blob: 4e94e1780be6e89908af3e9db83d16091646e220 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "src/tile.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <memory>
#include <new>
#include <numeric>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include "src/motion_vector.h"
#include "src/reconstruction.h"
#include "src/utils/bit_mask_set.h"
#include "src/utils/logging.h"
#include "src/utils/segmentation.h"
#include "src/utils/stack.h"
namespace libgav1 {
namespace {
// Import all the constants in the anonymous namespace.
#include "src/"
#include "src/"
// Precision bits when scaling reference frames.
constexpr int kReferenceScaleShift = 14;
// Range above kNumQuantizerBaseLevels which the exponential golomb coding
// process is activated.
constexpr int kQuantizerCoefficientBaseRange = 12;
constexpr int kNumQuantizerBaseLevels = 2;
constexpr int kQuantizerCoefficientBaseRangeContextClamp =
kQuantizerCoefficientBaseRange + kNumQuantizerBaseLevels + 1;
constexpr int kCoeffBaseRangeMaxIterations =
kQuantizerCoefficientBaseRange / (kCoeffBaseRangeSymbolCount - 1);
constexpr int kEntropyContextLeft = 0;
constexpr int kEntropyContextTop = 1;
constexpr uint8_t kAllZeroContextsByTopLeft[5][5] = {{1, 2, 2, 2, 3},
{2, 4, 4, 4, 5},
{2, 4, 4, 4, 5},
{2, 4, 4, 4, 5},
{3, 5, 5, 5, 6}};
// The space complexity of DFS is O(branching_factor * max_depth). For the
// parameter tree, branching_factor = 4 (there could be up to 4 children for
// every node) and max_depth (excluding the root) = 5 (to go from a 128x128
// block all the way to a 4x4 block). The worse-case stack size is 16, by
// counting the number of 'o' nodes in the diagram:
// | 128x128 The highest level (corresponding to the
// | root of the tree) has no node in the stack.
// |-----------------+
// | | | |
// | o o o 64x64
// |
// |-----------------+
// | | | |
// | o o o 32x32 Higher levels have three nodes in the stack,
// | because we pop one node off the stack before
// |-----------------+ pushing its four children onto the stack.
// | | | |
// | o o o 16x16
// |
// |-----------------+
// | | | |
// | o o o 8x8
// |
// |-----------------+
// | | | |
// o o o o 4x4 Only the lowest level has four nodes in the
// stack.
constexpr int kDfsStackSize = 16;
// Mask indicating whether the transform sets contain a particular transform
// type. If |tx_type| is present in |tx_set|, then the |tx_type|th LSB is set.
constexpr BitMaskSet kTransformTypeInSetMask[kNumTransformSets] = {
BitMaskSet(0x1), BitMaskSet(0xE0F), BitMaskSet(0x20F),
BitMaskSet(0xFFFF), BitMaskSet(0xFFF), BitMaskSet(0x201)};
constexpr PredictionMode
kFilterIntraModeToIntraPredictor[kNumFilterIntraPredictors] = {
kPredictionModeDc, kPredictionModeVertical, kPredictionModeHorizontal,
kPredictionModeD157, kPredictionModeDc};
// This is computed as:
// min(transform_width_log2, 5) + min(transform_height_log2, 5) - 4.
constexpr uint8_t kEobMultiSizeLookup[kNumTransformSizes] = {
0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 4, 5, 6, 6, 5, 6, 6};
/* clang-format off */
constexpr uint8_t kCoeffBaseContextOffset[kNumTransformSizes][5][5] = {
{{0, 1, 6, 6, 0}, {1, 6, 6, 21, 0}, {6, 6, 21, 21, 0}, {6, 21, 21, 21, 0},
{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}},
{{0, 11, 11, 11, 0}, {11, 11, 11, 11, 0}, {6, 6, 21, 21, 0},
{6, 21, 21, 21, 0}, {21, 21, 21, 21, 0}},
{{0, 11, 11, 11, 0}, {11, 11, 11, 11, 0}, {6, 6, 21, 21, 0},
{6, 21, 21, 21, 0}, {21, 21, 21, 21, 0}},
{{0, 16, 6, 6, 21}, {16, 16, 6, 21, 21}, {16, 16, 21, 21, 21},
{16, 16, 21, 21, 21}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}},
{{0, 1, 6, 6, 21}, {1, 6, 6, 21, 21}, {6, 6, 21, 21, 21},
{6, 21, 21, 21, 21}, {21, 21, 21, 21, 21}},
{{0, 11, 11, 11, 11}, {11, 11, 11, 11, 11}, {6, 6, 21, 21, 21},
{6, 21, 21, 21, 21}, {21, 21, 21, 21, 21}},
{{0, 11, 11, 11, 11}, {11, 11, 11, 11, 11}, {6, 6, 21, 21, 21},
{6, 21, 21, 21, 21}, {21, 21, 21, 21, 21}},
{{0, 16, 6, 6, 21}, {16, 16, 6, 21, 21}, {16, 16, 21, 21, 21},
{16, 16, 21, 21, 21}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}},
{{0, 16, 6, 6, 21}, {16, 16, 6, 21, 21}, {16, 16, 21, 21, 21},
{16, 16, 21, 21, 21}, {16, 16, 21, 21, 21}},
{{0, 1, 6, 6, 21}, {1, 6, 6, 21, 21}, {6, 6, 21, 21, 21},
{6, 21, 21, 21, 21}, {21, 21, 21, 21, 21}},
{{0, 11, 11, 11, 11}, {11, 11, 11, 11, 11}, {6, 6, 21, 21, 21},
{6, 21, 21, 21, 21}, {21, 21, 21, 21, 21}},
{{0, 11, 11, 11, 11}, {11, 11, 11, 11, 11}, {6, 6, 21, 21, 21},
{6, 21, 21, 21, 21}, {21, 21, 21, 21, 21}},
{{0, 16, 6, 6, 21}, {16, 16, 6, 21, 21}, {16, 16, 21, 21, 21},
{16, 16, 21, 21, 21}, {16, 16, 21, 21, 21}},
{{0, 16, 6, 6, 21}, {16, 16, 6, 21, 21}, {16, 16, 21, 21, 21},
{16, 16, 21, 21, 21}, {16, 16, 21, 21, 21}},
{{0, 1, 6, 6, 21}, {1, 6, 6, 21, 21}, {6, 6, 21, 21, 21},
{6, 21, 21, 21, 21}, {21, 21, 21, 21, 21}},
{{0, 11, 11, 11, 11}, {11, 11, 11, 11, 11}, {6, 6, 21, 21, 21},
{6, 21, 21, 21, 21}, {21, 21, 21, 21, 21}},
{{0, 16, 6, 6, 21}, {16, 16, 6, 21, 21}, {16, 16, 21, 21, 21},
{16, 16, 21, 21, 21}, {16, 16, 21, 21, 21}},
{{0, 16, 6, 6, 21}, {16, 16, 6, 21, 21}, {16, 16, 21, 21, 21},
{16, 16, 21, 21, 21}, {16, 16, 21, 21, 21}},
{{0, 1, 6, 6, 21}, {1, 6, 6, 21, 21}, {6, 6, 21, 21, 21},
{6, 21, 21, 21, 21}, {21, 21, 21, 21, 21}}};
/* clang-format on */
constexpr uint8_t kCoeffBasePositionContextOffset[3] = {26, 31, 36};
constexpr PredictionMode kInterIntraToIntraMode[kNumInterIntraModes] = {
kPredictionModeDc, kPredictionModeVertical, kPredictionModeHorizontal,
// Number of horizontal luma samples before intra block copy can be used.
constexpr int kIntraBlockCopyDelayPixels = 256;
// Number of 64 by 64 blocks before intra block copy can be used.
constexpr int kIntraBlockCopyDelay64x64Blocks = kIntraBlockCopyDelayPixels / 64;
// Index [i][j] corresponds to the transform size of width 1 << (i + 2) and
// height 1 << (j + 2).
constexpr TransformSize k4x4SizeToTransformSize[5][5] = {
{kTransformSize4x4, kTransformSize4x8, kTransformSize4x16,
kNumTransformSizes, kNumTransformSizes},
{kTransformSize8x4, kTransformSize8x8, kTransformSize8x16,
kTransformSize8x32, kNumTransformSizes},
{kTransformSize16x4, kTransformSize16x8, kTransformSize16x16,
kTransformSize16x32, kTransformSize16x64},
{kNumTransformSizes, kTransformSize32x8, kTransformSize32x16,
kTransformSize32x32, kTransformSize32x64},
{kNumTransformSizes, kNumTransformSizes, kTransformSize64x16,
kTransformSize64x32, kTransformSize64x64}};
// Defined in section 9.3 of the spec.
constexpr TransformType kModeToTransformType[kIntraPredictionModesUV] = {
kTransformTypeDctDct, kTransformTypeDctAdst, kTransformTypeAdstDct,
kTransformTypeDctDct, kTransformTypeAdstAdst, kTransformTypeDctAdst,
kTransformTypeAdstDct, kTransformTypeAdstDct, kTransformTypeDctAdst,
kTransformTypeAdstAdst, kTransformTypeDctAdst, kTransformTypeAdstDct,
kTransformTypeAdstAdst, kTransformTypeDctDct};
// Defined in section 5.11.47 of the spec. This array does not contain an entry
// for kTransformSetDctOnly, so the first dimension needs to be
// |kNumTransformSets| - 1.
constexpr TransformType kInverseTransformTypeBySet[kNumTransformSets - 1][16] =
{{kTransformTypeIdentityIdentity, kTransformTypeDctDct,
kTransformTypeIdentityDct, kTransformTypeDctIdentity,
kTransformTypeAdstAdst, kTransformTypeDctAdst, kTransformTypeAdstDct},
{kTransformTypeIdentityIdentity, kTransformTypeDctDct,
kTransformTypeAdstAdst, kTransformTypeDctAdst, kTransformTypeAdstDct},
{kTransformTypeIdentityIdentity, kTransformTypeIdentityDct,
kTransformTypeDctIdentity, kTransformTypeIdentityAdst,
kTransformTypeAdstIdentity, kTransformTypeIdentityFlipadst,
kTransformTypeFlipadstIdentity, kTransformTypeDctDct,
kTransformTypeDctAdst, kTransformTypeAdstDct, kTransformTypeDctFlipadst,
kTransformTypeFlipadstDct, kTransformTypeAdstAdst,
kTransformTypeFlipadstFlipadst, kTransformTypeFlipadstAdst,
{kTransformTypeIdentityIdentity, kTransformTypeIdentityDct,
kTransformTypeDctIdentity, kTransformTypeDctDct, kTransformTypeDctAdst,
kTransformTypeAdstDct, kTransformTypeDctFlipadst,
kTransformTypeFlipadstDct, kTransformTypeAdstAdst,
kTransformTypeFlipadstFlipadst, kTransformTypeFlipadstAdst,
{kTransformTypeIdentityIdentity, kTransformTypeDctDct}};
// Replaces all occurrences of 64x* and *x64 with 32x* and *x32 respectively.
constexpr TransformSize kAdjustedTransformSize[kNumTransformSizes] = {
kTransformSize4x4, kTransformSize4x8, kTransformSize4x16,
kTransformSize8x4, kTransformSize8x8, kTransformSize8x16,
kTransformSize8x32, kTransformSize16x4, kTransformSize16x8,
kTransformSize16x16, kTransformSize16x32, kTransformSize16x32,
kTransformSize32x8, kTransformSize32x16, kTransformSize32x32,
kTransformSize32x32, kTransformSize32x16, kTransformSize32x32,
// This is the same as Max_Tx_Size_Rect array in the spec but with *x64 and 64*x
// transforms replaced with *x32 and 32x* respectively.
constexpr TransformSize kUVTransformSize[kMaxBlockSizes] = {
kTransformSize4x4, kTransformSize4x8, kTransformSize4x16,
kTransformSize8x4, kTransformSize8x8, kTransformSize8x16,
kTransformSize8x32, kTransformSize16x4, kTransformSize16x8,
kTransformSize16x16, kTransformSize16x32, kTransformSize16x32,
kTransformSize32x8, kTransformSize32x16, kTransformSize32x32,
kTransformSize32x32, kTransformSize32x16, kTransformSize32x32,
kTransformSize32x32, kTransformSize32x32, kTransformSize32x32,
// ith entry of this array is computed as:
// DivideBy2(TransformSizeToSquareTransformIndex(kTransformSizeSquareMin[i]) +
// TransformSizeToSquareTransformIndex(kTransformSizeSquareMax[i]) +
// 1)
constexpr uint8_t kTransformSizeContext[kNumTransformSizes] = {
0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4};
constexpr int8_t kSgrProjDefaultMultiplier[2] = {-32, 31};
constexpr int8_t kWienerDefaultFilter[3] = {3, -7, 15};
// Maps compound prediction modes into single modes. For e.g.
