blob: a6be403b5646fc905d16e432689257a1397b4c02 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018 The Kythe Authors. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package pipeline
import (
kinds ""
cpb ""
gspb ""
ppb ""
scpb ""
srvpb ""
spb ""
xspb ""
func init() {
// KytheBeam controls the lifetime and generation of PCollections in the Kythe
// pipeline.
type KytheBeam struct {
s beam.Scope
fileVNames beam.PCollection // *spb.VName
nodes beam.PCollection // *scpb.Node
files beam.PCollection // *srvpb.File
refs beam.PCollection // *ppb.Reference
edges beam.PCollection // *gspb.Edges
markedSources beam.PCollection // KV<*spb.VName, *cpb.MarkedSource>
anchorBuildConfigs beam.PCollection // KV<*spb.VName, string>
// FromNodes creates a KytheBeam pipeline from an input collection of
// *spb.Nodes.
func FromNodes(s beam.Scope, nodes beam.PCollection) *KytheBeam { return &KytheBeam{s: s, nodes: nodes} }
// FromEntries creates a KytheBeam pipeline from an input collection of
// *spb.Entry messages.
func FromEntries(s beam.Scope, entries beam.PCollection) *KytheBeam {
return FromNodes(s, nodes.FromEntries(s, entries))
func keyNode(n *scpb.Node) (*spb.VName, *scpb.Node) { return n.Source, n }
// SplitCrossReferences returns a columnar Kythe cross-references table derived
// from the Kythe input graph. The beam.PCollection has elements of type
// KV<[]byte, []byte>.
func (k *KytheBeam) SplitCrossReferences() beam.PCollection {
s := k.s.Scope("SplitCrossReferences")
refs := beam.ParDo(s, refToCrossRef, k.References())
idx := beam.ParDo(s, nodeToCrossRef, beam.CoGroupByKey(s,
beam.ParDo(s, keyNode, k.Nodes()),
// TODO(schroederc): merge_with
callgraph := k.callGraph()
edges := k.edgeRelations()
relatedDefs := beam.ParDo(s, emitRelatedDefs, beam.CoGroupByKey(s,
beam.ParDo(s, splitEdge, filter.Distinct(s, beam.ParDo(s, bareRevEdge, edges))),
relations := beam.ParDo(s, edgeToCrossRefRelation, edges)
return beam.ParDo(s, encodeCrossRef, beam.Flatten(s,
func (k *KytheBeam) callGraph() beam.PCollection {
s := k.s.Scope("CallGraph")
callsites := beam.ParDo(s, refToCallsite, k.References())
// TODO(schroederc): override callers
callers := beam.ParDo(s, constructCaller, beam.CoGroupByKey(s,
beam.ParDo(s, splitEdge, filter.Distinct(s, beam.ParDo(s, callEdge, callsites))),
return beam.Flatten(s, callsites, callers)
func emitRelatedDefs(target *spb.VName, defStream func(**srvpb.ExpandedAnchor) bool, srcStream func(**spb.VName) bool, emit func(*xspb.CrossReferences)) {
var def *srvpb.ExpandedAnchor
if !defStream(&def) {
return // no related node definition found
nodeDef := &xspb.CrossReferences_NodeDefinition_{&xspb.CrossReferences_NodeDefinition{
Node: target,
Location: def,
var src *spb.VName
for srcStream(&src) {
emit(&xspb.CrossReferences{Source: src, Entry: nodeDef})
func bareRevEdge(eg *gspb.Edges, emit func(*scpb.Edge)) error {
switch e := eg.Entry.(type) {
case *gspb.Edges_Edge_:
edge := e.Edge
emit(&scpb.Edge{Target: eg.Source, Source: edge.Target})
return nil
func constructCaller(caller *spb.VName, defStream func(**srvpb.ExpandedAnchor) bool, msStream func(**cpb.MarkedSource) bool, calleeStream func(**spb.VName) bool, emit func(*xspb.CrossReferences)) {
var def *srvpb.ExpandedAnchor
if !defStream(&def) {
return // no caller definition found
var ms *cpb.MarkedSource
for msStream(&ms) {
var callee *spb.VName
for calleeStream(&callee) {
Source: callee,
Entry: &xspb.CrossReferences_Caller_{&xspb.CrossReferences_Caller{
Caller: caller,
Location: def,
MarkedSource: ms,
func refToCallsite(r *ppb.Reference, emit func(*xspb.CrossReferences)) {
if r.GetKytheKind() != scpb.EdgeKind_REF_CALL || r.Scope == nil {
Source: r.Source,
Entry: &xspb.CrossReferences_Callsite_{&xspb.CrossReferences_Callsite{
Kind: xspb.CrossReferences_Callsite_DIRECT,
Caller: r.Scope,
Location: r.Anchor,
func callEdge(x *xspb.CrossReferences) *scpb.Edge {
return &scpb.Edge{Source: x.GetCallsite().GetCaller(), Target: x.GetSource()}
