blob: 85906694bd04d6630653ee715ffa1e2bc71aeaf6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018 The Kythe Authors. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "kythe/cxx/indexer/proto/file_descriptor_walker.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_join.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_split.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "glog/logging.h"
#include "google/protobuf/descriptor.h"
#include "google/protobuf/repeated_field.h"
#include "google/protobuf/stubs/map_util.h"
#include "kythe/cxx/common/status_or.h"
#include "kythe/cxx/indexer/proto/marked_source.h"
#include "kythe/cxx/indexer/proto/proto_graph_builder.h"
#include "re2/re2.h"
#include "re2/stringpiece.h"
namespace kythe {
namespace lang_proto {
using ::google::protobuf::Descriptor;
using ::google::protobuf::DescriptorProto;
using ::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor;
using ::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptorProto;
using ::google::protobuf::EnumValueDescriptor;
using ::google::protobuf::EnumValueDescriptorProto;
using ::google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor;
using ::google::protobuf::FieldDescriptorProto;
using ::google::protobuf::FileDescriptorProto;
using ::google::protobuf::MethodDescriptor;
using ::google::protobuf::MethodDescriptorProto;
using ::google::protobuf::OneofDescriptor;
using ::google::protobuf::ServiceDescriptor;
using ::google::protobuf::ServiceDescriptorProto;
using ::google::protobuf::SourceCodeInfo;
using ::kythe::StatusOr;
using ::kythe::proto::VName;
namespace {
// TODO(justbuchanan): remove all re2::StringPiece code once re2 is compatible
// with absl::string_view.
re2::StringPiece ToStringPiece(absl::string_view v) {
return {, v.size()};
// Pushes a value onto a proto location lookup path, and automatically
// removes it when destroyed. See the documentation for
// proto2.Descriptor.SourceCodeInfo.Location.path for more information
// on how these paths work.
class ScopedLookup {
// Does not take ownership of lookup_path; caller must ensure it
// stays around until this ScopedLookup is destroyed.
explicit ScopedLookup(std::vector<int>* lookup_path, int component)
: lookup_path_(lookup_path), component_(component) {
~ScopedLookup() {
CHECK_EQ(component_, lookup_path_->back());
std::vector<int>* lookup_path_;
const int component_;
// Figures out just how many bytes one needs to go into `line_text` to reach
// what the proto compiler calls column `column_number`.
int ByteOffsetIntoLine(int column_number, absl::string_view line_text) {
int computed_column = 0;
int offset = 0;
while (computed_column < column_number && offset < line_text.size()) {
if (line_text[offset] == '\t') {
// In proto land, tabs go to the next multiple of 8. There are a million
// ways of computing this. This one will do.
computed_column = (computed_column + 8) - (computed_column % 8);
} else {
if (computed_column != column_number) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Error computing byte offset: expected " << column_number
<< " columns but counted up to " << computed_column
<< " in line \"" << line_text << "\"";
return -1;
return offset;
} // namespace
int FileDescriptorWalker::ComputeByteOffset(int line_number,
int column_number) const {
int byte_offset_of_start_of_line =
line_index_.ComputeByteOffset(line_number, 0);
absl::string_view line_text = line_index_.GetLine(line_number);
int byte_offset_into_line = ByteOffsetIntoLine(column_number, line_text);
if (byte_offset_into_line < 0) {
return byte_offset_into_line;
return byte_offset_of_start_of_line + byte_offset_into_line;
Location FileDescriptorWalker::LocationOfLeadingComments(
const Location& entity_location, int entity_start_line,
int entity_start_column, const std::string& comments) const {
int line_offset_of_entity = ByteOffsetIntoLine(
entity_start_column, line_index_.GetLine(entity_start_line));
if (line_offset_of_entity < 0) {
return entity_location;
Location comment_location;
comment_location.file = entity_location.file;
comment_location.begin = entity_location.begin - line_offset_of_entity;
comment_location.end = entity_location.begin - line_offset_of_entity - 1;
int next_line_number = entity_start_line - 1;
absl::string_view bottom_line = line_index_.GetLine(next_line_number);
while (RE2::FullMatch(ToStringPiece(bottom_line), R"(\s*\*/?\s*)")) {
comment_location.begin -= bottom_line.size();
bottom_line = line_index_.GetLine(next_line_number);