// kPredictionModeNearestNewMv will map to kPredictionModeNearestMv for index 0
// and kPredictionModeNewMv for index 1. It is used to simplify the logic in
// AssignMv (and avoid duplicate code). This is section 5.11.30. in the spec.
constexpr PredictionMode
kCompoundToSinglePredictionMode[kNumCompoundInterPredictionModes][2] = {
{kPredictionModeNearestMv, kPredictionModeNearestMv},
{kPredictionModeNearMv, kPredictionModeNearMv},
{kPredictionModeNearestMv, kPredictionModeNewMv},
{kPredictionModeNewMv, kPredictionModeNearestMv},
{kPredictionModeNearMv, kPredictionModeNewMv},
{kPredictionModeNewMv, kPredictionModeNearMv},
{kPredictionModeGlobalMv, kPredictionModeGlobalMv},
{kPredictionModeNewMv, kPredictionModeNewMv},
PredictionMode GetSinglePredictionMode(int index, PredictionMode y_mode) {
if (y_mode < kPredictionModeNearestNearestMv) {
return y_mode;
const int lookup_index = y_mode - kPredictionModeNearestNearestMv;
assert(lookup_index >= 0);
return kCompoundToSinglePredictionMode[lookup_index][index];
// log2(dqDenom) in section 7.12.3 of the spec. We use the log2 value because
// dqDenom is always a power of two and hence right shift can be used instead of
// division.
constexpr BitMaskSet kQuantizationShift2Mask(kTransformSize32x64,
constexpr BitMaskSet kQuantizationShift1Mask(kTransformSize16x32,
int GetQuantizationShift(TransformSize tx_size) {
if (kQuantizationShift2Mask.Contains(tx_size)) {
return 2;
if (kQuantizationShift1Mask.Contains(tx_size)) {
return 1;
return 0;
// Input: 1d array index |index|, which indexes into a 2d array of width
// 1 << |tx_width_log2|.
// Output: 1d array index which indexes into a 2d array of width
// (1 << |tx_width_log2|) + kQuantizedCoefficientBufferPadding.
int PaddedIndex(int index, int tx_width_log2) {
return index + MultiplyBy4(index >> tx_width_log2);
// Returns the minimum of |length| or |max|-|start|. This is used to clamp array
// indices when accessing arrays whose bound is equal to |max|.
int GetNumElements(int length, int start, int max) {
return std::min(length, max - start);
void SetTransformType(const Tile::Block& block, int x4, int y4, int w4, int h4,
TransformType tx_type,
TransformType transform_types[32][32]) {
const int y_offset = y4 - block.row4x4;
const int x_offset = x4 - block.column4x4;
static_assert(sizeof(transform_types[0][0]) == 1, "");
for (int i = 0; i < h4; ++i) {
memset(&transform_types[y_offset + i][x_offset], tx_type, w4);
} // namespace
int tile_number, const uint8_t* const data, size_t size,
const ObuSequenceHeader& sequence_header,
const ObuFrameHeader& frame_header, RefCountedBuffer* const current_frame,
const std::array<bool, kNumReferenceFrameTypes>& reference_frame_sign_bias,
const std::array<RefCountedBufferPtr, kNumReferenceFrameTypes>&
Array2D<TemporalMotionVector>* const motion_field_mv,
const std::array<uint8_t, kNumReferenceFrameTypes>& reference_order_hint,
const std::array<uint8_t, kWedgeMaskSize>& wedge_masks,
const SymbolDecoderContext& symbol_decoder_context,
SymbolDecoderContext* const saved_symbol_decoder_context,
const SegmentationMap* prev_segment_ids, PostFilter* const post_filter,
BlockParametersHolder* const block_parameters_holder,
Array2D<int16_t>* const cdef_index,
Array2D<TransformSize>* const inter_transform_sizes,
const dsp::Dsp* const dsp, ThreadPool* const thread_pool,
ResidualBufferPool* const residual_buffer_pool,
DecoderScratchBufferPool* const decoder_scratch_buffer_pool,
BlockingCounterWithStatus* const pending_tiles)
: number_(tile_number),
subsampling_x_{0, sequence_header.color_config.subsampling_x,
subsampling_y_{0, sequence_header.color_config.subsampling_y,
reader_(data_, size_, frame_header_.enable_cdf_update),
residual_size_((sequence_header_.color_config.bitdepth == 8)
? sizeof(int16_t)
: sizeof(int32_t)),
? (sequence_header_.use_128x128_superblock ? 3 : 5)
: 1),
build_bit_mask_when_parsing_(false) {
row_ = number_ / frame_header.tile_info.tile_columns;
column_ = number_ % frame_header.tile_info.tile_columns;
row4x4_start_ = frame_header.tile_info.tile_row_start[row_];
row4x4_end_ = frame_header.tile_info.tile_row_start[row_ + 1];
column4x4_start_ = frame_header.tile_info.tile_column_start[column_];
column4x4_end_ = frame_header.tile_info.tile_column_start[column_ + 1];
const int block_width4x4 = kNum4x4BlocksWide[SuperBlockSize()];
const int block_width4x4_log2 = k4x4HeightLog2[SuperBlockSize()];
superblock_rows_ =
(row4x4_end_ - row4x4_start_ + block_width4x4 - 1) >> block_width4x4_log2;
superblock_columns_ =
(column4x4_end_ - column4x4_start_ + block_width4x4 - 1) >>
// Enable multi-threading within a tile only if there are at least as many
// superblock columns as |intra_block_copy_lag_|.
split_parse_and_decode_ =
thread_pool_ != nullptr && superblock_columns_ > intra_block_copy_lag_;
memset(delta_lf_, 0, sizeof(delta_lf_));
delta_lf_all_zero_ = true;
YuvBuffer* const buffer = current_frame->buffer();
for (int plane = 0; plane < PlaneCount(); ++plane) {
buffer_[plane].Reset(buffer->height(plane) + buffer->bottom_border(plane),
buffer->stride(plane), buffer->data(plane));
bool Tile::Init() {
assert(coefficient_levels_.size() == dc_categories_.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < coefficient_levels_.size(); ++i) {
const int contexts_per_plane = (i == kEntropyContextLeft)
? frame_header_.rows4x4
: frame_header_.columns4x4;
if (!coefficient_levels_[i].Reset(PlaneCount(), contexts_per_plane)) {
LIBGAV1_DLOG(ERROR, "coefficient_levels_[%zu].Reset() failed.", i);
return false;
if (!dc_categories_[i].Reset(PlaneCount(), contexts_per_plane)) {
LIBGAV1_DLOG(ERROR, "dc_categories_[%zu].Reset() failed.", i);
return false;
if (split_parse_and_decode_) {
assert(residual_buffer_pool_ != nullptr);
if (!residual_buffer_threaded_.Reset(superblock_rows_, superblock_columns_,
/*zero_initialize=*/false)) {
LIBGAV1_DLOG(ERROR, "residual_buffer_threaded_.Reset() failed.");
return false;
} else {
residual_buffer_ = MakeAlignedUniquePtr<uint8_t>(32, 4096 * residual_size_);
if (residual_buffer_ == nullptr) {
LIBGAV1_DLOG(ERROR, "Allocation of residual_buffer_ failed.");
return false;
prediction_parameters_.reset(new (std::nothrow) PredictionParameters());
if (prediction_parameters_ == nullptr) {
LIBGAV1_DLOG(ERROR, "Allocation of prediction_parameters_ failed.");
return false;
return true;
bool Tile::Decode(bool is_main_thread) {
if (!Init()) {
return false;
if (frame_header_.use_ref_frame_mvs) {
SetupMotionField(sequence_header_, frame_header_, current_frame_,
reference_frames_, motion_field_mv_, row4x4_start_,
row4x4_end_, column4x4_start_, column4x4_end_);
// If this is the main thread, we build the loop filter bit masks when parsing
// so that it happens in the current thread. This ensures that the main thread
// does as much work as possible.
build_bit_mask_when_parsing_ = is_main_thread;
if (split_parse_and_decode_) {
if (!ThreadedDecode()) return false;
} else {
const int block_width4x4 = kNum4x4BlocksWide[SuperBlockSize()];
std::unique_ptr<DecoderScratchBuffer> scratch_buffer =
if (scratch_buffer == nullptr) {
LIBGAV1_DLOG(ERROR, "Failed to get scratch buffer.");
return false;
for (int row4x4 = row4x4_start_; row4x4 < row4x4_end_;
row4x4 += block_width4x4) {
for (int column4x4 = column4x4_start_; column4x4 < column4x4_end_;
column4x4 += block_width4x4) {
if (!ProcessSuperBlock(row4x4, column4x4, block_width4x4,
kProcessingModeParseAndDecode)) {
LIBGAV1_DLOG(ERROR, "Error decoding super block row: %d column: %d",
row4x4, column4x4);
return false;
if (frame_header_.enable_frame_end_update_cdf &&
number_ == frame_header_.tile_info.context_update_id) {
*saved_symbol_decoder_context_ = symbol_decoder_context_;
if (!split_parse_and_decode_) {
return true;
bool Tile::ThreadedDecode() {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(threading_.mutex);
if (!threading_.sb_state.Reset(superblock_rows_, superblock_columns_)) {
LIBGAV1_DLOG(ERROR, "threading.sb_state.Reset() failed.");
return false;
// Account for the parsing job.
const int block_width4x4 = kNum4x4BlocksWide[SuperBlockSize()];
// Begin parsing.
std::unique_ptr<DecoderScratchBuffer> scratch_buffer =
if (scratch_buffer == nullptr) {
LIBGAV1_DLOG(ERROR, "Failed to get scratch buffer.");
return false;
for (int row4x4 = row4x4_start_, row_index = 0; row4x4 < row4x4_end_;
row4x4 += block_width4x4, ++row_index) {
for (int column4x4 = column4x4_start_, column_index = 0;
column4x4 < column4x4_end_;
column4x4 += block_width4x4, ++column_index) {
if (!ProcessSuperBlock(row4x4, column4x4, block_width4x4,
scratch_buffer.get(), kProcessingModeParseOnly)) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(threading_.mutex);
threading_.abort = true;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(threading_.mutex);
if (threading_.abort) break;
threading_.sb_state[row_index][column_index] = kSuperBlockStateParsed;
// Schedule the decoding of this superblock if it is allowed.
if (CanDecode(row_index, column_index)) {
threading_.sb_state[row_index][column_index] =
[this, row_index, column_index, block_width4x4]() {
DecodeSuperBlock(row_index, column_index, block_width4x4);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(threading_.mutex);
if (threading_.abort) break;
// We are done parsing. We can return here since the calling thread will make
// sure that it waits for all the superblocks to be decoded.
// Finish using |threading_| before |pending_tiles_->Decrement()| because the
// Tile object could go out of scope as soon as |pending_tiles_->Decrement()|
// is called.
const bool no_pending_jobs = (--threading_.pending_jobs == 0);
const bool job_succeeded = !threading_.abort;
if (no_pending_jobs) {
// We are done parsing and decoding this tile.
return job_succeeded;
bool Tile::CanDecode(int row_index, int column_index) const {
assert(row_index >= 0);
assert(column_index >= 0);
// If |threading_.sb_state[row_index][column_index]| is not equal to
// kSuperBlockStateParsed, then return false. This is ok because if
// |threading_.sb_state[row_index][column_index]| is equal to:
// kSuperBlockStateNone - then the superblock is not yet parsed.
// kSuperBlockStateScheduled - then the superblock is already scheduled for
// decode.
