, |
| // Although the left and right borders of a frame start with kBorderPixels, |
| // they may change if YuvBuffer::ShiftBuffer() is called. These constants |
| // are the minimum left and right border sizes in pixels as an extension of |
| // the frame boundary. The minimum border sizes are derived from the |
| // following requirements: |
| // - Warp_C() may read up to 13 pixels before or after a row. |
| // - Warp_NEON() may read up to 13 pixels before a row. It may read up to 14 |
| // pixels after a row, but the value of the last read pixel is not used. |
| kMinLeftBorderPixels = 13, |
| kMinRightBorderPixels = 13, |
| kWarpedModelPrecisionBits = 16, |
| kMaxRefMvStackSize = 8, |
| kExtraWeightForNearestMvs = 640, |
| kMaxLeastSquaresSamples = 8, |
| kMaxSuperBlockSizeInPixels = 128, |
| kMaxSuperBlockSizeSquareInPixels = 128 * 128, |
| kNum4x4InLoopFilterMaskUnit = 16, |
| kRestorationUnitOffset = 8, |
| // 2 pixel padding for 5x5 box sum on each side. |
| kRestorationPadding = 4, |
| // Loop restoration's processing unit size is fixed as 64x64. |
| kRestorationProcessingUnitSize = 64, |
| kRestorationProcessingUnitSizeWithBorders = |
| kRestorationProcessingUnitSize + 2 * kRestorationBorder, |
| // The max size of a box filter process output buffer. |
| kMaxBoxFilterProcessOutputPixels = kRestorationProcessingUnitSize * |
| kRestorationProcessingUnitSize, // == 4096 |
| // The max size of a box filter process intermediate buffer. |
| kBoxFilterProcessIntermediatePixels = |
| (kRestorationProcessingUnitSizeWithBorders + kRestorationPadding) * |
| (kRestorationProcessingUnitSizeWithBorders + |
| kRestorationPadding), // == 5476 |
| kSuperResFilterBits = 6, |
| kSuperResFilterShifts = 1 << kSuperResFilterBits, |
| kSuperResFilterTaps = 8, |
| kSuperResScaleBits = 14, |
| kSuperResExtraBits = kSuperResScaleBits - kSuperResFilterBits, |
| kSuperResScaleMask = (1 << 14) - 1, |
| // TODO(chengchen): consider merging these constants: |
| // kFilterbits, kWienerFilterBits, and kSgrProjPrecisionBits, which are all 7, |
| // They are designed to match AV1 convolution, which increases coeff |
| // values up to 7 bits. We could consider to combine them and use kFilterBits |
| // only. |
| kFilterBits = 7, |
| // Sub pixel is used in AV1 to represent a pixel location that is not at |
| // integer position. Sub pixel is in 1/16 (1 << kSubPixelBits) unit of |
| // integer pixel. Sub pixel values are interpolated using adjacent integer |
| // pixel values. The interpolation is a filtering process. |
| kSubPixelBits = 4, |
| // Precision bits when computing inter prediction locations. |
| kScaleSubPixelBits = 10, |
| kWarpParamRoundingBits = 6, |
| // Number of fractional bits of lookup in divisor lookup table. |
| kDivisorLookupBits = 8, |
| // Number of fractional bits of entries in divisor lookup table. |
| kDivisorLookupPrecisionBits = 14, |
| // Number of phases used in warped filtering. |
| kWarpedPixelPrecisionShifts = 1 << 6, |
| kQuantizedCoefficientBufferPadding = 4, |
| // Maximum number of quantized coefficients that can be read from the |
| // bitstream. This comes from the definition of segEob in section 5.11.39. |
| // Size of the quantized coefficients buffer. This comes from the definition |
| // of segEob in section 5.11.39 (with 4 bytes padded to each row and 4 rows |
| // padded in the end to avoid boundary checks). |
| kQuantizedCoefficientBufferSize = (32 + kQuantizedCoefficientBufferPadding) * |