std::vector<std::string> comment_lines = absl::StrSplit(comments, '\n');
while (!comment_lines.empty() && comment_lines.back().empty()) {
while (!comment_lines.empty()) {
const std::string& comment_line = comment_lines.back();
absl::string_view actual_line = line_index_.GetLine(next_line_number);
std::string comment_re =
absl::StrCat(R"(\s*(?://|/?\*\s*))", RE2::QuoteMeta(comment_line),
if (!RE2::FullMatch(ToStringPiece(actual_line), comment_re)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Leading comment line mismatch: [" << comment_line
<< "] vs. [" << actual_line << "]"
<< "(line " << next_line_number << ")";
return comment_location;
comment_location.begin -= actual_line.size();
return comment_location;
Location FileDescriptorWalker::LocationOfTrailingComments(
const Location& entity_location, int entity_start_line,
int entity_start_column, const std::string& comments) const {
Location comment_location;
comment_location.file = entity_location.file;
std::vector<std::string> comment_lines = absl::StrSplit(comments, '\n');
while (!comment_lines.empty() && comment_lines.back().empty()) {
if (comment_lines.empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Trailing comment listed as present but was empty.";
return entity_location;
std::string top_comment_line_re = absl::StrCat(
R"(\s*(?:/\*|//)\s*)", RE2::QuoteMeta(comment_lines.front()));
int line_number = entity_start_line;
for (; line_number <= line_index_.line_count(); ++line_number) {
absl::string_view entity_line = line_index_.GetLine(line_number);
re2::StringPiece comment_start;
if (RE2::PartialMatch(ToStringPiece(entity_line), R"((\s*(?:/\*|//)))",
&comment_start)) {
comment_location.begin = line_index_.ComputeByteOffset(line_number, 0) +
( -;
comment_location.end =
line_index_.ComputeByteOffset(line_number + 1, 0) - 1;
if (RE2::PartialMatch(ToStringPiece(entity_line), top_comment_line_re)) {
if (line_number > line_index_.line_count()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Never found trailing comment \"" << comments << "\"";
return entity_location;
for (const std::string& comment_line : comment_lines) {
absl::string_view actual_line = line_index_.GetLine(line_number);
std::string comment_re =
absl::StrCat(R"(\s*(?://|/?\*\s*))", RE2::QuoteMeta(comment_line),
if (!RE2::FullMatch(ToStringPiece(actual_line), comment_re)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Trailing comment line mismatch: [" << comment_line
<< "] vs. [" << actual_line << "]"
<< "(line " << line_number << ")";
return comment_location;
comment_location.end += actual_line.size();
absl::string_view bottom_line = line_index_.GetLine(line_number);
while (RE2::FullMatch(ToStringPiece(bottom_line), R"(\s*\*/?\s*)")) {
comment_location.end += bottom_line.size();
bottom_line = line_index_.GetLine(line_number);
return comment_location;
StatusOr<PartialLocation> FileDescriptorWalker::ParseLocation(
const std::vector<int>& span) const {
PartialLocation location;
if (span.size() == 4) {
location.start_line = span[0] + 1;
location.end_line = span[2] + 1;
location.start_column = span[1];
location.end_column = span[3];
} else if (span.size() == 3) {
location.start_line = span[0] + 1;
location.end_line = span[0] + 1;
location.start_column = span[1];
location.end_column = span[2];
} else {
return UnknownError("");
return location;
void FileDescriptorWalker::InitializeLocation(const std::vector<int>& span,
Location* loc) {
loc->file = file_name_;
StatusOr<PartialLocation> possible_location = ParseLocation(span);
if (possible_location.ok()) {
PartialLocation partial_location = *possible_location;
loc->begin = ComputeByteOffset(partial_location.start_line,
loc->end = ComputeByteOffset(partial_location.end_line,
} else {
// Some error in the span, create a dummy location for now
// Happens in case of proto1 files
LOG(ERROR) << "Unexpected location vector [" << absl::StrJoin(span, ":")
<< "] while walking " << file_name_.path();
loc->begin = 0;
loc->end = 0;
void FileDescriptorWalker::BuildLocationMap(
const SourceCodeInfo& source_code_info) {
for (int i = 0; i < source_code_info.location_size(); i++) {
const SourceCodeInfo::Location& location = source_code_info.location(i);
std::vector<int> path(location.path().begin(), location.path().end());
std::vector<int> span(location.span().begin(), location.span().end());
location_map_[path] = span;
path_location_map_[path] = location;
void FileDescriptorWalker::VisitImports() {
// Direct dependencies, from `import "foo.proto"` statements.
