Module kotlinx-coroutines-reactive

Utilities for Reactive Streams.

Coroutine builders:

publishPublisherProducerScopeCold reactive publisher that starts coroutine on subscribe

Suspending extension functions and suspending iteration:

Publisher.awaitFirstReturns the first value from the given publisher
Publisher.awaitFirstOrDefaultReturns the first value from the given publisher or default
Publisher.awaitFirstOrElseReturns the first value from the given publisher or default from a function
Publisher.awaitFirstOrNullReturns the first value from the given publisher or null
Publisher.awaitLastReturns the last value from the given publisher
Publisher.awaitSingleReturns the single value from the given publisher
Publisher.openSubscriptionSubscribes to publisher and returns ReceiveChannel

Conversion functions:

ReceiveChannel.asPublisherConverts streaming channel to hot publisher

Package kotlinx.coroutines.reactive

Utilities for Reactive Streams.