| (32 + kQuantizedCoefficientBufferPadding), |
| kWedgeMaskMasterSize = 64, |
| kMaxMaskBlockSize = kWedgeMaskMasterSize * kWedgeMaskMasterSize, |
| kWedgeMaskSize = 9 * 2 * 16 * kWedgeMaskMasterSize * kWedgeMaskMasterSize, |
| kMaxFrameDistance = 31, |
| kReferenceFrameScalePrecision = 14, |
| kNumWienerCoefficients = 3, |
| // Maximum number of threads that the library will ever create. |
| kMaxThreads = 32, |
| }; // anonymous enum |
| |
| enum FrameType : uint8_t { |
| kFrameKey, |
| kFrameInter, |
| kFrameIntraOnly, |
| kFrameSwitch |
| }; |
| |
| enum Plane : uint8_t { kPlaneY, kPlaneU, kPlaneV }; |
| enum : uint8_t { kMaxPlanesMonochrome = kPlaneY + 1, kMaxPlanes = kPlaneV + 1 }; |
| |
| // The plane types, called luma and chroma in the spec. |
| enum PlaneType : uint8_t { kPlaneTypeY, kPlaneTypeUV, kNumPlaneTypes }; |
| |
| enum ReferenceFrameType : int8_t { |
| kReferenceFrameNone = -1, |
| kReferenceFrameIntra, |
| kReferenceFrameLast, |
| kReferenceFrameLast2, |
| kReferenceFrameLast3, |
| kReferenceFrameGolden, |
| kReferenceFrameBackward, |
| kReferenceFrameAlternate2, |
| kReferenceFrameAlternate, |
| kNumReferenceFrameTypes, |
| kNumInterReferenceFrameTypes = |
| EnumRangeLength(kReferenceFrameLast, kReferenceFrameAlternate), |
| kNumForwardReferenceTypes = |
| EnumRangeLength(kReferenceFrameLast, kReferenceFrameGolden), |
| kNumBackwardReferenceTypes = |
| EnumRangeLength(kReferenceFrameBackward, kReferenceFrameAlternate) |
| }; |
| |
| enum { |
| // Unidirectional compound reference pairs that are signaled explicitly: |
| // {kReferenceFrameLast, kReferenceFrameLast2}, |
| // {kReferenceFrameLast, kReferenceFrameLast3}, |
| // {kReferenceFrameLast, kReferenceFrameGolden}, |
| // {kReferenceFrameBackward, kReferenceFrameAlternate} |
| kExplicitUnidirectionalCompoundReferences = 4, |
| // Other unidirectional compound reference pairs: |
| // {kReferenceFrameLast2, kReferenceFrameLast3}, |
| // {kReferenceFrameLast2, kReferenceFrameGolden}, |
| // {kReferenceFrameLast3, kReferenceFrameGolden}, |
| // {kReferenceFrameBackward, kReferenceFrameAlternate2}, |
| // {kReferenceFrameAlternate2, kReferenceFrameAlternate} |
| kUnidirectionalCompoundReferences = |
| kExplicitUnidirectionalCompoundReferences + 5, |
| }; // anonymous enum |
| |
| enum BlockSize : uint8_t { |
| kBlock4x4, |
| kBlock4x8, |
| kBlock4x16, |
| kBlock8x4, |
| kBlock8x8, |
| kBlock8x16, |
| kBlock8x32, |
| kBlock16x4, |
| kBlock16x8, |
| kBlock16x16, |
| kBlock16x32, |
| kBlock16x64, |
| kBlock32x8, |
| kBlock32x16, |
| kBlock32x32, |
| kBlock32x64, |
| kBlock64x16, |
| kBlock64x32, |
| kBlock64x64, |
| kBlock64x128, |
| kBlock128x64, |
| kBlock128x128, |
| kMaxBlockSizes, |
| kBlockInvalid |
| }; |
| |
| // Partition types. R: Recursive |
| // |
| // None Horizontal Vertical Split |
| // +-------+ +-------+ +---+---+ +---+---+ |
| // | | | | | | | | R | R | |
| // | | +-------+ | | | +---+---+ |
| // | | | | | | | | R | R | |
| // +-------+ +-------+ +---+---+ +---+---+ |
| // |
| // Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical |
| // with top with bottom with left with right |
| // split split split split |
| // +---+---+ +-------+ +---+---+ +---+---+ |
| // | | | | | | | | | | | |
| // +---+---+ +---+---+ +---+ | | +---+ |
| // | | | | | | | | | | | |
| // +-------+ +---+---+ +---+---+ +---+---+ |
| // |
| // Horizontal4 Vertical4 |
| // +-----+ +-+-+-+ |
| // +-----+ | | | | |
| // +-----+ | | | | |
| // +-----+ +-+-+-+ |
| enum Partition : uint8_t { |