// kSuperBlockStateDecoded - then the superblock has already been decoded.
if (row_index >= superblock_rows_ || column_index >= superblock_columns_ ||
threading_.sb_state[row_index][column_index] != kSuperBlockStateParsed) {
return false;
// First superblock has no dependencies.
if (row_index == 0 && column_index == 0) {
return true;
// Superblocks in the first row only depend on the superblock to the left of
// it.
if (row_index == 0) {
return threading_.sb_state[0][column_index - 1] == kSuperBlockStateDecoded;
// All other superblocks depend on superblock to the left of it (if one
// exists) and superblock to the top right with a lag of
// |intra_block_copy_lag_| (if one exists).
const int top_right_column_index =
std::min(column_index + intra_block_copy_lag_, superblock_columns_ - 1);
return threading_.sb_state[row_index - 1][top_right_column_index] ==
kSuperBlockStateDecoded &&
(column_index == 0 ||
threading_.sb_state[row_index][column_index - 1] ==
void Tile::DecodeSuperBlock(int row_index, int column_index,
int block_width4x4) {
const int row4x4 = row4x4_start_ + (row_index * block_width4x4);
const int column4x4 = column4x4_start_ + (column_index * block_width4x4);
std::unique_ptr<DecoderScratchBuffer> scratch_buffer =
bool ok = scratch_buffer != nullptr;
if (ok) {
ok = ProcessSuperBlock(row4x4, column4x4, block_width4x4,
scratch_buffer.get(), kProcessingModeDecodeOnly);
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(threading_.mutex);
if (ok) {
threading_.sb_state[row_index][column_index] = kSuperBlockStateDecoded;
// Candidate rows and columns that we could potentially begin the decoding
// (if it is allowed to do so). The candidates are:
// 1) The superblock to the bottom-left of the current superblock with a
// lag of |intra_block_copy_lag_| (or the beginning of the next superblock
// row in case there are less than |intra_block_copy_lag_| superblock
// columns in the Tile).
// 2) The superblock to the right of the current superblock.
const int candidate_row_indices[] = {row_index + 1, row_index};
const int candidate_column_indices[] = {
std::max(0, column_index - intra_block_copy_lag_), column_index + 1};
for (size_t i = 0; i < std::extent<decltype(candidate_row_indices)>::value;
++i) {
const int candidate_row_index = candidate_row_indices[i];
const int candidate_column_index = candidate_column_indices[i];
if (!CanDecode(candidate_row_index, candidate_column_index)) {
threading_.sb_state[candidate_row_index][candidate_column_index] =
thread_pool_->Schedule([this, candidate_row_index, candidate_column_index,
block_width4x4]() {
DecodeSuperBlock(candidate_row_index, candidate_column_index,
} else {
threading_.abort = true;
// Finish using |threading_| before |pending_tiles_->Decrement()| because the
// Tile object could go out of scope as soon as |pending_tiles_->Decrement()|
// is called.
const bool no_pending_jobs = (--threading_.pending_jobs == 0);
const bool job_succeeded = !threading_.abort;
if (no_pending_jobs) {
// We are done parsing and decoding this tile.
bool Tile::IsInside(int row4x4, int column4x4) const {
return row4x4 >= row4x4_start_ && row4x4 < row4x4_end_ &&
column4x4 >= column4x4_start_ && column4x4 < column4x4_end_;
int Tile::GetTransformAllZeroContext(const Block& block, Plane plane,
TransformSize tx_size, int x4, int y4,
int w4, int h4) {
const int max_x4x4 = frame_header_.columns4x4 >> subsampling_x_[plane];
const int max_y4x4 = frame_header_.rows4x4 >> subsampling_y_[plane];
const int tx_width = kTransformWidth[tx_size];
const int tx_height = kTransformHeight[tx_size];
const BlockSize plane_size = block.residual_size[GetPlaneType(plane)];
const int block_width = kBlockWidthPixels[plane_size];
const int block_height = kBlockHeightPixels[plane_size];
int top = 0;
int left = 0;
const int num_top_elements = GetNumElements(w4, x4, max_x4x4);
const int num_left_elements = GetNumElements(h4, y4, max_y4x4);
if (plane == kPlaneY) {
if (block_width == tx_width && block_height == tx_height) return 0;
const uint8_t* coefficient_levels =
for (int i = 0; i < num_top_elements; ++i) {
top = std::max(top, static_cast<int>(coefficient_levels[i]));
coefficient_levels = &coefficient_levels_[kEntropyContextLeft][plane][y4];
for (int i = 0; i < num_left_elements; ++i) {
left = std::max(left, static_cast<int>(coefficient_levels[i]));
assert(top <= 4);
assert(left <= 4);
// kAllZeroContextsByTopLeft is pre-computed based on the logic in the spec
// for top and left.
return kAllZeroContextsByTopLeft[top][left];
const uint8_t* coefficient_levels =
const int8_t* dc_categories = &dc_categories_[kEntropyContextTop][plane][x4];
for (int i = 0; i < num_top_elements; ++i) {
top |= coefficient_levels[i];
top |= dc_categories[i];
coefficient_levels = &coefficient_levels_[kEntropyContextLeft][plane][y4];
dc_categories = &dc_categories_[kEntropyContextLeft][plane][y4];
for (int i = 0; i < num_left_elements; ++i) {
left |= coefficient_levels[i];
left |= dc_categories[i];
return static_cast<int>(top != 0) + static_cast<int>(left != 0) + 7 +
3 * static_cast<int>(block_width * block_height >
tx_width * tx_height);
TransformSet Tile::GetTransformSet(TransformSize tx_size, bool is_inter) const {
const TransformSize tx_size_square_min = kTransformSizeSquareMin[tx_size];
const TransformSize tx_size_square_max = kTransformSizeSquareMax[tx_size];
if (tx_size_square_max == kTransformSize64x64) return kTransformSetDctOnly;
if (is_inter) {
if (frame_header_.reduced_tx_set ||
tx_size_square_max == kTransformSize32x32) {
return kTransformSetInter3;
if (tx_size_square_min == kTransformSize16x16) return kTransformSetInter2;
return kTransformSetInter1;
if (tx_size_square_max == kTransformSize32x32) return kTransformSetDctOnly;
if (frame_header_.reduced_tx_set ||
tx_size_square_min == kTransformSize16x16) {
return kTransformSetIntra2;
return kTransformSetIntra1;
TransformType Tile::ComputeTransformType(const Block& block, Plane plane,
TransformSize tx_size, int block_x,
int block_y) {
const BlockParameters& bp = *block.bp;
const TransformSize tx_size_square_max = kTransformSizeSquareMax[tx_size];
if (frame_header_.segmentation.lossless[bp.segment_id] ||
tx_size_square_max == kTransformSize64x64) {
return kTransformTypeDctDct;
if (plane == kPlaneY) {
return transform_types_[block_y - block.row4x4][block_x - block.column4x4];
const TransformSet tx_set = GetTransformSet(tx_size, bp.is_inter);
TransformType tx_type;
if (bp.is_inter) {
const int x4 =
std::max(block.column4x4, block_x << subsampling_x_[kPlaneU]);
const int y4 = std::max(block.row4x4, block_y << subsampling_y_[kPlaneU]);
tx_type = transform_types_[y4 - block.row4x4][x4 - block.column4x4];
} else {
tx_type = kModeToTransformType[bp.uv_mode];
return kTransformTypeInSetMask[tx_set].Contains(tx_type)
? tx_type
: kTransformTypeDctDct;
void Tile::ReadTransformType(const Block& block, int x4, int y4,
TransformSize tx_size) {
BlockParameters& bp = *block.bp;
const TransformSet tx_set = GetTransformSet(tx_size, bp.is_inter);
TransformType tx_type = kTransformTypeDctDct;
if (tx_set != kTransformSetDctOnly &&
frame_header_.segmentation.qindex[bp.segment_id] > 0) {
const int cdf_index = SymbolDecoderContext::TxTypeIndex(tx_set);
const int cdf_tx_size_index =
uint16_t* cdf;
if (bp.is_inter) {
cdf = symbol_decoder_context_
} else {
const PredictionMode intra_direction =
? kFilterIntraModeToIntraPredictor[block.bp->prediction_parameters
: bp.y_mode;
cdf =
tx_type = static_cast<TransformType>(
reader_.ReadSymbol(cdf, kNumTransformTypesInSet[tx_set]));
// This array does not contain an entry for kTransformSetDctOnly, so the
// first dimension needs to be offset by 1.
tx_type = kInverseTransformTypeBySet[tx_set - 1][tx_type];
SetTransformType(block, x4, y4, kTransformWidth4x4[tx_size],
kTransformHeight4x4[tx_size], tx_type, transform_types_);
// Section 8.3.2 in the spec, under coeff_base_eob.
int Tile::GetCoeffBaseContextEob(TransformSize tx_size, int index) {
if (index == 0) return 0;
const TransformSize adjusted_tx_size = kAdjustedTransformSize[tx_size];
const int tx_width_log2 = kTransformWidthLog2[adjusted_tx_size];
const int tx_height = kTransformHeight[adjusted_tx_size];
if (index <= DivideBy8(tx_height << tx_width_log2)) return 1;
if (index <= DivideBy4(tx_height << tx_width_log2)) return 2;
return 3;
// Section 8.3.2 in the spec, under coeff_base.
int Tile::GetCoeffBaseContext2D(const int32_t* const quantized_buffer,
TransformSize tx_size,
int adjusted_tx_width_log2, uint16_t pos) {
if (pos == 0) return 0;
const int tx_width = 1 << adjusted_tx_width_log2;
const int padded_tx_width = tx_width + kQuantizedCoefficientBufferPadding;
const int32_t* const quantized =
&quantized_buffer[PaddedIndex(pos, adjusted_tx_width_log2)];
const int context = std::min(
4, DivideBy2(1 + (std::min(quantized[1], 3) + // {0, 1}
std::min(quantized[padded_tx_width], 3) + // {1, 0}
std::min(quantized[padded_tx_width + 1], 3) + // {1, 1}
std::min(quantized[2], 3) + // {0, 2}
3)))); // {2, 0}
const int row = pos >> adjusted_tx_width_log2;
const int column = pos & (tx_width - 1);
return context + kCoeffBaseContextOffset[tx_size][std::min(row, 4)]
[std::min(column, 4)];
// Section 8.3.2 in the spec, under coeff_base.
int Tile::GetCoeffBaseContextHorizontal(const int32_t* const quantized_buffer,
TransformSize /*tx_size*/,
int adjusted_tx_width_log2,
uint16_t pos) {
const int tx_width = 1 << adjusted_tx_width_log2;
const int padded_tx_width = tx_width + kQuantizedCoefficientBufferPadding;
const int32_t* const quantized =
&quantized_buffer[PaddedIndex(pos, adjusted_tx_width_log2)];
const int context = std::min(
4, DivideBy2(1 + (std::min(quantized[1], 3) + // {0, 1}
std::min(quantized[padded_tx_width], 3) + // {1, 0}
std::min(quantized[2], 3) + // {0, 2}
std::min(quantized[3], 3) + // {0, 3}
std::min(quantized[4], 3)))); // {0, 4}
const int index = pos & (tx_width - 1);
return context + kCoeffBasePositionContextOffset[std::min(index, 2)];
// Section 8.3.2 in the spec, under coeff_base.
int Tile::GetCoeffBaseContextVertical(const int32_t* const quantized_buffer,
TransformSize /*tx_size*/,
int adjusted_tx_width_log2,
uint16_t pos) {
const int tx_width = 1 << adjusted_tx_width_log2;
const int padded_tx_width = tx_width + kQuantizedCoefficientBufferPadding;
const int32_t* const quantized =
&quantized_buffer[PaddedIndex(pos, adjusted_tx_width_log2)];
const int context = std::min(
4, DivideBy2(1 + (std::min(quantized[1], 3) + // {0, 1}
std::min(quantized[padded_tx_width], 3) + // {1, 0}
3) + // {2, 0}
std::min(quantized[padded_tx_width * 3], 3) + // {3, 0}
3)))); // {4, 0}
const int index = pos >> adjusted_tx_width_log2;
return context + kCoeffBasePositionContextOffset[std::min(index, 2)];
// Section 8.3.2 in the spec, under coeff_br.
