blob: e4f393412be92b567ff51ab6c170597c74c4f751 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Common defaults
// ========================================================
// Using Chrome header files directly could cause -Wunused-parameter errors,
// and this is workaround. Please find the document in
// for details.
// Note: gensrcs does not support exclude_srcs, so filegroup rule is
// introduced.
filegroup {
name: "libchrome-include-sources",
srcs: [
exclude_srcs: [
gensrcs {
name: "libchrome-include",
cmd: "$(location libchrome_tools/ $(in) $(out)",
tool_files: ["libchrome_tools/"],
export_include_dirs: ["."],
srcs: [":libchrome-include-sources"],
output_extension: "h",
cc_defaults {
name: "libchrome-defaults",
// Set clang to "true" to force clang or "false" to force gcc.
// clang: true,
cflags: [
//, and
//,165 have -Wno-implicit-fallthrough.
// Note: Although the generated header files are exported here, in building
// libchrome, "." has priority (unlike building projects using libchrome),
// so the raw header files are used for them.
generated_headers: ["libchrome-include"],
export_generated_headers: ["libchrome-include"],
target: {
host: {
cflags: [
darwin: {
enabled: false,
cc_defaults {
name: "libchrome-test-defaults",
defaults: ["libchrome-defaults"],
cflags: [
libchromeCommonSrc = [
libchromeLinuxSrc = [
libchromeLinuxGlibcSrc = [
libchromeAndroidSrc = [
// libchrome static+shared for host and device
// ========================================================
cc_library {
name: "libchrome",
host_supported: true,
recovery_available: true,
vendor_available: true,
defaults: ["libchrome-defaults"],
srcs: libchromeCommonSrc,
export_shared_lib_headers: ["libbase"],
export_static_lib_headers: ["libgtest_prod"],
shared_libs: [
static_libs: [
target: {
linux: {
srcs: libchromeLinuxSrc,
linux_glibc: {
srcs: libchromeLinuxGlibcSrc,
android: {
srcs: libchromeAndroidSrc,
shared_libs: [
// libchrome-crypto shared library for device
// ========================================================
// Similar to libchrome, generate wrapped header files. See comments for
// libchrome-include for the details.
gensrcs {
name: "libchrome-crypto-include",
cmd: "$(location libchrome_tools/ $(in) $(out)",
tool_files: ["libchrome_tools/"],
export_include_dirs: ["."],
srcs: ["crypto/**/*.h"],
output_extension: "h",
cc_library_shared {
name: "libchrome-crypto",
vendor_available: true,
defaults: ["libchrome-defaults"],
srcs: [
generated_headers: ["libchrome-crypto-include"],
export_generated_headers: ["libchrome-crypto-include"],
shared_libs: [
// Helpers needed for unit tests.
// ========================================================
cc_library_static {
name: "libchrome_test_helpers",
defaults: ["libchrome-test-defaults"],
shared_libs: ["libchrome"],
host_supported: true,
srcs: [
// Helpers needed for unit tests (for host).
// ========================================================
cc_library_host_static {
name: "libchrome_test_helpers-host",
defaults: ["libchrome-test-defaults"],
shared_libs: ["libchrome"],
srcs: ["base/test/"],
// Host and target unit tests. Run (from repo root) with:
// ./out/host/<arch>/nativetest/libchrome_test/libchrome_test
// or
// adb shell /data/nativetest/libchrome_test/libchrome_test
// ========================================================
cc_test {
name: "libchrome_test",
host_supported: true,
defaults: ["libchrome-test-defaults"],
srcs: [
cflags: ["-DUNIT_TEST"],
shared_libs: [
static_libs: [
target: {
android: {
srcs: [
shared_libs: [
filegroup {
name: "libmojo_mojom_files",
srcs: [
filegroup {
name: "libmojo_mojo_sources",
srcs: [
exclude_srcs: [
// Unused in Chrome. Looks like mistakenly checked in.
