blob: 2222f0dabb06a8bf4de55e9738c82e4a72272d79 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
package kotlinx.coroutines
import kotlinx.coroutines.internal.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.*
import kotlin.coroutines.*
* Name of the property that defines the maximal number of threads that are used by [Dispatchers.IO] coroutines dispatcher.
public const val IO_PARALLELISM_PROPERTY_NAME: String = ""
* Groups various implementations of [CoroutineDispatcher].
public actual object Dispatchers {
public actual val Default: CoroutineDispatcher = DefaultScheduler
public actual val Main: MainCoroutineDispatcher get() = MainDispatcherLoader.dispatcher
public actual val Unconfined: CoroutineDispatcher = kotlinx.coroutines.Unconfined
* The [CoroutineDispatcher] that is designed for offloading blocking IO tasks to a shared pool of threads.
* Additional threads in this pool are created and are shutdown on demand.
* The number of threads used by tasks in this dispatcher is limited by the value of
* "``" ([IO_PARALLELISM_PROPERTY_NAME]) system property.
* It defaults to the limit of 64 threads or the number of cores (whichever is larger).
* ### Elasticity for limited parallelism
* `Dispatchers.IO` has a unique property of elasticity: its views
* obtained with [CoroutineDispatcher.limitedParallelism] are
* not restricted by the `Dispatchers.IO` parallelism. Conceptually, there is
* a dispatcher backed by an unlimited pool of threads, and both `Dispatchers.IO`
* and views of `Dispatchers.IO` are actually views of that dispatcher. In practice
* this means that, despite not abiding by `Dispatchers.IO`'s parallelism
* restrictions, its views share threads and resources with it.
* In the following example
* ```
* // 100 threads for MySQL connection
* val myMysqlDbDispatcher = Dispatchers.IO.limitedParallelism(100)
* // 60 threads for MongoDB connection
* val myMongoDbDispatcher = Dispatchers.IO.limitedParallelism(60)
* ```
* the system may have up to `64 + 100 + 60` threads dedicated to blocking tasks during peak loads,
* but during its steady state there is only a small number of threads shared
* among `Dispatchers.IO`, `myMysqlDbDispatcher` and `myMongoDbDispatcher`.
* ### Implementation note
* This dispatcher and its views share threads with the [Default][Dispatchers.Default] dispatcher, so using
* `withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { ... }` when already running on the [Default][Dispatchers.Default]
* dispatcher typically does not lead to an actual switching to another thread. In such scenarios,
* the underlying implementation attempts to keep the execution on the same thread on a best-effort basis.
* As a result of thread sharing, more than 64 (default parallelism) threads can be created (but not used)
* during operations over IO dispatcher.
public val IO: CoroutineDispatcher = DefaultIoScheduler
* Shuts down built-in dispatchers, such as [Default] and [IO],
* stopping all the threads associated with them and making them reject all new tasks.
* Dispatcher used as a fallback for time-related operations (`delay`, `withTimeout`)
* and to handle rejected tasks from other dispatchers is also shut down.
* This is a **delicate** API. It is not supposed to be called from a general
* application-level code and its invocation is irreversible.
* The invocation of shutdown affects most of the coroutines machinery and
* leaves the coroutines framework in an inoperable state.
* The shutdown method should only be invoked when there are no pending tasks or active coroutines.
* Otherwise, the behavior is unspecified: the call to `shutdown` may throw an exception without completing
* the shutdown, or it may finish successfully, but the remaining jobs will be in a permanent dormant state,
* never completing nor executing.
* The main goal of the shutdown is to stop all background threads associated with the coroutines
* framework in order to make kotlinx.coroutines classes unloadable by Java Virtual Machine.
* It is only recommended to be used in containerized environments (OSGi, Gradle plugins system,
* IDEA plugins) at the end of the container lifecycle.
public fun shutdown() {
// Also shuts down Dispatchers.IO
* `actual` counterpart of the corresponding `expect` declaration.
* Should never be used directly from JVM sources, all accesses
* to `Dispatchers.IO` should be resolved to the corresponding member of [Dispatchers] object.
* @suppress
@Deprecated(message = "Should not be used directly", level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN)
public actual val Dispatchers.IO: CoroutineDispatcher get() = Dispatchers.IO