int Tile::GetCoeffBaseRangeContext2D(const int32_t* const quantized_buffer,
int adjusted_tx_width_log2, int pos) {
const uint8_t tx_width = 1 << adjusted_tx_width_log2;
const int padded_tx_width = tx_width + kQuantizedCoefficientBufferPadding;
const int32_t* const quantized =
&quantized_buffer[PaddedIndex(pos, adjusted_tx_width_log2)];
const int context = std::min(
6, DivideBy2(
1 +
kQuantizerCoefficientBaseRangeContextClamp) + // {0, 1}
kQuantizerCoefficientBaseRangeContextClamp) + // {1, 0}
std::min(quantized[padded_tx_width + 1],
kQuantizerCoefficientBaseRangeContextClamp))); // {1, 1}
if (pos == 0) return context;
const int row = pos >> adjusted_tx_width_log2;
const int column = pos & (tx_width - 1);
return context + (((row | column) < 2) ? 7 : 14);
// Section 8.3.2 in the spec, under coeff_br.
int Tile::GetCoeffBaseRangeContextHorizontal(
const int32_t* const quantized_buffer, int adjusted_tx_width_log2,
int pos) {
const uint8_t tx_width = 1 << adjusted_tx_width_log2;
const int padded_tx_width = tx_width + kQuantizedCoefficientBufferPadding;
const int32_t* const quantized =
&quantized_buffer[PaddedIndex(pos, adjusted_tx_width_log2)];
const int context = std::min(
6, DivideBy2(
1 +
kQuantizerCoefficientBaseRangeContextClamp) + // {0, 1}
kQuantizerCoefficientBaseRangeContextClamp) + // {1, 0}
kQuantizerCoefficientBaseRangeContextClamp))); // {0, 2}
if (pos == 0) return context;
const int column = pos & (tx_width - 1);
return context + ((column == 0) ? 7 : 14);
// Section 8.3.2 in the spec, under coeff_br.
int Tile::GetCoeffBaseRangeContextVertical(
const int32_t* const quantized_buffer, int adjusted_tx_width_log2,
int pos) {
const uint8_t tx_width = 1 << adjusted_tx_width_log2;
const int padded_tx_width = tx_width + kQuantizedCoefficientBufferPadding;
const int32_t* const quantized =
&quantized_buffer[PaddedIndex(pos, adjusted_tx_width_log2)];
const int context = std::min(
6, DivideBy2(
1 +
kQuantizerCoefficientBaseRangeContextClamp) + // {0, 1}
kQuantizerCoefficientBaseRangeContextClamp) + // {1, 0}
kQuantizerCoefficientBaseRangeContextClamp))); // {2, 0}
if (pos == 0) return context;
const int row = pos >> adjusted_tx_width_log2;
return context + ((row == 0) ? 7 : 14);
int Tile::GetDcSignContext(int x4, int y4, int w4, int h4, Plane plane) {
const int max_x4x4 = frame_header_.columns4x4 >> subsampling_x_[plane];
const int8_t* dc_categories = &dc_categories_[kEntropyContextTop][plane][x4];
int dc_sign = std::accumulate(
dc_categories, dc_categories + GetNumElements(w4, x4, max_x4x4), 0);
const int max_y4x4 = frame_header_.rows4x4 >> subsampling_y_[plane];
dc_categories = &dc_categories_[kEntropyContextLeft][plane][y4];
dc_sign = std::accumulate(
dc_categories, dc_categories + GetNumElements(h4, y4, max_y4x4), dc_sign);
// This return statement is equivalent to:
// if (dc_sign < 0) return 1;
// if (dc_sign > 0) return 2;
// return 0;
return static_cast<int>(dc_sign < 0) +
MultiplyBy2(static_cast<int>(dc_sign > 0));
void Tile::SetEntropyContexts(int x4, int y4, int w4, int h4, Plane plane,
uint8_t coefficient_level, int8_t dc_category) {
const int max_x4x4 = frame_header_.columns4x4 >> subsampling_x_[plane];
const int num_top_elements = GetNumElements(w4, x4, max_x4x4);
memset(&coefficient_levels_[kEntropyContextTop][plane][x4], coefficient_level,
memset(&dc_categories_[kEntropyContextTop][plane][x4], dc_category,
const int max_y4x4 = frame_header_.rows4x4 >> subsampling_y_[plane];
const int num_left_elements = GetNumElements(h4, y4, max_y4x4);
coefficient_level, num_left_elements);
memset(&dc_categories_[kEntropyContextLeft][plane][y4], dc_category,
void Tile::ScaleMotionVector(const MotionVector& mv, const Plane plane,
const int reference_frame_index, const int x,
const int y, int* const start_x,
int* const start_y, int* const step_x,
int* const step_y) {
const int reference_upscaled_width =
(reference_frame_index == -1)
? frame_header_.upscaled_width
: reference_frames_[reference_frame_index]->upscaled_width();
const int reference_height =
(reference_frame_index == -1)
? frame_header_.height
: reference_frames_[reference_frame_index]->frame_height();
assert(2 * frame_header_.width >= reference_upscaled_width &&
2 * frame_header_.height >= reference_height &&
frame_header_.width <= 16 * reference_upscaled_width &&
frame_header_.height <= 16 * reference_height);
const bool is_scaled_x = reference_upscaled_width != frame_header_.width;
const bool is_scaled_y = reference_height != frame_header_.height;
const int half_sample = 1 << (kSubPixelBits - 1);
int orig_x = (x << kSubPixelBits) + ((2 *[1]) >> subsampling_x_[plane]);
int orig_y = (y << kSubPixelBits) + ((2 *[0]) >> subsampling_y_[plane]);
const int rounding_offset =
DivideBy2(1 << (kScaleSubPixelBits - kSubPixelBits));
if (is_scaled_x) {
const int scale_x = ((reference_upscaled_width << kReferenceScaleShift) +
DivideBy2(frame_header_.width)) /
*step_x = RightShiftWithRoundingSigned(
scale_x, kReferenceScaleShift - kScaleSubPixelBits);
orig_x += half_sample;
// When frame size is 4k and above, orig_x can be above 16 bits, scale_x can
// be up to 15 bits. So we use int64_t to hold base_x.
const int64_t base_x = static_cast<int64_t>(orig_x) * scale_x -
(half_sample << kReferenceScaleShift);
*start_x =
base_x, kReferenceScaleShift + kSubPixelBits - kScaleSubPixelBits) +
} else {
*step_x = 1 << kScaleSubPixelBits;
*start_x = LeftShift(orig_x, 6) + rounding_offset;
if (is_scaled_y) {
const int scale_y = ((reference_height << kReferenceScaleShift) +
DivideBy2(frame_header_.height)) /
*step_y = RightShiftWithRoundingSigned(
scale_y, kReferenceScaleShift - kScaleSubPixelBits);
orig_y += half_sample;
const int64_t base_y = static_cast<int64_t>(orig_y) * scale_y -
(half_sample << kReferenceScaleShift);
*start_y =
base_y, kReferenceScaleShift + kSubPixelBits - kScaleSubPixelBits) +
} else {
*step_y = 1 << kScaleSubPixelBits;
*start_y = LeftShift(orig_y, 6) + rounding_offset;
template <bool is_dc_coefficient>
bool Tile::ReadSignAndApplyDequantization(
const Block& block, int32_t* const quantized_buffer,
const uint16_t* const scan, int i, int adjusted_tx_width_log2, int tx_width,
int q_value, const uint8_t* const quantizer_matrix, int shift,
int min_value, int max_value, uint16_t* const dc_sign_cdf,
int8_t* const dc_category, int* const coefficient_level) {
int pos = is_dc_coefficient ? 0 : scan[i];
const int pos_index =
is_dc_coefficient ? 0 : PaddedIndex(pos, adjusted_tx_width_log2);
// If quantized_buffer[pos_index] is zero, then the rest of the function has
// no effect.
if (quantized_buffer[pos_index] == 0) return true;
const bool sign = is_dc_coefficient ? reader_.ReadSymbol(dc_sign_cdf)
: static_cast<bool>(reader_.ReadBit());
if (quantized_buffer[pos_index] >
kNumQuantizerBaseLevels + kQuantizerCoefficientBaseRange) {
int length = 0;
bool golomb_length_bit = false;
do {
golomb_length_bit = static_cast<bool>(reader_.ReadBit());
if (length > 20) {
LIBGAV1_DLOG(ERROR, "Invalid golomb_length %d", length);
return false;
} while (!golomb_length_bit);
int x = 1;
for (int i = length - 2; i >= 0; --i) {
x = (x << 1) | reader_.ReadBit();
quantized_buffer[pos_index] += x - 1;
if (is_dc_coefficient && quantized_buffer[0] > 0) {
*dc_category = sign ? -1 : 1;
quantized_buffer[pos_index] &= 0xfffff;
*coefficient_level += quantized_buffer[pos_index];
// Apply dequantization. Step 1 of section 7.12.3 in the spec.
int q = q_value;
if (quantizer_matrix != nullptr) {
q = RightShiftWithRounding(q * quantizer_matrix[pos], 5);
// The intermediate multiplication can exceed 32 bits, so it has to be
// performed by promoting one of the values to int64_t.
int32_t dequantized_value =
(static_cast<int64_t>(q) * quantized_buffer[pos_index]) & 0xffffff;
dequantized_value >>= shift;
if (sign) {
dequantized_value = -dequantized_value;
// Inverse transform process assumes that the quantized coefficients are
// stored as a virtual 2d array of size |tx_width| x |tx_height|. If
// transform width is 64, then this assumption is broken because the scan
// order used for populating the coefficients for such transforms is the
// same as the one used for corresponding transform with width 32 (e.g. the
// scan order used for 64x16 is the same as the one used for 32x16). So we
// have to recompute the value of pos so that it reflects the index of the
// 2d array of size 64 x |tx_height|.
if (!is_dc_coefficient && tx_width == 64) {
const int row_index = DivideBy32(pos);
const int column_index = Mod32(pos);
pos = MultiplyBy64(row_index) + column_index;
if (sequence_header_.color_config.bitdepth == 8) {
auto* const residual_buffer = reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(*block.residual);
residual_buffer[pos] = Clip3(dequantized_value, min_value, max_value);
} else {
auto* const residual_buffer = reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(*block.residual);
residual_buffer[pos] = Clip3(dequantized_value, min_value, max_value);
return true;
int Tile::ReadCoeffBaseRange(int clamped_tx_size_context, int cdf_context,
int plane_type) {
int level = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < kCoeffBaseRangeMaxIterations; ++j) {
const int coeff_base_range = reader_.ReadSymbol<kCoeffBaseRangeSymbolCount>(
level += coeff_base_range;
if (coeff_base_range < (kCoeffBaseRangeSymbolCount - 1)) break;
return level;
int16_t Tile::ReadTransformCoefficients(const Block& block, Plane plane,
int start_x, int start_y,
TransformSize tx_size,
TransformType* const tx_type) {
const int x4 = DivideBy4(start_x);
const int y4 = DivideBy4(start_y);
const int w4 = kTransformWidth4x4[tx_size];
const int h4 = kTransformHeight4x4[tx_size];
const int tx_size_context = kTransformSizeContext[tx_size];
int context =
GetTransformAllZeroContext(block, plane, tx_size, x4, y4, w4, h4);
const bool all_zero = reader_.ReadSymbol(
if (all_zero) {
if (plane == kPlaneY) {
SetTransformType(block, x4, y4, w4, h4, kTransformTypeDctDct,
SetEntropyContexts(x4, y4, w4, h4, plane, 0, 0);
// This is not used in this case, so it can be set to any value.
*tx_type = kNumTransformTypes;
return 0;
const int tx_width = kTransformWidth[tx_size];
const int tx_height = kTransformHeight[tx_size];
memset(*block.residual, 0, tx_width * tx_height * residual_size_);
const int clamped_tx_width = std::min(tx_width, 32);
const int clamped_tx_height = std::min(tx_height, 32);
const int padded_tx_width =
clamped_tx_width + kQuantizedCoefficientBufferPadding;
const int padded_tx_height =
clamped_tx_height + kQuantizedCoefficientBufferPadding;
int32_t* const quantized = block.scratch_buffer->quantized_buffer;
// Only the first |padded_tx_width| * |padded_tx_height| values of |quantized|
// will be used by this function and the functions to which it is passed into.