func edgeToCrossRefRelation(eg *gspb.Edges, emit func(*xspb.CrossReferences)) error {
switch e := eg.Entry.(type) {
case *gspb.Edges_Edge_:
edge := e.Edge
r := &xspb.CrossReferences_Relation{
Ordinal: edge.Ordinal,
Reverse: edge.Reverse,
Node: edge.Target,
if k := edge.GetGenericKind(); k != "" {
r.Kind = &xspb.CrossReferences_Relation_GenericKind{k}
} else {
r.Kind = &xspb.CrossReferences_Relation_KytheKind{edge.GetKytheKind()}
Source: eg.Source,
Entry: &xspb.CrossReferences_Relation_{r},
return nil
case *gspb.Edges_Target_:
target := e.Target
Source: eg.Source,
Entry: &xspb.CrossReferences_RelatedNode_{&xspb.CrossReferences_RelatedNode{
Node: target.Node,
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected Edges entry: %T", e)
// CrossReferences returns a Kythe file decorations table derived from the Kythe
// input graph. The beam.PCollections have elements of type
// KV<string, *srvpb.PagedCrossReferences> and
// KV<string, *srvpb.PagedCrossReferences_Page>, respectively.
func (k *KytheBeam) CrossReferences() (sets, pages beam.PCollection) {
s := k.s.Scope("CrossReferences")
refs := beam.CoGroupByKey(s,
beam.ParDo(s, keyRef, k.References()),
beam.ParDo(s, keyCrossRef, k.callGraph()),
// TODO(schroederc): related nodes
// TODO(schroederc): MarkedSource
// TODO(schroederc): source_node
return beam.ParDo2(s, groupCrossRefs, refs)
var callerKinds = map[xspb.CrossReferences_Callsite_Kind]string{
xspb.CrossReferences_Callsite_DIRECT: "#internal/ref/call/direct",
xspb.CrossReferences_Callsite_OVERRIDE: "#internal/ref/call/override",
// groupCrossRefs emits *srvpb.PagedCrossReferences and *srvpb.PagedCrossReferences_Pages for a
// single node's collection of *ppb.References and callsites.
func groupCrossRefs(
key *spb.VName,
refStream func(**ppb.Reference) bool,
callStream func(**xspb.CrossReferences) bool,
emitSet func(string, *srvpb.PagedCrossReferences),
emitPage func(string, *srvpb.PagedCrossReferences_Page)) {
set := &srvpb.PagedCrossReferences{SourceTicket: kytheuri.ToString(key)}
// TODO(schroederc): add paging
// kind -> build_config -> group
groups := make(map[string]map[string]*srvpb.PagedCrossReferences_Group)
var ref *ppb.Reference
for refStream(&ref) {
kind := refKind(ref)
configs, ok := groups[kind]
if !ok {
configs = make(map[string]*srvpb.PagedCrossReferences_Group)
groups[kind] = configs
config := ref.Anchor.BuildConfiguration
g, ok := configs[config]
if !ok {
g = &srvpb.PagedCrossReferences_Group{Kind: kind, BuildConfig: config}
configs[config] = g
set.Group = append(set.Group, g)
g.Anchor = append(g.Anchor, ref.Anchor)
callers := make(map[string]*xspb.CrossReferences_Caller)
callsites := make(map[string][]*xspb.CrossReferences_Callsite)
var call *xspb.CrossReferences
for callStream(&call) {
switch e := call.Entry.(type) {
case *xspb.CrossReferences_Caller_:
callers[kytheuri.ToString(e.Caller.Caller)] = e.Caller
case *xspb.CrossReferences_Callsite_:
ticket := kytheuri.ToString(e.Callsite.Caller)
callsites[ticket] = append(callsites[ticket], e.Callsite)
for ticket, caller := range callers {
for _, site := range callsites[ticket] {
kind := callerKinds[site.Kind]
configs, ok := groups[kind]
if !ok {
configs = make(map[string]*srvpb.PagedCrossReferences_Group)
groups[kind] = configs
config := site.Location.BuildConfiguration
g, ok := configs[config]
if !ok {
g = &srvpb.PagedCrossReferences_Group{
Kind: kind,
BuildConfig: config,
configs[config] = g
set.Group = append(set.Group, g)
var groupCaller *srvpb.PagedCrossReferences_Caller
for _, c := range g.Caller {
if c.SemanticCaller == ticket {
groupCaller = c
if groupCaller == nil {
groupCaller = &srvpb.PagedCrossReferences_Caller{
Caller: caller.Location,
SemanticCaller: ticket,
MarkedSource: caller.MarkedSource,
g.Caller = append(g.Caller, groupCaller)
groupCaller.Callsite = append(groupCaller.Callsite, site.Location)
sort.Slice(set.Group, func(i, j int) bool {
return compare.Strings(set.Group[i].BuildConfig, set.Group[j].BuildConfig).
