blob: cc8d0233d3d337456651fe9ae9cdadca82d22f0f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/atomicops.h"
#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/feature_list.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/shared_memory.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_base.h"
#include "base/metrics/persistent_memory_allocator.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
namespace base {
// Feature definition for enabling histogram persistence.
BASE_EXPORT extern const Feature kPersistentHistogramsFeature;
// This class manages histograms created within a PersistentMemoryAllocator.
class BASE_EXPORT PersistentHistogramAllocator {
// This iterator is used for fetching persistent histograms from an allocator.
class Iterator {
bool is_clear() { return memory_iter.is_clear(); }
friend class PersistentHistogramAllocator;
// The iterator used for stepping through persistent memory iterables.
PersistentMemoryAllocator::Iterator memory_iter;
using Reference = PersistentMemoryAllocator::Reference;
// A PersistentHistogramAllocator is constructed from a PersistentMemory-
// Allocator object of which it takes ownership.
PersistentHistogramAllocator(scoped_ptr<PersistentMemoryAllocator> memory);
// Direct access to underlying memory allocator. If the segment is shared
// across threads or processes, reading data through these values does
// not guarantee consistency. Use with care. Do not write.
PersistentMemoryAllocator* memory_allocator() {
return memory_allocator_.get();
// Implement the "metadata" API of a PersistentMemoryAllocator, forwarding
// those requests to the real one.
uint64_t Id() const { return memory_allocator_->Id(); }
const char* Name() const { return memory_allocator_->Name(); }
const void* data() const { return memory_allocator_->data(); }
size_t length() const { return memory_allocator_->length(); }
size_t used() const { return memory_allocator_->used(); }
// Recreate a Histogram from data held in persistent memory. Though this
// object will be local to the current process, the sample data will be
// shared with all other threads referencing it. This method takes a |ref|
// to where the top-level histogram data may be found in this allocator.
// This method will return null if any problem is detected with the data.
scoped_ptr<HistogramBase> GetHistogram(Reference ref);
// Get the next histogram in persistent data based on iterator.
scoped_ptr<HistogramBase> GetNextHistogram(Iterator* iter) {
return GetNextHistogramWithIgnore(iter, 0);
// Create an iterator for going through all histograms in an allocator.
void CreateIterator(Iterator* iter);
// Allocate a new persistent histogram. The returned histogram will not
// be able to be located by other allocators until it is "finalized".
scoped_ptr<HistogramBase> AllocateHistogram(
HistogramType histogram_type,
const std::string& name,
int minimum,
int maximum,
const BucketRanges* bucket_ranges,
int32_t flags,
Reference* ref_ptr);
// Finalize the creation of the histogram, making it available to other
// processes if |registered| (as in: added to the StatisticsRecorder) is
// True, forgetting it otherwise.
void FinalizeHistogram(Reference ref, bool registered);
// Create internal histograms for tracking memory use and allocation sizes
// for allocator of |name| (which can simply be the result of Name()). This
// is done seperately from construction for situations such as when the
// histograms will be backed by memory provided by this very allocator.
// IMPORTANT: Callers must update tools/metrics/histograms/histograms.xml
// with the following histograms:
void CreateTrackingHistograms(StringPiece name);
void UpdateTrackingHistograms();
// Manage a PersistentHistogramAllocator for globally storing histograms in
// a space that can be persisted or shared between processes. There is only
// ever one allocator for all such histograms created by a single process.
// This takes ownership of the object and should be called as soon as
// possible during startup to capture as many histograms as possible and
// while operating single-threaded so there are no race-conditions.
static void SetGlobalAllocator(
scoped_ptr<PersistentHistogramAllocator> allocator);
static PersistentHistogramAllocator* GetGlobalAllocator();
// This access to the persistent allocator is only for testing; it extracts
// the current allocator completely. This allows easy creation of histograms
// within persistent memory segments which can then be extracted and used
// in other ways.
static scoped_ptr<PersistentHistogramAllocator>
// These helper methods perform SetGlobalAllocator() calls with allocators
// of the specified type and parameters.
static void CreateGlobalAllocatorOnPersistentMemory(
void* base,
size_t size,
size_t page_size,
uint64_t id,
StringPiece name);
static void CreateGlobalAllocatorOnLocalMemory(
size_t size,
uint64_t id,
StringPiece name);
static void CreateGlobalAllocatorOnSharedMemory(
size_t size,
const SharedMemoryHandle& handle);
// Import new histograms from the global PersistentHistogramAllocator. It's
// possible for other processes to create histograms in the active memory
// segment; this adds those to the internal list of known histograms to
// avoid creating duplicates that would have to be merged during reporting.
// Every call to this method resumes from the last entry it saw; it costs
// nothing if nothing new has been added.
static void ImportGlobalHistograms();
// Histogram containing creation results. Visible for testing.
static HistogramBase* GetCreateHistogramResultHistogram();
// Enumerate possible creation results for reporting.
enum CreateHistogramResultType {
// Everything was fine.
// Pointer to metadata was not valid.
// Histogram metadata was not valid.
// Ranges information was not valid.
// Counts information was not valid.
// Could not allocate histogram memory due to corruption.
// Could not allocate histogram memory due to lack of space.
// Could not allocate histogram memory due to unknown error.
// Histogram was of unknown type.
// Instance has detected a corrupt allocator (recorded only once).
// Always keep this at the end.
// The structure used to hold histogram data in persistent memory. It is
// defined and used entirely within the .cc file.
struct PersistentHistogramData;
// Get the next histogram in persistent data based on iterator while
// ignoring a particular reference if it is found.
scoped_ptr<HistogramBase> GetNextHistogramWithIgnore(
Iterator* iter,
Reference ignore);
// Create a histogram based on saved (persistent) information about it.
scoped_ptr<HistogramBase> CreateHistogram(
PersistentHistogramData* histogram_data_ptr);
// Record the result of a histogram creation.
static void RecordCreateHistogramResult(CreateHistogramResultType result);
// The memory allocator that provides the actual histogram storage.
scoped_ptr<PersistentMemoryAllocator> memory_allocator_;
// A reference to the last-created histogram in the allocator, used to avoid
// trying to import what was just created.
subtle::AtomicWord last_created_ = 0;
} // namespace base