blob: 1f1d352dabc48e7f4c4296b292694673f7b5e642 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016-2021 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
package kotlinx.coroutines
import kotlinx.cinterop.*
import platform.posix.*
import kotlin.contracts.*
import kotlin.coroutines.*
import kotlin.native.concurrent.*
* Runs new coroutine and **blocks** current thread _interruptibly_ until its completion.
* This function should not be used from coroutine. It is designed to bridge regular blocking code
* to libraries that are written in suspending style, to be used in `main` functions and in tests.
* The default [CoroutineDispatcher] for this builder in an implementation of [EventLoop] that processes continuations
* in this blocked thread until the completion of this coroutine.
* See [CoroutineDispatcher] for the other implementations that are provided by `kotlinx.coroutines`.
* When [CoroutineDispatcher] is explicitly specified in the [context], then the new coroutine runs in the context of
* the specified dispatcher while the current thread is blocked. If the specified dispatcher implements [EventLoop]
* interface and this `runBlocking` invocation is performed from inside of the this event loop's thread, then
* this event loop is processed using its [processNextEvent][EventLoop.processNextEvent] method until coroutine completes.
* If this blocked thread is interrupted (see [Thread.interrupt]), then the coroutine job is cancelled and
* this `runBlocking` invocation throws [InterruptedException].
* See [newCoroutineContext] for a description of debugging facilities that are available for newly created coroutine.
* @param context context of the coroutine. The default value is an implementation of [EventLoop].
* @param block the coroutine code.
public actual fun <T> runBlocking(context: CoroutineContext, block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T): T {
contract {
callsInPlace(block, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE)
val contextInterceptor = context[ContinuationInterceptor]
val eventLoop: EventLoop?
val newContext: CoroutineContext
if (contextInterceptor == null) {
// create or use private event loop if no dispatcher is specified
eventLoop = ThreadLocalEventLoop.eventLoop
newContext = GlobalScope.newCoroutineContext(context + eventLoop)
} else {
// See if context's interceptor is an event loop that we shall use (to support TestContext)
// or take an existing thread-local event loop if present to avoid blocking it (but don't create one)
eventLoop = (contextInterceptor as? EventLoop)?.takeIf { it.shouldBeProcessedFromContext() }
?: ThreadLocalEventLoop.currentOrNull()
newContext = GlobalScope.newCoroutineContext(context)
val coroutine = BlockingCoroutine<T>(newContext, eventLoop)
var completed = false
ThreadLocalKeepAlive.addCheck { !completed }
try {
coroutine.start(CoroutineStart.DEFAULT, coroutine, block)
return coroutine.joinBlocking()
} finally {
completed = true
private object ThreadLocalKeepAlive {
/** If any of these checks passes, this means this [Worker] is still used. */
private var checks = mutableListOf<() -> Boolean>()
/** Whether the worker currently tries to keep itself alive. */
private var keepAliveLoopActive = false
/** Adds another stopgap that must be passed before the [Worker] can be terminated. */
fun addCheck(terminationForbidden: () -> Boolean) {
if (!keepAliveLoopActive) keepAlive()
* Send a ping to the worker to prevent it from terminating while this coroutine is running,
* ensuring that continuations don't get dropped and forgotten.
private fun keepAlive() {
// only keep the checks that still forbid the termination
checks = checks.filter { it() }.toMutableList()
// if there are no checks left, we no longer keep the worker alive, it can be terminated
keepAliveLoopActive = checks.isNotEmpty()
if (keepAliveLoopActive) {
Worker.current.executeAfter(afterMicroseconds = 100_000) {
private class BlockingCoroutine<T>(
parentContext: CoroutineContext,
private val eventLoop: EventLoop?
) : AbstractCoroutine<T>(parentContext, true, true) {
private val joinWorker = Worker.current
override val isScopedCoroutine: Boolean get() = true
override fun afterCompletion(state: Any?) {
// wake up blocked thread
if (joinWorker != Worker.current) {
// Unpark waiting worker
joinWorker.executeAfter(0L, {}) // send an empty task to unpark the waiting event loop
fun joinBlocking(): T {
try {
while (true) {
var parkNanos: Long
// Workaround for bug in BE optimizer that cannot eliminate boxing here
if (eventLoop != null) {
parkNanos = eventLoop.processNextEvent()
} else {
parkNanos = Long.MAX_VALUE
// note: processNextEvent may lose unpark flag, so check if completed before parking
if (isCompleted) break
joinWorker.park(parkNanos / 1000L, true)
} finally { // paranoia
// now return result
val state = state.unboxState()
(state as? CompletedExceptionally)?.let { throw it.cause }
return state as T