std::vector<int> path = {FileDescriptorProto::kDependencyFieldNumber};
for (int i = 0; i < file_descriptor_->dependency_count(); i++) {
ScopedLookup import_lookup(&path, i);
Location location;
InitializeLocation(location_map_[path], &location);
builder_->AddImport(file_descriptor_->dependency(i)->name(), location);
// Weak dependencies, from `import weak "foo.proto"` statements.
std::vector<int> path = {FileDescriptorProto::kWeakDependencyFieldNumber};
for (int i = 0; i < file_descriptor_->weak_dependency_count(); i++) {
ScopedLookup import_lookup(&path, i);
Location location;
InitializeLocation(location_map_[path], &location);
// Public dependencies, from `import public "foo.proto"` statements
std::vector<int> path = {FileDescriptorProto::kPublicDependencyFieldNumber};
for (int i = 0; i < file_descriptor_->public_dependency_count(); i++) {
ScopedLookup import_lookup(&path, i);
Location location;
InitializeLocation(location_map_[path], &location);
namespace {
proto::VName VNameForBuiltinType(FieldDescriptor::Type type) {
// TODO(zrlk): Emit builtins.
proto::VName builtin_vname;
return builtin_vname;
} // anonymous namespace
proto::VName FileDescriptorWalker::VNameForFieldType(
const FieldDescriptor* field_proto) {
if (field_proto->type() == FieldDescriptor::TYPE_MESSAGE ||
field_proto->type() == FieldDescriptor::TYPE_GROUP) {
return builder_->VNameForDescriptor(field_proto->message_type());
} else if (field_proto->type() == FieldDescriptor::TYPE_ENUM) {
return builder_->VNameForDescriptor(field_proto->enum_type());
} else {
return VNameForBuiltinType(field_proto->type());
void FileDescriptorWalker::AttachMarkedSource(
const proto::VName& vname, const absl::optional<MarkedSource>& code) {
if (code) {
builder_->AddCodeFact(vname, *code);
void FileDescriptorWalker::VisitField(const std::string* parent_name,
const VName* parent,
const std::string& message_name,
const VName& message,
const FieldDescriptor* field,
std::vector<int> lookup_path) {
std::string vname = absl::StrCat(message_name, ".", field->name());
VName v_name = builder_->VNameForDescriptor(field);
AddComments(v_name, lookup_path);
// Get location of declaration and add as Grok binding
ScopedLookup name_num(&lookup_path, FieldDescriptorProto::kNameFieldNumber);
const std::vector<int>& span = location_map_[lookup_path];
Location location;
InitializeLocation(span, &location);
VName oneof;
bool in_oneof = false;
if (field->containing_oneof() != nullptr) {
in_oneof = true;
oneof = builder_->VNameForDescriptor(field->containing_oneof());
builder_->AddFieldToMessage(parent, message, in_oneof ? &oneof : nullptr,
v_name, location);
AttachMarkedSource(v_name, GenerateMarkedSourceForDescriptor(field));
// Check for [deprecated=true] annotations and emit deprecation tags.
if (field->options().deprecated()) {
Location type_location;
ScopedLookup type_num(&lookup_path,
if (location_map_.find(lookup_path) == location_map_.end()) {
// the type was primitive, ignore for now
const std::vector<int>& type_span = location_map_[lookup_path];
InitializeLocation(type_span, &type_location);
VName type = VNameForFieldType(field);
// TODO: add value_type back in at some point.
