Execute core tests with bytecode version 9 (#411)

And build using two different versions of JDK 9 EA in Travis:
* `9-ea` - currently under testing and hence failures are allowed
  while we investigate them
* `9-ea-stable` - tested previously and hence failures are not allowed,
  so that to verify that new changes do not introduce regressions

For example fixes on our side were required for the changes introduced
in JDK 9 EA b119 and b122 and still required for b127.
9 files changed
tree: a7fa83baa5313ec0660e8b2856e6bda21568ac61
  1. .github/
  2. .travis/
  3. jacoco/
  4. jacoco-maven-plugin/
  5. jacoco-maven-plugin.test/
  6. org.jacoco.agent/
  7. org.jacoco.agent.rt/
  8. org.jacoco.agent.rt.test/
  9. org.jacoco.agent.test/
  10. org.jacoco.ant/
  11. org.jacoco.ant.test/
  12. org.jacoco.build/
  13. org.jacoco.core/
  14. org.jacoco.core.test/
  15. org.jacoco.doc/
  16. org.jacoco.examples/
  17. org.jacoco.examples.test/
  18. org.jacoco.report/
  19. org.jacoco.report.test/
  20. org.jacoco.tests/
  21. .appveyor.yml
  22. .travis.sh
  23. .travis.yml
  24. LICENSE.md
  25. pom.xml
  26. README.md

JaCoCo Java Code Coverage Library

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