// So we simply need to zero out those values before it is being used.
memset(quantized, 0,
padded_tx_width * padded_tx_height * sizeof(quantized[0]));
if (plane == kPlaneY) {
ReadTransformType(block, x4, y4, tx_size);
BlockParameters& bp = *block.bp;
*tx_type = ComputeTransformType(block, plane, tx_size, x4, y4);
const int eob_multi_size = kEobMultiSizeLookup[tx_size];
const PlaneType plane_type = GetPlaneType(plane);
const TransformClass tx_class = GetTransformClass(*tx_type);
context = static_cast<int>(tx_class != kTransformClass2D);
uint16_t* cdf;
switch (eob_multi_size) {
case 0:
cdf = symbol_decoder_context_.eob_pt_16_cdf[plane_type][context];
case 1:
cdf = symbol_decoder_context_.eob_pt_32_cdf[plane_type][context];
case 2:
cdf = symbol_decoder_context_.eob_pt_64_cdf[plane_type][context];
case 3:
cdf = symbol_decoder_context_.eob_pt_128_cdf[plane_type][context];
case 4:
cdf = symbol_decoder_context_.eob_pt_256_cdf[plane_type][context];
case 5:
cdf = symbol_decoder_context_.eob_pt_512_cdf[plane_type];
case 6:
cdf = symbol_decoder_context_.eob_pt_1024_cdf[plane_type];
const int16_t eob_pt =
1 + reader_.ReadSymbol(cdf, kEobPt16SymbolCount + eob_multi_size);
int16_t eob = (eob_pt < 2) ? eob_pt : ((1 << (eob_pt - 2)) + 1);
if (eob_pt >= 3) {
context = eob_pt - 3;
const bool eob_extra = reader_.ReadSymbol(
if (eob_extra) eob += 1 << (eob_pt - 3);
for (int i = 1; i < eob_pt - 2; ++i) {
assert(eob_pt - i >= 3);
assert(eob_pt <= kEobPt1024SymbolCount);
if (static_cast<bool>(reader_.ReadBit())) {
eob += 1 << (eob_pt - i - 3);
const uint16_t* scan = kScan[tx_class][tx_size];
const TransformSize adjusted_tx_size = kAdjustedTransformSize[tx_size];
const int adjusted_tx_width_log2 = kTransformWidthLog2[adjusted_tx_size];
// Lookup used to call the right variant of GetCoeffBaseContext*() based on
// the transform class.
static constexpr int (Tile::*kGetCoeffBaseContextFunc[])(
const int32_t*, TransformSize, int, uint16_t) = {
&Tile::GetCoeffBaseContext2D, &Tile::GetCoeffBaseContextHorizontal,
auto get_coeff_base_context_func = kGetCoeffBaseContextFunc[tx_class];
// Lookup used to call the right variant of GetCoeffBaseRangeContext*() based
// on the transform class.
static constexpr int (Tile::*kGetCoeffBaseRangeContextFunc[])(
const int32_t*, int, int) = {&Tile::GetCoeffBaseRangeContext2D,
auto get_coeff_base_range_context_func =
const int clamped_tx_size_context = std::min(tx_size_context, 3);
// Read the last coefficient.
context = GetCoeffBaseContextEob(tx_size, eob - 1);
const uint16_t pos = scan[eob - 1];
int level =
1 + reader_.ReadSymbol(
if (level > kNumQuantizerBaseLevels) {
level += ReadCoeffBaseRange(clamped_tx_size_context,
quantized, adjusted_tx_width_log2, pos),
quantized[PaddedIndex(pos, adjusted_tx_width_log2)] = level;
// Read all the other coefficients.
for (int i = eob - 2; i >= 0; --i) {
const uint16_t pos = scan[i];
context = (this->*get_coeff_base_context_func)(quantized, tx_size,
adjusted_tx_width_log2, pos);
int level = reader_.ReadSymbol<kCoeffBaseSymbolCount>(
if (level > kNumQuantizerBaseLevels) {
level += ReadCoeffBaseRange(clamped_tx_size_context,
quantized, adjusted_tx_width_log2, pos),
quantized[PaddedIndex(pos, adjusted_tx_width_log2)] = level;
const int min_value = -(1 << (7 + sequence_header_.color_config.bitdepth));
const int max_value = (1 << (7 + sequence_header_.color_config.bitdepth)) - 1;
const int current_quantizer_index = GetQIndex(
frame_header_.segmentation, bp.segment_id, current_quantizer_index_);
const int dc_q_value = quantizer_.GetDcValue(plane, current_quantizer_index);
const int ac_q_value = quantizer_.GetAcValue(plane, current_quantizer_index);
const int shift = GetQuantizationShift(tx_size);
const uint8_t* const quantizer_matrix =
(frame_header_.quantizer.use_matrix &&
*tx_type < kTransformTypeIdentityIdentity &&
!frame_header_.segmentation.lossless[bp.segment_id] &&
frame_header_.quantizer.matrix_level[plane] < 15)
? &kQuantizerMatrix[frame_header_.quantizer.matrix_level[plane]]
: nullptr;
int coefficient_level = 0;
int8_t dc_category = 0;
uint16_t* const dc_sign_cdf =
(quantized[0] != 0)
? symbol_decoder_context_.dc_sign_cdf[plane_type][GetDcSignContext(
x4, y4, w4, h4, plane)]
: nullptr;
assert(scan[0] == 0);
if (!ReadSignAndApplyDequantization</*is_dc_coefficient=*/true>(
block, quantized, scan, 0, adjusted_tx_width_log2, tx_width,
dc_q_value, quantizer_matrix, shift, min_value, max_value,
dc_sign_cdf, &dc_category, &coefficient_level)) {
return -1;
for (int i = 1; i < eob; ++i) {
if (!ReadSignAndApplyDequantization</*is_dc_coefficient=*/false>(
block, quantized, scan, i, adjusted_tx_width_log2, tx_width,
ac_q_value, quantizer_matrix, shift, min_value, max_value, nullptr,
nullptr, &coefficient_level)) {
return -1;
SetEntropyContexts(x4, y4, w4, h4, plane, std::min(4, coefficient_level),
if (split_parse_and_decode_) {
*block.residual += tx_width * tx_height * residual_size_;
return eob;
bool Tile::TransformBlock(const Block& block, Plane plane, int base_x,
int base_y, TransformSize tx_size, int x, int y,
ProcessingMode mode) {
BlockParameters& bp = *block.bp;
const int subsampling_x = subsampling_x_[plane];
const int subsampling_y = subsampling_y_[plane];
const int start_x = base_x + MultiplyBy4(x);
const int start_y = base_y + MultiplyBy4(y);
const int max_x = MultiplyBy4(frame_header_.columns4x4) >> subsampling_x;
const int max_y = MultiplyBy4(frame_header_.rows4x4) >> subsampling_y;
if (start_x >= max_x || start_y >= max_y) return true;
const int row = DivideBy4(start_y << subsampling_y);
const int column = DivideBy4(start_x << subsampling_x);
const int mask = sequence_header_.use_128x128_superblock ? 31 : 15;
const int sub_block_row4x4 = row & mask;
const int sub_block_column4x4 = column & mask;
const int step_x = kTransformWidth4x4[tx_size];
const int step_y = kTransformHeight4x4[tx_size];
const bool do_decode = mode == kProcessingModeDecodeOnly ||
mode == kProcessingModeParseAndDecode;
if (do_decode && !bp.is_inter) {
if (bp.palette_mode_info.size[GetPlaneType(plane)] > 0) {
if (sequence_header_.color_config.bitdepth == 8) {
PalettePrediction<uint8_t>(block, plane, start_x, start_y, x, y,
} else {
PalettePrediction<uint16_t>(block, plane, start_x, start_y, x, y,
} else {
const PredictionMode mode =
(plane == kPlaneY)
? bp.y_mode
: (bp.uv_mode == kPredictionModeChromaFromLuma ? kPredictionModeDc
: bp.uv_mode);
const int tr_row4x4 = (sub_block_row4x4 >> subsampling_y);
const int tr_column4x4 =
(sub_block_column4x4 >> subsampling_x) + step_x + 1;
const int bl_row4x4 = (sub_block_row4x4 >> subsampling_y) + step_y + 1;
const int bl_column4x4 = (sub_block_column4x4 >> subsampling_x);
const bool has_left =
x > 0 || (plane == kPlaneY ? block.left_available
: block.LeftAvailableChroma());
const bool has_top =
y > 0 ||
(plane == kPlaneY ? block.top_available : block.TopAvailableChroma());
if (sequence_header_.color_config.bitdepth == 8) {
block, plane, start_x, start_y, has_left, has_top,
mode, tx_size);
} else {
block, plane, start_x, start_y, has_left, has_top,
mode, tx_size);
if (plane != kPlaneY && bp.uv_mode == kPredictionModeChromaFromLuma) {
if (sequence_header_.color_config.bitdepth == 8) {
ChromaFromLumaPrediction<uint8_t>(block, plane, start_x, start_y,
} else {
ChromaFromLumaPrediction<uint16_t>(block, plane, start_x, start_y,
if (plane == kPlaneY) {
block.bp->prediction_parameters->max_luma_width =
start_x + MultiplyBy4(step_x);
block.bp->prediction_parameters->max_luma_height =
start_y + MultiplyBy4(step_y);
block.scratch_buffer->cfl_luma_buffer_valid = false;
if (!bp.skip) {
const int sb_row_index = SuperBlockRowIndex(block.row4x4);
const int sb_column_index = SuperBlockColumnIndex(block.column4x4);
switch (mode) {
case kProcessingModeParseAndDecode: {
TransformType tx_type;
const int16_t non_zero_coeff_count = ReadTransformCoefficients(
block, plane, start_x, start_y, tx_size, &tx_type);
if (non_zero_coeff_count < 0) return false;
ReconstructBlock(block, plane, start_x, start_y, tx_size, tx_type,
case kProcessingModeParseOnly: {
TransformType tx_type;
const int16_t non_zero_coeff_count = ReadTransformCoefficients(
block, plane, start_x, start_y, tx_size, &tx_type);
if (non_zero_coeff_count < 0) return false;
->Push(non_zero_coeff_count, tx_type);
case kProcessingModeDecodeOnly: {
TransformParameterQueue& tx_params =
ReconstructBlock(block, plane, start_x, start_y, tx_size,
tx_params.Type(), tx_params.NonZeroCoeffCount());
if (do_decode) {
bool* block_decoded =
->block_decoded[plane][(sub_block_row4x4 >> subsampling_y) + 1]
[(sub_block_column4x4 >> subsampling_x) + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < step_y; ++i) {
static_assert(sizeof(bool) == 1, "");
memset(block_decoded, 1, step_x);
block_decoded += DecoderScratchBuffer::kBlockDecodedStride;
return true;
bool Tile::TransformTree(const Block& block, int start_x, int start_y,
BlockSize plane_size, ProcessingMode mode) {
assert(plane_size <= kBlock64x64);
// Branching factor is 4; Maximum Depth is 4; So the maximum stack size
// required is (4 - 1) * 4 + 1 = 13.
Stack<TransformTreeNode, 13> stack;
// It is okay to cast BlockSize to TransformSize here since the enum are
// equivalent for all BlockSize values <= kBlock64x64.
stack.Push(TransformTreeNode(start_x, start_y,
while (!stack.Empty()) {
TransformTreeNode node = stack.Pop();
const int row = DivideBy4(node.y);
const int column = DivideBy4(node.x);
if (row >= frame_header_.rows4x4 || column >= frame_header_.columns4x4) {
const TransformSize inter_tx_size = inter_transform_sizes_[row][column];
const int width = kTransformWidth[node.tx_size];
const int height = kTransformHeight[node.tx_size];
if (width <= kTransformWidth[inter_tx_size] &&
height <= kTransformHeight[inter_tx_size]) {
if (!TransformBlock(block, kPlaneY, node.x, node.y, node.tx_size, 0, 0,
mode)) {
return false;
// The split transform size look up gives the right transform size that we
// should push in the stack.
// if (width > height) => transform size whose width is half.
