blob: ee6cfda0f60b43b4c220c4514196af2cd99d5f3d [file] [log] [blame]
/* $Id: ath.c,v 1.12 2000/12/05 15:37:26 aleidinger Exp $ */
* Known bugs (sorted by importance):
* - human delay (ca. 200 ms or more???) and buffering delay (341 ms @48 kHz/64 KByte)
* should be subtracted
* - error handling
* - cos slope on direction changes
* - calibration file of soundcard/amplifier/head phone
* - worse handling
* - +/- handling via mouse (do you have code?) in a dark room
* - ENTER as direction change
* - finer precalculated ATH for pre-emphasis
* Suggested level ranges:
* 180 Hz...13.5 kHz: 50...70 dB
* 100 Hz...15.0 kHz: 40...70 dB
* 70 Hz...16.0 kHz: 30...70 dB
* 45 Hz...16.5 kHz: 20...70 dB
* 30 Hz...17.5 kHz: 10...70 dB
* 25 Hz...18.0 kHz: 5...75 dB
* 20 Hz...19.0 kHz: 0...80 dB
* 16 Hz...20.0 kHz: -10...80 dB
# include <config.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
# include <sys/soundcard.h>
# include <linux/soundcard.h>
# error no soundcard include
#define AUDIO_DEVICE "/dev/dsp"
//#define COOLEDIT_FILE "/mnt/dosd/cooledit.wav"
#define DELAY_UNTIL_XCHG 2.5
#define TURN_STEPS 2400
* soundcard stuff
const double dither_coeff [] [16] = {
{ /* 48 kHz */ 3.35185352775391591311, 4.24914379295482032978, 1.78042251729150153086, -0.92601381419186201184, -1.37308596104182343645, -1.85951915999247704829, -3.28074437872632330526, -3.05496670185702990882, -1.22855462839450528837, -0.30291531959171267015, -0.18598486195652600770, 0.42010512205702003790, 0.92278786111368653452, 0.62102380451771775193, 0.14312897206650044828, -0.00454721508203927746 },
{ /* 56 kHz */ 3.86404134982280628749, 6.67195592701613291071, 5.90576195467245802046, 1.57589705921487261981, -2.10618201389737372178, -2.74191788822507184395, -2.62175070636849999396, -3.78505226463032808863, -4.45698848578010438284, -2.76825966243460536110, -0.26509931375584007312, 0.67853812028968716799, 0.17633528441477021892, -0.28511417191837823770, -0.21866605100975608470, -0.04751674094456833719 },
{ /* 64 kHz */ 4.09276938880098092172, 8.27424044674659812937, 10.11503162292146762880, 7.19159801569544317353, 1.39770070291739556523, -2.86595901981244688601, -3.76567274050094691362, -3.58051445684472378298, -4.78262917738758022539, -6.53075750894777650899, -6.31330514306857055627, -3.69971382767763534195, -0.78125094191744878298, 0.59027508113837267217, 0.53500264009607367648, 0.14860043567206217506 },
{ /* 72 kHz */ 4.13833553801985235465, 9.02461778089340082437, 12.93090366932740510782, 12.66372285767699051948, 7.76122176702274149630, 1.30617257555732278296, -2.92859120887121285358, -4.02438598495837830627, -4.16673068132491936262, -5.55618065300129916574, -7.82657788611231653103, -8.83055904466106668035, -7.34884789347713815672, -4.33977664906048314891, -1.67711310288611975398, -0.33086687044710235420 },