| kPartitionNone, |
| kPartitionHorizontal, |
| kPartitionVertical, |
| kPartitionSplit, |
| kPartitionHorizontalWithTopSplit, |
| kPartitionHorizontalWithBottomSplit, |
| kPartitionVerticalWithLeftSplit, |
| kPartitionVerticalWithRightSplit, |
| kPartitionHorizontal4, |
| kPartitionVertical4 |
| }; |
| enum : uint8_t { kMaxPartitionTypes = kPartitionVertical4 + 1 }; |
| |
| enum PredictionMode : uint8_t { |
| // Intra prediction modes. |
| kPredictionModeDc, |
| kPredictionModeVertical, |
| kPredictionModeHorizontal, |
| kPredictionModeD45, |
| kPredictionModeD135, |
| kPredictionModeD113, |
| kPredictionModeD157, |
| kPredictionModeD203, |
| kPredictionModeD67, |
| kPredictionModeSmooth, |
| kPredictionModeSmoothVertical, |
| kPredictionModeSmoothHorizontal, |
| kPredictionModePaeth, |
| kPredictionModeChromaFromLuma, |
| // Single inter prediction modes. |
| kPredictionModeNearestMv, |
| kPredictionModeNearMv, |
| kPredictionModeGlobalMv, |
| kPredictionModeNewMv, |
| // Compound inter prediction modes. |
| kPredictionModeNearestNearestMv, |
| kPredictionModeNearNearMv, |
| kPredictionModeNearestNewMv, |
| kPredictionModeNewNearestMv, |
| kPredictionModeNearNewMv, |
| kPredictionModeNewNearMv, |
| kPredictionModeGlobalGlobalMv, |
| kPredictionModeNewNewMv, |
| kNumPredictionModes, |
| kNumCompoundInterPredictionModes = |
| EnumRangeLength(kPredictionModeNearestNearestMv, kPredictionModeNewNewMv), |
| kIntraPredictionModesY = |
| EnumRangeLength(kPredictionModeDc, kPredictionModePaeth), |
| kIntraPredictionModesUV = |
| EnumRangeLength(kPredictionModeDc, kPredictionModeChromaFromLuma), |
| kPredictionModeInvalid = 255 |
| }; |
| |
| enum InterIntraMode : uint8_t { |
| kInterIntraModeDc, |
| kInterIntraModeVertical, |
| kInterIntraModeHorizontal, |
| kInterIntraModeSmooth, |
| kNumInterIntraModes |
| }; |
| |
| enum MotionMode : uint8_t { |
| kMotionModeSimple, |
| kMotionModeObmc, // Overlapped block motion compensation. |
| kMotionModeLocalWarp, |
| kNumMotionModes |
| }; |
| |
| enum TxMode : uint8_t { |
| kTxModeOnly4x4, |
| kTxModeLargest, |
| kTxModeSelect, |
| kNumTxModes |
| }; |
| |
| // These enums are named as kType1Type2 where Type1 is the transform type for |
| // the rows and Type2 is the transform type for the columns. |
| enum TransformType : uint8_t { |
| kTransformTypeDctDct, |
| kTransformTypeAdstDct, |
| kTransformTypeDctAdst, |
| kTransformTypeAdstAdst, |
| kTransformTypeFlipadstDct, |
| kTransformTypeDctFlipadst, |
| kTransformTypeFlipadstFlipadst, |
| kTransformTypeAdstFlipadst, |
| kTransformTypeFlipadstAdst, |
| kTransformTypeIdentityIdentity, |
| kTransformTypeIdentityDct, |
| kTransformTypeDctIdentity, |
| kTransformTypeIdentityAdst, |
| kTransformTypeAdstIdentity, |
| kTransformTypeIdentityFlipadst, |
| kTransformTypeFlipadstIdentity, |
| kNumTransformTypes |
| }; |
| |
| constexpr BitMaskSet kTransformFlipColumnsMask(kTransformTypeFlipadstDct, |
| kTransformTypeFlipadstAdst, |
| kTransformTypeFlipadstIdentity, |
| kTransformTypeFlipadstFlipadst); |
| constexpr BitMaskSet kTransformFlipRowsMask(kTransformTypeDctFlipadst, |
| kTransformTypeAdstFlipadst, |
| kTransformTypeIdentityFlipadst, |
| kTransformTypeFlipadstFlipadst); |
| |
| enum TransformSize : uint8_t { |
| kTransformSize4x4, |
| kTransformSize4x8, |
| kTransformSize4x16, |
| kTransformSize8x4, |
| kTransformSize8x8, |
| kTransformSize8x16, |
| kTransformSize8x32, |
| kTransformSize16x4, |
| kTransformSize16x8, |
| kTransformSize16x16, |