AndThen(set.Group[i].Kind, set.Group[j].Kind) == compare.LT
for _, g := range set.Group {
sort.Slice(g.Anchor, func(i, j int) bool { return g.Anchor[i].Ticket < g.Anchor[j].Ticket })
for _, caller := range g.Caller {
sort.Slice(caller.Callsite, func(i, j int) bool { return caller.Callsite[i].Ticket < caller.Callsite[j].Ticket })
emitSet("xrefs:"+set.SourceTicket, set)
func keyRef(r *ppb.Reference) (*spb.VName, *ppb.Reference) {
return r.Source, &ppb.Reference{
Kind: r.Kind,
Anchor: r.Anchor,
func keyCrossRef(xr *xspb.CrossReferences) (*spb.VName, *xspb.CrossReferences) {
return xr.Source, &xspb.CrossReferences{Entry: xr.Entry}
func (k *KytheBeam) decorationPieces(s beam.Scope) beam.PCollection {
decor := beam.ParDo(s, refToDecorPiece, k.References())
targets := beam.ParDo(s, targetToFile, decor)
bareNodes := beam.ParDo(s, &nodes.Filter{IncludeEdges: []string{}}, k.nodes)
files := beam.ParDo(s, fileToDecorPiece, k.getFiles())
targetNodes := beam.ParDo(s, nodeToDecorPiece,
beam.CoGroupByKey(s, beam.ParDo(s, moveSourceToKey, bareNodes), targets))
defs := beam.ParDo(s, defToDecorPiece,
beam.CoGroupByKey(s, k.directDefinitions(), targets))
// TODO(schroederc): overrides
decorDiagnostics := k.diagnostics()
return beam.Flatten(s, decor, files, targetNodes, defs, decorDiagnostics)
func (k *KytheBeam) diagnostics() beam.PCollection {
s := k.s.Scope("Diagnostics")
diagnostics := beam.Seq(s, k.Nodes(), &nodes.Filter{
FilterByKind: []string{kinds.Diagnostic},
IncludeFacts: []string{facts.Message, facts.Details, facts.ContextURL},
}, nodeToDiagnostic)
refTags := beam.ParDo(s, refToTag, k.References())
fileTags := beam.Seq(s, k.Nodes(), &nodes.Filter{
FilterByKind: []string{kinds.File},
IncludeFacts: []string{},
IncludeEdges: []string{edges.Tagged},
}, fileToTags)
return beam.ParDo(s, diagToDecor, beam.CoGroupByKey(s, diagnostics, refTags, fileTags))
func fileToTags(n *scpb.Node, emit func(*spb.VName, *spb.VName)) {
for _, e := range n.Edge {
emit(e.Target, n.Source)
func diagToDecor(src *spb.VName, diagStream func(**cpb.Diagnostic) bool, refTagStream func(**srvpb.ExpandedAnchor) bool, fileTagStream func(**spb.VName) bool, emit func(*spb.VName, *ppb.DecorationPiece)) error {
var d *cpb.Diagnostic
if !diagStream(&d) {
return nil
var ref *srvpb.ExpandedAnchor
for refTagStream(&ref) {
uri, err := kytheuri.Parse(ref.Ticket)
if err != nil {
return err
file := &spb.VName{
Corpus: uri.Corpus,
Root: uri.Root,
Path: uri.Path,
diagWithSpan := *d
diagWithSpan.Span = ref.Span
emit(file, &ppb.DecorationPiece{
Piece: &ppb.DecorationPiece_Diagnostic{
Diagnostic: &diagWithSpan,
var file *spb.VName
for fileTagStream(&file) {
emit(file, &ppb.DecorationPiece{
Piece: &ppb.DecorationPiece_Diagnostic{Diagnostic: d},
return nil
func refToTag(r *ppb.Reference, emit func(*spb.VName, *srvpb.ExpandedAnchor)) {
if r.GetKytheKind() != scpb.EdgeKind_TAGGED {
emit(r.Source, r.Anchor)
func nodeToDiagnostic(n *scpb.Node) (*spb.VName, *cpb.Diagnostic) {
d := &cpb.Diagnostic{}
for _, f := range n.Fact {
switch f.GetKytheName() {
case scpb.FactName_MESSAGE:
d.Message = string(f.Value)
case scpb.FactName_DETAILS:
d.Details = string(f.Value)
case scpb.FactName_CONTEXT_URL:
d.ContextUrl = string(f.Value)
return n.Source, d
// SplitDecorations returns a columnar Kythe file decorations table derived from
// the Kythe input graph. The beam.PCollection has elements of type
// KV<[]byte, []byte>.
