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This document assumes that the latest release archive from has been unpacked into /opt/kythe/. See /opt/kythe/README for more information.

Extracting Compilations

{% highlight bash %}

Generate Kythe protobuf sources

bazel build //kythe/proto:all

Environment variables common to Kythe extractors

export KYTHE_ROOT_DIRECTORY=“$PWD” # Root of source code corpus export KYTHE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY=“/tmp/kythe.compilations/” # Output directory export KYTHE_VNAMES=“$PWD/kythe/data/vnames.json” # Optional: VNames configuration


Extract a Java compilation

java -Xbootclasspath/p:third_party/javac/javac*.jar \ \


java -Xbootclasspath/p:third_party/javac/javac*.jar
-jar /opt/kythe/extractors/javac_extractor.jar

Extract a C++ compilation


/opt/kythe/extractors/cxx_extractor -x c++ kythe/cxx/common/scope_guard.h {% endhighlight %}

Extracting Compilations using Bazel

Kythe uses Bazel to build itself and has implemented Bazel action_listeners that use Kythe's Java and C++ extractors. This effectively allows Bazel to extract each compilation as it is run during the build.

Add the flag --experimental_action_listener=@io_kythe//kythe/extractors:extract_kzip_java to make Bazel extract Java compilations and --experimental_action_listener=@io_kythe//kythe/extractors:extract_kzip_cxx to do the same for C++.

{% highlight bash %}

Extract all Java/C++ compilations in Kythe

bazel build -k
//kythe/cxx/... //kythe/java/...

Find the extracted .kzip files

find -L bazel-out -name ‘*.kzip’ {% endhighlight %}

The provided utility script,, does a full extraction using Bazel and then moves the compilations into the directory structure used by the kythe/kythe Docker image.

Indexing Compilations

All Kythe indexers analyze compilations emitted from extractors as either a .kzipĀ file. The indexers will then emit a delimited stream of entry protobufs that can then be stored in a GraphStore.

{% highlight bash %}

Indexing a C++ compilation

/opt/kythe/indexers/cxx_indexer --ignore_unimplemented > entries

/opt/kythe/indexers/cxx_indexer --ignore_unimplemented
.kythe_compilations/c++/ > entries

Indexing a Java compilation

java -Xbootclasspath/p:third_party/javac/javac*.jar \ \

> entries

java -Xbootclasspath/p:third_party/javac/javac*.jar
$PWD/.kythe_compilations/java/ > entries

View indexer's output entry stream as JSON

/opt/kythe/tools/entrystream --write_format=json < entries

Write entry stream into a GraphStore

/opt/kythe/tools/write_entries --graphstore leveldb:/tmp/gs < entries {% endhighlight %}

Indexing the Kythe Repository

{% highlight bash %} mkdir -p .kythe_{graphstore,compilations}

.kythe_serving is the output directory for the resulting Kythe serving tables

.kythe_graphstore is the output directory for the resulting Kythe GraphStore

.kythe_compilations will contain the intermediary .kzip file for each

indexed compilation

Produce the .kzip files for each compilation in the Kythe repo

./kythe/extractors/bazel/ “$PWD” .kythe_compilations

Index the compilations, producing a GraphStore containing a Kythe index

bazel build //kythe/release:docker docker run --rm
-v “${PWD}:/repo”
-v “${PWD}/.kythe_compilations:/compilations”
-v “${PWD}/.kythe_graphstore:/graphstore”
google/kythe --index

Generate corresponding serving tables

/opt/kythe/tools/write_tables --graphstore .kythe_graphstore --out .kythe_serving {% endhighlight %}

Using Cayley to explore a GraphStore

Install Cayley if necessary:

{% highlight bash %}

Convert GraphStore to nquads format

bazel run //kythe/go/storage/tools/triples -- --graphstore /path/to/graphstore |
gzip >kythe.nq.gz

cayley repl --dbpath kythe.nq.gz # or cayley http --dbpath kythe.nq.gz {% endhighlight %}

// Get all file nodes
cayley> g.V().Has("/kythe/node/kind", "file").All()

// Get definition anchors for all record nodes
cayley> g.V().Has("/kythe/node/kind", "record").Tag("record").In("/kythe/edge/defines").All()

// Get the file(s) defining a particular node
cayley> g.V("node_ticket").In("/kythe/edge/defines").Out("/kythe/edge/childof").Has("/kythe/node/kind", "file").All()

Visualizing Cross-References

As part of Kythe‘s first release, a sample UI has been made to show Kythe’s basic cross-reference capabilities. The following command can be run over the serving table created with the write_tables binary (see above).

{% highlight bash %} /opt/kythe/tools/http_server
--public_resources /opt/kythe/web/ui
--listen localhost:8080
--serving_table .kythe_serving {% endhighlight %}