| kTransformSize16x32, |
| kTransformSize16x64, |
| kTransformSize32x8, |
| kTransformSize32x16, |
| kTransformSize32x32, |
| kTransformSize32x64, |
| kTransformSize64x16, |
| kTransformSize64x32, |
| kTransformSize64x64, |
| kNumTransformSizes |
| }; |
| |
| enum TransformSet : uint8_t { |
| // DCT Only (1). |
| kTransformSetDctOnly, |
| // 2D-DCT and 2D-ADST without flip (4) + Identity (1) + 1D Horizontal/Vertical |
| // DCT (2) = Total (7). |
| kTransformSetIntra1, |
| // 2D-DCT and 2D-ADST without flip (4) + Identity (1) = Total (5). |
| kTransformSetIntra2, |
| // All transforms = Total (16). |
| kTransformSetInter1, |
| // 2D-DCT and 2D-ADST with flip (9) + Identity (1) + 1D Horizontal/Vertical |
| // DCT (2) = Total (12). |
| kTransformSetInter2, |
| // DCT (1) + Identity (1) = Total (2). |
| kTransformSetInter3, |
| kNumTransformSets |
| }; |
| |
| enum TransformClass : uint8_t { |
| kTransformClass2D, |
| kTransformClassHorizontal, |
| kTransformClassVertical, |
| }; |
| |
| enum FilterIntraPredictor : uint8_t { |
| kFilterIntraPredictorDc, |
| kFilterIntraPredictorVertical, |
| kFilterIntraPredictorHorizontal, |
| kFilterIntraPredictorD157, |
| kFilterIntraPredictorPaeth, |
| kNumFilterIntraPredictors |
| }; |
| |
| enum ObmcDirection : uint8_t { |
| kObmcDirectionVertical, |
| kObmcDirectionHorizontal, |
| kNumObmcDirections |
| }; |
| |
| // In AV1 the name of the filter refers to the direction of filter application. |
| // Horizontal refers to the column edge and vertical the row edge. |
| enum LoopFilterType : uint8_t { |
| kLoopFilterTypeVertical, |
| kLoopFilterTypeHorizontal, |
| kNumLoopFilterTypes |
| }; |
| |
| enum LoopFilterTransformSizeId : uint8_t { |
| kLoopFilterTransformSizeId4x4, |
| kLoopFilterTransformSizeId8x8, |
| kLoopFilterTransformSizeId16x16, |
| kNumLoopFilterTransformSizeIds |
| }; |
| |
| enum LoopRestorationType : uint8_t { |
| kLoopRestorationTypeNone, |
| kLoopRestorationTypeSwitchable, |
| kLoopRestorationTypeWiener, |
| kLoopRestorationTypeSgrProj, // self guided projection filter. |
| kNumLoopRestorationTypes |
| }; |
| |
| enum CompoundReferenceType : uint8_t { |
| kCompoundReferenceUnidirectional, |
| kCompoundReferenceBidirectional, |
| kNumCompoundReferenceTypes |
| }; |
| |
| enum CompoundPredictionType : uint8_t { |
| kCompoundPredictionTypeWedge, |
| kCompoundPredictionTypeDiffWeighted, |
| kCompoundPredictionTypeAverage, |
| kCompoundPredictionTypeIntra, |
| kCompoundPredictionTypeDistance, |
| kNumCompoundPredictionTypes, |
| // Number of compound prediction types that are explicitly signaled in the |
| // bitstream (in the compound_type syntax element). |
| kNumExplicitCompoundPredictionTypes = 2 |
| }; |
| |
| enum InterpolationFilter : uint8_t { |
| kInterpolationFilterEightTap, |
| kInterpolationFilterEightTapSmooth, |
| kInterpolationFilterEightTapSharp, |
| kInterpolationFilterBilinear, |
| kInterpolationFilterSwitchable, |
| kNumInterpolationFilters, |
| // Number of interpolation filters that can be explicitly signaled in the |
| // compressed headers (when the uncompressed headers allow switchable |
| // interpolation filters) of the bitstream. |
| kNumExplicitInterpolationFilters = EnumRangeLength( |
| kInterpolationFilterEightTap, kInterpolationFilterEightTapSharp) |
| }; |
| |
| enum MvJointType : uint8_t { |
| kMvJointTypeZero, |
| kMvJointTypeHorizontalNonZeroVerticalZero, |
| kMvJointTypeHorizontalZeroVerticalNonZero, |
| kMvJointTypeNonZero, |