{ /* 80 kHz */ 4.22135293342667005517, 9.76639846582539722375, 15.46562682418357478290, 17.54378549927855248346, 13.29112084313158963396, 3.51512441998252657470, -7.51025671462502577300,-14.84164320864536219368,-16.10306907358826504148,-12.54775907691866414402, -7.40560667268782655149, -3.34708029482052565732, -1.19572214872925790860, -0.39582185216275086786, -0.14803160816846603424, -0.04292818488627011881 },
{ /* 88 kHz */ 4.18521467865996935325, 9.96765821475909556942, 16.91905760389390617551, 21.74016824668913557689, 20.96457146354060682367, 13.28640453421253890542, 0.85116933842171101587,-11.66054516261007127469,-19.62750656985581800169,-20.98831962473015904508,-16.95374072505042825458,-10.68848180295390154146, -5.17169792984369678908, -1.79975409439650319129, -0.38057073791415898674, -0.02672653932844656975 },
{ /* 96 kHz */ 4.09418877324899473189, 9.77977364010870211207, 17.10120082680385341159, 23.37356217615995036818, 25.27121942060722374276, 20.64059991613550174190, 9.99721445051475610371, -3.39833000550997938512,-15.03410054392933377278,-21.36704201000683067679,-21.40772859969388741685,-16.79355426136657673808,-10.48570200688141622163, -5.07642951516127438486, -1.75555240936989159436, -0.33817997298586054131 },
typedef struct {
const char* device;
int fd;
long double sample_freq;
const double* dither;
int channels;
int bits;
} soundcard_t;
typedef signed short sample_t;
typedef sample_t stereo_t [2];
int open_soundcard (
soundcard_t* const k,
const char* device,
const int channels,
const int bits,
const long double freq )
int arg;
int org;
int index;
int status;
k->device = device;
if ( -1 == (k->fd = open ( k->device, O_WRONLY )) ) {
perror("opening of audio device failed");
return -1;
if ( -1 == (status = ioctl (k->fd, SOUND_PCM_SYNC, 0))) {
fprintf ( stderr, "%s: SOUND_PCM_SYNC ioctl failed: %s\n", k->device, strerror (errno));
return -1;
org = arg = channels;
if ( -1 == (status = ioctl (k->fd, SOUND_PCM_WRITE_CHANNELS, &arg)) ) {
fprintf ( stderr, "%s: SOUND_PCM_WRITE_CHANNELS (%d) ioctl failed: %s\n" , k->device, channels, strerror (errno) );
return -1;
if (arg != org) {
fprintf ( stderr, "%s: unable to set number of channels: %d instead of %d\n", k->device, arg, org );
return -1;
k->channels = arg;
org = arg = bits;
if ( -1 == (status = ioctl (k->fd, SOUND_PCM_WRITE_BITS, &arg)) ) {
fprintf ( stderr, "%s: SOUND_PCM_WRITE_BITS ioctl failed\n", k->device );
return -1;
if (arg != org) {
fprintf ( stderr, "%s: unable to set sample size: %d instead of %d\n", k->device, arg, org );
return -1;
k->bits = arg;
org = arg = k->bits <= 8 ? AFMT_U8 : AFMT_S16_LE;
if ( -1 == ioctl (k->fd, SNDCTL_DSP_SETFMT, &arg) ) {
fprintf ( stderr, "%s: SNDCTL_DSP_SETFMT ioctl failed\n", k->device );
return -1;
if ((arg & org) == 0) {
fprintf ( stderr, "%s: unable to set data format\n", k->device );
return -1;
org = arg = (int) floor ( freq + 0.5 );
if ( -1 == (status = ioctl (k->fd, SOUND_PCM_WRITE_RATE, &arg)) ) {
fprintf ( stderr, "%s: SOUND_PCM_WRITE_WRITE ioctl failed\n", k->device );
return -1;
k->sample_freq = (long double)arg;
index = (arg - 44000) / 8000;
if ( index < 0 ) index = 0;
