Modify static threshold calculation

Used 3 * standard_deviation in internal threshold calculation
instead of fit curve. This actually approached the algorithm
For comparison, similar tests were done:
The overall psnr loss is less than before.
1. derf set:
when static-thresh = 1, psnr loss is 0.329%;
when static-thresh = 500, psnr loss is 0.970%;
2. stdhd set:
when static-thresh = 1, psnr loss is 0.922%;
when static-thresh = 500, psnr loss is 1.307%;

Similar speedup is achieved. For example,
clip            bitrate  static-thresh psnr    time
akiyo(cif)       500        0          48.952  5.077s(50f)
akiyo            500        500        48.866  4.169s(50f)

parkjoy(1080p)   4000       0          30.388  78.20s(30f)
parkjoy          4000       500        30.367  70.85s(30f)

sunflower(1080p) 4000       0          44.402  74.55s(30f)
sunflower        4000       500        44.414  68.69s(30f)

Change-Id: Ic78833642ce1911dbbd1cb6c899a2d7e2dfcc1f3
1 file changed