// Add reference for this field's type. We assume it to be output
// processing a dependency, but in the worst case this might introduce
// an edge to no VName (presumably in turn introducing a Lost node).
builder_->AddReference(type, type_location);
builder_->AddTyping(v_name, type);
if (field->is_map()) {
// Add references to map type components.
VName keyType = VNameForFieldType(field->message_type()->field(0));
VName valType = VNameForFieldType(field->message_type()->field(1));
// Map key/value types do not have SourceCodeInfo locations; we have to find
// them within the outer "map<...>" type location.
absl::string_view content = absl::string_view(content_);
absl::string_view type_name = content.substr(
type_location.begin, type_location.end - type_location.begin);
re2::StringPiece key, val;
if (RE2::FullMatch(ToStringPiece(type_name),
R"(\s*map\s*<\s*(\S+)\s*,\s*(\S+)\s*>\s*)", &key,
&val)) {
size_t key_start = -;
size_t val_start = -;
keyType, {type_location.file, key_start, key_start + key.size()});
valType, {type_location.file, val_start, val_start + val.size()});
// TODO(schroederc): emit map type node
if (field->has_default_value()) {
const EnumValueDescriptor* default_value = field->default_value_enum();
VName value = builder_->VNameForDescriptor(default_value);
// Find reference location
ScopedLookup default_num(&lookup_path,
const std::vector<int>& value_span = location_map_[lookup_path];
Location value_location;
InitializeLocation(value_span, &value_location);
builder_->AddReference(value, value_location);
void FileDescriptorWalker::VisitFields(const std::string& message_name,
const Descriptor* dp,
std::vector<int> lookup_path) {
VName message = VNameForProtoPath(file_name_, lookup_path);
if (visited_messages_.find(URI(message).ToString()) !=
visited_messages_.end()) {
ScopedLookup field_num(&lookup_path, DescriptorProto::kFieldFieldNumber);
for (int i = 0; i < dp->field_count(); i++) {
ScopedLookup field_index(&lookup_path, i);
VisitField(&message_name, &message, message_name, message, dp->field(i),
ScopedLookup extension_num(&lookup_path,
for (int i = 0; i < dp->extension_count(); i++) {
ScopedLookup extension_index(&lookup_path, i);
VisitExtension(&message_name, &message, dp->extension(i), lookup_path);
void FileDescriptorWalker::VisitNestedEnumTypes(const std::string& message_name,
const VName* message,
const Descriptor* dp,
std::vector<int> lookup_path) {
ScopedLookup enum_num(&lookup_path, DescriptorProto::kEnumTypeFieldNumber);
for (int i = 0; i < dp->enum_type_count(); i++) {
const EnumDescriptor* nested_proto = dp->enum_type(i);
// Get the path that corresponds to the name of the enum
ScopedLookup enum_index(&lookup_path, i);
std::string vname = absl::StrCat(message_name, ".", nested_proto->name());
VName v_name = builder_->VNameForDescriptor(nested_proto);
AddComments(v_name, lookup_path);
ScopedLookup name_num(&lookup_path,
const std::vector<int>& span = location_map_[lookup_path];
Location location;
InitializeLocation(span, &location);
builder_->AddEnumType(message, v_name, location);
if (nested_proto->options().deprecated()) {
// Visit values
VisitEnumValues(nested_proto, &v_name, lookup_path);
void FileDescriptorWalker::VisitNestedTypes(const std::string& message_name,
const VName* message,
const Descriptor* dp,
std::vector<int> lookup_path) {
ScopedLookup nested_type_num(&lookup_path,
for (int i = 0; i < dp->nested_type_count(); i++) {
ScopedLookup nested_index(&lookup_path, i);
const Descriptor* nested_proto = dp->nested_type(i);
// The proto compiler synthesizes types to represent map entries. For
// example, a "map<string, string> my_map" field would cause a type
// "MyMapEntry" to be generated. Because it doesn't actually exist in the
// source .proto file, we ignore it.
