Migrate libmojo repository into libchrome, part 2.

This CL moves following files.
- .gitignore
- Android.bp is merged into libchrome's Android.bp.
- base/android/*
- build/* except build_config.h which is exactly same with libchrome's.
- ipc/*
- mojo/* except mojo/public/tools/bindings/generators/__init__.py
    which is unused and not in chrome repository.
- soong/* into libchrome_tools/
- third_party/{catapult,jinja2,markupsafe,ply}/*
- ui/gfx/{geometry,range}/mojo/*

Then, update several paths/build rules to be adapted.

Bug: 73606903
Test: Built locally. Ran on DUT.
Change-Id: I2a532a42aa68dcb215dbd71d8673192311509726
1251 files changed