if ( index >= sizeof(dither_coeff)/sizeof(*dither_coeff) ) index = sizeof(dither_coeff)/sizeof(*dither_coeff) - 1;
k->dither = dither_coeff [ index ];
return 0;
int play_soundcard ( soundcard_t* const k, stereo_t* samples, size_t length )
size_t bytes = length * sizeof (*samples);
static int fd = -1;
if ( fd < 0 ) fd = open ( COOLEDIT_FILE, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT );
write ( fd, samples, bytes );
return write ( k->fd, samples, bytes ) == bytes ? 0 : -1;
int close_soundcard ( soundcard_t* const k )
return close (k->fd);
* frequency stuff
typedef enum {
linear = 0,
logarithm = 1,
square = 2,
cubic = 3,
erb = 4,
recip = 5
} genmode_t;
static long double linear_f ( long double x ) { return x > 0.L ? x : 0.0L; }
static long double logarithm_f ( long double x ) { return x > 0.L ? log10 (x) : -3.5L; }
static long double square_f ( long double x ) { return x > 0.L ? sqrt (x) : 0.0L; }
static long double cubic_f ( long double x ) { return x > 0.L ? pow (x,1/3.) : 0.0L; }
static long double erb_f ( long double x ) { return log (1. + 0.00437*x); }
static long double recip_f ( long double x ) { return x > 1.L ? 1.L/x : 1.0L; }
static long double inv_linear_f ( long double x ) { return x; }
static long double inv_logarithm_f ( long double x ) { return pow (10., x); }
static long double inv_square_f ( long double x ) { return x*x; }
static long double inv_cubic_f ( long double x ) { return x*x*x; }
static long double inv_erb_f ( long double x ) { return (exp(x) - 1.) * (1./0.00437); }
static long double inv_recip_f ( long double x ) { return x > 1.L ? 1.L/x : 1.0L; }
typedef long double (*converter_fn_t) ( long double );
const converter_fn_t func [] = { linear_f, logarithm_f, square_f, cubic_f , erb_f , recip_f };
const converter_fn_t inv_func [] = { inv_linear_f, inv_logarithm_f, inv_square_f, inv_cubic_f, inv_erb_f, inv_recip_f };
typedef struct {
genmode_t genmode;
long double start_freq;
long double stop_freq;
long double sample_freq;
unsigned long duration;
long double phase;
long double param1;
long double param2;
unsigned long counter;
} generator_t;
int open_generator (
generator_t* const g,
const soundcard_t* const s,
const genmode_t genmode,
const long double duration,
const long double start_freq,
const long double stop_freq )
g->sample_freq = s->sample_freq;
g->genmode = genmode;
g->start_freq = start_freq;
g->stop_freq = stop_freq;
g->duration = (unsigned long) floor ( duration * g->sample_freq + 0.5 );
if ( g->duration < 2 )
return -1;
if ( g->genmode >= sizeof (func)/sizeof(*func) )
return -1;
g->param1 = func [g->genmode] ( g->start_freq / g->sample_freq );
g->param2 = ( func [ g->genmode ] ( g->stop_freq / g->sample_freq ) - g->param1 )
/ ( g->duration - 1 );
g->phase = 0.L;
g->counter= 0;
return 0;
long double iterate_generator ( generator_t* const g )
long double freq;
freq = inv_func [ g->genmode ] ( g->param1 + g->counter++ * g->param2 );
g->phase += freq;
if (g->phase > 15.)
