Android Wear 8.0.0 Release 2 (OWDS.181106.001)
Update asserts in mojo about int64_t's alignment

The purpose of these asserts is to check that the options structs are aligned
sufficiently that an int64_t (or similar) could be added to them. The asserts
were added in

However, the alignment of int64_t on 32-bit x86 is actually 4 bytes, not 8. So
how did this ever work? Before Clang r345419, the alignof() operator (which is what
MOJO_ALIGNOF maps to) would return the *preferred alignment* of a type, not
the *ABI alignment*. That's not what the C and C++ standards specify, so the
bug was fixed and the asserts started firing. (See also

To fix the build, change the asserts to check that int64_t requires 8 bytes
alignment *or less*.

Bug: 900406
Bug: 119634736
Test: make checkbuild
Change-Id: Icf80cea80ac31082423faab8c192420d0b98d515
Commit-Queue: Ken Rockot <>
Reviewed-by: Ken Rockot <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#605699}
5 files changed