func (k *KytheBeam) SplitDecorations() beam.PCollection {
s := k.s.Scope("SplitDecorations")
return beam.ParDo(s, encodeDecorPiece, k.decorationPieces(s))
// Decorations returns a Kythe file decorations table derived from the Kythe
// input graph. The beam.PCollection has elements of type
// KV<string, *srvpb.FileDecorations>.
func (k *KytheBeam) Decorations() beam.PCollection {
s := k.s.Scope("Decorations")
pieces := k.decorationPieces(s)
return beam.ParDo(s, &ticketKey{"decor:"}, beam.CombinePerKey(s, &combineDecorPieces{}, pieces))
type ticketKey struct{ Prefix string }
func (t *ticketKey) ProcessElement(key *spb.VName, val beam.T) (string, beam.T) {
return t.Prefix + kytheuri.ToString(key), val
func targetToFile(file *spb.VName, p *ppb.DecorationPiece) (*spb.VName, *spb.VName, error) {
return p.GetReference().Source, file, nil
// combineDecorPieces combines *ppb.DecorationPieces into a single *srvpb.FileDecorations.
type combineDecorPieces struct{}
func (c *combineDecorPieces) CreateAccumulator() *srvpb.FileDecorations {
return &srvpb.FileDecorations{}
func (c *combineDecorPieces) MergeAccumulators(accum, n *srvpb.FileDecorations) *srvpb.FileDecorations {
return accum
func (c *combineDecorPieces) AddInput(accum *srvpb.FileDecorations, p *ppb.DecorationPiece) *srvpb.FileDecorations {
switch p := p.Piece.(type) {
case *ppb.DecorationPiece_Reference:
ref := p.Reference
accum.Decoration = append(accum.Decoration, &srvpb.FileDecorations_Decoration{
Anchor: &srvpb.RawAnchor{
StartOffset: ref.Anchor.Span.Start.ByteOffset,
EndOffset: ref.Anchor.Span.End.ByteOffset,
BuildConfiguration: ref.Anchor.BuildConfiguration,
Kind: refKind(ref),
Target: kytheuri.ToString(ref.Source),
case *ppb.DecorationPiece_File:
accum.File = p.File
case *ppb.DecorationPiece_Node:
accum.Target = append(accum.Target, convertPipelineNode(p.Node))
case *ppb.DecorationPiece_Definition_:
// TODO(schroederc): redesign *srvpb.FileDecorations to not need invasive
// changes to add a node's definition
def := p.Definition
accum.TargetDefinitions = append(accum.TargetDefinitions, def.Definition)
// Add a marker to associate the definition and node. ExtractOutput will
// later embed the definition within accum.Target/accum.TargetOverride.
accum.Target = append(accum.Target, &srvpb.Node{
Ticket: kytheuri.ToString(def.Node),
DefinitionLocation: &srvpb.ExpandedAnchor{Ticket: def.Definition.Ticket},
case *ppb.DecorationPiece_Diagnostic:
accum.Diagnostic = append(accum.Diagnostic, p.Diagnostic)
panic(fmt.Errorf("unhandled DecorationPiece: %T", p))
return accum
func convertPipelineNode(node *scpb.Node) *srvpb.Node {
n := &srvpb.Node{Ticket: kytheuri.ToString(node.Source)}
if kind := schema.GetNodeKind(node); kind != "" {
n.Fact = append(n.Fact, &cpb.Fact{
Name: facts.NodeKind,
Value: []byte(kind),
if subkind := schema.GetSubkind(node); subkind != "" {
n.Fact = append(n.Fact, &cpb.Fact{
Name: facts.Subkind,
Value: []byte(subkind),
for _, f := range node.Fact {
n.Fact = append(n.Fact, &cpb.Fact{
Name: schema.GetFactName(f),
Value: f.Value,
sort.Slice(n.Fact, func(i, j int) bool { return n.Fact[i].Name < n.Fact[j].Name })
return n
func (c *combineDecorPieces) ExtractOutput(fd *srvpb.FileDecorations) *srvpb.FileDecorations {
// Embed definitions for Decorations and Overrides
for i := len(fd.Target) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if fd.Target[i].DefinitionLocation == nil {
node, def := fd.Target[i].Ticket, fd.Target[i].DefinitionLocation.Ticket
fd.Target = append(fd.Target[:i], fd.Target[i+1:]...)
