blob: ab9c1e606575b5340edce0b12beeeddb9117356a [file] [log] [blame]
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex> // NOLINT (unapproved c++11 header)
#include <new>
#include "src/utils/common.h"
#include "src/utils/compiler_attributes.h"
#include "src/utils/constants.h"
#include "src/utils/memory.h"
#include "src/utils/types.h"
namespace libgav1 {
// A simple fixed size queue implementation to hold the transform parameters
// when |Tile::split_parse_and_decode_| is true. We don't have to do any
// boundary checks since we always push data into the queue before accessing it.
class TransformParameterQueue {
TransformParameterQueue() = default;
// Move only.
TransformParameterQueue(TransformParameterQueue&& other) = default;
TransformParameterQueue& operator=(TransformParameterQueue&& other) = default;
LIBGAV1_MUST_USE_RESULT bool Init(int max_size) {
max_size_ = max_size;
// No initialization is necessary since the data will be always written to
// before being read.
non_zero_coeff_count_.reset(new (std::nothrow) int16_t[max_size_]);
tx_type_.reset(new (std::nothrow) TransformType[max_size_]);
return non_zero_coeff_count_ != nullptr && tx_type_ != nullptr;
// Adds the |non_zero_coeff_count| and the |tx_type| to the back of the queue.
void Push(int16_t non_zero_coeff_count, TransformType tx_type) {
assert(back_ < max_size_);
non_zero_coeff_count_[back_] = non_zero_coeff_count;
tx_type_[back_++] = tx_type;
// Returns the non_zero_coeff_count at the front of the queue.
int16_t NonZeroCoeffCount() const {
assert(front_ != back_);
return non_zero_coeff_count_[front_];
// Returns the tx_type at the front of the queue.
TransformType Type() const {
assert(front_ != back_);
return tx_type_[front_];
// Removes the |non_zero_coeff_count| and the |tx_type| from the front of the
// queue.
void Pop() {
assert(front_ != back_);
// Clears the queue.
void Reset() {
front_ = 0;
back_ = 0;
// Used only in the tests. Returns the number of elements in the queue.
int Size() const { return back_ - front_; }
int max_size_ = 0;
std::unique_ptr<int16_t[]> non_zero_coeff_count_;
std::unique_ptr<TransformType[]> tx_type_;
int front_ = 0;
int back_ = 0;
// This class is used for parsing and decoding a superblock. Members of this
// class are populated in the "parse" step and consumed in the "decode" step.
class ResidualBuffer : public Allocable {
static std::unique_ptr<ResidualBuffer> Create(size_t buffer_size,
int queue_size) {
std::unique_ptr<ResidualBuffer> buffer(new (std::nothrow) ResidualBuffer);
if (buffer != nullptr) {
buffer->buffer_ = MakeAlignedUniquePtr<uint8_t>(32, buffer_size);
if (buffer->buffer_ == nullptr ||
!buffer->transform_parameters_.Init(queue_size)) {
buffer = nullptr;
return buffer;
// Move only.
ResidualBuffer(ResidualBuffer&& other) = default;
ResidualBuffer& operator=(ResidualBuffer&& other) = default;
// Buffer used to store the residual values.
uint8_t* buffer() { return buffer_.get(); }
// Queue used to store the transform parameters.
TransformParameterQueue* transform_parameters() {
return &transform_parameters_;
friend class ResidualBufferStack;
ResidualBuffer() = default;
AlignedUniquePtr<uint8_t> buffer_;
TransformParameterQueue transform_parameters_;
// Used by ResidualBufferStack to form a chain of ResidualBuffers.
ResidualBuffer* next_ = nullptr;
// A LIFO stack of ResidualBuffers. Owns the buffers in the stack.
class ResidualBufferStack {
ResidualBufferStack() = default;
// Not copyable or movable
ResidualBufferStack(const ResidualBufferStack&) = delete;
ResidualBufferStack& operator=(const ResidualBufferStack&) = delete;
// Pushes |buffer| to the top of the stack.
void Push(std::unique_ptr<ResidualBuffer> buffer);
// If the stack is non-empty, returns the buffer at the top of the stack and
// removes it from the stack. If the stack is empty, returns nullptr.
std::unique_ptr<ResidualBuffer> Pop();
// Swaps the contents of this stack and |other|.
void Swap(ResidualBufferStack* other);
// Returns the number of buffers in the stack.
size_t Size() const { return num_buffers_; }
// A singly-linked list of ResidualBuffers, chained together using the next_
// field of ResidualBuffer.
ResidualBuffer* top_ = nullptr;
size_t num_buffers_ = 0;
// Utility class used to manage the residual buffers (and the transform
// parameters) used for multi-threaded decoding. This class uses a stack to
// store the buffers for better cache locality. Since buffers used more recently
// are more likely to be in the cache. All functions in this class are
// thread-safe.
class ResidualBufferPool : public Allocable {
ResidualBufferPool(bool use_128x128_superblock, int subsampling_x,
int subsampling_y, size_t residual_size);
// Recomputes |buffer_size_| and invalidates the existing buffers if
// necessary.
void Reset(bool use_128x128_superblock, int subsampling_x, int subsampling_y,
size_t residual_size);
// Gets a residual buffer. The buffer is guaranteed to be large enough to
// store the residual values for one superblock whose parameters are the same
// as the constructor or the last call to Reset(). If there are free buffers
// in the stack, it returns one from the stack, otherwise a new buffer is
// allocated.
std::unique_ptr<ResidualBuffer> Get();
// Returns the |buffer| back to the pool (by appending it to the stack).
// Subsequent calls to Get() may re-use this buffer.
void Release(std::unique_ptr<ResidualBuffer> buffer);
// Used only in the tests. Returns the number of buffers in the stack.
size_t Size() const;
mutable std::mutex mutex_;
ResidualBufferStack buffers_ LIBGAV1_GUARDED_BY(mutex_);
size_t buffer_size_;
int queue_size_;
} // namespace libgav1