g->phase -= 16.;
return sin ( 2.*M_PI * g->phase );
long double get_sine ( generator_t* const g )
return sin ( 2.*M_PI * g->phase );
long double get_cosine ( generator_t* const g )
return cos ( 2.*M_PI * g->phase );
long double frequency ( const generator_t* const g )
return inv_func [ g->genmode ] ( g->param1 + g->counter * g->param2 ) * g->sample_freq;
int close_generator ( generator_t* const g )
return 0;
* amplitude stuff
typedef enum {
up = 0,
down = 1,
turn_up = 2,
turn_down = 3,
still_up = 4,
still_down = 5,
change = 6
} direction_t;
typedef struct {
long double sample_freq;
direction_t direction; // down, up, still_up, still_down, turn_down, turn_up
int multiplier; // -TURN_STEPS: down, +TURN_STEPS up
long double amplitude;
long double delta_amplitude;
long direction_change;
} amplitude_t;
int open_amplifier (
amplitude_t* const a,
const soundcard_t* const s,
const long double start_ampl,
const double dB_per_sec )
a->sample_freq = s->sample_freq;
a->direction = up;
a->multiplier = +TURN_STEPS;
a->amplitude = start_ampl * 32767.;
a->delta_amplitude = dB_per_sec * 0.1151292546497022842 / s->sample_freq / TURN_STEPS;
a->direction_change = 0;
srand ( time (NULL) );
return 0;
long double iterate_amplifier ( amplitude_t* const a )
switch ( a->direction ) {
case still_up:
assert (a->multiplier == +TURN_STEPS);
if (a->direction_change > 0 )
a->direction = turn_down;
case still_down:
assert (a->multiplier == -TURN_STEPS);
if (a->direction_change > 0 )
a->direction = turn_up;
case turn_up:
assert (a->direction_change == 0);
if ( a->multiplier < +TURN_STEPS )
a->direction = up;
case turn_down:
assert (a->direction_change == 0);
if ( a->multiplier > -TURN_STEPS )
a->direction = down;
case up:
assert (a->multiplier == +TURN_STEPS);
assert (a->direction_change == 0);
case down:
assert (a->multiplier == -TURN_STEPS);
assert (a->direction_change == 0);
fprintf ( stderr, "\n\r*** Bug! ***\n");
a->amplitude *= 1.L + a->delta_amplitude * a->multiplier;
return a->amplitude;
long double amplitude ( const amplitude_t* const a )
return a->amplitude / 32767.;
int change_direction ( amplitude_t* const a, direction_t new_direction )
switch ( new_direction ) {
case up:
if (a->direction == down) {
a->direction = still_down;
} else {
fprintf ( stderr, "Direction not down, so ignored\n" );
return -1;
case down:
if (a->direction == up) {
a->direction = still_up;
} else {
fprintf ( stderr, "Direction not up, so ignored\n" );
return -1;
case change:
switch ( a->direction ) {
case up:
a->direction = still_up;
case down:
a->direction = still_down;
fprintf ( stderr, "Direction still changing, so ignored\n" );
return -1;
fprintf ( stderr, "Direction unknown, so ignored\n" );
return -1;
a->direction_change = 1 + rand () * (a->sample_freq * DELAY_UNTIL_XCHG / RAND_MAX);
return 0;
int close_amplifier ( amplitude_t* const a )
return 0;
double ATH ( double freq )
static float tab [] = {
/* 10.0 */ 96.69, 96.69, 96.26, 95.12,
/* 12.6 */ 93.53, 91.13, 88.82, 86.76,
/* 15.8 */ 84.69, 82.43, 79.97, 77.48,
/* 20.0 */ 74.92, 72.39, 70.00, 67.62,
/* 25.1 */ 65.29, 63.02, 60.84, 59.00,