for _, d := range fd.Decoration {
if d.Target == node {
d.TargetDefinition = def
for _, o := range fd.TargetOverride {
if o.Overridden == node {
o.OverriddenDefinition = def
sort.Slice(fd.Decoration, func(i, j int) bool {
if c := compare.Ints(int(fd.Decoration[i].Anchor.StartOffset), int(fd.Decoration[j].Anchor.StartOffset)); c != compare.EQ {
return c == compare.LT
} else if c := compare.Ints(int(fd.Decoration[i].Anchor.EndOffset), int(fd.Decoration[j].Anchor.EndOffset)); c != compare.EQ {
return c == compare.LT
} else if c := compare.Strings(fd.Decoration[i].Kind, fd.Decoration[j].Kind); c != compare.EQ {
return c == compare.LT
return fd.Decoration[i].Target < fd.Decoration[j].Target
sort.Slice(fd.Target, func(i, j int) bool { return fd.Target[i].Ticket < fd.Target[j].Ticket })
sort.Slice(fd.Diagnostic, func(i, j int) bool {
a, b := fd.Diagnostic[i], fd.Diagnostic[j]
return compare.Compare(a.Span.GetStart().GetByteOffset(), b.Span.GetStart().GetByteOffset()).
AndThen(a.Span.GetEnd().GetByteOffset(), b.Span.GetEnd().GetByteOffset()).
AndThen(a.Message, b.Message) == compare.LT
return fd
func fileToDecorPiece(src *spb.VName, f *srvpb.File) (*spb.VName, *ppb.DecorationPiece) {
return src, &ppb.DecorationPiece{Piece: &ppb.DecorationPiece_File{f}}
func refToDecorPiece(r *ppb.Reference, emit func(*spb.VName, *ppb.DecorationPiece)) error {
if r.GetKytheKind() == scpb.EdgeKind_TAGGED {
return nil
p := &ppb.DecorationPiece{
Piece: &ppb.DecorationPiece_Reference{&ppb.Reference{
Source: r.Source,
Kind: r.Kind,
Anchor: r.Anchor,
file, err := anchorToFileVName(r.Anchor.Ticket)
if err != nil {
return err
emit(file, p)
return nil
func anchorToFileVName(anchorTicket string) (*spb.VName, error) {
anchor, err := kytheuri.ToVName(anchorTicket)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return fileVName(anchor), nil
func fileVName(anchor *spb.VName) *spb.VName {
return &spb.VName{
Corpus: anchor.Corpus,
Root: anchor.Root,
Path: anchor.Path,
func nodeToDecorPiece(key *spb.VName, node func(**scpb.Node) bool, file func(**spb.VName) bool, emit func(*spb.VName, *ppb.DecorationPiece)) {
var n, singleNode *scpb.Node
for node(&n) {
singleNode = n
if singleNode == nil {
piece := &ppb.DecorationPiece{
Piece: &ppb.DecorationPiece_Node{&scpb.Node{
Source: key,
Kind: singleNode.Kind,
Subkind: singleNode.Subkind,
Fact: singleNode.Fact,
Edge: singleNode.Edge,
var f *spb.VName
for file(&f) {
emit(f, piece)
func defToDecorPiece(node *spb.VName, defs func(**srvpb.ExpandedAnchor) bool, file func(**spb.VName) bool, emit func(*spb.VName, *ppb.DecorationPiece)) {
var def *srvpb.ExpandedAnchor
for defs(&def) {
// TODO(schroederc): select ambiguous definition better
break // pick first known definition
if def == nil {
piece := &ppb.DecorationPiece{
Piece: &ppb.DecorationPiece_Definition_{&ppb.DecorationPiece_Definition{
Node: node,
Definition: def,
var f *spb.VName
for file(&f) {
emit(f, piece)
// Nodes returns all *scpb.Nodes from the Kythe input graph.
func (k *KytheBeam) Nodes() beam.PCollection { return k.nodes }
// References returns all derived *ppb.References from the Kythe input graph.
