blob: 253dbdcd1800fe27ec85fb555ae9eb74b144f1fb [file] [log] [blame]
package {
default_applicable_licenses: ["external_jemalloc_license"],
license {
name: "external_jemalloc_license",
visibility: [":__subpackages__"],
license_kinds: [
license_text: [
common_cflags = [
// These parameters change the way jemalloc works.
// The total number of arenas will be less than or equal to this number.
// The number of arenas will be calculated as 2 * the number of cpus
// but no larger than XX.
// The number of small slots held in the tcache. The higher this number
// is, the higher amount of PSS consumed. If this number is set too low
// then small allocations will take longer to complete.
// The number of large slots held in the tcache. The higher this number
// is, the higher amount of PSS consumed. If this number is set too low
// then large allocations will take longer to complete.
// 1 << XX is the maximum sized allocation that will be in the tcache.
// 1 << XX is the default chunk size used by the system. Decreasing this
// usually decreases the amount of PSS used, but can increase
// fragmentation.
android_common_cflags = [
// Default to a single arena for svelte configurations to minimize
// PSS. This will be overridden by android_product_variables for
// non-svelte configs.
common_c_local_includes = [
android_product_variables = {
// Only enable the tcache on non-svelte configurations, to save PSS.
malloc_not_svelte: {
cflags: [
cc_defaults {
name: "jemalloc_defaults",
defaults: ["linux_bionic_supported"],
host_supported: true,
cflags: common_cflags,
target: {
android: {
cflags: android_common_cflags + [
"-include android/include/log.h",
product_variables: android_product_variables,
linux_bionic: {
cflags: ["-DJEMALLOC_TCACHE"],
linux_glibc: {
enabled: true,
multilib: {
lib32: {
// Use a 512K chunk size on 32 bit systems.
// This keeps the total amount of virtual address space consumed
// by jemalloc lower.
cflags: [
lib64: {
// Use a 2MB chunk size on 64 bit systems.
// This is the default currently used by 4.0.0
cflags: [
local_include_dirs: common_c_local_includes,
stl: "none",
lib_src_files = [
// jemalloc static library
cc_library {
name: "libjemalloc",
recovery_available: true,
defaults: ["jemalloc_defaults"],
target: {
android: {
shared: {
enabled: false,
srcs: lib_src_files,
// jemalloc static jet library
cc_library_static {
name: "libjemalloc_jet",
defaults: ["jemalloc_defaults"],
cflags: [
srcs: lib_src_files,
jemalloc_testlib_srcs = [
// jemalloc unit test library
cc_library_static {
name: "libjemalloc_unittest",
defaults: ["jemalloc_defaults"],
cflags: [
local_include_dirs: [
srcs: jemalloc_testlib_srcs,
whole_static_libs: ["libjemalloc_jet"],
// jemalloc unit tests
unit_tests = [
cc_test {
name: "jemalloc_unittests",
defaults: ["jemalloc_defaults"],
gtest: false,
cflags: common_cflags + [
local_include_dirs: common_c_local_includes + [
srcs: unit_tests,
static_libs: ["libjemalloc_unittest"],
shared_libs: ["liblog"],
test_per_src: true,
target: {
linux_glibc: {
// The sanitizer does not work for these tests on the host.
sanitize: {
never: true,
// jemalloc integration test library
cc_library_static {
name: "libjemalloc_integrationtest",
defaults: ["jemalloc_defaults"],
cflags: [
local_include_dirs: [
srcs: jemalloc_testlib_srcs + lib_src_files,
// jemalloc integration tests
integration_tests = [
android_integration_tests = [
cc_test {
name: "jemalloc_integrationtests",
defaults: ["jemalloc_defaults"],
gtest: false,
cflags: common_cflags + [
local_include_dirs: common_c_local_includes + [
srcs: integration_tests,
target: {
android: {
srcs: android_integration_tests,
linux_glibc: {
// The sanitizer does not work for these tests on the host.
sanitize: {
never: true,
static_libs: ["libjemalloc_integrationtest"],
shared_libs: ["liblog"],
test_per_src: true,