/* 31.6 */ 57.17, 55.34, 53.51, 51.67,
/* 39.8 */ 50.04, 48.12, 46.38, 44.66,
/* 50.1 */ 43.10, 41.73, 40.50, 39.22,
/* 63.1 */ 37.23, 35.77, 34.51, 32.81,
/* 79.4 */ 31.32, 30.36, 29.02, 27.60,
/* 100.0 */ 26.58, 25.91, 24.41, 23.01,
/* 125.9 */ 22.12, 21.25, 20.18, 19.00,
/* 158.5 */ 17.70, 16.82, 15.94, 15.12,
/* 199.5 */ 14.30, 13.41, 12.60, 11.98,
/* 251.2 */ 11.36, 10.57, 9.98, 9.43,
/* 316.2 */ 8.87, 8.46, 7.44, 7.12,
/* 398.1 */ 6.93, 6.68, 6.37, 6.06,
/* 501.2 */ 5.80, 5.55, 5.29, 5.02,
/* 631.0 */ 4.75, 4.48, 4.22, 3.98,
/* 794.3 */ 3.75, 3.51, 3.27, 3.22,
/* 1000.0 */ 3.12, 3.01, 2.91, 2.68,
/* 1258.9 */ 2.46, 2.15, 1.82, 1.46,
/* 1584.9 */ 1.07, 0.61, 0.13, -0.35,
/* 1995.3 */ -0.96, -1.56, -1.79, -2.35,
/* 2511.9 */ -2.95, -3.50, -4.01, -4.21,
/* 3162.3 */ -4.46, -4.99, -5.32, -5.35,
/* 3981.1 */ -5.13, -4.76, -4.31, -3.13,
/* 5011.9 */ -1.79, 0.08, 2.03, 4.03,
/* 6309.6 */ 5.80, 7.36, 8.81, 10.22,
/* 7943.3 */ 11.54, 12.51, 13.48, 14.21,
/* 10000.0 */ 14.79, 13.99, 12.85, 11.93,
/* 12589.3 */ 12.87, 15.19, 19.14, 23.69,
/* 15848.9 */ 33.52, 48.65, 59.42, 61.77,
/* 19952.6 */ 63.85, 66.04, 68.33, 70.09,
/* 25118.9 */ 70.66, 71.27, 71.91, 72.60,
double freq_log;
double dB;
unsigned index;
if ( freq < 10. ) freq = 10.;
if ( freq > 25000. ) freq = 25000.;
freq_log = 40. * log10 (0.1 * freq); /* 4 steps per third, starting at 10 Hz */
index = (unsigned) freq_log;
assert ( index < sizeof(tab)/sizeof(*tab) );
dB = tab [index] * (1 + index - freq_log) + tab [index+1] * (freq_log - index);
return pow ( 10., 0.05*dB );
* keyboard stuff
typedef struct {
int init;
struct termios stored_setting;
struct termios current_setting;
} keyboard_t;
static keyboard_t* __k;
/* Restore term-settings to those saved when term_init was called */
static void term_restore (void)
tcsetattr ( 0, TCSANOW, &(__k->stored_setting) );
} /* term_restore */
/* Clean up terminal; called on exit */
static void term_exit ( int sig )
term_restore ();
} /* term_exit */
/* Will be called when ctrl-Z is pressed, this correctly handles the terminal */
static void term_ctrl_z ( int sig )
signal ( SIGTSTP, term_ctrl_z );
term_restore ();
kill ( getpid(), SIGSTOP );
} /* term_ctrl_z */
/* Will be called when application is continued after having been stopped */
static void term_cont ( int sig )
signal ( SIGCONT, term_cont );
tcsetattr ( 0, TCSANOW, &(__k->current_setting) );
} /* term_cont() */
int open_keyboard ( keyboard_t* const k )
__k = k;
tcgetattr ( 0, &(k->stored_setting) );
tcgetattr ( 0, &(k->current_setting) );
signal ( SIGINT, term_exit ); /* We _must_ clean up when we exit */
signal ( SIGQUIT, term_exit );
signal ( SIGTSTP, term_ctrl_z ); /* Ctrl-Z must also be handled */
signal ( SIGCONT, term_cont );
// atexit ( term_exit );
/* One or more characters are sufficient to cause a read to return */
cfmakeraw ( &(k->current_setting) );
k->current_setting.c_oflag |= ONLCR | OPOST; /* enables NL => CRLF on output */
tcsetattr ( 0, TCSANOW, &(k->current_setting) );
return 0;
int getchar_keyboard ( keyboard_t* const k )
struct timeval t;
fd_set fd [1];
int ret;
unsigned char c;
FD_SET (0, fd);
