blob: d5cfba410b5f9dcfb98c0e379319a89b5de77b67 [file] [log] [blame]
# Generates a compile_commands.json file at $(bazel info execution_root) for
# your Clang tooling needs.
set -e
mapfile -t TARGETS < <(bazel query 'kind(cc_.*, //...) - attr(tags, manual, //...)')
bazel build \
--experimental_action_listener=//kythe/cxx/tools/generate_compile_commands:extract_json \
--noshow_progress \
--noshow_loading_progress \
--output_groups=compilation_outputs \
"${TARGETS[@]}" > /dev/null
BAZEL_ROOT="$(bazel info execution_root)"
pushd "$BAZEL_ROOT" > /dev/null
find . -name '*.compile_command.json' -print0 | while read -r -d '' fname; do
sed -e "s|@BAZEL_ROOT@|$BAZEL_ROOT|g" < "$fname" >> compile_commands.json
echo "" >> compile_commands.json
# Decompose, insert and keep the most recent entry for a given file, then
# recombine.
sed 's/\(^[[]\)\|\([],]$\)//;/^$/d;' < compile_commands.json \
| tac | sort -u -t, -k1,1 \
| sed '1s/^./[\0/;s/}$/},/;$s/,$/]/' > compile_commands.json.tmp
mv compile_commands.json{.tmp,}
popd > /dev/null