Building Jazzer from source


Jazzer has the following dependencies when being built from source:

  • Bazelisk or the version of Bazel specified in .bazelversion
  • JDK 8 to 19 (e.g. OpenJDK)
  • Clang 9.0 or later (using GCC should work with --repo_env=CC=gcc, but is not tested)

It is recommended to use Bazelisk to automatically download and install Bazel. Simply download the release binary for your OS and architecture and ensure that it is available in the PATH. The instructions below will assume that this binary is called bazel - Bazelisk is a thin wrapper around the actual Bazel binary and can be used interchangeably.


Assuming the dependencies are installed, build Jazzer from source and run it as follows:

$ git clone
$ cd jazzer
# Note the double dash used to pass <arguments> to Jazzer rather than Bazel.
$ bazel run //:jazzer -- <arguments>

You can also build your own version of the release binaries:

$ bazel build //:jazzer_release
INFO: Found 1 target...
Target //:jazzer_release up-to-date:


The build may fail with the clang shipped with Xcode. In that case, install LLVM clang via brew install llvm and set CC to the path of LLVM clang.


clang-cl is required to build Jazzer on Windows.

Running the tests

To run the tests, execute the following command:

$ bazel test //...


Run ./ to format all source files in the way enforced by the “Check formatting” CI job. See check-formatting.yml for how to obtain the particular versions of the required formatting tools.

Releasing (CI employees only)

Requires an accounts on Sonatype with access to the com.code-intelligence group as well as a YubiKey with the signing key.

  1. Update JAZZER_VERSION in maven.bzl.

  2. Create a tag for the release.

  3. Push the tag to the private fork at

  4. Trigger the “Release” GitHub Actions workflow for the tag in jazzer-trusted. This builds release archives for GitHub as well as the multi-architecture jar for the com.code-intelligence:jazzer Maven artifact. Using jazzer-trusted is unfortunately required as there is no safe way to add a private runner to a public repository and there are no public macOS M1 runners.

  5. Create a GitHub release and upload the contents of the jazzer_releases artifact from the workflow run.

  6. Check out the tag locally and, with the YubiKey plugged in, run bazel run //deploy with the following environment variables to upload the Maven artifacts:

    • JAZZER_JAR_PATH: local path of the multi-architecture jazzer.jar contained in the jazzer artifact of the “Release” workflow
    • JAVA_HOME: path to a JDK 8
    • MAVEN_USER: username on
    • MAVEN_PASSWORD: password on

    The YubiKey blinks repeatedly and needs a touch to confirm each individual signature.

  7. Log into, select both staging repositories and “Close” them. Wait and refresh, then select them again and “Release” them.

  8. Locally, with Docker credentials available, run docker/ to build and push the cifuzz/jazzer and cifuzz/jazzer-autofuzz Docker images.

Updating the hosted javadocs

Javadocs are hosted at, which is populated from

To update the docs after a release with API changes, follow these steps to get properly linked cross-references:

  1. Delete the contents of all subdirectories of jazzer-docs.
  2. Run bazel build --//deploy:linked_javadoc //deploy:jazzer-api-docs and unpack the jar into the jazzer-api subdirectory of jazzer-docs.
  3. Commit and push the changes, then wait for them to be published (can take a minute).
  4. Run bazel build --//deploy:linked_javadoc //deploy:jazzer-docs and unpack the jar into the jazzer subdirectory of jazzer-docs.
  5. Commit and push the changes, then wait for them to be published (can take a minute).
  6. Run bazel build --//deploy:linked_javadoc //deploy:jazzer-junit-docs and unpack the jar into the jazzer-junit subdirectory of jazzer-docs.
  7. Commit and push the changes, then wait for them to be published (can take a minute).