// if (width < height) => transform size whose height is half.
// if (width == height) => transform size whose width and height are half.
const TransformSize split_tx_size = kSplitTransformSize[node.tx_size];
const int half_width = DivideBy2(width);
if (width > height) {
stack.Push(TransformTreeNode(node.x + half_width, node.y, split_tx_size));
stack.Push(TransformTreeNode(node.x, node.y, split_tx_size));
const int half_height = DivideBy2(height);
if (width < height) {
TransformTreeNode(node.x, node.y + half_height, split_tx_size));
stack.Push(TransformTreeNode(node.x, node.y, split_tx_size));
stack.Push(TransformTreeNode(node.x + half_width, node.y + half_height,
stack.Push(TransformTreeNode(node.x, node.y + half_height, split_tx_size));
stack.Push(TransformTreeNode(node.x + half_width, node.y, split_tx_size));
stack.Push(TransformTreeNode(node.x, node.y, split_tx_size));
return true;
void Tile::ReconstructBlock(const Block& block, Plane plane, int start_x,
int start_y, TransformSize tx_size,
TransformType tx_type,
int16_t non_zero_coeff_count) {
assert(non_zero_coeff_count >= 0);
if (non_zero_coeff_count == 0) return;
// Reconstruction process. Steps 2 and 3 of Section 7.12.3 in the spec.
if (sequence_header_.color_config.bitdepth == 8) {
Reconstruct(dsp_, tx_type, tx_size,
reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(*block.residual), start_x, start_y,
&buffer_[plane], non_zero_coeff_count);
} else {
Array2DView<uint16_t> buffer(
buffer_[plane].rows(), buffer_[plane].columns() / sizeof(uint16_t),
Reconstruct(dsp_, tx_type, tx_size,
reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(*block.residual), start_x, start_y,
&buffer, non_zero_coeff_count);
if (split_parse_and_decode_) {
*block.residual +=
kTransformWidth[tx_size] * kTransformHeight[tx_size] * residual_size_;
bool Tile::Residual(const Block& block, ProcessingMode mode) {
const int width_chunks = std::max(1, kBlockWidthPixels[block.size] >> 6);
const int height_chunks = std::max(1, kBlockHeightPixels[block.size] >> 6);
const BlockSize size_chunk4x4 =
(width_chunks > 1 || height_chunks > 1) ? kBlock64x64 : block.size;
const BlockParameters& bp = *block.bp;
for (int chunk_y = 0; chunk_y < height_chunks; ++chunk_y) {
for (int chunk_x = 0; chunk_x < width_chunks; ++chunk_x) {
for (int plane = 0; plane < (block.HasChroma() ? PlaneCount() : 1);
++plane) {
const int subsampling_x = subsampling_x_[plane];
const int subsampling_y = subsampling_y_[plane];
// For Y Plane, when lossless is true |bp.transform_size| is always
// kTransformSize4x4. So we can simply use |bp.transform_size| here as
// the Y plane's transform size (part of Section 5.11.37 in the spec).
const TransformSize tx_size =
(plane == kPlaneY) ? bp.transform_size : bp.uv_transform_size;
const BlockSize plane_size =
assert(plane_size != kBlockInvalid);
if (bp.is_inter &&
!frame_header_.segmentation.lossless[bp.segment_id] &&
plane == kPlaneY) {
const int row_chunk4x4 = block.row4x4 + MultiplyBy16(chunk_y);
const int column_chunk4x4 = block.column4x4 + MultiplyBy16(chunk_x);
const int base_x = MultiplyBy4(column_chunk4x4 >> subsampling_x);
const int base_y = MultiplyBy4(row_chunk4x4 >> subsampling_y);
if (!TransformTree(block, base_x, base_y, plane_size, mode)) {
return false;
} else {
const int base_x = MultiplyBy4(block.column4x4 >> subsampling_x);
const int base_y = MultiplyBy4(block.row4x4 >> subsampling_y);
const int step_x = kTransformWidth4x4[tx_size];
const int step_y = kTransformHeight4x4[tx_size];
const int num4x4_wide = kNum4x4BlocksWide[plane_size];
const int num4x4_high = kNum4x4BlocksHigh[plane_size];
for (int y = 0; y < num4x4_high; y += step_y) {
for (int x = 0; x < num4x4_wide; x += step_x) {
if (!TransformBlock(
block, static_cast<Plane>(plane), base_x, base_y, tx_size,
x + (MultiplyBy16(chunk_x) >> subsampling_x),
y + (MultiplyBy16(chunk_y) >> subsampling_y), mode)) {
return false;
return true;
// The purpose of this function is to limit the maximum size of motion vectors
// and also, if use_intra_block_copy is true, to additionally constrain the
// motion vector so that the data is fetched from parts of the tile that have
// already been decoded and are not too close to the current block (in order to
// make a pipelined decoder implementation feasible).
bool Tile::IsMvValid(const Block& block, bool is_compound) const {
const BlockParameters& bp = *block.bp;
for (int i = 0; i < 1 + static_cast<int>(is_compound); ++i) {
for (int mv_component :[i].mv) {
if (std::abs(mv_component) >= (1 << 14)) {
return false;
if (!block.bp->prediction_parameters->use_intra_block_copy) {
return true;
const int block_width = kBlockWidthPixels[block.size];
const int block_height = kBlockHeightPixels[block.size];
if (([0].mv[0] & 7) != 0 || ([0].mv[1] & 7) != 0) {
return false;
const int delta_row =[0].mv[0] >> 3;
const int delta_column =[0].mv[1] >> 3;
int src_top_edge = MultiplyBy4(block.row4x4) + delta_row;
int src_left_edge = MultiplyBy4(block.column4x4) + delta_column;
const int src_bottom_edge = src_top_edge + block_height;
const int src_right_edge = src_left_edge + block_width;
if (block.HasChroma()) {
if (block_width < 8 && subsampling_x_[kPlaneU] != 0) {
src_left_edge -= 4;
if (block_height < 8 && subsampling_y_[kPlaneU] != 0) {
src_top_edge -= 4;
if (src_top_edge < MultiplyBy4(row4x4_start_) ||
src_left_edge < MultiplyBy4(column4x4_start_) ||
src_bottom_edge > MultiplyBy4(row4x4_end_) ||
src_right_edge > MultiplyBy4(column4x4_end_)) {
return false;
// sb_height_log2 = use_128x128_superblock ? log2(128) : log2(64)
const int sb_height_log2 =
6 + static_cast<int>(sequence_header_.use_128x128_superblock);
const int active_sb_row = MultiplyBy4(block.row4x4) >> sb_height_log2;
const int active_64x64_block_column = MultiplyBy4(block.column4x4) >> 6;
const int src_sb_row = (src_bottom_edge - 1) >> sb_height_log2;
const int src_64x64_block_column = (src_right_edge - 1) >> 6;
const int total_64x64_blocks_per_row =
((column4x4_end_ - column4x4_start_ - 1) >> 4) + 1;
const int active_64x64_block =
active_sb_row * total_64x64_blocks_per_row + active_64x64_block_column;
const int src_64x64_block =
src_sb_row * total_64x64_blocks_per_row + src_64x64_block_column;
if (src_64x64_block >= active_64x64_block - kIntraBlockCopyDelay64x64Blocks) {
return false;
// Wavefront constraint: use only top left area of frame for reference.
if (src_sb_row > active_sb_row) return false;
const int gradient =
1 + kIntraBlockCopyDelay64x64Blocks +
const int wavefront_offset = gradient * (active_sb_row - src_sb_row);
return src_64x64_block_column < active_64x64_block_column -
kIntraBlockCopyDelay64x64Blocks +
bool Tile::AssignMv(const Block& block, bool is_compound) {
MotionVector predicted_mv[2] = {};
BlockParameters& bp = *block.bp;
for (int i = 0; i < 1 + static_cast<int>(is_compound); ++i) {
const PredictionParameters& prediction_parameters =
const PredictionMode mode = prediction_parameters.use_intra_block_copy
? kPredictionModeNewMv
: GetSinglePredictionMode(i, bp.y_mode);
if (prediction_parameters.use_intra_block_copy) {
predicted_mv[0] = prediction_parameters.ref_mv_stack[0].mv[0];
if (predicted_mv[0].mv[0] == 0 && predicted_mv[0].mv[1] == 0) {
predicted_mv[0] = prediction_parameters.ref_mv_stack[1].mv[0];
if (predicted_mv[0].mv[0] == 0 && predicted_mv[0].mv[1] == 0) {
const int super_block_size4x4 = kNum4x4BlocksHigh[SuperBlockSize()];
if (block.row4x4 - super_block_size4x4 < row4x4_start_) {
predicted_mv[0].mv[1] = -MultiplyBy8(
MultiplyBy4(super_block_size4x4) + kIntraBlockCopyDelayPixels);
} else {
predicted_mv[0].mv[0] = -MultiplyBy32(super_block_size4x4);
} else if (mode == kPredictionModeGlobalMv) {
predicted_mv[i] = prediction_parameters.global_mv[i];
} else {
const int ref_mv_index = (mode == kPredictionModeNearestMv ||
(mode == kPredictionModeNewMv &&
prediction_parameters.ref_mv_count <= 1))
? 0
: prediction_parameters.ref_mv_index;
predicted_mv[i] = prediction_parameters.ref_mv_stack[ref_mv_index].mv[i];
if (mode == kPredictionModeNewMv) {
ReadMotionVector(block, i);[i].mv[0] += predicted_mv[i].mv[0];[i].mv[1] += predicted_mv[i].mv[1];
} else {[i] = predicted_mv[i];
return IsMvValid(block, is_compound);
void Tile::ResetEntropyContext(const Block& block) {
const int block_width4x4 = kNum4x4BlocksWide[block.size];
const int block_height4x4 = kNum4x4BlocksHigh[block.size];
for (int plane = 0; plane < (block.HasChroma() ? PlaneCount() : 1); ++plane) {
const int subsampling_x = subsampling_x_[plane];
const int start_x = block.column4x4 >> subsampling_x;
const int end_x =
std::min((block.column4x4 + block_width4x4) >> subsampling_x,
memset(&coefficient_levels_[kEntropyContextTop][plane][start_x], 0,
end_x - start_x);
memset(&dc_categories_[kEntropyContextTop][plane][start_x], 0,
end_x - start_x);
const int subsampling_y = subsampling_y_[plane];
const int start_y = block.row4x4 >> subsampling_y;
const int end_y =
std::min((block.row4x4 + block_height4x4) >> subsampling_y,
memset(&coefficient_levels_[kEntropyContextLeft][plane][start_y], 0,
end_y - start_y);
memset(&dc_categories_[kEntropyContextLeft][plane][start_y], 0,
end_y - start_y);
void Tile::ComputePrediction(const Block& block) {
const int mask =
(1 << (4 + static_cast<int>(sequence_header_.use_128x128_superblock))) -
const int sub_block_row4x4 = block.row4x4 & mask;
const int sub_block_column4x4 = block.column4x4 & mask;
// Returns true if this block applies local warping. The state is determined
// in the Y plane and carried for use in the U/V planes.
// But the U/V planes will not apply warping when the block size is smaller
// than 8x8, even if this variable is true.
bool is_local_valid = false;
// Local warping parameters, similar usage as is_local_valid.