func (k *KytheBeam) References() beam.PCollection {
if k.refs.IsValid() {
return k.refs
s := k.s.Scope("References")
anchors := beam.ParDo(s, keyByPath, beam.ParDo(s,
FilterByKind: []string{kinds.Anchor},
IncludeFacts: []string{
facts.AnchorStart, facts.AnchorEnd,
facts.SnippetStart, facts.SnippetEnd,
}, k.nodes))
k.refs = beam.ParDo(s, toRefs, beam.CoGroupByKey(s, k.getFiles(), anchors))
return k.refs
func (k *KytheBeam) getFiles() beam.PCollection {
if !k.files.IsValid() {
fileNodes := beam.ParDo(k.s,
FilterByKind: []string{kinds.File},
IncludeFacts: []string{facts.Text, facts.TextEncoding},
}, k.nodes)
k.files = beam.ParDo(k.s, toFiles, fileNodes)
return k.files
func keyByPath(n *scpb.Node) (*spb.VName, *scpb.Node) {
return &spb.VName{Corpus: n.Source.Corpus, Root: n.Source.Root, Path: n.Source.Path}, n
func toRefs(p *spb.VName, file func(**srvpb.File) bool, anchor func(**scpb.Node) bool, emit func(*ppb.Reference)) error {
var f *srvpb.File
if !file(&f) {
return nil
return normalizeAnchors(f, anchor, emit)
func toFiles(n *scpb.Node) (*spb.VName, *srvpb.File) {
var f srvpb.File
for _, fact := range n.Fact {
switch fact.GetKytheName() {
case scpb.FactName_TEXT:
f.Text = fact.Value
case scpb.FactName_TEXT_ENCODING:
f.Encoding = string(fact.Value)
return n.Source, &f
func normalizeAnchors(file *srvpb.File, anchor func(**scpb.Node) bool, emit func(*ppb.Reference)) error {
norm := span.NewNormalizer(file.Text)
var n *scpb.Node
for anchor(&n) {
raw, err := toRawAnchor(n)
if err != nil {
return err
a, err := assemble.ExpandAnchor(raw, file, norm, "")
if err != nil {
log.Printf("error expanding anchor {%+v}: %v", raw, err)
var parent *spb.VName
for _, e := range n.Edge {
if e.GetKytheKind() == scpb.EdgeKind_CHILD_OF {
// There should only be a single parent for each anchor.
parent = e.Target
for _, e := range n.Edge {
if e.GetKytheKind() == scpb.EdgeKind_CHILD_OF {
ref := &ppb.Reference{
Source: e.Target,
Anchor: a,
Scope: parent,
if k := e.GetKytheKind(); k == scpb.EdgeKind_UNKNOWN_EDGE_KIND {
ref.Kind = &ppb.Reference_GenericKind{e.GetGenericKind()}
} else {
ref.Kind = &ppb.Reference_KytheKind{k}
return nil
func toRawAnchor(n *scpb.Node) (*srvpb.RawAnchor, error) {
var a srvpb.RawAnchor
for _, f := range n.Fact {
var err error
switch f.GetKytheName() {
case scpb.FactName_BUILD_CONFIG:
a.BuildConfiguration = string(f.Value)
case scpb.FactName_LOC_START:
a.StartOffset, err = factValueToInt(f)
case scpb.FactName_LOC_END:
a.EndOffset, err = factValueToInt(f)
case scpb.FactName_SNIPPET_START:
a.SnippetStart, err = factValueToInt(f)
case scpb.FactName_SNIPPET_END:
a.SnippetEnd, err = factValueToInt(f)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unhandled fact: %v", f)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
a.Ticket = kytheuri.ToString(n.Source)
return &a, nil
func factValueToInt(f *scpb.Fact) (int32, error) {
i, err := strconv.Atoi(string(f.Value))
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("invalid integer fact value for %q: %v", schema.GetFactName(f), err)
return int32(i), nil
func moveSourceToKey(n *scpb.Node) (*spb.VName, *scpb.Node) {
return n.Source, &scpb.Node{
Kind: n.Kind,
Subkind: n.Subkind,
Fact: n.Fact,
Edge: n.Edge,
func (k *KytheBeam) directDefinitions() beam.PCollection {
s := k.s.Scope("DirectDefinitions")
return beam.ParDo(s, toDefinition, k.References())
func toDefinition(r *ppb.Reference, emit func(*spb.VName, *srvpb.ExpandedAnchor)) error {
if edges.IsVariant(refKind(r), edges.Defines) {
emit(r.Source, r.Anchor)
return nil
func refKind(r *ppb.Reference) string {
if k := r.GetKytheKind(); k != scpb.EdgeKind_UNKNOWN_EDGE_KIND {
return schema.EdgeKindString(k)
return r.GetGenericKind()
// Edges returns a Kythe edges table derived from the Kythe input graph. The beam.PCollections have
// elements of type KV<string, *srvpb.PagedEdgeSet> and KV<string, *srvpb.EdgePage>, respectively.
func (k *KytheBeam) Edges() (beam.PCollection, beam.PCollection) {
s := k.s.Scope("Edges")
nodes := beam.ParDo(s, moveSourceToKey, k.nodes)
edges := beam.ParDo(s, reverseEdge, beam.CoGroupByKey(s, nodes, beam.ParDo(s, nodeToEdges, k.nodes)))
rev := beam.ParDo(s, nodeToReverseEdges, k.nodes)
return beam.ParDo2(s, groupEdges, beam.CoGroupByKey(s, nodes, edges, rev))
// edgeRelations returns a beam.PCollection of gspb.Edges for all Kythe graph
// relations.
