blob: c4a79fdbfd168297f1e28361b3805364aaa03948 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "image_io/base/data_range.h"
#include "image_io/base/data_segment.h"
#include "image_io/jpeg/jpeg_marker.h"
namespace photos_editing_formats {
namespace image_io {
/// A JpegSegment is an entity in a JPEG file that starts with a JpegMarker and
/// is followed by zero or more payload bytes. The JpegSegment has a DataRange
/// that indicates the position of the segment in the originating DataSource.
/// A JpegScanner obtains DataSegment instances from a DataSource in such a way
/// that it can guarantee that a JpegSegment will span at most two DataSegment
/// instances. Clients of JpegSegment need not be concerned with the number of
/// underlying DataSegments if they use the member functions defined here to
/// access the segment's bytes.
class JpegSegment {
/// If a JpegSegment has a variable length data payload, the payload data is
/// located at this offset from the start of the payload.
static constexpr size_t kVariablePayloadDataOffset = 2;
/// Constructs a JpegSegment starting and ending at the indicated points in
/// the given DataSegment instances, the second of which may be null.
/// @param begin The start of JpegSegment range.
/// @param end The end of JpegSegment range.
/// @param begin_segment The DataSegment that contains the begin location of
/// the JpegSegment and the end if the end_segment is null.
/// @param end_segment The DataSegment that contains the end location of the
/// JpegSegment if it is not null.
JpegSegment(size_t begin, size_t end, const DataSegment* begin_segment,
const DataSegment* end_segment)
: data_range_(begin, end),
~JpegSegment() = default;
/// @return The DataRange of the data in the segment.
const DataRange& GetDataRange() const { return data_range_; }
/// @return The begin location of the segment's data range.
size_t GetBegin() const { return data_range_.GetBegin(); }
/// @return The end location of the segment's data range.
size_t GetEnd() const { return data_range_.GetEnd(); }
/// @return The length of the segment's data range.
size_t GetLength() const { return data_range_.GetLength(); }
/// @return True if the segment's range contains the location, else false.
bool Contains(size_t location) const {
return data_range_.Contains(location);
/// @return The location of the segment's JpegMarker.
size_t GetMarkerLocation() const { return GetBegin(); }
/// @return The location of the segment's payload, which includes the payload
/// length if applicable for the type of segment.
size_t GetPayloadLocation() const { return GetBegin() + JpegMarker::kLength; }
/// @return The location of the segment's payload's data.
size_t GetPayloadDataLocation() const {
return GetMarker().HasVariablePayloadSize()
? GetPayloadLocation() + kVariablePayloadDataOffset
: GetPayloadLocation();
/// @param The location at which to obtain the byte value.
/// @return The validated byte value at the location, or 0/false if the
/// segment's range does not contain the location.
ValidatedByte GetValidatedByte(size_t location) const {
return DataSegment::GetValidatedByte(location, begin_segment_,
/// @return The payload size or zero if the segment's marker indicates the
/// segment does not have a payload. The payload size includes the two
/// bytes that encode the length of the payload. I.e., the payload data
/// size is two less than the value returned by this function.
size_t GetVariablePayloadSize() const;
/// @param location The start location of the compare operation.
/// @param str The string to compare the bytes with.
/// @return True if the segment's bytes at the given location equals the str.
bool BytesAtLocationStartWith(size_t location, const char* str) const;
/// @param location The start location of the search operation.
/// @param str The string to search for.
/// @return True if the segment's contains the string, starting at location.
bool BytesAtLocationContain(size_t location, const char* str) const;
/// @param start_location The location at which to start the search.
/// @param value The byte value to search for.
/// @return The location in the segment's bytes of the next occurrence of the
/// given byte value, starting at the indicated location, or the segment's
/// range's GetEnd() location if not found.
size_t Find(size_t start_location, Byte value) const;
/// @param start_location The location at which to start the search.
/// @param str The string to search for.
/// @return the location in the segment's bytes of the next occurrence of the
/// given string value, starting at the indicated location, or the
/// segment's range's GetEnd() location if not found.
size_t Find(size_t location, const char* str) const;
/// XMP property names have the syntax property_name="property_value".
/// @param segment The segment in which to look for the property name/value.
/// @param start_location Where to start looking for the property name.
/// @param property_name The name of the property to look for.
/// @return The string value associated with the xmp property name, or an
/// empty string if the property was not found.
std::string ExtractXmpPropertyValue(size_t start_location,
const char* property_name) const;
/// XMP property names have the syntax property_name="property_value".
/// @start_location The location in the segment to begin looking for the
/// property_name=" syntax.
/// @return The location of the next byte following the quote, or GetEnd() if
/// the property_name=" syntax was not found.
size_t FindXmpPropertyValueBegin(size_t start_location,
const char* property_name) const;
/// XMP property names have the syntax property_name="property_value".
/// @start_location The location in the segment to begin looking for the final
/// quote of the property value.
/// @return The location of quote that terminates the property_value, or
/// GetEnd() if the final quote was not found.
size_t FindXmpPropertyValueEnd(size_t start_location) const;
/// @param The DataRange to use to extract a string from the segment's bytes.
/// @return The string extracted from the segment at locations indicated by
/// the data_range, or an empty string if the data_range is not contained
/// in the segment's range, or any invalid or zero bytes are encountered.
std::string ExtractString(const DataRange& data_range) const;
/// @return the JpegMarker of this segment.
JpegMarker GetMarker() const {
size_t marker_type_location = GetMarkerLocation() + 1;
// An invalid ValidatedByte has a value of 0, and a JpegMarker with a 0
// type value is invalid, so its ok to just grab the ValidatedByte's value.
return JpegMarker(GetValidatedByte(marker_type_location).value);
/// Fills two strings with byte_count bytes from the start of the segment's
/// payload in a form suitable for creating a "hex dump" of the segment. Note
/// that if the jpeg segment has a entropy delimiter type marker, there is
/// technically no payload to dump. However in this case, as long as a valid
/// byte can be obtained from the jpeg segment's underlying data segments, a
/// byte value will be dumped to the strings.
/// @param byte_count The number of bytes to dump from the segment's payload.
/// @param hex_string A string that will be at most 2 * byte_count in length
/// that will contain the hex values of the bytes.
/// @param ascii_string A string that will be at most byte_count in length
/// that will contain the printable character of the bytes, or a '.' for
/// non-printable byte values.
void GetPayloadHexDumpStrings(size_t byte_count, std::string* hex_string,
std::string* ascii_string) const;
/// The DataRange of the JpegSegment.
DataRange data_range_;
/// The DataSegment that contains the begin of the range and possibly the
/// end. This DataSegment will never be null.
const DataSegment* begin_segment_;
/// The DataSegment, that if not null, will contain the end location of the
/// JPegSegment's DataRange.
const DataSegment* end_segment_;
} // namespace image_io
} // namespace photos_editing_formats