GlobalMotion local_warp_params;
for (int plane = 0; plane < (block.HasChroma() ? PlaneCount() : 1); ++plane) {
const int8_t subsampling_x = subsampling_x_[plane];
const int8_t subsampling_y = subsampling_y_[plane];
const BlockSize plane_size =
const int block_width4x4 = kNum4x4BlocksWide[plane_size];
const int block_height4x4 = kNum4x4BlocksHigh[plane_size];
const int block_width = MultiplyBy4(block_width4x4);
const int block_height = MultiplyBy4(block_height4x4);
const int base_x = MultiplyBy4(block.column4x4 >> subsampling_x);
const int base_y = MultiplyBy4(block.row4x4 >> subsampling_y);
const BlockParameters& bp = *block.bp;
if (bp.is_inter && bp.reference_frame[1] == kReferenceFrameIntra) {
const int tr_row4x4 = (sub_block_row4x4 >> subsampling_y);
const int tr_column4x4 =
(sub_block_column4x4 >> subsampling_x) + block_width4x4 + 1;
const int bl_row4x4 =
(sub_block_row4x4 >> subsampling_y) + block_height4x4;
const int bl_column4x4 = (sub_block_column4x4 >> subsampling_x) + 1;
const TransformSize tx_size =
const bool has_left =
plane == kPlaneY ? block.left_available : block.LeftAvailableChroma();
const bool has_top =
plane == kPlaneY ? block.top_available : block.TopAvailableChroma();
if (sequence_header_.color_config.bitdepth == 8) {
block, static_cast<Plane>(plane), base_x, base_y, has_left, has_top,
} else {
block, static_cast<Plane>(plane), base_x, base_y, has_left, has_top,
if (bp.is_inter) {
int candidate_row = (block.row4x4 >> subsampling_y) << subsampling_y;
int candidate_column = (block.column4x4 >> subsampling_x)
<< subsampling_x;
bool some_use_intra = false;
for (int r = 0; r < (block_height4x4 << subsampling_y); ++r) {
for (int c = 0; c < (block_width4x4 << subsampling_x); ++c) {
auto* const bp = block_parameters_holder_.Find(candidate_row + r,
candidate_column + c);
if (bp != nullptr && bp->reference_frame[0] == kReferenceFrameIntra) {
some_use_intra = true;
if (some_use_intra) break;
int prediction_width;
int prediction_height;
if (some_use_intra) {
candidate_row = block.row4x4;
candidate_column = block.column4x4;
prediction_width = block_width;
prediction_height = block_height;
} else {
prediction_width = kBlockWidthPixels[block.size] >> subsampling_x;
prediction_height = kBlockHeightPixels[block.size] >> subsampling_y;
for (int r = 0, y = 0; y < block_height; y += prediction_height, ++r) {
for (int c = 0, x = 0; x < block_width; x += prediction_width, ++c) {
InterPrediction(block, static_cast<Plane>(plane), base_x + x,
base_y + y, prediction_width, prediction_height,
candidate_row + r, candidate_column + c,
&is_local_valid, &local_warp_params);
void Tile::PopulateDeblockFilterLevel(const Block& block) {
if (!post_filter_.DoDeblock()) return;
BlockParameters& bp = *block.bp;
for (int i = 0; i < kFrameLfCount; ++i) {
if (delta_lf_all_zero_) {
bp.deblock_filter_level[i] = post_filter_.GetZeroDeltaDeblockFilterLevel(
bp.segment_id, i, bp.reference_frame[0],
} else {
bp.deblock_filter_level[i] =
bool Tile::ProcessBlock(int row4x4, int column4x4, BlockSize block_size,
ParameterTree* const tree,
DecoderScratchBuffer* const scratch_buffer,
ResidualPtr* residual) {
// Do not process the block if the starting point is beyond the visible frame.
// This is equivalent to the has_row/has_column check in the
// decode_partition() section of the spec when partition equals
// kPartitionHorizontal or kPartitionVertical.
if (row4x4 >= frame_header_.rows4x4 ||
column4x4 >= frame_header_.columns4x4) {
return true;
Block block(*this, row4x4, column4x4, block_size, scratch_buffer, residual,
block.bp->size = block_size;
block_parameters_holder_.FillCache(row4x4, column4x4, block_size,
block.bp->prediction_parameters =
split_parse_and_decode_ ? std::unique_ptr<PredictionParameters>(
new (std::nothrow) PredictionParameters())
: std::move(prediction_parameters_);
if (block.bp->prediction_parameters == nullptr) return false;
if (!DecodeModeInfo(block)) return false;
if (!ReadPaletteTokens(block)) return false;
BlockParameters& bp = *block.bp;
// Part of Section 5.11.37 in the spec (implemented as a simple lookup).
bp.uv_transform_size =
? kTransformSize4x4
: kUVTransformSize[block.residual_size[kPlaneTypeUV]];
if (bp.skip) ResetEntropyContext(block);
const int block_width4x4 = kNum4x4BlocksWide[block_size];
const int block_height4x4 = kNum4x4BlocksHigh[block_size];
if (split_parse_and_decode_) {
if (!Residual(block, kProcessingModeParseOnly)) return false;
} else {
if (!Residual(block, kProcessingModeParseAndDecode)) return false;
// If frame_header_.segmentation.enabled is false, bp.segment_id is 0 for all
// blocks. We don't need to call save bp.segment_id in the current frame
// because the current frame's segmentation map will be cleared to all 0s.
// If frame_header_.segmentation.enabled is true and
// frame_header_.segmentation.update_map is false, we will copy the previous
// frame's segmentation map to the current frame. So we don't need to call
// save bp.segment_id in the current frame.
if (frame_header_.segmentation.enabled &&
frame_header_.segmentation.update_map) {
const int x_limit =
std::min(frame_header_.columns4x4 - column4x4, block_width4x4);
const int y_limit =
std::min(frame_header_.rows4x4 - row4x4, block_height4x4);
current_frame_.segmentation_map()->FillBlock(row4x4, column4x4, x_limit,
y_limit, bp.segment_id);
if (build_bit_mask_when_parsing_ || !split_parse_and_decode_) {
BuildBitMask(row4x4, column4x4, block_size);
if (!split_parse_and_decode_) {
prediction_parameters_ = std::move(block.bp->prediction_parameters);
return true;
bool Tile::DecodeBlock(ParameterTree* const tree,
DecoderScratchBuffer* const scratch_buffer,
ResidualPtr* residual) {
const int row4x4 = tree->row4x4();
const int column4x4 = tree->column4x4();
if (row4x4 >= frame_header_.rows4x4 ||
column4x4 >= frame_header_.columns4x4) {
return true;
const BlockSize block_size = tree->block_size();
Block block(*this, row4x4, column4x4, block_size, scratch_buffer, residual,
if (!Residual(block, kProcessingModeDecodeOnly)) return false;
if (!build_bit_mask_when_parsing_) {
BuildBitMask(row4x4, column4x4, block_size);
return true;
bool Tile::ProcessPartition(int row4x4_start, int column4x4_start,
ParameterTree* const root,
DecoderScratchBuffer* const scratch_buffer,
ResidualPtr* residual) {
Stack<ParameterTree*, kDfsStackSize> stack;
// Set up the first iteration.
ParameterTree* node = root;
int row4x4 = row4x4_start;
int column4x4 = column4x4_start;
BlockSize block_size = SuperBlockSize();
// DFS loop. If it sees a terminal node (leaf node), ProcessBlock is invoked.
// Otherwise, the children are pushed into the stack for future processing.
do {
if (!stack.Empty()) {
// Set up subsequent iterations.
node = stack.Pop();
row4x4 = node->row4x4();
column4x4 = node->column4x4();
block_size = node->block_size();
if (row4x4 >= frame_header_.rows4x4 ||
column4x4 >= frame_header_.columns4x4) {
const int block_width4x4 = kNum4x4BlocksWide[block_size];
assert(block_width4x4 == kNum4x4BlocksHigh[block_size]);
const int half_block4x4 = block_width4x4 >> 1;
const bool has_rows = (row4x4 + half_block4x4) < frame_header_.rows4x4;
const bool has_columns =
(column4x4 + half_block4x4) < frame_header_.columns4x4;
Partition partition;
if (!ReadPartition(row4x4, column4x4, block_size, has_rows, has_columns,
&partition)) {
LIBGAV1_DLOG(ERROR, "Failed to read partition for row: %d column: %d",
row4x4, column4x4);
return false;
const BlockSize sub_size = kSubSize[partition][block_size];
// Section 6.10.4: It is a requirement of bitstream conformance that
// get_plane_residual_size( subSize, 1 ) is not equal to BLOCK_INVALID
// every time subSize is computed.
if (sub_size == kBlockInvalid ||
[sequence_header_.color_config.subsampling_y] ==
kBlockInvalid) {
"Invalid sub-block/plane size for row: %d column: %d partition: "
"%d block_size: %d sub_size: %d subsampling_x/y: %d, %d",
row4x4, column4x4, partition, block_size, sub_size,
return false;
if (!node->SetPartitionType(partition)) {
LIBGAV1_DLOG(ERROR, "node->SetPartitionType() failed.");
return false;
switch (partition) {
case kPartitionNone:
if (!ProcessBlock(row4x4, column4x4, sub_size, node, scratch_buffer,
residual)) {
return false;
case kPartitionSplit:
// The children must be added in reverse order since a stack is being
// used.
for (int i = 3; i >= 0; --i) {
ParameterTree* const child = node->children(i);
assert(child != nullptr);
case kPartitionHorizontal:
case kPartitionVertical:
case kPartitionHorizontalWithTopSplit:
case kPartitionHorizontalWithBottomSplit:
case kPartitionVerticalWithLeftSplit:
case kPartitionVerticalWithRightSplit:
case kPartitionHorizontal4:
case kPartitionVertical4:
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
ParameterTree* const child = node->children(i);
// Once a null child is seen, all the subsequent children will also be
// null.
if (child == nullptr) break;
if (!ProcessBlock(child->row4x4(), child->column4x4(),
child->block_size(), child, scratch_buffer,
residual)) {
return false;
} while (!stack.Empty());
return true;
void Tile::ResetLoopRestorationParams() {
for (int plane = kPlaneY; plane < kMaxPlanes; ++plane) {
for (int i = WienerInfo::kVertical; i <= WienerInfo::kHorizontal; ++i) {
reference_unit_info_[plane].sgr_proj_info.multiplier[i] =
for (int j = 0; j < kNumWienerCoefficients; ++j) {
reference_unit_info_[plane].wiener_info.filter[i][j] =
void Tile::ResetCdef(const int row4x4, const int column4x4) {
if (cdef_index_[0] == nullptr) return;
const int row = DivideBy16(row4x4);
const int column = DivideBy16(column4x4);
cdef_index_[row][column] = -1;
if (sequence_header_.use_128x128_superblock) {
const int cdef_size4x4 = kNum4x4BlocksWide[kBlock64x64];
const int border_row = DivideBy16(row4x4 + cdef_size4x4);
const int border_column = DivideBy16(column4x4 + cdef_size4x4);
cdef_index_[row][border_column] = -1;
cdef_index_[border_row][column] = -1;
cdef_index_[border_row][border_column] = -1;
void Tile::ClearBlockDecoded(DecoderScratchBuffer* const scratch_buffer,
int row4x4, int column4x4) {
// Set everything to false.
memset(scratch_buffer->block_decoded, 0,
// Set specific edge cases to true.