func (k *KytheBeam) edgeRelations() beam.PCollection {
if !k.edges.IsValid() {
s := k.s.Scope("Relations")
nodeEdges := beam.Seq(s, k.nodes, filterAnchorNodes, &nodes.Filter{IncludeFacts: []string{}})
sourceNodes := beam.ParDo(s, moveSourceToKey, k.nodes)
targetNodes := beam.ParDo(s, encodeEdgeTarget, beam.CoGroupByKey(s,
beam.ParDo(s, splitEdge, filter.Distinct(s, beam.ParDo(s, edgeTargets, nodeEdges)))))
edges := beam.ParDo(s, encodeEdges, nodeEdges)
k.edges = beam.Flatten(s, edges, targetNodes)
return k.edges
// SplitEdges returns a columnar Kythe edges table derived from the Kythe input
// graph. The beam.PCollection have elements of type KV<[]byte, []byte>.
func (k *KytheBeam) SplitEdges() beam.PCollection {
s := k.s.Scope("SplitEdges")
idx := beam.ParDo(s, combineEdgesIndex,
// TODO(schroederc): counts; also needed for presence with only rev edges
beam.ParDo(s, keyNode, beam.ParDo(s, &nodes.Filter{IncludeEdges: []string{}}, k.Nodes())))
return beam.ParDo(s, encodeEdgesEntry, beam.Flatten(s, idx, k.edgeRelations()))
func filterAnchorNodes(n *scpb.Node, emit func(*scpb.Node)) {
if n.GetKytheKind() == scpb.NodeKind_ANCHOR {
func edgeTargets(n *scpb.Node, emit func(*scpb.Edge)) {
for _, e := range n.Edge {
emit(&scpb.Edge{Source: n.Source, Target: e.Target})
emit(&scpb.Edge{Target: n.Source, Source: e.Target})
func splitEdge(e *scpb.Edge) (*spb.VName, *spb.VName) { return e.Source, e.Target }
func combineEdgesIndex(src *spb.VName, node *scpb.Node) *gspb.Edges {
return &gspb.Edges{
Source: src,
Entry: &gspb.Edges_Index_{&gspb.Edges_Index{
Node: node,
// nodeToReverseEdges emits an *scpb.Edge with its SourceNode populated for each of n's edges. The
// key for each *scpb.Edge is its Target VName.
func nodeToReverseEdges(n *scpb.Node, emit func(*spb.VName, *scpb.Edge)) {
node := nodeWithoutEdges(n)
for _, e := range n.Edge {
emit(e.Target, &scpb.Edge{
SourceNode: node,
Target: e.Target,
Kind: e.Kind,
Ordinal: e.Ordinal,
// nodeToEdges emits an *scpb.Edge for each of n's edges. The key for each *scpb.Edge is its Target
// VName.
func nodeToEdges(n *scpb.Node, emit func(*spb.VName, *scpb.Edge)) {
for _, e := range n.Edge {
emit(e.Target, &scpb.Edge{
Source: n.Source,
Target: e.Target,
Kind: e.Kind,
Ordinal: e.Ordinal,
func nodeWithoutEdges(n *scpb.Node) *scpb.Node {
return &scpb.Node{
Source: n.Source,
Kind: n.Kind,
Subkind: n.Subkind,
Fact: n.Fact,
// reverseEdge emits the reverse of each *scpb.Edge, embedding the associated TargetNode.
func reverseEdge(src *spb.VName, nodeStream func(**scpb.Node) bool, edgeStream func(**scpb.Edge) bool, emit func(*spb.VName, *scpb.Edge)) {
var node *scpb.Node
if !nodeStream(&node) {
node = &scpb.Node{}
} else {
node = nodeWithoutEdges(node)
node.Source = src
var e *scpb.Edge
for edgeStream(&e) {
emit(e.Source, &scpb.Edge{
Source: e.Source,
TargetNode: node,
Kind: e.Kind,
Ordinal: e.Ordinal,
// groupEdges emits *srvpb.PagedEdgeSets and *srvpb.EdgePages for a node and its forward/reverse
// edges.
