blob: bc6ba9837fef657c2f95314f4380249435afdf27 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Originally developed and contributed by Ittiam Systems Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore
* @file
* ih264e_cabac_structs.h
* @brief
* This file contains structure definitions necessary for cabac encoding
* @author
* ittiam
* @remarks
* none
#ifndef _IH264E_CABAC_STRUCTS_H_
#define _IH264E_CABAC_STRUCTS_H_
/* Constant Macros */
#define CABAC_INIT_IDC 2
/* Structures */
* @brief typedef for context model
/* bits 0 to 5 :state
bit 6 :mps */
typedef UWORD8 bin_ctxt_model;
* @brief MB info for cabac
typedef struct
/* Neighbour availability Variables needed to get CtxtInc, for CABAC */
UWORD8 u1_mb_type; /* !< macroblock type: I/P/B/SI/SP */
UWORD8 u1_cbp; /* !< Coded Block Pattern */
UWORD8 u1_intrapred_chroma_mode;
/* Arrangnment of AC CSBP */
/* bits: b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 */
/* CSBP: V1 V0 U1 U0 Y3 Y2 Y1 Y0 */
UWORD8 u1_yuv_ac_csbp;
/* Arrangnment of DC CSBP */
/* bits: b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 */
/* CSBP: x x x x x Vdc Udc Ydc */
UWORD8 u1_yuv_dc_csbp;
WORD8 i1_ref_idx[4];
UWORD8 u1_mv[4][4];
} mb_info_ctxt_t;
* @brief CSBP info for CABAC
typedef struct
/* Arrangnment of Luma AC CSBP for leftMb */
/* bits: b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 */
/* CSBP: X X X X Y3 Y2 Y1 Y0 */
/* Points either to u1_y_ac_csbp_top_mb or u1_y_ac_csbp_bot_mb */
UWORD8 u1_y_ac_csbp_top_mb;
UWORD8 u1_y_ac_csbp_bot_mb;
/* Arrangnment of Chroma AC CSBP for leftMb */
/* bits: b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 */
/* CSBP: X X X X V1 V0 U1 U0 */
/* Points either to u1_uv_ac_csbp_top_mb or u1_uv_ac_csbp_bot_mb */
UWORD8 u1_uv_ac_csbp_top_mb;
UWORD8 u1_uv_ac_csbp_bot_mb;
/* Arrangnment of DC CSBP */
/* bits: b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 */
/* CSBP: x x x x x Vdc Udc Ydc */
/* Points either to u1_yuv_dc_csbp_top_mb or u1_yuv_dc_csbp_bot_mb */
UWORD8 u1_yuv_dc_csbp_top_mb;
UWORD8 u1_yuv_dc_csbp_bot_mb;
} cab_csbp_t;
* @brief CABAC Encoding Environment
typedef struct
* cabac interval start L
UWORD32 u4_code_int_low;
* cabac interval range R
UWORD32 u4_code_int_range;
/** bytes_outsanding; number of 0xFF bits that occur during renorm
* These will be accumulated till the carry bit is knwon
UWORD32 u4_out_standing_bytes;
/** bits generated during renormalization
* A byte is put to stream/u4_out_standing_bytes from u4_low(L) when
* u4_bits_gen exceeds 8
UWORD32 u4_bits_gen;
} encoding_envirnoment_t;
* @brief CABAC Context structure : Variables to handle Cabac
typedef struct
* Base pointer to all the cabac contexts
bin_ctxt_model au1_cabac_ctxt_table[NUM_CABAC_CTXTS];
* left csbp
cab_csbp_t s_lft_csbp;
* pointer to Bitstream structure
bitstrm_t *ps_bitstrm;
* Pointer to mb_info_ctxt_t map_base
mb_info_ctxt_t *ps_mb_map_ctxt_inc_base;
* Pointer to encoding_envirnoment_t
encoding_envirnoment_t s_cab_enc_env;
/* These things need to be updated at each MbLevel */
* Prev mb_qp_delta_ctxt
WORD8 i1_prev_mb_qp_delta_ctxt;
* Pointer to mb_info_ctxt_t map
mb_info_ctxt_t *ps_mb_map_ctxt_inc;
* Pointer to default mb_info_ctxt_t
mb_info_ctxt_t *ps_def_ctxt_mb_info;
* Pointer to current mb_info_ctxt_t
mb_info_ctxt_t *ps_curr_ctxt_mb_info;
* Pointer to left mb_info_ctxt_t
mb_info_ctxt_t *ps_left_ctxt_mb_info;
* Pointer to top mb_info_ctxt_t
mb_info_ctxt_t *ps_top_ctxt_mb_info;
* Pointer to csbp structures
cab_csbp_t *ps_lft_csbp;
UWORD8 *pu1_left_y_ac_csbp;
UWORD8 *pu1_left_uv_ac_csbp;
UWORD8 *pu1_left_yuv_dc_csbp;
/* Ref_idx contexts are stored in the following way */
/* Array Idx 0,1 for reference indices in Forward direction */
/* Array Idx 2,3 for reference indices in backward direction */
* Dimensions for u1_left_ref_ctxt_inc_arr is [2][4] for Mbaff:Top and Bot
WORD8 i1_left_ref_idx_ctx_inc_arr[2][4];
WORD8 *pi1_left_ref_idx_ctxt_inc;
* Dimensions for u1_left_mv_ctxt_inc_arr is [2][4][4] for Mbaff case
UWORD8 u1_left_mv_ctxt_inc_arr[2][4][4];
UWORD8 (*pu1_left_mv_ctxt_inc)[4];
} cabac_ctxt_t;
#endif /* _IH264E_CABAC_STRUCTS_H_ */