if (nested_proto->options().map_entry()) {
std::string vname = absl::StrCat(message_name, ".", nested_proto->name());
VName v_name = VNameForProtoPath(file_name_, lookup_path);
AddComments(v_name, lookup_path);
// Also push kNameFieldNumber for location of declaration
ScopedLookup name_num(&lookup_path, DescriptorProto::kNameFieldNumber);
const std::vector<int>& span = location_map_[lookup_path];
Location location;
InitializeLocation(span, &location);
builder_->AddMessageType(message, v_name, location);
if (nested_proto->options().deprecated()) {
// Need to visit nested enum and message types first!
VisitNestedTypes(vname, &v_name, nested_proto, lookup_path);
VisitNestedEnumTypes(vname, &v_name, nested_proto, lookup_path);
VisitOneofs(vname, v_name, nested_proto, lookup_path);
void FileDescriptorWalker::VisitOneofs(const std::string& message_name,
const VName& message,
const Descriptor* dp,
std::vector<int> lookup_path) {
ScopedLookup nested_type_num(&lookup_path,
for (int i = 0; i < dp->oneof_decl_count(); i++) {
ScopedLookup nested_index(&lookup_path, i);
const OneofDescriptor* oneof = dp->oneof_decl(i);
std::string vname = absl::StrCat(message_name, ".", oneof->name());
VName v_name = builder_->VNameForDescriptor(oneof);
AddComments(v_name, lookup_path);
// TODO: verify that this is correct for oneofs
ScopedLookup name_num(&lookup_path, DescriptorProto::kNameFieldNumber);
const std::vector<int>& span = location_map_[lookup_path];
Location location;
InitializeLocation(span, &location);
builder_->AddOneofToMessage(message, v_name, location);
AttachMarkedSource(v_name, GenerateMarkedSourceForDescriptor(oneof));
// No need to add fields; they're also fields of the message
void FileDescriptorWalker::VisitMessagesAndEnums(const std::string* ns_name,
const VName* ns) {
std::vector<int> lookup_path;
for (int i = 0; i < file_descriptor_->message_type_count(); i++) {
ScopedLookup message_num(&lookup_path,
const Descriptor* dp = file_descriptor_->message_type(i);
ScopedLookup message_index(&lookup_path, i);
std::string vname = dp->name();
if (ns_name != nullptr) {
vname = absl::StrCat(*ns_name, ".", vname);
VName v_name = VNameForProtoPath(file_name_, lookup_path);
AddComments(v_name, lookup_path);
ScopedLookup name_num(&lookup_path, DescriptorProto::kNameFieldNumber);
const std::vector<int>& span = location_map_[lookup_path];
Location location;
InitializeLocation(span, &location);
builder_->AddMessageType(ns, v_name, location);
AttachMarkedSource(v_name, GenerateMarkedSourceForDescriptor(dp));
if (dp->options().deprecated()) {
// Visit nested types first and fields later for easy type resolution
VisitNestedTypes(vname, &v_name, dp, lookup_path);
VisitNestedEnumTypes(vname, &v_name, dp, lookup_path);
VisitOneofs(vname, v_name, dp, lookup_path);
// Add top-level ENUM bindings
for (int i = 0; i < file_descriptor_->enum_type_count(); i++) {
ScopedLookup enum_num(&lookup_path,
const EnumDescriptor* dp = file_descriptor_->enum_type(i);
ScopedLookup enum_index(&lookup_path, i);
std::string vname = dp->name();
if (ns_name != nullptr) {
vname = absl::StrCat(*ns_name, ".", vname);
VName v_name = builder_->VNameForDescriptor(dp);
AddComments(v_name, lookup_path);
ScopedLookup name_num(&lookup_path,
const std::vector<int>& span = location_map_[lookup_path];
Location location;
InitializeLocation(span, &location);
builder_->AddEnumType(ns, v_name, location);