// TODO(hidehiko): Remove this after the file is removed in Chrome
// repository.
// No WTF support.
// Exclude windows/mac/ios/fuchsia files.
// Exclude js binding related files.
// Exclude tests.
// Exclude memory allocator unsupported feature
// Exclude fuzzers
// Python in Chrome repository requires still Python 2.
python_defaults {
name: "libmojo_scripts",
version: {
py2: {
enabled: true,
py3: {
enabled: false,
python_binary_host {
name: "jni_generator",
main: "base/android/jni_generator/",
srcs: [
defaults: ["libmojo_scripts"],
python_binary_host {
name: "jni_registration_generator",
main: "base/android/jni_generator/",
srcs: [
defaults: ["libmojo_scripts"],
python_binary_host {
name: "mojom_bindings_generator",
main: "mojo/public/tools/bindings/",
srcs: [
data: [
defaults: ["libmojo_scripts"],
genrule {
name: "libmojo_mojom_templates",
cmd: "$(location mojom_bindings_generator)" +
" --use_bundled_pylibs precompile" +
" -o $(genDir)",
tools: [
out: [
python_binary_host {
name: "mojom_generate_type_mappings",
main: "libchrome_tools/",
srcs: [
defaults: ["libmojo_scripts"],
genrule {
name: "libmojo_common_custom_types__type_mappings",
cmd: "$(location mojom_generate_type_mappings)" +
" --output=$(out)" +
" $(in)",
tools: ["mojom_generate_type_mappings"],
srcs: [
out: ["common_custom_types__type_mappings"],
generate_mojom_pickles {
name: "libmojo_mojom_pickles",
srcs: [":libmojo_mojom_files"],
generate_mojom_headers {
name: "libmojo_mojom_headers",
srcs: [":libmojo_mojom_files"],
pickles: [":libmojo_mojom_pickles"],
templates: ":libmojo_mojom_templates",
flags: "--disallow_native_types",
typemaps: [":libmojo_common_custom_types__type_mappings"],
generate_mojom_srcs {
name: "libmojo_mojom_srcs",
srcs: [":libmojo_mojom_files"],
pickles: [":libmojo_mojom_pickles"],
templates: ":libmojo_mojom_templates",
flags: "--disallow_native_types",
typemaps: [":libmojo_common_custom_types__type_mappings"],
genrule {
name: "libmojo_jni_headers",
cmd: "$(location libchrome_tools/" +
" --jni_generator=$(location jni_generator)" +
" --output_dir=$(genDir)/jni" +
" --includes=base/android/jni_generator/jni_generator_helper.h" +
" --ptr_type=long" +
" $(in)",
tools: [
tool_files: [
srcs: [
out: [
genrule {
name: "libmojo_jni_registration_headers",
cmd: "$(location libchrome_tools/" +
" --jni_generator=$(location jni_registration_generator)" +
" --output=$(genDir)/jni/libmojo_jni_registrations.h" +
" $(in)",
tools: [
tool_files: [
srcs: [
out: [
cc_library_shared {
name: "libmojo",
vendor_available: true,
generated_sources: ["libmojo_mojom_srcs"],
generated_headers: [
export_generated_headers: [
srcs: [
cflags: [
// We also pass NO_ASHMEM to make base::SharedMemory avoid using it and prefer
// the POSIX versions.
cppflags: [
shared_libs: [
header_libs: ["jni_headers"],
export_include_dirs: ["."],
generate_mojom_srcjar {
name: "libmojo_mojom_java_srcs",
srcs: [":libmojo_mojom_files"],
pickles: [":libmojo_mojom_pickles"],
srcjar: "libmojo_mojom.srcjar",
templates: ":libmojo_mojom_templates",
flags: "--disallow_native_types",
typemaps: [":libmojo_common_custom_types__type_mappings"],
java_library {
name: "android.mojo",
srcs: [
static_libs: [