| kNumMvJointTypes |
| }; |
| |
| enum ObuType : int8_t { |
| kObuInvalid = -1, |
| kObuSequenceHeader = 1, |
| kObuTemporalDelimiter = 2, |
| kObuFrameHeader = 3, |
| kObuTileGroup = 4, |
| kObuMetadata = 5, |
| kObuFrame = 6, |
| kObuRedundantFrameHeader = 7, |
| kObuTileList = 8, |
| kObuPadding = 15, |
| }; |
| |
| //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| // ToString() |
| // |
| // These functions are meant to be used only in debug logging and within tests. |
| // They are defined inline to avoid including the strings in the release |
| // library when logging is disabled; unreferenced functions will not be added to |
| // any object file in that case. |
| |
| inline const char* ToString(const BlockSize size) { |
| switch (size) { |
| case kBlock4x4: |
| return "kBlock4x4"; |
| case kBlock4x8: |
| return "kBlock4x8"; |
| case kBlock4x16: |
| return "kBlock4x16"; |
| case kBlock8x4: |
| return "kBlock8x4"; |
| case kBlock8x8: |
| return "kBlock8x8"; |
| case kBlock8x16: |
| return "kBlock8x16"; |
| case kBlock8x32: |
| return "kBlock8x32"; |
| case kBlock16x4: |
| return "kBlock16x4"; |
| case kBlock16x8: |
| return "kBlock16x8"; |
| case kBlock16x16: |
| return "kBlock16x16"; |
| case kBlock16x32: |
| return "kBlock16x32"; |
| case kBlock16x64: |
| return "kBlock16x64"; |
| case kBlock32x8: |
| return "kBlock32x8"; |
| case kBlock32x16: |
| return "kBlock32x16"; |
| case kBlock32x32: |
| return "kBlock32x32"; |
| case kBlock32x64: |
| return "kBlock32x64"; |
| case kBlock64x16: |
| return "kBlock64x16"; |
| case kBlock64x32: |
| return "kBlock64x32"; |
| case kBlock64x64: |
| return "kBlock64x64"; |
| case kBlock64x128: |
| return "kBlock64x128"; |
| case kBlock128x64: |
| return "kBlock128x64"; |
| case kBlock128x128: |
| return "kBlock128x128"; |
| case kMaxBlockSizes: |
| return "kMaxBlockSizes"; |
| case kBlockInvalid: |
| return "kBlockInvalid"; |
| } |
| abort(); |
| } |
| |
| inline const char* ToString(const InterIntraMode mode) { |
| switch (mode) { |
| case kInterIntraModeDc: |
| return "kInterIntraModeDc"; |
| case kInterIntraModeVertical: |
| return "kInterIntraModeVertical"; |
| case kInterIntraModeHorizontal: |
| return "kInterIntraModeHorizontal"; |
| case kInterIntraModeSmooth: |
| return "kInterIntraModeSmooth"; |
| case kNumInterIntraModes: |
| return "kNumInterIntraModes"; |
| } |
| abort(); |
| } |
| |
| inline const char* ToString(const ObmcDirection direction) { |
| switch (direction) { |
| case kObmcDirectionVertical: |
| return "kObmcDirectionVertical"; |
| case kObmcDirectionHorizontal: |
| return "kObmcDirectionHorizontal"; |
| case kNumObmcDirections: |
| return "kNumObmcDirections"; |
| } |
| abort(); |
| } |
| |
| inline const char* ToString(const LoopRestorationType type) { |
| switch (type) { |
| case kLoopRestorationTypeNone: |
| return "kLoopRestorationTypeNone"; |
| case kLoopRestorationTypeSwitchable: |
| return "kLoopRestorationTypeSwitchable"; |
| case kLoopRestorationTypeWiener: |
| return "kLoopRestorationTypeWiener"; |
| case kLoopRestorationTypeSgrProj: |
| return "kLoopRestorationTypeSgrProj"; |
| case kNumLoopRestorationTypes: |
| return "kNumLoopRestorationTypes"; |
| } |
| abort(); |
| } |
| |
| inline const char* ToString(const TransformType type) { |
| switch (type) { |
| case kTransformTypeDctDct: |
| return "kTransformTypeDctDct"; |
| case kTransformTypeAdstDct: |
| return "kTransformTypeAdstDct"; |
| case kTransformTypeDctAdst: |
| return "kTransformTypeDctAdst"; |
