blob: 3c31307da52c6ac071700ed18ebe8f3802c3624e [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// $Id: demo_tag.cpp,v 1.15 2002/06/29 17:18:35 t1mpy Exp $
# include <config.h>
#include "id3/id3lib_streams.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <id3/tag.h>
#include <id3/misc_support.h>
#include "demo_tag_options.h"
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
static const char* VERSION_NUMBER = "$Revision: 1.15 $";
void PrintUsage(const char *sName)
cout << "Will render both types of tag by default. Only the last" << endl
<< "tag type indicated in the option list will be used. Non-" << endl
<< "rendered will remain unchanged in the original file. Will" << endl
<< "also parse and convert Lyrics3 v2.0 frames, but will not" << endl
<< "render them." << endl;
void PrintVersion(const char *sName)
cout << "Uses " << ID3LIB_FULL_NAME << endl << endl;
cout << "This program tags mp3 files with ID3v1/1.1 and/or id3v2 tags" << endl;
void DisplayTags(ostream &os, luint nTags)
if (!((nTags & ID3TT_ID3V1) || (nTags & ID3TT_ID3V2)))
os << "no tag";
if (nTags & ID3TT_ID3V1)
os << "v1";
if ((nTags & ID3TT_ID3V1) && (nTags & ID3TT_ID3V2))
os << " and ";
if (nTags & ID3TT_ID3V2)
os << "v2";
int main( unsigned int argc, char * const argv[])
int ulFlag = ID3TT_ID3;
gengetopt_args_info args;
if (cmdline_parser(argc, argv, &args) != 0)
#if defined ID3_ENABLE_DEBUG
if (args.warning_flag)
ID3D_WARNING ( "warnings turned on" );
if (args.notice_flag)
ID3D_NOTICE ( "notices turned on" );
if (args.v1tag_flag)
ulFlag = ID3TT_ID3V1;
if (args.v2tag_flag)
ulFlag = ID3TT_ID3V2;
const char
*sArtist = "",
*sAlbum = "",
*sTitle = "",
*sComment = "",
*sYear = "",
*sDesc = "";
unsigned short
nYear = 0,
nTrack = 0,
nTotal = 0,
nGenre = 0;
if (args.artist_given)
sArtist = args.artist_arg;
cout << "+++ Artist = " << sArtist << endl;
if (args.album_given)
sAlbum = args.album_arg;
cout << "+++ Album = " << sAlbum << endl;
if (args.song_given)
sTitle = args.song_arg;
cout << "+++ Song = " << sTitle << endl;
if (args.year_given)
sYear = args.year_arg;
nYear = ::strtol(sYear, NULL, 10);
cout << "+++ Year = " << nYear << endl;
if (args.comment_given)
sComment = args.comment_arg;
cout << "+++ Comment = " << sComment << endl;
if (args.desc_given)
sDesc = args.desc_arg;
cout << "+++ Comment Description" << endl;
cout << " = " << sDesc << endl;
sDesc = "";
if (args.genre_given && args.genre_arg > 0 && args.genre_arg < 0xFF)
nGenre = args.genre_arg;
cout << "+++ Genre = " << args.genre_arg << endl;
if (args.track_given)
nTrack = ::strtol(args.track_arg, NULL, 10);
cout << "+++ Track = " << nTrack << endl;
if (args.total_given)
nTotal = ::strtol(args.total_arg, NULL, 10);
cout << "+++ Total = " << nTotal << endl;
const char* filename = NULL;
for (size_t i = 0; i < args.inputs_num; ++i)
filename = args.inputs[i];
ID3_Tag myTag;
cout << "Tagging " << filename << ": ";
cout << "attempting ";
DisplayTags(cout, ulFlag);
if (args.artist_given)
ID3_AddArtist(&myTag, sArtist, true);
if (args.album_given)
ID3_AddAlbum(&myTag, sAlbum, true);
if (args.song_given)
ID3_AddTitle(&myTag, sTitle, true);
if (args.year_given)
ID3_AddYear(&myTag, sYear, true);
if (args.comment_given)
ID3_AddComment(&myTag, sComment, sDesc, true);
if (args.genre_given)
ID3_AddGenre(&myTag, nGenre, true);
if (args.track_given)
ID3_AddTrack(&myTag, nTrack, nTotal, true);
luint nTags = myTag.Update(ulFlag);
cout << ", tagged ";
DisplayTags(cout, nTags);
cout << endl;
return 0;