blob: 568e8e0bb9165a3f6d729b344100808bf85f2390 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/bind.h>
#include <base/callback.h>
#include <base/strings/string_util.h>
#include <base/strings/stringprintf.h>
#include <brillo/brillo_export.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h>
namespace brillo {
// Manages a process. Can create the process, attach to an existing
// process by pid or pid file, and kill the process. Upon destruction
// any managed process is killed with SIGKILL. Use Release() to
// release the process from management. A given system process may
// only be managed by one Process at a time.
class BRILLO_EXPORT Process {
virtual ~Process();
// Adds |arg| to the executable command-line to be run. The
// executable name itself is the first argument.
virtual void AddArg(const std::string& arg) = 0;
// Adds |option| and |value| as an option with a string value to the
// command line to be run.
inline void AddStringOption(const std::string& option,
const std::string& value) {
// Adds |option| and |value| as an option which takes an integer
// value to the command line to be run.
inline void AddIntOption(const std::string& option, int value) {
AddArg(base::StringPrintf("%d", value));
// Redirects stderr and stdout to |output_file|.
virtual void RedirectOutput(const std::string& output_file) = 0;
// Indicates we want to redirect |child_fd| in the child process's
// file table to a pipe. |child_fd| will be available for reading
// from child process's perspective iff |is_input|.
virtual void RedirectUsingPipe(int child_fd, bool is_input) = 0;
// Binds the given file descriptor in the parent to the given file
// descriptor in the child.
virtual void BindFd(int parent_fd, int child_fd) = 0;
// Set the real/effective/saved user ID of the child process.
virtual void SetUid(uid_t uid) = 0;
// Set the real/effective/saved group ID of the child process.
virtual void SetGid(gid_t gid) = 0;
// Set a flag |inherit| to indicate if the child process intend to
// inherit signal mask from the parent process. When |inherit| is
// set to true, the child process will inherit signal mask from the
// parent process. This could cause unintended side effect, where all
// the signals to the child process might be blocked if they are set
// in the parent's signal mask.
virtual void SetInheritParentSignalMask(bool inherit) = 0;
typedef base::Callback<bool(void)> PreExecCallback;
// Set the pre-exec callback. This is called after all setup is complete but
// before we exec() the process. The callback may return false to cause Start
// to return false without starting the process.
virtual void SetPreExecCallback(const PreExecCallback& cb) = 0;
// Sets whether starting the process should search the system path or not.
// By default the system path will not be searched.
virtual void SetSearchPath(bool search_path) = 0;
// Gets the pipe file descriptor mapped to the process's |child_fd|.
virtual int GetPipe(int child_fd) = 0;
// Starts this process, returning true if successful.
virtual bool Start() = 0;
// Waits for this process to finish. Returns the process's exit
// status if it exited normally, or otherwise returns -1. Note
// that kErrorExitStatus may be returned if an error occurred
// after forking and before execing the child process.
virtual int Wait() = 0;
// Start and wait for this process to finish. Returns same value as
// Wait().
virtual int Run() = 0;
// Returns the pid of this process or else returns 0 if there is no
// corresponding process (either because it has not yet been started
// or has since exited).
virtual pid_t pid() = 0;
// Sends |signal| to process and wait |timeout| seconds until it
// dies. If process is not a child, returns immediately with a
// value based on whether kill was successful. If the process is a
// child and |timeout| is non-zero, returns true if the process is
// able to be reaped within the given |timeout| in seconds.
virtual bool Kill(int signal, int timeout) = 0;
// Resets this Process object to refer to the process with |pid|.
// If |pid| is zero, this object no longer refers to a process.
virtual void Reset(pid_t new_pid) = 0;
// Same as Reset but reads the pid from |pid_file|. Returns false
// only when the file cannot be read/parsed.
virtual bool ResetPidByFile(const std::string& pid_file) = 0;
// Releases the process so that on destruction, the process is not killed.
virtual pid_t Release() = 0;
// Returns if |pid| is a currently running process.
static bool ProcessExists(pid_t pid);
// When returned from Wait or Run, indicates an error may have occurred
// creating the process.
enum { kErrorExitStatus = 127 };
class BRILLO_EXPORT ProcessImpl : public Process {
virtual ~ProcessImpl();
virtual void AddArg(const std::string& arg);
virtual void RedirectOutput(const std::string& output_file);
virtual void RedirectUsingPipe(int child_fd, bool is_input);
virtual void BindFd(int parent_fd, int child_fd);
virtual void SetUid(uid_t uid);
virtual void SetGid(gid_t gid);
virtual void SetInheritParentSignalMask(bool inherit);
virtual void SetPreExecCallback(const PreExecCallback& cb);
virtual void SetSearchPath(bool search_path);
virtual int GetPipe(int child_fd);
virtual bool Start();
virtual int Wait();
virtual int Run();
virtual pid_t pid();
virtual bool Kill(int signal, int timeout);
virtual void Reset(pid_t pid);
virtual bool ResetPidByFile(const std::string& pid_file);
virtual pid_t Release();
struct PipeInfo {
PipeInfo() : parent_fd_(-1), child_fd_(-1), is_input_(false) {}
// Parent (our) side of the pipe to the child process.
int parent_fd_;
// Child's side of the pipe to the parent.
int child_fd_;
// Is this an input or output pipe from child's perspective.
bool is_input_;
// Is this a bound (pre-existing) file descriptor?
bool is_bound_;
typedef std::map<int, PipeInfo> PipeMap;
void UpdatePid(pid_t new_pid);
bool PopulatePipeMap();
FRIEND_TEST(ProcessTest, ResetPidByFile);
// Pid of currently managed process or 0 if no currently managed
// process. pid must not be modified except by calling
// UpdatePid(new_pid).
pid_t pid_;
std::string output_file_;
std::vector<std::string> arguments_;
// Map of child target file descriptors (first) to information about
// pipes created (second).
PipeMap pipe_map_;
uid_t uid_;
gid_t gid_;
PreExecCallback pre_exec_;
bool search_path_;
// Flag indicating to inherit signal mask from the parent process. It
// is set to false by default, which means by default the child process
// will not inherit signal mask from the parent process.
bool inherit_parent_signal_mask_;
} // namespace brillo