const int sb_size4 = sequence_header_.use_128x128_superblock ? 32 : 16;
for (int plane = 0; plane < PlaneCount(); ++plane) {
const int subsampling_x = subsampling_x_[plane];
const int subsampling_y = subsampling_y_[plane];
const int sb_width4 = (column4x4_end_ - column4x4) >> subsampling_x;
const int sb_height4 = (row4x4_end_ - row4x4) >> subsampling_y;
// The memset is equivalent to the following lines in the spec:
// for ( x = -1; x <= ( sbSize4 >> subX ); x++ ) {
// if ( y < 0 && x < sbWidth4 ) {
// BlockDecoded[plane][y][x] = 1
// }
// }
const int num_elements =
std::min((sb_size4 >> subsampling_x_[plane]) + 1, sb_width4) + 1;
memset(&scratch_buffer->block_decoded[plane][0][0], 1, num_elements);
// The for loop is equivalent to the following lines in the spec:
// for ( y = -1; y <= ( sbSize4 >> subY ); y++ )
// if ( x < 0 && y < sbHeight4 )
// BlockDecoded[plane][y][x] = 1
// }
// }
// BlockDecoded[plane][sbSize4 >> subY][-1] = 0
for (int y = -1; y < std::min((sb_size4 >> subsampling_y), sb_height4);
++y) {
scratch_buffer->block_decoded[plane][y + 1][0] = true;
bool Tile::ProcessSuperBlock(int row4x4, int column4x4, int block_width4x4,
DecoderScratchBuffer* const scratch_buffer,
ProcessingMode mode) {
const bool parsing =
mode == kProcessingModeParseOnly || mode == kProcessingModeParseAndDecode;
const bool decoding = mode == kProcessingModeDecodeOnly ||
mode == kProcessingModeParseAndDecode;
if (parsing) {
read_deltas_ = frame_header_.delta_q.present;
ResetCdef(row4x4, column4x4);
if (decoding) {
ClearBlockDecoded(scratch_buffer, row4x4, column4x4);
const BlockSize block_size = SuperBlockSize();
if (parsing) {
ReadLoopRestorationCoefficients(row4x4, column4x4, block_size);
const int row = row4x4 / block_width4x4;
const int column = column4x4 / block_width4x4;
if (parsing && decoding) {
uint8_t* residual_buffer = residual_buffer_.get();
if (!ProcessPartition(row4x4, column4x4,
block_parameters_holder_.Tree(row, column),
scratch_buffer, &residual_buffer)) {
LIBGAV1_DLOG(ERROR, "Error decoding partition row: %d column: %d", row4x4,
return false;
return true;
const int sb_row_index = SuperBlockRowIndex(row4x4);
const int sb_column_index = SuperBlockColumnIndex(column4x4);
if (parsing) {
residual_buffer_threaded_[sb_row_index][sb_column_index] =
if (residual_buffer_threaded_[sb_row_index][sb_column_index] == nullptr) {
LIBGAV1_DLOG(ERROR, "Failed to get residual buffer.");
return false;
uint8_t* residual_buffer =
if (!ProcessPartition(row4x4, column4x4,
block_parameters_holder_.Tree(row, column),
scratch_buffer, &residual_buffer)) {
LIBGAV1_DLOG(ERROR, "Error parsing partition row: %d column: %d", row4x4,
return false;
} else {
uint8_t* residual_buffer =
if (!DecodeSuperBlock(block_parameters_holder_.Tree(row, column),
scratch_buffer, &residual_buffer)) {
LIBGAV1_DLOG(ERROR, "Error decoding superblock row: %d column: %d",
row4x4, column4x4);
return false;
return true;
bool Tile::DecodeSuperBlock(ParameterTree* const tree,
DecoderScratchBuffer* const scratch_buffer,
ResidualPtr* residual) {
Stack<ParameterTree*, kDfsStackSize> stack;
while (!stack.Empty()) {
ParameterTree* const node = stack.Pop();
if (node->partition() != kPartitionNone) {
for (int i = 3; i >= 0; --i) {
if (node->children(i) == nullptr) continue;
if (!DecodeBlock(node, scratch_buffer, residual)) {
LIBGAV1_DLOG(ERROR, "Error decoding block row: %d column: %d",
node->row4x4(), node->column4x4());
return false;
return true;
void Tile::ReadLoopRestorationCoefficients(int row4x4, int column4x4,
BlockSize block_size) {
if (frame_header_.allow_intrabc) return;
LoopRestorationInfo* const restoration_info = post_filter_.restoration_info();
const bool is_superres_scaled =
frame_header_.width != frame_header_.upscaled_width;
for (int plane = kPlaneY; plane < PlaneCount(); ++plane) {
LoopRestorationUnitInfo unit_info;
if (restoration_info->PopulateUnitInfoForSuperBlock(
static_cast<Plane>(plane), block_size, is_superres_scaled,
frame_header_.superres_scale_denominator, row4x4, column4x4,
&unit_info)) {
for (int unit_row = unit_info.row_start; unit_row < unit_info.row_end;
++unit_row) {
for (int unit_column = unit_info.column_start;
unit_column < unit_info.column_end; ++unit_column) {
const int unit_id = unit_row * restoration_info->num_horizontal_units(
static_cast<Plane>(plane)) +
&reader_, &symbol_decoder_context_, static_cast<Plane>(plane),
unit_id, &reference_unit_info_);
void Tile::BuildBitMask(int row4x4, int column4x4, BlockSize block_size) {
if (!post_filter_.DoDeblock()) return;
if (block_size <= kBlock64x64) {
BuildBitMaskHelper(row4x4, column4x4, block_size, true, true);
} else {
const int block_width4x4 = kNum4x4BlocksWide[block_size];
const int block_height4x4 = kNum4x4BlocksHigh[block_size];
for (int y = 0; y < block_height4x4; y += 16) {
for (int x = 0; x < block_width4x4; x += 16) {
BuildBitMaskHelper(row4x4 + y, column4x4 + x, kBlock64x64, x == 0,
y == 0);
void Tile::BuildBitMaskHelper(int row4x4, int column4x4, BlockSize block_size,
const bool is_vertical_block_border,
const bool is_horizontal_block_border) {
const int block_width4x4 = kNum4x4BlocksWide[block_size];
const int block_height4x4 = kNum4x4BlocksHigh[block_size];
BlockParameters& bp = *block_parameters_holder_.Find(row4x4, column4x4);
const bool skip = bp.skip && bp.is_inter;
LoopFilterMask* const masks = post_filter_.masks();
const int unit_id = DivideBy16(row4x4) * masks->num_64x64_blocks_per_row() +
for (int plane = kPlaneY; plane < PlaneCount(); ++plane) {
// For U and V planes, do not build bit masks if level == 0.
if (plane > kPlaneY && frame_header_.loop_filter.level[plane + 1] == 0) {
// Build bit mask for vertical edges.
const int subsampling_x = subsampling_x_[plane];
const int subsampling_y = subsampling_y_[plane];
const int plane_width =
RightShiftWithRounding(frame_header_.width, subsampling_x);
const int column_limit =
std::min({column4x4 + block_width4x4, frame_header_.columns4x4,
DivideBy4(plane_width + 3) << subsampling_x});
const int plane_height =
RightShiftWithRounding(frame_header_.height, subsampling_y);
const int row_limit =
std::min({row4x4 + block_height4x4, frame_header_.rows4x4,
DivideBy4(plane_height + 3) << subsampling_y});
const int row_start = GetDeblockPosition(row4x4, subsampling_y);
const int column_start = GetDeblockPosition(column4x4, subsampling_x);
if (row_start >= row_limit || column_start >= column_limit) {
const int vertical_step = 1 << subsampling_y;
const int horizontal_step = 1 << subsampling_x;
const BlockParameters& bp =
*block_parameters_holder_.Find(row_start, column_start);
const int horizontal_level_index =
const int vertical_level_index =
const uint8_t vertical_level =
for (int row = row_start; row < row_limit; row += vertical_step) {
for (int column = column_start; column < column_limit;) {
const TransformSize tx_size = (plane == kPlaneY)
? inter_transform_sizes_[row][column]
: bp.uv_transform_size;
// (1). Don't filter frame boundary.
// (2). For tile boundary, we don't know whether the previous tile is
// available or not, thus we handle it after all tiles are decoded.
const bool is_vertical_border =
(column == column_start) && is_vertical_block_border;
if (column == GetDeblockPosition(column4x4_start_, subsampling_x) ||
(skip && !is_vertical_border)) {
column += kNum4x4BlocksWide[tx_size] << subsampling_x;
// bp_left is the parameter of the left prediction block which
// is guaranteed to be inside the tile.
const BlockParameters& bp_left =
*block_parameters_holder_.Find(row, column - horizontal_step);
const uint8_t left_level =
? bp_left.deblock_filter_level[vertical_level_index]
: vertical_level;
// We don't have to check if the left block is skipped or not,
// because if the current transform block is on the edge of the coding
// block, is_vertical_border is true; if it's not on the edge,
// left skip is equal to skip.
if (vertical_level != 0 || left_level != 0) {
const TransformSize left_tx_size =
(plane == kPlaneY)
? inter_transform_sizes_[row][column - horizontal_step]
: bp_left.uv_transform_size;
const LoopFilterTransformSizeId transform_size_id =
GetTransformSizeIdWidth(tx_size, left_tx_size);
const int r = row & (kNum4x4InLoopFilterMaskUnit - 1);
const int c = column & (kNum4x4InLoopFilterMaskUnit - 1);
const int shift = LoopFilterMask::GetShift(r, c);
const int index = LoopFilterMask::GetIndex(r);
const auto mask = static_cast<uint64_t>(1) << shift;
masks->SetLeft(mask, unit_id, plane, transform_size_id, index);
const uint8_t current_level =
(vertical_level == 0) ? left_level : vertical_level;
masks->SetLevel(current_level, unit_id, plane,
LoopFilterMask::GetLevelOffset(r, c));
column += kNum4x4BlocksWide[tx_size] << subsampling_x;
// Build bit mask for horizontal edges.
const uint8_t horizontal_level =
for (int column = column_start; column < column_limit;
column += horizontal_step) {
for (int row = row_start; row < row_limit;) {
const TransformSize tx_size = (plane == kPlaneY)
? inter_transform_sizes_[row][column]
: bp.uv_transform_size;
// (1). Don't filter frame boundary.
// (2). For tile boundary, we don't know whether the previous tile is
// available or not, thus we handle it after all tiles are decoded.
const bool is_horizontal_border =
(row == row_start) && is_horizontal_block_border;
if (row == GetDeblockPosition(row4x4_start_, subsampling_y) ||
(skip && !is_horizontal_border)) {
row += kNum4x4BlocksHigh[tx_size] << subsampling_y;
// bp_top is the parameter of the top prediction block which is
// guaranteed to be inside the tile.
const BlockParameters& bp_top =
*block_parameters_holder_.Find(row - vertical_step, column);
const uint8_t top_level =
? bp_top.deblock_filter_level[horizontal_level_index]
: horizontal_level;
// We don't have to check it the top block is skippped or not,
// because if the current transform block is on the edge of the coding
// block, is_horizontal_border is true; if it's not on the edge,
// top skip is equal to skip.
if (horizontal_level != 0 || top_level != 0) {
const TransformSize top_tx_size =
(plane == kPlaneY)
? inter_transform_sizes_[row - vertical_step][column]
: bp_top.uv_transform_size;
const LoopFilterTransformSizeId transform_size_id =
std::min({kTransformHeightLog2[tx_size] - 2,
kTransformHeightLog2[top_tx_size] - 2, 2}));
const int r = row & (kNum4x4InLoopFilterMaskUnit - 1);
const int c = column & (kNum4x4InLoopFilterMaskUnit - 1);
const int shift = LoopFilterMask::GetShift(r, c);
const int index = LoopFilterMask::GetIndex(r);
const auto mask = static_cast<uint64_t>(1) << shift;
masks->SetTop(mask, unit_id, plane, transform_size_id, index);
const uint8_t current_level =
(horizontal_level == 0) ? top_level : horizontal_level;
masks->SetLevel(current_level, unit_id, plane,
LoopFilterMask::GetLevelOffset(r, c));
row += kNum4x4BlocksHigh[tx_size] << subsampling_y;
void Tile::StoreMotionFieldMvsIntoCurrentFrame(const Block& block) {
// The largest reference MV component that can be saved.
constexpr int kRefMvsLimit = (1 << 12) - 1;
const BlockParameters& bp = *block.bp;
ReferenceFrameType reference_frame_to_store = kReferenceFrameNone;
MotionVector mv_to_store = {};
for (int i = 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (bp.reference_frame[i] > kReferenceFrameIntra &&
std::abs([i].mv[MotionVector::kRow]) <= kRefMvsLimit &&
std::abs([i].mv[MotionVector::kColumn]) <= kRefMvsLimit &&
[frame_header_.reference_frame_index[bp.reference_frame[i] -
frame_header_.order_hint, sequence_header_.enable_order_hint,
sequence_header_.order_hint_bits) < 0) {
reference_frame_to_store = bp.reference_frame[i];
mv_to_store =[i];
// Iterate over odd rows/columns beginning at the first odd row/column for the
// block. It is done this way because motion field mvs are only needed at a
// 8x8 granularity.
const int row_start = block.row4x4 | 1;
const int row_limit = std::min(block.row4x4 + kNum4x4BlocksHigh[block.size],
const int column_start = block.column4x4 | 1;
const int column_limit =
std::min(block.column4x4 + kNum4x4BlocksWide[block.size],
for (int row = row_start; row < row_limit; row += 2) {
const int row_index = DivideBy2(row);
ReferenceFrameType* const reference_frame_row_start =
static_assert(sizeof(reference_frame_to_store) == sizeof(int8_t), "");
memset(reference_frame_row_start, reference_frame_to_store,
DivideBy2(column_limit - column_start + 1));