blob: 0d1af2642247171f1bc62e7d667d7043f54734ac [file] [log] [blame]
#include <string>
#include "image_io/base/data_context.h"
#include "image_io/base/data_match_result.h"
#include "image_io/base/data_range.h"
#include "image_io/base/data_segment.h"
namespace photos_editing_formats {
namespace image_io {
/// Provides a means to scan a textual portion of a data segment for a sequence
/// of characters and return the data associated with the resulting match. The
/// scanners also maintain state information for repeated calling in case the
/// text data is split over multipe data segments. The scanners also maintain
/// a data range where the result of the scanner's match can be found. These
/// scanners are written to allow copy semantics to make memory management
/// easier. Several types of scanners are provided.
class DataScanner {
/// The type of scanner.
enum Type {
/// A scanner to look for text that matches exactly one or more characters.
/// The text to look for is given to the CreateLiteralScanner() function.
/// A scanner to look for text that matches a name. A name must begin with
/// one of the characters in "[A-Z][a-z]:_". Subsequent characters can
/// include "[0-9]-.".
/// A scanner to look for a quoted string. A quoted string is delimited by
/// a single (') or double (") quote, and include any character except the
/// quote mark.
/// A scanner to look for one character from a set of characters. The set of
/// characters are given to the CreateSentinelScanner() function.
/// A scanner to accept all text up to and including a literal text value.
/// The text to look for is given to the CreateThroughLiteralScanner()
/// function.
/// A scanner to skip white space characters. At least one whitespace
/// character must be scanned. The set of white space characters is given
/// by the GetWhitespaceChars() function.
/// A scanner to skip white space characters, but unlike the kWhitespace
/// scanner, this scanner will not return an error result if there are no
/// whitespace characters scanned.
/// @return The set of whitespace characters: " \t\n\r".
static std::string GetWhitespaceChars();
/// @param literal The literal to use for the scanner.
/// @return A kLiteral type scanner.
static DataScanner CreateLiteralScanner(const std::string& literal);
/// @return A kName type scanner.
static DataScanner CreateNameScanner();
/// @return A kQuoteString type scanner.
static DataScanner CreateQuotedStringScanner();
/// @param sentinels The set of sentinels to scan for. The "~" character is
/// used as an "abbreviation" for any of the characters that can make up the
/// first character of a kName type sentinel.
/// @return a kSentinel type scanner.
static DataScanner CreateSentinelScanner(const std::string& sentinels);
/// @param literal The literal to use for the scanner.
/// @return A kThroughLiteral type scanner.
static DataScanner CreateThroughLiteralScanner(const std::string& literal);
/// @return A kWhitespace type scanner;
static DataScanner CreateWhitespaceScanner();
/// @return A kOptionalWhitespace type scanner;
static DataScanner CreateOptionalWhitespaceScanner();
/// @return The type of the scanner.
Type GetType() const { return type_; }
/// @return A description of the scanner, based on the type.
std::string GetDescription() const;
/// @return The literal value of a kLiteral or kThroughLiteral type scanner,
/// or an empty string otherwise.
std::string GetLiteral() const;
/// @return The set of sentinels for a kSentinal type scanner, or an empty
/// string otherwise.
std::string GetSentenels() const;
/// @return The sentinel character from the set of characters passed to the
/// CreateSentinelScanner() function that was matched by a successful scan
/// operation, or 0 otherwise.
char GetSentinel() const;
/// @return The range of characters that the scanner found during one or more
/// successful Scan() function operations.
const DataRange& GetTokenRange() const { return token_range_; }
/// @return The number of tiomes the Scan() function has been called.
size_t GetScanCallCount() const { return scan_call_count_; }
/// @param context The data context to use for the scan operation.
/// @return The match result of the scan operation.
DataMatchResult Scan(const DataContext& context);
/// Reset the scanner's token range to an invalid value.
void ResetTokenRange();
/// Reset the scanner state to the value it had when it was first constructed.
void Reset();
explicit DataScanner(Type type) : DataScanner(type, "") {}
DataScanner(Type type, const std::string& literal_or_sentinels)
: literal_or_sentinels_(literal_or_sentinels),
type_(type) {}
/// @param delta_length The byte count to use to extend the token range end.
/// @return The new length of the token range.
size_t ExtendTokenLength(size_t delta_length);
/// The worker functions for scanning each type of literal.
/// @param cbytes The pointer value to the buffer at the context's location.
/// @param bytes_available The number of bytes available for the scan.
/// @param context The data context for message generation purposes.
DataMatchResult ScanLiteral(const char* cbytes, size_t bytes_available,
const DataContext& context);
DataMatchResult ScanName(const char* cbytes, size_t bytes_available,
const DataContext& context);
DataMatchResult ScanQuotedString(const char* cbytes, size_t bytes_available,
const DataContext& context);
DataMatchResult ScanSentinel(const char* cbytes, size_t bytes_available,
const DataContext& context);
DataMatchResult ScanThroughLiteral(const char* cbytes, size_t bytes_available,
const DataContext& context);
DataMatchResult ScanWhitespace(const char* cbytes, size_t bytes_available,
const DataContext& context);
/// Sets the match result to kError and generates an internal error message.
/// @param context The data context for message generation purposes.
/// @param error_description A description of the type of internal error.
/// @param result The result to receive the kError type and message.
void SetInternalError(const DataContext& context,
const std::string& error_description,
DataMatchResult* result);
/// Sets the match result to kError and generates an syntax error message.
/// @param context The data context for message generation purposes.
/// @param error_description A description of the type of syntax error.
/// @param result The result to receive the kError type and message.
void SetSyntaxError(const DataContext& context,
const std::string& error_description,
DataMatchResult* result);
/// The string used for kLiteral, kThroughLiteral and kSentinel type scanners.
std::string literal_or_sentinels_;
/// The token range built by one or calls to the Scan() function.
DataRange token_range_;
/// State data used in different ways by different scanner types.
size_t data_;
/// The number of times the scanner's Scan function has been called.
size_t scan_call_count_;
/// The type of scanner.
Type type_;
} // namespace image_io
} // namespace photos_editing_formats