| case kTransformTypeAdstAdst: |
| return "kTransformTypeAdstAdst"; |
| case kTransformTypeFlipadstDct: |
| return "kTransformTypeFlipadstDct"; |
| case kTransformTypeDctFlipadst: |
| return "kTransformTypeDctFlipadst"; |
| case kTransformTypeFlipadstFlipadst: |
| return "kTransformTypeFlipadstFlipadst"; |
| case kTransformTypeAdstFlipadst: |
| return "kTransformTypeAdstFlipadst"; |
| case kTransformTypeFlipadstAdst: |
| return "kTransformTypeFlipadstAdst"; |
| case kTransformTypeIdentityIdentity: |
| return "kTransformTypeIdentityIdentity"; |
| case kTransformTypeIdentityDct: |
| return "kTransformTypeIdentityDct"; |
| case kTransformTypeDctIdentity: |
| return "kTransformTypeDctIdentity"; |
| case kTransformTypeIdentityAdst: |
| return "kTransformTypeIdentityAdst"; |
| case kTransformTypeAdstIdentity: |
| return "kTransformTypeAdstIdentity"; |
| case kTransformTypeIdentityFlipadst: |
| return "kTransformTypeIdentityFlipadst"; |
| case kTransformTypeFlipadstIdentity: |
| return "kTransformTypeFlipadstIdentity"; |
| // case to quiet compiler |
| case kNumTransformTypes: |
| return "kNumTransformTypes"; |
| } |
| abort(); |
| } |
| |
| //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| |
| extern const uint8_t k4x4WidthLog2[kMaxBlockSizes]; |
| |
| extern const uint8_t k4x4HeightLog2[kMaxBlockSizes]; |
| |
| extern const uint8_t kNum4x4BlocksWide[kMaxBlockSizes]; |
| |
| extern const uint8_t kNum4x4BlocksHigh[kMaxBlockSizes]; |
| |
| extern const uint8_t kBlockWidthPixels[kMaxBlockSizes]; |
| |
| extern const uint8_t kBlockHeightPixels[kMaxBlockSizes]; |
| |
| extern const BlockSize kSubSize[kMaxPartitionTypes][kMaxBlockSizes]; |
| |
| extern const BlockSize kPlaneResidualSize[kMaxBlockSizes][2][2]; |
| |
| extern const uint8_t kTransformWidth[kNumTransformSizes]; |
| |
| extern const uint8_t kTransformHeight[kNumTransformSizes]; |
| |
| extern const uint8_t kTransformWidth4x4[kNumTransformSizes]; |
| |
| extern const uint8_t kTransformHeight4x4[kNumTransformSizes]; |
| |
| extern const uint8_t kTransformWidthLog2[kNumTransformSizes]; |
| |
| extern const uint8_t kTransformHeightLog2[kNumTransformSizes]; |
| |
| extern const TransformSize kSplitTransformSize[kNumTransformSizes]; |
| |
| // Square transform of size min(w,h). |
| extern const TransformSize kTransformSizeSquareMin[kNumTransformSizes]; |
| |
| // Square transform of size max(w,h). |
| extern const TransformSize kTransformSizeSquareMax[kNumTransformSizes]; |
| |
| extern const uint8_t kNumTransformTypesInSet[kNumTransformSets]; |
| |
| extern const uint8_t kSgrProjParams[1 << kSgrProjParamsBits][4]; |
| |
| extern const int8_t kSgrProjMultiplierMin[2]; |
| |
| extern const int8_t kSgrProjMultiplierMax[2]; |
| |
| extern const int8_t kWienerTapsMin[3]; |
| |
| extern const int8_t kWienerTapsMax[3]; |
| |
| extern const int16_t kUpscaleFilter[kSuperResFilterShifts][kSuperResFilterTaps]; |
| |
| extern const int16_t kWarpedFilters[3 * kWarpedPixelPrecisionShifts + 1][8]; |
| |
| extern const int16_t kSubPixelFilters[6][16][8]; |
| |
| extern const int16_t kDirectionalIntraPredictorDerivative[44]; |
| |
| extern const uint8_t kDeblockFilterLevelIndex[kMaxPlanes][kNumLoopFilterTypes]; |
| |
| extern const int8_t kMaskIdLookup[4][kMaxBlockSizes]; |
| |
| extern const int8_t kVerticalBorderMaskIdLookup[kMaxBlockSizes]; |
| |
| extern const uint64_t kTopMaskLookup[67][4]; |
| |
| extern const uint64_t kLeftMaskLookup[67][4]; |
| |
| } // namespace libgav1 |
| |