Bug 26127 - abidw --annotate emits incomplete function types

When we get the qualified name of a pointer type, the result is cached
so that subsequent invocations of the getter yields a faster result.

When the pointed-to type is not yet fully constructed at the time of
the first invocation of the getter of the qualified name, what is
cached is the name of the pointer to a non-yet fully qualified type.

Then after the pointed-to type is fully constructed (and
canonicalized), the pointer type also becomes canonicalized (in that
order) and thus, the cache needs to be invalidated so that the
qualified name of the pointer to the fully qualified type is cached
again by a subsequent invocation of the getter.

The problem in this problem report is that the cache doesn't get
invalidated when the pointer type is canonicalized.

This patch fixes that.  A similar issue exists with reference and
qualified types so the patch addresses it for those types as well.

	* include/abg-ir.h (decl_base::clear_qualified_name): Declare new
	protected member function.
	({pointer_type_def, reference_type_def, qualified_type_def,
	function_type}::on_canonical_type_set): Declare virtual member
	* src/abg-ir.cc (decl_base::clear_qualified_name): Define new
	protected member function.
	({pointer_type_def, reference_type_def, qualified_type_def,
	function_type}::on_canonical_type_set): Define virtual member
	* tests/data/test-annotate/test17-pr19027.so.abi: Adjust.
	* tests/data/test-annotate/test18-pr19037-libvtkRenderingLIC-6.1.so.abi:
	* tests/data/test-annotate/test20-pr19025-libvtkParallelCore-6.1.so.abi:

Signed-off-by: Dodji Seketeli <dodji@redhat.com>
5 files changed