AttachMarkedSource(v_name, GenerateMarkedSourceForDescriptor(dp));
// Visit enum values and add kythe bindings for them
VisitEnumValues(dp, &v_name, lookup_path);
void FileDescriptorWalker::VisitEnumValues(const EnumDescriptor* dp,
const VName* enum_node,
std::vector<int> lookup_path) {
ScopedLookup value_num(&lookup_path, EnumDescriptorProto::kValueFieldNumber);
for (int j = 0; j < dp->value_count(); j++) {
const EnumValueDescriptor* val_dp = dp->value(j);
ScopedLookup value_index(&lookup_path, j);
VName v_name = builder_->VNameForDescriptor(val_dp);
AddComments(v_name, lookup_path);
ScopedLookup name_num(&lookup_path,
Location value_location;
InitializeLocation(location_map_[lookup_path], &value_location);
std::string value_vname = dp->full_name() + "." + val_dp->name();
builder_->AddValueToEnum(*enum_node, v_name, value_location);
if (val_dp->options().deprecated()) {
AttachMarkedSource(v_name, GenerateMarkedSourceForDescriptor(val_dp));
void FileDescriptorWalker::VisitAllFields(const std::string* ns_name,
const VName* ns) {
std::vector<int> lookup_path;
ScopedLookup message_num(&lookup_path,
// For each top-level message in the file, add the field bindings
for (int i = 0; i < file_descriptor_->message_type_count(); i++) {
const Descriptor* dp = file_descriptor_->message_type(i);
std::string vname = dp->name();
if (ns_name != nullptr) {
vname = *ns_name + "." + vname;
ScopedLookup message_index(&lookup_path, i);
// Visit fields within the message
VisitFields(vname, dp, lookup_path);
// Visit fields in nested mesages
VisitNestedFields(vname, dp, lookup_path);
ScopedLookup extension_num(&lookup_path,
// For each top-level extension in the file, add the field bindings
for (int i = 0; i < file_descriptor_->extension_count(); i++) {
ScopedLookup extension_index(&lookup_path, i);
VisitExtension(ns_name, ns, file_descriptor_->extension(i), lookup_path);
void FileDescriptorWalker::VisitExtension(const std::string* parent_name,
const VName* parent,
const FieldDescriptor* field,
std::vector<int> lookup_path) {
std::string message_name = field->containing_type()->full_name();
VName message = builder_->VNameForDescriptor(field->containing_type());
// In a block like this:
// extend A {
// optional string b = 1;
// optional string c = 2;
// }
// Link the name of the extended message "A" to the original
// definition. Each of "b" and "c" will generate this reference
// which can result in duplicate references if more than one
// field is declared in a single extend block.
ScopedLookup extendee_num(&lookup_path,
const std::vector<int>& extendee_span = location_map_[lookup_path];
Location extendee_location;
InitializeLocation(extendee_span, &extendee_location);
builder_->AddReference(message, extendee_location);
VisitField(parent_name, parent, message_name, message, field, lookup_path);
void FileDescriptorWalker::VisitNestedFields(const std::string& name_prefix,
const Descriptor* dp,
std::vector<int> lookup_path) {
ScopedLookup nested_num(&lookup_path,
for (int j = 0; j < dp->nested_type_count(); j++) {
const Descriptor* nested_dp = dp->nested_type(j);
const std::string nested_name_prefix =
absl::StrCat(name_prefix, ".", nested_dp->name());
// The proto compiler synthesizes types to represent map entries. For
// example, a "map<string, string> my_map" field would cause a type
// "MyMapEntry" to be generated. Because it doesn't actually exist in the
// source .proto file, we ignore it.