func groupEdges(src *spb.VName, nodeStream func(**scpb.Node) bool, edgeStream, revStream func(**scpb.Edge) bool, emitSet func(string, *srvpb.PagedEdgeSet), emitPage func(string, *srvpb.EdgePage)) {
set := &srvpb.PagedEdgeSet{}
// TODO(schroederc): paging
var node *scpb.Node
if nodeStream(&node) {
node.Source = src
set.Source = convertPipelineNode(node)
} else {
set.Source = &srvpb.Node{Ticket: kytheuri.ToString(src)}
groups := make(map[string]*srvpb.EdgeGroup)
var edge *scpb.Edge
for edgeStream(&edge) {
kind := schema.GetEdgeKind(edge)
g, ok := groups[kind]
if !ok {
g = &srvpb.EdgeGroup{Kind: kind}
groups[kind] = g
set.Group = append(set.Group, g)
g.Edge = append(g.Edge, &srvpb.EdgeGroup_Edge{
Target: convertPipelineNode(edge.TargetNode),
Ordinal: edge.Ordinal,
for revStream(&edge) {
kind := "%" + schema.GetEdgeKind(edge) // encode reverse edge kind
g, ok := groups[kind]
if !ok {
g = &srvpb.EdgeGroup{Kind: kind}
groups[kind] = g
set.Group = append(set.Group, g)
g.Edge = append(g.Edge, &srvpb.EdgeGroup_Edge{
Target: convertPipelineNode(edge.SourceNode),
Ordinal: edge.Ordinal,
sort.Slice(set.Group, func(i, j int) bool { return set.Group[i].Kind < set.Group[j].Kind })
for _, g := range set.Group {
sort.Slice(g.Edge, func(i, j int) bool {
return compare.Compare(g.Edge[i].Ordinal, g.Edge[j].Ordinal).
AndThen(g.Edge[i].Target.Ticket, g.Edge[j].Target.Ticket) == compare.LT
emitSet("edgeSets:"+set.Source.Ticket, set)
func (k *KytheBeam) getMarkedSources() beam.PCollection {
if !k.markedSources.IsValid() {
s := k.s.Scope("MarkedSources")
k.markedSources = beam.Seq(s, k.nodes, &nodes.Filter{
IncludeFacts: []string{facts.Code},
IncludeEdges: []string{},
}, parseMarkedSource)
return k.markedSources
// Documents returns a Kythe documentation table derived from the Kythe input
// graph. The beam.PCollection has elements of type KV<string,
// *srvpb.Document>.
func (k *KytheBeam) Documents() beam.PCollection {
s := k.s.Scope("Documents")
docs := beam.Seq(s, k.nodes, &nodes.Filter{
FilterByKind: []string{kinds.Doc},
IncludeFacts: []string{facts.Text},
IncludeEdges: []string{edges.Documents},
}, nodeToDocs)
markedSources := k.getMarkedSources()
children := beam.Seq(s, k.nodes, &nodes.Filter{
IncludeFacts: []string{},
IncludeEdges: []string{edges.ChildOf},
}, nodeToChildren)
return beam.ParDo(s, completeDocument, beam.CoGroupByKey(s, docs, markedSources, children))
// completeDocument emits a single *srvpb.Document per *spb.VName source.
func completeDocument(key *spb.VName, docStream func(**srvpb.Document) bool, msStream func(**cpb.MarkedSource) bool, childStream func(**spb.VName) bool, emit func(string, *srvpb.Document)) {
var doc *srvpb.Document
if !docStream(&doc) {
doc.Ticket = kytheuri.ToString(key)
msStream(&doc.MarkedSource) // embed MarkedSource, if available
var child *spb.VName
for childStream(&child) {
doc.ChildTicket = append(doc.ChildTicket, kytheuri.ToString(child))
// TODO(schroederc): add definition Links
emit("docs:"+doc.Ticket, doc)
// nodeToDocs emits a (*spb.VName, *srvpb.Document) pair for each
// /kythe/edge/documents edges from the given `doc` *scpb.Node.
func nodeToDocs(n *scpb.Node, emit func(*spb.VName, *srvpb.Document)) {
d := &srvpb.Document{}
for _, f := range n.Fact {
if f.GetKytheName() == scpb.FactName_TEXT {
d.RawText = string(f.Value)
for _, e := range n.Edge {
if e.GetKytheKind() == scpb.EdgeKind_DOCUMENTS {
emit(e.Target, d)
// parseMarkedSource parses the /kythe/code fact for each *scpb.Node.
func parseMarkedSource(n *scpb.Node, emit func(*spb.VName, *cpb.MarkedSource)) error {
for _, f := range n.Fact {
if f.GetKytheName() == scpb.FactName_CODE {
var ms cpb.MarkedSource
if err := proto.Unmarshal(f.Value, &ms); err != nil {
return err
emit(n.Source, &ms)
return nil
// nodeToChildren emits a (parent, child) pair for each /kythe/edge/childof edge
// per *scpb.Node.
func nodeToChildren(n *scpb.Node, emit func(*spb.VName, *spb.VName)) {
for _, e := range n.Edge {
if e.GetKytheKind() == scpb.EdgeKind_CHILD_OF {
emit(e.Target, n.Source) // parent -> child