t.tv_sec = 0;
t.tv_usec = 0;
ret = select ( 1, fd, NULL, NULL, &t );
switch ( ret ) {
case 0:
return -1;
case 1:
ret = read (0, &c, 1);
return ret == 1 ? c : -1;
return -2;
int close_keyboard ( keyboard_t* const k )
term_restore ();
return 0;
* reporting stuff
int report_open ( void )
static char buff [32767];
fflush ( stdout );
setvbuf ( stdout, buff, _IOFBF, sizeof(buff) );
return 0;
int report ( const generator_t* const g, const amplitude_t* const a )
static double last_freq = -1.;
static double last_level = -1.;
double freq;
double level;
freq = frequency (g);
level = 20. * log10 (amplitude (a) * ATH (freq) ) + 80.;
if ( last_freq >= 0 )
printf ( "%11.3f %8.2f\n", sqrt (freq*last_freq), 0.5 * (level+last_level) );
printf ( "# %9.3f %8.2f\n", freq, level );
fflush ( stdout );
last_freq = freq;
last_level = level;
return 0;
int report_close ( void )
printf ( "%%%%\n\n" );
fflush ( stdout );
close ( dup ( fileno(stdout) ) );
setvbuf ( stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0 );
return 0;
* main stuff
typedef enum {
left = 0,
right = 1,
phase0 = 2,
both = 2,
phase90 = 3,
phase180 = 4,
phasemod = 5
} earmode_t;
static long double scalar ( const double* a, const double* b )
return a[ 0]*b[ 0] + a[ 1]*b[ 1] + a[ 2]*b[ 2] + a[ 3]*b[ 3]
+a[ 4]*b[ 4] + a[ 5]*b[ 5] + a[ 6]*b[ 6] + a[ 7]*b[ 7]
+a[ 8]*b[ 8] + a[ 9]*b[ 9] + a[10]*b[10] + a[11]*b[11]
+a[12]*b[12] + a[13]*b[13] + a[14]*b[14] + a[15]*b[15];
int experiment ( generator_t* const g,
amplitude_t* const a,
keyboard_t* const k,
soundcard_t* const s,
earmode_t earmode )
long i;
int j;
stereo_t samples [512];
static double quant_errors [2] [16];
long double val;
double ampl;
long ival;
fprintf ( stderr, "\r+++ up +++" );
for ( i = 0; i < g->duration; i += sizeof(samples)/sizeof(*samples) ) {
fprintf ( stderr, "%3lu%%\b\b\b\b", i*100lu/g->duration );
for (j = 0; j < sizeof(samples)/sizeof(*samples); j++ ) {
ampl = iterate_amplifier (a) * ATH (frequency (g));
val = ampl * iterate_generator (g);
ival = (long) floor ( val + 0.5 + scalar (quant_errors[0], s->dither) );
if ( ival != (sample_t) ival ) {
report (g, a);
fprintf ( stderr, "\rOverrun \n\n" );
return -1;
memmove ( & quant_errors [0] [1], & quant_errors [0] [0],
sizeof(quant_errors[0]) - sizeof(quant_errors[0][0]) );
quant_errors [0] [0] = val - ival;
switch ( earmode ) {
case both:
samples [j] [0] = samples [j] [1] = ival;
case left:
samples [j] [0] = ival;
samples [j] [1] = 0;
case right:
samples [j] [0] = 0;
samples [j] [1] = ival;
case phase180:
samples [j] [0] = ival == -32768 ? 32767 : -ival;
samples [j] [1] = +ival;
case phase90:
samples [j] [0] = ival;
val = ampl * get_cosine (g);
ival = (long) floor ( val + 0.5 + scalar (quant_errors[1], s->dither) );
if ( ival != (sample_t) ival ) {
report (g, a);
fprintf ( stderr, "\rOverrun \n\n" );
return -1;
memmove ( & quant_errors [1] [1], & quant_errors [1] [0],
sizeof(quant_errors[1]) - sizeof(quant_errors[1][0]) );
quant_errors [1] [0] = val - ival;
samples [j] [1] = ival;
assert (0);
return -1;
play_soundcard ( s, samples, sizeof(samples)/sizeof(*samples) );
if ( amplitude (a) * ATH (frequency (g)) <= 3.16227766e-6 ) {