if (nested_dp->options().map_entry()) {
ScopedLookup nested_index(&lookup_path, j);
// Visit fields within the message
VisitFields(nested_name_prefix, nested_dp, lookup_path);
// Visit fields in nested mesages
VisitNestedFields(nested_name_prefix, nested_dp, lookup_path);
void FileDescriptorWalker::AddComments(const VName& v_name,
const std::vector<int>& path) {
const auto* protoc_location = FindOrNull(path_location_map_, path);
StatusOr<PartialLocation> readable_location =
if (protoc_location != nullptr && readable_location.ok()) {
Location entity_location;
InitializeLocation(location_map_[path], &entity_location);
PartialLocation coordinates = *readable_location;
if (protoc_location->has_leading_comments()) {
Location comment_location = LocationOfLeadingComments(
entity_location, coordinates.start_line, coordinates.start_column,
builder_->AddDocComment(v_name, comment_location);
if (protoc_location->has_trailing_comments()) {
Location comment_location = LocationOfTrailingComments(
entity_location, coordinates.start_line, coordinates.start_column,
builder_->AddDocComment(v_name, comment_location);
void FileDescriptorWalker::VisitRpcServices(const std::string* ns_name,
const VName* ns) {
std::vector<int> lookup_path;
ScopedLookup service_num(&lookup_path,
for (int i = 0; i < file_descriptor_->service_count(); i++) {
const ServiceDescriptor* dp = file_descriptor_->service(i);
ScopedLookup service_index(&lookup_path, i);
std::string service_vname = dp->name();
if (ns_name != nullptr) {
service_vname = absl::StrCat(*ns_name, ".", service_vname);
VName v_name = builder_->VNameForDescriptor(dp);
AddComments(v_name, lookup_path);
ScopedLookup name_num(&lookup_path,
const std::vector<int>& span = location_map_[lookup_path];
Location location;
InitializeLocation(span, &location);
builder_->AddService(ns, v_name, location);
AttachMarkedSource(v_name, GenerateMarkedSourceForDescriptor(dp));
// Visit methods
ScopedLookup method_num(&lookup_path,
for (int j = 0; j < dp->method_count(); j++) {
const MethodDescriptor* method_dp = dp->method(j);
ScopedLookup method_index(&lookup_path, j);
std::string method_vname =
absl::StrCat(service_vname, ".", method_dp->name());
VName method = builder_->VNameForDescriptor(method_dp);
AddComments(method, lookup_path);
// Add method as a declaration
ScopedLookup name_num(&lookup_path,
Location method_location;
InitializeLocation(location_map_[lookup_path], &method_location);
builder_->AddMethodToService(v_name, method, method_location);
// Add rpc method's input argument
ScopedLookup input_num(&lookup_path,
Location input_location;
InitializeLocation(location_map_[lookup_path], &input_location);
const Descriptor* input = method_dp->input_type();
VName input_sig = builder_->VNameForDescriptor(input);
builder_->AddArgumentToMethod(method, input_sig, input_location);
// Add rpc method's output argument
ScopedLookup output_num(&lookup_path,
Location output_location;
InitializeLocation(location_map_[lookup_path], &output_location);
const Descriptor* output = method_dp->output_type();
VName output_sig = builder_->VNameForDescriptor(output);
builder_->AddArgumentToMethod(method, output_sig, output_location);
void FileDescriptorWalker::PopulateCodeGraph() {
const VName* ns = nullptr;
const std::string* ns_name = nullptr;
VName v_name;
const std::string& package = file_descriptor_->package();
if (!package.empty()) {
std::vector<int> lookup_path;
ScopedLookup package_num(&lookup_path,
const std::vector<int>& span = location_map_[lookup_path];
Location location;
InitializeLocation(span, &location);
builder_->AddNamespace(v_name, location);
ns = &v_name;
ns_name = &package;
VisitMessagesAndEnums(ns_name, ns);
VisitAllFields(ns_name, ns);
VisitRpcServices(ns_name, ns);
} // namespace lang_proto
} // namespace kythe