Disable errorprone's DoNotCall check in junit

Junit call some methods that always throw an exception,
and errorprone's DoNotCall checker enforces that these methods
aren't called. Disable the DoNotCall checker for this module.

Bug: 190944875
Test: Presubmits
Change-Id: I3b97ae9e02b36b5f05b407691d67e260a67000e9
1 file changed
tree: 53b0b1352171f4048bdea62d2f3b6925e24e29c3
  1. src/
  2. .classpath
  3. .gitignore
  4. .project
  5. Android.bp
  6. build.gradle
  7. CleanSpec.mk
  8. epl-v10.html
  9. LICENSE-junit.txt
  12. NOTICE.txt
  13. OWNERS
  14. README.md
  15. README.version
  16. version

JUnit 4

JUnit is a simple framework to write repeatable tests. It is an instance of the xUnit architecture for unit testing frameworks.

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