report (g, a);
fprintf ( stderr, "\rUnderrun \n\n" );
return -1;
switch ( getchar_keyboard (k) ) {
case '+':
fprintf ( stderr, "\r+++ up +++" );
report (g, a);
change_direction ( a, up );
case '-':
fprintf ( stderr, "\r--- down ---" );
report (g, a);
change_direction ( a, down );
case '\r':
case '\n':
fprintf ( stderr, "\r** change **" );
report (g, a);
change_direction ( a, change );
case 'C'&0x1F:
case 'q':
case 'Q':
case 'x':
case 'X':
fprintf ( stderr, "\rBreak \n\n" );
fflush ( stderr );
return -1;
fprintf ( stderr, "\a" );
case -1:
fprintf ( stderr, "\rReady \n\n" );
return 0;
static void usage ( void )
static const char help[] =
"'Absolute Threshold of Hearing' -- Version 0.07 (C) Frank Klemm 2000\n"
" ath type minfreq maxfreq duration ampl_speed [start_level [earmode] > reportfile\n"
" type: linear, logarithm, square, cubic, erb, recip\n"
" minfreq: initial frequency [Hz]\n"
" maxfreq: end frequency [Hz]\n"
" duration: duration of the experiment [s]\n"
" ampl_speed: amplitude slope speed [phon/s]\n"
" start_level: absolute level at startup [0...1]\n"
" earmode: left, right, both, phase90, phase180\n"
" ath erb 700 22000 600 3 0.0001 > result1\n"
" ath erb 1400 16 360 3 0.0001 > result2\n"
" press '-' once when you start hearing a tone\n"
" press '+' once when you stop hearing a tone\n"
" press 'q' to early leave the program\n"
" on errors the pressed key is ignored\n";
fprintf ( stderr, "%s\n", help );
int main ( int argc, char** argv )
generator_t g;
amplitude_t a;
soundcard_t s;
keyboard_t k;
genmode_t genmode;
earmode_t earmode;
if ( argc == 1 ) {
usage ();
system ( "./ath erb 700 22000 600 3 0.0001 > result1" );
system ( "./ath erb 1400 16 360 3 0.0001 > result2" );
system ( "xmgr result1 result2 &> /dev/null &" );
return 0;
if ( argc < 6 ) {
usage ();
return 1;
if ( 0 == strncmp ( argv[1], "li" , 2) ) genmode = linear;
else if ( 0 == strncmp ( argv[1], "lo" , 2) ) genmode = logarithm;
else if ( 0 == strncmp ( argv[1], "sq" , 2) ) genmode = square;
else if ( 0 == strncmp ( argv[1], "cu" , 2) ) genmode = cubic;
else if ( 0 == strncmp ( argv[1], "er" , 2) ) genmode = erb;
else if ( 0 == strncmp ( argv[1], "re" , 2) ) genmode = recip;
else {
usage ();
return 1;
if ( argc < 8 ) earmode = both;
else if ( 0 == strncmp ( argv[7], "le" , 2) ) earmode = left;
else if ( 0 == strncmp ( argv[7], "ri" , 2) ) earmode = right;
else if ( 0 == strncmp ( argv[7], "bo" , 2) ) earmode = both;
else if ( 0 == strncmp ( argv[7], "phase9" , 6) ) earmode = phase90;
else if ( 0 == strncmp ( argv[7], "phase1" , 6) ) earmode = phase180;
else {
usage ();
return 1;
open_soundcard ( &s, AUDIO_DEVICE, sizeof(stereo_t)/sizeof(sample_t), CHAR_BIT*sizeof(sample_t), 96000.0 );
open_generator ( &g, &s, genmode, atof (argv[4]), atof (argv[2]), atof (argv[3]) );
open_amplifier ( &a, &s, argc > 6 ? atof (argv[6]) : 0.0001, atof (argv[5]) );
open_keyboard ( &k );
report_open ( );
experiment ( &g, &a, &k, &s, earmode );
report_close ( );
close_keyboard ( &k );
close_amplifier( &a );
close_generator( &g );
close_soundcard( &s );
return 0;
/* end of ath.c */